Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Babalú's "Magnificent Cadres" Are In Disarray As Yet Another Dissenter Breaks Ranks

Its latest recruit "Cigar Mike" Pancier has joined the underground resistance to Babalú at Babalú. He made a very direct hit at Henry "Economist" Gómez this morning when he blasted Babalú's "idiot front" and its "regular postings from abysmally ignorant dolts who have no clue about the law or economics." Pancier should have added politics too, but that would have focused attention too directly on Henry, self-proclaimed "political animal since the age of 5," whose campaign against John McCain and idealization of Barack Obama nearly destroyed the Republican blog. In fact, "Cigar Mike," an unconditional supporter of McCain, has been drafted to do damage control at Babalú, where, thankfully, we shall never again see another anti-McCain post from the "political animal."

It is interesting, though, that Pancier should have mentioned specifically "the law" as one of the areas where the "dolt's" ignorance is particularly refulgent; for yesterday Henry proved it by outing a CIA agent, which is a federal crime punishable by ten years' imprisonment. No doubt there were frantic consultations with Pancier on this subject yesterday, although we do not believe that this is his area of expertise.

Still, it must be a comfort to Val & Henry to have a lawyer on board, though it is unlikely that they will consult him before they leap without looking into legal minefields.


The seams are splitting in all directions at Babalú. Now it is Henry and Reinier "Gusano" Potts who are trading barbs about the presidential race:

Ready to switch parties yet Reinier?
Posted by: Henry "Conductor" Gomez at April 9, 2008 09:51 AM

Ready to vote for McCain, Henry?
Posted by: Gusano at April 9, 2008 09:54 AM

I'm ready to vote for Lincoln Diaz-Balart for congress and donate to him and Mario and Ileana.
Posted by: Henry "Conductor" Gomez at April 9, 2008 10:00 AM

I'll take that as a no then, Mr. Gomez. Can't wait for the Obama-Castro-Chavez summit in Key Biscayne in 2010. Maybe Joe [García] can play translator.
Posted by: Gusano at April 9, 2008 11:45 AM

No rebuttal from "Mr. Gómez." What explanation can there be for betraying two countries at once? And it is a Democrat (Gusano) who takes the Republican Henry to task for it.

Also of interest is the fact that Lincoln & Mario Díaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen endorsed McCain before he had even won a primary; no, before even the first primary was held. The only one who beat them to McCain's door to endorse him was McCain's own mother.

Whether he knows it or not, Henry is supporting McCain by supporting Florida's Cuban-American Republican congressional delegation. I doubt very much that they would want his support, however, if they knew of the enormities he has said about John McCain on Babalú. That's "Cigar Mike's" job -- to make everybody forget.


Anonymous said...

What is next at Babalu. A civil war?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


If they had a "civil war" at Babalú it would definitely not be "civil" nor much of a "war."

Anonymous said...

Henry is contradictions are not really contradictions. He is just revealing his true self.

A commie!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The "commies" should be so unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Why did Henry donate $10,00 to help return Elian Gonzales to Fidel? And where did he get such a large sum of money?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The sum was not particularly large for Henry. He is rumored to have donated $50.00 to Fred Thompson's presidential campaign.

nonee moose said...

Nice twist MAT.

The Wizard said...

Wow, I'm shocked. Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? No, I suppose not since it's typed, but believe me, it's there.

Ms Calabaza said...

if it weren't for the fact that we will all be affected especially the folks in Cuba, I would wish 8 years of Obama on Henry.

Can you imagine Raul and his thugs negotiating with Obama. The people would be in shackles for years while the elite would become even richer than they are. Raul would not need to concede a thing.

Vana said...

The seams are coming apart at Babalu, I love it! it's pay back time for Val and Henry, karma can be a bitch.

Again please Manuel, who did Henry oust? call me dense if you will, was it Phil Peters?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You can't get warmer than that.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

ms. calabaza:

Henry is beginning to get it, too. He's closed down Obama's volunteer campaign office at Babalú. He might even stop selling "Che" tees at his internet store.

Anonymous said...

The exchange which Henry lost, is exactly why debate is not allowed in Babulu. Henry knows he is unable to support his arguments. And that is why Henry, even more than Val removes all forms of debate.

Anonymous said...

Guasano's time is short in Babulu. Just watch, when nobody is looking, Henry will be quietly disappear him!!

Fantomas said...

Mat since you know a lot about Cuban history and I was not borned at that time please write a post about the fire that destroyed El Encanto de la habana 47 years ago

I just got word from my sources in cuba that this new camaguey Encanto fire was intentional ..

It seems Mat somebody was trying to send a message to Raul and this is just the beginning more fires are on the way

what is your take in this new fire, please open a post about it


a kinder and gentler F

JMP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

kinder and gentler thats all

JMP said...

Sorry, had to delete a comment which I published in haste w/o proper editing. Anyway, I'll be around today so keep up the good discussion. And Fantomas, que pasa contigo loco? Estas hablando como un tipo normal, seguriendo que nos ponemos a conversar de una tema de "broad interest".

