Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Next U.S. Ambassador to Cuba

I have said it before and will repeat it now.

When Barack Obama re-establishes full diplomatic relations with the Castro regime (in about 6 months), he will choose a Republican Cuban-American to be the first U.S. ambassador since 1961.

And his name will be:

Mel Martínez.


Anonymous said...

Nope, self-loathing Mel made the mistake of calling President Obama a communist during the campaign.

Cuban-Americans also have a reputation of being vicious racist that hate black Cubans.

Right-wing Cubans will not step foot upon Cuban soil, in any official capacity during the Obama adminstration. Charlie Rangel will make sure of that. Trust me!!

Anonymous said...

Lo correcto seria nombrar un negro capaz. Simbolismo no racismo

Anonymous said...

Mel Martínez tiene de eso y también de chino como Raúl.

Vana said...

Could very well be!

Anonymous said...

I translated that via google, and this is what i found:

"The correct thing would be to name a capable black. Symbolism not racialism"

This post "the next us.ambassador to cuba," ranks of more Cuban exile arrogrance and ignorance. Even now, the Cuban exiles still dont get it.

This Obama adminstration, which is Clinton's 3rd term, hates Cuban exiles. They dont want anything to do with them. Many of these Clinton workers lost their government jobs when Gore lost in 2000. This lost in Florida, was in large part because of the Miami Cuban vote.

Earlier, i said, "Charlie Rangel would ensure that Mel didnt get the amassadorship to Cuba." That was both sloppy and short-sighted of me.

I should have included others like, Greg Craig, Eric Holder, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, and many others who have the ear of President Obama. And lost out of their positions, when the Miami Cubans cost them their jobs under a potential Gore adminstation.

There is no love lost towards the Miami Cuban exile community. In fact, they have sat patiently for eight long years, to exact their pent up vegence against said community.

Mel Martinez for U.S. Ambassador, NOPE. Why appoint a racist Cuban exile to oversee those, whom he is racist against?

Both Mel, and Ileana, have both demonstrated to President Obama, and the nation, how nasty the Cuban exile community can be.

Cite: Mel calling Obama a commie, and Illena, hanging up on him during a courtesy phone call.

America no longer wishes to have this depised and ugly Cuban exile community represent this nation to the world.

And there will be a stark reminder, when the announcement that Fidel has died. And the Cuban exile takes to the streets, acting like drunkard savages. Beating on pots and pans, flying the Cuban flags, and screaming hysterical in Spanish. This nation, will watch on in shock and disbelief, as Cuban-Americans make a fool out of themselves.

No Manuel, Mel will not be the spokesman for America in Cuba. For a whole host of reasons. But mostly, because of the horrific reputation that the Cuban exiles have given themselves. Particuarly, after being Bush's greatest apologist.

No sir, the Cuban-American voice has cease to exist in this nation. As you did not use it properly towards Bush.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Haven't you heard? Martínez has endorsed Elián-kidnapper Eric Holder for attorney-general and will surrender his senate seat to the Democrats in 2010.

He's inside the tent.

To save you the trouble of obtaining a translation: Mel Martínez is of black and Chinese ancestry, as a commenter points out.

Anonymous said...

Manuel mira lo que puso Fantomas en su blog acerca de la ultima jugarreta de Ernesto Bustos webmaster de Penultimos Dias

Pedirias tu dinero para correr un blog de corta y pega?

Anonymous said...

The Next U.S. Ambassador to Cuba

I have said it before and will repeat it now will be Harry Belafonte

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson is looking for a job

Anonymous said...

The perfect fit .There is only one name


Rest my case

Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Joe , no way

Anonymous said...


Mel and Manuel share a black heritage, Manuel hides his Mel avoids it, Val Prieto runs from his and Vana still can't say anything original, slave she likes to be in reverse, white Vana is black Manuel's slave, maybe she feels guilty that her ancestors had slaves and her reparation is to suckle from Manuel's bottle, all while saying: you are right my friend .... whatever Manny said indeed .... me too .... I also .... john you are not lying when you say Cubans are racists, not all of us, but most are, that's why Manuel hides that he is black, he knows as soon as it is public he will be ignored like all the others before him.

Manuel = black cuban

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Black

Anonymous said...

Val Prieto= Jabao pelo malo

Anonymous said...

Suicide bomber= My next target " Val's Man camp"

Anonymous said...

SuperBowl 2009

I will say it only once

Baltimore vs Arizona

Winner takes all



Anonymous said...

Fantomas no tiene nada de negro, anonimo 12:46 mentiroso.

anon 12:46 = Vana

Anonymous said...

