Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Notable & Risible: Bush as the "First Cuban-American President"

"Many people in his administration refer to President Bush as the first Cuban-American President, as his dedication to the cause of the Cuban people's freedom has always been strong, steadfast and unwavering.

"Say what you will about the man, but his convictions vis-a-vis Cuba have always been crystal clear. No other US president in the history of this country has done as much to help Cuba's prisoners of conscience and political prisoners than President George W. Bush.

"Gracias, Mr. President. To me, you truly are the first Cuban-American President." — Val Prieto, "Message to the Cuban People by President Bush," Babalú, January 13, 2009

No president has been more loquacious about the Cuban people's right to be free, nor less disposed to do anything to promote their freedom, than George W. Bush.

No president has secured the release of or given asylum to fewer Cuban political prisoners than George W. Bush, nor has any president before him failed to secure the condemnation of the Castro regime for human rights abuses at the U.N. and other international forums.

No president has enforced the legal travesty known as the"Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy longer than George W. Bush, though he could have abolished it 8 years ago with a stroke of his pen and restored the original meaning and intent of the Cuban Adjustment Act (1966).

No president is responsible for denying asylum to more freedom-seeking Cubans, or for deporting more men, women and children to Castro's island prison, than George W. Bush.

No president is to blame for the deaths of more Cuban refugees on the high seas, including those murdered in cold blood by the U.S. Coast Guard while executing his orders, than George W. Bush.

No president has been more accommodating in the gutting of the trade embargo than George W. Bush.

No president has done more to separate the Cuban family, or to increase the misery of the Cuban people while exempting the regime from any punitive actions, than George W. Bush.

No president has done more to facilitate or been more indifferent to the expansion of Communism in Latin America than George W. Bush.

No president before him ever used Cuban soil (which is what Guantánamo Naval Base is) for the purposes to which George W. Bush has in violation of all bilateral treaties and of Cuban sovereignty itself.

No president was ever more committed to maintaining the status quo in Cuba, or so often chose stability over freedom there, avoiding the crises that even Carter and Clinton couldn't avoid, than George W. Bush.


Fantomas said...

Gracias por seguir mi recomendacion de que le respondieras a Val en este tema

Tenia mi confianza depositada enteramente en ti

Te vamos a extrañar mucho

Fantomas said...

Sorry off topic

Who won Paralelo o Generation?

no te olvides del follow up post on that one too

I can't wait

Fantomas said...

No president has done more to facilitate or been more indifferent to the expansion of Communism in Latin America than George W. Bush.

Indeed, under Bush

El de Paraguay


Fantomas said...

I need feedbacks folks

Vamos salgan de la cueva a comentar

Fantomas said...

No me dejen solo

Fantomas said...

But I'm not trying to scare anyone out there


Anonymous said...

Manuel drop a comment or two, don't be selfish. I know you are out there now. I can see you

Anonymous said...

Amen! Manuel

Mambi_Watch said...

No other President has called into Radio Mambi more often than Bush.

What do you think that means?

Anonymous said...

DRy foot

Wet Foot

Big Foot

Anonymous said...

Who sold more goods to Cuba in the last 8 years than any other President before him

Contesta Pay Val

Anonymous said...

travelinbeat said...
Agustin I asked you in a previous post to desist with the personal attacks. I'm now asking you again. My failure to agree with you does not constitute naiveté, it simply means that we disagree. In that former post which I reference, you write: "And BTW, we do not have to love it if we do not like it. Get it? This is the USA still, and we can have all the dissenting opinions we like. Did anyone tell you to leave the USA when Bush was elected back in 2000? No one likes a smart Aleck." I'd say the only thing worse than a smart Aleck is a hypocrite. Please take a page from your own book, and refrain from getting personal, because there is absolutely no room in an objective discourse for subjectivity (this assuming that we all want to reach a consensus, which, come to think of it, may not be what you're after at all).

Now you say I'm naive, and that I'm innocent, and I think it's a real shame that you equate the latter with the former. I've spoken with very conservative people at great length about Obama and McCain and Kennedy, Clinton, Eisenhower, Regan, Nixon, and Carter (among others), and I understand that though I haven't lived through their terms first-hand, I have a intellectual obligation to seek out what made their terms successes or failures. To say that I am innocent is strange and I don't know what part it has in this conversation. I fail to understand not only your context, but also your point. To say I'm naive on the other hand is somewhat presumptuous.

I never say that I am against war. What I am however very much against is the hemorrhaging of resources we don't have to support (among other things) the 750+ Military bases we have abroad (not to mention the roughly 6,000 stateside installations). We now (and really have for a long time) have been unable to support our military. The only thing that kept the "Soviets [knowing] ... we would retaliate and destroy them too" was the arms build-up which we stockpiled on BORROWED MONEY-- which we've not only failed to pay off, but in fact have compounded with over a trillion more dollars, and an ongoing war which is estimated to cost about $300million / day.

