Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Real Enemies of the Cuban People

"The Cuban people's worst enemy is the Cuban people."

Val has submitted this proposition to debate at Babalú. In the "Comments" he makes it clear that he personally subscribes to it, which is tantamount to asserting that slaves are to blame for slavery. This notion, odious as it may sound to us today, was one of the principal arguments used to justify slavery throughout its history. Slavery was a curse because the slave himself was said to be cursed. Of course it was not the slave who had forged his destiny, that is, forged his own chains. Nor, as history would show, were slaves reconciled to their chains but shed them gladly the moment that the entire weight of the state was not directed to keeping them in chains.

The worst enemy of the Cuban people is their slavemaster, Fidel Castro.

Val is so detached from the Cuban reality and so embittered against his countrymen that he is constitutionally incapable of seeing them as victims of the same tyrant who caused his own family to flee to this country.

He begrudges Cubans the scant food that they eat, the rags that they wear and even whatever pleasure they are still able to wring from life despite Fidel Castro, including laughter and sex (see link below). Their natural condition, the only one acceptable to Val, is a collective and continuous hemorrhage that should last as long as communism lasts or as long as the Cuban people last. Then, freed from one or the other (it makes no difference to him), he can realize his dream of returning to his native Bayamo and finding the tree against which he used to pee as a 3-year old and the other landmarks of his childhood. What is a little blood or torrents of blood compared to the realization of that cherished hope? Cruel and ungenerous have the Cuban people been to deny him all these years the opportunity to relive (relief?) la edad de la peseta which he missed out on.

The Cuban people are not responsible for the destruction of our country. They did not opt for national suicide in 1959; they did not tie the noose around their own necks. It was, first and foremost, the United States which delivered us to the scaffold and made it impossible for us to escape as a nation its decree of annihilation. Others, principally the Soviet Union, but also Western Europe, the Eastern bloc, China, Venezuela, and every other country that ever extended a subsidy or credit line to Castro, enabled the henchmen, unharried by any external forces, to practice their foul deeds on the writhing body of our country as a fulltime occupation.

Cubans are not their own worst enemy. The entire world has conspired against our liberty and abetted our enslavement. The world is the enemy.

And, of course, people like Val who exculpate all others in order to blame the victims.

No Food, No Freedom and No Sex Equals Freedom for Cubans, Says Val


Alex said...

Of all the things the guy has said, this takes the cake.

It would be one thing if he pretended to have an honest debate, but the quick couple bans pretty soon demonstrated it was just looking for the usual validation from the echo chamber. That's too bad, it's not an unplausible question for an open and honest forum and an issue that will be at the center of the introspective examination of the Cuban identity post-Castro.

Vana said...


What can I say or add to what you've said, What A Post!!

Our poor unfortunate island, too bad it rose from the sea 90 miles from Key West.

Val is the biggest enemy of the Cuban people, short of Fidel, who teaches him these stupidities, this way of thinking? did he learn all this bigotry against his own people at his parents knee? it makes one wonder.

Fantomas said...





Then, freed from one or the other (it makes no difference to him), he can realize his dream of returning to his native Bayamo and finding the tree against which he used to pee as a 3-year old and the other landmarks of his childhood.

Anonymous said...

Debate at Babalu

Discuss amongst yourselves.

a. You are the best Val. Brilliant.
-George Moneo

b. Yes, yes, how perceptive Val. You amaze me.
-Kiss Ass #2

c. NotaKissAss, I have deleted your comment!

d. Notgonnawipeurass, I have BANNED you from this blog!

e. Valisadick, you are BANNED, YOU ASSHOLE!!! -Val

f. Yeah, ASSHOLE!!! -George Moneo

g. What an ASSHOLE!!! Val, I have your back, buddy.- George Moneo

h. I'm jet-setting again, but whatever you're arguing about, I'm on Val's side. McCain sucks.
-Henry Louis Gomez

Tomorrow's topic:
Discuss amongst yourselves.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Your parody of a typical discussion at Babalú is really funny and wise. Like all great comedy skits it concentrates the truth rather than dilutes it. (With such high praise I am sure that you now regret having submitted it anonymously. But fear not: fantomas will take credit for it).

