Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Cuba Time Travel Project

I have pretty much arrived at the conclusion that a time travel machine may be the only option for those of us who want to see a free Cuba in our lifetime. Therefore, after January 20, 2009, all my efforts will be devoted to the "Cuba Time Travel Project." Yes, I know, many of you are shaking your heads and wondering what has become of a great and noble mind. But, really, it is the only answer, and grasping that fact and acting upon it is precisely what one would expect of such a mind. Ideally, the machine (such is the popular nomenclature, though it may not turn out to be a machine at all) will be able to travel in two directions: into the future, where, undoubtedly, in some future decade, century or millennium, Cuba will be free again; or 50 years into the past when she was in fact free.

If it were possible to take a trip in only one direction, and spend a day either in the past or the future as a spectral witness, sensible to all but unseen by any, in which direction would you choose to go?


Rick said...

Jeebus, Manny, just quit already.

You ARE quitting, aren't you?


Anonymous said...

Manuel asked: in which direction would you choose to go?

I guess it would depend if you were in the have/have nots society. Since you Batitisa Cubans pimped Cuba for your own selfish needs. Then of course, you would like to go back 50 years.

And Miami Cubans would like to go 50 years from now, because they have also pimped Miami, and would be in a financially better position to pimp a free Cuba. Cite: Val Prieto

Either way, the (have) selfish Cubans, will never be allowed to (have) in Cuba ever again. People in any culture do not like the selfish cowarldy (haves). And will not allow them to arrograntly strut back into a free Cuba, only to resume pimping them so they can (have) even more.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am dragging myself to January 20th. I know how much you want me to continue, but that is out of the question.

Anonymous said...


I brought my first suit and tie over the holiday season. Including the dress shoes, i took a $75.59 hit to my wallet. And i will tell Obama's interviewer that. As i dont want to spend money like this, if he is not going to give me a job.

Anyways, i am feriously preparing for my interview this Friday. I am trying to anticipate their questions. And i think that i can handle most anything i am asked.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


My hopes and prayers are with you.

Vana said...


As much as I would love to travel back, to the time of our free Cuba, I would choose the future, in fact I would choose the day of liberation when all are out in the streets celebrating the downfall of the tyranny, imagine what that day would be like!! better than May 20th 1902! it's the day I have waited 50 years for!!

Vana said...


You spent $75.59 for a suit tie and dress shoes, I would sure like to see that cheap suit on you..lol..

Anonymous said...

It is not a cheap suit. It was made in Poland of the finest polyester by the former tailor to the King of Poland.

Anonymous said...


First, it is not a cheap suit. Second, i dressed up in it today to see how i look. And took a quick stroll in my trailor park neighborhood. The shouts and whistles from the ladies were absolutely incredible. I was literally embarrassed by the star-like treatment that that was heaped upon me by the beautiful girls here.


Thank you, as i said before, if i become one of Obama's brown shirts. I can relatively assure you, that you will remain safe from the Janet Reno's leftist dogs of wars.

However, i can only guarantee (absolute) safety. As a result, i would recommend that you buy one of those Obama victory plates, and victory coins that they are selling on MSNBC and CNN. Perhaps, even a (yes we can) bumper stick on your car. Then you can point to these items as Obama's foot soldiers are kicking down your front door.

If you want complete safety these next 8 years. I would also suggest buying a Janet Reno commerative poster from www.dnc.com. Hang it right over your tv, or your bed. This i think, will prevent you from being one of the (disappeared) that will definitely follow Jan 20th, 2009, under this newly formed hardcore leftist nation.

Good luck, my friend!!

Anonymous said...

Just as i suspected, conservative Cuban-Americans have lost their Senator, Mel Martinez.

Martinez was smart to listen to this ruthless leftist government. As they told him, that it was time to gracefully leave!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and for those Cuban immigrants that think that Florida will replace, one Cuban immigrant, with another. Think again!!

Anonymous said...

Rick = Maricón

Fantomas = Maricón

Alex = Maricón / Bugarrón

John = Maricón Arrepentido

Get the picture people?

Nuff Said

Anonymous said...


$75.59 for a complete outfit ? Where did you get it - the Salvation Army?

"The shouts and whistles from the ladies were absolutely incredible."

