The proudest chapter in the history of the Review of Cuban-American Blogs was its struggle to save the life of "Elenita," the much-abused 4-year old refugee girl whose absent-for-life father wanted to return her to Cuba so that Castro might have a matched set of juvenile captives stolen from freedom and returned to Cuba to be raised in slavery.
Babalú and its satellites refused to say even one word on her behalf because they feared a repeat of the Elián affaire, as if the triumph of injustice by foul means eight years earlier should constrain us from seeking justice now and forever.
Elenita was not returned to Cuba, no thanks to Judge Jeri Beth Cohen who had opined in her courtroom that all Cubans refugees should be. I don't believe that RCAB has ever received more google hits than those generated by searches for information on "Jeri Beth Cohen." The rest of the Cuban blogosphere may not have given a damn about "Elenita's" fate but, apparently, a great many people did.
The return of Eric Holder and Greg Craig, the point-men in Elián's kidnapping, as Attorney General and White House Counsel, respectively, in the Obama administration, will not bode well for "Elenita" or the other Cuban children currently in her predicament or who shall find themselves there in the next 4 years.
We warned that Craig and Holder were both slated for preferment in an Obama administration while Val & Company continued gathering evidence that McCain was a "RINO" and urging their readers to vote for Obama so that there could be a resurgence of "real conservatism" in 2012 as a reaction to McCain's failed candidacy and Obama's failed presidency. Yes, over "Elenita's" shattered life and the lives of all Cuban children who will be sacrificed in the next four years as propitiatory offerings to Castro.
But, of course, the lives of Cuba's children or adults couldn't matter less to the Babalunians. The people of Cuba are an encumbrance to their plans and "freedom," as they see it, must find a way around them now that the "Human Pressure Cooker" has reverted to Castro's sole use. And while they anxiously count down the days to 2012, Obama and his cohorts will have come to the rescue of the Cuban Revolution and turned Cuba into an American protectorate economically as it has been politically since 1962, when Kennedy agreed to make the U.S. the guarantor of Communism in Cuba. Obama will provide the regime with internal protection as JFK bestowed on it external protection, insuring thereby that no living Cuban will ever know freedom or democracy in his own country.
Judge Jeri Beth Cohen Is Up for Reelection: "Remember Elenita!"
"What Can You Do for Me, Baby?"
In Elenita's Case, Freedom Wins
Judge Jeri B. Cohen Stopped Dead in Her Tracks By Appellate Court
Judge Jeri B. Cohen Seeks the Spotlight Again
Judge Jeri B. Cohen Awaits Her Report Card
Judge Cohen: The Little Girl Is Lying
Now Judge Cohen Officially Banishes the Truth from Her Courtroom
A Letter to Florida Governor Crist Appealing for Elenita's Life
More Fabricated Evidence Exposed and the "C Word" Banned from Judge Cohen's Courtroom
Elenita's Fairy Tale: Grimm Was Never This Grimm
What Judge Jeri B. Cohen Should Take to Bed Every Night
Judge Jeri B. Cohen's Decision: We Should All Want "Marginal" Fathers
Ana Menéndez Psychoanalyzes Cuban Exiles
The Real Parents — Joe and María Cubas
Joe Cubas: Castro's Worst Nightmare (and Henry's)
Ana Menéndez & Robert Molleda: The Hag and the Gelding; Or, Love in the Stable
Notable and Hateful: No Mercy for Children Who Straggle From Castro's Knee
What Creature Do I Despise the Most in the World?
The "Elenitas" Keep Multiplying
Is Oscar Corral In Cabaiguán, Cuba?
