Saturday, June 16, 2007
Regarding Yesterday's Monster Post
The final tally was 176 comments and the experiment in controlled mayhem ended at 12:00 (actually, 1:00 AM) this morning. No doubt one commenter's maniacal blogging outburst was the catalyst for reaching such an elevated number, but most of the time he wasn't speaking to himself (though this would hardly surprise us). The thread kept pretty much on subject throughout its nearly 12 hours of continuous activity. It avoided the pornography and copy and pasting which were the prelude to the crash of Miami's Cuban Connection (which is still on life support). Although some valued regular commenters were no doubt put off by the lack of gravitas which prevailed there, I think that, on the whole, it could have been much worse, and that, all things considered, it was not that bad and certainly worth trying again at a future date when some comical relief is required. Not that there is any dearth of humor here, but it tends to be more refined and subtle. In fact, I am quite proud that this is the home for such humor on the Cuban-American blogosphere. If the domestic deities who are lampooned here had a sense of humor, there would be a lot less wringing of hands and sack cloth and ashes in their set. But let them be. We should not want it any other way.
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comic relief indeed! However as one who watched the circus after a while from the sidelines, I must say I enjoyed more the postings on Cuban history and literature you had delighted us with previously. Some of the postings last night in my humble opinion, reflected just like a mirror, the banality and poor taste of the visitors. As an exercise in "solar culture" in a pure Cuban sense of the word, they were revealing. Is a shame that our youth expresses themselves in such vulgar language with such gusto. I always thought of ourselves as a little more refined and endowed with a little more taste, but maybe I was wrong and out of touch with the times. After all I come from a different generation than most of the visitors last night. Or it could be that maybe I have become an old fashioned guy and refuse to accept that the times have changed.
As a final point, I was discussing with my wife a few days ago prior to the circus, how propense to the use of vulgarity was the language I heard from some (I stress only some) of the people born after the Revolution. I have noticed that because we have a few Cubans in the capitol of our province and sometimes we attend a few gatherings there and the use of profanity and vulgarity is often the case. By saying this, I certainly do not want to paint with a wide brush all of our fellow Cubans.
Her reply was that maybe I was never in contact during the period I lived in Cuba in my youth with these folks therefore that fact may have gone unnoticed by me at the time.
that was crazy!
I mean the stuff from the previous post.
well I think foul language has nothing to do with morals In fact I know a lot of folks that are well behave and are demons beneath the flesh,they just know how to hide in a society that looks only in the surface.
bad words really don't bother me at all,its actions that counts and a good heart.
what do you do with manners if you heart is dark as your soul?
of course this is my honest opinion
since I believe in individualismo
Because I, for one, happened to learn something from the implosion of Oscar Corral's Miami's Cuban Connection at your hands and at the hands of others, here is something that you are not allowed to do here: copy and paste extensive material to graft unto threads to stimie cohesiveness, disorient or disrupt the dialogue. Use URLs if you wish. If the material you are copying is already a part of this blog, it does not need to be duplicated and such duplications will be eliminated pro forma.
I don't have to "censor" you when you are already your own censor. When are you going to delete all your own comments again? We are all looking forward to it.
Mi pregunta entonces es: por que identificarse con esa cultura, repitiendo el mismo lenguaje tan soez y vulgar de aquellos que son el blanco de nuestras criticas?
Leyendo esta mañana tus palabras de hoy, sigues "posteando" (por falta de otro equivalente en castellano)mas de lo mismo.
Que importa por ejemplo, cual es la edad de Manuel? Que si tiene 90 años, quizas 40 o tiene 18 años. No es esto una perdida total de tiempo y una banalidad. Que aporta esto a una conversacion inteligente? La suma de los años de una persona solo es relevante si se aprende algo de sus experiencias y en el caso de aquellos con mas edad que nosotros, a veces se aprende mucho. Recuerdas el viejo refran de que "mas sabe el Diablo por viejo que por Diablo?". Machacar sobre el mismo tema de la edad del dueño del Blog no aporta nada ni es relevante. Mientras Manuel siga escribiendo sus articulos interesantes (en mi opinion) sobre la historia de Cuba y su literatura por ejemplo, a mi me importa un pepino si es un adolescente o si tiene mas años que Matusalen. Me importa el contenido educativo de los articulos, no la edad de quien los aporta para nuestro deleite y la vez expandir nuestros conocimientos y educacion. Esa es mi opinion.
