Friday, December 12, 2008

Val Prieto and POTUS

Val Prieto has posted a "quick tease... an image of our meeting with The President of the United States (yes, all in capital letters). Go to it. Study it. Make it your wallpaper. And then come back here to read my analysis of it, which will be published shortly.


There he sits rapped in deep meditation, Rodin's "Thinker" as interpreted by Botero. Yes, externally, it may seem that Val Prieto has a blank expression on his face, as if in the culminating hour of his life, he had been transported to another world more fantastical even than the scene that is being played out before his vacant eyes. Perhaps he was transported to his native Bayamo and the tree that is emblematic of it in his childhood memories. Or, perhaps, he's wondering why nobody has refilled his glass of water. Or why this couldn't have happened two years ago when he was 100 lbs thinner. Or that it would be nice to be able to cross his legs like the president.

What is important, however, is that he is not living in the moment, which is unfortunate for him because Val will not pass this way again; and more unfortunate still for the Cuban people, whom this somnolent genius pretends to represent. Any other Cuban blogger or just plain Cuban, even one who doesn't speak a word of English, would struggle to make himself understood even if that meant playing charades with the president (Bush would like that) or setting a chair on fire to make smoke signals (or, better yet, Theodore Roosevelt's "Rough Rider" painting). But Val sits there impassively, caught up in himself, tongue-tied and mind a-wondering, as if he had stumbled unto the set of an Oliver Stone movie and was portraying the director's idea of a cloddish, brutish hardliner, capable of speaking only one word to power: "Jes."

Note, finally, the writing tablet in front of Val, which is as blank as his expression. The gentleman to his left, in a saffron robe, [Burma's Maung Maung Win] is busy scribbling away. Even if he's there only to provide color (and hence seated closest to the president) at least he wishes to report what transpired at the meeting accurately to his readers. The "island on the net" and the greater island that Val purports to represent do not even merit this consideration. This Nero won't even doodle while Rome burns.

For the last 48 hours Val Prieto has been trying to remember what transpired at the Bloggers' Summit in order to put together 100 words of narrative. Whether this is because he got ripped at the after party, as Henry suggested on the Babalú [Faux] Radio Hour, or he is still seasick from his trip on the Greyhound bus, as an anonymous commenter suggested in the previous thread, I do not know or care. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxiously awaiting the opportunity to annotate and deconstruct his report from the Bloggers' Summit. I think he knows that, too, which may explain his hesitation in writing it. The Bloggers' Summit is no longer front page news (it never was). But if Val waits much longer his account may have to appear in a chapter in his future Autobiography, I Met George W. Bush.


Anonymous said...

Admit it Manuel-You are totally obsessed with that man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Manuel eres un tremendo envidioso. Val se sento co el hombre mas poderoso del planeta. Le dio la mano. Val todavia no se ha bañado desde que regreso de DC. For that reason Val is bigger now to the dislike of many. Val is the Cuban of the hour now. His name will resonate all over the world . 6 billion people know this said Val
Que viva Val carajo, que viva

Anonymous said...

Manuel would you ever congratulate that said Val

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

anonymous fantomas:

You may envy Val; I do not. As I've said before, I would not walk two blocks to meet George Bush let alone travel 2000 miles.

As for his name "resonating around the world," one newspaper carried the news of Val's participation at the White House Bloggers' Summit: Ecuador's El Comercio.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Oh, gee, guess who's rushing to El Comercio's website right now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gee, guess who's rushing to El Comercio's website right now.

Let me guess, Val

Anonymous said...

Manuel why don't you open your site meter at once

We want to take a look at your visitors and the ip addresses

Please open up

Hurry before Fanto shows up

Anonymous said...

Manuel do you dream about Val every night

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

anonymous fantomas:

No, but I am sure he has nightmares about me.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

anonymous fantomas:

Precisely because you and others would like to identify IP addresses.

Anonymous said...

Precisely because you and others would like to identify IP addresses.

No soy fantomas, abrelos , nada se puede hacer con los ip addresses No temais old man. Val tiene el sitemeter de el abierto y el tuyo yo lo tengo hace rato y como has visto no te he hecho nada , ni lo intentare

Vana said...

