Saturday, June 21, 2008

Elián Is Still a Victim

I visited Uncommon Sense today and was very pleased to discover that Marc Másferrer no longer divides his Cuban Blogroll into "First Tier" and "Second Tier" blogs. We had chastened him before for such an uncharacteristic display of elitism, not to mention bad judgment, since he had actually consigned RCAB to the "Second-Tier."

Since then Marc has become Babalú's most independent contributor, challenging Val Prieto whenever he goes too far in his penchant to extract a pound (or 10, 20 or 30 lbs) of flesh from every Cuban who doesn't freely shed his blood on his (Val's) behalf. We could take that as an encouraging sign of glasnost at Babalú except for the fact that Marc is the only one of its 15 contributing editors who has ever voiced any objection to Val's well-known plan to render the Cuban people in a pressure cooker. We are today baptizing (excuse the pun) Val's pressure cooker theory as the "Hatuey Option." The "Hatuey Option," of course, succeeded only in making Cuba's indigenous population extinct. Castro, also, needless to say, has his own "Hatuey Option."

But to return to Marc. He has a post today about one of the youngest Cuban dissidents, 11-year old Raumel Vinajera Montoya, who defended "Las Damas de Blanco" in class when his teacher described them as "yankee mercenaries." The boy's family was subsequently visited by a state psychologist and social worker who threatened to put a "black mark" on his school dossier. Those familiar with Armando Valladares' autobiography know what can befall an 11-year boy in Castro's prisons who gets such a "black mark."

Marc performs an invaluable service to Cuban dissidents and the cause of freedom by highlighting cases such as Raumel's which might otherwise receive little or no publicity. He committed, however, a grave error in judgment himself by contrasting Raumel's conduct to Elián González's:

"Cuba's most famous teenager, Elian González, is now an official communist. Here's guessing 11-year-old Raumel Vinajera Montoya will not be joining him anytime soon, despite the best efforts of the dictatorship's 'psychologists' and 'social workers.'"

And again at the close:

"You have to give the dictatorship credit. With its strong-armed tactics, it knows how to start shaping the minds of Cubans while they are still young, whether it is a future communist big-shot like Elian Gonzalez or a future freedom fighter like Raumel Vinajera."

Personally, I have always avoided starting a sentence with: "You have to give the dictatorship credit." But what I object to is the suggestion that Elián has somehow been "tainted" or become "damaged goods" by his enforced association with the Castro regime. What exactly do we expect of him? Elián has been a literal prisoner since the moment he was deported to Cuba 8 years ago. His "security detail" is probably larger now than Fidel's. If the U.S. government would not protect him and his own father fed him to the wolves, what exactly is it that we expect this hapless boy to do to prove to us that he is still a victim? In fact, he doesn't have to prove a thing.

Elián is a victim of Fidel Castro no less today than he was when he was kidnapped at gunpoint and delivered to his tender mercies. Whatever atrocities might be visited on Raumel have already been visited on him. Even before he set foot in Cuba again, Elián was being administered psychiatric drugs while living in the home of Castro's (and Clinton's) lawyer Greg Craig, now Obama's adviser on Latin America. In fact, a doctor sent from Cuba to treat him was apprehended at the airport with a bag full of mind-altering drugs. Once back in Cuba, Elián disappeared from view for 3 months while he was interred in a psychiatric hospital. For years afterward his face exhibited the blank expression of one who was heavily medicated and emotionally drained of life. He was also forced endured to endure the indignity of becoming Fidel's marionette and the poster child of the "New Boy" and now "New Youth." As if watching his mother being eaten alive by sharks and seeing his father castrated was not trauma enough for a lifetime.

Elián is still as much a victim at 14 as he was at 6. He will always be a victim of the Castro regime and its American accomplices even when and if he becomes a Communist "big-shot."


Fantomas said...

please Manuel do not insult us

The fact that the 11 year old defended las damas de blanco doesnot make him a dissident

por favor

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


In Cuba, it does.

