Thursday, June 12, 2008

RCAB News: The U.S. Department of Justice Visits

Today is obviously the day for distinguished visitors. This morning the Vatican made a pilgrimage here. And just now, at 6:11:19 PM, RCAB was visited by (US Dept of Justice). Sad to say, they did not come to read the previous post but landed on my biographical sketch of Obama with accompanying photograph of baby Baracka and his mother:

Barack Obama: The Future Is the Past


Ms Calabaza said...


I could be the culprit on this one. I have a friend who logs on to my blog every day and he works for doj. I have you on my blogroll. Either that, or you are being investigated . . .

Sharpshooter said...

So what is this I read that you are getting visitors from the Vatican and the US Justice Dept on the same day?
Wow, you sure are coming up in the world, me boy! Babalu could never boast about anything like that!
Remember, Big Brother is watching!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

ms. calabaza & agustín:

Maybe the Vatican wants to canonize me and the DOJ grant me honorary citizenship.

Or maybe the Vatican wants to excommunicate me and DOJ deport me.

It could go either way.

Ms Calabaza said...


between both scenarios presented I would have to root for the second one. You can handle excommunication from the Church ~ no problema. And, we can hire top notch lawyers to help you with deportation proceedings.

The first scenario ~ canonization, would be if you had kicked the bucket . . . not much any of us can do there. . .

Vana said...

Scary to get a visit from the Justice Department, glad they read your piece on Obama though.

Anonymous said...

without fantomas this blog will be the one kicking the bucket

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am sure the ghost of fantomas will be haunting this blog forever.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I knew all along he was a clown

A good one that is

nonee moose said...

MAT, you are coming perilously close to hindering an investigation in progress.

J. Edgar will have his frilly panties in a bunch if you screw this up...

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is the blod of this blog.

Ms Calabaza said...


I'm hoping you're working on an awesome post and not that you've been picked up by DOJ or the Vatican . . . you are missed.