Thursday, January 15, 2009

On the Day that Fidel Castro Dies

I do not know if Fidel Castro is dead or not. I have accepted, however, the fact that there will be no final reckoning extracted from him, nothing as poetic as Mussolini's corpse dangling upside down in a gutter or Ceausescu's riddled with bullets in a pool of his festering blood. We shall have no such national catharsis. Even Hitler's fate, execution by his own hand as the Doomsday clock ticked, he has avoided. The architect of our country's ruin will die in his own bed, as no other Cuban dictator has done before. The chaos of 50 years, in whose maelstrom he lived and thrived, shall survive him; but he shall no longer be at the center of it. It is not known what if anything he will take with him, but one thing is certain: if our country is ever to move beyond him, Fidel Castro's physical existence — animal, vegetable or mineral — must finally lapse and resolve itself into innate matter. He will be less dangerous that way, though his maggots will continue to feed on our country for years to come, continuing his work of destruction after him.

Fidel's death by installments, which is a measure of justice for him and injustice for us, served the ends of his successor by allowing him to consolidate his power in his brother's shadow. It also showed the Cuban people how truly irrelevant Fidel had become except as the bogeyman of all their nightmares. In two years the Cuban people have become comfortable with the idea of a moribund-to-dead Castro. Those who regarded him as a god must have been surprised at how easy it is to let a god die. The impact of his death, if not thus diluted, might have caused more of a national convulsion. Now it is but another sham spectacle that they must endorse with their presence. At least the professional criers that followed 19th century funerals were compensated for their tears. That work now is obligatory and unavoidable. There will be tears enough to shed on that day, not for him, of course, but for everything that he blighted and obliterated in his passage through the earth.


Vana said...


I feel like a heel as if I abandoned ship, in my absense which has not been obsolete you have been attacked by all and sundry, you need an ally my friend, though Iam a lady and is hard for me to take back my words I'm back.

No we shall not get the death we wanted, we, as you say will not be able to hang him upside down at the Plaza and take stabs at him, he will die or has died placidly in his bed, according to Charlie they plan to bury him on the date of Marti's birth, imagine that!! it's just too sick for words!!

Anonymous said...

Fantomas es un Genio. Vana just proved it

Anonymous said...

Manuel please stay until the 28th


Anonymous said...

Val, how do we Obama supporters like the change so far. I can only speak for myself, of course. But the change that i only cared about, are the stopping of Cuban immigrants running through the White House, that is change enough for me. Obama doesnt have to do one more thing to please this Obama supporter!!


As a side-note, i find it interesting, how the Republicans no longer care to ask Eric Holder about his role in shipping Elian back to the clutches of a dictator. Now Val, how do you like that kind of change?

Anonymous said...

leon panetela

val says

change, change, change, change

Anonymous said...

Deje de estar mintiendo Vana dear, usted no se fue de aqui y todos lo sabemos, el primer parrafo suyo es un desastre tan inexplicable que parece un revoltillo de gramatica. Cual fue el ultimo grado que usted asisitio en la primaria, tercero o cuarto? con tantos años viviendo en los EEUU usted y esa es su capacidad? este servidor llego a esta nacion casi 20 años despues de usted y mi ingles es mejor que el suyo, eso es una pena.

que es una libreta Vana dear?

que es la escuela al campo Vana dear?

cual es su verdadero nombre señora?

que edad tiene usted, 70?

Acuerdece que este blog mal nombrado que nunca deberia nacido llegara a la sepultura en pocos dias, apresurece a contestar, ya queda poco tiempo.

PS Y Vana recuerde, en español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos.

PPS Mansuelo tu violate tu palabra de hombre y borraste un comentario de anoche, el cache de Google lo recojio y yo lo salve y guarde, no entiendo porque esa pregunta te llevo a tal extremo, suelta la botella viejo, eso no te ayuda a ti ni a nadie.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am very glad to have you back with us again. No other commenter is more associated with this blog than you as an unequivocal supporter, nor has any other made more valuable contributions to its success. Indeed, there are those who think that you are me, which I take as a very high compliment.

I hope that all our old commenters will follow your example and return for the last days of RCAB.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am seriously considering re-opening The Madhouse one last time. It would be almost a crime to abandon you to roam aimlessly through the byways of the internet when you are in such dire need of help. It would be far more merciful to confine you permanently and let your former refuge be your mausoleum.

This is your last warning.

The nets are already out.

Anonymous said...