In the post on Babalú's 5th anniversary I noted that Val, desperate for any activity on his deserted threads, was allowing more debate, as witness the recent commentary on his alleged homophobia. No sooner had I noted this promising development than Val rushed to delete the comments of one reader and ban another to show that he still could and would. Frankly, I am inclined to think that these were strawmen created for the expressed purpose of scaring off other audacious commenters. Yes, it has come to that: Val now invents commenters in order to be able to delete and ban them.

The truth of what I observed is borne out again: whatever I say about him, Val will go to great pains to disprove. Even when I praise a glimmer of light at Babalú, Val takes it as a signal for him to drop the curtain of eternal night.

Anonymous said...

MAT: Blah blah blah blah yada yada yada blah blah blah.

Vana: You are so right Manuel, I never knew that until you wrote it. Thank you for opening my eyes!

Agustin: You are so right, Manuel. Your intellect blinds me by its eternal light.

Serafin: You are so right, Manuel.

Alex Hernandez: You are so right, Manuel. And Val is an asshole.

Ms. Calabaza: You are so right, Manuel. Without you, my day would be a horror.

Angel Garzon: You are so right, Manuel. Do you want me to kiss it more? A little lower? Okay.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Fantomas: Where's my medicine? Perez Roque for President!

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

manuel a.tellechea: Thank you, my children. You will all receive your prize in heaven for knowing I am the only voice that can speak for Cuba. I am the only being capable of coalescing the vapors of the Cuban experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

Anonymous: You are so right, Manuel.

jsb said...

You seem obsessed with this guy Val. Do you review any other blogs besides Babalu?

Anonymous said...

anonymous: 8:35 am

clever, but you forgot the Babalusians who park here daily and harass. Show me where Tellechea has deleted or banned anyone Asshole!

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tellechea,
Thank you again, but I don't need the praise because I am a humble guy. You see, I am really, really humble. Almost as humble as Val and his humble blog.

Humbly yours,
anonymous: 7:28

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

anonymous babalunian:

Your spoof was funny, too, although it was not based on truth but intended to challenge a great and undeniable truth which doesn't need a Greek chorus.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Do I review other blogs than Babalú?"

Yes, on the rare days when Babalú doesn't say something stupid or offensive.

Very rare days indeed.

Anonymous said...

Manuel cannot ban anyone from commenting here because that is not a function of Blogger. The best he can do is delete a comment, but he would never do that because totalling up comments is his raison de etre. So Fantomas and all of his personalities will continue to be welcome here. If the sitemeter were open, we would all see how many \"real\" commenters this blog has, and how many \"strawmen\" it has.

Whoever just posted all that, you made Manuel\'s day. He\'ll have to skip breakfast to count all those.

Anonymous said...

a babalunian anonymous blogger,


te pico, mano! Cojelo suave y tomate otro buchito de cafe.

Anonymous said...


Dont apologize for your opinion. That's what this post is for: to lay it all out on the table.

Posted by Val Prieto at July 2, 2008 08:55 AM

A Wednesday Wondering
When it comes to Cuba, there are too many chiefs and not enough indians.

True or False?

Posted by Val Prieto at 07:01 AM | Habla (6) | Leenkaso (0)

Anonymous said...

So Fantomas and all of his personalities will continue to be welcome here. If the sitemeter were open, we would all see how many \"real\" commenters this blog has, and how many \"strawmen\" it has.

Este debe ser un cadre acomplejado el que escribio eso. lo debe tener bien chiquitico, 2 inches

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Fantomas said...

Manny se revolvio el panal babalusuiano hoy

Que les hicistes que los tienes con los pelos de punta

Estan como el Minrex con la sina , muy molestos

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!parece que los agentes de fidel se han infiltrado aqui. Te quieren apagar Manny

Anonymous said...

Fantomas: lo que pasa es que "the truth hurts" y por eso los del cadre estan tan encendio.

Anonymous said...

Laurel where are thou?

