Our readers will recall the hatchet job Val Prieto did on Yoani Sánchez in The Wall Street Journal in Nov. 2007. Now Babalú's "Founding Editor" has set up Yoani again, but this time he donned a velvet glove to do it. Val's praise, though, is as caustic as his calumnies, and whether he praises or disparages her, his goal is always the same — to bury her. With "friends" like Val, Yoani hardly needs the DGI.
What is Val's latest offense to Yoani?
He nominated Generation Y for a 2008 Weblog Award, not as best blog but for some regional award being disputed by several blogs of dubious distinction in the Hispanic blogosphere. Nominating Yoani for the "Best Latino, Caribbean or South American Blog" is like proposing a Nobel Prize-winning physicist for the Westinghouse High School Science Competition. Babalú won the 2006 Weblog award in that category and perhaps Val wishes to elevate its status by having Yoani as a "laureate" too. He could have done the same thing himself simply by declining the award.
But that's not the worst of it: Generation Y is actually trailing in the voting and may lose to some blog called Dólar Paralelo! Among the other nominees: Inca Kola News; popnografía; and Musique Automatique. Yoani, to her credit, has not mentioned her nomination for a Weblog Award on her blog; otherwise, she would surely have 5 million votes instead of 713. Still, more humiliating than winning the Weblog Award with such competition would be losing it.
So we must urge you to vote for Generation Y in order to spare her the humiliation of losing and Val the satisfaction of having her lose.
Voting for the Weblog Awards closes on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 5:00 PM (EST). The Weblog Awards allows you to vote every 24 hours for your candidate, so vote now and vote often, as if you belonged to ACORN or lived in Chicago:
The Venezuelan financial blog Dólar Paralelo still leads Generación Y by some 400 votes. If this trend cannot be reversed Val will have dealt Yoani the first defeat that the intrepid Cuban blogger has ever suffered. Ironic certainly that it should come courtesy of Val Prieto, not Fidel Castro.
Currently in third place, Inca Kola News is surging and may overtake Generation Y for second place. This is a disgrace and a disaster. I am not blaming Dólar Paralelo or Inca Kola News. Obviously, this is their category and it is Generation Y that is out of place. The blame for this lies squarely with Val Prieto who thought that Generation Y should be classed with and compete against Inca Cola News and Dólar Paralelo. Still, keep voting.
The ominous trend continues.
Commenter Marabu makes an interesting observation. With popularity contests such as the Weblog Awards, which can be as easily manipulated as, say, the competition for "American Idol," whoever can command the most telephones or computers, is the kingmaker. The DGI, which has at its disposal more computers than does the entire Cuban population, can "anoint" any contestant in any poll, or, as in this case, prevent an enemy of the regime from winning by stacking the votes in favor of his opponents. To place Yoani in such a compromised position amounts to delivering her to the tender mercies of the DGI. I am not saying that Val Prieto has done this intentionally, but, to all practical effects, it makes no difference if he did since the outcome is the same.
Perhaps it is only a coincidence, but as coincidences go it appears to be rather more convenient than fortuitous.
The only blog besides Yoani's with sufficient readership and clout to induce a sizable number to vote for Generation Y and thwart Val's machinations has been put out of commission. Penúltimos Días is not a Google-driven blog like Babalú, which receives most of its hits from high school kids writing reports (hence the paucity of its comments). Penúltimos Días has a core Cuban following which is large enough and knowledgeable enough to realize what is at stake here and invested enough in the future of Cuba to come to Yoani's rescue.
If it was indeed the DGI's plan to humiliate Yoani by contriving to deny her this ridiculous award by hook or crook, then it was necessary to silence the only powerful ally that could have redressed the balance in her favor. Hopefully, Penúltimos Días will be able to get back online before the voting for the Weblog Awards concludes on Tuesday.
If you have not already voted do so now; and even if you have voted, remember that you can vote again every 24-hours.