Now you can feel free to rest upon the laurels of your age, and I cannot blame you for doing so. I trust that you have lived threw things and witnessed things and suffered disappointments which I have not encountered, and many which I probably never will encounter. It is entirely the prerogative of an advancing generation to condescend and throw around terms like "naive" and "innocent." I'll call to mind another quote now, and ask you to remember the context in which I'm quoting it-- that is to prove that my perceived "naiveté" is not the exclusive idiots' playground of fools and youth:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

I'll let you read that, and consider it. Consider that it is a statement not of passivity, but of actualization. Neither I nor the man quote are men who are / were disinclined to fight when fighting is / was required. There is a good and just cause in many instances. The fact is though, that we are involved in a war right now which predates us, and will likely outlive us. Our money (or perhaps more accurately, the money we are addicted to borrowing) would be better spent in relocating the innocent civilians of the battle-torn regions, and letting the land-crazed fanatics sort it out. Churchill once said that "a fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." This applies to the issues of the Middle East. I'm willing to concede that there are a great deal of fanatics prancing around blowing up each other and our soldiers in the Middle East, but it's also important to realize that those who are blowing each other up are not the ones who yearn for a simple human existence. The fanatics are killing each other and sacrificing themselves, their lives, their futures all for land disputes from before the birth of Christ.

I know many people reading this can relate to what I'm about to say-- so long as there are feuds (be they political, cultural, religious, etc) which predate the birth of one people, their will be the marginalization of refugees and people who hope for peace (refugees who will often outnumber the agitators). My family has Cuban blood, and my family was blessed with enough luck to evade the Communists before they were stuck in a lifetime of Fidel Cuba. This is extremely relevant to the Middle Eastern situation because it would be foolish for us to think that a) that there is absolutely no one out there who wouldn't be delighted at a second chance at life and b) We can stop people from killing each other who WANT to kill each other. The most logical and cost efficient solution is to move out the peaceful people (admittedly this could be a logistical problem, but really the agitators won't wan to leave anyways, that's the whole point!).

Isolationism is an idea which I think we aught to consider. Perhaps not to quite the level of pre-WW (assuming that was even possible), but certainly we should withdraw ourselves from conflicts which do not involve us (remember that the "Islamofascists" didn't just randomly decide to start hating Americans-- it was us sticking our beaks in which got us into this mess in the first place).

Agustin your patronizing, Orwellian belief that "War is Peace" leaves me feeling divided. Half of me is terrified that anyone cause even pretend to harbor such backwards and inverted interpretations of what America is. The other half recognizes that you have yet to provide a single solitary string of even marginally convincing or corroborating evidence, and as such I am driven to suspect that there is simply no logical basis for your argument. That coupled with your propensity to involve personal attacks certainly presents a portrait that you are not a very logically oriented person; which is fine, but again, if you are to convince me of your opinion, you'll need to try and use some logic, not just insults and half-explored assertions. Perhaps you would be more comfortable stilling through with the rest of the The Party's mantra: "Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength."

And for those of you wondering about the uncredited quotation earlier, before you go spitting at your screen and calling me a socialist, it is not from a flag-burning hippie or a war protesting communist, but is instead yet another nugget of genius from our very own Texas born 34th President, and decorated WWII Vet, Mr. Dwight D Eisenhower, one year before being appointed 1st Supreme Allied Commander Europe, and three years prior to being elected president-- quoted when he was 60 years young.

January 13, 2009 6:20 PM

Fantomas said...

La mayoría de programas de radio y televisión tuvieron desde el lunes como tema único la situación. El viernes de madrugada, al parecer, hubo movimientos "elocuentes", en los ministerios del Interior y de las Fuerzas Armadas, tras un posible fallo cardiaco de Fidel. "Fuentes bien informadas" señalaron que Castro tuvo ya una recaída en diciembre, no reconoce a sus más allegados y no está ya ni para fotos, como las últimas con el segundo patriarca de la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa, o el presidente chino, Hu Jintao. La serie de visitas a La Habana de distintos presidentes latinoamericanos, como la próxima de la presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, son un índice, según distintos analistas, de reafirmar a Raúl como sucesor antes de anunciar la definitiva desaparición de su hermano.

Aunque no lo exterioricen en la calle, muchos exiliados repiten que Fidel ya está muerto. "Lo único que le faltó decir es cuándo va a ser el sepelio", comentó uno sobre las palabras de Chávez. "El señor Fidel Castro ya no existe", dijo otro. Hasta se critica a Chávez por "querer robarle la noticia a Raúl", y ya en plena recta final de la toma de posesión de Barack Obama el día 20, uno más comentó: "Están esperando a que se vaya Bush para no tener que entregárselo a él y sí a su sucesor porque con él podrán negociar".

El Mambi said...

Fidel Castro is dead. Hugo Chavez let it slip on Venezuelan TV.

swampthing said...

let's recall who said "my job would be a heck of allot easier if this was a dictatorship, haha" oh yeah castro-american #43.