Val looks totally spaced out in that pic, like he does not understand what's going on around is it a hangover, he looks terrible BTW could lose a few pounds, maybe he's swollen from liver damage.

Anonymous said...

Vana porque eres tan odiosa. Se ve realmente en tus escritos que la menopausa te ha atacado fuertemente
cuando fue la ultima vez que hicistes el amor, linda
Leo entre lineas mucho odio, mucha burla de tu parte

Anonymous said...

Val = comemierda de primera

Anonymous said...

Val = Primer Presidente de Cuba Democratica

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

The sure bet: In Val Prieto's account of his meeting with George Bush, the word "humble" will be used at least once, whether in reference to himself or the president. Or perhaps both.

Both, in fact, have a great deal to be humble about.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


An astute observation, although I think the empty glass of water points more towards diabetes.

Anonymous said...

He looks five years or so from a massive heart attack. What a pig!

Manuel, I asked you on the previous thread about the opportunities Bush missed. It's very easy to throw shit (I should know, I do it frequently), but to put forward plan that could work is not.

We can all agree that as soon as Cuba can be rid of that odious regime the better. How would you propose to do it?

Anonymous said...

Manuel descansa tu mente. He was there. You were not invited . San seacabo

Anonymous said...

Manuel-Is your interest in Val of the "Homoerotic" type???

Anonymous said...

Señores a Bush le quedan 3 semanas en el poder. Nada de lo que se hablo ahi sera implementado por Obama. On the other hand, talking with Obama now should be our priority #1. Se que la Fundacion ya esta moviendose y Val is not welcomed there

Anonymous said...

Manuel descansa tu mente. He was there. You were not invited . San seacabo


Manuel A.Tellechea said...

anonymous fantomas:

You surprised me by spelling "homoerotic" correctly. On the other hand, maybe it is not so surprising.

Anonymous said...

Ay que rico , yo quiero de eso

Me gusta el mani tostao

Anonymous said...

No soy Fantomas , porque dices eso

Acaso sueñas con Fantomas tambien

Use the sitemeter wisely

Los chivatos pagan caro cuando cantan

Anonymous said...

Caballeroooooo coñooooooo
los tostáos en la blogosfera cubana són más que los sanos, la placa a la entrada de Mazorra lo dice todo bien.

El tratornáo Estrada Palma y su "sidekick" el retardáo Don "Royceroy" (el apodo dice mucho) están diciendo que se están fajando con espias que dicen son mandados por Raul, ahora hasta están repartiendo esas ilusiones mentales en el blog de Fantomas, estos llamados "cubanos" que nunca han conocido ni siquiera visitado Cuba y que ni saben una palabra del castellano se auto proclaman sabelotodos de Cuba y su situación deplorable, que bochorno caballero, que bochorno.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, please review Estrada Palma's blog before you close.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha

Val is saying...

coño esta corbata me queda un poco apreta.... cuando se acabara esta mierda... tengo un hambre del carajo...


Anonymous said...

It looks like Longfellow lent Val his $75.00 suit.

Vana said...


An astute observation also on your part, I did not notice the empty glass of water, he probably sucked it down hoping it was wine, or that a sheer miracle had occured that turned the water into

Anonymous said...

Val doesn't drink wine Vana, you are giving him way too much credit, must be because TGIF, Val is too cheap to spring for even Ripple, cheap beer is his forté as long as someone else pays for it and brings it to him at the man-camp, that's the reason that caused Rick to become his SoFla nemesis, Rick was excited when he was invited to the man-camp but for him it was impossible to be a member of a group that shunts wine drinking and prefer beer, Rick made a quick 180 turn and headed back to the more Advocate friendly environs of Broward, to rejoin his friends the cupcakes.

PS Fantomas also rejected membership in the man-camp and for the same reason as Rick, we hear that at times Enrique and Rick "accidentally" run into each other at the Castro district in San Francisco.... LOL

Fantomas said...

PS Fantomas also rejected membership in the man-camp and for the same reason as Rick, we hear that at times Enrique and Rick "accidentally" run into each other at the Castro district in San Francisco.... LOL

Nada que buscar alli en SF . Sinceramente no se a que viene el comentario. Fantomas is not Ricky Martin. Fantomas es autoreproduce solo inclusive. Es hermafrodito
Nostalgia 2009. I be there

Fantomas said...

