Perhaps the most famous personality in the history of Cuban-American blogs is "John Longfellow," who achieved his greatest notoriety at Miami's Cuban Connection, Oscar Corral's un-blog, but who at one time or another pestered practically every Cuban-themed blog before being booted. The Longfellow persona was infantile, anal retentive, bigotted and obsessed with Cuba and Cubans though purporting to be a "100% percent American." At times he presented himself as an admirer of Castro and a defamer of Cuban-Americans, and at other times, far fewer, he pretended to side with the oppressed Cuban people and defended Cuban-Americans. Whatever his political stance on any given day, or, indeed, at any given moment, Longfellow's purpose was always to disrupt discussion and make himself the center of attention. I tangled with him many times and always got the better of him, much as I've always gotten the better of Fantomas here (first clue). Based on my analysis of Longfellow's writing I correctly surmised years ago that he was Puerto Rican. And so he turned out to be. Though Cuban by birth he has lived in Puerto Rico for most of his life and acquired the native's distinctive inflection which was reflected also into his writings (at least to my trained ear). I listened yesterday to Fantomas' sporadic blog radio show where he had invited me to appear (same distinctive Puerto Rican accent). The final clue he himself provided when he threatened to do to RCAB what he had once upon a time done to Miami's Cuban Connection, flood it with propaganda from NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association). It was this tactic that brought down Oscar Corral's blog even before it was decimated by fallout from the Miami Moonlighters story.
Nowadays Longfellow (aka Fantomas) moors at Stuck on the Palmetto, where he is the chief attraction and is kept on a much tighter leash than he ever was by Oscar Corral, whose disdain for his once-popular blog is legendary. Indeed, perhaps it would be more correct to say that Corral's indifference killed his blog and Longfellow was the catalyst. I would have left Longfellow to his own devices, wreaking havoc here and elsewhere on the Cuban-American blogosphere, except that last night he threatened to do to this blog what he did last year to Corral's. Under the circumstances I was left no choice but to expose him.
I do not know but strongly suspect that Babalú is complicit with him. This is certainly ironic because as "Longfellow" Fantomas was booted from Babalú more times than he could remember and his personal disdain for Val Prieto, as expressed hundreds of times on Corral's late blog and elsewhere, make everything I've ever said about Val after March 29 sound like gentle chiding. The end of the cat-and-mouse-game that fantomas has been playing with the Babalunians is my only regret in "outing him." Val and Henry are dumb enough to have been fooled forever by him. Having joined BUCL and become Val and Henry's "good friend" and nominal ally — that is, been embraced and co-opted by the Babalunian establishment — one would have supposed that Longfellow (aka Fantomas) would have ceased his efforts to sabotage Babalú blog; but the fifth-columnist continues to challenge them and spout pro-Castro comments as "tango." I guess fantomas (aka Longfellow) was right when he claimed here time and time again that he was not a Babalú "satellite." No, the sun has not been born yet that can trap and neutralize this wayward comet and harbinger of ill.
Last night, fantomas was challenged here by an Anonymous commenter, whom fantomas himself identified as his "New York nemesis" Alex ("Ya No Más). It was quite a contest between the two with me as the reluctant referee. They tore each other apart, but Alex connected with the most punches and at the end fantomas was literally begging him "No más." I cannot vouch for the truth of anything that they said to each other here, although fantomas' threat to turn this blog into an outpost for NAMBLA is certainly no way to refute Alex's accusations of pederasty. I removed most of their comments to The Madhouse, where readers may make up their own minds.
Despite his having threatened to destroy this blog, I have not banned Fantomas (aka Longfellow). Banning, deleting and censoring are Babalú's tools, not mine. But the enemy within has been exposed.
Longfellow is Fantomas. And Fantomas is Enrique Rubio.
