[After the Moncada Barracks attack in 1953, Fidel Castro] "slipped away, only to be captured a few days later in the mountains." -- Roger Cohen, "The End of the End of the Revolution," New York Times Magazine, Dec. 5, 2008
Fidel Castro wasn't killed in the attack on the Moncada Army Barracks because he did not participate in it. His car, supposedly, broke down on the way to the barracks, or he got lost in the streets of a city he had known since childhood. In any case, when he finally arrived to take command, the rebels had been routed and were endeavoring to retreat. Rather than join in a last stand, or at least share the fate of the men he had pointed (but not led) to slaughter, Fidel drove away. The car that couldn't get him there in time managed to get him out of harm's way without difficulty.
Castro didn't take refuge "in the mountains" nor was he "captured" a few days later by Batista's troops. What Castro did was to avail himself of Cuba's longstanding tradition of ecclesiastical asylum. He sought the protection of the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Msgr. Enrique Pérez Serantes, who arranged for Castro's peaceful surrender to the authorities. That would have been the end of Castro in any other Latin American country. But Cuba was like no other Latin American country at the time because it was governed under the Rule of Law and boasted an independent judiciary, most of whose members had been appointed before Batista's 1952 coup and retained their positions despite their opposition to him. Most importantly, Cuba's 1940 Constitution had abolished the death penalty. If a terrorist attacked a U.S. military installation, then or now, it is highly unlikely that he would escape execution. In Cuba, Castro was sentenced to 15 years in prison and amnestied by Batista in less than two.
When Castro seized power in 1959, thanks in no small part to The New York Times' unrelenting advocacy, he abolished ecclesiastical asylum; the Rule of Law; the independent judiciary; and the Constitution of 1940. He also reinstated the death penalty, and, for the first time since Spain ruled Cuba, applied it to "political crimes." The firing squad, which had formed no part of the history of the Cuban Republic (1902-58), was made the symbol of his Revolution and nearly 15,000 Cubans were paraded before it in his first year in power (more than died through natural causes in 1959). And, of course, Castro has never issued a general or partial amnesty in 50 years of unelected rule, as had been the custom in Cuba since the earliest days of the Republic upon the election of a new president.
Archbishop Pérez Serantes was the first Cuban prelate to condemn the imposition of Communism in Cuba. In a pastoral letter dated May 30, 1960, he stated that "It can no longer be said that Communism is at the gates, because in truth it is within, speaking powerfully. Not in vain have some clear-sighted persons been preparing to fight those who try to impose the heavy yoke of the new slavery."
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
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LOL, Val is meeting with Bush, (the most powerful man on earth) about what the (Cuban exiles) can do for Cuba's freedom. Amazing, and embarrassing at the same time.
I had written a lot more on this topic. But i subsequently deleted it. As i dont care to waste another second in time or effort to expose the openly fraudulent Cuban exile push for Cuba's freedom.
Both the American government, and the Cuban exile have worked in concert to enforce the (pressure cooker.)
Bush is just thanking Val for his vocal support for needlessly killing as many Cubans as possible with the horrific wet foot/dry foot policy.
Congratulations, job well down Val!!
El Abuelo de los Blogs cubanos en el exilio ya esta en Washington
Aun cuando hay desacuerdos entre nosotros los blogeros cubanos del exilio no deja de ser importante y necesario que estemos representados de alguna forma
President George W. Bush
U.S. President George Bush will meet with an activist from Sudan's troubled Darfur region and bloggers from China, Burma, Egypt and other countries Wednesday to mark Human Rights Day.
A White House spokesman says Mr. Bush will first meet in the Oval Office with doctor and writer Halima Bashir to get what the spokesman called a first-hand account of what is taking place in Darfur.
Bashir is co-author of a memoir about living in Darfur, Tears of the Desert: A Memoir of Survival in Darfur, and has spoken out internationally about the atrocities committed there.
Bush will also meet and hold a teleconference with bloggers from around the globe. Bloggers from Egypt and Venezuela will join him by teleconference, while others from Burma, Iran, China, Cuba, and Belarus will join the president in person at the White House.
"Rather than join in a last stand, or at least share the fate of the men he had pointed (but not led) to slaughter, Fidel drove away." Wimpy wimpy wimpy!
