Sunday, April 20, 2008

Round 7 With Henry

"There he goes again." — Ronald Reagan


My position on comments is that the communists and other jerks have plenty of forums where their words are accepted as facts. I do not need to provide them with another. I am the type of person that likes to get the last word in on his own blog. Since I do have a life outside of blogging, I do not wish to engage in ongoing debates with braindead retards like Rick, Paul Benavides, Matt Glesne or John Longfellow. It's my prerogative as the blogger.

No shirt
No shoes
No service

How many times have you seen those words at public accommodations like restaurants? Even though they are public, the owner has a right to enforce a code of conduct among his GUESTS.

You do not have "right" to comment on anyone's blog nor do you have a "right" to have your comments preserved in perpetuity. Perhaps a class in constitutional law is what the doctor ordered for you. Or maybe some anti-psychotic medications.

I never denied that you praised me. All it shows is that when you were denied your "right" to call Gloria Estefan a communist at Babalu, because she made a boneheaded decision, that you snapped.

As for your super secret source on my feelings about Elian at the time of the tragedy, either he/she is lying or you are. But the odds are about 99-1 that you are the one that's lying and that your source if you have one is one of your imaginary friends like Vana.

I am glad that my presence on your blog has helped make you the king of the most commented Cuban-American blogs. Anything to help out an old friend, even if he continues to spread hurtful lies about me. Yes hurtful, because my feelings about Elian were the exact opposite of what you have portrayed. At first I was outraged that you posted those lies. But now I am thankful because it confirmed for me, and revealed to others, that you are not just a great writer, but also a petty little man who lashes out when he is not allowed to control every situation to his satisfaction.

Very well,

carry on.

4/19/2008 9:35 PM


If it were just Rick, Paul Benavides, Matt Glesne or John Longfellow, it would be bad enough. What does the deletion of their comments suggest about you? That you are unable to refute their arguments. If a man slaps you the answer is not to turn your back on him. You may believe yourself to be his superior and maybe you are. But you don't prove that by refusing to engage him, much less censoring him and handing a victory to him by default.

But, of course, it's not just Rick, Paul Benavides, Matt Glesne or John Longfellow. You know it and everybody knows. It's also fellow Cuban exiles who have the temerity to disagree with you. Not the Ana Menéndez's, Lesniks or Arucas, because they ignore you as beneath them just as you ignore the Ricks, Glesnes, Benavides' or Longfellows. No, you delete the "little guys" who respectfully differ from you or say anything that you find politically incorrect. Moreover, you threaten, insult and ridicule them before deleting or banning them. It is the "Babalú Way" as everybody knows. You know, of course, that I try to save all your deletions, or, as I call them, your orphaned comments. If you wish I can reproduce a slew of them to demontrate that it is not just notorious Stalinists who end up in your trash bin but Cubans neither better nor worse than you and deserving all of being heard.

As for myself, I never called Gloria Estefan "a Communist" on Babalú or anywhere else. I challenge you to find such a comment. What she and her husband Emilio are is not "Communists" but the equivalent of war profiteers who traffic in the suffering of the Cuban people. That is putting it politely. Others on Babalú have referred to her as a "traitor" subsequent to Emilio's snub of Val. As always, whether you or Val regard people as "good" or "bad" largely depends on their reaction to you. I am sure that if Emilio were to make good his lunch invitation to Val or even phone him again that his opinion of Gloria and him would be quickly revised for the better.

My "super secret" source is free to make himself/herself known to you. I am not. I am, of course, too honorable to betray my source so you can dash off another of your insult-laced anathemas. But, of course, you remember perfectly well what you said about Elián then and were adamant enough in your opinion that he should be returned to Cuba as to leave a permanent impression on somebody else's mind. Next time don't be so loud.

As for the rest of your remarks, your capacity for demeaning yourself is limitless. The odd thing is that you consider me an "old friend," that is, an ex-friend, when I have always been a friend to you. But, apparently, a year's worth of thoughtful lessons in democracy and fair play have come to naught. Others would be discouraged and give up on you; certainly everybody else has. But I shall persist nevertheless. Perhaps some day you will again find yourself on the side of the angels and I can again praise you as I once did. Such, at least, is my sincere hope. Your now constant presence on RCAB shows me that you still want my approval (for whatever reason). I would be pleased to bestow it for any reason that might merit it.

Thank-you for the "great writer" compliment. At least it's not the green monster that motivates you as it does so many others.


cindyp said...

