Friday, March 7, 2008

"Mambo Watch" Calls It Quit

"Dictator is an emotionally-loaded word. It has various uses throughout society describing all kinds of people who abuse their authority or position within a social hierarchy against the wishes of subordinates. Of course, the label is most used when its comes to heads of state: note the recent list of Parade Magazine's "World's Worst Dictators." Obviously, since these are political agents capable of exerting maximum power over a population, they become the targets of the most passioned denouncements, mainly by their victims. Therefore, using the word "dictator" is not merely an act of reporting "fact" as Schumacher-Matos conveniently describes it, it is also an act of outrage, which is not the role of a journalist.

"One of the most important tenets of journalism is independence. If a journalist begins to express certain outrage (real or perceived) in favor of one side, then his or her public credibility can be harmed. By settling for neutral labels like "leader" or "president," the journalist prevents any perceived conflicts of interest, and can concentrate on the ultimate journalistic duty of "providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues." I believe the honest journalist will see that this position is justified, unless one is willing to sacrifice the public's right-to-know for one moment's personal outrage. "-- Mambo Watch, "What Will They Say (Part 2)," February 27, 2008

"As argued in Part Two, using the word "dictator" to describe world leaders is not just technical, but also emotionally personal and subjective, and sufficient enough to harm a journalist's independence and responsibility to the public if perceived this way. Nevertheless, reporters are human too, and our personal judgments always seem to find their way into our work and behavior. " -- Mambo Watch, "What Will They Say (Part 3)," March 1, 2008

Mambo Watch (we have never conceded to him the right to appropriate the glorious name of our mambises) is taking a "year-long hiatus" from blogging after which he "may return to review the developments and predictions made by some." I guess that Raúl's pace of "reform" is too slow for him and second-guessing last year's predictions is no longer satisfactory so Mambo is waiting for events to catch-up to his own assessment of them "in a year or two." I fear that if such is the precondition for Mambo's return, we may not be seeing him again for a long time if ever. I don't necessarily know whether that is a good thing or not.

My acquaintance with Pancho goes back to Oscar Corral's Miami's Cuban Connection where he was an island of civility in a sea of unrestrained mayhem. The middle-aged FIU student from Peru had adopted that air of reserved condescension long before actually becoming an academic himself. When he started his own blog after the implosion of Corral's he actually footnoted all his posts. And yet, despite all his genuflexions to political correctness and the MLA, Pancho was a zealot at heart. The academic fascade, real or assumed, was the camouflage for his boundless hatred for all Cubans. The ones here whom he defamed on a daily basis and the ones on the island whose bondage he attempted to justify and exalted in. He never wrote anything that was not calculated to maintain the status quo on the island while ostensibly propagating for bootless reforms in the system, or, rather, prognosticating these reforms if the U.S. prosecuted Posada Carriles, shut down Radio Mambí, released the 5 Cuban spies and excluded Cuban exiles from the exercise of their civil rights in this country. Especially the latter.

Of course, Mambo Watch was not the first or the only anti-Cuban blog. The others, however, were run by Anglos who were merely venting their hatred for our success and did not have an overt political agenda other than lamenting we ever came here (call them high-end xenophobes). He differed from them also because he had studied and internalized the agitprop. Whereas Ricardo Alarcón is too cynical ever to be an effective apologist for the regime as he demonstrated in his recent exchange with the Cuban students, Mambo has the advantage of being a true believer. He is also smarter (not exactly a compliment) and a better polemist; but, of course, he would have to be. Critical judgment or any pretense to it has long atrophied among Cuba's Communist elite because there is no co-equal opposition to whet it. Here Mambo is in the minority and actually has to attempt to explain and justify their (his) positions without resorting to their methods. Therein lay his usefulness. Largely unread and all but ignored, Mambo Watch did serve a useful purpose by uttering what others of its ilk felt more comfortable ignoring or glossing over. His earnestness must have proved a great vexation to his handlers (and the reader can interpret this as the pro-Castro crowd at FIU or Castroites anywhere else). No one despises a true believer more than opportunistic believers. And this is understandable: the professional will always hate the amateur who gives away his wares away for free. The reader will, naturally, reference prostitutes, and he will not be too far afield.

