There is much rejoicing in many quarters about President-elect Obama's appointment of moderates to key positions in his administration. The appointment of moderates, however, does not Obama a moderate make. They are, after all, moderates when compared to him, who is now the bellwether of extremism or moderation. A radical who does not wish to appear a radical will always surround himself with moderates and even an occasional conservative. But it is the one who makes the appointments, not the appointees, who will determine the political orientation of the government. The many will gravitate to the position of the one. They are there not to moderate his positions but to support them as moderates, which is quite another thing. In the end, the moderates will either be radicalized or will cherish the pristineness of their moderation from outside the charmed circle of the true believers.
When Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, he, too, chose moderates for most key government positions, men like Manuel Urrutia, Roberto Agramonte and Miro Cardona, who had been fixtures of Cuban politics for 30 years and served in previous democratic administrations. But not only that: all were well-known anti-Communists and had helped to purge the Communists from the labor unions, control of which had been handed to them by Batista in the days of the Popular Front.
What better way was there for Fidel to reassure the nation and the world that he was not a Communist than to surround himself with clean-shaven, accomplished civilians twice his age who had never exhibited in their public careers any tendency towards totalitarianism, establishment figures who could be expected (or so it was thought) to uphold the establishment and restrain the revolutionaries' more radical impulses. Indeed, it was almost as if Castro had appointed tutors for himself. Except, of course, that the student knew more than his teachers, or, rather, knew what they didn't know.
Castro recruited them in order to co-opt, discredit and marginalize the democratic opposition to Batista. As proof of their loyalty to the Revolution (or new order), much more than a blood oath was required of them: they had to soak their hands in the blood of its victims. These honorable men, authors of the Constitution of 1940, agreed to its suppression. The upholders of the Rule of Law under Batista enacted ex post facto laws and suspended habeas corpus and all other civil liberties. Those who accused the previous regime of censorship from their own newspapers and radio stations condoned the seizure and closure of all independent organs of opinion. These guardians of the commonweal before the Revolution agreed to mass confiscations, expropriations and nationalizations which destroyed the economy, leaving the regime as caretaker of all the island's industries and businesses. And, after legalizing capital punishment, which was abolished in the 1940 Constitution, they signed the death warrants of 15,000 men, women and children in one year when never before in the history of the Republic had any Cuban been executed for "political crimes" (not under Batista or any other Cuban leader).
The most ironic thing of all, however, is that none of these eminent men, Cuba's "best and brightest," realized until the very end that he was part of a shadow government. The real power was in the hands of Fidel and his pack of bearded henchmen, who decided all pertinent matters before they were presented for their consideration, and, while they deliberated, acted in disregard of them. Still, they rubber-stamped every measure and approved every decree dictated by Castro. As the Revolution consolidated its position and moved inexorably to a formal declaration of what was already obvious to all but them, these respectable names, now much less respectable, became also expendable, and one by one they were forced from power (or, rather, the illusion of power).
We do not think that Barack Obama is a student of the Cuban Revolution, but he has intuited its lessons and is applying them with great deftness.
Related post:
Fidel Castro's First Resignation (1959)
Friday, December 19, 2008
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give me a break...UFOs exist too.
Barack Obama is not a UFO. He is quite mundane in his origins and sublunary in his goals.
Speaking in tongue
Who is " We"
We do not think that Barack Obama is a student of the Cuban Revolution, but he has intuited its lessons and is applying them with great deftness.
Barack Obama is not a UFO. He is quite mundane in his origins and sublunary in his goals.
No Manuel, he is my President , Your President
"Dicen que a Obama le tiraran flores en vez de zapatos"
Fantomas Dec 19, 2008
Bush salva a los 3 Grandes
Auto Bailout is completed
What say you Mansuelo
Dime algo before I go to work
Got to go, a luchar la yuca
Anon said: give me a break...UFOs exist too.
Actually, Manuel is spot on. What is actually scarey, are people like you, who wish to dismiss this accurate post as mere fantasy.
But you are not alone, most of America remains unlearned of the leftist world leaders strategy and tactics to sieze and consolidate power over the masses. In fact, i recently have seen three different polls, which placed Obama in the 80% approval.
I support Obama too, as there was no other choice with Bush type conservatism. But i am not blind to where this nation is headed. There is nothing that can be done to resist. As Bush has, (without resistance) sewn the seeds of socialism and communism.