PS Fantomas also rejected membership in the man-camp and for the same reason as Rick

Fantomas no come iguanas

Anonymous said...

Val 45 is our best customer in South F

Anonymous said...

Hola aseron Val

Me entere que estabas pegandome los cuernos con Night Train

Anonymous said...

He used to drink us

Anonymous said...

Como se goza en este blog. Mat do not close shop. Keep it open. I will miss you

Anonymous said...




This just in...
Official press release:

Secretary Gutierrez to Speak on the “Costs and Consequences of the Cuban Revolution” at the Heritage Foundation
WASHINGTON–U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez will deliver the keynote address at the Heritage Foundation’s “Cuba at the Crossroads Series,” Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008. Gutierrez will discuss the upcoming 50th anniversary of Castro’s rule in Cuba, and the need for democratic change to bring free and fair elections, freedom of speech and fundamental human rights to the Cuban people.

WHO: Panel Presentation:
Lee Edwards, Ph.D., Distinguished Fellow in Conservative Thought-Heritage Foundation
Mark Falcoff, Ph.D., Resident Scholar Emeritus, American Enterprise Institute
Keynote Address:
Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez, U.S. Secretary of Commerce

WHAT: “Freedom Denied: The Costs and Consequences the Cuban Revolution”
Panel Presentation and Keynote Address

WHEN: Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2008
Panel Presentation: 10:30 a.m.
Keynote Address: 11:30 a.m.
Press check-in: 10:15 a.m.

WHERE: Heritage Foundation
Allison Auditorium
214 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, D.C. 20002

Posted by Val Prieto at 02:55 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

Manuel por favor esto es en serio vamos a comenzar a hacer una colecta para enviar a Val a Washington. Tu aportacion sera tu legacia

Anonymous said...

Fantomas WE WILL MISS YOU not Manuel

Anonymous said...

Fantomas te quedo bueno lo de Ernestico Bustos. Que clase de mariconson y comemierda barato ese tipo que reside en Barcelona

Prototipo: Fidelista en un Zapato

Anonymous said...

Manuel eres un envidioso. Val hablo por telefono con Emilio Estefan y ahora se sienta en la misma mesa que Bush.

Que envidioso eres Manuel


Anonymous said...

Que clase de descaro

Preparense a pagarle el pasaje

Ya esta bueno ya

Anonymous said...

Manuel how many Balausianos do you think visit your blog on a daily basis? Any traces of a 5 year old prodigy cuban kid lurking your waters today

Centurion said...


You will be invited to the white house.

No suit required, a guayabera will be fine.

Anonymous said...

La de Perez Roura , la roja

Anonymous said...

Henry Gomez has written a post about Ted Turner's new book and his recent guest appearance on The O"Reilly Factor where Turner made some dubious statements about Fidel Castro's Cuba. Henry must be running on slow gear, that guest appearance by Turner took place a few days ago and was mentioned here by a commenter, the Babalusians are dropping the ball, with so many contributors it wouldn't be that difficult to stay on top of issues related to Cuba, the beer must be running low at the man-camp.

Anonymous said...

Wow, gone for the day and missed Val's meeting with Bush. Manuel, another great analytical hard-hitting post. Val's vacant stare was a gimmie. The empty pad was a great catch by you. But you missed Bush's smrik, which read the jokes on them. Especially the Cuban, who put him in the white house.

The photo is a tragedy for the island of Cuba, and a disgrace to all those Cubans, and Cuban-American who have died to free Cuba. As they never would have imagined that such a drunkard of a man, would be appointed the spokesman, by a President who will go down as one of the most harmful men in Cuban-American history.

Even Bush, with the smirk grin, knows the jokes is on the Cuban. Perhaps, even Val, through his drunkard haze, also realize the the seat he sat in, was filled by an empty suit.

I will write more tomorrow, i just wanted to throw out my initial thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Even Bush, with the smirk grin, knows the jokes is on the Cuban. Perhaps, even Val, through his drunkard haze, also realize the the seat he sat in, was filled by an empty suit.


