Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Yoani Under Fire

Thinking logically, which is the only way I know how, I cannot understand why the Castro regime has chosen to aim its guns at Yoani Sánchez. Leaving her alone would seem to be the wisest course. So long as her light is allowed to flicker in Cuba's longest night, the regime is free to move with impunity in the shadows against those who have not acquired her international celebrity, while targeting her will make its actions against those other anonymous dissidents more newsworthy. Yoani is the knot in the string of the regime's abuses. Without the knot the beads would slide off unnoticed but with the knot they will accumulate into the world's longest rosary of afflictions.

But who am I to question the regime's knowledge of repression and its uses? Their methods have succeeded in obliterating human rights in Cuba for 50 years and one can't argue with success. So perhaps this is the optimum time for them to crack down on Yoani, just before their honeymoon with Obama begins. With friends in high places like Eric Holder and Greg Craig [and now Bill Richardson], Castroites are confident that nothing can derail the "Normalization Juggernaut." So why not do a little housecleaning in expectation of Raúl's tête-à-tête with the wunderkind? Indeed, Raúl's 7-hour interview with Sean Penn, wasn't it a dress rehearsal for his future meeting with Obama? Presidential candidates use stand-ins to practice for debates, and tyrants, apparently, confab with useful idiots like Penn to hone their skills for discussions with democratic leaders without a clue.

When cited to appear at the police station today for advisement (intimidation), interrogation or arrest, Yoani presumed that she would be charged with buying goods on the black market, which is as illegal in Cuba as selling goods there (the crime being "hoarding"). In a recent post recounting her visit to a friend with terminal cancer ["Hospitals: You Bring Everything," Nov. 11], she inventoried all the items which she was able to obtain for her that are not provided by Cuba's health care system: pillow, pillowcase and clean sheets; disinfectant, aromatic and yellow gloves (for cleaning the bathroom); cup and bucket (to bathe patient because the bathtub faucet was broken); bug spray for the room; a fan and radio; a package of food and puree for the patient; medicines; gauze and cotton; needles for the IV; disposable syringes; suture threads (for the surgery); "gifts" for the doctor, lab assistant and security guard; and money for a taxi to take the patient home after her operation (no ambulances are available). Two of these items she specifically noted had been purchased on the black market (the gauze and cotton). This admission could have led to a charge of criminal trafficking and subjected her to fines or imprisonment; but it was inevitable because, in order to represent accurately and truthfully the lives of Cubans on the island, the role played by the black market in furnishing their needs cannot be omitted.

The black market is, of course, the last redoubt of entrepreneurship in Cuba and considered a counter-revolutionary activity because it challenges the absolute monopoly which Castro Inc. maintains on all goods and services on the island. Nevertheless, all Cubans buy on the black market and only regret that they can't buy more. In publicly admitting that she does also Yoani is merely saying that she shares with her countrymen the same day to day struggle for survival. Her conduct exemplifies also the selflessness and altruism which has helped Cubans to survive 50 years of privations. Communism is only communal in the sense that it binds its victims in common suffering, increasing human solidarity by stifling humanity.

If Yoani's initial apprehensions had been correct and she had been charged with trafficking on the black market (the "criminal" activity which criminalizes all Cubans), certain of her putative supporters stateside would have found themselves in quite a quandary; for they have repeatedly condemned Cubans who trade on the black market as morally corrupted by a culture of thievery. In reality, the black market reclaims from the State what the State steals from all Cubans and makes these items available to the citizenry at a lower price than the State would charge them if it even deigned to make them available. This, too, is resistance to a piratical state and the ferocity with which it pursues them proves their effectiveness.

But Yoani and her husband Reinaldo were not charged with "hoarding" but warned against violating the regime's ban on free association by convening a meeting of fellow bloggers. The regime will not allow Cubans to satisfy either the needs of the body or the needs of the spirit. Their bondage is perfect and complete. And now it will also be permanent as soon as Barack Obama can make good on the only promise he will likely keep: unconditional surrender to Castro.


Fantomas said...


And now it will also be permanent as soon as Barack Obama can make good on the only promise he will likely keep: unconditional surrender to Castro.