Anonymous said...

me recago en el corazon de tu madre, so maricon, hijo de puta. Eres un agente castrista infiltrado y te van a dar tu merecido ajuste de cuentas cuando vayas a nostalgia cubana. Jay se quedara viudo mariconzon.

Fantomas said...

Boy, Im sure glad Hillary put her foot down and Im absolutely positively sure that the castro regime got right on it. Or, they meant to get right on it but couldnt find the keys to all the cells.

Posted by Val Prieto at 07:33 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

La nueva Dama De hierro Hillary con 18 millones de votos en sus bolsillos sabra derrotar a Raul face to face sin preconditions


En 6 dias comienza el biberonazo

Fantomas said...

Alex said...
Bush IS the first Cuban American president. Good for Cuban Americans, bad for Cubans.

1/14/2009 8:06 AM

Eso es una gran farsa . Eso se lo creen 2 o 3 histericos babalusianos nada mas. Ni le des cabeza a eso

Fantomas said...

me recago en el corazon de tu madre, so maricon, hijo de puta. Eres un agente castrista infiltrado y te van a dar tu merecido ajuste de cuentas cuando vayas a nostalgia cubana. Jay se quedara viudo mariconzon.
Nostalgia 2009 May 15-17
Alli estare firmando autografos

Anonymous said...

Bush IS the first Cuban American president. Good for Cuban Americans, bad for Cubans.

1/14/2009 8:06 AM

Bad for Cubans, and bad for Cuban-Americans. The Cuban-Americans has forever discredited themselves, as they still worship Bush, like ignorant lemmings.

Even if the world would like to forget that the Cuban-American foisted Bush upon the world. The Cuban-American will never allow the world to forget that he was the Cuban immigrant that was responsible for Bush's rise to power.

The world has taken note, and the world will never allow the Cuban-American to make another decision of any significance ever again.

The world will also punish the Cuban-American anywhere it find him outside of the safe confines of America. That is of course, if the Cuban-American is foolish enough to admit publicly that they are in fact Cuban-American.

Mambi_Watch said...

Mr. Tellechea,

You also forgot to mention the Bush administration's treatment of Luis Posada Carriles.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Shameful, isn't it?

But let's wait till January 20th.

Mambi_Watch said...

Now I got something to look forward to.

Still, you didn't mention it on this post.

Anonymous said...

Que post mas mierda Mansuelo, oye chico cuando acostumbras a tus lectores a escrituras de plena calidad este tipo de cobertura simplistica parece un mojoncito flotando en un inodoro, deja ya de comer tanta mierda y escribe algo que valga la pena leer o cierra este prostibulo ahora mismo.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...



I am also waiting until January 20th before adding that infamy to all the rest.

Anonymous said...

El peruano castrista salio de su cueva inmunda y vuelve a vomitar su odio por los cubanos enemigos de Castro. Porque no te mudas de una vez para tu Cuba socialista Mambito peruanito?

Anonymous said...


Who is going to keep track of the babalusians after Jan 20th ????

At least you need to keep an open trd

Anonymous said...


Que paso amigo ?

Que te parecio el video que puse?

Anonymous said...

The whole world has overwhelmingly rallied behind President Obama, except Cuban-Americans. This at first blush, would seem like a bad thing for President Obama.

Quite the opposite, it is a great development. Decisions can be made without their voices being listened to. (Bush already showed this is always the case.)

Presecution of said community, can proceed unchallenged, and uncared for. As they no longer have a natural ally, here, or abroad. Prominent Republicans from Wall St, to main street, are tripping over themselves to align themselves with the most beloved and powerful human being the world has ever seen.

Yup, good ole wrong-headed Cuban-Americans. Now they will have to wait until 2016, to say, "we told you so." At least they HOPE they can say, "see we told you so." By then, the Mexican-American will be sufficiently powerful enough to assume the levers of power in America. And when that happens. God help the Cuban-American. Because, at least with President Obama, he will be hesistant to oppress Cubans, many of whom have black relatives. Mexicans on the other hand, will be under no such constraints. As the hatered of the Cuban, by the Mexican, is unmatched, anywhere in the world.

Google: Behind the scenes, Obama's support among Republicans grows

Anonymous said...

anon 5:51 AM:

Where is Agustin Farinas ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:40 PM

Vana dear el esta en un sitio que tu conoces porque lo visitas to los dias, dejate de cuentecitos diciendo que tu no sabes, igual que haciendo una pregunta a este servidor sin mencionar mi nombre, yo se que tu sabes que fui yo el que deje el comentario a las 5:51, yo no soy una persona, soy un movimiento indetenible, con miles de seguidores.

Anonymous said...

Vana que es una libreta?

Anonymous said...

Mansuelo que es la escuela al campo?

los batistianos que corrieron no conocen eso, tu lo conoces Alberto?

Fantomas said...

The whole world has overwhelmingly rallied behind President Obama, except Cuban-Americans. This at first blush, would seem like a bad thing for President Obama.

Hey John, dont you understand that there are millions of Cubans rooting for Obama right now

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thanks for this information ,, thanks ,,

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