Oh well, Agustin.... the messages spread by KillCastro, Porno Para Ricardo and the Black Sheep of Exile will then be rejected by those who don't want to hear foul language... so our message goes down to hell, while the proper message of a bunch of cojones free people gets across the board.
I just have to point out one thing:
The proper Cuban society of yesteryear gave us Fidel Castro (today capitalized just for the sake of accentuation of the tragedy of the Cuban people) and the "vulgar" society that we have today in Cuba is giving us people who are fighting kasstro with tooth and nail, while the proper Cuban American politicos don't have the COJONES to take down the FUCKING dry foot wet foot regulation written by that hijo de puta de Bill Clinton and supported for that pendejo of George Bush.
And I am not even done with starting using foul fucking language today.
I agree that there are folks that appear well behaved and are devils under the flesh. But don't you think that an unnecesary use of foul language and vulgarity clouds the essence of the thoughts we are trying to convey to our listeners? When a person I am listening to, starts to use vulgarity and foul language with every other word, my mind wonders away and I am unable to filter and discern what he/she is trying to tell me. But that is just me, others might be different. I believe in individuality too, otherwise I would have stayed back in Cuba parroting the same old party line, but one does not have to be vulgar to express such individuality. Of course this is only my point of view.
rock and roll charlie!!!!
listen you make a good point dude
several years in exile listening to the same old bullshit in a well mannered language..a donation for this..a donation for that,and nothing gets accomplished.
My dad use to endorsed a organization for years and he was very generous and for what?
I don't see the results!
I wish my dad gave me all that money back then I will have use it in going to the gogo bar instead,but of course he always make me earn my dough with hard
noticed I said the use of the word banality along with the foul language. In your case you are expressing a political opinion that although it may be laced now and then with profanity, it can be excused because is meaningful and is meant to make a point. My criticism was directed at those folks that were posting empty words last night , for example, and saying absolutely nothing of value. I read your blog daily and am certainly not offended by the words you use for example to describe our worthless politicos and their spineless policies. Your message comes in loud and clear and the point is well taken. I enjoyed the Porno para Ruicardo song about the Coma-andante because it says something to me. When you rant and rave about the fustration of our situaton with the dry foot/wet foot policies you are coming through louds and clear. This is different from just posting meaningless tripe for the sake of posting. This is what I was refring to in my previous posting. Vulgarity just for vulgarity sake. No offense was meant and I hope I was not misunderstood. Your postings at Kill Castro are meanigful and well written and the use of the spicy language is a tool to express your disgust with the status quo. I can understand that.
its all good fariñas
I respect your point of view and I fully understand were you are coming from.
they are certain places and certain times when I put a leash in my mouth(freak on a leash) common sense!
I make the observation because some one relate foul language with morals and that does not make any sense at all.
Thanks Agustin, no offense taken or meant.
Please, buy the CDs by Porno Para Ricardo, pornography and foul language ladden they are, but they are talking about the rebellious Cuban youth whose existance is ignored by the generality of people in exile.
They are great, and if you put up with the language and you will get the message, which is one of the most powerful manifestos of freedom in today's Cuba.
I am not a holier than thou type, believe me. I am not above using the Fuck and hijo de puta word when I refer to the Coma-andante in my daily arguments with the folks here where I live, who do not seem to understand the magnitude of our tragedy. It is a constant battle of ideas for lack of a better word. We have to battle to debunk the propaganda barrage that the folks here seem to throw at us everytime the subject of Cuba comes up. Not from our few non Cuban friends mind you, but from the occasional asshole we meet on the street that once they know we are Cubans, they start to spew the same old bullshit about health care and education. Well, you know the routine. So we patiently argue our point of view and sometimes we make headway, others we find people totally ignorant and close minded, so we end the argument by suggesting they move to Cuba as a regular Cuban and find out for themselves. So far we have not found any takers. Your typical leftist hipocrite babble: "that may be good for the Cubans but not for me".
acaso no es tu actitud una de caracter egoista? Si no permites banalidad y vulgaridad en tu blog, por que entonces insistes en hacerlo en otro blog donde su moderador te concede y permite la oportunidad de comentar y expresarte de una manera correcta? Dices que no permites el relajo en tu blog pero vienes a otro para hacerlo? Como llamarias a alguien que hiciera lo mismo en el tuyo? Egoista? O tal vez tengas una agenda escondida con alguna mala intencion? Creo que deberias estas en una posicion mas honrosa que esta, no crees?
