Sunday, December 14, 2008

All the Lies that Fit in Print (Part 3)

"Here's what she wanted me to grasp. Cuba, at the time of the revolution, was 'one of the most unjust, unequal and exploited societies on earth.' Illiteracy was running up to 40%, a quarter of the best land was in U.S. hands, and a corrupt bourgeoisie lorded it over everybody else." -- Roger Cohen, "The End of the End of the Revolution," New York Times Magazine, December 5, 2008

Roger Cohen tells us what a "top official at [Castro's] Ministry of Economics" wanted him to "grasp" and he grasps it with both hands, embraces and attempts to flesh out this enormity, which bears no relation to the facts except to contradict them. Mr. Cohen is a South African and we suppose that he would not so readily have believed a "a top official from [Botha's] Ministry of Economics" who assured him that apartheid was actually good for blacks from a socio-economic viewpoint. Cohen would have dismissed that as propaganda, though, as things turned out, blacks did in fact enjoy a higher standard of living in Botha's South Africa than in Mbeki's (and let's not even compare Mugabe's Zimbabwe to Ian Smith's Rhodesia). But whereas Cohen would have dismissed the claims of Botha's propagandist, he has no qualms about accepting those of Castro's. That kind of double-standard is not at all unusual for Cohen or for any scribe of the mainstream media.

He tells us elsewhere, without making the obvious connection to apartheid (which should be more obvious to him than to most), that Cubans were barred for 50 years from staying at "international hotels" before Raúl Castro saw fit to let them earlier this year (supposing they have a year's wages to spare for a night's stay). Where are these "international hotels" located? Madrid, Buenos Aires, New York? No, these "international hotels" are all in Cuba. So, in fact, they are not "international hotels" but national ones. It is in their own country that Cubans were prohibited from staying at, or even setting foot in, facilities and accommodations which were reserved for foreigners. Cuba's majority mixed population was excluded from venues reserved for the predominantly white tourists; but Cohen failed to grasp the class and racial implications of such a policy, which made Cubans second-class citizens in their own country as blacks were once in South Africa.

Now let us consider Cohen's "proof" for the claims of Elena Alvarez, his rapporteur at Castro's Ministry of Economics:

"Illiteracy was running up to 40%..."

According to the 1953 Census, Cuba had a illiteracy rate of 22 percent. This meant that 78% of Cuba's population could read and write. In 1953, this was the exact inverse of literacy rates in the Third World, where only 20 percent of the population was literate. Castro "Literacy Campaign" claims to have "alphabetized" 700,000 Cubans, or slightly more than 10 percent of the population at the time (6.6 million). If Cuba's illiteracy rate before the Revolution was indeed the 40% that Alvarez claims, then the Cuban Revolution left 30% of the population illiterate.

"A quarter of the best land was in U.S. hands..."

Which means that 75% of the "best lands" were in Cubans' hands before the Revolution. How much of the best land or any land is in their hands now? The regime's so-called Agrarian Reform confiscated landholdings without ever distributing one acre. For 50 years, Cuba's best lands were turned into communes or left uncultivated until Raúl Castro decided this year to allow Cubans to sharecrop fallow lands. Now would-be farmers can rent land which they are legally forbidden ever to own.

"A corrupt bourgeoisie lorded it over everybody else."

In Marxist Newspeak the bourgeoisie is always "corrupt" and always "lording it." We know, of course, that they are the engine of the economy and the key to a country's prosperity. Cuba once had the largest middle-class in Latin America. Castro preserved and expanded poverty in Cuba and created his own enclaves of the very rich and corrupt. But he completely decimated Cuba's middle class. This is why Cuba now vies with Haiti for the lowest GNP in the Western Hemisphere whereas before the Revolution it could boast the third-highest.


Anonymous said...

Bright and early today

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Are you speaking about yourself?

Then I am not so sure about that "bright."

Anonymous said...

Chef Manuel please cook my eggs sunny side up

Anonymous said...

Make it 3 eggs, Cuban coffee with it

Anonymous said...

Manuel please come clean at once

How many years did you live in Cuba under Castro dictatorship?

Anonymous said...

Manuel salio de Cuba echando el 4 de Enero de 1959

Anonymous said...

A Robitussin Weekend
I havent written about the DC trip as apparently, walking around in 40 degree, rainy weather for two days can lead to really bad colds. Whodathunkit?