The lead has now widened to 500 votes and nobody seems to care. Perhaps that is the price of Yoani's success, which is being paid to her in the only currency that Cubans (or many Cubans anyway) dispense to those who overshadow them. Call it the homage of envy. No doubt many other bloggers beside Val would regard her defeat as a welcome realignment of the universe even if it brings them no closer to the sun. Our history and our curse, forever recycled.
Don't forget to vote today.
Friday, January 9, 2009
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Mansuelo vote and shut up
Penultimos Dias under attack!
Our good friends and colleagues at Penultimos Dias have been the victim of DDOS attacks for the past two days. The blog is down at present and they are working diligently on restoring the archives and getting back online.
Let's hope they get everything squared away quickly and without much loss as the work the Ernesto and the rest do at PD is invaluable.
Posted by Val Prieto at 12:47 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Who cares Manuel?
Generación Y está nominado a los siguientes premios blogger
Manuel Yoani tiene en su blog un anuncio acerca de la votacion del Blog Award
Of Course Val wants the votes for himself, Babalunia has never merited such award, and will never again get it! thank you on my way to vote for Yoani.
Fantomas le cerro el blog a Penultimos Dias. Ahora te toca a ti
Vana , dear , get a life
Ah yes, I remember these weblog awards. I just stuck it to Val!
Get a job and a life.
"Manuel, Yoani tiene en su blog un anuncio acerca de la votación del Blog Award." — Anonymous
Then the poor woman has been led into that trap by Val. At least she has not asked her readers to vote for Generación Y, as Val did when Babalú was nominated in 2006. There is nothing honorable in those who mendigan honors. All that Yoani has done is note the fact that her blog has been nominated. Probably she does not know the price or perils that such a nomination entails.
I voted for Dolar Paralelo. Excellent Blog
Cuba is not el ombligo del mundo, you know
Estamos trabajando para reparar los daños...
...en 72 horas volveremos a estar disponibles. Gracias por la paciencia.
Vana said...
Get a job and a life.
1/09/2009 3:34 PM
Vana , you must be over 60. Is that right
Hey Manuel is the New York Che statue still standing
What have you and your NJ-NY boys done about it
Snow is coming big to Gotham , perfect timing to visit Che . Not too many cops around
Do you get my drift?
Habaneros cobardemente salen a recibir carabana de Fidel Balart hijo
Bastante daño ha ehcho en 50 años para que siga molestando. ¡Basta ya de Fidel!
Muy pintoresca la caravana con Fidel -hijo-, Rubiera y la deportista. Una ridiculez comunista sin gracia. Un espectáculo de circo, pero sin pan ni plátanos que comer en toda La Habana.
La presencia de los capitalinos por supuesto, la mayoría por diversión y obligación, no por sentimientos al cabo de 50 años de burlas, promesas y sufrimientos.
También se pudiera ver visto al General Ochoa, al Duke Hernández y a la meteoróloga que habia antes en el Noticiero Nacional de TV que ahora trabaja para una Emisora Internacional en los Estados Unidos. Pero los asesino del gobierno matan o hacen que el pueblo emigre.
"Cuando los gobernantes fallan el pueblo emigra" José Martí.
A fantomas ahora le dicen el terror de los CA blogs
Please take a minute of your day today and cast your votes in the 2008 Weblog Awards for our colleagues and friends listed below. Clicking the category will take you directly to the voting page and please remember that you can vote once a day, every day, until Monday.
- Best Military Blog: BLACKFIVE
- Best European Blog: No Pasaran!
- Best Middle East or Africa Blog: Michael J. Totten
- Best Latino, Caribbean or South American Blog: Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y.
- Best Large Blog: Fausta!
Posted by Val Prieto at 08:00 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Please, go here and give me your thoughts on it, She's reporting that the Castro's little by little are leaving to island for Chile
Pronto el anuncio de la muerte de fidel
Fantomas abre nuevo blog
She's reporting that the Castro's little by little are leaving to island for Chile
Vana es obvio que los fidelistas tienen que marcharse antes de ser linchados
Los batistianos salieron corriendo con el rabo entre las piernas tambien
2+2 son 4
Que bruta tu eres Vana dear, es Castros no Castro's, dentro de poco llevaras un cartel elogiando a tus heroe's, cuando lo correcto es heroes. Parece que la escuela publica donde estudiaste no paso por ti, tu pasaste por ella y seguiste de camino, ¿cual es tu IQ Vana dear?