Mat realmente eres un tremendo comemierda. No encuentro palabras para describir tu ignorancia y tu soberbia cuando escribes acerca del problema cubano-

Te aseguro que Obama hara mas por Cuba que los 10 Presidentes anteriores y esto se debe en parte a la delicada salud del Comandante without a doubt

Deja que Obama enfile sus cañones hacia Cuba y veremos , after all QUIEN RAYOS HA DICHO QUE CUBA CLAUDICARA A LAS BUENAS

Lo he dicho 17, 578 veces . Tendremos que arrebarles el poder a los comunistas a la fuerza o Nada

Confiemos en la Fundacion Cubano Americana. I'm about to become a member anytime

Anonymous said...

Atacada Yoani en su propio blog... La batalla de ideas se libra ahora mismo alli. Gendarmes del gobierno han invadido el blog miren este comentario de algun estudiante de la UCI


Diciembre 3, 2008 , 19:53


Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Don't set your ambitions so low. Why be content to be merely a member of the CANF? Insist on becoming a director. In its heyday it had 300-400.

With you as a CANF director and John as part of Obama's security force, you will soon have Yoani locked up in Guantánamo and Raúl sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Not a good idea for illeana to hang up (twice) on the world-wide popular President Obama. You should hear how (angerier) the world blogs has become at the Cuban immigrant. You Cuban immigrants are facing the biggest backlash in American history. No where to hide after this latest Cuban disaster. Cant wait for tomorrow leftist morning talk-shows on this Cuban immigrant screw up.

Nevertheless, i will see you guys later this weekend, as tomorrow i am off for my interview in Chicago.
Wish me luck!!

Fantomas said...

Oye, escuchastes el programa Fantomas y Tellechea sin careta?

lo tengo ahora en mi blog junio 2008

Yo no se porque le puse ese nombre , tu ni aparecistes por alli

Fantomas said...

Me avisas cuando quieras hacemos un show de Blogtalk
Quizas on your way out. En español nuestro idioma

Fantomas said...

Don't set your ambitions so low. Why be content to be merely a member of the CANF? Insist on becoming a director. In its heyday it had 300-400.

Soy amigo de algunos Directores de la Fundacion. Sinceramente no busco ese protagonismo de dirigir because
Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance

Vana said...

I too cannot understand why they went after her knowing she has worldwide support, the regime is so stupid in their repression that they cannot see, that an action such as this points the finger at them as the slaveholders, though I knew that sooner or later they would come for her, they just can't help themselves!

Great post Manuel.

Anonymous said...

I too cannot understand why they went after her knowing she has worldwide support

Vana , que te pasa?

A estas alturas y tu vienes ahora con ese comentario

Pero bueno para alguien que no conocio realmente como funcionaba una libreta esta bien la duda

Vana said...

Oyeme re comemierda fanto, yo se lo que es una libreta, yo la use en Cuba, a mi no me vengas con cuentos.

Anonymous said...

Salites de niña de Cuba, no te puedes acordar , aun si te acuerdas no estuvistes alli en la decada del 70, 80, 90 . De que hablas? No sabes lo que es pasar hambre, comer tierra. Estabas aqui

Anonymous said...

Vana , a que edad salistes de Cuba y en que año fue

Di la verdad

Anonymous said...

Oyeme re comemierda fanto, yo se lo que es una libreta, yo la use en Cuba, a mi no me vengas con cuentos.

Vana la libreta la uso su mama. Usted nunca fue a la bodega sola a buscar la compra

Anonymous said...

Vana, No te metas con Fantomas uno de los pocos heroes del exilio cubano.

Anonymous said...

Santo Fantomas

Fantomas said...

I Can not Stop laughing at the JOKE ILEANA played on President Elect Obama..What a clown she was, but then I read this

Ros-Lehtinen said she now feels like a ''bozo,'' but is honored that Obama called her. She said it shows his effort to be bipartisan, which she said is especially important in foreign relations.

Anonymous said...

Vana, No te metas con Fantomas uno de los pocos heroes del exilio cubano.

Un verdadero luchador, sin cobrar un centavo

Losing money

Anonymous said...

Ros-Lehtinen said she now feels like a ''bozo,'' but is honored that Obama called her. She said it shows his effort to be bipartisan, which she said is especially important in foreign relations.

Ya ileanita se monto en el chu chu de Obama. Pronto se montaran los hermanitos balart y luego aunque sea en el vagon del carbon los babalusianos y Manuel

Anonymous said...