Spent the entire weekend in bed with chills, fever, cold sweats, aches in places I didnt even know I had, non-stop sneezing and a major, major cough. Hopefully all the meds Ive taken these past three days will finally kick in and kick this cold's ass.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:00 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Si no es comemierda, hace tremendo papelazo

Anonymous said...


Are you speaking about yourself?

Then I am not so sure about that "bright."

12/15/2008 7:22 AM

Manuel how do you know it is fantomas. Are you using the site meter wisely

Anonymous said...

Manuel, Like many nations around the world. Communism is also making a comeback in a Clinton liberated Bosnia. The last several days, I have been busy making phone calls, and sending care packages to my friends in Sarajevo, and Tulza. And i plan on going to visit there shortly.

Google: Fears of New Ethnic Conflict in Bosnia

Manuel, those of us that have been directly or indirectly affected by the communist filfth, recognize that Bush, for whatever reason, has allowed communist to regain their power around the world. This world-wide group, would of course exclude the Cuban-Americans, who still worship Bush. It will take another 40 years to undue Bush's neglect of communism.

Now specifically in regards to my application. I think my writing skills almost knocked me out of an Obama job. But i think my military service has kept me in. But the only thing about that is, i was told that there are literally tens of thousands of (current) military vets competing for service in an Obama adminstration. I think they have a more updated skill set then i do, and a lot more passion. As i wasnt lied into an unpopular war in Bosnia, as they were in Iraq. Therefore, they have a lot more anger, which is a good thing in this political climate that Bush has left the nation. So honestly, i say that i have about a 20-30% chance, not that good. Which is why i havent been running my mouth since i have been back. :) My next interview in Jan 4.

Anonymous said...

John you are Fired

Anonymous said...

Visit From the Christmas Spirit

10 days to go ....

Thus far on these 12 days I've gotten:

3 - Pastelitos
2 - Punch Cigars (Rare Carojos)
and a beer.(Hatuey)

Posted by Cigar Mike at 10:17 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Things must be GREAT AND DANDY IN CUBA when on a monday morning the main post at babalu is about celebration and alcohol

Do these American cubans have a clue about the suffering of the cuban people

Do they really know what is like?

Anonymous said...

They do not give a damn.

Vana said...

Cohen calls himself a reporter, he prints heresay without finding out the facts, no wonder the likes of Mathews sank Cuba in the ocean, seems the Times reporters are still harming Cuba with their lies!

Fantomas said...

Manuel A. Tellechea // Dec 15, 2008 at 1:02 pm

Todo tiene su explicación:

If you cant beat them , join them
fantomas Dic 15, 2008

O sea que a 30 dias de que cierres tu blog ya te preparas para residdir en Penultimos

Dejame decirte algo, ahi se practica la censura. Y no solo hacia mi. Ya hay como 10 casos documentados

Maybe you can teach Ernestico el comandante en jefe de penultimos a couple of things about censorship

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


When I said that I would close RCAB on January 20, 2009, I meant also that I would retire permanently from all blogging activity, including commenting.

I may start a monthly Tellechea Report to be sent by e-mail to interested parties, but otherwise I will devote myself to less polemic and more creative activities.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, not everyone resorts to fraudulent methods as yourself. Let's see... while living off welfare, aren't you also moonlighting as radio sidekick, thus leeching out the consumers and taxpayers? Be prepared to answer some questions really soon.

Fantomas said...

I may start a monthly Tellechea Report to be sent by e-mail to interested parties

I need your fix , please send me your e mails , i'm very much interested in your future work

I 'm working on my case study named
" The Tellechea Proyect"

Fantomas said...

thus leeching out the consumers and taxpayers

Our work is free, we do not get paid at the station . It is called Public Service for the Cuban people

Be prepared to answer some questions really soon.

hurry up

Anonymous said...

Tellechea you may want to duplicate our coment to Fantomas on the previous thread, wherein we tell the reason behind the banning of Fantomas at so many Cuban blogs, our comment is near the bottom of the thread as of this moment.

Fantomas said...

CJB-BCJ said...
Tellechea you may want to duplicate our coment to Fantomas on the previous thread, wherein we tell the reason behind the banning of Fantomas at so many Cuban blogs, our comment is near the bottom of the thread as of this moment.

There is nothing I cant say or do at any CA blog that deserves being censored. those who apply censorship are doomed to fail miserably. Fantomas has his own style, it must be appreciated at all times, I must be revered @ any blog . I speak the truth in denouncing the dictatorship to those who want to listen . My main aim is not to speak to Cuban Americans . My primary targets are people who are still blind when it comes to Cuba

Anonymous said...