Mansuelo contesta la pregunta que te hicieron anoche, la que tu borraste, a que tu le tienes miedo chico?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


So, my friend, are you up to resuming your duties as administrator of The Madhouse, and shall Agustín and Angel return to help us?

Sharpshooter said...

maybe finally we will get the justice we have been seking and the Tyrant will be deliverd into the hands of the Almighty for his judgement. Evry indication seems to be that this time we may be right. I hpe so as I am tired of seeing our hjopes rise only to see another one of those videos with the Tyrant parading around and holding hands with his visitors.
BTW, I hear Rubber Head has already bought his long black dress down to his ankles and plans to be in mourning for 3 years. It looks like his idol will not be around for him to scream his patria or muerte like he does here.

Vana said...


Thank you for welcoming me back, please do send fantomas to the Madhouse, surely he has earned his admission into such a fine institution, he seems to be more out of control than ever, maybe jitters at RCAB's closing

Vana said...


Yes!! ready and willing to assist at The Madhouse!!

Agustin Welcome back!!

Anonymous said...

"...tears...for everything that he [Fidel] blighted and obliterated in his passage through the earth."

Exactly my sentiment. Thank you Manuel for keeping the spotlight on our collective tragedy.

Anonymous said...

I hope that all our old commenters will follow your example and return for the last days of RCAB.

1/15/2009 12:30 PM

Not only are these the last days for RCAB. But it is the last days for Cuban-American influence. The hard work of several Cuban-American generations lead to the creation of the feared and respected battleship, called the USS Cuban-American. From it, was the creation of George W. Bush, their captain, who they gave the wheel to steer the ship. From him, they had high hopes that their leader, would steer the ship into a port, in a newly freed Cuba.

Tragically, the complete opposite happened. As their captain, George W. Bush was the first to abandoned the USS Cuban-American. Bush's abandonment, was one of many who came on board, looking for bounty and treasures. Knowing, that he as Captain would never be required to steer the USS Cuban-American in a proper course.

Now, what is left of the once vaunted and respected USS Cuban-American. Nothing, she is a tragic but necessary shipwreck, that has been beached. Used, and abused, once again, by people who had ill-intent from the minute they came aboard. As has been the whispered reputation of the Cuban-American, "they can be easily taken advantage of, they do it to each other all of the time."

Sure, there are buzzards, like Val and Henry, that continue to circle above the shipwreck. Lashing out in frustration, at what was once, searching in vain for the remaining scraps. But they too know, that they helped put a hole in their own ship.

Now, there is a new battleship in town, called the USS Obama. In the USS Obama, a fierce and more powerful warship has arrived. With a crew that is more diverse, committed, and dangerous. As is the case with leftist of any nation. Surprisingly, many of those who crewed the USS Cuban-Americans, are desperately swimming towards the USS Obama, in hopes of shelter from the isolation, and future punishment, by an enraged leftist nation.

Unfortunately, for them, they will be made to slave in the bowels of the ship, if allowed to come aboard in the first place. The former crew of the USS Cuban-American will never be allowed to see the daylight, or the stars at night. As they have no one to blame but themselves, as the beached their own battleship!!

Fantomas said...

Manuel cuando hablas de mi ten el valor de decirmelo en mi cara, en primera persona
No seas cobarde viejo, ten decencia y coraje. Se hombre for once

Anonymous said...

Un tal fantomas acaba de aplicar en nuestras oficinas de Dade County expresamente para trabajar en el evento Nostalgia 2009

En el resume del señor fantomas aparece que ha matado millones de cucarachas en su historial de trabajo

Anonymous said...

Mansuelo comportate como un caballero en estas tus ultimas horas, cierra esto lo más reverentemente posible, el daño lo has hecho solo tu aqui con tus ataques a diestra y siniestra, ademas desde el primer post este sitio tuvo un tono de humor y no fue tan serio.

Vana usted parece que no trabaja porque se pasa la vida aqui y siempre dice lo mismo, what's up with that?

A y Mansuelo cuando te refieras a mi usa una C mayuscula o te voy a llamar manuel.

Anonymous said...

Estoy de vuelta

Anonymous said...

Orkin Man Miami said...
Un tal fantomas acaba de aplicar en nuestras oficinas de Dade County expresamente para trabajar en el evento Nostalgia 2009


Fantomas has only been hired to fumigate one participant booth

Anonymous said...