When I first read the paragraphs that I have quoted, I said to myself he can go no further. He has, in fact, gone too far. I had an intimation then that he had said all that he had to say, more, in fact, than he should have said, and that he would soon silence himself or be silenced. And so it came to past.

Mambo was supposed to justify one dictator or, rather, one dictatorship, not argue that it is impolitic to call a dictator a dictator. Hell, not even Castro believes that. In fact, he has always been quite apt, and since Bush became president, even profligate, in calling others "dictators." He excludes himself and his cronies from that characterization, but all others are fair game regardless of their credentials. Dictators (or "bad guys") are as necessary in Castro's cosmology as, say, Batista. For him, "dictator" is synonymous with opponent, whether a democratically-elected leader or one who acts like him in pursuit of other objectives or pursues the same objectives without him.

Mambo objects to dictator because it is an "emotionally-loaded" word? Does he know of any words that are not? If dictator is so, isn't calling a dictator a "president" or "leader" also a choice dictated by one's emotions? Mambo is free to give vent to his emotions but the dictator's victims are not free to "target" with their "passioned denouncements" the dictator? Reporting that a dictator is a dictator is also objectionable to him especially in journalists. Apparently, journalists must lie when alluding to dictators but can still call a murderer a murderer and a thief a thief. If Castro doesn't qualify as a dictator, maybe he can be called a murderer and thief? If one accused of murder can be referred to as an "alleged murderer" in newspapers, why can't Castro, who prevents his own adjudication, be at least called an "alleged murderer" or even an "alleged dictator?" It is a matter of record that he has signed tens of thousands of orders of execution, all duly published in the Gaceta de la República, and that these were extra-judicial murders because they were carried out without the least semblance of due process and in a country where the Rule of Law doesn't exist because of him. Isn't that undeniable evidence that he is both a murderer and dictator? What "conflict of interests," real or "perceived," does telling the truth pose? If the ultimate journalistic duty is to "provide a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues," doesn't that also encompass of necessity telling the truth? Mambo believes that the "public's right-to-know" is somehow "compromised" by journalists' telling the truth. But journalists will be telling the public nothing about Castro if they don't tell them that he is a dictator.

Mambo regards the impulse to tell the truth as an emotional one and hence an irrational one. But are emotions irrational per se? Aren't they in fact what makes us human and should our humanity be divorced from reporting or any other human endeavor? Of course, the fact that journalists are human and sometimes act as humans is greatly disturbing to Mambo; he wishes that they would always suppress those instincts so that they "don't find their way into our work and behavior." Walter Duranty wouldn't call Stalin a dictator either. Herbert Matthews first misrepresented Castro as a "liberator" and then denied that he was a dictator. Isn't denying that Stalin or Castro were dictators the same thing as being their accomplice and enabler? Is that what objective journalists should be, the patsies of dictators? Well, that is what Mambo is, journalist or not.


Anonymous said...

Can you spot the dwarf in this picture...hahahah (Hint)The dwarf is holding a drink in his hand.

Anonymous said...

Miracle Grow is crack for George M..

Anonymous said...

George looks like the natural child of Santa Claus and one of his elves.

Anonymous said...

los pantalones del poodle


Anonymous said...

I thought George was kneeling in the photo then I noticed that sliver of a sneaker peeping through from under those huge Kmart homeboy pants.

Anonymous said...

Lol Anonymous Homeboy Pants...

Anonymous said...

Is he really a dwarf or just a poorly conformed little guy? hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they will remove the picture whenever they realize one of their own is being ridiculize here
I have save it in my favorites Everytime I need to take shit, a laugh, or if I need to hit somebody out of frustration i will pull out the picture of the 99 cents kmart pants boy

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha This picture is priceless

Anonymous said...

Babalu Block the Access here is the picture again

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

I never imagined that George was this (un)popular. Here I was concentrating on Val & Henry when it's George who is the irritant maximus.

Anonymous said...

oye manny el mambi watch quit because he was exposed by Dr Dela Cova , who blew his cover at the miquis blog. did you see that?