Nowadays Longfellow (aka Fantomas) moors at Stuck on the Palmetto, where he is the chief attraction and is kept on a much tighter leash than he ever was by Oscar Corral, whose disdain for his once-popular blog is legendary. Indeed, perhaps it would be more correct to say that Corral's indifference killed his blog and Longfellow was the catalyst. I would have left Longfellow to his own devices, wreaking havoc here and elsewhere on the Cuban-American blogosphere, except that last night he threatened to do to this blog what he did last year to Corral's. Under the circumstances I was left no choice but to expose him.
I do not know but strongly suspect that Babalú is complicit with him. This is certainly ironic because as "Longfellow" Fantomas was booted from Babalú more times than he could remember and his personal disdain for Val Prieto, as expressed hundreds of times on Corral's late blog and elsewhere, make everything I've ever said about Val after March 29 sound like gentle chiding. The end of the cat-and-mouse-game that fantomas has been playing with the Babalunians is my only regret in "outing him." Val and Henry are dumb enough to have been fooled forever by him. Having joined BUCL and become Val and Henry's "good friend" and nominal ally — that is, been embraced and co-opted by the Babalunian establishment — one would have supposed that Longfellow (aka Fantomas) would have ceased his efforts to sabotage Babalú blog; but the fifth-columnist continues to challenge them and spout pro-Castro comments as "tango." I guess fantomas (aka Longfellow) was right when he claimed here time and time again that he was not a Babalú "satellite." No, the sun has not been born yet that can trap and neutralize this wayward comet and harbinger of ill.
Last night, fantomas was challenged here by an Anonymous commenter, whom fantomas himself identified as his "New York nemesis" Alex ("Ya No Más). It was quite a contest between the two with me as the reluctant referee. They tore each other apart, but Alex connected with the most punches and at the end fantomas was literally begging him "No más." I cannot vouch for the truth of anything that they said to each other here, although fantomas' threat to turn this blog into an outpost for NAMBLA is certainly no way to refute Alex's accusations of pederasty. I removed most of their comments to The Madhouse, where readers may make up their own minds.
Despite his having threatened to destroy this blog, I have not banned Fantomas (aka Longfellow). Banning, deleting and censoring are Babalú's tools, not mine. But the enemy within has been exposed.
Longfellow is Fantomas. And Fantomas is Enrique Rubio.
What a fantastic post. I'm not concerned with the actual content or the meaning behind it... But instead comment on the absolute technical mastery displayed by the author - who I have not had the pleasure to meet, but whose words appear here daily like Paul Cézanne's brush strokes on a fresh, virgin canvas (were Cézanne to paint 2-3 masterpieces per day).
As an adoring fan, I beg, plead and humbly request more posts that employ such masterful writing in the service of lobbying for policies and actions that will one day result in a Free Cuba, and less time spent on what is, sadly, shooting fish in a barrel.
I am most grateful for your kind remarks which confirm what everybody has always told me all my life — "you are squandering your God-given talents on the smallest canvas possible." It doesn't really bother me as I can afford to be a spendthrift with my talents and waste daily what would be another man's fortune.
Free Cuba has always received my best efforts and there is more than enough left over to expose mountebanks like fantomas. Spreading the truth also means removing the lumber that stands in its way.
You have solved half of the mystery. I have all the ammo against Enrique Rubio. Some very damaging.but yes Enrique Rubio is John Longfellow I knew this information for a long time.
"...removing the lumber..." = "removing the deadwood". jaja.
I know what the agenda of the show was about. He wanted to degrade you in the worst way possible.A Close source revealed this information to me.Plus other things. Enrique Rubio goal was to shut-down your blog manuel that was very obvious.
Enrique Rubio:
Loose lips sink ships
Unguarded talk may give useful information to the enemy.
watch who you speak with.Everything you say come back to me.
By the way Manuel great post as usual.
The other half of the mystery will be solved momentarily and it may surprise even you.
I had no doubt that Fantomas was planning to ambush me on his blog radio show. You underestimate me if you think that would have been possible.