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Babalusians are here today

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Emperor Val has no clothes, no brain, and especially no heart.

Ms Calabaza said...


I've seen my name mentioned a few times in the last couple of days in poems and such and decided to state this for the record. I came to this blog originally because Val posted the link once in Babalu and I was curious. I had no idea what this was about. I have avoided the back n' forth about Babalu because although I don't feel comfortable with the attitude of 2 or 3 of its writers, for the most part I think the rest of the writers are people trying to send a good message out. It's those two or three with their profanity, deleting, banning and pompous attitudes that lower the level of discourse, IMHO. That's fine, we don't always have to agree with each other and I respect your right to run your blog the way that you want. I have made blog buddies out of people who are in the complete opposite spectrum of my views in politics but we can discuss issues without insulting one another. I am not above apologizing if I feel I have crossed the line or hurt someone.

It was not until the outing of KillCastro by Val that I really became disgusted with this behavior and especially the lack of remorse on the part of Val and some of his fellow writers. I commented for a few days about this (check it out, no profanity or personal insults, simply outrage about something that should not ever have happened). nd After that incident passed, I again, went back to reading MaT because no one can deny he is a phenomenal writer and I returned to commenting on his posts involving other issues. When he writes about Babalu, it's just interesting - as someone wrote here recently . . . "like reading US Magazine" . . . For me it's a guilty pleasure during the middle of the day and I sometimes get a few laughs out of it, but I don't engage in the back n' forth. I suspect it is the same for quite a few of the visitors here (you are reading this, after all) and that many are from Babalu since you seem to comment right away to anything related to that topic. That said, yes I like MaT as he has always been a gentleman and has been very kind to me and I will continue to be a fan and I plan continue to read and comment on this blog. If this is considered "kissing up", so be it. Now, let the games begin . . .

Anonymous said...

Val Prieto is selling mangos for a dollar

It's been a bit tough, economically speaking, around the Prieto household lately. The Real Estate market is in the gutter and even high end residential, which is usually a resilient market, has slumped in sales. Gas prices are through the roof and thus not only are we paying more at the pump, but prices have gone up for everything that has to be manufactured, shipped, delivered, etc... Food is more expensive as well, with beef and poultry prices going up as corn feed has become more expensive since corn is now being used to make ethanol. I suppose everyone is feeling the pinch right now

please donate a mango or a buck to payVal

Anonymous said...

Mat close the anonimi ..it is the best way to keep this blog nice and clean . Everybody will have to get a google account

That is not censorship

Anonymous said...

My sources are telling me that a person tied to the Babalu gang is trying to sabotage this blog today

They will get their wish unless you close the anonimi

Val's evil mighty forces have beeen call upon you Manuel

You are a marked man

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

rin tin tin:

As I've explained before it is no use to disable anonymous commenting because anybody can get one or 100 Blogger accounts and continue to blog anonymously.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Manuel give it a try just for a couple of days

The blog will be much quieter Fantomas will not be able to use the anonimis

Also, right now you have several cadres on the look out, weed them out, do not be afraid to do this

Who was smarter Hardy or Laurel?

Anonymous said...

Manuel can I get a mango?

I can't wait to see your Mango post in response to Val's

Anonymous said...

They are doing this on purpose now cause they know it will be roasted here

Comments: Mangos and memories
Beautiful, Val. I miss the huge mango tree next door to me that was the most biggest bird sanctuary in my neighborhood. (And I miss my avocado tree, felled by Andrew before its time.)

Posted by George L. Moneo at July 2, 2008 11:31 AM

Shiiiiit man. Who gives you the right to make me cry in the office?

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at July 2, 2008 11:43 AM

So sweet, Val. You should get all your beautiful memories together and assemble them into book form.

Posted by Claudia4Libertad at July 2, 2008 12:02 PM

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Val has been trying to sabotage this blog since Day 1. That's what the presence here of fantomas was all about in the beginning. They come here to disrupt and they stay because they get accustumed to freedom, which is not practiced in their corner of the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Breaking Crying news

A mango tree is the cause for el niño bitongo to cry in the office

oh my god

Mat , what is it with crying every 5 minutes at Babalu ?