Hell, at this point, one has to wonder if the last eight years was some masterplan by some leftist nuts in the CIA basement. You know, the same ones that continue to prop up Castro.
You seem to be quite hyper today. It's not the 1st of the month so I must wonder why.
Not only do they still prop him up, but they are the ones who put him there in the first place.
Manuel said: Not only do they still prop him up, but they are the ones who put him there in the first place.
There can be no other explaination of a thuggish dictator mysteriously appearing out of the mountains, and allowed to pillage and rape for five decades, so close to our nation.
I used to think that you were nuts when you talked about America being scared of Cuba's gdp, and future growth. Japan was in a similiar situation in the 1980's. And i can remember the xenophobia of my nation against Asians. And low and behold a year later that economy was wrecked even now, under Bush Sr. Clinton also let the C.I.A. wreck Serbia's economic system, shortly before the war started. As they too, was getting to big for Europe, compared to their size.
Point is, that i think you are right when you talk about America's and the Castro connection. It is impossible to prove, therefore everbody is quick to reject it as a conspiracy theory.
But what proved it for me, was watching Bush actually allowing Cubans to continue dying needlessly. That is not by accident.
Also, watching the powers that be foist upon Obama, anti-Cubans. First, it was the anti-Cubans in the Bush adminstration, and now it is the anti-Cubans in the Obama adminstration.
Point it, whether, left or right, there is a definite "unstated" anti-Cuban policy in effect, and has been for 50 years. The few crumbs that America throws to the exiles that make it to America, are to divert attention from the elephant in the room, i.e., Cuba's freedom.
And it has worked for America!!
We = Mansuelo Alberto Tellechea
M.A.T. = John Riverside Shack Retard
Retard = Agustin Farinas
A. F. = Vana
Vana = Mansuelo
And speaking of Val Prieto, I just got some inside info: He will be on picnic (pikniqueando) at El Farito tomorrow afternoon. Oglers are encouraged to attend!
Salte de atras del sofa Mansuelo, no te escondas y cotesta la pregunta, ¿Por qué no abres el sitemeter? ¿Cual razón te lo previene? ¿Por qué tu cobardia Manuel Alberto Tellechea?
¿Dónde está escondiendose Manuél Alberto Tellechea?
Esta cobardía da pena, es imposible derrotár al comunismo con esta clase de defisiensia testiculár, que bochorno caballero. Manuél Alberto Tellechea tiene que sér de la habana, la puta ciudád de donde vienen todos los cubanos cobardes.
¿Es usted habanero señor Tellechea?
Manuel A.Tellechea said...
You seem to be quite hyper today. It's not the 1st of the month so I must wonder why
Me impaciento cuando a proposito me tratas de ignorar. Pero yo se que tu estas ahi, detras de la computadora. Engordando y comiendo
Descansa tus ojos Manuel. Apaga el monitor por unos dias. Esto envicia
Hola señor Fantomas , gusto en saludarle
Awsome post Manuel, it so parallels what's going on now with those handpicked by Obama, it's so similar it's scary.
Thanks for the history lesson, I so love it when you speak of the history of our country, I have learned a lot from you, it's a pity you are closing this blog, I wish you would reconsider or open another one.
Breaking News ..ya esto es el colmo por mi madre lo aseguro
Val Prieto el abuelito de los blogs Es el responsable porque Yoanis haya surgido y no solo eso. Val Prieto es el responsable de que en Cuba ahora estan surgiendo cientos de blogeros
Tenemos que arrodillarnos ante Val y darle las gracias por todo lo que ha hecho con nosotros, especialmente por heber ido a la Casa blanca a representarnos
Viva Val, el Messiah cubano
Que cosa mas grande caballero, si esto no es el colmo de los colmos no se que mas pensar
Apunta charlie Bravo
Caete pa'tras
Over five years ago, when this here blog was taking its baby steps in blogdom, I could never have imagined the day when there would be bloggers in Cuba freely writing about whatever they wished.
Today, Yoani announces a first ever Cuban blogger blogging contest: Una Isla Virtual. Outfreakenstanding!
I am, indeed, a proud blog Grandpa today.
Posted by Val Prieto at 02:08 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Val for President of Cuba
Sal de la cueva Alberto que Vana se desespera por tu ausencia, acuerdate Vana dijo que ella trabaja en la calle, sus palabras mismas no las mias, ¿será con mini y lingerie?
Vana said: it's a pity you are closing this blog, I wish you would reconsider or open another one.