Menos mal que hay gente todavia con honor como Henry Gomez que no se prestaria a votar por Mc Cain. Menos mal

Posted by Abajofidel at April 19, 2008 07:33 PM


cindyp said...

Manny, well said. Especially the part about how they treat the "little people" by not only censoring but putting them down. That is Stalinist behavior for sure and that is what Henry and George have been doing to regular people who had a different opinion. The poodle and Baby Huey ruined a good blog.

Anonymous said...

Attn: La Diva Gomez

1) Henry, you often delete your "own" post. LOL

2) You "used" to engaged me for nearly 6 months in MCC. Until i finally reduced you into a fetal position, one that you will never return from. LOL

3) You may delete Paul Benavides, Matt Glesne, Rick and my post. But for your Cuban brothers and sisters, you often do much worse.

4) Yes, you do have a life outside of blogging. And i "know" exactly what it is. And i have told you before that i "know" exactly what you do. :)

5) Finally, there is no doubt that you would like to get a hold of Mat's sources, so you can "out" them, like the chivato you are.

Anonymous said...

Question for an outed chivato:

Why do you and Val go around proudly "outing" anti-Fidel bloggers?

Why did you quietly take down the post of you squashing anti-fidel bloggers?

Why do you feel the need to exploit the Cuban sufferage, by making money on the side?

Why do you have so much free time, with a "supposed" new family in tow?

Are you really married?

To a "woman?" :)

Do you have feelings towards Val, "tender" feelings that is?

If so, how do said "tender" feelings manifest themselves?

Until i recieve responses that meet my strict satisfaction. I will keep posing these hard-hitting but fair questions to La Diva aka Henry Gomez!!

Yours truly,


Anonymous said...

fat boy has a life outside of blogging, yea besides his six blogs he trolls 50 others and eats.

Anonymous said...

anon said: fat boy has a life outside of blogging, yea besides his six blogs he trolls 50 others and eats.

Talking bout Val or Henry?


Anonymous said...

talking about Henry fat boy Louis. What did u do to him that scared him off of comments? R u a communist or just a retard to him

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Let me welcome you abroad; you are a most valuable addition.

Anonymous said...

anon asked: talking about Henry fat boy Louis. What did u do to him that scared him off of comments? R u a communist or just a retard to him

First, labeling me does not work. I flog in the face of the most active resistance.

Second, Henry, Val, George, and even Rick have all been flogged by me. And as result, take great pains to avoid my attention. Note: Nonee, and Mat are the only ones who have been flogged by me, and remained unpunished.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Look what my engagement with John Longfellow has accomplished over the years. He is almost a completely different man, but still retains the "hardhittingness" that always characterized him and the fan base that made him the most famous non-Cuban blogger on Cuban-American blogs.

Martí did this time and time again with his political foes and even with a Spanish agent who once tried to assassinate him and ended up in Cuba fighting for the cause of Cuban freedom.

Anonymous said...


It is true, you and Nonee were the only two that never buckled in the face of my relentless onslaughts. I suspect that is due to you being unashamed of Cuba, your parents, and your Cuban brothers and sisters.

Unlike, Val, Henry, and the rest of the Babuluers, with all their bravado and swagger, tucked tail at the first hint of their misplaced loyalty being exposed.

That group of people, are what others coin as: Self-loathing Cubans. Self-loathing Cubans are ashamed of who they are, and where there parents come from, and ultimately Cuba itself.

I think it is self-loathing that Henry and Val have to hide talk of "Cuba's freedom" behind censorship.

They seem to believe that all discussion about Cuba's freedom must be subjected to deletion and censorship. As they are ashamed to be placed in a position where they have to defend Cuba and her honor. As they quietly wish they had nothing to do with Cuba in the first place.

But yet, they found a sneaky way to make a quick buck off of Cuba's tragedy for the betterment of their "personal" lives. So according to Henry and Val, "why not pretend to be interested in a free Cuba!" Without of course, actually having to engage in a open discussion. Lest they be found out. Found out that they are nothing but money grubbing charlatans, abusing Cuba, much like a commie.

The Wizard said...

Yet Another Slap In the Face for Henry Diva Gomez.Actually,It is a double slap in the face to him.

Anonymous said...

Re: Henry's new photo

Oh, and Henry, instead of checking out the men on Southbeach. You outta be checking out the Southbeach "DIET."


You too Val, i hope you installed a treadmill in that new kitchen of yours!!

Anonymous said...

Henry about Manuel: "But now I am thankful because it confirmed for me, and revealed to others, that you are not just a great writer, but also a petty little man who lashes out when he is not allowed to control every situation to his satisfaction."