Since you are here, why did you kill your blog Cuba: Island Paradise, Island Prison?
The real honest truth manuel, why I closed my blog..Personal business. which I cannot revealed here for obvious reasons..hint Enrique Rubio information center.
I never underestimate you, manuel I know you are a very alert and smart man.
But the solely purpose of this unstable individual was to conquer browing points with Val Prieto. Enrique Rubio wants to be the next factional writer for babalu's elite comedy relief crew.
Well Manuel your clayrvoyance did not fail you again, you've outted fanto, what! did he think he could pull the wool over your eyes? what an ass, he has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
I knew he was up to no good from the first day he came to this blog, I accused him of trying to hijack this site, but he could not even fanthom who he was up agaist.
Well done Manuel!
That is the one thing that Val is not dumb enough ever to do: ask fantomas to join his editorial staff. I wish so much he would prove me wrong.
Thank-you, Vana. Fantomas wanted to ambush me and he ended-up ambushing himself. Typical.
BTW where is fanto aka longfellow aka pee wee today? ah seems he is nowhere to be seen
Likewise, manuel prove us wrong, please! Enrique brown nosers Rubio will do anything to gain the approval of his Master Val.He play dirty and try to butter-up other people into getting him what he wants.
He's still licking his wounds after I lambasted his butt with facts....something he seems to lack.
scare tactics don't work here, find yourself another strawdog. Back to the drawing board enrique Start again on a new strategy after a bad failure.
Wow! You never cease to amaze me. I must confess i'm bit naive when it comes to bloggers in the cuban american blogesphere.
i had a gut feeling about fanto. I guess as we get older in life we instictively know the difference between leather and leatherette.
Thanks for exposing this patheric impostor!
Keep lambasting him, he's only getting what he deserves, you can fool people some of the time, but you cannot fool them all of the time, seems his game is up, I for one am glad
In fact, I play his game back. I start letting him think he has the game, then turn up the heat.
A gullible, unintelligent and weak-minded person like enrique rubio is incapable of maintaining the necessary focus and concentration necessary to go into battle with me.
Never seen you before, I smell a rat, how dow we know you are not the new impostor?
Sundsay matinee
what a bunch of idiots
BUT DO NOT WORRY I WILL CONTINUE TO DO WHAT I DO BEST .... ESTE ARROZ CON MANGO ES UN IMPOSTOR MANUEL DO NOT BE FOOLED ..FIJATE COMO SE ESCONDE DETRAS DE UN NOMBRE INVENTADO RECIENTEMENTE EN JUNIO..If he had any guts in order to be credible he would have come out of the closer right from the very beginning ... escondido detras de una anonimo you have given this fool ample time without even knowing who that person is
by the way did you track for me the ip address...Was it new york, as my thugs have informed?
and what does that mean
"Nothing , EVERYTHING"
and what does this someone do
"Spreads terror" sin compasion a sus enemigos los de alla y los de aca
Oh my he's ranting like a lunatic...lol..Manuel send him back to The Madhouse...fanto estas actuando como el cojido....lol...lol, pa' fuera pa' la calle! con los locos, has Reagan did
I think it is time for you to calm down and take a bow. Yes, a bow. You created the most famous and storied character in the Cuban-American blogosphere, the indestructible John Longfellow. That is something, at least. Do not be afraid to sit on your laurels. You may actually enjoy it.
When I think of the hundreds of thousands of comments and myriads of hours that you spent on creating Longfellow, the monumental waste of time and intellectual capital (such as it is), to fashion a character whose sole purpose was to denigrate your own people as if that somehow set you above them or validated your otherwise worthless life, which could have been a useful life to yourself and your people — I cannot but feel pity for you. This does not mean, of course, that I will confirm you in your folly. I won't.
Now that the truth is known and the stale air you have breathed all these years has finally dissipated, it is time for you to put the past behind you and start anew. This could be the first day of a better you. Reclaim your dignity, fantomas. It is not too late.