Si los babalusianos y Manuel se atreven a montarse en el tren de Obama entonces dejaran de chupar el biberon

Que prefieres fantomas que se monten o que beban leche

Anonymous said...

Not happy with treathening Yoani, the communists also zeroed on Claudia Cadelo, and she was summoned not long ago to go to another infamous police station, Zapata y C.
The palestinian police is trembling.

Fantomas said...

Llevan años haciendo lo mismo
Si te llevan a Villa Marista
la cosa se complica
En Santiago tambien lo hacen
Te llevan para Versalles

Fantomas said...

The palestinian police is trembling.

Ya te lo dije una vez y no escarmientas. Los perros policias Habaneros estan en Santiago chivateando y dando palos

No generalicemos compadre

Vana said...

Claudia too, damn Charlie the Palestinians are scared that is why they intimidate women, bunch of cowards!

Vana said...

Cabeza de Mojon:

Tu bien sabes a que edad me fui de Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Oye, que los habaneros tienen dignidad y no se meten a policias, y no van a oriente a buscar nada.... ahi esta el palestino en jefe cagandose fuera del tibor, siempre...

Anonymous said...

El blog de Claudia:

Fantomas said...

Oye, que los habaneros tienen dignidad y no se meten a policias, y no van a oriente a buscar nada....

Los policias son mas efectivos y pueden reprimir mas si son de diferentes ciudades. Es decir un policia habanero esta propenso a caerle a palos a cualquier santiaguero porque no los conocen y no crecieron juntos en el barrio
De la misma forma que llevan policias santiagueros a la Habana
Son gajes del oficio dictatorial
La mayoria son analfabetos , brutos y torpes. Generalizar es malo. Cuba es una prision. Los policias are TOLD and trained para reprimir a la poblacion civil. They have no choice of place of work. They are robots. Assasins
Los policias Habaneros si estan en Santiago y esos no tienen ninguna dignidad

Vana said...

Is good to see you around here Charlie, please reopen your comments section, pretty please, we need warriors like you in the blogsphere.

Fantomas said...

Tu bien sabes a que edad me fui de Cuba.

Gracias por lo de mojon

Realmente no se de que hablas de edad?

Fantomas said...

Is good to see you around here Charlie, please reopen your comments section, pretty please, we need warriors like you in the blogsphere.

Censorship applied

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, cuando estuviste en la Habana o en Santiago por ultima vez? La proxima vez, ven a Santiago conmigo, a ver cuantos policias habaneros cuentas. No seas ridiculo, hombre, acepta que los orientales son los comunistas y chivatos mas grandes que ha parido la putisima revolucion.
Te aviso cuando vaya a Santiago, a ver si te atreves a ir... Sera pronto y podras ver a KillCastro, que tanto disfrutaste cuando tus exsocios lo chivatearon.

Fantomas said...

El blog de Claudia:

Good blog

Vana said...

Analfabetos en Cuba? no que la robolucion alfabetizo a todo el

Asi que los Palestinos son unos brutos, se caen en cuatro patas y comen tierra, wow!!

Anonymous said...

I do what I want, Fantomas, and not what a palestino tell me to do. Capici?

Fantomas said...

Sera pronto y podras ver a KillCastro, que tanto disfrutaste cuando tus exsocios lo chivatearon.

No tengo exsocios, ni socios
Te lo digo como lo veo

En Santiago SI hay contrarevolucion

Fantomas said...

Asi que los Palestinos son unos brutos, se caen en cuatro patas y comen tierra, wow!!

No Vana, fijate que hay muchos habaneros que no saben hablar , consideras eso una bruteria , dime

Anonymous said...

Santiago es la cuna de la revolucion, Fantomas, y hasta las comparsas santiagueras cantan mierdas revolucionarias en los carnavales. Tengan verguenza por un dia.... Ve a dormir, que hasta Obama parece un policia palestino.

Fantomas said...

and not what a palestino tell me to do. Capici

El termino palestino me parece demasiado ofensivo. Realmente se pueden utilizar otros motes

Anonymous said...

Charlie el Bravo de la pelicula.
Este si que tiene los pantalones bien puesto.

Un poco mas y tambien lo betificamos-- pero le falta mucho para llegar al nivel del Gran Santo Fantomas..

