Saturday, March 29, 2008

Important New Developments in Killcastro Affaire

Using information furnished by Val Prieto, Cuban state security has moved against the family of Killcastro. His sister-in-law's husband is in detention and his young cousin is on the run.

The first fruits of Val's betrayal are already evident, though we fear the horrible harvest has just begun

God protect Killcastro and his family and confound his enemies here and in Cuba.

Read Killcastro's measured and dignified recounting of what are surely for him the worst days of his life:


Vana said...

What a horrible turn of events, the hard time and worry this has brough unto KC, all because a stupid man could not control himself, I ask you what kind of a man is that? or are there hidden motives behind Val's action, is he not what he seems? that's the 200 thousand dollar question.

Anonymous said...

Is 'scum' too good a word to describe Val Prieto?


Anonymous said...

He made enemies as naturally as soap makes suds.

Anonymous said...


Val's has no hidden agenda. On the contrary. Val expected and desired this ugly finality which he brutally set in motion.

What Val didnt expect however, was the swift reaction from MAT, Rick, Alex, and other Soflo bloggers that have illuminated Val "chivato" Prieto for all to be horrified by.

Val mistakenly believed that he had built sufficient street credibility over the years with his vicious attacks and threats. So much so that if anyone bothered to noticed, that they would certainly side with Val, and/or dismiss the outing as "merely" spite, as Robert has clumsily attempted to present as a defense. Fortunately he Soflo blogisphere quickly saw threw the smoke and mirrors, and correctly recognized Val's act for what it is. And that is a pure communist act, of the WORST order.


It is time to dust my send button off, and start moving this story to some of my friends, which are many!!!

Anonymous said...

Resiñate...Vete para la pinga, Val Prieto...Maricon cingao.

Ms Calabaza said...

I can't believe he has not at the very least apologized. My guess is he's dealing with this by his usual denial and cerveza. It's time for one of his friends to confront him with the TRUTH.

Will we get a post this week by Val on how tired and emotionally drained and misunderstood he's been and how he just cares about Cuba . . . We've heard all this crap before.

Where is the voice of reason at Babalu?

Vana said...


Do dust that send button let all your friends know what kind of rattle snake Val Prieto is, maybe we can rid the blogsphere of hardliners who really don't give a damn about Cuba and the poor souls therein.

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am going to bed, but i have more thoughts which i will share with Val the Chivato tomorrow. Good night Val, and will see you bright and early tomorrow in RCAB to hand out more hard ass spankings!!! As i know it takes more than a few to make it to the fleshy part of your unwashed buttocks!!!


KC keep your head up, and keep us posted on any other developments. And remember sunlight is the best protection in circumstances such as this.

Anonymous said...


I dont want to get rid of Val, as another chivato will quietly take his place. It is best to leave Val right where he is. As he has been discovered and trapped like a common yard rabbit!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


It's not a Miami vs. Cuba thing.
Cubanos dignos in Miami and Cuba will be horrified at Val's treatment of Killcastro just as the cubanos indignos in Cuba and Miami will approve of it.

Fantomas said...


Se ha perdido MAT


y no vayas muy lejos , por estos lares no existe

Anonymous said...

eres hipocrita o mentiroso o los dos:

vienes aqui a revolver y entonces pones esto en tu blog:

Fantomas said...

ven aca comemierda

yo no vengo aqui a revolver tres cojones

que te pasa

quieres guerra avisame

que estoy que corto cON QUIEN SEA

Anonymous said...

Hey, Manuel Val retaliated by callin the Blogtalkshow and they remove Alex Page.

Anonymous said...

que miedo te tengo mano. Si que eres un cobarde. Que me vas a hacer? Eh?

Andas por todos los blogs REVOLVIENDO la mierda y entonces quieres que te respeten. Tu no sabes ni de que lado ya estas. Eres un relajo. Todo el mundo se rie de ti, no contigo.

Fantomas said...

Eres un relajo. Todo el mundo se rie de ti, no contigo

no hay cosa mas dura para una dictadura que aceptar bromas y relajo. Los dictadores odian las parodias. Hermano ese es mi estilo y tu tranqulito sientate como un niñito bueno a seguirte riendo porque a partir de ahora me voy a poner mas funny


Anonymous said...