Anon said: john you are not lying when you say Cubans are racists, not all of us, but most are,

1/17/2009 12:24 PM

1. Thank you for acknowledging that Cubans are horrific racist. But i didnt need your confirmation. As Cuban racism has never been denied, by any Cuban blogger through my three years of blogging against them. All cultures ackowledges that the Cuban-American to be the worst racist, in this hemisphere, bar none.

2. Their racism, will be thrown back with great force into their racist faces. The United States is proudly a multi-cultural nation. Racist communities like the Cuban-Americans who continue to reject multi-cultures, will be forever shunned, and banned in this nation, and beyond.

Nuff said,

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Palestino, agente , pato

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: Haven't you heard? Martínez has endorsed Elián-kidnapper Eric Holder for attorney-general and will surrender his senate seat to the Democrats in 2010.

LOL, and that cancels out Mel calling Obama a commie? That cancels out your communities reputation for hating anyone who has darker skin, then pale white? That cancels out losing Kennedy, Carters 2nd term (boatlift refugees) and a Gore presidency, because of the Cuban exile? Besides, Holder will be AG, without Mel's support. Hell, we will do what we want to do, WITHOUT any Cuban exile say so.

Manuel said: He's inside the tent.

LOL, the Cuban exile will never be inside of the multi-cultrual Democrats tent. We dont want to smell Bush's stench, that rubbed off on Mel. Besides, you were so busy trying to be a white southern republican. Now that is what you are considered. And as you well know, my party despises that group.

Manuel said: Martínez is of black and Chinese ancestry, as a commenter points out.

I would say that many of you Cubans, have at least 1% african blood in you. But many of you have 99% hatred for it. Hence, the self-loathing within your community. Running from your heritage, naming children after English names, pretending to be anglo, wearing cowboy boots, and listening to country music. Calling blacks niggers, and calling Mexicans wet-backs. All in the tragic attempt to be considered a white southern republican.

That is why it is so easy to "pressure cook" Cubans. It is only black Cubans that are suffering. Well congratulations, after 50 years of effort, the world now considers you a southern republican. How did that self-loathing racist strategy work out for you?

This is why the Cuban-exile community has earned the scorn of the world. And that is why Mel, is not "inside the tent" and will never be Ambassador.

Anonymous said...

In Miami, the three thoughts which immediately come to mind, when a non-cuban, meets a cuban for the first time:

1) coward
2) racist
3) angry

Stereotypes yes. But until the Cuban knocks them down, they always remain, like poured concrete.

Anonymous said...

john = fantomas

Anonymous said...

john = fantomas

I second that

Anonymous said...

Fantomas had a good prose all along=fantomas

Anonymous said...

I found john longfellows, first and last name, and his address. Go look.

Anonymous said...

I found john longfellows, first and last name, and his address. Go look.

John needs to be outed rights here

Feel free

Anonymous said...

Actually, and i have noticed this here in Indiana. Even the racist support President obama, which is why he won Indiana. So i guess that leave Cuban Chicano immigrants, as the only group in the world that hates President Obama.

Google: James Knowles

In one sign of shifting mores, James Knowles, a former Ku Klux Klan member who was convicted for a 1981 lynching, said in a Discovery Channel documentary by Ted Koppel that Obama was a potentially acceptable candidate. "People need to vote for him because of his ideas and the veracity that he displays in what he does, and not because he's African-American," Knowles said.

Anonymous said...

John needs to be outed rights here

Feel free

1/17/2009 2:19 PM

Actually, if any Cuban immigrant even attempted to out me. I would have their immigrant butts hauled in federal court, for invasion of privacy, and other federal crimes. As any crime over the internet is within the federal jurisdiction. And rest assured, that Obama's federal prosecutors would nail your republican asses. After that was done, i would then haul your ass into a civil court, and take every nickel you ever made for the next 20 years.

I dont play games with you Cuban immigrants. You should know that by now!!


Anonymous said...

anon 2:05 = Vana

Anonymous said...


I hear that you too may have at least one percent but not where it counts.

Vana said...

Honestly Manuel, The Madhouse is the place for this out of control individual, just look how many anon's are his, obviously he has nothing better to do than sit here in this blog and spew his hatred.

Anonymous said...

Vana if Manuel uses his sitemeter wisely he will tell you that Fantomas did not write ANY of the anons

Anonymous said...

Arthur Nadel, a hedge-fund manager in Sarasota, Florida, has disappeared and clients are concerned they may have lost hundreds of millions of dollars, according to law enforcement officials.