You are afraid to denounce Val yet scoff at an 11-year old who has the courage to defend the Damas de Blanco in the only forum open to him?

Fantomas said...

Manuel dime en que año salistes de Cuba?

Fantomas said...

You are afraid to denounce Val yet scoff at an 11-year old who has the courage to defend the Damas de Blanco in the only forum open to him?

El estiercol apesta solo , no hace falta moverlo para que apeste mas

Anonymous said...

If the 11 year old is a dissident , I'm Gandhi


Anonymous said...


$12,000 last year

what do you do ?

you are on-line 24/7 ...

welfare ?

Anonymous said...

you think that the longer one lives in Cuba under Fidel the more patriotic one is? Is that what you are trying to say? Because, if so, you are the prime example of the opposite. You, are COBARDE

Anonymous said...

that 11 year-old has more bravery than you will ever have. You are scared of Val!

Vana said...

How right you are Manuel, Elian is a victim of the regime, what else is a boy to do under those circumstances, Raumel is the exception, not the rule.

I too have commended Marc for the work he does, he has taken unto himself to tell the world what happens in Castro's gulags.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas never put up any resistance.

Anonymous said...


donde trabajas ?

Anonymous said...


callate callate.


Anonymous said...

I left a message at Fantomas blog. I wrote:

"este es el Huracan? Por favor!"

and guess what? he censored me!

so Fantoma censors but doesn't want to be censored ~ jajajajajaja!

perfecto comemierda is right manny!

Anonymous said...

11 year old is NO dissident

Fantomas is rigth on this one

Anonymous said...

Fantomas was un pendejo at eleven and it's the same improved pendejo at 38. His remarks about the kid only show that the 11 year old had bigger cojones than fantomas, bigger than the little beans that Fantomas will ever grow as far as regarding cojones.

Anonymous said...

11 year old is no Dissident


Anonymous said...

6/21/2008 10:05 PM

Anonimus 10.05 pm

What were you doin for Cuba at 11?

Anonymous said...

Manuel let's have a poll right here on your blog

We are going to ask each and everyone of all commenters, including Vana and of course including you

What were they doing at age 11 for Cuba?

Very simple

Anonymous said...

Not even kill castro or charlie Bravo did anything for Cuba at 11

They were to busy playing with wooden toys

Anonymous said...

I just went to fantomas blog , he has a nice video of Frank Calzon and Joe Garcia

What is your take on that controversy Manuel?

Anonymous said...

Manuel I just went to Fantomas Blog and I could not get out of it

My computer crashed, is that the virus Moneo was talking about

Anonymous said...

Fantomas beef is with Moneo. He should not direct his attacks vs Val
I guess he does not want to take the spotlight away from You MAT

The purpose of this blog and only purpose is to blast Babalu

Fantomas will allow you to continue just doing that

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Moneo vs Fantomas in a caged ring

My money is with the fanto man

I will bet my wife, my home and my car

Anonymous said...

Fantomas tiene razon el chamaquito de 11 no es ningun disidente

He is just a kid for god's sake

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how to get to Fantomas blog? I can't seem to find a link on anyones blog.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas blog name still appears in over 100 CA blogs . He has only been eliminated from Babalu

If you know any other cadre or blog that also eliminated Fantomon please submit info here

We will keep track

Anonymous said...

Fantomas stats have increased ten fold ever since Babalu decided not to carry his link any longer

His out reach is now bigger , soon we will have new details how fantomas will fill the void of customers lost

Three new hacker proof programs will be added at abajofidel to obtain new customers

Anonymous said...

Manuel what were you doing for Cuba at age 11?


Eating marañon? or masturbating

Anonymous said...

I still can't find any of these links. Are you sure they exist? I'd like to see if you have links to the latest posts at Nuevo Accion.

Anonymous said...


What links do you need baby?

Anonymous said...

Vana said...


11 was the most painful age of my life.

Anonymous said...

Vana I think Manuel went overboard with the comment that the 11 year kid is a dissident

Anonymous said...

