Friday, June 6, 2008

Barack Obama: The Son that Bill and Hillary Never Had

Barack Obama was abandoned by both his father and his mother. His exaggerated and wholly undeserved praise of them, the lessons which he claimed to have learned from a father whom he met only once in his life, at an airport, and the inspiration he supposedly derived from his radical mother, who was fighting the revolution in Southeast Asia throughout his childhood while he lived with his grandparents in Hawaii, is all a means to cope with that abandonment, which, of course, is something that nobody can ever wholly transcend.

The universal reaction to fill the void created by the absence of one's parents is to supply that void with an idealized conception of them. This Obama has done through his surrogate father Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his own wife Michelle, who is more a surrogate mother to him than anything else (Oprah Need Not Apply). However, if there are two people on this earth who could have created a Barack Obama besides his Harvard-educated Kenyan father and his hippie "Make Love [to Natives] Not War" mother, then, surely, they are Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill, of course, was famously proclaimed by Maya Angelou (or was it Alice Walker?) as the first temperamentally African-American president. And Hillary is a more focused, calculating and successful version of Obama's mother.

I have never believed that Obama felt anything but the deepest emotional connection to the Clintons. As for Bill and Hillary they will become emotionally-invested in anyone who can further their interests. At this point, after having first frustrated their aspirations, Obama alone can make them relevant again. In effect, he can do for them what he did for his real parents -- rehabilitate their memory. The giddiness with which Obama received the suggestion that Bill Clinton would be willing to campaign for him, the alacrity with which he flew to Hillary's side when she beckoned him, shows that the role of dutiful son to less-than-perfect parents is a role that comes naturally to him, which, indeed, he can hardly suppress.

There can be no doubt that Hillary will be Obama's running-mate and the Clintons his surrogate parents for the next 4 years. They are not really deserving of his trust or his loyalty, but neither were his real parents. Hillary's gambit is that Obama, if elected, will not serve for long. Whether it is the skeletons in his closet that will be fleshed out by his election, or the maccabre prospect to which she has already previously alluded, Hillary believes that she has at least a 50% chance of finishing Obama's term and maybe winning one of her own.


Ms Calabaza said...

Oh MaT,

please don't tell me you think he's gonna make Hillary Veep . . . puhleeeeeeeeeeeze. I feel like barfing.

I'm pretty sure it was Toni Morrison the racist professor and God-awful writer who said "I trust no white man fully", who actually called Bubba the first black president. Ugggh!

Great post MaT, even though I may lose my breakfast over this.

Fantomas said...

No, no, no, disagre totally with you Manuel

Hillary Clinton will not be the VP candidate. That position has no power whatsoever anymore. She is power hungry and will get what she really wants

She will be more prominent in another capacity. Trust me

Conociendo a los Clintons te dire que de ella aceptar la vicepresidencia seria un milagro unless she really thinks he can die in the process

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

Babalu Founding editor said

Yoani prefers Obama

The American in me " Babalu Editor" has spoken

He does not feel Cuban Today . What a Pity

No coladas for the man today . Give him cafe americano

Fantomas said...

No me gusta en publico hablar del otro blog y su editor. Pero hoy fue necesario hacerlo ya que estoy censurado alla. Si la censura no existiese ese post hubiese sido colocado alli. No te me acostumbres Manuel a ese treat
I dont play like that

Sharpshooter said...

Obama would be crazy to chose her as his running mate. He will have to watch out for both Bill and her over his shoulders for the next 4 years. He probably thinks he can win without either one of them in his camp (now that he is the chosen nominee, his arrogance has increased tenfold) and will keep them at arm's length.
My take is he will chose a "progressive" (whatever that means these days)white male to strengthen the ticket where he is most defficient, with lower income white voters. Perhaps another woman but certainly not Hillary.
And Hillary would be a nightmare for Obama because of her arrogance.

Fantomas said...

Ve Fariñas, como usted y yo podemos concordar sin usar ningun epiteto desagradable

Continue amigo veo un gran " cambio" en usted . Si de puede

The obama effect is already working on some people


Ms Calabaza said...

what are you going to do with yourself if and when Manuel closes this blog as you ask him to do on a daily basis? You are not wanted or allowed to voice your opinion anywhere else. Pobrecito Fanto.

Ms Calabaza said...

what bothers me is that behind those closed doors last night Obama, Hillary and Bubba were making deals about our future and our kids' futures. Why doesn't the press see the writing on the wall? WaSs!!!

Fantomas said...

You are not wanted or allowed to voice your opinion anywhere else.

Oh no thats a wrong fact I have more than 100 outlets in which I can still express myself. I just happen to pick the most dinamic blog sites

Worse case scenario : my blog , you all will come to me for your daily dosis if i am ever shut down by manuel or any other goon that may try it in the future

Anonymous said...

Hillary and Bubba

Calabazza another racist remarks against the senator

Llevas dos ya con este

Anonymous said...