Tellechea you may want to duplicate our coment to Fantomas on the previous thread

Please Telleches duplicate it

Vana said...


I will be eagerly awaiting your Tellechea Report, will you be keeping the same e mail address?

Anonymous said...

The problem is that most people (including the Cubans) are passionate and sometimes to a fault.

Call it reverse engineering, 20/20 hindsight, revisionism or Orwellian. (MAT I know you must have hated "Homage to Catalonia" but he did do so well with "1984" and "Animal Farm"

To look at pre-Castro Cuba through rose colored glasses is wrong. Is Cuba better off today, maybe in some aspects but what price has been paid? Something tells me that once your mind (and I use that word loosely) is made up all of the above apply. "Las Botellas", "La Mafia" (running the Casinos because apparently the Cubans were a dishonest lot) is tragic. So let's not kid It wasn't it wasn't a lost horizon. It was an opportunity lost.

Anonymous said...

MAT I did not to imply YOUR mind I meant it in the collective we. You know I don't play those fanta mas games.

Anonymous said...

Control yourself Vana ...... oops ...... I mean, Mansuelo.

Vana = Manuel Alberto Tellechea

Manuel Garzon = Angel Tellechea

Anonymous said...

-------WARNING WARNING-------------


Anonymous said...

Learn to write Esteban your titter-tatters are ok for 3rd grade but not for the adult readers, por favór.

Anonymous said...

Val Prieto se cagó fuera del cajón, fué a DC con ropa de Miami, que bruto es este guajiro, ahora se queja de que cojió un catarro pero en tan barato que en lugár de ir a ver un medico prefiere Robittussin, el jarabe del ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Oh!!! my not so favorite fruit, coje pinta.
At least I don't have to hide behind a small seed sack.
I think you wish you'd like titters but to get them you can't dress in tatters (if you get my third grade meaning...not that it matters). But I wasn't talking to you. That's why MAT is to be respected he's got a pair. POBRE DIABLO QUE PENA MR DAS.

Anonymous said...

Next time Anon you supply the KY

Anonymous said...

Hey colvert you must be retarded ...... oops ...... I mean SPECIAL ...... go and comment at Estrada Palma's blog, he loves retards ...... oops, I did it again ...... I mean SPECIAL kids like you, Don Dominguez and his pre-K mind will feel happy with a play buddy of the same IQ as his, go ahead child, go there.

Anonymous said...

Señoras y Señores en español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

esteban colvert:

The mob may have run some of the casinos in Cuba but it didn't run Cuba. Nor was tourism the mainstay of the Cuban economy. In fact, only 65,000 tourists visited Cuba annually before the Revolution. The U.S. in the 1950s could (and did) impact Cuba negatively, but from without not within.

Cubans, for better or worse, governed their own country, and whatever the faults of their leaders, progress was the hallmark of the Republic before Castro came to power.

Cuba was a paradise. Those who saw it are not deluded. It is only those who never saw it who refuse to believe it.

But, then again, can one blame doubters with the spectacle which now meets their eyes?

Fantomas said...


Vana said...

I saw her in all her glory, I'm not deluded, Cuba was a paradise, that is the reason we long for her and want her to become what she once was, or better.

Fantomas said...

I saw her in all her glory, I'm not deluded, Cuba was a paradise, that is the reason we long for her and want her to become what she once was, or better.

Vana por favor pon los pies sobre la tierra, es su gente lo que hace la diferencia y lo que ha producido la revolucion no se asemeja en nada a la Cuba pre 1959

Si vas ahora no duras un minuto alli, piensa que encontraras algo parecido a haiti , a somalia

No existe la etica , los valores, el honor , no hay educacion , religion, el pais completo necesita un overhaul que por lo menos tardara 2 o 3 generaciones a aparte de que los comunistas no tienen ningun interes de rendirse

Vana por favorrrrrrrrrrr basta ya de hablar sandeces, quitese los zapatos, ponga los pies sobre la tierra pero recuerde NUNCA nunca se los tire por la cabeza a nuestro presidente

Anonymous said...

When did you leave Cuba Vana?
How old were you when you left?
We are not trying to be PITA, just curious. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

If Fantomas is right, then how come there are decent people in Cuba that are members of the disidence and opposition to the Castros and their lacayos?