Manuel los disidentes cubanos adultos no han hecho tres carajos por la libertad de cuba. Ahora tu le pones el peso a un niñito de 11 años

Eres un barbaro

Vana , que te paso a los 11?

Fulano de Cal said...


Oxford American dictionary:
"a person who opposes an official policy, esp. that of authoritarian state"

"A dissident, broadly defined, is a person who actively challenges an established doctrine, policy, or institution."

So, the ref says fair ball. Manuel is correct in using "dissident."

Anonymous said...

Manuel is incorrect because the kid just made a comment inside a classroom , it was not in a defiant mode

The security aparatus paid his family a visit . I'm sure that kid will never commit the same mistake again

Because after all it was a mistake to challenge the professor inside the classroom

Anonymous said...

Why is Manuel always incorrect

Manuel , at what age did you leave Cuba?

Or were you born in the States like el niño bitongo

Anonymous said...

Versión para Imprimir

Reprimen a escolar por defender las Damas de Blanco
Tania Maceda Guerra

21 de junio de 2008

La Habana, Cuba – – El niño Raumel Vinajera Montoya, de 11 años de edad, es hostigado por la Seguridad del Estado, denunció su mamá, Tania Montoya, el pasado 18 de junio.

Añadió la Sra. Montoya que su hijo había sido repudiado por su maestra Mirian Hernández y la dirección del centro el pasado 6 de junio, después que defendió durante una clase a las Damas de Blanco, donde rebatió el criterio de la profesora que las acusaba de mercenarias, al expresar el niño que “esas mujeres están pidiendo la libertad de sus esposos encarcelados”.

La madre del Raumel expresó: “La Seguridad del Estado lo visitó en la escuela el 12 de junio y amenaza con mancharle el expediente. En la vivienda se personaron la sicóloga y una trabajadora social que nos interrogaron. Quieren levantarle un acta pero yo le manifesté mi total desacuerdo”.

Raumel Vinajera Montoya cursa el 6to grado en la escuela primaria José Martí, de Palma Soriano, en Santiago de Cuba. Reside en Carretera de San Luis #13, reparto La Concepción, en dicha localidad.

Centro de Información del Consejo de Relatores de Derechos Humanos de Cuba.

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure that kid will never commit the same mistake again"

Yes, next time he will hang the professora by a lamp post '56 Prague style.

Anonymous said...

Si esa es la noticia ya la habia leido.
Como quiera que sea ese niño de 11 años no es ningun disidente

Por favor no sean tontos utiles al regimen. Si siguen insistiendo desde aqui en sus computadoras con aire acondicionado y comiendo langostas con que el niño es disidente entonces las autoridades cubanas encarcelaran a sus padres y le mancharan el expediente

Anonymous said...

Video of the Week

Manuel Tellechea dancing at bayside

" you got to give him a dollar"

Vana said...

Anon what Manuel said was that in Cuba the child is a dissident for speaking up, I have to agree with Manuel, the child will be seen as a dissident by the regime, the regime will also wonder what his parents have been telling their child, they may come after the parents, so yes sorry Manuel is right.

Anonymous said...

Vana it is not fair to call any 11 year old dissident in Cuba because that word has political connotations

Very dangerous

that kid should be playing

Anonymous said...

Sorry both you are wrong and Fantomas is right this time

That kid is not dissident

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Fantomas is a paper tiger. George knows that and treated him accordingly, first banning him and then delinking his blog. Val & Henry approved. Fantomas defended himself with a quote from Wikipedia on censorship. Fantomas is not Peter Zenger. He's not even Carlos Miller. Fantomas is fantomas. No more to say on that matter.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Martí said that freedom is the right of every man to think and speak without hypocrisy. Imagine if all Cubans followed the example of this boy. The truth is the mightiest weapon and the one most feared by the regime. It is also the only weapon in the hands of all Cubans. I don't believe the truth alone will set them free but it will certainly make it more difficult for the regime to continue to enslave them.