How many Cuban-American blogs have been reviewed at RCAB Mansuelo?
Sal de la cueva Mansuelo Alberto, vas a terminar diabetico si no lo eres ya, coje un poco de sol que es beneficioso Mansuelo.
Por aqui ni las moscas pasan ya, esto está de odinga, sin Fantomas hay que cerrár esto, Fantomas is the life and blod of this blog, Fantomas made Mansuelo and Mansuelo still owes Fantomas for that. Don't forget that Mansuelo, eres un falto de agradecimiento y de educación, te desapareciste por semanas y regresaste sin tan siquiera una palabra para tus lectores, te pareces a Fidel, egotista y narcisista Mansuelo, y tu criticas a Val Prieto, que osadia esa.
anon/Fantomas said:
"falto de agradecimiento"
should be mal agradecido
El bruto eres tu... idiota ...guajiro de monte adentro
Y deja el relajo con mi nombre, que me meto en tu pagina y la desbarato...
Balsero/Vana said
it should be mal agradecido
Vana la balsera del solar que también es conocida por el nombre Manuel Tellechea, eres una bruta con una boca que da asco, a demás de sér maricón y tortillera.
Falto de agradecimiento o mal agredecido signifícan lo mismo, la primera es más cortez, la segunda más común, ya que eres una analfabeta de solar no lo entiendes, tampoco sabes lo que significa la palabra sinónimo, ¿de cual solar tu vienes bruta?
Dios mio! fantomas bruto por favor tomate la medicina y sueltame, largate pa' tu solar del monte!!
todos mis comentarios los hago con mi nombre, ere un anormal que se cae de la mata, bretero, que aguante coño!!!!
What are you doing here so late ?
Tus clientes te esperan en los callejones del Viejo San Juan.
Balsero / Vana / Mansuelo
@"&+-*###??,% ø
@"&+-*###??,% ø back to you !!!!
Cucarachona degenera .. LOL
Balsero del Solar=Vana/Manuel
Balsero=Alex Hernandez
Balsero del Solar=Torticón
Balsero=Comemierda de NY
Angel Garzon=Vana/Manuel
Charlie Bravo=Cherna Habanera
Estrada Palma=Gringo Mocoso
Don Dominguez=Retard
Val Prieto=Mulato Chivato
Calabaza=Old Geezer
Agustin Farinas=Older Geezer
still awake ???
Regresaste muy pronto.
Una guaricandilla como tu no puede esperar muy tarde para salir a caminar las calles. No puedes competir con nadie..
Liberals fighting liberals. I love it.
Citing a lack of experience, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) is leading an effort to thwart Barack Obama’s expected nomination of CNN’s Sanjay Gupta to become surgeon general.
But there are also indications that Conyers’s opposition is linked to a 2007 public clash between Gupta and the liberal filmmaker Michael Moore.
Posted by George Moneo at 03:43 PM |
George, it is a good thing that liberals are fighting with Obama. It will keep him accountable. Perhaps, you Cuban immigrants should have done your own fighting with Bush. Who knows, Cuba could have been free after 8 years of it. Nevertheless, if this is all you have to celebrate, then please, cheer on until 2016!!
The Venezuelan financial blog Dólar Paralelo still leads Generación Y by some 400 votes. If this trend cannot be reversed Val will have dealt Yoani the first defeat that the intrepid Cuban blogger has ever suffered. Ironic certainly that it should come courtesy of Val Prieto, not Fidel Castro.
ALL Cuban Americans are now voting for dolar Paralelo thanks to Val
The Venezuelan financial blog Dólar Paralelo still leads Generación Y by some 400 votes. If this trend cannot be reversed Val will have dealt Yoani the first defeat that the intrepid Cuban blogger has ever suffered. Ironic certainly that it should come courtesy of Val Prieto, not Fidel Castro.