And for the hijos de putas in the G2 who are reading this - abajo fidel, abajo raul, abajo comunisimo, etc. Que viva cuba libre and I am going to cut your balls off and stuff them down your throats for having fucked with my family so much.

Fantomas said...

hey joep why did you remove the comment about the fire...i got it saved on my computer

Fantomas said...

And Fantomas, que pasa contigo loco? Estas hablando como un tipo normal, seguriendo que nos ponemos a conversar de una tema de "broad interest".

You are wrong joep, aqui los locos son otros, no se deje confundir por los payasos de este blog, los kool aid kids de MAT

Vana said...


Thank you for your answer, How far are the Babalunians going to stretch their tongues? they seem to want to oust everyone.

JMP said...

Fantomas - because I wanted to find a picture of the store and upload it to my blog before commenting on it... Thanks for the sharp eye tho, bro.

Fantomas said...

that post without my picture is not mine

somebody is trying to hijack my good ol reputation on this blog


a fake fantomas is on the loose

Eso debe ser obra de

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I noted that and removed it.

Fantomas said...

tu ves Mat, ahora te tengo que felicitar

Esta es la primera vez en un año que me has defendido

Nuevos aires se respiran en este blog..

Parece que el dueño quiere que me quede since without me this blog iria derechito al cementerio

cosas de la vida

Fantomas said...

no te olvides lo que te dije del encanto, hazme caso

tengo info clasificada ...del incendio de camaguey

JMP said...

Fantomas said:

"tengo info clasificada ...del incendio de camaguey"

Bueno papi, dale. Tell us.

Fantomas said...

oye ya te lo dije que el incendio fue intencional y solo se necesito un fosforo

no puedo hablar mas nada

Fantomas said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


One of you is enough for any lifetime.

Fantomas said...

fantomas dijo abril 9, 2008

" easily loved and respected by his enemies , never duplicated"

Anonymous said...

Hey fantomas, that youtube clip was all in Spanish. It would have been more considerate if you would have posted a youtube clip in English next time!!


Fantomas said...

english you tube for john

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Fantomas is an enemy of the English language.

Fantomas said...

por que dices eso Mat

Shakespeare is my # 2 language

Anonymous said...


Even you must admit that my writing skills have improved greatly since the days of MCC?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


This is true. You are not as hurried and fanatical as at MCC and this has greatly improved your style since now I believe that you actually pause and think before posting a comment. The result are well-considered but still hard-hitting opinions with the "Longfellow" touch but more ordered thinking.

Fantomas said...

Mat I always noticed that this new version of John never used the infamous final phrase NUFF SAID...

Ten cuidado no aparezca el real por ahi

Anonymous said...


Actually, i mostly used "nuff said," when learning Henry and Val. Since i have learnt them, i no longer use "nuff said."

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


This improved Longfellow doesn't need those tired conventionalities. Rely always on the voice, not the words. It will not mislead you. That said, a few "Nuff saids," would not be out of place as a tribute to the past.

Ms Calabaza said...

did you get my e-mail?

Nemesis said...

If it has not been answered, send me an email and I will tell you who they outed.
Giving that info here is tantamount to another outing ;)
Info –at-killcastro –dot- com

Anonymous said...

Ven aca , que coño es tu problema ?. Ya me han dicho que tu eres ese neurotico de FANTOMAS , tu crees que voy a perder tempo con tu mierda?
No te molestes en contestar que vas directo a DELETE.

Anonymous said...

kill castro= chivato

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Ms. Calabaza:

My advice is to ignore it. That blog is rarely visited by anyone and I doubt whether "Mr. August" will ever set foot there again, and if you said all that you could say your comment would be deleted anyway. It's the Babalunian (satellite) way.

Ms Calabaza said...

Thanks Mat,
my thoughts exactly.

Anonymous said...

bueno manny no nos dejes guessin now tell us who is mr 8 , mr august?

Anonymous said...

hey Manuel try to break your old record in the comments section 105
on this thread. You can do it

Anonymous said...

Do yo have email? LOL Like I haven't asked you before

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes you

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The record is more than 200 comments in a thread. It has been achieved at least a couple of times that I can remember. It is not something, however, that I consider desirable because it is a pain to roll down to the bottom of the page to read the latest comments.

Whenever a thread surpasses 100 comments, I immediately put up a new post in order to transfer the traffic to the uncongested thread.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


This is a private matter between Ms. Calabaza and me. You do not have the security clearance to become privy to it. I am sorry.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


My e-mail address may be found by clicking on my name as it appears here in blue letters.

Fantomas said...

This is a private matter between Ms. Calabaza and me. You do not have the security clearance to become privy to it. I am sorry.

Mat if it was a private matter why did you have to answer her here. She sent you an e mail , you could have answered her that way. by bringing the topic here it seems you want the readers of this blog to know about it ..thats all, no big deal , old man . comport yourself accordinly

Nemesis said...