Anonymous said...

Manuel at what age didi you leave Cuba?

Why no answer? Fantomas placed the question yesterday on this blog

What were you doing for Cuba at 11

Anonymous said...

Next thing Maria Elvira will try to get the kid on TV and them Oscar Haza.

11 years old and dissident, give me a break

How will this kid obtain a decent education now that he has been marked?

You are all pathetic. Manuel how many children do you have?

You never discuss your personal life. Are you married?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mat , any news on humberto?

Anonymous said...

Hezboallah llama a la Yihad en America Latina

El pueblo musulman Latinoamericano es testigo de las masacres contra poblaciones islamicas por parte de U.S.A, Israel y sus aliados. Las invasiones a territorios de los musulmanes, destruccion y profanacion de mezquitas sagradas. Los Estado Unidos junto con sus naciones aliadas realizan una cruzada contra el Islam, contra los musulmanes, para hacernos desaparecer de la faz del planeta, el pueblo musulman Latinoamericano lastimosamente, ha visto silenciosamente y de manera terriblemente pasiva toda esta oleada de cri­menes cometidos contra nuestros hermanos, contra nuestra fe. La indiferencia de los musulmanes latinos frente al drama que vive el Islam y los musulmanes en el mundo es el mejor aliado de los opresores del Islam y de los musulmanes.

Ahora la satanica nacion del norte se propone destruir una teocracia, y esto lo hace envalentonada por la cobardi­a de los musulmanes latinos, por la complicidad de nosotros frente al asedio contra el Islam y contra los musulmanes. los musulmanes latinos a esta hora, es para que estuvieramos vestidos de luto, congregados en las mezquitas llorando por la muerte de nuestros hermanos,preparandonos para combatir por ellos, nada nos conmueve, nada nos hace salir de ese espi­ritu de sumision al hombre y de cobardía frente al hombre, de falta de amor y de temor a Dios. ahora U.S.A se propone atacar una teocracia islamica, invadir un territorio conquistado para Allah, un territorio islamico, ¿sera que la sinverguenzura de los musulmanes latinos llegara hasta el termino inaceptable de tambien mirar con indiferencia esta nuevo crimen? ¿es que no hay sentimiento islamico en nuestros cuerpos? ¿es que no nos duele lo que es del Islam y de Allah? ¿es que vamos a tolerar de manera pasiva el ataque contra una nacion gobernada por Dios?. Si esto ocurriera y el pueblo musulmán latino lo toma de la misma manera indiferente y pasiva por Allah que merecemos la muerte.

Hezboallah Venezuela salva responsabilidad ante allah, no nos importa el hombre lo que diga o lo que haga, nosotros solo tenemos un compromiso con Dios, por eso hacemos valientemente un llamado a los musulmanes latinos que tengan dignidad de musulmanes, que amen a Allah y a su causa, para que combatamos contra Satanas U.S.A y sus aliados en territorio Latinoamericano. Que si U.S.A y sus aliados deciden atacar a Iran nosotros asumamos la defensa de esta nación de Dios y su territorio como que son una teocracia islamica, un territorio gobernado por Dios. Que ataquemos todo objetivo de interes norte americano en America latina, y todo objetivo de interes israeli­. Que de esta forma hagamos que los enemigos del Islam, respeten nuestros territorios, nuestros hermanos y nuestra fe. Hezboallah llama a a Yihad en America Latina contra U.S.A y sus aliados.

Wa aleikum salam

Hezboallah Venezuela

Anonymous said...

Decidió no responder el ataque de un macho-varón-masculino

Noticiero Digital (21/06/08-07:45pm).- El pasado 18 de junio la bloguera Yoani Sánchez decidió no responder el ataque que le hizo Fidel Castro, quien criticó que “haya jóvenes cubanos que piensen como la bloguera Yoani Sánchez” y que haya “una prensa neocolonial de la antigua metrópoli española que los premie', en referencia al premio Ortega y Gasset que le concedió este año el diario madrileño El País a la bloguera.