Ñoo Henry, lo retrataste.
Un enano envidioso con un tremendo complejo de inferioridad.

Anonymous said...


Hey La Diva, didnt you once admit that it was in fact you, who threw the dead chicken on Val's lawn, after a little tiff between the you and Val?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Very interesting because we have heard about those dead chickens on Val's lawn before. It is one of the sacrifices that he claims he has made for Cuba. In Cuba, a chicken in one's yard, quick or dead, is hardly something to lament.

Alex said...

For what little good it'll do, I'll weigh in with two factual clarifications:

- Henry was never in favor of returning Elian to Cuba. I know this for a fact because we had several respectful discussions about it at the time.

When you say he was, that's just a lie. Especially after he has clarified his position over and over.

- Henry's picture is not that old (Henry himself is mistaken when he says 1998). It's from 2001 or 2002. I know this because the person who arranged the photoshoot was not at the agency in 1998.

Furthermore, he looks the same. A little more weight now, but he does have a youthful face. The pictures were taken by a professional photographer with professional lighting. I looked like a movie star in mine.

Make of this comment what you wish, but it is the truth.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Alex (formerly of SotP):

I don't know what to make of your comment and I won't even try. I'll simply say that you have provided fodder for John and others to continue their speculations.

Unlike Henry, I am not fond of calling others "liars." So if you say that was your experience with Henry regarding Elián, I will not call you a liar. I will simply say that your experience departs from that which someone else purports to have with Henry in respect to this matter.

Your testimony is now on the record, too.

Anonymous said...

Alex, Rick's abused child!!

How much did Henry pay you to post favorable remarks about him. I find it interesting that you did not have a word to say when Henry & Co "outed" KC.

Now, you slither in here, to spray you filfty brought and paid for lies.

I know you used to work for him. So do us a favor and make a full disclosure. So we can judge your slanted Henry Gomez's loving bullshit for what it is, and that is bullshit!!

If you are not bought and paid for. Then you too, must fear Henry & Co "outings."

Grow some balls Alex, and be your own man for the first time in your life!!

The Wizard said...

Excuse me, Manuel, I don't mean to interrupt your debate with Alex (formerly of SotP):

His Comment on henry:

Furthermore, he looks the same. A little more weight now, but he does have a youthful face. The pictures were taken by a professional photographer with professional lighting. I looked like a movie star in mine.

what's wrong with this statement:

I looked like a movie star in mine.

He still talking about Henry or himself? Confuse?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I must clarify some statements that you have made about Alex.

He never worked for Henry, though he has worked with Henry. An important distinction; important certainly to Alex.

I believe that Alex also condemned the outing of Killcastro by Val.

But I will let him speak for himself.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Alex H.:

I believe that Alex (formerly of SotP) means that both Henry and him had their pictures taken by the same professional photographer and that he (Alex) looked like a movie star in his.

The Wizard said...

Thank you for the clarification manuel. All this week I been hacked by stupid comments by you know who. I think it may be affecting my thinking..hahahaha

Centurion said...

The blog world according to BABALU:

No shirt
No shoes
No service

The blog world according to MATador:

No shirt
No shoes

The Wizard said...

Yes, I saw that picture of Henry.. Poorly designed background with tacky images of henry smiling and not enough light.

Fantomas said...

just when i though I was out you pull me back in

Fantomas said...

hey alex como te fue anoche en el village de soho?

Fantomas said...

Alex H te volvi a ver an el misa del papa en el yankee stadium por cnn , eras tu el de la gorrita de los yankees, y el negro que estaba contigo el mismo de ayer

The Wizard said...

Fantomas said...

Michael Corleone: Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

Can you be more original:

Fantomas said...

es que se me rompio el translator

lol lol lol

Fantomas said...

estoy esperando que abras el blogtalk radio para llamarte

tiene miedo?

Centurion said...

Oye fantomas como te fue en la fiesta de anoche dijeron que te quedaba muy bien el vestido...y que eres el maestro de los zapatos con tacones (puedes caminar muy bien con ellos ) ....

Vana said...

There is no way Henry could ever beat Manuel in a war of words, he's like a half witted baby in diapers next to him, also am sick and tired of people thinking I'm someone Manuel made up, for the Babalunians cannot understad what loyalty is.

Fantomas said...

Oye fantomas como te fue en la fiesta de anoche dijeron que te quedaba muy bien el vestido...y que eres el maestro de los zapatos con tacones (puedes caminar muy bien con ellos ) ....

por favor sean mas originales

Fantomas said...

vamos a concentrarnos en el thread no se salgan de contexto que Mat se molesta

Fantomas said...