Anonymous said...

balsero 2:55 don't put Tellechea on the spot like that my man, Estrada Palma used to have a good blog, but he's gone out of his mind for more than a year, he keeps on repeating the same stuff over and over again and since he paired up with Dominguez things have just gone off the deep end, lets just say that Dominguez is not a Mensa candidate by a loooong shot.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, please review Estrada Palma's blog before you close.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Leave Palma alone , he is one of us

Anonymous said...

Hee hee heee

Val looking at his empty glass saying...

Hey George lets play quarters...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Leave Palma alone , he is one of us

No Palma is not one of us, he has never been to Cuba, his mother is Irish-American, he speaks not one word of Spanish and he is a cousin of Val Prieto from the Companioni's (Italian) O'Donnel (Irish) side of the Val Prieto relatives. People who as Tellechea is known for saying "have not worshipped at our temple" they are Americans, they are not Cubans.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, please review Estrada Palma's blog before you close.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Tellechea, please review Fantomas' blog before you close.

Thank you

Fantomas said...

Manuel dame un nuevo post , ya me aburri con este

Fantomas said...

El blog de Fantomas es unreviewable

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is after Ernesto Bustos now. Manuel I think Fantomas will move shop cause you are closing

Anonymous said...

Manuel can you review Alex Rodriguez's brown dick before you leave

Anonymous said...

camarioca said...
Manuel, please review Estrada Palma's blog before you close.

Thank you

God Bless Palma, he does such a great job and now with his sidekick Dominguez , don the man one of a kind he will blow your mind

Anonymous said...

Review of Tomás Estrada-Palma's Blog:


Mazorra and Bellevue do not have all the insane within their walls.

Review of Don "Royceroy" Dominguez Blog Talk Radio "Program" it "airs" on Mondays at 2:00 PM - ET:

Forrest Gump is a genius the likes of Albert Einstein when compared to Don "Royceroy" Dominguez.

Anonymous said...

Review of Enrique "Fantomas" Rubio's: Blog, "Abajo Fidel Castro":

The BEST damn blog authored by a Cuban in exile, bar none. Fantomas IS "Da Man".

Anonymous said...

Señoras y señores en español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos.

Fantomas said...

No busco premios ni quiero ganar nada con el blog. Denunciar , denunciar, denunciar , denunciar a la dictadura . No hay mas na que buscar

Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize for Fantomas el heroe/santo del exilio cubano.

Anonymous said...

Sigue con tu jueguito Fantomas. Recuerda que te esperamos en Nostalgia.

Fantomas said...

i be there in the fantomas booth

Anonymous said...

Fantomas es el maricon despechado de Val y Ernesto.

Fantomas said...


Anonymous said...

"Fantomas es el maricon despechado de Val y Ernesto."


Fantômas is the master of a thousand disguises and the leader of a vast army of "apaches" (street thugs). His spies and henchmen are everywhere, spreading the seeds of chaos and terror.

Vana said...

Chaos indeed!

Anonymous said...

Manuel donde está la tercera parte del analisis del viaje de Val Smith a Washington DC?

Fantomas said...

La Habana.- La posible ausencia de Fidel Castro en las actividades que se preparan en esta capoital para festejar los 50 años del castrismo en la isla, se hace evidente para los cubanos que atraviesan una dramática situacuión económica y social, después de mdio siglo de mantenerse en el poder la nomenclatura marxista que derrocó a Fulgencio Batista en 1959. La prensa oficialista indicó que en esta capital se realizarán - a partir del 20 de diciembre- bailes, lanzamientos de libros, presentaciones de obras de teatro y espectáculos de Tropicana, para que los habaneros festejen el medio siglo de fidelismo. También se espera que el gobierno entregue mas alimentos a la población y organicen en los barrios comelatas populares llamadas "caldosas", así como encuentros deportivos y programas especiales de televisión. "De seguro nos darán unas libritas mas de arroz y algunos racimos de plátanos o una o dos libras de pollo que le han comprado a los yanmkkes", señaló Julio Oviedo, un maestro de la escuela de artes de San Alejandro.

Carta de Cuba

Anonymous said...

Comentan en el blog de Fantomas que Val no tuvo las agallas para tirarle con un zapato a Bush

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