Manuel would you please translate this to spanish so that Yoani and other Cubans can learn who the real Val Prieto is
I just voted for Dolar Paralelo
Thanks for the info Manuel
This is an operation designed by the DGI, on which they have used the envy, and the low human passions that have fueled the career of Val Prieto.
The DGI operatives cannot take down Yoani in Cuba.
So... they found an exile willing to take her down, they don't have to do the work, they don't have to spend a penny of their operational budget, and they just have to put their dummies to work voting for other candidates in that "prestigious" award sham.
This is a double whamming: if she wins, she's damned, because she would have won another award of absolutely no symbolic weight and that will put her in the same leagues as Val Prieto.
If she doesn't win the award, it will put her in even a lower position than Val Prieto. Either way, she's in a losing position.
Manuel did you just finished voting for Inka Cola News?
Manuel= DGI
Liberals fighting liberals. I love it.
Posted by George Moneo at 03:43 PM |
Somebody has to fight Obama's agenda, because you conservatives sure arent!!
Google: conservative bloggers up in arms over gop cooperation with obama
Esto está muerto por aqui, ni las moscas pasan ya. Manuel Alberto, E.P.D. - R.I.P.
Se acabó lo que se daba.
Viva Fantomas y sus secuaces carajo
Que vivan
faltan 10 dias para el entierro final
Fantomas new Nickname
" El cierra blogs"
Te tenemos alacran
Some people never learn, Tomas Estrada-Palma is one of them, he doesn't give a shit that his reputation and family name have been dragged to the gutter by his conspiracy theory loonie bull shit, now he's back again talking about the republicans and the democrats were involved in the 9/11 conspiracy, every time the Cuba news is light he goes back to the same stupid shit about 9/11 and Ron Paul, no wonder he gets no comments at his blog, except his own, the loon answers his own posts by commenting, even the retard Don Dominguez rarely comments anymore, not that any normal human could understand his attempts at writing, but when your retarded co-host decides not to comment any more, it is a good indicator that the shit has gone way beyond the pale, even the twilight zone seems plausible compared to Estrada-Palma's insanity, he should keep up with the insulin shots, his bouts of rage point to at least pre-diabetic hypoglycemia.
Oye MIU-21 al Palma hace rato que se le tostó la mente y el Don parece que nació anormal porque por años se comporta asi, el tipo tiene unos vidéos de el mismo en YouTube que lo dicen todo, como decía la placa a la entrada a Mazorra, no están todos los que són, ni són todos los que están.
Vana said...
...Please, go here and give me your thoughts on it, She's reporting that the Castro's little by little are leaving to island for Chile
1/09/2009 8:43 PM
Vana, that's old news, for whatever reason Zurama chose to post it as a thread at her Blog on Thursday, but if you go to the linked site (Bambolini's) you'd notice that the information was posted there on April 25 of 2008. When in doubt, use this to check things out.
Oooops sorry, guess I'm always looking for a ray of hope where there is none, that is why I asked your opinion.
Thanks for the link, from now on I'll refer to it.
January 20 cannot come soon enough.
Buenas noches a todos acabo de llegar de un arduo dia en la calle
Pero aqui estoy, quien anda por estos lares hoy?
A ver
"Buenas noches a todos acabo de llegar de un arduo dia en la calle"
Que hacias en la calle ?
Fantomas trabaja de jinetera travesti en los clubs gay de Puerta de Tierra, Miramár y Bayamón, su nombre artistico es Madomoiselle le Mammallôn.
Oye, el comandantico bustos de penultimos ya reabrio las puertas
Los muchachos de la UCI votaron por dolar paralelo por instrucciones de Ramiro
Update 4
Por si no lo sabias old man mansuelo, penultimos dias hace rato que le paso a babalu en daily visitors 4000 a 3000
Ve y cuentale las historietillas tuyas a tus compadres Estrada-Palma el tosta'o y a Don el retarda'o Fantomas.
Mansuelo Alberto T. said...
Quien eres tu?