Alex te voy a conseguir español sin barreras porque a partir de ahora voy a escribir solo en español, yo se que tu no lo entiendes mucho y te quiero ayudar

Anonymous said...

I'm not Vana, I am Manuel, wait I'm John, what the heck I'm all of them


Anonymous said...

Alex H = chivato

Anonymous said...

Mat sanity to this thread please Alex H is damaging your work

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how you Mat have allowed the half witted people like Vana , Manuel , Fantomas take over your blog.

this says a lot about you and your reputation

If you can't move these people i will have to pack my bags and take my show where I feel more respected


Anonymous said...

Ah, if this was Rick's blog, you would surely start whimpering to Rick. And just like those thick-headed bouncers on Sobe, Rick would arrograntly strut to interrupt your well-deserved floggings that you always impliedly begged for.

Yes, with Rick's delete button, you always felt safe and secure from ole Johnny boy. Rick, and his hurling immature epitaps, which quietly betrayed his pathetic and unhappy upbringing, and current existence!!

That is why God has cursed Rick with the shittiest of the shittiest blogs i have ever had the displeasure of inspecting.

And Alex, you too are cursed. With Rick's "quick" and "required" tug of his extension cord, before the jackboots kicked down his front door and seized his baby. (Talk about big-time deletions.) You went from being the (not) respected boy Prince of SOTP, to a miserable troll.

A bitter, miserable, little homeless, misunderstood nomadic troll. A troll, who trolls for respectability, but instead, finding not only scorn and ridicule.

Now, as Mat has duly noted, you have "again" put your timid little ass on the flogging pole. And now, you will be subjected to repeated verbal floggings, by me, to help perfect you. Like Hillary says, "it takes a village," to perfect the village idiot!!


The Wizard said...

K Mr. Translator

Help me with my español.Sé que usted es una persona inteligente esto será un placer para mi.Spanish101 with Profesor Genio.

Anonymous said...

Mat somebody hacked this one:4/20/2008 1:13 PM

Fantomas said...

hey alex no te hagas ahi usastes el translator en español

vamos confiesalo

Anonymous said...

And Mat,

Thank you for the clarification. Nevertheless, Alex is making excuses for Henry. And, moreover, he just gets on my nerves!!

Anonymous said...

I'm out of here

they hacked me again 1.14pm

Can't take this Mat


cindyp said...

Manny, thanks for the welcome. Is this Alex the same guy that had the blog with Rick? If so, what is he doing speaking up for Henry. I thought Henry and Rick can't stand each other. Henry and the sotp guys seem very much on opposite ends of the political sphere and none of them have ever appeared to be inclusive of others views. Just find it interesting.

Anonymous said...

I made the comment at 1.13 pm

Sorry Vana , Alex, I meant to say fantomas is the biggest troll on the net

His ass is mine , after Alex's

The Wizard said...

Don't be antagonistic enrique..I don't need translators like you do.My education is Certainly more rounded.

Anonymous said...

2 humid

Are you alex in disguise?

Maybe a pet Poodle with 99cent K mart pants?

I smell it when i see it


Anonymous said...

Hey Henry, just like MCC. First, it is the homosexual-related chat. Now, jacking my name. LOL Still pissed that "someone" jacked your name in the Miami Herald Comment section. Got your panties in such a bunch that you went to mommie? Let me know when you find out who jacked your name. :)

If you had any balls, you would use you real name, and face me. But then again, you know that it is too painful for your brethen to see, a down home, good ole boy like myself, getting busy with the whip.

Fantomas said...

Alex que tiene que ver la educacion con saber escribir o no español. Definitivamente no eres rounded porque no sabes escribir ni hablar español. yo no te queria outed pero since you insist en que yo uso el translator solo te quiero decir que escuche tu ultimo blogtalk radio show y la verdad que das pena bro. A profanity lace tirade que deja mucho que decir de una persona educada, errores gramaticales a tutiplen, desconocimiento total de la lengua de Cervantes , etc . sinceramente fue un horror de programa . Y las veces que te he oido hablar español me averguenza escucharte . Asi que no me hables de rounded . A rounded person to me is someone who speaks at least 5 different languages fully. Someone who has traveled the world and has visited at least 20 countries, someone who has great appreciation for the arts and science. Is that you AleX ? It is not sufficient to have a good job with good pay. It takes more thant that to be rounded
Listening to you at blogtalk Radio is an example of how rounded you are. Te digo esto no como un insulto sino para que mejores como ser humano y le puedas transmitir esos valores y conocimientos ejemplares a tu hijo

The Wizard said...

john longfellow aka lou dobbs A.Ka Enrique Rubio

Posing once again... I don't even know why you even bother doing that. You don't even get anything out of posing as someone else.It's pathetic that randoms use of different screen names.It just goes to show how much of a "reality" he actually live in.