Nota sobre la trayectoria del agente castrista Paul Benavides, aka Mambi Watch, aka cholo peruano, aka piojo peruano, aka carcoma incaica, aka caca inca:

Paul Benavides and Mambi Watch Unmasked

Response to "Paul Benavides":

Thank you for your contentious viewpoint. My massive website was created mostly by my student assistants. You seem to have developed a rather pathetic fixation with me ever since I previously posted on your blog that your constant monitoring of Cuban exile radio, TV, and print media is similar to the work done by Cuban intelligence agents for decades. I e-mailed you my phone number so that we could chat and I would attempt to understand your motivations for blogging anonymously, the causes of your obsession, and ascertain if you were linked to Cuban espionage in Miami. The person who answered my e-mail wrote:

"My name is Paul Benavides. I was born in Peru in 1979 and my family came to Miami in 1982 when I was still 2 years old. Those first years were very difficult for my family, but would have been worse if not for the help and care of many Cuban families that provided work for my mother and father. My mother cleaned their houses, my father cut their grass. I grew up among their children, despite the obvious differences where I had few toys or a small house."

"I'm a graduate from Coral Gables Elementary, Coral Gables Senior High and Florida International University. No different than many others from where I live. But, very different from my family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins) that we left in Peru, and did not have those opportunities and still don't."

I detected an inferiority complex and underlying resentment toward successful Cuban Americans in that message. It could be the source of deeper psychological problems. I later received a telephone call from someone identifying themselves as "Paul Benavides," who claimed to be the sole author of the Mambi Watch blog, and stated that he was calling from his parent’s home. A Google search of the phone number indicated that it was registered to the apartment of Paula Cari at 2496 S.W. 17 Ave., Miami. Benavides added that he received an undergraduate degree in journalism from FIU in 2004 and was now pursuing a second undergraduate degree in psychology. This is a sign of a confused underachiever, lacking vision, and easily distracted by frivolous pursuits. I suggested to "Paul Benavides," that he should blog under his own name, if he is who he alleges to be. Mr. "Benavides" claimed that he preferred to continue blogging anonymously, because he feared retaliation against his future career plans from his political adversaries. I assured him that his leftist perspective and anti-Cuban American sentiments would be no problem for him in academia. Now that Paul Benavides and Mambi Watch have been unmasked on the Internet, I suggest that if you are the real "Paul Benavides," stop lurking in the shadows, demonstrate maturity, and assume responsibility for your writings. Otherwise your suspicious behavior might raise the interest of Homeland Security.

Paul Benavides of Mambi Watch Gets Hysterical After Being Unmasked

After recently being unmasked, former anonymous Mambi Watch blogger Paul Benavides, a 27-year-old Peruvian immigrant, responded with a hysterical e-mail bordering on paranoia and containing a veiled threat:

"Paul Benavides
Sep 24, 2007
Mr. De la Cova,
Please explain why you believe you have the right to publish my personal history, especially one that was provided by a personal e-mail exchange. If you do not respond I will certainly call you soon, and even seek other options (such as through Indiana University) to get an answer. Your actions are very shocking and surely unethical. I hope to hear from you soon.”

His mental stability is obviously questionable. Benavides is an undergraduate student who craves attention and has sent letters to the editor of the FIU newspaper.
Therefore, public figures have no right to privacy under the law.

His Mambi Watch blog that daily monitors the Cuban exile TV, radio, and print media, operates in a manner similar to that of Cuban spies, according to evidence in the Federal trial of the Avispa espionage network in Miami. Benavides has not dispelled suspicions that he could be linked to Cuban intelligence or that others are not behind this assiduous monitoring effort. He continues to blog anonymously, after being exposed and permanently identified on the Internet, raising questions about who or what drives this operation.

Now that Benavides has admitted his identity and his address and phone number are known, I will not respond further to his obsessive compulsive behavior. He is now on notice that any further telephone calls, e-mails, or communication from him to me or those I work for will be reported to the authorities as a stalker complaint.