I too, have wrestled with RCAB closing of late. As Manuel, has published some of his best masterpieces of late. This is especially true of the post against Babulu. As there can be no doubt that Babulu's potential harm to Cuba's interest has been kept somewhat in check.
However, Manuel, like most Cuban exiles has until recently had misplaced enemies, on the Cuban exiles enemies list. Even as little as last week, while Val Prieto, (a Cuban-hater) was meeting with another (Cuban-hater) Bush, at the white house. This while Manuel was desperately flogging a previous beaten horse, i.e., The New York Times.
Nevertheless, with a powerful leftist government sweeping the land, i too would feel the urge to retire. Manuel's work can never be fully realized against this new and dangerous leftist government, nor the self-hating Cubans like Val, who work feriously to inflict even more harm Cuba.
Looking back on the last 50 years, it is now obvious that the task of a free Cuba is beyond any one man typing on his keyboard. Manuel now realizes this, imo. And unlike Val Prieto, who financially profits from his attempts to harm Cuba to make himself more appealeable to the red-state republican. Manuel's reward was only a free Cuba, which required an effort to defeat the enemies of a free Cuba, which included Babulu.
Nevertheless, i can say that i learned a lot about Cuba from Manuel. But then again, i am not the audience, as my voice doesnt really matter. Rather, it is Manuel's Cuban brothers and sisters, then must stop trying to inflict more harm upon Cuba, in order to impress their handlers. And this is where Manuel, in my opinion has failed.
Fantomas aka centurion aka most anon's
Mira que eres bretero y habla mierda, yo no se como Manuel te soporta! bien se ve que de hombre no tienes nada!!
El Centurión said...
Sal de la cueva Alberto que Vana se desespera por tu ausencia, acuerdate Vana dijo que ella trabaja en la calle, sus palabras mismas no las mias, ¿será con mini y lingerie?
Vana ese centurion es impostor. No te desesperes. Nada que ver con Fantomas te lo aseguramos. Fantomas seria incaparz de dirigirse asi a una dama
Vana, gracias por escribir en español, el idioma de casi todos los cubanos.
Mucho cuidado con los impostores.
Bueno , tal parece que los impostores continuan su acecho. Eso esta bien siempre y cuando no afecte la inmaculada reputacion de este servidor
El verdadero centurion prefiere el idioma español el cual es el idioma de todos los cubanos
Nuestro conocimiento del Ingles es bastante limitado y por eso no lo utilizamos
Que fantomas seria incapaz de dirijirse asi a una dama, por favor, si fantomas hasta la madre me ha mentado!! fantomas es un inculto comemierda que le gusta sembrar cizaña, no sabe respetar a nadie.
Vana por favor modere sus acusaciones. Se acerca un nuevo año
Disfrutemos a plenitud las fiestas navideñas.
Fantomas mira hueco!
fui recibido en la sede del Comité Central por un funcionario de apellido Castellanos, que era el segundo de Aldana y por Jacinto Granda, quien ya se preparaba para asumir la dirección del Granma. Yo estaba deseoso de ver cómo podrían ellos rebatir aquellos argumentos que con tanta delectación había afilado durante agotadoras jornadas de reflexión. Para mi sorpresa, Castellanos me dijo que no me distrajera en protegerme de las acusaciones recibidas, que yo no podría seguir siendo periodista simplemente porque mi pensamiento se apartaba de la línea del Partido y que eso era todo.
Esa fue la forma en que conocí el verdadero rostro de Fantomas...
Doble juego
Your new decolorized pic at 11:16 PM looks like John Paul II.
Santo Fantomas
No more cyberbullying on this site Manuel
A 21-year-old woman accused of sending a vulgar text message to a 17-year-old girl is one of the first cases brought under a law against cyberbullying spurred by the suicide of a teenage girl following cruel messages on the Internet.
The 2006 death of 13-year-old Megan Meier prompted Missouri lawmakers to update state harassment law earlier this year so that it now covers bullying and stalking done through electronic media, like e-mails or text messages.
A handful of cases related to electronic communication have been filed statewide since the law took effect Aug. 28. Prosecutors do not track harassment cases based on the type of communication method used, so could not provide an exact count in recent days of how many people have been charged because of the new provisions.
In one of the new cases, Nicole Williams is accused of using electronic communications to harass a teenager in a dispute over a boy. Williams is scheduled for arraignment on one count of harassment on Jan. 8.
