Friday, January 16, 2009

A Celebration Without a Victory

I'm trying my best to get in a festive mood but I can't seem to manage it. I suppose because there's nothing to celebrate. The death of Fidel Castro will not be the end of Castroism in Cuba much less the re-birth of freedom there. Even his death per se is far from satisfactory. Death is a biological certainty. It comes to all men regardless of the good or evil that they do in life. There is nothing retributive in it. Castro's death is no exception. It is ridiculous to regard it as our "victory." If anything it is his victory: Fidel was never brought to justice for his crimes and his death guarantees that he never will be. The biggest mass murderer in the history of the Western Hemisphere will die in his own bed. Can any of us say with certainty that he shall do the same? Millions have expired in the last 50 years who asked for nothing more than to die in their own country yet their prayers went unanswered just so that he might become the first dictator in Cuban history to die in his own bed.

A death like Che Guevara's was worth celebrating because it signified the triumph of justice.

Castro's death confirms only the injustice of life.

The bottles of champagne that were purchased 50 years ago to toast the re-birth of freedom in our country have all now turned to vinegar. It is only these bottles that should be opened on the occasion of Castro's death.

Gall is the only drink that befits such an occasion.


Anonymous said...

what do you think about people praying for castro?

Anonymous said...

Dicen que Moneo faltara al trabajo el martes para poder ver tranquilamente desde su casa la inaguracion de obama

Anonymous said...

Ni Vana ni nadie podran jamas ser la sangre y la vida de este blog. El señor Fantomas se llevo esa distincion. Hasta el ultimo dia fantomas dejo su marca , marco su territorio y dicto las pautas
Fantomas fue el dueño de este blog desde el mismo primer dia que Manuel lo abrio
Vana llego muy tarde ya fantomas estaba en total control

Anonymous said...

Marco Rubio would be a major improvement over this rino.

Posted by Davidb1 at January 16, 2009 10:30 PM

America will never again vote for a Cuban, in a state-wide race again. Particularly, if he tries to shed his Cuban heritage, in order to currey favor with those whom hate them the most, i.e., republicans.

Vana said...

I feel as you my friend, when he first became sick I had hopes, but I know now nothing will change in Cuba, I will still celebrate though!!

Anonymous said...

How can anything change in Cuba when so many people there collaborate with the regime? These clowns know that as soon as the regime loses power they're going to get whacked.

JMP said...

Fantomas fue el dueño de este blog? Que clase de comemierda.

Anonymous said...

No joep, he still is until the 2oth and beyond, ask anybody

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Messiah

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