7 de marzo de 2008 0:58

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You are not telling me anything I didn't already know. In one of our last exchanges on Miami's Cuban Connection nearly 2 years ago, Paul Benavides volunteered his name. I did not consider him then nor do I consider him now worthy of my wasting my time investigating his background when the whole man is revealed in his writings.

As for Professor de la Cova, whose e-mail address I forwarded to Val in more cordial days in the hope that he would bring to Babalú the historical perspective that it so woefully lacked, I was defending him on Mambo Watch long before de la Cova started defending himself.

My dear Sherlock, I am always at the center of things even if, like your older and smarter brother, I prefer to do so without publicity.

Ms Calabaza said...

Folks ~ Wow, what is this . . . Junior High? George's arrogance and bullying tactics really have bothered me and I have taken issue with them in the past but making fun of his height or what brand (how superficial) his pants are is pretty SMALL . . . We can do better than that, eh?

PS - I am ready for my 60 lashes now . . .

Anonymous said...

Ms Calabaza

free country freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like something,don't read it.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

ms. calabaza:

I prefer to make fun of George from his hairline up. But I am not one to force my preferences on others. If some would rather measure George from his head down, it may be superficial but it is their choice. Unlike the Babalunians I don't delete comments to make the thread match the post. In fact, I don't delete at all. George is a big boy; we hope he can take it because he can certainly dish it.

Anonymous said...

George dañada ropa Moneo.

Anonymous said...

George is a big boy; we hope he can take it because he can certainly dish it.

ja, ja, ja, ja,

Daddy Val, daddy, daddy mira

the plane, the plane, the plane


callate pequeño , acuestese a dormir

Dad, but look

the plane, the plane, the plane


Dad: please go to bed I need to go shopping at kmart to get you the 99cent pants you like so much

No daddy please dont go

the plane, the plane

Ms Calabaza said...

I would never suggest you delete or censor anyone. I was just hoping some of us would "recapacitar" and realize that we can do better. . . but, to each their own. That was just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

No Jodas mas Ms Calabaza de mierda.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

p diddy home boy collection

Anonymous said...

George es un picúo

Anonymous said...


"Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres"

Anonymous said...

Oye, chico deje a mi hijo en paz.Sé que él es un enano,Mal Nacido.No servir ni para billetero el george.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he really is a tiny little guy.I bet his wife is 5'9. Hey, george wife,please don't wear boots or large heels because you might become taller than george.

Anonymous said...

COÑO,Estás acabando!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ms. Calabazas.

It's a free country and we all have the right to make fools of ourselves but not the obligation.

El Caimán

Anonymous said...

El pitbull era enano
No comio mucho pienso de pequeñin

Vana said...

Wowee I did not know that Mambo was ousted, this is new to me, I for one am glad, he sure hates us Cubans, goodbye and good riddance Pancho.

Fantomas said...

31 comments ..Wao Manuel it is time to close down your blog too
To many anonymous. I think it is the same person
Shame on you Manuel T

Sharpshooter said...

one single look at Mr. Benavides's blog woud tell you inmediately that he has no followers and few readers. While his postings were fast and furious, his readers and comenters are few and most of the time one cannot find a single comment on them. It was of no importance what subject he covered, his commenters stayed away in droves. Obviously he could not motivate anyone to coment on his blog. It is very coincidental that after his spat with Dr. De la Cova on the Miuqis blog he quits his own.
Reading the comments from that Miami Blog, I saw his interacting with the commenters some of which actually claimed he was monitoring them. Some of the commenters lower themselves in posting insulting comments regarding his ethnic background which I thought it was a low blow and lacked class.
The man's writings, his support and apologia for the Castro tyranny should have been the issue, not his ethnicity. A low level of discourse actually reflects more on the person doing the attacking than on the person that is the object of the attack, because it deflects attention from the real issues.
Fantomas's rantings and insults on this blog is a case in point and a clear example of the type of comment that is to be avoided at all costs.
As a good example look at President Uribe's speech at the recent Rio Summit and Chavez's. One was measured, crystal clear, calmed and measured, (Uribe) and the other full of rantings, incoherent babblings and laced with histrionics and half truths, (Chavez).
Uribe's presentation of his country's case gave a lesson in diplomacy and excellent behavior to those hipocrite clowns who call themselves leaders in their own respective countries such as Ortega, Correa, Mrs. Fernandez de Kirchner, Evo Morales, and others of the same ilk.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