Para Alex, Farinas, Garzon, Manuel y Vana:

Ustedes parece que rehusan comportarse como adultos responsables y respetuosos, hay tiempo para bromear y tiempo para ser serio, aparentemente ninguno de ustedes conocen la diferencia, o a lo mejor no les da las ganas de reconocerlo, asi que les advierto que ya estoy hostinado de sus ataques personales contra este servidor, incluyendo cuando me ignoran mis preguntas u opiniones, mi paciencia tiene limite, les advierto con decencia y honestidad que como se pasen conmigo de ahora en ahora en adelante, las consecuencias les van a doler.

Y Manuel, yo se que tu eres el Brigadista y CJB, yo no soy bobo ni me chupo el dedo.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Bill Kristol of Foxnews excitedly said that there are a lot of things that he will now support President Obama on. And predicted that the conservative movement will split up into tiny pieces. LOL, you Cuban immigrants really got sold out, AGAIN!!


Your hatered of Obama is the highest in the entire world. So much so, that he could not even sit down with you, to make a counter-argument, as other conservatives are now doing. LOL

Anonymous said...

What is hatered John?

Anonymous said...

Manuel Tellechea= Cuchipluma na mas

Anonymous said...

Este cadaver apesta, ni siquiera las moscas lo aguantan ya, esta de odinga y Vana sigue con sus plegarias al cadaver, siempre repetitiva y metiendo el cucharon en el incorrecto cajon.

Anonymous said...

Cuban-Americans, come join this united world that is President Obama. Ah, on 2nd thought, nevermind, we dont need you.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Manuel, if you leave this blog up, next month, i will blog you from D.C. once or twice, just to prove to you that i have officially become one of Obama's stormtroopers. I have already packed my bags, and begun looking for my new living quarters in D.C, like tens of thousands of others Obamanites. Currently, i have to wait until the filfthy conservatives cockroaches flees D.C.

But always remember Manuel, that i will always protect you as best i can, in this extremely hostile leftist nation, which Bush has foisted upon the Cuban-American.

Unfortunately, i can make no guarantees. As my leftist belief system, is no where as harash, as some of my leftist brethen, with whom i will be closely working with.


It almost feels like i am in the military again. Except the enemy is no longer Serbs, but conservative Americans, which i guess includes Cuban-Americans.

Anonymous said...

Shut the hell up hatered John, nobody reads your dribble diatribes, you are the perfect example of wasteful and wasted bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

Also, Shut the hell up hatered Fantomas, nobody reads your dribble diatribes, you are the perfect example of wasteful and wasted bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Bravo= Troll

Manuel Tellechea = Troll

Fantomas = Saint

Brigadista = Comemierda

BCJ-JBC = Cobarde de mierda

Anonymous said...

Centurion= Pato

Anonymous said...

Now even the arch-republican rock star Ted Nugent, who once called Obama a piece of shit. Has asked Obama if he can go to work for him.

LOL, what is left of the republican party is desperately trying to flee towards to Obama.

But you Cuban immigrants, remember to stay put. Our new leftist nation, needs at least one whipping boy.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, the republicans are about to lose Kay Bailey Hutchinson seat in Texas, because of the Mexican demographic growth.

Turn out the light, party over. Turn out the light, party over.

Anonymous said...

Google: GOP Surprisingly Nervous About Texas Senate Seat

Fantomas said...

John I support Obama you give us Cubans with Obama a bad name

Would you shut your mouth for just a little while

don't you see that nobody is interested in your comments

Anonymous said...


When was the last time you had a job ?

Anonymous said...

Oh, distinguido Fantomas:

When was the last time you had a job ?

Fantomas said...

Oh, distinguido Fantomas:

When was the last time I did not have a job you meant, right

Anonymous said...


u correct -- u work for the DGI.


What's the DGI?

Anonymous said...

En español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos, menos Vana que no sabe hablar ni español ni ingles.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas es el blogero que mas trabaja por la causa de Cuba

Anonymous said...

Eto eta muelto, mansuelo conteta la plegunta que borrate, quieles que ponga la copia aqui?

Anonymous said...

Fanthomas said:

John I support Obama you give us

Cubans with Obama a bad name

Would you shut your mouth for just a little while

don't you see that nobody is interested in your comments

1/15/2009 10:00 PM

1. The biggest myth about me, is that if nobody talked to me, that i would go away. On the contrary, i enjoy when nobody talks back to me. Gives me more time and space to speak.

2. You, and other Cubans may support Obama. But so what!! The only discernable groups in the entire world, which are sworn enemies of President Obama are 1) racist republican 2) Cuban-Americans (same thing really). I think the entire world, would be comfortable if both groups were entirely eradicated from the earth. As both groups have brought nothing but division, misery, and harm to their own people. The work of the devil himself.