Fantomas said...

Ve a dormir, que hasta Obama parece un policia palestino.

I do what i Want, y me acuesto cuando me de la gana, y mucho menos si me lo dice un habanero

Que tiene que ver tu Presidente electo con esto. No desvies el tema

Anonymous said...

Charlie what have you don't for Cuba lately ?

Fantomas said...

Santiago es la cuna de la revolucion, Fantomas, y hasta las comparsas santiagueras cantan mierdas revolucionarias en los carnavales

Pero que rayos quieres que canten, si hay que seguir un libreto
una cosa te puedo asegurar, no te metas nunca dentro de los Hoyos a arrollar, porque no saldras vivo de ahi

Fantomas said...

Santiago es la cuna de la revolucion

Sera cuna , pero en realidad Santiago siempre ha sido relegada y olvidada por los comunistas. El Palacio de la Revolucion no se encuentra ahi, ni la cabaña, ni Villa marista, ni mazorra
Ustedes tiene guaguas yutong y nosotros recibimos los camellos viejos de ustedes, capici

Vana said...


fantomas does not have to sleep because he does not have to get up to work, he's on welfare, food stamps and medi-cal

Fantomas said...

fantomas does not have to sleep because he does not have to get up to work, he's on welfare, food stamps and medi-cal

Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance

Anonymous said...

fantomas does not have to sleep because he does not have to get up to work, he's on welfare, food stamps and medi-cal

He is also on medicaid, medicare, housing vouchers, and uses viagra for his baldness

Fantomas said...

Vana el dia que digas algo constructivo, sin odios, un pensamiento inteligente , te voy a premiar

Fantomas said...

Hasta mañana , buenas noches a todos.Hay que madrugar mañana a luchar la yuca, el ñame , la batata, la leche y el pan

Sharpshooter said...

welcome back. Glad to see your blog is back also.
Please forgive me for what I am about to say, but do not engage in arguments with Rubber Head. He knows there are no habaneros policemen in Oriente better than any of us, but he tries to tell us different. Rubber Head is a consumated narcissist and this is exactly what he wants: for someone to pay him attention. He cannot tolerate to be ignored, that is why he uses to many different monikers and personalities. The best policy with this idiot is ignorance of anything he says.

Anonymous said...

You're right, Agustin, but let's remind him of something:
Palacio de la Revolucion: old tribunal, inhabited by the Palestino en Jefe and given that name.
Raul Castro, commander of la Cabaña, before and after cheo huevera, Palestino.
La plana mayor del Minint y las Far: Palestinos.
Contingente (parapolicial, cuna de las brigadas de respuesta de accion rapida) Blas Roca Calderio: Palestinos.
Chivatos a los que se le dieron casas en la Habana: Palestinos.
Policias abusadores: Palestinos.
La cuna de la ROBOLUCION: Santiago
Su tumba: En la Habana.
Agustin, my blog will be open only for readings, since the G2 have sent plants to comment in it, getting like 5000 attempts a day trying to block it.
It will be active only to denounce abuses in Cuba.... when necessary only.

Anonymous said...

I love Santiago!

I've fucked quite a few smoking hot negras & mulatas there.

You can fly there direct from Montreal too!

Fantomas said...

Santiago es Santiago lo demas es parking

Fantomas said...

He cannot tolerate to be ignored, that is why he uses to many different monikers and personalities.

Solo uno Fariñas , con careta

Sharpshooter said...

thanks for the clarification. I have been browsing Black Sheep occasionally, and saw the comments section closed. BTW, Welcome back;you were greatly missed.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas predicted a few strong hurricane for Cuba and it did happen ten fold

Fantomas predicted barrel of oil 30 dollars by end of the year

RANDOLPH — Gulf Oil CEO Joe Petrowski said on Wednesday that the price of oil could sink to $20 per barrel, and there is a chance gasoline prices could drop as low as $1 per gallon by early next year.

Speaking at a South Shore Chamber of Commerce breakfast at Lombardo’s in Randolph, the Brockton native said that after speculators drove oil prices up, there is a chance that the market will overshoot on the way back down, resulting in much lower prices at the pump

Fantomas predicts Obama will be the best US President ever

Will he make it 3 in a row

My bet is on him

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