"Shame on me" for what? Allowing others to speak their minds without censorship? I know that's something that neither you nor Val Prieto allow on your blogs and that's the reason this blog exists. I wish that my readers did not feel that they had to join the tribe of the Anonimi to comment here, but apparently many are afraid that if they use their real names or even their monikers they would be blacklisted by Babalú. You yourself have been given a hard time for commenting here by both George and Henry and I don't doubt for a minute that many of the more outrageous comments posted on this thread under the rubric "Anonymous" are actually by you. The unfunny ones, of course.

Sharpshooter said...

I wonder why Fantomas continues to encourage MAT to close down his blog? It seems this a theme he keeps coming back to, every once in a while, although I hope MAT does not consider his suggestion for a minute. First, it was the lack of commenters, or the repetition of the same ones.
After failing to convince anyone of that, he now tries to shame MAT for practicing freedom of speech, something totlaly absent in Babalu's blog.
Yet, he has never advocated for Babalu to close down their blog for practicing censorship.
I wonder why he shows such interest in advicing MAT to close down?
I hope MAt ignores this foolish advice and continues to call a spade a spade, regardless of who he offends and make them lose sleep.

Anonymous said...

You're a hypocrite fantomas. Pick a side don't go against yourself!

Fantomas said...

While his postings were fast and furious, his readers and comenters are few and most of the time one cannot find a single comment on them. It was of no importance what subject he covered, his commenters stayed away in droves



y relacionado con Uribe, tuve la oportunidad de ver la conferencia final de la cumbre en vivo y a todo color 5 horas completa. Despues de hacer mi analisis completo te puedo decir que Uribe dejo demostrado quees el mejor Presidente de LatinoAmerica sin dudas. Presento su caso de forma pausada y con evidencias. Fue energico y se dejo respetar, sin embargo la jauria de ineptos imbeciles de Chavez, Correa y Ortega demostraron una vez mas que no son dignos de mantener los cargos que obstentan.
No te confundas nunca con un Fantomas.

Fantomas said...

You yourself have been given a hard time for commenting here by both George and Henry and I don't doubt for a minute that many of the more outrageous comments posted on this thread under the rubric "Anonymous" are actually by you. The unfunny ones, of course.

No tengo necesidad de hacer eso, aqui yo escribo con mi nombre sin miedo y con careta.No le temo a nadie y soy muy independiente tu bien lo sabes. El que se cruce con un Fantomas siempre perdera. A la entrada o la salida. Iam always at least 5 steps ahead of the competition

Sharpshooter said...

the comments I made where in reference to Mambi Watch and not your blog. Remove your dark glasses so you can read better;however your own blog shows a notable absence of commenter too.
And your foul language and insulting comments are not only reserved for MAT's blog. One can view them in all its splendor at several others, including The Miquis of Miami.
Some people never change, and you seem to be a shining example of that crowd. "When in doubt, insult and offend". That should be the motto of your blog. It fits much better than Abajo Fidel.

Vana said...

No use trying to explain anything to fantomas Agustin, he never listens, todo lo tira a relajo.

Fantomas said...

Vana said...
No use trying to explain anything to fantomas Agustin, he never listens, todo lo tira a relajo.

3/09/2008 10:51 PM

You must look carefully the powerful meaning of the Words en ese relajo Vana, pay attention dear

Sharpshooter said...

Oh yes, again that pesky "Republicano de pura cepa" like he calls himself, who cheers for Obama till his heart's content!

Mambi_Watch said...

All comments responded to at:

Anonymous said...

Paul Denny Benavides of Mambi Watch Whines Again (May 2008)

Paul Denny Benavides of the pro-Castro “Mambi Watch” blog, born in Peru on Sept. 22, 1978, recently asked the webhost of to delete from this page the name of his stepmother Paula Cari, aka Paula Cari Nuñez, and the address where the family resided until September of last year: 2496 S.W. 17 Avenue, Apartment 5102, Miami. The webhost refused, because this is public information that appears on the Internet.