Yoani Sánchez

“Al sentirme atacada por alguien con un poder infinitamente superior al mío, con más del doble de mi edad y además -como dirían mis vecinas de la infancia- por un 'macho-varón-masculino', he decidido que sea mi esposo, el periodista Reinaldo Escobar, quien le responda”, escribió Yoani Sánchez en un post titulado. “Cosas de Hombres”

Esto lo hace porque, aunque se ha pasado la vida “infringiendo esas risibles reglas del machismo,” asegura que en esta oportunidad se acoge a una de esas reglas: “una mujer necesita un hombre que la represente y que saque la cara por ella cuando otro la agrede o la calumnia”. Se puede decir que es una respuesta cien por ciento Yoani!

Pero no es por no saberse defender. “…Ni siquiera tan “magna” embestida me hace abandonar la premisa de no entrar en el ciclo de la réplica y la autodefensa. Siento decirle que sigo concentrada en un tema llamado “Cuba”, a la vez que la leyenda de la foto que acompaña la nota, la de un viejo televisor blanco y negro, dice: “Algunos viejos instrumentos de la era soviética se resisten a morir”. en clara ilusión a Fidel Castro y al régimen cubano.

Por su parte, Reinaldo Escobar, su esposo, no fue tan cortés. En su blog, "Desde aquí", dijo que “¡Yoani, al menos, nunca ha colocado en el pecho de ningún corrupto, traidor, dictador o asesino alguna condecoración', al afirmar que Castro aprobó colocarle la Orden José Martí en 'las más nefastas e inmerecidas solapas que le fue posible'. Entre ellos citó a Leonid Brezhnev, Nicolae Ceausescu, Todor Yivkov, Gustav Husak, Janos Kadar, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Robert Mugabe, Heng Samrin y Erich Honecker.

“Me gustaría leer, a la luz de estos tiempos, una reflexión que justifique aquellos honores improcedentes que, para mover agua de otros molinos, enlodaron el nombre de nuestro apóstol', en referencia a José Martí.

Señaló que es muy diferente ser Ortega y Gasset que haber lanzado tanques contra sus vecinos. Al menos, continuó, Ortega y Gasset “ni construyó palacios, ni encarceló a ninguno de los que pensaban diferente a él, ni dejó en la estacada a sus seguidores, ni amasó fortunas con la miseria de su pueblo, ni construyó campos de exterminio, ni dio la orden de disparar a quienes -para escapar- saltaran el muro de su patio', agregó.

Lo que generó la crítica de Fidel Castro fue una declaración de Yoani donde explica que ella no “es opositora, ni tiene color político, e indica que para su generación las izquierdas y derechas son 'conceptos cada vez más obsoletos”.

Yoani Sánchez es licenciada en filología hispánica y fue galardonada en abril con el Ortega y Gasset de Periodismo Digital por su 'blog' titulado 'Generación Y', pero no pudo viajar a España a recibir dicho premio porque las autoridades cubanas no le entregaron el preceptivo permiso de salida del país.

El blog, Generación Y, es escrito desde La Habana pero está bloqueado para los cubanos.

Con información de

Generación Y (Blog de Yoani Sánchez)

Desde aquí (Blog de Reinaldo Escobar)

Sharpshooter said...

Creo que esto hubiera sido suficiente.

"Con información de

Generación Y (Blog de Yoani Sánchez)

Desde aquí (Blog de Reinaldo Escobar)"

Por que no poner solo los vinculos a los articulos?

The Wizard said...

You're right Manuel, Elian is a victim of the regime, and enrique is a victim of his poor guys...

Anonymous said...

Agustin algunas veces los links se parten y por eso es mejor traer los articulos completos. Si no te gusta el articulo no lo leas. Acaso es usted el dueño de este blog

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


All cut-and-paste jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with Cuba will be removed to The Madhouse.

Anonymous said...

Alex , que te hizo Fantomas en Miami?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


All verifiable instances of identity-theft will be removed to The Madhouse.