Nadel, 76, is president of Scoop Management Inc., which oversees funds including Valhalla Investment Partners LP. He was reported missing three days ago after he called his stepson, Geoff Quisenberry, and told him to go to his house where he had left a note, Lieutenant Chuck Lesaltato of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office said yesterday in a telephone interview.

Nadel’s wife, Peg, and Quisenberry, were “concerned about his welfare,” Lesaltato said. Nadel had sounded “distraught,” Lesaltato said, citing the note. Nadel’s partner, Neil Moody, said today he believes Nadel is alive and has spoken to his wife since then.

Scoop may have managed as much as $350 million, although “that may be high because performance results were exaggerated,” Moody said in an interview. He said he contracted with Nadel to manage three funds on his behalf, while Nadel alone had three others and did the trading for all six. Moody said he didn’t know anything was wrong until Nadel was reported missing Jan. 14.

Suicide Note

Moody called his broker “and the amount did not jibe with what Mr. Nadel said we had.” As much as $12 million of the Moody family’s money may be lost and how much remains is not known. “It looks very bleak,” Moody said.

Moody said he has sent notes to investors in his three funds alerting them to the possible missing funds.

The note left by Nadel “could be construed as a suicide note, but he’s still alive,” Moody said. “He called his wife a couple of times.” Moody hasn’t read the note and didn’t know the details of the calls between Nadel and his wife.

Nadel was last seen by his wife at 8:45 a.m. on Jan. 14 when he left for work, Lesaltato said. Peg Nadel didn’t answer her home or mobile phone.

Sarasota police opened an investigation yesterday after receiving calls alleging “hundreds of millions of dollars” are missing, Captain William Spitler said in a telephone interview.

Social Circles

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Securities and Exchange Commission have been called in to investigate, said Sarasota Police Lieutenant Stanley Beishline. The officer said he believes Nadel is alive.

“I think he is, at least until a couple of investors find him,” Beishline said in an interview.

The Herald-Tribune in Sarasota yesterday on its Web site described Nadel as a “prominent player in Sarasota social and philanthropic circles.”

Nadel, who graduated from New York University Law School, was a real estate developer during the 1960s, according to marketing documents for the Valhalla fund, which was incorporated in 1999. The Nadels and others started a firm two years earlier that used computer-generated investment and trading programs, according to the documents. Calls to Scoop’s offices were answered by voice mail.

Scoop provided trading services for Valhalla, Viking and Viking IRA funds under a contract with Moody. Scoop also handled trading for three Nadel funds: Victory, Victory IRA and Scoop Real Estate, Moody said. Moody holds no position in Scoop Management, and was a partner with Nadel only on the Vahalla and two Viking funds.


The disappearance of Nadel comes more than a month after Bernard Madoff, 70, was arrested for securities fraud after allegedly using billions of dollars from new investors to pay off older ones.

Madoff told authorities that investors may have lost $50 billion in a “giant Ponzi scheme,” prosecutors said.

Indiana investment adviser Marcus Schrenker was taken into custody by police in Gadsden County, Florida, earlier this week after he allegedly attempted to fake his death in a plane crash and use a motorcycle to escape. Authorities said Schrenker may have defrauded investors through three companies he owns in a suburb of Indianapolis, CNN reported yesterday.

To contact the reporter on this story: Saijel Kishan in New York at; Susan Decker in Washington at

Anonymous said...

48 hours, until you right-wing Cuban Chicano immigrants officially live under the rule of a leftist nation.


Anonymous said...

Get yourself a blog Vana, it's free you could then make your very own madhouse for commenters you don't like, what are you afraid of? is Fantomas scary to you? can't take the heat Vana dear?

Vana said...

fantomas scary to me?? ROFL, trust me not at all, why would an idiot scare me!!

Rafelito said...

En español el idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos de verdad. Esos muchachitos que salieron de Cuba al principio de la revolucion y se criaron en Miami esos no son cubanos de pura cepa. Esos que nacieron en EEUU de padres cubanos , lo siento ustedes no son cubanos de pura cepa. Hay una gran diferencia los que nacimos , vivimos alli y experimentamos el sistema comunista si somos cubanos de pura cepa. Somos el futuro de Cuba

Anonymous said...

Bien dicho señor Centurion.

Anonymous said...


Deje de hacer tanto aguaje vieja, cada vez que Fantomas aparece por aqui usted se derrite y pierde el control, el terror que usted le tiene a Fantomas es legendario, la evidencia se encuentra en los archivos de este blog.

Vana = Aguajera cobarde

Anonymous said...

Vana es un hombre travesti.

Anonymous said...

Vana dear what will you do when this blog closes on Tuesday?

How will you continue on with no outlet for your insane need for Fantomas?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantomas destruyo el Ego de Manuel

Anonymous said...