What did you expect? You are the first person to own a suit in southern Indiana....

Anonymous said...

Mel Martinez<------------Obama's leftist got to him.

Anonymous said...

El aguatero de Babalu Alberto de la Cruz se confunde . El piensa que la estatua del street performer en Ny is a living statue



Well, it seems the statue is not really a statue but actually a Barcelona street performer posing as Guevara. Believe it or not, David Gonzalez from the New York Times tracked down the story and confirmed it is not a statue but only an idiot wearing a beret and painted bronze. And to his credit, Mr. Gonzalez reminds New Yorkers that if Che had had his way in 1962, we would all still be waiting for the radiation levels to come down in Manhattan. He actually goes the extra mile to explain that Che is not a figure anyone should be admiring.

Che Guevara has been put on a pedestal in Manhattan. This is something not lacking in irony, since Manhattan might not exist today had the Argentine-born, Cuban-tested revolutionary had his way and unleashed the Soviet nukes against the United States during the 1962 missile crisis.
Can New Yorkers be so oblivious as to allow such an homage to occupy the southeast corner of Central Park?

Technically, no. The statue actually depicts a Barcelona street performer portraying Che, part of three bronze sculptures by Christian Janowski, which were recently installed by the Public Art Fund. Such distinctions may be lost on passers-by, who may well think the installation is a marketing stunt for the upcoming Benicio del Toro movie, “Guerrilla.”

You can read the New York Times' factual story (Yes--using the word "factual" and "New York Times" in the same sentence without a "not" somewhere in between is as weird to write as it is read) about the Che non-statue HERE.

Posted by Alberto de la Cruz at 07:47 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (2)

Anonymous said...

Goid save the BLA BLA LU SIANS


Anonymous said...

Fantomas is back to his old habit of "approving comments" before allowing them to be posted, so much for the guy (or is it maricón?) that constantly attacks other bloggers for banning his nonsensical, childish idiocies. Fidelista Sin Fidel.

Anonymous said...

CJB-BCJ -- you do the same in blablablooooooooooooooooo.

CJB-BCJ = blablablooo spy

CJB-BCJ = Val's toy

Anonymous said...


Actually, it wasnt Walmart, as they dont carry suits. (I checked there first.) Actually, i brought my suit at an up-scale outlet store. Also, you cant just look at price to determine good quality. In fact, it was an expensive suit, at $200.00, i got it on a Thanksgiving Day sale. One must be a saavy shopper in these economically tough days.

Anonymous said...

Balsero (Enrique "Fantomas" Rubio) read this and post it as a "STICKY" in your tiny one cell brain, WE of CJB-BCJ ARE not one person, WE ARE a group of Cuban patriots who know what you are up to, WE ARE NOT in ANY way related to Babalublog or any of its afiliates, so remember, WE will continue to monitor YOU wherever you go, WE will expose you for what YOU ARE, a traitor stooge and tool of the DGI Cuban Intelligence. WE ARE NOT in any way related to those that you call "Las Hurracas" or "The Magpies" of Kill Castro and Black Sheep of Exile, WE will get YOU sooner or later, keep on looking over your LEFTY shoulder, for our justice is coming after YOU traitor.

Anonymous said...

Can I find this flight on Orbitz? I'm there.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if Marco can get a consensus in the I-4 and Panhandle among the GOP faithful.

Posted by Cigar Mike Pancier at December 2, 2008 03:44 PM

Wow, amazing honestly by a conservative Cuban. No sir, a Cuban wont get a consensus among the GOP faithful in the conservative panhandle. The panhandle is where conservatives went to get away from Cubans in Southflorida. Democrats stayed in Southflorida, because they generally tend to (want) to get along with all types of cultures. Hence, southlorida is democratic, and republican.

Poor things, i almost feel sorry for you. Oh well, you had 8 years for Bush to make the Cuban voter, a dominant force in the republican party. But you didnt request this of Bush, and now the opportunity is lost. And i am afraid that you wont get that opportunity again for generations, if ever.

Anonymous said...


I ca smell a blablaloosian 2800 miles away


Anonymous said...