Oh Cool
So Now Fantomas is posting as me and leaving a SPACE between the letter. This is the story - and I AM gonna out ya ya piece of shit.

This prick sends me every so often an email under the name of Rubio.
Tries to sound sane and all pro-Cuba. Typically he wants all bloogers to do some nutty shit he just thought up. The guys thinks he discovered humidity.

Today he sends this :
From: Rubio
To: KillCastro

vamos a trabjar por cuba

lee esta noticia que acabo de poner, necesito que verifiques con tu gente de alla ..esto es lo que hay

So he is asking me to verify a "scoop" he has, the only problem is the asshole puts a video capture of the news being broadcast on TV, hell of a scoop.

So now that I realize this cunt is been playing both sides of the game ( he was the first to send me an email regarding the Val Prieto incident, very sympathetic)
I tell him to go fuck himself.
NOW , *I* have the decency not to expose him and OUT as Rubio since who knows how many people he's doing this shit to but the idiot is such a masochist that he OUTS himself!

Yeah Rubio, anything you send will go to the TRASH bin, but I am holding to the last email ....'cause I wanna knows EXACTLY where you are PHYSICALLY where you are and there’s a lot more info on an email that you would ever imagine, and since you did not have the brains to spoof it , I got you down to a city and when I get some time I will have you down to your door. After that who knows I may bring you a cake.!

He has a scoop … the fucking idiot!

Anonymous said...

From South Florida Daily Blog's Evening Sift:

H- The Cuban Triangle responds to a babalu post written by Henry Gomez that essentially outs him as a former CIA employee. Is anyone seeing a pattern here?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Yes, I do see a pattern: The South Florida Daily Blog always follows in RCAB's footsteps. It is a faint and distorted echo of this blog.

Fantomas said...

got you down to a city and when I get some time I will have you down to your door. After that who knows I may bring you a cake.!

is that a threat CHIVATO DE MIERDA
menos mal que no tengo familia en Cuba y que uso several names para eso mismo gente como tu no puedan hacer daño. Aqui se demuestra una vez mas la clase de persona que son ustedes. Acusando a otros de revelar names y ustedes chivatiando a diestra y siniestra. A ti quien te paga? tu procura que tu real name no caiga en mis manos porque voy a gozar con cojones con el. por bocon y chivato de mierda. Eso que escribistes arriba se considera una threat le enviare copia al FBI just in case se te ocura aparecerte con un bonito cake


Fantomas said...

manny aqui te dejo mis humildes stats...

Abajo Fidel
Site Summary


Total 186,928
Average Per Day 359
Average Visit Length 3:33
Last Hour 21
Today 73
This Week 2,511


Total 370,663
Average Per Day 647
Average Per Visit 1.8
Last Hour 35
Today 135
This Week 4,530

Vamos a ver si te embullas y sacas las tuyas

Fantomas said...

without the limelight and all the attention, he will fade away and die

not so , hay fantomas pa rato, hasta que no quede un solo comunista en el poder en cuba

Asi que sientate , tomate la pastillita y presta atencion esto se esta poniendo bueno ahora

Fantomas said...

I hope the cake for Fantomas has a surprise inside.

You have also been notified to the local BFI office

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


What is the "BFI?"

Guesses are welcome.

Anonymous said...

BFI: "Bobos de Fantomas Internacional"

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Your stats are very impressive even after knocking off the first integer.

You will recall that I did offer to show you my stats, but you haughtily declined my offer after begging me to show them to you for a year.

Now you will have to wait another year.

Fantomas said...


Browning Ferris Industries

Para ahi es que va fariñas

Kill castro va para el real FBI, local office , San Juan

Anonymous said...

kill castro = chivato

Anonymous said...

Sharpshooter said...

B F I stands for :


It describes Fantomas to a tee.

Sharpshooter said...

And the F B I stands for:




Fantomas said...

no agustin

tu vas pal laton de basura

pal fondo de BFI

Waste Management

Nemesis said...

Bringing you cake is a threat?
LOL. You ARE a pussy aren’t you?! Here, the phone of San Juan’s FBI ((787) 754-6000 you are too stupid to find it.

Such a macho man , dealing with Vana and Ms Calabaza but can not handle the fact that *I* had a perfect right to track down an email sent to me that I knew was from someone trying to do me and my family harm. Especially after the last incident in which you sent me an email as Rubio even before I knew what was going on.

You ARE a buffoon, but actually buffoons are funny, you are a psychotic freak. Talk to that new lawyer at BABA ask him if you have ANY case, the guy seems to have plenty of time in his hands for pro-bono cases. And I doubt this is a $200-$300 an hour lawyer. Lawyers do not become belligerent on a public forum; they have guides of conduct that holds them to very strict standards even in their personal life.

So RUBIO, any preference as to the cake flavor?

I really feel sorry for BABALU to have such an idiot defending their cases (and I a not being fictitious). Having RUBIO defending you is like having Mr. Bean trying to get you off a larceny charge.

"I HAVE A SCOOP”.. LOL! You are a piece of work comemierda!

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.