Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why Did Castro Win?

Why did Fidel Castro win?

We all know the answer. Because the U.S. wanted him to win. But I don't mean that.

What personal attributes facilitated his rise to power?

His aptitude for mendacity and deception, of course. His histrionic vent. His Nietzchian sense of "destiny" which he shared with other 20th century totalitarians. His instinct for self-preservation. And his bloodlust. Especially his bloodlust.

Castro didn't prevail because he was courageous; no more cowardly a man ever lived. By the age of 20, he had killed three men. All shot in the back. Castro was a serial killer before he became a mass murderer.

Of course, personal courage was never a requisite for attaining power if you surround yourself with proselytes willing to do the dying for you, which he always did.

That he found such men is itself remarkable because loyalty is a foreign concept to him. Ruthless as he has always been with his enemies, Fidel Castro has been a worst friend than enemy if it can even be said that he was a "friend" to any man.

We could inventory all the human virtues, and find, in the end, that he possesses none.

Then why did Fidel win?

Because he is a man without principles and the very incarnation of opportunism. That is his lesson and his legacy to his countrymen.

To their credit they have not learned the lesson or accepted the legacy.

There is no more compelling proof of this than the general rejection of Raúl Castro's proposal to swap the 5 (anti-)Cuban spies in U.S. jails for Cuba's 220 or so internationally-recognized prisoners of conscience and their families (there are, of course, a thousand times that number imprisoned in Cuba for asserting their rights as humans which human rights organizations have not the resources to "adopt" and perhaps not even the discernment to recognize).

Apples are routinely traded for oranges but not in the moral universe. That is a place that Castro has never inhabited or even visited. The Cuban people, who are neither opportunistic nor unprincipled, know the difference between heroes and henchmen. A prisoner of conscience will not act against his convictions to secure his freedom. A common criminal, on the other hand, would consider dishonor the cheapest price that could be paid for freedom.

Castro, when he was briefly a prisoner, never tired of petitioning Batista for an amnesty through family and political connections, and made it clear himself that he would not refuse it were it offered to him. In fact, Castro did accept Batista's amnesty, which necessarily entailed the recognition by him that Batista, re-elected in 1955, was the constitutional president of Cuba and hence empowered to decree an amnesty freeing him and his cohorts from jail. Here was the most vocal critic of Batista's legitimacy suddenly recognizing that Batista was Cuba's legitimate president when exercising his authority on his (Castro's) behalf. This was much worse than a prisoner swap which would not entail the recognition on either side of the legitimacy of the other. Castro's opportunism allowed him to grovel before Batista (or at least to allow his wife to grovel) and his lack of principles made it quite easy for him to buy his freedom at the price of betraying everything and everyone whom he claimed to represent.

And still he won.


Anonymous said...

Why Did Castro Win?

Because el ultimo golpe de Estado de Fulgencio altero el mapa politico de Cuba

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Again blaming Batista for Castro?

Perhaps I should write a post blaming Castro for Batista.

The argument would not be difficult to make since Castro and the other government sponsored gangsters precipitated Batista's 1952 coup.

Anonymous said...

Why Did Castro Win?

Because you Manuel did not stay in Cuba to fight

Anonymous said...

Repetír las mismas estupideces veces tras veces es costumbre de Javier del Caney, c.c.c. Fantomas, esta bestia es poseídora de un nivel de falta de inteligéncia tan alto que lo unico que sabe hacér es repetír lo que le a sido indoctrinado, Tellechea no pierda su tiempo explicandole la realidad a una bestia bruta como Javier del Caney, el retardado Don Dominguez es más capaz que Javier.

Anonymous said...

Manuel por que no te alzastes al Escambray

Porque no fuistes a Bahia de Cochinos

Yo hubiera pagado 3 compotas por tu libertad

Anonymous said...

Manuel nuestro tiempo ya paso

Anonymous said...

Why did you allow yourself to be expatriated from Cuba, travesti?

Why didn't you denounce your former compañeros revolucionarios Javier?

Why didn't you join the HAR in Miami Javier?

What were you hiding then?

Why are you still hiding the same details that you hid back then travesti?

Should I go on and make more of your dossier details public Javier?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

The batistianos did not bring death and destruction upon our country. It is the fidelistas who must answer for the crime of patricide, not those who were unable to stop them but tried nonetheless during the only time when this was actually possible — before they came to power.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

A strange coincidence, no doubt, but almost everybody who is anti-Batista after the fact is also pro-Castro. Sometimes being anti-Batista simply means that you admire Castro through a smokescreen.

Anonymous said...

Where is your big mouth now Javier?

You are your father's son Javier, did he ever show you the pictures where he appears holding one of the many signs that his camaradas and him carried while chanting "Segundo Frente - Second Front" in 1943?

You want more Javier?

Anonymous said...

yeah more

Anonymous said...

Close but not cigar yet , not yet

Anonymous said...

"Why Did Castro Win?"

Because people were tired of the crimes committed by the batista police

People were tired of the rampant corruption in the government

Castro offered cubans hope

He stole Christmas in 1959 till this date

CJB-BCJ said...

Enriquito el pajarito, todavia te tenemos rodeao, y vemos que no somos los unicos, nuestros saludos a los compatriotas Brigadista y Bravo, creemos que con este triangulo le llega la muerte a los juegos del traidor Fantomas.

Anonymous said...

Actually Brigadista, the photograph was taken in 1957. But there are also some photos from 1956 that are very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Why does Val Prieto have an award winning blog read by millions?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why does Val Prieto have an award winning blog read by millions?