Anonymous said...

1. That's what the presence here of fantomas was all about in the beginning.

Do you really think Fantomas was sent here by Val?

Are you this naive

Are you Hardy or Laurel

Expect your answer soon

Anonymous said...

You are wrong MAT

Anonymous said...

Mat are you going to cry too?

What a gift you have Val. I can picture you and your friends selling mangos under the olive tree, and your street in its younger days covered with a canopy of trees. I can taste the mango.

I was in a foul mood before reading this, now I've got a smile on my tear stained face. My co-workers no longer ask me why I'm crying, they know.

Posted by Ziva Sahl at July 2, 2008 12:06 PM

Anonymous said...

I know you are there now in front of the computer Manuel

Sharpshooter said...

Funny thing that I am included in the rants from the Babalusian anonymous as I have tried to stay above the fray and the back and forth bickering when it comes to their blog and your differences with them. In the past I have refrained from commenting on your differences and have let others engage in the arguments.
Having said that, anyone who says the Cuban people are their worst enemy, obviously is either stupid or delusional.
I am sorry for anyone whose skewed perspective of recent Cuban history leads them to believe such nonsense. But then it takes all kinds to make this world. Poor Cuba, if these folks are an example of the so called self appointed "defenders".

Anonymous said...

Agustin I congratulate you for dedicating a complete comment without mentioning the name of Mr Condom head

You are improving ... Saludos a su bella madre

Vana said...

Mangoes are fattening..lol

Anonymous said...

What mango tree? forget the mango

This will really make you cry

July 2 - A Norwegian ship, M/T Berge Danuta, rescued 11 men and 2 women who spent almost a month on a small boat trying to escape from Cuba.

The Cubans were found 245 nautical miles from the island.

The boat had no radio, no engine and they had spent several days without food or water.

Kåre M. Landsverk, captain of the M/T Berge Danuta, told a Norwegian newspaper that they saw the small boat form a distance "and when we got closer, saw that it was full of people who were frantically using their hands to try to reach our ship."

The Cubans were taken on board the ship and given food and water.

"They were all crying when they were rescued," said the captain.

Landsverk told the newspaper that he advised the US Coast Guard and that the Cubans are currently on board the US Knight.

The worse part is that they probably will be returned to Cuba under the "wet-foot dry-foot" policy.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

ms. calabaza:

Val has never posted a link to this blog. He is too frightened of RCAB ever to do that. He has, on ocassion, mentioned my name, and you, like many other intelligent readers of Babalú, took the hint and googled "Tellechea" and immediately found this blog. We have been happy and proud to have you as a commenter ever since.

Of course, most Babalú readers who stumbled on RCAB do not have the courage to comment here under their own monikers for fear of inciting Val's anger and being banned from Babalú.

This blog is visited by most of the "magnificent cadre of writers." They even google their own names to see if I have mentioned them on RCAB. Apparently, that is considered quite an honor by most of them even if the praise is scant.

Many of them have also communicated with me personally knowing that I would respect their well-founded desire for confidentiality. It through them that I have learned how Val "loses it" any time that one of them mentions having read something at RCAB. This is the reason that George, who is responsible for most of the comments today, does not dare to use his name here.

Poor Val! He can't even get his magnificent cadres to boycott this blog!

Well, truth be told, RCAB is the first thing that Val reads in the morning. What I say here pretty much sets the tenor of the day for him.

Don't concern yourself with what the Babalunians may say about you because you choose to make your presence here known. They only wish they had your courage and independent spirit.

Sharpshooter said...

Anonymous,(or Fantomas, same thing)
"You are improving ... Saludos a su bella madre"

Now I am not in the habit of answering cowards who hide behind the anonymous moniker, but with you I will make an exception.
As the English bard would have said if he was faced with the same situation:
Anonymous, go fornicate thyself!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Mr. Prieto did as real Cubans do, that they put everything in the back burner when they need to scrounge for a buck to help their families, he would not have his father humiliating himself by selling mangos in a corner like a pauper. Mr. Prieto, instead, has spent close to sixty grand remodeling his house. His parents are selling mangoes to make ends meet, but instead Mr. Show-off remodels his kitchen. He should remember that those Cubans who are their own worse enemies -according to his own "question"- are not even allowed the luxury of selling mangoes, but they take care of their elders in the most generous ways. He doesn't want you to help your relatives, but he doesn't do much to help his own, either. He simply puts them to sell mangoes, as MAT has pointed out in the past, he will also give them a fishing pole and a can of worms so they can fend for themselves. What a generous guy.