The Wizard said...

My BlogTalkshow was exactly what it say..."Show"

Vana said...


When fantomas comments at Babalu he does it under the abajofidel moniker, here he's the obnoxious fantomas, he doesn't act like this over there for fear of being banned, so we get the clown, are we not lucky?

The Wizard said...


Enrique Rubio you are wasting your time, really. You don't even get anything out of posing as someone else,'ll get found out eventually.

Anonymous said...

For chrissakes, Vana, just turn the fucking letters.

cindyp said...

i am not Alex nor poodle. Why attack me?

The Wizard said...

what a sad case. I understand, you are just desperate for attention.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Here's something for everybody to discuss:

Communist Cuba is going to air the Sopranos.

Just your typical slice of American life.

If Raúl's "reforms" continue apace, he might just allow the filming of The Sopranos: the Prequel in Havana.

The Wizard said...

The Puerto Rican community must be proud of you...hahahaha. You blend right-in with the PR"S

Anonymous said...

A faker said: I'm out of here

they hacked me again 1.14pm
Can't take this Mat

LOL, and that is what you want. And that is why i will do the exact opposite. I will leave RCAB upon my own violition, unless and of course, Mat asks me to do otherwise. But i will not leave under the prompts of snieveling umpah-loopahs!!

Other than that, the jacking of my name only serves to stregthens my stride, unfortunately for those who throw themselves upon the path which i travel!!

Anonymous said...

Yah, actually i will go back to my usual ettiquette with you. And that is to ignore you. You want to make me the issue and not the article. There are bigger issues facing Cuba then me.

Its just like the article that i linked to above. The racist conservative cant compete with Menedez, the cuban-american senator to be. So the racist republican makes the hard-working Cuban-American the issue.

You cant make a coherent or strong counter argument to anything in the article. So you want to link me and Fidel together.

Fact of the matter is that i dont like Fidel, nor the cowardly cuban right wing piglets that fled a noble fight.

You are one of those cowardly cuban piglet, pieces of shit. One who gets to relax in comfort and style, while your contrymen suffer.

Anonymous said...

ok. i've been throwing food here for a bit... here's an observation.

louJIF has times when he signs off "BIG JOHN"... there are times he doesn't. question: any theories as to the possible connection between the "sign-off" and a level of arousal? I'm sure the use of the term "big" is poetic license, and a relative one at that, like saying someone is "sooo hot"....

I know this is off the "beaten" path, but I am currently drunk and bored... y tengo ganas de joder. So all you psych majors out there, ante up...

Vana said...

LOL...Pat Sajak, you forgot the name of your letter turner is Vanna!

Anonymous said...

Roger that!! Most Cuban-Americans have a right wing mentality. Its a hamster in a hamster wheel. When we are paying $4.00 a gallon in gas next week. They will all believe that is their right wing way of fighting Fidel.

Anonymous said...

LOL, my floggings must be drawing blood. I got these Babuluers in a tizzy!! Good, i will press on, undaunted, undeterred, and unaffected!!

The Wizard said...

Enrique Rubio Posing Screen names:

john longfellow aka lou dobbs



Half witted Vana

pat sajak

Che che chea

And many others.

Anonymous said...

Lou Dobbs -

I don't believe that this person is actually a translator for the Cuban interests section. I think they're just trying to stir up trouble.

I don't have any proof that Val is 2humid it's just a gut feeling. Either way it doesn't really matter if it is him or not because he has exactly the same mind set. A carbon copy if you will.

Anonymous said...


Wow, RCAB has got these poor self-loathing Babulers all flustered, and foaming at the mouth.

Now there are two of me. Good, now more ground can be covered!!


Fantomas said...

ia m back

oye se te olvido decir que tambien soy Maanuel y Vana, vamos completa la lista

Anonymous said...


Ok :)

Mat :)

Anonymous said...


I havent attacked you. I dont even know who you are. Having said that, if you are Val, i will quickly sniff you out, and then commence an immediate and prolonged flogging. As your stench can be quickly recognize.