Hey, Manuel Val retaliated by callin the Blogtalkshow and they remove Alex Page

Como el pudo hacer eso? Que poder tiene Val? que paso con Freedom of Speech? Yo no entiendo lo que esta pasando bro!

Anonymous said...

Oye Fantomas,
por que no llamas a tu brother Val a ver si lo encuentras en el bunker y le dices que tiene que salir y hablar con sus peeeples. Tiene que darle explicacion por sus acciones de CHIVATO. Llamalo Fanto, que yo se que el te hace caso. Tu eres su confesor, amigo del alma y payaso.

Fantomas said...

no papa, yo no me presto para esas highscooladas

ese despingamiento de ustedes resuelvanlo OFF LINE ..LO DIGO Y LO REPITO



yo no soy mediador de nadie en este asunto por que no me gusta ciertas cosas que he visto , que son muy feas y ademas demuestra bajeza de caracter y envidia

Anonymous said...

yo no soy mediador de nadie en este asunto por que no me gusta ciertas cosas que he visto , que son muy feas - Fantomas

Cobarde eres fanto.

Vana said...

Fantomas is hated throughout the blogsphere, I can see why, wherever he goes he creates havoc.

Fantomas said...

Vana me importa un comino si soy hated or loved, the importance of my work is to denounce , denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, denounce, the regime and so far it has been a broadway super hit , a success in the making , rag to riches story

Fantomas said...

Fantomas is hated throughout the blogsphere, I can see why, wherever he goes he creates havoc.

vana y con esa cara crees que vengo a traerles candy a los niños

Cobarde eres fanto.

No se porque dices eso , porque te lo dije bien claro anteriormente en esta me quedo en el medio NEUTRAL

Vana said...

Denounce..LMAO.. your blog is a disaster no one reads it, no one comments there only to insult you.

Vana said...

Me imagino que en Cuba fanto tambien era neutral, pa'la plaza con Fidel y banderita en mano.

Fantomas said...

Vana salistes de Cuba de fiñe y al principio cuando todavia no se habia puesto malo eso , no sabes un carajo lo que es vivir en un sistema comunista no hables caca mujer..

me importan un cojon los comentarios NO LOS NECESITO, NO LOS BUSCO, es mas pronto eliminare las cajas de comentarios y veras que continuare produciendo un producto de calidad , con denuncias , con verdades, porque en mi blog no caben las MENTIRAS . LO CONSIDERO UN LUGAR SAGRADO Y ASI SE MANTENDRA MIENTRAS YO ESTE AL FRENTE..EL SOLAR PA OTRO LADO ALLI NO

Anonymous said...


como puedes decirle eso a Vana chico, si no tienes los cojones de denunciar a un chivato. Porque? Porque te tiene en su blogroll? No ves que el no te tiene respeto ninguno y por eso no te ha dejado escribir en su blog con su magnifica cadre de escritores. Tu no te has dado cuenta que ni Val, ni Henry ni ningunos en Babalu visitan a tu blog a comentar. Tu no ves que solo eres un entretenimiento para Val y que de ves en cuando le sueltas prendas (chizmes) que le entretienen. Tu, mi amigo Fantomas eres el "fredo" de la pelicula godfather. Ese es el nombre que te pega mano, FREDO.

Fantomas said...

Me imagino que en Cuba fanto tambien era neutral, pa'la plaza con Fidel y banderita en mano.

primero no vivi en la habana so no se de que plaza hablas.. segundo si tuve la banderita en manos mil veces y que carajo tiene que ver eso con nada, recurda estas hablando de un niño no un adulto en aquella epoca , y la doble moral ha exisitido en cuba desde 1959 para sobrevivir... los unico cubanos que no tenian la banderita en mano fueron los que salieron con suerte disparados al principio junto con la partida de batistianos que huyeron como ratas de alli

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...
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Anonymous said...


asi que vas a Miami a Cuba Nostalgia? Te vas a poner el condon en la cabeza o como te identifico mano. Ya que me vas a entrar a golpe dejame dejarte saber que peso 250 y mido 6'4". Mi padre era gringo que dirigia la ATT en Cuba mano casado con una cubanita en La Habana. Asi que te puedo pelear en ingles o en espanol. Pendejo.