Update #5
Dolar paralelo aumenta su ventaja estrepitosamente. Se despega de una manera increible. Yo no se realmente si esta derrota segura de Yoani se debe a la popularidad de paralelo o al repudio de val
Que creen ustedes amigos lectores
Fantomas de todos los blogeros cubanos tu eres el mas inteligente , sensato y articulado
No sabia que tenias este gran talento e inteligencia superior. No te amilanes por los deseos de los que te envidian. Continua con tu trabajo de fiscalizador en tu blog y donde comentas
Siempre te leemos aun cuando nos vamos de vacaciones
Soy el rey del mundo, la vida y sangre de este blog, destruidór de mundos, soy conocido por muchos nombres, conmigo todo es posible, sin mi nada lo es.
Yoani, Paralelo, Kola, ¿A quien le importa esa mierda? el galardón no tiene valor ninguno, el Ortega & Gasette que Yoani ganó, ese si vale y nadie se lo puede quitár a ella.
Gracias Canada
Pero no me gusta competir con nadie
Esta lucha es de equipo no de personalidades. por eso siempre he usado careta . que sea fantomas el que se lleve el galardon. que sea el. solo el
Creo que si Yoani promociona en su blog la votacion un poco mas directa pudiera ganar la competencia
Mansuelo Alberto T. said...
Soy el rey del mundo, la vida y sangre de este blog,
Usted se equivoca amigo Watson , la unica sangre y vida de este blog es el señor fantomas y me alegra que este aca con nosotros ahora mismo
Saludos Mr F
Has anybody ever tried Inca Kola?
What did you think of it?
hola balsero, saludos
InKa cola es el sitio de Evo Morales, ten cuidado
Esto esta flojisimo aqui hoy, voy echando un pie, me aburri
Al carajo se van todos cojone, aqui digo yo y solo yo, ¿qué repinga pasa aqui? Balsero Alex Hernandez sal de la cueva que yo se quien tu eres, maricón. Fantomas travesti, estás hablando mierda como siempre. El galardón dejó de valér cuando fué otorgado a Val Prieto, final del tema, ya no hay nada más que decír cojone.
Te has tragado un Inca, fantomas?
Fantomas acaba de poner un video
espectacular en su blog
Vean lo que les pasara a los traidores de la patria
Manuel= Rebenga
Charlie Bravo= Rebenga
Angel Garzon = Rebenga
Val P = Rebenga
Alex HGernandez= Rebenga
Humberto= Rebenga
Antonio de la C = Rebenga
Fantomas= Verdugo de Rebenga
There are dark forces at play here, for it is true that PD has been down for a few days, they were attacked by some kind of virus.
The plot thickens
Vana said...
There are dark forces at play here, for it is true that PD has been down for a few days, they were attacked by some kind of virus.
The plot thickens
Vana y vuelves a meter la cuchareta
lo de Penultimos ya se resolvio y no fue nada de Cuba ni ocho cuartos
Eso le ha pasado a varios servidores esta semana , el ataque no fue a penultimos sino al server completo donde hay alojados miles de blogs
Piensa antes de hablar el potaje no se espesa como tu dices
Fantomas es genial. Manda a callar a Vana y ella obedece siempre
Y fantomas ahora tiene un nuevo canal de videos
Wow Fantomas is everywhere
Es el blogero cubano mas dedicado
Bar None
Fantoma = Maricón
Fantomas = Travesti
Fantomas = La Mujer de Jay
Jay = Bugarrón de Fantomas
Fantomas=Jay del Caney
Update 5
Manuel muere el dia 20
Vana said...
" Angel:
Oooops sorry, guess I'm always looking for a ray of hope where there is none, that is why I asked your opinion..."
You actually asked for Manuel's opinion, not mine, as you were not a recipient of a response to your query from whom you asked it, I decided to help you, for a significant amount of time had lapsed since you asked the question.
Manuel como te gusta que te lo metan por la Inka o por el paralelo
Garzon is back
Who said I left?
Been hiding under your pet rock there?
Treasuring your tie-die t-shirt while smoking the ganja?