Anonymous said...

Who is selling mangos, where?

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Val should have given the buck that he tipped the kid at the mango stand to his parents. At least they could have bought one mango with it.

Anonymous said...

I would buy mangos from Val's parents. My heart is that big. But not coconuts.

Anonymous said...

Any papayas?

Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Anyone for mamoncillos

I love those

Anonymous said...

Now I get it...

Val kept fantomas in babalu in order to get inside info en el negocio de los mangos

fantomas es una autoridad en el ausnto de los mangos biscochuelos

Anonymous said...


nadie se escapa de la ignorancia y el odio de los babalusianos... as you can see- usted tambien es uno de los enemigos.............

Anonymous said...

Sir Val: How about selling ciruelas criollas? Better yet, sell mameyes.

Anonymous said...

Las frutas del Caney
que ricas son
guayaba, mangos y marañon

Es una pena
Que no podamos disfrutarlos
y que tengamos que debajo del arbol
vender los mangos sin sabor
porque si no son del caney
no tienen comparacion

Ni bayamo ni Camaguey
Ni la habana ni Varadero
sino son del Caney
no me los venda que no los quiero

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

If Val devoted himself to posting about mango and plum trees and other inanimate objects instead of Cubans, he would be far less of a pill to take. It is only when he writes about Cubans on the island that his prose becomes obtuse and literally drips with the milk of human unkindness.

Anonymous said...

Veo veo como disfrutan
en este blog singular
Aqui se puede charlar
sin miedo a ser censurado

Yo amo a la libertad
por eso vengo con Tellechea
sin embargo el otro lugar
se ha convertido en pesadilla

Los mismos guatacones de siempre
alabando al principe val
y que cuiden sus bolsillos
del maestro PAy Val

Quien fiscaliza ese dinero
no tengo la menor idea
de mangos de ciruelas y de guineo
prefiero a Tallachea

Anonymous said...

Message to Price Mango de Kendall

Oye , le puedes hacer una sopita de pollo a papi y mami

Y con los cocos tengo unas recetas exquisitas

No desperdicies nada que la cosa esta mala

Anonymous said...


The Wizard said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

If Val devoted himself to posting about mango and plum trees and other inanimate objects instead of Cubans, he would be far less of a pill to take. It is only when he writes about Cubans on the island that his prose becomes obtuse and literally drips with the milk of human unkindness.

So, right Manuel, so, so, right.. His mind turns to Mashed feces.When Val open his mouth waste matter discharged out.Mucha CACA VAL, Mucha CACA....

Anonymous said...

Alex viste a Fantomas en Nostalgia?

Anonymous said...

Donde estara metido el poeta de hialeah

Any idea Mat?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

poeta del caney:

That was good. Pity that there are very few mango trees left in Cuba, in Caney or anywhere else, Castro having ordered them chopped down to plant coffee 40 years ago. Needless to say, the experiment was a failure and Cubans lost their manna from heaven.

Today mangos are grown for export on special reserves that are not accessible to the public.

20 years ago I read about a boy who was shot dead for climbing over the fence to take a mango.

This is the childhood that Val missed out on when his parents took him to the land of milk and mangos.

Yet he feels no compassion for those who endured what he happily escaped.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are SO right!

Anonymous said...

Aqui gozamos con frutas, con principes, con clavos, con cocinas, con fantasmas, con fantosmas, con moscas, con perros, con meao, Aqui gozamos con locos, casas de locos, con patos, con fisiculturistas, con monos, con poodles, con managers de kmart, este blog es un verdadero review de todo lo que pasa en la cubasphora

You are so damn righ Manolo

Can i kiss you?
Gosh i love you

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous.MANUEL IS RIGHT!!!!
At least you get it :)

Anonymous said...