Only those two groups hate our nations heroes: JFK, RFK, MLK. They brag about hating our Hollywood actors, like Robert Deniro, and Al Pachino. They depise our sports stars like Michel Jordan and Tiger Woods. They also brag about their "pressure cooker" which involves heaping misery, upon the least among the Cuban population.

Fanthomas, if it were just a minority of the Cuban-Americans, then the world would overlook them, and embrace your community. But it isnt. In fact, the voice who represents these views, Val Preito, was recently ushered into the White House, to amplify, and ratify this horrific school of thought.

Therefore, since there is no opposition, from within the Cuban-American community, to this lazy, no-good drunkard's school of thought. It must be opposed from outside of your community. AND IT WILL BE OPPOSED!! We will do what you failed to do.




Dont think for a moment, that the majority of the world doesnt hold similiar views that i do. I know of no other group of people in the world that is more despised then the Cuban immigrant. One has to look no further then Val Prieto, the voice of the Cuba immigrant, to understand why!!

Fantomas said...

One has to look no further then Val Prieto, the voice of the Cuba immigrant, to understand why!!

Man , get a life Val Prieto does not represent me or any other Cuban

Anonymous said...

Man , get a life Val Prieto does not represent me or any other Cuban

1/16/2009 10:43 AM

He does not represent you individually, but he represents the prevailing view among the Cuban immigrant community. The hatred of anything not pro-Bush, the "pressure cooker theory," the embrace of the English culture, over hiw own Cuban culture. These are all ugly traits, that have been allowed to guide the Cuban immigrant community into complete and utter destruction.

And you know it.

I understand your pain. It is not your fault, that by birth, you were placed in this most odious of all communities. There is nothing you can do about being Cuban, other then suffer. Suffering is what Cubans do best.

How that "pressure cooker" theory working out for your community Val?

Anonymous said...

john longfellow aka lou dobbs= Charlie Bravo

Anonymous said...


If you keep on DELETING COMMENTS in violation of your pledge to the contrary, I will have no other choice but to forward those DELETED COMMENTS to all the bloggers that you have crucified for years for doing the same.

Answer the question that everyone who visits here wants answered, this blog's commenters want to know and you owe us all an answer.

Are you a closet homosexual Mansuelo Tellechea?

If you ERASE, DELETE, OR MOVE this comment, everything you have previously DELETED will be sent to the bloggers that you attacked, slandered and libled for doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

john longfellow aka lou dobbs= Charlie Bravo

1/16/2009 11:52 AM


LOL, is this supposed to be rebuttal? Even when you have seen my Terre Haute ip address in your sitemeter. Dishonesty is quite common within your community.

I can remember in the Cuban Connection, when you Babulians attempted to make counter-arguments, even though most were discredited neo-con talking points.

Now you are reduced to John=Charlie. LOL, i will take that statement as waiving the white flag of surrender. Something you Cuban immigrants are known for.

You would have been better off staying Cuba, and resisting from within. Rather, then whining from within America, to the American leaders. The very Americans who foisted Fidel upon you in the first place. (Let that sink in.)

Good luck being slaves in the new leftist America.



There is an old proverb. Goes something like this. If you swing at the king, you better not miss. You Cuban immigrants missed. Now you will be made to pay dearly!!

Anonymous said...

Come out of the closet, stop hiding Mansuelo Alberto, you are acting like a coward homosexual still hiding in the closet, come on out Mansuelo, we know Vana gets pissed when anyone says anything about gays because you are gay Mansuelo and she knows you still hiding in the closet. Vana's big mouth put the cuchara in el potaje Mansuelo, you know it, everyone else knows it, Vana should feel like a heel, la burreria de Vana dear te delato Mansuelo, sal ya de la cueva. Vana thanks for outing Manuel.

Vana's big mouth = Priceless

Anonymous said...


Have a look at "centurian," the world is on the brink of: Fidel may be dead, Cubans may be allowed to travel to Cuba again, a new leftist President.

And this guy wants to discuss that topic. Manuel, your community has so many people that do not nothing but spread dissension, and sew resent from within, and outside of your community.

It almost makes you wonder, if these guys are getting paid from a governmental entity.

Anonymous said...

This blog is dead, it's author has chosen to go back to his comfy little cave where he can hide, tremble and piss on himself in fear of a challenge, anyone's challenge sends him to the cave, he must be shitting his underwear, what a coward, he should have never opened a blog, the gaul of this coward to name one as this blog is named, the unelected inquisitor and master of all the Cuban-American blogs has run out of steam, out of energy, out of material, courage he never had.