A search of public information on the suspicious Paul Denny Benavides and his family indicates that his father, Porfirio Benavides, a five-foot-tall gardener born in Ayacucho, Peru, on September 15, 1946, received his Social Security Card, 594-14-85XX in 1982, after arriving in the United States. He has another son, Ivan Freddy Benavides, born in Peru on October 6, 1977. Two years after arriving in Florida, on March 27, 1984, Porfirio Benavides married Aurea E. Montes, four years his senior. The self-employed Porfirio Benavides was director of the "Club Ayacucho de la Florida, Inc." from Februry 3, 1995 to November 4, 2002. On March 13, 2000, Porfirio Benavides was at fault in an automobile accident on Ponce de Leon Avenue in Coral Gables. His 1999 Chevrolet smashed into a 1994 Thunderbird driven by Andrew L. Cabrera. Seven months later, on October 30, 2000, Porfirio Benavides filed for bankrupcy under Chapter 7, Case Number 0019725, in Federal court in Miami.

Paula Cari, who is five-feet-three-inches tall, was born on January 26, 1953. On December 2, 1983, she married Fernando Luis Nuñez, born on March 3, 1954, who arrived in Florida in 1980. The couple resided at 2229 N.W. 34 Street, Apartment 1, Miami. In 1985, he established the Nuñez Paint & Body Shop at 755 N.W. 20 Street, Miami. Their son, Irvin Alexander Nuñez, was born on October 20, 1989. During the 1980s, Paula Cari resided at 2901 N.W. 21 Street, Miami, and at 826 Madrid Street, Coral Gables. She has been self-employed and has worked as a nursing assistant and a cosmetologist. Her Social Security Number 593-54-55XX was issued in Florida in 1987 and her voter's registration card lists her political affiliation as "Other." Paula Cari Nuñez divorced her husband and began an affair with Porfirio Benavides, who resided at 1279 S.W. 23 Street, Miami. In consequence, Porfirio Benavides divorced his wife Aurea E. Montes, in a Miami Circuit Court on August 10, 1994. Porfirio waited only two months before marrying Paula Cari on October 9, 1994. The family later moved to 1279 S.W. 23 Street, Miami. Paul Denny Benavides received his Social Security Card 594-54-83XX in 1987. He is five-feet-four-inches tall and is listed as a Democrat in the Florida Voter Registration.

Public documents indicate that in 2000, Paula Cari, Porfirio and Paul Denny Benavides all resided at 2496 S.W. 17 Avenue, Apartment 5102, Miami. On January 27, 2001, at 10:13 P.M., Porfirio Benavides was driving his wife's 1996 Plymouth Neon east on highway US 1 when he wrecked it doing "40 mph in a 40 mph speed zone." Soon thereafter, the bankrupt Porfirio fled from Florida to reside at 441 E. Arrowood Road, in Charlotte, North Carolina, and then moved again to 6120 Tiara Lane, in said city. In 2004, Paul Denny Benavides resided with Porfirio at 105 Cumming Street, Walworth, Wisconsin. Afterward they returned to Miami. On September 26, 2007, Paula Cari Nuñez and Porfirio Benavides bought a house for $160,000 at 4577 N.W. 16 Way, Tamarac, Florida, where they reside with their offspring. Further investigation continues on the suspicious Paul Denny Benavides, his irresponsible accident-prone father, and other relatives. Paul Denny Benavides has been warned that any further contact from him to Professor de la Cova or his employers “will be reported to the authorities as a stalker complaint.”

Anonymous said...

El enano Porfirio Benavides no puede ver por arriba del timon, causa de tantos accidentes. Blanca Nieves lo va a castigar.

Irvin said...

So i was simply google(ing) myself and some how ended up on the website. I was hoping i could find out who came up with the idea that Fernando Nunez is my father? I'm Irvin Nunez and Fernando is my uncle but i have no relations with or even an idea who the rest of these people are. Can anyone fill me in on what this is all about??

Anonymous said...

Could possibly be the Very best subject which I read all week?

Anonymous said...

This is spacious information. Thanks in the course of sharing.

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