BRB, to tell you my findings after i reread your prior post!!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who this guy is and I did not believe you were involved in the pedophile issues. In fact, I saw one post from you saying that you were against anything that glorified that (I'm paraphrasing), so I knew it wasn't you. I just stated that I was changing the channel due to the content of the posts. I know you have nothing to do with it and I didn't even want to get involved with talking (or posting) about it.

Child molesters should all be subjected to the same amount of torture and cruelty that they have inflicted on society's most defenseless citizens. Sorry if I offend the ACLU if you so feel inclined.

John, that was definitely not directed towards you. You and I have had lots of fun on these blogs and never once have you even come close to the abominations posted elsewhere. I enjoy you thoroughly.

The Wizard said...

You should take a little journey on the real world, enrique find yourself a nice woman and try to stop solicitation of little boys on the internet.You should go preach to people who actually like you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sugah. You and Mat are the only two that seem to "really" understand me.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that we are getting some new bloggers in here that are completely deviating from the subject at hand even more than we usually did. It's ruining all our good, clean fun....oh, well, off I go to see the only TV show I watch regularly: Hell's Kitchen. (All those VH1 "I Love" specials don't count!)

Anonymous said...

long john

suggestion: get a typepad account, maybe it will help protect your nick, though since i don't know anything about that stuff, i can't be sure...

Anonymous said...

thanks sugah

yah, i will look into that. I have very real enemies, who apparently use anything to attack me. Need a freggin flak jacket in here.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The preceeding comment was not made by John.

Rick said...

Rick, and his hurling immature epitaps, which quietly betrayed his pathetic and unhappy upbringing, and current existence!!

Yes, as compared to you sitting at your computer all day and practicing sock puppetry. You really do have a lock on life.

Hurry along. The Sizzler coupon is only good 'till 4 pm.


Anonymous said...

Are you john Mat

Anonymous said...

Alex says it is Fantomas

do you communicate with fantomas directly

Anonymous said...

wow Mat 89 comments , did you check babalu this morning


Anonymous said...

I am the Undisputed King of Comments in the CA community of blogs..

No one can come near me ..It will take any you at least 6 years of practice to reach that level

Joani doesnot count

Anonymous said...

Alex H you too remember the Sizzler coupon is only good 'till 4pm.

It is sunny in NYC , move your buttocks away from the computer, have a life

Anonymous said...


The verdict is mixed on you. First, you make an experienced comment about Sotp, but Sotp ceased before Feb, 2008, but your profile says that you have been active snce Feb 2008.

Second, you use " my word" of baby huey, to describe Gomez. Then all of the sudden today, anonymous uses "my words" in several post to attack several commenters in here.

Therefore, with your new face in RCAB, "my words" being quoted, and what is clearly a coordinated attack against RCAB and me. There can be little doubt, that you are not who you pretend yourself to be.

However, with only a handful of post to judge you by. I cannot in good conscious begin the process of defleshing you. Therefore, i will await a "few" more post.

But remember, i know both Val, and La Diva very well, and can spot them a mile away. No matter how much they attempt to camouflage themselves. So take caution!!

Anonymous said...


Told you, this is exactly what they did to MCC. The first warning shot was the homosexual chat, now it is hijacking commenters names. It is a coordinated attack by Babulu & Co, designed to sew confusion and choas.

This is what they have done to countless other successful Cuban-themed blogs. According to them, like KC, you must be brought down by any means necessary.

Anonymous said...

anon asked: Are you john Mat

Even this question is to sew doubt, and caste dispersion. They used accuse Oscar of being me all the time.

Good luck, as i know that you are no Oscar!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Ah, Rick.

You know so little about Cuba.

And so little about Cubans.

And so little about everything.

Except Babalú.

I have no sockpuppets.

I don't need them.

John Longfellow was famous in the Cuban-American blogosphere long before I made my first comment.

Already an institution, in fact.

He started out much as you yourself are now -- an inveterate enemy of all things Cuban except Cuban food.

Noone and I helped to change him, as John himself admits. But, mostly, he helped himself.

No hope that I or anyone could work such a transformation with you. Less hope even that you could work out your own salvation.

Not even your Cuban "pardner" could help you and not for want of trying.

Anonymous said...

alex said: You should take a little journey on the real world, enrique find yourself a nice woman and try to stop solicitation of little boys on the internet

And that is exactly why i hate those guys. It is amazing how they feel comfortable, even on the internet to freely discuss crimes against children. Sick, as they used to do that all the time in the last days of MCC!!


MAT, dont worry i am getting a photo, and a profile tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...


Rick, and his hurling immature epitaps, which quietly betrayed his pathetic and unhappy upbringing, and current existence!!