The Saga of Babalú's Henry Gómez & Alex of SotP
Judge Jeri B. Cohen Just "Hates It; Hates It; Hates It"
Judge Jeri Beth Cohen Gets Her Man (Off)
The Guajiro Hamlet: Rafael Izquiedo
Elián's Father was "Adopted" Too
El Bitongo
The Last Redoubt of Magical Realism: Judge Jeri Beth Cohen's Courtroom
By Their Scars You Will Know Them: The Ordeal of Elenita and Her Brother
Castro's Lawyers Kurzban & Davis Face Disbarment in Cubas-Izquierdo Custody Battle
Cui Bono: The Unasked Question in Judge Cohen's Courtroom
Elena Pérez: Her Life As a Mother and a Mistress (Or Chasing Cod in Cabaiguan)
Letter to Elena Pérez: Birth Mother of the Cuban Refugee Girl
Judge Jeri B. Cohen: Love Child of Janet Reno and Doris Meissner
The Poor Little Cuban Girl that They Call "Eliana"
Notable & Variable: Well, Well, Henry
What "American-Cuban" Bloggers Really Think About "Eliana"
¡Viva Ziva! The Moral Conscience of Babalu Blog
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Mansuelo cuando vas a regrezar a Cuba para rebelarte en la manigua como Marti?
Si este post es lo mejor de tu blog entonces por que no clausuraste de hace rato o cambiaste el nombre de este antro de arrogancia?
Te quedan dos dias tic .... tac .... tic .... tac
LOL, anger at Holder about Elian. But no anger at "Bush" for Elenita.
Oh, it is 2016, that you have to live under President Obama's leftist rule.
Se te acabo la materia Mansuelo, el coco tuyo esta seco y pa lo unico que sirve ya es pa venderselo a los santeros.
Cierra YA.
I dont give a damn about Elenita
El gran post de Fantomas esta casi terminado, cuando esa bomba neutronica sea explotada por aqui no quedara nadie, el coco seco de Mansuelo sera lo unico que quedara y la personalidad eterea que Mansuelo tiene en Vana no sabra ni que decir, aunque todos sabemos que tarde o temprano se cagara fuera del cajon.
The courts decided the fate of Elenita. Circuit Judge Cohen was elected, not appointed by Bush.
Obama may well rule beyond 2016 in the style of Hugo Chávez.
Obama may well rule beyond 2016 in the style of Hugo Chávez
Que comemierda y bruto eres Manuel , tu sabes muy bien que eso que acabas de decir ES IMPOSIBLE QUE PASE porque hay leyes y un pueblo inteligente que no lo permitiran
Y no me vengas con que eso paso en Cuba y en Venezuela, no me vengas con esa excusa barata comunistoide batistiana
Te volvistes a cagar fuera del cajon
tomate una leche magnesia para que se te cierre el culo, cuando Fantomas te suene mañana con la cabilla el te abrira de nuevo
How do we know that the large number of hits that you claim are true and not made up by you?
You still have not answered many questions from your readers. Why not, what are you afraid of?
La cabilla de Fantomas es un cañon de artilleria, un oloeducto, un tunel del Canal de la Mancha, pero sin hueco ninguno, es solida y masiva, el cabillazo viene y acabara con la habladura de mierda.
Aqui se acabo la habladuria de mierda y la comermierderia de los babalusianos, las urracas , los Ernestos Bustos y los Tellecheas. Mañana fantomas se desencadena una vez mas
El multimillonario mexicano Carlos Slim, uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo, podría invertir “varias centenas de millones de dólares” en el grupo de prensa estadounidense New York Times, afirmó el diario económico Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
El editor del célebre periódico reuniría a su consejo administrativo la semana próxima para estudiar la transacción, señaló el WSJ en su sitio web.
La inversión de Slim se efectuaría por compra de acciones preferenciales, títulos sin derecho a voto pero que ofrecen una remuneración superior a la de una acción ordinaria. Este mecanismo tendría la ventaja de no diluir la participación de control de la familia Sulzberger.
La inyección de fondos de Slim permitiría al grupo de prensa ganar tiempo cuando el mundo de los medios está pasando por grandes dificultades económicas, agregó el diario citando a personas cercanas al caso.
En noviembre, el grupo New York Times redujo en tres cuartos sus dividendos para obtener liquidez. Pero el grupo sigue muy endeudado y varias de sus líneas de crédito expiran en los próximos meses, agregó el Wall Street Journal, uno de sus grandes competidores.
Slim, quien ha hecho su fortuna en el sector de las telecomunicaciones, posee ya una participación en el NY Times que era de 6,4% a fines de septiembre. Perdió la mitad de su valor inicial y vale actualmente cerca de 60 millones de dólares.
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