Explain them Fantomas.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Don Royceroy

Don Royceroy = Supplicant Retard

Supplicant Retard = Estrada Palma's Toy Retard

Estrada Palma = 9/11 "Truthers"

9/11 Truthers = 9/11 Whack Jobs

9/11 Whack Jobs = Estrada Palma

Angel Garzón said...

OK, I see that I missed the fun of the last few days, as Vana would say "Se soltó el solar"

I'll be back.

Centurion said...

Muy buenos dias tengan todos.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas said...
Babalu Represent us all
We should be grateful

God bless them , all of them, the entire Babalu Club

I can't wait for Val memoirs in DC

It will become a best seller in South F

Viva Val and don't forget to fill the tilt, it is almost empty now
December 15, 2008 1:33 PM

Vana said...


I was eleven and a half when I left, I had a wonderful childhood in Havana, the family always together specially during holidays, any and everything you wanted to eat, at the beach club every weekend, in the summer almost every day, then the robolution arrived everything ended the family divided food rationing began, ah yes I remember it well!

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzón said...

OK, I see that I missed the fun of the last few days, as Vana would say "Se soltó el solar"

I'll be back.


Fantomas said...

Cucarachon de Oriente said...

tu lo que eres es un tremendo chivaton

Esa informacion no era para aqui

Piensa porque dije eso alli , piensalo nada mas, use common sense


Como gozo con todos ustedes

Fantomas said...

If Fantomas is right, then how come there are decent people in Cuba that are members of the disidence and opposition to the Castros and their lacayos?

Explain them Fantomas

You dont have to be a dissident to be a decent person . there are decent communists in Cuba as well IM SURE ...unfortunately I dont know any of them
They too are Cuban all right
What i was trying to say is that revolution has suppressed any kind of morals in the cuban society
When you have to sell your body to get a pair of jeans or a shampoo bottle then there is a mayor problem in said society
When you have to steal or kill an animal to feed your family, when you have to have 2 faces wherever you go, la doble moral. there is problem.. It will take more than 40 years or maybe never to obtained what Vana had before the revolution


IT IS NOT THE COUNTRY OR THE ENTITIES is the people...... la gente....

Anonymous said...




Deja de estar posandote en todas parte como una mosca barata.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas said:

"When you have to sell your body to get a pair of jeans or a shampoo bottle"

We know you don't need shampoo. But, how many pair of jeans do you own?

Putica barata.


Fantomas said...

Cucarachon de Oriente said...



putica barata...

Oye aseron buscate otra cosa mejor...y apunta esto...Hay fantomas para largo

Cuando tu vienes ya yo he ido 10 veces

y dime tu ahora, que has hecho por Cuba en los ultimos 30 minutos?

lol , ahora mismo estoy destornillao de la risa

mi abuela te manda besitos , chocolaticos y muchos cucuruchitos de mani

Fantomas said...

Deja de estar posandote en todas parte como una mosca barata.

12/15/2008 9:31 PM

Con todos los Censuradores que existen hoy dia



y despues del 20 tengo una flor menos para chupar el nectar con la partida de Mr Mansuelo T

Al paso que voy me quedare sin comentar y tendre que quedarme solito y aburrido en mi propio blog
donde solo entran 10 personas diarias

que aburrido pobrecito de yo

Anonymous said...

"ahora mismo estoy destornillao de la risa"


Que quieres decir? Se te estan callendo mas tornillos del coco. Los pocos que te quedaban estaban sueltos.

lol lol lol


PS: Abre tu blog dejanos comentar sin censura---- hiiiiiipocritaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Panic in Bububulandia

Latest posts



Are the Bubulu readers on Holyday vacations?

Fantomas said...

PS: Abre tu blog dejanos comentar sin censura---- hiiiiiipocritaaaaa

Esta abierto

todo , todo lo que escribas sale sin miedo

Haz la p´rueba


Fantomas said...


Anonymous said...

"Esta abierto

todo , todo lo que escribas sale sin miedo

Haz la p´rueba"


Fantomas said...

Entonces no entres nadie te obliga , total si lo que se dice alli no vale la pena

dont lose a thing pasa la pagina y muevete

No soy palma, si me coges virao te hago trizas

Fantomas said...

en otras palabaras

Arrea pa chivirico

Anonymous said...

MANI MANI el manisero se'ba

Fantomitas no te acuestes a dormir sin chuparle el cucurucho a perucho.


Anonymous said...

"No soy palma, si me coges virao te hago trizas"

Que quieres decir? Are you saying that Estrada-Palma es un penco ?