Mat lol :) Looks like Rick got mad at you, instead of me. lol

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Rick is a bit disconcerted because his Dunkin Donuts coupon expired yesterday.

Anonymous said...

anon said: John, that was definitely not directed towards you. You and I have had lots of fun on these blogs and never once have you even come close to the abominations posted elsewhere. I enjoy you thoroughly.

Thanks, i have said "lots" of things against my enemies. But using crimes against innocent children is well beneath me. But it speaks to a larger point about my enemies, i.e., Bauluers.

It is more about disagreements about Cuba, censorship, outings. Rather, these people are plain horrific. Cuban-Americans that "pimp" Cuban suffering for their own personal gains.

In order to keep their profits, just as any thug would do, they use any means to silence anyone who would dare threaten it. This includes using crimes against innocent children. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that KC was "outed."

Currently, Mat, is the primary target. They thought they had silenced him forever, by throwing him out of Babulu. Instead, that made Mat more defiant, thus creating RCAB. A much bigger undertaking to silence. But a undertaking that they will utilize any and all tools available!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick the Dick,

If you really think Mat could ghost-post over 100 comments in a little over six hours. Then, your upbringing was indeed stunted!!

Rick said...

"Epithet." It's "epithet," bonehead. I see "epitaps" one more time and I swear I'm going to petition Blogger and have your SockPuppet License revoked.

Nothing wrong with DD coffee. I rank it right underneath Starbucks.

Keep mumbling, MAT. I want to see SotP posts! Lots of 'em! C'mon, what are you waiting for, my Cro-Magnum intellectual.

The Wizard said...

Enrique Rubio:

A wise man once said ignore those who are feeble minded.(hence Enrique) Frankly, You're Not Worth it Anymore”Find someone else that will pay you some attention. In all reality you bore me.

Anonymous said...


And you call that a blog!! This
is a blog. 103 comments on a Sunday, heck you dont even get that in an entire month.

Dont let envy get the best of you. Remember when you said RCAB wouldnt be around long.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous can't spell! Anonymous can't spell!

Anonymous said...

I resent that.

Anonymous said...

I do, too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How many brainless comments is that?

Rick said...

Not enough.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Of course, I don't work on your schedule or at your instructions.

So you will have to wait till tomorrow to verify for yourself what your old "pardner" already knows for a fact.

But do keep dropping in. Your visits and your comments are also "specie of the realm." They may not have the "star appeal" of Henry's but there are also those on this blog with more esoteric tastes.

Anonymous said...


I am sure due to my unique writing, he may already suspect that he was in error. As i am rather proud of my writing. As it cannot be duplicated.

Anonymous said...


I cant get this tune out of my head today. It starts off with, "Send in the Clowns."

Anonymous said...


You outta think twice before trying act all big and bad outside the safe confnes of SFDB. You aint got that delete button available to rescue you or Princess Alex!!

Anonymous said...

Thats it, now go scampering with your tail tucked into between your legs. After all, you have shown your yellow-belly for all of the Southfloridian blogisphere to see.

And as Dolly Parton once said, "Now come on back, yah hear!!"

Anonymous said...


As once said in the movie Heartbreak Ridge, to Clint Eastwood, "Dont go away mad, just go away."

Anonymous said...

Yes, i want that merciless flogging that Rick just took, to sink in for the rest of you. I know a lot of you feel pity and sorrow for Rick. You are thinking, "oh my, poor Rick." But Rick "earned" that flogging for being a no-good, ill-tempered, humorless bully.

So i hope Rick's flogging serves as an instructive lesson for those who like too play billy bad ass outside of your blogs. Especially for the bloggers like Rick, Henry, Val, and Alex (of former sotp) who often hide behind their delete key and abusive language towards their visitors. Treating them like shit, talking down to them, and taking advantage of your adminstrator status.

Yes, lick your wounds, the whole lot of you. And take caution in what you say, and who you say it to. Because, believe me, there are some real sons of bitches out there. And its best not to cross them!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God Manuel no comments at Baba land, you have really done it

Even Henry is posting here now

Poor Val, Now I feel for the guy

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, im sure La Diva Henry will make Val happy tonight!!

Anonymous said...

thanks Alex

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is true, Babulu is vacant. Babulu is in its final days of relevancy...

Sandra said...


I'm sorry, your blog has recently jumped the shark. While your posts about Cuba are well-written and interesting, the comments have veered way off topic and are boring. I know there's not much you can do about it.