Fantomas que le hicistes a Alex H

Fantomas said...

Who knows I may take residence one of these days in Calabaza and contradictions

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Although they have banned you, Val & Co. still fear you. They know that you know where many of their skeletons are buried. That is the reason that they have not dared to cut loose your satellite. They do not want to face the wrath of a delinked fantomas.

Knowing their Machiavellian ways, I am surprised that they have not demoted Abajo Fidel from its #2 spot on Babalú's blogroll to the very bottom.

Fantomas said...

A delinked fantomas could surprise you. It could bring a more kinder and gentler fantomas to the forefront

Fantomas said...

Knowing their Machiavellian ways, I am surprised that they have not demoted Abajo Fidel from its #2 spot on Babalú's blogroll to the very bottom

Manuel es en orden alfabetico, deja de estar metiendo cizañas que me van a bajar por tu culpa

Fantomas said...

They know that you know where many of their skeletons are buried

Deja eso que yo nunca he trabajado en un cementerio

Ms Calabaza said...

Anonymous said...
Hillary and Bubba

Calabazza another racist remarks against the senator

Llevas dos ya con este

6/06/2008 11:26 AM

In my neck o' the woods, bubba is as common a term as grits, honey . . . you want to make that racist - go ahead.

Anonymous said...

His name is not Bubba ..get back to your woods dear

Vana said...


That is a dire prediction indeed, Obama is damged goods still looking for mama and daddy, that's a heavy syndrome to bear.

I would not be at all surprised if he picks Hillary as his running mate, thinking that perhaps he can get her votes for President.

Sharpshooter said...

Ms. Calabaza,
why argue with the anonymous who obviously hasn't travel much throughout the USA?
The term Bubba, is a term of endearment among some southerners to refer to someone who is a close friend or relative. It is used widely acros the South and the Southwestern part of the US. I heard it myself countless times when I lived in Okla. and it was never used derisively or had any racial connations.
It is only the elitist media who has demeaned the name by having it made out to represent those folks they think are less liberal than them, or as they sometimes call them,"backward". This is all of course, according to their way of thinking.
I met a few Bubbas in my lifetime that defied the common image associated with the name. They were pretty sharp when it came to business and the IT field and very successful, and to my surprise, they had a better knowledge and culture of the world, than some of my more "enlightened" liberals friends.

Ms Calabaza said...



bookster said...

No Hillary, No way! obama is doing the tango now, is all a show

I say is going to be governor richardson.

For Obma is all about getting the hispanic vote, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada,Arizona(?) that's where new young latino voters are.

Anonymous said...

Hillary will not be our VP . Get off the Hillary bandwagon

Anonymous said...

Obama, Hillary , Richardson

The 3 minorities well represented

Party of inclusion

Republicans party of exclusion

Pobrecito Mac Cain cogera pela

Anonymous said...


did you cry?

Ms Calabaza said...


don't you think Richardson and Obama will alienate white southern voters? Maybe "too brown" as you once stated. Why have you changed your mind on this?

Anonymous said...

Pipo: voy a tener otro hijo. seras abuelo otravez. tu crees que me puendas conseguir medicaid con obama? tu nena.

Anonymous said...

bad joke , buscate otro

Fantomas said...

Manuel I'm planning a blog talk radio show tonite , now you dont have to call and pay long distance anymore , with a click of a boton in the program page you can be on the air inmediately live

I want all of our kool aid kids to be on this show participating , i will love to match the writtings on the review wall to a sound bite since we dont have faces

que te parece tonite at 11.30 pm

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I doubt that Babalú would take any hint from me on how to deal with you. In fact, I have probably saved you from certain delinking or demoting by merely mentioning those options.

If you had an ounce of dignity, though, you would request that Abajo Fidel be removed from Babalú's blogroll.

If your opinions are not good enough for Babalú to publish then why would they link to them on your blog and why would you let them?

Be a man, fantomas. Tell the Babalunians that you don't need them because you are your own man (as you have contended here many times).

Fantomas said...

Manuel olvida eso, el blog link es para personas que quieran saber de la realidad cubana, Es mejor tener diversidad de opiniones que seguir una sola linea . Yo me diferencio de ellos. that's their gain. I represent cambio they dont. Ademas is an added commodity to have me there since most of my writtings are in spanish. It is a win win situation for both parties. No hard feelings

dime si hacemos el show de radio hoy ?

Respondeme no te hagas el loco, no me ignores sabes que eso me prende

Anonymous said...

Manuel Do you think Mc Cain and the Republican Party have any dignity left to lead this country 4more years?

Fantomas said...

voy a salir a almorzar , 1 hour lunch from work

be back later this afternoon

portense bien en mi ausencia

y no te olvides esta noche 11.30 tu y yo tenemos una cita radial

8.30 pm pacific Vana's time

Fantomas said...

los viejitos del Versalles ya tienen su blog


Perdonadlos dios , perdonalos no saben en que se han metido


Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I know we can depend on you for a forceful denunciation of censorship wherever it is practiced (even on your own blog). I will be listening for such a denunciation and shall decide on that basis whether I should phone to congratulate you.