Santo Fantomas
Reuga por nosotros los balseros

concedenos la fuerza para remar
concedonos la luna para que alumbre nuestro camino

no nos abandones ni en la noche ni en el dia

danos las estrellas para guiar nuestro rumbo
danos la voz para rezar

todo poderoso Santo Fantomas no nos abandones y liberanos de todo mal.

Fantomas said...

Concedido amigo balsero, dejadlos que pierdan su tiempo

Con Santo Fantomas y con Obama
no pasara Nada
Venimos a trabajar
por ver una Cuba libre
para luego en el malecon
tomarnos el Cuba libre

Parece que los babalusianos y las urracas estan en su apogeo

Candela con ellos

Anonymous said...

Fantomas te esperamos en Nostalgia, y tu sabes ya lo que va a pasár alli.

Fantomas said...

May 17-20 Alli estare sin falta like every single year. Hope to see you all there. Mojitos on me

Anonymous said...

Dale duro Fantomas, ellos no pueden contigo.

CJB = comemierda jodido babalusiano

BCJ = ???????

Anonymous said...

Future, it'd be more interesting.

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, I'd have to choose as Vana and Matt have chosen, I believe it is extremely important to keep history and its lessons alive, but always do so while looking and moving forward. Learn from the past, live in the present while working for a better future, even when that work necessitates all manners of unpleasant and/or less than ideal decisions, as long as a positive outcome is the goal, one cannot have a peaceful kingdom ruled by a King Solomon without a King David preceding him and doing the bloody work that guaranteed the peace for Solomon.

So Manuel, will your next Blog be called "CTTP"?

El Mambi said...

As appealing as the idea of altering the past sounds, I'd like to travel into the future, to where Cuba is free, and see how it happened. I'd like to know how the people were able to organize and rise up, how they dealt with the Stalinist regime, and, more relevant, what role the Exile community had in the liberation.

Anonymous said...

Why did you Cubans indifferently look on when Bush:

1) Diverted financial aide from Cuban exile organizations
2) Imprisoning Cuban exile freedom fighters without due process
3) Implementing Fidel-type powers i.e., illegal Wiretaps, illegal torture, Patriot Act
4) Failure to label Fidel, within axis of evil
5) Complete disrespect of the Cuban exile community
6) Complete disrespect of the conservative movement
7) Complete disrespect of the Cuba's movement towards frredom
8) Complete disrespect of Cuba's opportunity for freedom when Fidel stepped down.
9) Complete disrepespect for Sen. Martinez, after delivering Florida in 2004.
10) And worse, the deliverance of an angry and leftist nation upon the Cuban exiles.


Anonymous said...

El said: what role the Exile community had in the liberation.

The exiles will take credit for starving Cuba into freedom. Of course, Fidel never once, went hungry!! Only the Cubans that that the exiles will ignorantly boast to in the streets of Havana, have felt the stomach pains from lack of food.

The better question, is how many exiles will be made to pay with their lives as they arrograntly attempt to strut back into a free Cuba!!

Anonymous said...

Yoani Sanchez ha sido conminada a presentarse junto a su esposo en una estacion policial, a responder por acusaciones fabricadas por el gobierno, entre ellas, comprar alimentos en el mercado negro.
Estemos al tanto, y movilicemos a todo el mundo para impedir un atropello policial contra ella, estan disfrazando un caso politico, para quitarle ese matiz y poder encarcelar o silenciar a ambos.
Maybe all who have accused them of being G2 plants are happy now, that a summons to the police station of 21 and C can legitimize them as bonafide jailed dissidents.
I haven't been able to communicate with them yet.

Vana said...

Charlie NO!! I knew this would be forthcoming, we need to get a campaign going just like we did for Gorki, you simply must reopen BSE, please, how can I help??

Fantomas said...

"Juro que no me he llevado la luz verde, que no compro queso en el mercado negro desde hace más de dos meses y no me he ido de ninguna tienda sin pagar. No recuerdo haber violado las leyes –demasiado– por estos días, ni siquiera me he hecho pasar por extranjera para usar el Internet de algún hotel"

Buscaran la forma para apagarla. Pero prenderan una mecha aun mayor . Mi prediccion es que pudiera venir una multa y advertencia. No creo que pase mas alla
A ella la protegen los galardones obtenidos internacionalmente
Son de naturaleza cobarde. No se atreveran a tanto

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