Angel how old are you
You must be at least 55 , right
Your fuzzy math is akin to George W. Bush's, I know where you are going with this, you've done this to Manuel, Vana, Calabaza, Agustin, your handlers must not be very proud of you, you keep on employing the same tactics over and over again. Reading from a script by your monitor? get a life, a brain you can't get, it's way too late for you, your time for doing that came and went long ago. You can't play me, it won't work, henceforth you get the sound of silence from me, your little pretend site may receive my wrath, just for the hell of it, too bad for your masters that I am not and will never be on their side.
Thank you.
I do hope Manuel is alright
I am here and well, and about to post up a storm before January 20th.
I have an idea: the "Blog Within a Blog." I should like to give you and all the faithful followers of RCAB your own blog within this blog.
More details to follow soon.
Manuel would you give Fantomas a blog within your blog
I'm sure he will get the most responses of your new cadre of writers
I am here and well, and about to post up a storm before January 20th.
Update 6
Ya estoy listo
El mismo dia que Obama recorrera las calles de Washington en su nueva limosina y despues caminando, sera el dia del entierro de Manuel Tellechea en NJ
Se invita a todos los cubanos residentes en Elizabeth, de West NJ, NY , a Sal Vega , Robert Stack, Donald Trump y a todos los politicos a participar en este magno evento
Manuel= Angel Garzon, Vana
Anonymous said...
Angel how old are you
You must be at least 55 , right
Fantomas distes en el clavo
More like 58
Best Fantomas line ever
El mismo dia que Obama recorrera las calles de Washington en su nueva limosina y despues caminando, sera el dia del entierro de Manuel Tellechea en NJ
Se invita a todos los cubanos residentes en Elizabeth, de West NJ, NY , a Sal Vega , Robert Stack, Donald Trump y a todos los politicos a participar en este magno evento
Brigadista de CJB-BCJ said...
What is your real name coward
Great to hear from you my friend, always glad to see you are well.
This blog will never be the same without your wisdom and sense of humor and yet, I would love nothing more than this blog live forever, if your idea in any way involves fantomas I may have to answer as Hatuey did at the stake.
Know always that I treasure you as a person.
Vana dear el problema es que Fantomas is RCAB. He is an integral part of its successs
Fantomas= Manuel they both go hand to hand
Ask anyone
Manolin sal de la cueva ya chico, del closet
Brigadista, Garzon, Vana = Manuel Alberto Tellechea
Chávez dice que Fidel Castro no volverá a encabezar actos públicos
FIDEL CASTRO en una imagen del 17 de junio.
Chávez amenaza con expulsar a funcionario de embajada de EEUU
El presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, reconoció este domingo que "lamentablemente" el líder cubano Fidel Castro no volverá a encabezar actos públicos oficiales debido su delicado estado de salud.
''Lamentablemente sabemos que eso no volverá a ocurrir (...) El Fidel aquel que recorría las calles y pueblos de madrugada (...) con su uniforme y abrazando a la gente, no volverá, quedará en el recuerdo'', dijo Chávez, durante su dominical programa de radio y televisión Aló, Presidente.
El mandatario, quien suele llamar "padre, hermano, maestro o camarada'' al líder cubano, expresó que nunca imaginó que una visita que hizo junto a Fidel Castro a la casa del revolucionario Ernesto Che Guevara, en la ciudad argentina de Córdoba, en julio de 2006, sería el último acto oficial conjunto que realizarían.
Durante la visita a la casa del Che, "volvimos a ser unos niños traviesos'', y después "me llevó (Fidel) hasta la puerta del avión, nos dimos un abrazo. ¡Qué iba a pensar yo, Dios mío, que era la última vez!'', manifestó el gobernante venezolano.
''Fidel va a vivir, como está vivo, y vivirá siempre, más allá de la vida física'', agregó Chávez, quien ha viajado con mucha frecuencia a La Habana en los últimos años para visitar a Castro.
El líder cubano, de 82 años convalece de una enfermedad intestinal que no le permite aparecer en público desde julio de 2006.
Manuel please retire after the 2oth
We do not want to see you again
Inside Fantomas there is one Manuel
Inside Manuel there is a Fantomas
thanks for this information ,,
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