She allegedly sent the text message to the 17-year-old she had not previously met because she heard the girl had a physical encounter with her boyfriend. The two had just been talking, police said.
The 17-year-old girl received voice messages with lewd and threatening comments, including some that called her by the name "pork and beans" and threatened rape. Williams told police others sent those messages from her phone, according to a probable cause statement.
St. Peters police spokeswoman Melissa Doss said Friday that the 17-year-old had eggs, thumbtacks and a can of baked beans thrown on her car. Williams has not been linked with or charged with those offenses, she said.
The case was filed in November and is the first involving text messages in St. Charles County, the county where Meier resided, since the new law went into effect.
Defense attorney Michael Kielty, who represents Williams, criticized the revised law on electronic harassment. He called the Meier case tragic, but said lawmakers had engaged in a knee-jerk reaction to try to address the high-profile case.
In a landmark cyberbullying trial, Lori Drew, 49, of O'Fallon, Mo., was convicted in Los Angeles on misdemeanor federal charges of accessing computers without authorization last month.
Prosecutors said Drew and two others created a fictitious teenage boy on MySpace and sent flirtatious messages from him to neighbor Megan Meier, 13. The "boy" dumped Megan in 2006, telling her: "The world would be a better place without you." Megan hanged herself. Drew has not yet been sentenced.
The trial in California came after Missouri prosecutors said they couldn't find state statutes that allowed them to file charges.
Kielty said Missouri's revised harassment measures are bad law. "It's probably one of the worst written laws I've seen in my career," he said.
He said kids used to say things face to face or pass notes in school commenting on someone's looks or weight. The new law "criminalizes behavior that otherwise wouldn't be illegal except for the medium," he said.
"It's not criminal. It might be mean-spirited, but it's not criminal," he said.
St. Charles County Prosecutor Jack Banas noted the allegations against Williams haven't been proven yet, but said the updated harassment law should help make it "easier to go after people who are going after people in unusual ways."
He said harassment over the telephone has been a crime for years in Missouri. The changes to the law "broadens it to cover new technology," he said.
Banas said he's still not sure Missouri's current harassment law as it related to electronic communication would have allowed for prosecution of Drew, had it been in effect at the time of Megan's death. He thinks it would have been difficult to prove the case because of a lack of corroborating evidence. "The communications weren't sent by Mrs. Drew, for one thing," he said. Drew wasn't charged with harassment in the California case.
About 45 states have updated their laws to address harassment through electronic communications or crafted new laws to respond to the concerns of cyberbullying or cyberstalking, said Naomi Goodno, an associate professor at Pepperdine University School of Law who has written about cyberbullying law. She said many of those changes happened prior to the Meier case or were fueled by other concerns.
State Sen. Scott Rupp, who sponsored the bill to change Missouri harassment law, said Missouri's law hasn't been fully tested, but he believes it is making people more aware of what they say online.
Online bloggers have written about Missouri's new law, or sent out links to it as a reference when derogatory comments were made on the Internet, he said. "That people are actually paying attention - it is a good thing," he said.
Have you ever heard of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, Fantomas?
That pesky freedom of speech thing is a two way pain in the ass, right Fantomas?
That must be why totalitarianists always ban such freedom, as your DGI employers so willfully enforce.
anon 2:24pm:
Por favor escriba en español, el idioma de todos los cubanos.
That must be why totalitarianists always ban such freedom, as your DGI employers so willfully enforce.
12/20/2008 2:24 PM
Este parece que se empino una botella de chispa e tren
Coño Centurion cambie esa foto compadre, me vomito cada vez que la veo
Peguese un tiro y resuelto el caso
That's old news, stop the cutNpaste
Manuel A.Tellechea said...
Your new decolorized pic at 11:16 PM looks like John Paul II.
Indeed Manuel , that is the purpose.
Fantomas relates to everything that is Good, pure and Holy when it comes to defy the bearded one
Vana said...
That's old news, stop the cutNpaste
12/20/2008 6:31 PM
Vana no se de que hablas? Explicate
Fantomas is talking to itself .... AGAIN !!!!!!!!!! ....
Uh Ah, Fantomas Callate YA!!!!!!
Por Favorrrrrrrrrr
Compañero Bolicubano y Bolivarrrrrrrrrriano
Hugo Chavez Frias = Simius Brutus
Simius Brutus = Fantomas
Uh , Ah Fantomas no se va
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