El de Kill Castro y Charlie Bravo

Anonymous said...

Y el de Val Prieto

Anonymous said...

Quien le pone el cascabel al gato?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas ha cumplido su palabra a cabalidad hsta ahora. Me imagino lo que debe estar planenado ese sujeto. Debe ser un comentario super largo de despedida , escribiendo todo lo que transcurrio aqui desde el comienzo
Solo Fantomas es capaz de escribir algo asi
Pobrecito Manuel lo que le viene encima es un vendabal

Anonymous said...

Yes, America has sent tanks in the streets to protect President Obama. Paratroopers in the air, ready to drop into D.C. in case of trouble. Satellites orbiting over keeping a watchful. The F.B.I monitoring every anti-Obama site, like this one and Babulu for any hint of hatred.

You Cuban immigrants better grab your ankles. Because your worst nightmare has just arrived.

President Obama is a cometh!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks ,, for this link ,, thanks

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mコミュ said...


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真剣に向き合ってはくれませんか? said...


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神待ち said...


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セレブ said...


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彼氏募集 said...


高額アルバイト said...


高級セレブ said...


メル友 said...

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彼氏募集 said...


モバゲー said...


救援部 said...


彼氏募集 said...

今まで趣味とか仕事に夢中になってて気付いたら一人ぼっちで彼氏いなーい(_´Д`)恋愛からしばらく離れてたから…時々さびしくなっちゃったりするんだよね( p_q)同じくさびしーって人いる?けっこう甘えたりするところがあるから大人の人が好きだよ☆だから、年下はゴメンネ(。-人-。) メアドつけておくから気に入ってくれたらメールしてね!待ってまーす

コンパ said...


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家出 said...


恋愛のこと教えてねヽ(^◇^*)/ said...

仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします

モバゲー said...


gree said...


¥倶楽部 said...


モバゲー said...


援助スポット said...


恋愛 said...

初めましていずみって言います☆1年半以上恋してません…(/∇≦\)元彼と付き合ってた時にあんまり会えなくて恋愛してた感じがなかった(;‾ ‾)それから臆病になってたけど長いこと彼がいないからそろそろホンキで恋したいなーなんて思ってますo(^-^o)けっこう天然入ってるから大人で引っ張ってくれる人で年上の人と仲良くしたいです☆気になった人はメールしてね

スタビ said...


モテる度チェッカー said...


スタービーチ said...


手料理 said...

つい最近独り暮らし始めましたヾ(〃^∇^)ノお家で料理作っても食べてくれる人がいない(´−`)彼氏いないからあたしと過ごしてくれる人いませんか?手料理ごちそうするよぉ!よかったらメールして下さい(o~ー~)年下の人はゴメンネ…(*_ _)人メール待ってます♪

mコミュ said...


スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


モバゲー said...


高松宮記念 said...


スタービーチ said...


競馬予想 said...

2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ

友達 said...

よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)

スタービーチ said...


オナニー said...


セレブラブ said...


友達 said...

変わってるって言われるけどわりといい人だよ(笑)!!お笑い好きな人だったら話盛り上がりそうだねO(≧▽≦)O 色んなことに興味深々でおっちょこちょいだからそばで支えてくれる人募集中σ(゜-^*)自分の年齢的に年下の男の子はアウトだからごめんね(*_ _)人

スタービーチ said...


人生の値段チェッカー said...


スタービーチ said...

新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます

モバゲー said...


モテる度チェッカー said...


皐月賞 said...


モバげー said...


セフレ said...


出会い said...


スタービーチ said...


エッチ度チェッカー said...


スタービーチ said...


スタービーチ said...


さいきん、お仕事が said...


スタビ said...


スタービーチ said...


モバゲー said...


友達 said...


モバゲー said...


スタービーチ said...


NHKマイルカップ said...


スタービーチ said...


NHKマイルC said...

NHKマイルC 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の狙うべきポイントを限定公開!

友達 said...


モバゲー said...


スタービーチ said...


ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 said...

ヴィクトリアマイル 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは

恋人 said...


ヴィクトリアマイル said...

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モバゲー said...


SM度チェッカー said...


オークス said...

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友達 said...


トゥイッター said...


スタービーチ said...


名言チェッカー said...


日本ダービー said...

第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?今年の波乱をズバリ!確勝買い目公開中!結果を出す前に結果がまるわかり

スタービーチ said...


日本ダービー said...

第77回 日本ダービー 2010 予想、オッズ、厳選買い目は?人気が平然と馬券に絡む理由とは!?見事に展開を読んで結果を的中させる

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出会い said...


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