Nutty... how many times do I have to explain myself here
metetelo I was never longjohn..dont know the fellow
cuando tu has visto que Fantomas habla mal de los cubanos que luchan contra la tirania..except los clowns como tu , alex , vana , corgy y agustin
por favor see my track record..go to my blog i have over 2000 posts in 1 year and thousands of visitors from the 5 continents please give me a break
Yes, you have an "impeccable" blog. It is the cover for your other actions, which are far from impeccable.
Let me see if I understand this: Longfellow (you) is going to be angry that you (Longfellow) will be getting the credit due to Longfellow (you) for the writings of Longfellow (you).
Yes, it all makes perfect sense.
Lmao Manuel, yes it all makes perfect sense, oh but he loves all Cubans except the "clowns" like you, Agustin, Alex, Corgiguy and myself, if we are all clowns I'm in very good company....it goes to show that he does not love Cubans, indeed he's Longfellow
tranquilitos , tranquilitos me estoy recuperando de los low blows..
Soon a new and improved Fantomas
"More Clever, More determined, Mas cuidadoso, Mas peligroso, con cabilla en mano "
Cuidese todo el mundo
Estoy gozando enriquetta.. wait i have more stuff about you.
Threatin people is not cool, mariconson. You might get seriously hurt messin with me, pendejo.
" You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk".Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.talk is cheap, but can you follow through with action? don't let your mouth write a check that your ass can't cash.
mango tira , i challenge you
you got nothing
Blah blah blah lo tuyo es blah nada mas. blah y waaaa waaa no tienes cojones, marica.
Threatin people is not cool, mariconson. You might get seriously hurt messin with me
no me hagas reir lol
ya enviastes la ayuda al Peru?
dale quiero mas quiero romper los recods de rcba
vamos a proponernos algo
quiero que este post llegue a 278 comments
espero que elas proximas horas escribas como minimo 61 posts los voy a estar contando uno a uno
Hey, John longFellow I mean enriquetta oops. How many names do you have?
i have all the names that you want to give me
even manuel was surprised how good my blogtalk was... he was in for a real surprise
thanks manuel
mango will you have the balls to get on a blog talk with me ...
te aseguro te destrozo en dos segundos ... just one hour.. we can do it right now
Tell all, tell mama all...lol...he calls Manuel a clown, then thanks him, there's a lot of personalities here, will the real Enrique Rubio please stand up
Hahahahah vana I'll tell all and mama too. Ya tu sabes, esos Marielitos son super locos. Mental illness
"Que le den por el culo"he needs a man or a young tender boy.
You don't know what I have enriquetta and that's your voice message it was confirm. hahahahah lousy voice Disguiser lol
Try again, enriquetta or John longfellow or Pee wee dirty Herman or Douche Bag which name.
alex yo no hago el blog para que gane ningun premio...
sinceramente no se porque cerastes YANOMAS..
a mi siempre me gusto y tu bien los sabes que yo iba ahi varias veces al dia, inclusive yo use to ht a lot
remember hapiier times...
I called you to settleour differeences pero te fuiestes por el camino del renegade equivocado a lonely soul in desert full of vultures...
"think of fantomas as that vulture that is always in the lookout to help a wounded animal to see the eternal lite in hell"
fantomas august 19, 2007
eso es para ti y para fidel
coño que lindo me quedo eso.. lo voy a patentizar...
oye alex el peor mistake que tu has cometido en tu vida fue haberte equivocado con un fantomas y eso recuerdalo siempre cuando te acuestes a dormir, y locp up just in case..leave the fridge full
dale cogelo te voy a llamar otra vez. esta vez cogelo sin miedo I will treat you nicely
i will try again just now
pick up, en serio te lo digo no te voy a descojonar por el telefono
My sources inform me that you john long fellow aka Loser Rubia is planning to sabotage manuel's blog again..Tell me that's not so, enriquetta.