Anonymous said...

Alex , what are you a victim of
un morrongon de 12 inches o una inyeccion de esteroides

Anonymous said...

Mat are you planning to remove the anonimi , too?


Manuel A.Tellechea said...

I have no intention at present of disallowing anonymous comments for reasons I have already explained.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas you were banned because we told you could not play both sides. We warned you several times

Anonymous said...

You and your goons blast fantomas every change you get, Fantomas popularity on the net is increasing by the minute

He has a big surprise for all of you

Anonymous said...

Mat is your sitemeter working today?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Having been delinked by Babalú fantomas' blog, Abajo Fidel, now receives practically no visitors. Even its author is only an occasional visitor, preferring our well populated threads to his vacant ones.

Whatever celebrity fantomas enjoys on the blogosphere he has acquired here.

Fantomas often calls himself the "blod" of RCAB. I contend, rather, that it is RCAB which is the "blod" of fantomas.

Submitted for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

Mat why don't you open your sitemeter? For once

Every time I go to fantomas blog I see all the flags from visiting countries on the right side of his blog.. It is on real time and it is always super full

Do you get any visitors from abroad or are all your visitor locals from NJ

Anonymous said...

Fantomas will now reside @ penultimos dias, the best damn CA blog on the net

Babalu is a thing of the past for him

That place is going down fast

Don't you agree, sick man

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

#1 fan:

Fantomas is sure to spoil his welcome at Penúltimos Días and then will have to find another "best damn CA blog on the net" to sabotage.

Babalú is, in fact, a sinking ship, but one that fantomas never did leave of his own volition.

If allowed back on he would lose no time in scrambling into the nearest lifeboat or hugging the driftwood from its shattered bow.

Vana said...

Yes Manuel I agree to The Madhouse!

Sharpshooter said...

lo que no me gusta es leer propaganda a favor de terroristas en un blog en que se tratan los asuntos cubanos.
O es que estas de acuerdo con las estupideces que hizo en el copy and paste el anonimo este de 6/22/2008 10:29 AM?
No tenemos por que leer estas barrabasadas en el RCAB. Ya hay bastantes lugares para esas aberraciones islamitas en otros lugares del Internet.

Centurion said...


stop the cut and paste.. and all the anon comments... answer my question

Doy you still think babalu is a FINE blog ?

Anonymous said...

Manuel answer Serafin question

What were you doing at age 11?

Anonymous said...

No tenemos por que leer estas barrabasadas en el RCAB. Ya hay bastantes lugares para esas aberraciones islamitas en otros lugares del Internet

Agree totally with Agustin , Why did Manuel allow such an anti seministic copy and paste

Are you in favor of islamic extremists Manuel?

Please erase that comment

Ms Calabaza said...


it appears the inmates are running the asylum, I see. So, poor Fantomas has been banned from that other blog and his name has been deleted from the blogroll. It kinda reminds me of that old Chuck Connors TV series "Branded" . . .

Could we please add: "anti-seministic" to our work in progress "Fantomas dictionary". We already have "blod" and "groupal decision" and IMHO this is another Fantomas classic!

Anonymous said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Having been delinked by Babalú fantomas' blog, Abajo Fidel, now receives practically no visitors. Even its author is only an occasional visitor, preferring our well populated threads to his vacant ones.

Whatever celebrity fantomas enjoys on the blogosphere he has acquired here.

It seems that you have a problem with Fantomas becoming popular on the net. Why?
Fantomas opened his blog way before yours plus he has a core of followers that are very loyal to him everyday
His style is unique, fresh and very informative, he has videos, photos, and breaking news daily
You even praised him once saying that he was the best source in Spanish content for Babalu blog
Short memory?

Anonymous said...

Manuel how many visitors have you received since you installed sitemeter?

Anonymous said...

it appears the inmates are running the asylum, I see. So, poor Fantomas has been banned from that other blog

Calabazza Mr Fantomas is most certainly happy to have been delinked from the other blog

It is their loss his gain

Anonymous said...