Guess no one wants a free Cuba anymore. The struggle ain't what it used to be.
Ciao , compañeros

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Freedom is a messy thing. Free people do not want to be corralled or forced to walk along one trail. It's the nature of man to be unlike cows, as a poet once observed. And you are right, there's absolutely nothing that I can do about it.

Anonymous said...

Ana, i noticed that you have a (brand new) blogger account. But used the same ole "boring" comment.

Mat, do you know this "concerned" blogger, named Ana?

Pobolote said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vana said...

I cannot help but see that Ana used the word compañero (comrade) wonder why?

Sandra said...


You and the poet, whoever he/she may be, are correct, to some extent. So I guess unfree people *want* to be corralled?

But cows and humans are mammals, let's not forget. Quite often, humans are sheep-like.

Has public discourse been resigned to this, the blog comment? It's easy for Pobloto to tell me to shut up on a blog. And it's just as easy for me to vent my frustrations from behind the keyboard.

I'll continue to read your posts, Mat, because I do enjoy them immensely.

Henry Louis Gomez said...


That is a good obervation and worth pondering: "One thing is being anti-castro and another anti-communist."

Manuel A. Tellechea's last comment at Babalu blog, implying that while the Estefans are anti-castro, they are not anti-communist on March 29, 2007.

I'll state for the record, once and for all, that I was opposed to Elian being returned to Cuba. And the person who can verify that fact is Alex, formerly of SotP and currently of Miami and Beyond. We worked together for several years including the period of time in which Elian was in the United States.

If your readers want to continue believing the opposite, then that's their problem. Nobody is going to know better than me how I felt. You chose to mischaracterize statements I made about it, I suppose because it helped you in your little crusade against Babalu. But if this really were a fight, your tactics would be considered an illegal low blow and you'd be disqualified. You are not honorable, you're making stuff up as you go along. For over a year I rarely stopped by here. And almost every time I did I came away laughing because of the story lines you invented about me. The only one that didn't make me laugh was that one about Elian.

Anyway, Manuel I've had fun sparring with you but now am bored with it, so it's time to bid you adieu.

Alex said...

It's already verified by me a few dozen inane comments up there (12:01).

I know, it's hard to parse these comment threads. Manuel likes them long and pointless. What can you do.

Anybody who cares and/or counts knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

To censor a blog or not to censor, that is a great question.

Some, like Val and Henry, want a blog to be "their house." A private enclave, a showcase of their opinions and intellect. Closer to a newsletter, or maybe a website, than a blog. Actually, what Henry and Val really want IS a website. Problem is, websites are boring and don't get the free traffic blogs get. Blogs are popular because they INVITE commentary and people LOVE that. People want to share each others thoughts, agreements and disagreements. Val and Henry crave the free traffic, they just don't want to pay the price of admission.

It is well known that closed, moderated or censored blogs get much less organic traffic growth than free and open blogs. It is not uncommon for blogs to start wide open when they have little traffic. Then as they grow and attract multiple regular visitors with opposing viewpoints they instinctively clam up, naively afraid to "promote" their enemies agendas. Then little by little, participation by all goes down, which leads to less traffic, and so on, and on. This will be Babalu's future under the current policies.

If Babalu were a music blog or an auto racing blog, some moderation could be welcome by members and be completely legitimate.

Unfortunately, Babalu is a political blog focusing on (of all places) communist Cuba - where freedom of just about everything is non-existent.

It's even more painful, disappointing, embarrassing and ultimately counterproductive because Babalu labels itself as an island free of a certain dictator.

Babalu's "jefes" just don't see the irony.

Babalu could have been a showcase of Cuban-American's maturity and tolerance for diverging opinions - something Cubans are not supposed to have. Mind you, no one is talking about accepting the validity of your enemy's opinions we are talking about acceptance of their right to hold and express them. A willingness to give your life for your opponents right to disagree with you.

Instead, who would have thought that the moral example of freedom of expression would be set today by a non-hyphenated Cuban woman blogging from within the island prison. I'm talking of course of Yoani Sanchez' Generation Y.

She seems to be holding her own just fine without censoring anyone. Impressing readers from around the world with her prose and poignant criticism. Thousands of posts per article, hundreds of posters countering vigorously in defense of Yoani as the corrupt regime and its minions expose themselves in front of the entire world. Amazing.

To censor or not to censor, that is a great question indeed.

Anonymous said...

Best summary yet about Val and Henry: "the 'jefes' don't see the irony."
Can't promote freedom for Cuba while being anti-democratic. What a waste!

Anonymous said...

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