Fantomas said...

Fantomitas no te acuestes a dormir sin chuparle el cucurucho a perucho.


Perucho, ese es el masajista de Manuel

Fantomas said...

Que quieres decir? Are you saying that Estrada-Palma es un penco ?

Eso lo dices tu..Estrada is Estrada

he is a cool guy

And Mr Royce is smoking on BTR

el Cable encendido, no lo toques son 7654 kilowatts de voltaje

Anonymous said...

Be back in a few minutes

Anonymous said...

Yeah Vana, what you've described is what life was like for most Cubans, at least for those of us that lived in the cities, not being familiar with what life was like in the montes, it'd be best to hear about it from those who lived there, but your memories are familiar ones, we experienced similar lives, thank you Vana, it was very nice of you to answer the questions.

Fantomas said...

CJB-BCJ said...

esas memorias de Vana son cosas del pasado..por favor vamos a a aceptar la realidad ..Esa Cuba que vana conocio ya murio..

lo de ahora es otra cosa ..pongamos los pies sobre la tierra

La cuba de hoy ninguno de ustedes la conocen

Fantomas said...

CJB-BCJ said...

dejate de estar comiendo mierda

Habla claro CJB

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is talking to himself again, he went to get the Thorazine, even los locarios know when their crazyness gets too crazy even for themselves.

Fantomas said...

I need someone to challenge my intelect o me voy

Me estoy aburriendo ya

Someone say something intelligent por favor

Fantomas said...

he went to get the Thorazine,

No hombre me fui a buscar unos casquitos de guayaba con queso crema y ahora me lo estoy comiendo mientras hablo contigo

Anonymous said...

"I need someone to challenge my intelect o me voy"

Te vas a caminar las calles del viejo San Juan. Te esperan tus clientes.

Fantomas said...

Si vivo en la perla, old san juan me queda cerca

Anonymous said...

Vamos muchachos -- tenemos que ronper el record de 600 comments--



Fantomas said...

me voy para mi blog tengo que hacer algo ahi voy a poner un audio de companioni

check it out

Anonymous said...

What Cuba was it can become again but even better Fantomas, nobody said that we expect or want Cuba to become what it was pre-1959, that is the foundation for a new and improved Cuba.

Fantomas said...

What Cuba was it can become again but even better Fantomas

En este sentido soy pesimista. Para que eso ocurra tendran que morir las generaciones de hoy dia
Ni tu ni yo veremos eso

Fantomas said...

that is the foundation for a new and improved Cuba.

12/15/2008 10:49 PM

Con lo que hay alli ahora no se puede hacer ningun foundation
Limpieza total. Son los cubanos que no han nacido todavia alli los que podran hacer algo. Esto es pa largo señores. No se vistan que no van. no vamos. y si vamos Regresamos. porque lo que encontraremos alli sera de Oinga

Vana said...


You are welcome.

Anonymous said...

Vana usted vive en San Jose or San lorenzo, California?

Vana said...

En Highland

Anonymous said...

thanks dear

How is your doggy?

Anonymous said...

I bet your doggy does not need a libreta

Anonymous said...

Behave yourselves Fantomasssss, we have people keeping tabs on you 24/7, remember that.

Anonymous said...

The Babalusians seem rudderless of late, Henry Gomez's posts barely get any comments, George Moneo's appear more and more focused on his sexual proclivities and profane drunken persona, Alberto de la Cruz is posting material that is dated, Cigar Mike dreams of booze and smokes at 6:00 in the morning, the only posts worthy of commentary and readership are from Ruth, Martica and Claudia, they should be in charge, this situation is reminiscent of the scene in Aliens when Ripley tells Hudson that "this little girl (Newt) survived longer than that (17 days) with no weapons and no training" and he (Hudson) replies "Why don't we put her (Newt) in charge?"

Anonymous said...

esas memorias de Vana son cosas del pasado..por favor vamos a a aceptar la realidad ..Esa Cuba que vana conocio ya murio..

lo de ahora es otra cosa ..pongamos los pies sobre la tierra

La cuba de hoy ninguno de ustedes la conocen

Best Fantomas line by far

Anonymous said...

Thanks KY you should use your jelly more often, it will be less painfull (so I've heard...since I've never been in prison). Don't be such a bitter boy I wasn't even talking to you. You could learn much from MAT. I don't know if he's got a long nose but Cyrano like rapier wit would be his "nom d'plume" and you not so much!

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