Manuel have you heard any news from Kill Castro / Charlie?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

"You even praised [fantomas] once saying that he was the best source in Spanish content for Babalu blog. Short memory?" -- anonymous

I did not say "best" source; I said only source.

Without fantomas feeding Val & Henry such content, there will now be a complete disconnect between Babalú and Spanish-language sources on the blogosphere.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

ms. calabaza:

Duly noted and added to our Diccionario de Voces Fantománicas.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

charlie papa:

Our friends Killcastro and Charlie Bravo are both doing well.

Anonymous said...


Fantomas will never have your dignity in dealing with Babalu. He has the heart of a peon.

Ms Calabaza said...

"Diccionario de Voces Fantománicas"


Anonymous said...

Fantomas will never have your dignity in dealing with Babalu. He has the heart of a peon

Fantomas no le quiere quitar el protagonismo a Manuel. Muy bien hecho Fantomas. Stay back

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is very smart

He knows what he is doing

Everybody take a back seat

Give the Fanto man some room to think

Anonymous said...

Without fantomas feeding Val & Henry such content, there will now be a complete disconnect between Babalú and Spanish-language sources on the blogosphere.

Yes indeed , Babalu will be run now by KKK Moneo , Anglo only

Anonymous said...

The only option they will have now is to quote Penultimos Dias and bring links from there

What they will find is Fantomas all over Penultimos , they can banned him at Babalu but will never silence him at Penultimos

Sharpshooter said...

I wonder what kind of mental disconnect would prompt somebody to continuosly post as anonymous several times, in order to hide his real personality? Psychologists in the AMA must have a name for this mental disease? Any clues?

Anonymous said...

There's a newfound brotherhood between the biggest censors and paraoid internet police of thought on the side of the Cuban themed blogs, Penultimos Dias and Babalu. Equally primitive in spirit, the ever so similar troglodits now link each other on a daily basis, being one the shame of the Cuban American blogosphere and the other one the shame of the Cuban European blogosphere. Birds of a feather. Babalu y Penultimos Dias son, de Fantomas el pajaro, las dos alas.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, what were you doing for Cuba at age 11?

Anonymous said...

Manuel Fantomas blog is breaking all records today # 1000 visit for the day just happened

The Wizard said...

Ms Calabaza said...
"Diccionario de Voces Fantománicas"

Hahahahahaha funny shit Ms Calabaza

The salt of stupidity

The Wizard said...

Save your breath Enrique Rubio You need it to blow up your kent doll. Hahahaha ...Your Turn LoL

Anonymous said...

No papa hoy me teñi el pelo, te espero en Soho , maquillate y ponte bello

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Oh my god fantomas cousing just got a beating in Santiago de Cuba , le partieron la cabeza oh my god, the security G2 was all over him poor cousin oh my god

Alex you are a chivato , you will pay dearly ,you outed a fellow cuban blogger

You need to be repudiated by the entire blogging community

Watch your back in NY, We have located your office

Anonymous said...

Fantomas no me jodas con el script de mi nueva pelicula de Bolywood, starring Rambo

Anonymous said...


Alex H. se te escapo de la cueva.

Anonymous said...

a los 11 años fantomas ya era miembro del comite.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas que le hicistes a Alex en Nostalgia?

vino de alla mas pato y mas chivato

Anonymous said...

a los 11 años fantomas ya era miembro del comite.

Someone told me Fantomas was working underground against the revolution at age 11

Anonymous said...

No, someone toll me he was working ON the ground for the revolutionist.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas "has a core of followers that are very loyal to him everyday"?

His mother and who else?

Vana said...

Ms C:

More like, the inmates are ruining the asylum.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder what kind of mental disconnect would prompt somebody to continuosly post as anonymous several times, in order to hide his real personality? Psychologists in the AMA must have a name for this mental disease? Any clues?"

agustinitis farinasitis

Anonymous said...


que es una libreta ?