Red Alert information enrique is reachin for personal information about you. He wants to find out your real identity. Be careful
last call for alcohol
te llamare una vez mas ahora mismo , all you need to do is pick up
the readers are ansiosos en saber que hablaremos
manny take note no quiere coger el telefono le he dejado 2 mensajes ya
lo invite al blogtalk y nada...entonces el quiere seguir jodiendo camuflajeado ...
oye bastante tengo con lo de fidel para estar respondiendole a un high school kid
MANNY " NUFF SAID" it feels so good to say that again
manuel se destruyo el mismo cuando le puso el titulo a este blog y empezo a atacar a fellow bloggers
lo digo y lo repito aqui...el problema de cuba no esta en los bloggers cubanos mericanos, el problema se encuentra moribundo en la cama en la habana con un hermano listo para matar a fariñas y compañia
piensen en esto
Alex que diria tu papa y tu mama si se enteraran de los que estas haciendo aqui y los familiares que aun tienes en cuba , tu crees que lo aprobarian ?
just answer that one
Answer this question were you in a mental Institution in cuba?
"27 years y pareces un nene de 13 años de edad bro--- fantomas
Take that as a warning, Alex.
Not 27 much younger
41 years old and he acts like 12 years old
alex tu bien lo sabes que te llame un monton de veces antes de que esto cayera en una provocacion y no me respondistes empezastes acusandome que yo estaba lambiendo bolas , remember
siempre te lo dije I only respond to myself i dont follow noone
no te hagas el bruto ahora
que cojones logras con lo que estas haciendo bro... iam not doing this for money , ni beauty contests
ponte a trabajar por ver a una cuba libre de verdad bro,deja la highscoolada contesta el telefono, insult me if you want , make peace and continue with your life bro, raise your kid with love integrity...si continuas con este veneno in your head eso se lo transmitiras a tu chiquillo u eso es muy peligroso bro..ademas diso te puede castigar y a lo mejor traerte un nene ciego o con problemas de salud o anormal..asi que obra bien para que dios se amapre de ti y te de cosas buenas
esto es como los indios y los blancos ellos pelearon y algunos hicieron la s paces..nothing wron with that
heck I may even help you in your next proyect blog if you want
siempre lo he dicho
en este negocio my enemies are only 90 millas away...todo el que lucha against castro is a friend of fantomas( piensa en eso)
if you can't take it, don't start it.
manny with your expertise and your integrity do you really think you can help alex and me settle our dispute que parece mas ego que otra cosa
campioni en vivo ahora en blogtalk voy para alla , los espero alla
es verdad no son 27 creo que son 24
my bad
y bien cumplidos , right?
I think fantomas wants to be your friend.
This blog has been abuzz today as word was passed from mouth to mouth that fantomas is Longfellow.
no manny i want to get the record straight
con la verdad
can you handle the truth, PROFESOR
are you un hombre capaz?
tienes capacidad de analizar nutty?
tienes brain , manny?
This blog has been abuzz today as word was passed from mouth to mouth that fantomas is Longfellow.
do your homework...buscate al real john pa que tu veas como se te reira en la cara
nuff said , old man
ya acabe con alex ahora me voy a concentrar contigo animalazo
Here's an idea:
Why don't you resume the identity of Longfellow and come to this blog and deny you are Longfellow? Clever?
Oyeme fanto con la madre no se juega, eso que le dijistes a Manuel, fue un fuera de base, mas vale que le pidas perdon
por decimosexta ocasion te lo digo
no conozco a esa persona longjohn si vas a los archivos veras como yo combatia a ese redneck anticubano
dont spread lies manny que te queda bastante feito brother
nuff said
vana tomate la pastillita , acuestate a dormir
vamos , vamos que ya es tarde
arribale , acuestese
Oh as always the chicken deleted it! be a man fanto! no covictions whatsoever, every thing fails this man!!!