Obscenity is the lingua franca of today's youth and the culture that caters to them. If they are as obscene in Cuba as they are here, I should be surprised. In any case, I regard the dynamics of language as a phenomenon that we cannot affect. Decorum will return to speech when the fashion demands it, and I am sure that day will come, since there must inevitably be a counter-reaction to it. It will be amusing indeed when a new generation repudiates their parents' by embracing decorum in speech.
The value of obscenity — and yes, it has a value — is in its selective use. When obscenity becomes commonplace it loses all its redeeming qualities.
In such a case as calling Castro a "cocksucker," obscenity reaches its highest and noblest use.
As José Martí said:
¿Del tirano? Del tirano
Dí todo,¡dí más! y clava
Con furia de mano esclava
Sobre su oprobio al tirano.
As is well known to your readers, you have disected the issue I spoke about with accuracy and very clearly. That is what I was trying to say and get across when I complained about the banality displayed by the Anonimi last night.
"The value of obscenity — and yes, it has a value — is in its selective use. When obscenity becomes commonplace it loses all its redeeming qualities."
I agree totally with the above
Marti's quote speaks volumes.
(as it always does)
Oh my my, what a Circus we had here yesterday.
I don't mind cuss words at all, specially if they are used to make a point, and drive a message home, what I object to is cussing for cussing's sake, when every word is a cuss word, well then it just doesn't mean a thing, then it sounds plain vulgar, I use cuss words in my vernacular every day, and sometimes they are needed to make a bad situation lighter, when used properly, I find nothing wrong with it.
Ok Fantomas, te espero a que hora dijistes, entre las 11pm y las 5am?
Always remember to keep the machete well-honed for such impromptu visits.
Look out!! Fantomas in on the loose!!Close all your windows and doors and turn the burglar alarm on!!
Ah, and also keep handy a can of Mace or pepper spray just in case he manages to get through! Cut loose the Dobermans!
No, today the number of comments will not reach 60.
P.S.: Not unless you take it upon yourself to surpass that number, which now I suppose you will if only to prove me wrong.
Machete contra cabilla? Last I looked, is really hard to wield a cabilla without the use of your limbs! One single whack and is over. And trust me on this one, you don't want to guess where the cabilla will end. (hint, it may not be on your head)(another hint) Is possible that you may require the good services of the Spanish doctor who went to see you know who, performing a delicate operation you know where! LOL.
Being an advocate of freedom, I fight for Fantomas right to express himself, that’s the benefit of leaving in a free society .
However that being said, freedom without responsibility leads us to decadence and that’s what I witness last night.
When we post without regards to who we may be offending it seems to me we are being irresponsible.
It think is imperative for each of us be our own self censors and to do a gut check before we hit the keyboard. When words are properly crafted they can gives us a new vision, a new way of looking at things.
la verdad no se cual es la reputacion del susodicho Dr. Sabrido. El mero hecho de que haya ido a ayudar a recuperar de salud al Maximo Innombrable, lo situa en el bando enemigo del mio. Y eso es suficiente para no prestarle mucha atencion al sujeto. Me imagino que hubiera ido a lo mismo con Hitler o Stalin, si sus servicios fueran requeridos. Y todo eso lo hubiera hecho escondiendose detras de la pantalla del juramento de Hipocrates.
LOL..Manuel and Agustin, I'll set out my Scottie dog, I don't have dobermans, and I will keep my machete sharpened, I hate to leave you guys, but duty calls, am off to work sigh, I'll see you all tomorrow.
I say we all hit Abajo Fidel tomorrow, and have a circus there, what do you guys think?
See Ya
So that's what you are? A figther? Peras al olmo.
Finally, a profound observation from you. I knew that if I waited long enough I would see that happen. You are right, of course. Your $100 got you a review from Henry Gómez and the less said about that the better. I suppose that if there were no reviews by Manuel A. Tellechea you would gladly settle for whatever Henry could conjure from the shallow wells of his inspiration. But there is a higher standard and a finer critic. To charge you $100 would be to adopt BUCL's rave for pay policy, and though you should certainly get a finer thing from me than you would from Henry, at any price, still I would not charge to criticize you since to criticize you is one of those things that come under the rubric "community service."
I will study your blog over the next few days; make notes; and publish the review next Monday so you will have something to look forward to.
In fact, why don't you busy yourself creating a new logo for your blog that incorporates the words, "Reviewed by the Review." No prouder honor; no finer recommendation.