Fantomas said...
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Fantomas said...
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Fantomas said...

Mat al paso que vamos nos vamos a tragar los unos a los otros, y en Nostalgia habra una matazon , yo ire con chaleco antibalas por si acaso, algunos blogs cerraran para siempre y despues de todo quien gana MAT, el regimen

cada vez que peleamos entre nosotros los cuban blogggers mas destacados in the blogsophere hay un solo beneficiado el gobierno cubano..

solo pido que entendamos esto

Fantomas said...

se intensifican los ataques delos muchachos de la UCi contra nosotros y ustedes comiendo mierda aqui

leanlo completo aqui

Anonymous said...

i know you are the one of the few bloggers that truly appreciate and respect a free and open dialogue. But the outing of KC is so serious that i think it does warrant your deletions of Fantamos. So good for you, as i know it goes against your belief system.


Hey dikhead, i cant read Spanish. And i dont feel like running your words through a Spanish translator.
Having said that, i can only surmise that you agree with outings of anti-Fidel bloggers. As you only purpose appears to be to distract the conversation away from "chivatos" like Val Prieto. Therefore, the question that is on the table "are you a chavito?" And if so, is Val paying you? Or are you earning your paycheck directly from the Cuban government?

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


You speak Spanish so you can speak around me. Rather than speaking directly to me.

Nevertheless, answer the question that is one the table. Are you a "chavito" like Val? And is he paying you?

Fantomas said...

Mat por favor encage this character in the LOU DOBBS madhouse ASAP ..No entiendo que le pasa

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I can assure you fantomas does this for free. But if he were a chivato (snitch) like Val, no doubt he would be getting his chavitos (pennies).

Fantomas said...

Mat como administrador de este blog debes de dar el ejemplo . mucho cuidado con las acusaciones inventadas sin ningun tipo de prueba en mano. En Estados Unidos actualmente hay muchos abogados desempleados locos por conseguir un casito para cobrar algunos pennies . Mucho cuidado

Anonymous said...


Ah whaaa whaaa straight to MAT. First, i didnt accuse you of anything. I merely asked you if Val was paying you. And instead of answering the question. You ran and hide underneath Mat for protection from me.

LOL, a cowardly little punk, just like Val "chavito" Gomez.

Next time, think twice before stepping up to me, with your glass jar. BOY!!!!


MAT, get Fantomas some diapers, the pull-up kind. And throw in a pacifer!!

Fantomas said...

Mat por favor encage this character in the LOU DOBBS madhouse ASAP ..No entiendo que le pasa

Anonymous said...

Hey Fantomas, i can ask you any question i want, this is America!!

Watch this

Question: Fantomas, is the Val the "chivato," or the Cuban government paying you?

Ooops, i did it again.

See in order to bring a lawsuit, your "real" name must have been involved. And not some stupid nickname like Fantomas.


Anonymous said...


Hey shiforbrains, why do run to Mat for protection?

Fantomas said...

mat Iam out of here ...until you put order in the house ,,i will go into exile for several days

Este señor longjohn ( impostor) esta desviando el tema de denuncia al regimen de castro QUE ES NUESTRA ESENCIA en los blogs con unas sandeces que no hacen sentido . Este longjohn de Miami Beach no sabe ni donde se encuentra cuba en un world map. Este debe ser como los que describio miss south carolina. Vamos a dejarlo ahi por ahora .. Mat me voy pero observo. Regreso con mas brios pronto... Ah y no hagas nada que me haga regresar en un dos por 3 , porque sabes que siempre estoy cerca, at the press of a boton

Vana said...


Don't worry about what fanto is saying in Spanish, it all mambo jumbo, his own brand of shit, he's insane and needs to go back to The Madhouse

Anonymous said...

Oooops, i have offended somebody else!!


You never did answer my question. Or maybe your silence was answer.

Nemesis said...

Someone told me I should answer you, because I have bee too busy to read anything.
I was not going to bother and after I did read the post I wasn’t going to bother either but besides my incident you make some comments that are worthy of smack back.