Last night, when nobody was looking, fantomas sneaked The Madhouse. He visited a few minutes before leaving undetected. I think he's making plans for his return.
no manny iam planning to leave you soon ...estoy preparando mi partida final ..de rcba
once i leave i shall never return
aprovecha yo se que yo te he dado unos rating espectaculares since iam posting here de 54 hits diarios que tu cogias ahora ya llegas a 112 diarios gracias a mi...
cuando me vaya veras como your numbers drop down , heck hay gente que tienen mas nombre y tiempo que tu y ellos son lucky de coger 90 visits por dia
Have we not heard those words before? "I'm leaving to never return" yet he did like Mc Arthur, I tell you no convictions, yes The Madhouse is where he belongs, no if's about it.
ya acabe con alex ahora me voy a concentrar contigo animalazo
finish already with alex now, hahahaha Remember.Nunca bro...
With all my respect manuel. I cannot be friends with Imbeciles.Enriquetta is suffering from mental retardation.
You alone account for 112 daily visits here. The other Babalunians for at least 500. And then there is the general public.
If you do leave, I don't even think I would lose your 112 daily visits.
Enrique new blog title: "How does a loser like me get a life"
To all,
Wow, I went out for a ride on my new motorcycle and I come here and all hell has broken loose! Oh my God! What is in the water lately?
I think you have opened a can of worms here. Gee, I was even called a clown by the Fanto. I was not even here to defend myself. Well, I admit I liked Gaby, Fofo and Miliki (in fact I was once on their show in Havana on Channel 7 TV) but I was never dressed as a clown. One day absent from this blog and I find myself in the middle of this madness.
Are you being afected by the hurricane Dean and have taken leave of your senses? Reading these latest posts is like going to the Madhouse and talking to the inmates there. I think I am going to have to make myself a "tilo" and logoff to see if I can calm my nerves. Here I was enjoying myself riding my motorcycle with my wife and came back to see what is new,and suddenly I discover a fight among the commenters. Well maybe tomorrow will be a better day for all of us. Let's all take a breather and try to calm down. Good night to everyone and peace to all.
Popov the Clown
This week-end we solved the puzzle that long engaged the attention of the Cuban-American blogosphere: Who is Longfellow? Of course, the prime of "John Longfellow" is long behind him and today he is more a historical curiosity than than anything relevant to the present. Consider this our farewell to a superannuated legend (also known as a "has-been").
It is also time again to bid farewell to fantamas, creator of Longfellow, who leaves us again in a huff and promises not to return. We know better. But, in any case, godspeed fantomas, till we meet again tomorrow or the next day.
You have not been "botado" from this blog. Like a prima donna you are bowing out for the 18th time. No one here expects this retirement to last long; you will return here for another farewell tour.
I cannot believe that you receive just 11 visits daily to your blog. The Cuban-American Misfits Review, the defunct parody blog dedicated to me, still gets more than 11 daily referrals from this site alone. Being as you are, at the head of Babalú's blogroll, it is impossible that you should receive only 11 daily visits.
In any case, if you want to improve your blog, the first thing you must do is get rid of moderation (preemptive censorship). Let others enjoy the freedom that you have enjoyed here and visitors will come. I would reciprocate your many visits if you got rid of moderation but not otherwise. Perhaps you should concern yourself less about having an "impeccable" blog and concentrate more on having an active one. And, yes, I agree, you must pay more attention to your own abajofidel blog and stop wasting your time and creative juices (such as they are) trying to raise the numbers for other blogs.
Perhaps the reason that you spend so much time at RCAB is that we do pay attention to you. Pay attention to your own blog and you may just find others paying attention to you there.
If you ever get rid of moderation, I will link your "impeccable" blog. But so long as you insist on exercising absolute control over your blog and obsessed with maintaining its "impeccability," you will continue to deprive it of air and room for growth.
I play chess online at a site with a guy named "John Longfellow".
If it were checkers it might be our "John Longfellow."
And Fantomas is WJDC that posts at Topix and is very hateful.
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