The sad thing is, the New York Revisionist has shaped the whole of American mass media and education. As such, our schools are breeding grounds for revisionists who think that communism is good, a thought echoed on most of our mass media.
The cleanup needs to start there, but with Obama in power, I fear this situation will spread.
Mambi: The cleanup needs to start there, but with Obama in power, I fear this situation will spread.
The other side offered no other alternative!!
1) More Palin
2) Bombardment of Iran
3) More government siezing of private institutions
4) More job loss
5) More deficits and debts
6) More endless wars
7) More anti-Americanism
8) More national leftist governments around the world
9) More communistic Patriot and Homeand Security
10) More needless deaths of Cubans off our coast
Bush is the one that planted the seeds of communism in America, and Obama & friends will water, and quietly nurture these seeds that Bush has recklessly sewn. This in order to grow a strong, and vibrant leftist America that will flourish. And America will accept it, so long as it works better then the Bush years!! Which it will, as history is cyclical in nature. But America wont know the difference, and will lavish (unearned) credit on the leftist ideology for the saving of America, for generations that follow.
Timing is everything!!
Thanks Bush, couldnt have done it without you!!
Roger Cohen and the New York Times are but the tip of the iceberg. Many people in this country have been, and continue to be, ignorant about most things beyond their borders. Of course, some are not ignorant, they are just cabrones de primera.
John Longfellow: The other side offered no other alternative.
This is also true. At one point, I recall being alarmed at the similarities between McCain and Obama. I kept waiting for a third party to seize this golden opportunity and explode on the national scene, but that never happened. The media ignored any viable alternatives.
Looks like we'll have the "lesser of two evils" choice for years to come.
En español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos.
Fidel captured in the mountains, the Times is still glorifing him, they want him to look victorious, the all powerful man as if he was captured, the coward ran for his life at Moncada, then of all places takes refuge in a church, what a wimp!! and this cowardly man is still in power!!
Mambi: Looks like we'll have the "lesser of two evils" choice for years to come.
I am not so sure about that anymore. The national explosion and etreme fervor over Obama is quite alarming. No one man should have absolute power.
I bore witness to thousands of angry hardcore leftist in the streets of my Indiana city on election night. And i was quickly dismissed as a liar, by the Cuban bloggers, especially Babulu. Perhaps, Cubans were also as dismissive of the angry masses in the streets of Cuba, pre-1959.
It is really kind of tragic that Cubans cannot learn from their past. Perhaps, they dont want to.
Nevertheless, i am onboard with President Obama. Knowing that there is no other choice. As the majority of the Americans, i cannot support the direction that the republicans have led this nation.
La desfachatés del NY Times se paréce a la de Val Prieto, ese tipo no tiene vergüenza y desconoce el honor, en vez de usár la oportunidad que se le ha presentádo con la invitación a la Casa Blanca, simplemente se comporta cómo un lacayo y ni siquiera se le ocurre levantár un tipo de protesta contra las costumbres oprobias de George W. Bush hacia Cuba.
John we remember that a number of commenters here asked you to post pictures of those "angry Chicago Latino Leftists" that suppossedly "invaded" your town in Indiana (yeah....right!!!) Where are the pictures John? You did say that you had gone home to get your camera, so, where are the photos?
You don't know jack about Cuban history, so we recomend learning about it rather than smearing your mouth with merde as the French would say.
First, i dont know how to post pictures on the internet. But even if i did, i wouldnt bother to prove something to you brain-dead Cuban exiles. As you people are now at the bottom rung of American society. And will stay there for many generations to come.
But here is how my university heavy city took over the streets of Terre Haute, In, when Obama was declared the winner. And be sure to click on the right of the youtube channel, to witness other leftist street take-overs in America, on election night.
CJB me estas robando el protagonismo aqui,recuerda hay un sola vida y una sangre
en este blog
Fantomas we could never be bothered with aiming for your commentary stature, it is yours and no one else will ever come close to your benchmark, remember what we told you before, we will always give you the credit that you deserve and we will hound you when your words and actions require our intervention, feel free to demand proof from John, you will receive the due credits.
Gracias por decir la verdad. El viejo mio me dijo lo mismo.
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