1 - EVERY GOD DAMN TIME I speak about Miamians I make the distinctions that this is not a blanket statement to all Cubans in Miami. And I know PLENTY of Cubans who feel exactly how I do. How this sense of entitlement this bigotry some Miami “Cubans” feel to those who came after taints anything possitive they have to offer. Since we have already clarified that the first wave of Cubans who came to Miami , included a LOT (not ALL , so read slowly and if needed get a English-Spanish dictionary) of Cubans who put KaSStro in power and therefore have a very defined and akin sentiment of elite bourgeoisie with The Beast.
At the very least, the sentiment of our apostle:

“Con los pobres de la tierra quiero yo mi suerte echar”

2 - I have given PLENTY of credit to the Cubans who have built Miami, turning it from Heaven’s waiting station to wonderful city it is today.

3- I came in 1968 I could have settled in the Miami of then, and my family chose not.

So I could had been a Miamian but seriously doubt I would’ve ever felt superior. That superiority complex of the EXILIO HISTORICO makes us ALL Cubans look like KaSStro was right, that we deserved what we got.

4- I COULD if I wish live wherever the fuck I wish to live because without getting into the practical aspects of this, (and you and I can compare pay checks whenever you see fit) I can most likely buy and sell you. In fact on a past argument with a BABALU reader who questioned a document I had given out to prove that Cuba, was never the slave Island that KaSStro claims it was, I told Val Prieto on the phone I was willing to put $100,000 bet it was a real document, Prieto came back with "Oh shit if you have that kindda bucks can you lend me some- it was joke , granted abut the $100k offer as a bet was not.

5 - I have OWNED companies with offices in Miami, so if I have MADE IT in Miami, in fact it is a hell of a lot easier to make it in Miami than New York. All I need is a few bucks , be a hypocrite , kiss some asses , go to a couple of Versailles meetings and I am IN. Of course a nice donation to any of the cuban/AMERICAN organizations will take a hell of a lot farther that YOU are today.

6- The anonymous policy is to avoid spam, and if you MUST post under anonymous man YOU are REALLY a coward. Fact Which right there sends your credibility into the shitter.

7 - If YOU think that Cubans in Miami stopped the Yanks from calling us spics, you are just a fucking idiot.
The one thing that YOU have been able to achieve in Miami is to divide Cubans into those who believe in Cuba and those who believe in Miami. I was called Spic once in my life by an American. I had been called ñangara by Mr. Prieto; I hear it is a common epithet in Miami to those Cubans who do not automatically fall at the feet of the anointed ones and buy into their bull shit. So as we ALL have said you and your kind have claimed position and dictated the rules that will make a Cuban accepted or not in Miami. THAT, you intelligence challenged twat, is changing one type of bigotry for another.

8 – To a person; I meet Latin Americans who ask me why the Miami Cubans are the way they are. I am FUCKING tired of defending your rudeness, your sense of “YO SOY EL QUE MAS MEA” and, do not fucking tell me YOU do not feel SUPERIOR to the rest of Latin Americans. We haven’t been able to get rid of KaSStro in 50 years but “NOSTROS SI QUE TENEMOS COJONES” , ah man .. Think about your (ours) foibles before opening your tarado brain to expose your idiotic logic.

9- How in hell do types like you let the sister of Fidel Castro grow a business and let it flourish without even suspecting she was still a Fidelista? Where is your acumen , Skippy ?

If it is not Gloria Estefan, or Andy Garcia, your deities may have any skeleton in the closet yet you still kneel at their feet and wait for the royal pat. Now, does THAT not make you embarrassed of “some” Miamians?

And to close you think that my personal problem is drama, hey I give two fucks how you feel about it. Just because a lot of people have shown sympathy and a sense of solidarity, do you even THINK that what a maggot like you may say bothers me?

You do not care for me? Well up until 20 minutes ago I did not know your putris self even existed, but *YOU* MADE it in Miami? .. PLEASE asere you are just another equivocado with delusions of grandeur

Satisfied Mr. anonymous?
El Caiman , yeah sure.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my selfish question, but I came from Cuba in 1975 as a youngster - am I or my parents considered "historico" exile? We don't live in Miami, so pardon my ignorance.

Anonymous said...

It is rather interesting for me to read the article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop posting such stories. I love to read blogs like that. Just add more pics :)