Working on 4 million visits

George Moneo 1 million
Henry Gomez 1 million
Ziva la Diva 1 million
Claudia la Napolitana 10k
Rest of the Breakfast Babalu Club 400k

Anonymous said...

Sus espías y secuaces estan por todas partes del mundo , regando las semillas del caos y el terror con la justificación real de la necesidad de un Gran Cambio en Cuba

Anonymous said...

Él era, finalmente, el Máximo Maestro en manipular el principio maquiavelista “¡haz lo que yo digo, y no lo que yo hago!”

CJB-BCJ said...

Las cifras del blog de Prieto las recojió Enriquito el pajarito sniffing el site meter con el software que le dió el DGI. Por eso el traidor se a pasádo casi 2 años tratando de convencér a Tellechea a que abra el site meter de RCAB. Que comemierda es este anormal.

Anonymous said...

Why is Manuel Tellechea never mentioned in Babalublog while Val Prieto is oftentimes the subject of post entries, analysis and silly criticism in RCAB?

Anonymous said...

Anonimo de 11:00 PM, me refiero a fotos que fueron tomadas en cierta parte de Cuba en manifestaciones de los comunistas cuando demandaban de los aliados occidentales, principalmente de los EEUU, un segundo frente en Europa contra las fuerzas del Eje, eran parte del mandato de La Internacional Comunista bajo ordenes de Estalin, el pipo de Javier fué uno de los manifestantes varias veces y las fotos de el en esa epoca son a las que me refiero.

Anonymous said...

Babalooser ALERT !!!

Babalooser ALERT !!!

Babalooser ALERT !!!

Anonymous said...

George Moneo:

To answer your question, because all of you losers fear Manuel's knowledge of history, your parents' history of being part and parcel of bringing Castro to power and the sickening unwillingness that all of you have when it concerns admitting that you are wrong when you are wrong, and the cherry on top is that you all can't stand Manuel's intellectual capability and honesty that is far superior to all of yours combined.

Anonymous said...

Val Prieto = Brutus Ignoramicus

George Moneo = Enanicus et Abonicus Consumidoricus

Henry Gomez = Tartamudicus Mariconicus Parlacus Mujericus

Cigar Mike = Id Non Relacionicus con Tabaculus Mujericus, I'd Stickus Cojibarus Id Anicus

Anonymous said...

Ah, Brigadista, me referia a unas muy lindas apoyando al segundo frente Oriental, comandado por la "chernita" Raul Castro. Y hay otras con grupos castro terroristas de Santiago, tambien muy bonitas. Si hasta parecen postalitas....

Vana said...

Which goes to show that Batista was not the blood thirsty monster they make him our to be, he spared the true monster from the gallows, even forgave him.

Ah if only Batista would have had the foresight to do away with him, the thing is that then he would have made a martyr of Fidel, and they would still be pointing the finger at him, he was in a lose- lose situation.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


If Batista had killed Castro (as he should have done), Cubans today would still be singing:

"Fidel no debió de morir,
ay de morir.
Si Fidel no hubiera muerto,
otro gallo cantaría,
la patria se salvaría
y Cuba sería feliz..."

By not killing him, Batista destroyed Castro's posthumous myth. Unfortunately, this was achieved at the cost of 50 years of tyranny.

Anonymous said...

In a Xmas pardon gesture, Bush pardoned an American who furnished Israelis with much needed weaponry and equipment for their independence war. Still to be seen is his pardon to Cuban greedom fighters for doing exactlly the same. We haven't seen any mercy towards rafters, either. And those would be nice Xmas gifts. But expect no gifts from a man who contents himself with a "putative Cuba""l instead of the real country, and who has allowed the Russians back in the island. Bush was a closeted Kennedy!

Anonymous said...

Que paso en el blog de Fantomas

Anonymous said...

With a little luck, maybe even you "progressives" out there will find the Christmas spirit and rather than obsess about what we write and do over here, or blaming everything bad in the world on Bush, you will be thankful that despite your self serving arrogance, that God loves you too.

On a serious note, with God's help, may the next Noche Buena in Cuba be celebrated in freedom and may God bless you all, especially those who despise us.

Posted by Cigar Mike at 08:39 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (2)

Vana said...

True, true Manuel.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, may your day be filled with joy, though our joy I know my friend is bittersweet, hoping and wishing for the next Christmas to be in our land.


Fantomas said...

It is time to wish a very Merry Christmas to all participants of this fine blog

Manuel and all of his characters:

Vana, Agustin , Garzon, Corgy, Calabazza, Charlie, brigadistas , CBJ BCJ, balsero del solar, anonimos en general

Feliz Navidad y muchas cosas buenas en el 2009 para todos ustedes

Anonymous said...

Why is Manuel Tellechea never mentioned in Babalublog while Val Prieto is oftentimes the subject of post entries, analysis and silly criticism in RCAB?

12/23/2008 11:28 PM

Because Tellechea speaks from facts and intelligence.Anymore questions ignoramus?

Anonymous said...

George Moneo:

To answer your question, because all of you losers fear Manuel's knowledge of history, your parents' history of being part and parcel of bringing Castro to power and the sickening unwillingness that all of you have when it concerns admitting that you are wrong when you are wrong, and the cherry on top is that you all can't stand Manuel's intellectual capability and honesty that is far superior to all of yours combined.

12/23/2008 11:41 PM