Fantomas said...

no, we do this together from the beginning , on my terms dime si quieres hacerlo sino tendras que esperar for another year

Anonymous said...

Oh my God ,Alex Hernandex formerly known as Ya no Mas has been in jail all this time

Babalu has the scoop, Alex destroyed his office in NYC. He has a video to prove it

He was sentenced to 3 years just today

Fantomas said...

I know we can depend on you for a forceful denunciation of censorship wherever it is practiced (even on your own blog)

Mat do not push me but yes i will talk about all the CA censors..all of them

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

11.30 pm EST tonite en vivo

program name

fantomas y Tellechea sin careta

tema libre

please tune in , you are welcome to call and speak live "on the air" no long distance calls needed

6/06/2008 5:04 PM

No poodles allowed
please metan a los perros en sus jaulas no los dejen salir

Anonymous said...

If you live here and reap the benefits of what this country has to offer, and you vote for someone because it may be in the best interest of another country, then you should promptly leave and go live there.

"No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other." (Matthew 6:24)

Posted by George L. Moneo at June 6, 2008 03:44 PM

bookster said...

Heil George!, i thought i could vote for whoever i want, isn't that what freedom and democracy are about. are we trading the constitution for the bible?

always learning something new here in RCAB.

Vana said...

Obviously George does not care about what happens in Cuba or those therein, it's easy to see he's not 100% Cuban stock.

Angel Garzón said...

"If you live here and reap the benefits of what this country has to offer, and you vote for someone because it may be in the best interest of another country, then you should promptly leave and go live there."

George, there are not that many registered voters that fall under your opinion's umbrella, since you're clearly referring to Cuba and Cuban-Americans, I believe that voting with the one and only expected result being what's the best interest of Cubans in Cuba, who yearn for first of all the most basic of needs (i.e. food and shelter) and secondly freedom and democracy which would provide the means to a desired end (goal,) should not be confused with voting for the best interest of the Cuba subjugating tyranny, even if the end result would benefit that tyranny, as I believe would be the case if Obama becomes President, he is clearly a neo-Communist and if he becomes the Commander in Chief Cubans may never see freedom for another fifty years or more, remember that one can catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar, educating any Cuban-Americans who would vote for Obama to discern the potential consequences of their votes is the proper way to get one's point across more successfully, your heart is in the right place my friend, but your approach defeats your valiant and sincere goals, you can't impose your opinions on others no matter how well intentioned they are, but you can convince others to see things your way respectfully, remember that in a constitutional republic, the politically and ideologically savvy have a duty to inform the rest of the populace, not to crush them.

"No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other." (Matthew 6:24)

You're using biblical passages out of context my friend, Matthew was referring to serving God or the devil, hence the passage is not applicable within the context in which you have chosen to place it, take my Protestant word for it and do go to the Bible and verify (as Reagan would say, trust but verify) the real context of the passage. When Jesus went into the desert and fasted, it was the devil who appeared to Him and as is his usual norm, tried to take advantage of Jesus by reciting the word out of context and concurrently choosing to omit key words from the passage that he used, a foolish attempt to deceive the Word (Jesus) by misusing the word, if you read the passage you'll find Jesus' answer to the deceiver.

P.S. Regards to you and your family, especially your son, remember, we share a birthday day.

Fantomas said...

Menos mal que yo no tengo ningun master ni Fidel, Ni Bush ni Dios ni Mahoma ni Buda ni Obama

Esos que acaban sirviendole a los master usualmente acaban muy mal

Vana said...

Anon 6:36

I was raised here too, heve been in the US since I was 11 years old, still I care for those left behind in the hell that is Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Care is one thing Vana , but what have you done to improve the lives of Cubans. On the other hand, the cadre of writers at Babalu think because they have a blog they are more entitled to have a say in Cuba's future. Please these people will be so rejected in Cuba . They will never land in Havana . If they decide to ever go they will risk being eaten alive by real Cubans

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Excellent deconstruction of George Moneo's isolationist nationalism. I may have a stab at that myself.

Anonymous said...

George to Val

When you start chewing, visualize your leg is the DNC or that its several bloggers of our acquaintance. It may help...

Posted by George L. Moneo at June 6, 2008 07:44 AM

Anonymous said...

Perros rabiosos muerden , cuidado Manuel

Vana said...

Anon 7:14

What have I done to improve the lot of Cubans in the island? the only way I know is to reach out through the help I offer my family.

What have I done to topple the regime? NOTHING the same as you, that is the most painful of all, that there is nothing I can do to end the dictatorship, we as a people need to unite, not even the dissidents in Cuba are united.

Blogging will help free Cuba? please allow me to sit befor I faint! that's sheer nonsense.