P.S.: Why don't you save me the trouble and submit here the URLs to your three best posts. Don't copy the posts here, however, because they will be deleted. Just URLs.
If any of the other BUCLERs want a review, all they have to do is get in line after you. I do not guarantee puff pieces as Henry does; but I will judge you and the rest of my fellow Cuban-American bloggers fairly and without consideration to how much they may have annoyed me in the past or may annoy me in the future.
And, let's face it, nobody is going to be judged by the same rod as Babalú is judged. Its satellites will be encouraged, by judicious praise, to spread their own wings and renounce life under the shadow of Babalú's.
Send that material to me as soon as you can. By the way, Val & Henry will be livid that I am shifting the focus from them for even one week. I hardly think that they can breathe anymore without my prior approval. Expect to be the recipient of some very dirty looks from them and their acolytes next week. But, then again, they have the faces God gave them.
P.S.: Don't change the name of your blog; but some note attesting to your excitement at the prospect of being reviewed by me would not be out of place on your blog and will certainly generate traffic (and, as I said, the evil eye of the other Cuban-American bloggers).
I just want to commend you for having a great blog.Thank-you for the opportunity to share our thoughts and points of view.Thank you for allowing freedom of expression without threat of retribution.Is great to talkback on this blog a great example of respecting the commentators opinions and views.Sometimes,calling people derogatory names,personal attacks,is valid since some individuals can't comprehend the english language correctly. Let's focus on debating the real issues. But I must say the Comic Relief was great...I never laugh so hard in my life..:)proved that honest opinions is alive on this blog.I will continue to speak my mind regardless of the circumstances that may arise.People should learn to speak without fear, don't let others invade and dominate your mind break through those chains..enough is enough!
What about those Yankees, eh! Everyone take a breath. ... Damn Yankees. And as for those Mets ... Yep, I don't have a clue what i'm talking about...hahaha jokin, folks
Hey, enrique come to new york you be sorry,I don't argue with drama queens like like la chusmadera to much...I will call tomas show and remember you send me a picture with a guy in that picture your hands were behind his back holdin this hands,,,hmmmmm, I don't hold my friends hands while I'm takin a picture...Hmmm and the other thing down in texas when our friend name is being withheld...he was trying to set you up with a girl and you refuse flattly...
holy mackerel!!!
Last year Oscar Corral's blog, which he had all but abandoned in his frenzy to defame his Cuban colleagues, was hijacked by a cadre of fanatics who cut and pasted much extraneous matter there, the most disturbing of which were pronouncements from NAMBLA (an organization of pedophiles). Among those who participated in this jihad against Miami's Cuban Connection was Pee Wee Herman, who in his latest incarnation is fantamas. Was fantomas (aka Pee Wee) responsible for this barrage of obscene matter? The questions raised by ¡ya no mas! cause me to wonder if there might not be some connection.
na fantomas I hate popcorn I always did !
that's one lousy food similar to cotton candy give me a sirloin and Ill be happy remenber bsides been a musician I am a chef!not with cuban food but european.
Im cooking right now for my old man..happy fathers day everyone!...peace,love and sex!
Enrique Enrique A.k.a. Pee Wee Herman is an Instigator... Remember, when I started blogging...He use to spend all his spare time on the real cuba chat room starting problems,provoking fight.One thing, about Enrique he is a BIG Instigator!
Longfellow never hijacked my moniker. Too much respect? Impossible to imitate (for him or anybody)? Certain of detection? Who knows?
But I am glad to have it on record, given the latest implications against you, that you had nothing to do with the NAMBLA spam on Oscar Corral's blog.
Sorry, Enriqueta you surely don't have nothing on me because I don't sit around and gossip about others like you.. I rather tell them face to face like a man... and the only thing you have on me is the frabrication you're going to present about me.
Yes, I have taken note of it and await the other two to begin work. I shall review your blog with the best disposition, and looking, of course, for that fierce and uncompromising independence which you advertise here.
I may have an Anonimi hour later tonight. So keep tuned, Anonimi. I shall also listen to the Estrada Palma show on blog radio and comment accordingly.
Poor Tomás; he is such an evenminded fellow, and a conciliator by inclination. How will he handle this situation?
Enrique you're starving for attention..Attention Seeker that's you..You should go out more often. find a boy or girl to play with...hahahaha
See you tonite,Maricon
Hahahahaha que pendejo tu eres, bro!
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