Mansuelo = Coward batistiano

Anonymous said...

Con Fantomas todo es posible, sin Fantomas nada lo es.

Vana que es una libreta?

como se llama usted Vana?

cual es su IQ?

Mansuelo sal del closet mariposa, deja de usar a una mujer para hablar por ti, a que temes?

Vana = Manuel Alberto Tellechea

Vana said...

Y cuando no la regaron, se marchito la estamos esperando fanto, ¡¡que te marchites!!

Anonymous said...

The analogy doesn't perfectly fit because in one case, Cubans are willfully SLANDERED--and in the other the media told the truth about Afro-Americans

Posted by Rayarena at January 16, 2009 08:14 AM

You already know why. Just look at the two illustrative groups: Cubans and Afro-American. You see, Afro-Americans, are "AMERICANS." Cubans are immigrants.

And now the Afro-Americans run the nation. And moreover, nearly the entire nation approves. Something that Cuban immigrants will never be allowed to do.

Its that simple.

Vana said...


Don't be ignorant we are not chicanos!!

Vana said...


I'm not about to argue something you seem not to, or not want to comprehend, chicano is a term adopted by the Mexican immigrants who came to the USA, to them it means, Mexican-American, get it? got it? good!!

The End!

Vana said...

BTW John, we Cuban exiles have never, been ashamed of our hispanidad, we are damn proud of it!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Tonight I will remove your detritus to The Madhouse whence you should never have been discharged.

Vana said...

To The Madhouse Fanto!! we should have never released him Manuel,

Anonymous said...

Vana you have lived in California among the Mexican-Americans and the illegal Mexicans for decades and you can't describe the meaning of Chicano, you are dumber than I ever imagined, every time you say something you fuck up, I pity you dear, you and your mouth give Cubans a bad reputation, you make things worse for us and people like john love it, you have to be retarded dear, maybe you should see a therapist for the retarded, in the meantime, keep entertaining me dear and talking for that punk Mansuelo.

punk = sends woman to talk 4 him

Manuel = punk

Vana = Manuel's mouthpiece

Anonymous said...

What the F*CK?

Anonymous said...

Wow Vana, i dont know why you attempted to mislead, about the term Chicano. Fortunately, someone is watching you very closely for misleading statements that you are making.

Anonymous said...

This cathartic and ditritus filled cadaver is still stinking up the Cuban blogosphere?

tellechea, do all of us Cuban bloggers a favor and shut this presumption-filled, abortion surviving mallefaction today. Have you no shame tellechea?

Anonymous said...

Batista = Cobarde

Manuel = batistiano

Manuel = batistiano sin blog

batistiano sin blog = closet homo

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Saint

Vana said...

Vana said...

Coñooo fanto estas fuera de control, no se te olvide tomarte tu pastillita, ¡parece se te paso la hora!

Anonymous said...

heh heh heh - you already know what I'll be sipping on. A bottle of REAL Cuban Bacardi rum taken out of Cuba by my grandfather many years ago. Still sitting in a cabinet - unopened - with the instructions that it is ONLY to be uncapped upon Fidel's death.

It's lookin' mighty tasty right now.

Posted by CubaWatch at January 16, 2009 02:23 PM

Above is a typical statement of what the Cuban immigrants plan to do when Fidel is declared dead. Many Cuban immigrants are bragging about how much he is going to drink and, what he is going to drink.

What i find interesting to note, is the lack of constructive ideas, on the next step to take after Fidel. It may very well be that there are really no viable ideas that can be acted upon in a Fidel-less Cuba.

However, i find it telling, that there is not even an serious and intelligent discussion of what should be the next step after Fidel dies.

Hmmmmmmm ?

Vana said...


Please send all of fantomas ill bred comments to The Madhouse, furthermore I'm apt to believe cubanocon would also benefit from a stay there.

Anonymous said...

Manuel Albertoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...


Manuel, could you please review this site.


Anonymous said...

Whoever you are Vana, mind your business, who died and left you in charge of this plague upon the C-A blogosphere?

I don't know you but it seems that you are but one more of the useless of our people, from what I've read here you are not God's gift to humanity, quite the contrary, your statements inducate a feeble and diminutive peanut for a brain, so shut up, I don't have time for slaves like you.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is not a reliable source of accurate information, its contents is user provided, much of it is unconfirmed or verified Vana, another indicatory clue to your feeble mind.

Anonymous said...

Mansuelo Alberto sal del closet que todo el mundo aqui sabe que tu eres un cobarde, suelta la botella borrachona, deja de mandar a Vana a hablar por ti, comportate como un hombre for once.

Anonymous said...

Con Fantomas todo es posible, sin Fantomas, nada es.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Saint

Anonymous said...

cubanocan: Wikipedia is not a reliable source of accurate information,

1/16/2009 7:47 PM

=Henry Gomez (no doubt it)

Your Wikipedia aversion gave you away!!


Anonymous said...


You don't need to use Wiki to know that the term Chincao refers to Mexicans.

Anonymous said...


You sound like a gringo. Change your name to Americanocan. LOL

y .. no te metas con Vana .. Ella es la doncella de esta pagina .. and you have not been commenting here long enough to make fun of her..

Anonymous said...


Are you mentally retarded ?

1/16/2009 9:51 PM

No, just a very happy American. Happy that my nation has been restored back to Americans.

President Obama is a cometh, with a vengence!!

Anonymous said...

Balsero = Manuel

john = Manuel

Vana = Manuel

Garzon = Manuel

KC = Manuel

CB = Manuel

Farinas = Manuel

Fantomas = Fantomas

Anonymous said...

4 days till closing time

Farewell to Fantomas

Dear Sir Fantomas,

I can't congratulate you enough man. You have single handily finished 3 birds with your mighty cabilla

You are the only Cuban American Blogger who have stood firmly against the alter egos of Manuel Tellechea, Val Prieto and Charlie Bravo

You have shown tenacity and courage fighting those bastards

Fantomas you have helped close down this blog a very difficult task the Balaunians were not able to achieve

You will be remembered by your peers for a long time

Kudos to you Fantomas. Not only you are my fav blogger , hands down you are tops any list when it comes to our cause

Anonymous said...

Breaking News

Fantomas will not comment on this blog until the 19th

His last comment will be a bomb

Manuel are you ready to whistand the heat

Los speech writers de Fantomas le estan dando los toques finales a su ultimo post dedicado a ti Manuel

No lo hemos visto pero tal parece que Fantomas viene con todo y con careta

Anonymous said...

Did you read that Vana dear?
I know that reading and comprehending what you read is not an easy task for you, when you wrote that comment yesterday that only you could consider readeable, one thing was right in it, you called yourself a heel and you are right, you are one, at least you admit it, so I hope you can try to get what the comment that was written at 10:25 PM says, it says it all.

Anon 10:25 PM, thanks for the compliment.

Anonymous said...

Fanto the babalunians are furiosos
Be careful at Nostalgia. They want to frame you . It is a trap. Do not go

Anonymous said...

Fantomas being Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Manuel= Orgulloso Batistiano

Anonymous said...

Manuel can you please review
I'd really like to hear your opinion. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Llegamos a 100 porque llegamos

Anonymous said... virus blog friendly blog

babalublog= comemierda blog

reviewblog= circus/ zoo blog

Granma = papel higienico

miami herald= papel de meao de chihuahuas

Vana said...


Gracias, eres todo un caballero.

Vana said...


What does inducate mean? please tell little ole' me.

Anonymous said...

Antonio de la Cova= Ex terrorista

Humberto Fontova= Idiota

Jay Martinez = periodista y locutor

fantomas= freedom fighter

max lexnick= esbirro castrista

Perez roura/ ninoska= momias egipcias

Kill Castro= Chivato

Carlos Otero= buscon

Frank Calzon= Dead man walking

yo= Tremendo hijo puta y que vas a hacer?

Anonymous said...

On the Day that Fidel Castro Dies

Cuba will be freed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vana dear es verdad que usted es bruta, eso fue un typo, pasa cuando se escribe de prisa. Me da gracias a una personalidad y me condena a otra, su brutalidad es increible señora.

Anonymous said...

Vana= Fantomas

Fantomas= Vana

Anonymous said...

1/16/2009 11:12 PM

Anonimo de 11.12 pm

Coño , quien eres tu bro? Creo te conozco

Anonymous said...

Señores si Manuel realmente cierra este blog, que rayos nos vamos a hacer por las noches



Anonymous said...

Vana la ha cagado fuera del cajon en varias ocasiones. Asi son los habitantes of the left coast

Anonymous said...

Donde estara la vida y la sangre de este blog

Anonymous said...

Nuevo video de Fantomas

Exclusive for the Review

Anonymous said...

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