Breaking NEWS Fron Babalandia

Val Prieto has gone crazy he is killing squirrels with a water hose or worse yet with a shotgun named Bibi

Tom Sawyer,

You can pick half ripened mangos and help them ripen without being on the tree by placing them in brown paper bags. no need for refrigeration, just a day or two - more, depending on how "ripened they are when you pick them - in the bag and they do quite well. Obviously, nothing is better than picking them off the tree when ripe.

As for the squirrels, a couple of days standing guard over the tree with a nice, strong and powerful water hose gives them a pretty good message. I wont even mention a BB gun so as not to offend animal lovers.

Posted by Val Prieto at July 2, 2008 01:37 PM

Anonymous said...


Can Val be so evil that he can kill this beautiful animal on this video

dont miss it

Anonymous said...

Val got a $1.00 for every squirrel he killed from his cracker neighbors across the street (squirrel stew, yummy!). They also let him have their avocados because they didn't eat them.

Anonymous said...

Val's Man Camp and Babalu the dog

Check how Val shoots an Iguana on a tree and then eats it . This man should be sent to jail for killing animals


Is moneo on the video too?

Anonymous said...

Help wanted !!

recojedor de mangos y mata ardillas ...

must be able to climb mango tree without ladder...

must be able to kill ardillas with a tirapiedras...

if interested pls contact Val (he will subcontract your services to one of his sex readers commenters)

Anonymous said...

papa don't feed me squirrels

Anonymous said...

you made me laugh so hard with those videos

Sorry i need a mango tree to pee

Anonymous said...

Where is Fantomas when you need him the most

Anonymous said...

tengo cagalera de mango

Anonymous said...

coño , me embolso , no jodas mas fantomas

this shit is too funy

Anonymous said...

wow Manuel 100 comments but still 2978 trailing Yoani

keep the good work

You are so right, Manuel

Fantomas said...


liberada ingrid betancoutr in colombia junto con 3 americanos

Sharpshooter said...

nadie se escapa de la ignorancia y el odio de los babalusianos... as you can see- usted tambien es uno de los enemigos.............

Well, I am going to be awake all night tonight losing my sleep after knowing that terrible fact.

Anonymous said...

no solamente agustin es un enemigo , usted es un bofe compañero

Centurion said...


Stop using my name. Let me know if you need help "creating" a nombresito interesante -- a challenge for you due to your mental disorder.

Anonymous said...

Close but not cigar serafin real

I'm not fantomas

try again

Fantomas is not a person it is a movement

Sharpshooter said...

Serafin or el impostor,
Yo no soy compañero de nadie, compañero son los bueyes y los aguijonean.
Y compañero son los testiculos y se golpean.

Anonymous said...

Y compañeras son las nalgas y estan divididas por el c*lo.

Anonymous said...

agustin ve lo que te dije , eres tremendo bofe, despojese camarada

Anonymous said...

Cojones llegue a 100

Viva Manuel

Record Guinnes

Hail Manuel

Vana said...

How cruel, poor little squirrels they too have a right to eat.

Angel Garzón said...

Anonymous 8:35 AM. Grow a pair and comment without hiding your name punk, then we (i.e. you and me) can take it from there, that is assuming that you'd have the testicular fortitude to carry through, punk.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

"ms. calabaza:

Val has never posted a link to this blog. He is too frightened of RCAB ever to do that. He has, on ocassion, mentioned my name..."

In my case I heard Val say something along the lines of "...I don't need some f***** guajiro en la Yuma de Union City telling me blah blah blah..." or something like it on BTR, I found a link to RCAB at Rick's old SOTP blog, but it was Val's statement that awakened my curiosity and eventually led me to Manuel's blog. Ironic, isn't it?

"...Of course, most Babalú readers who stumbled on RCAB do not have the courage to comment here under their own monikers for fear of inciting Val's anger and being banned from Babalú..."

If your statement is true Manuel, and I do not have a reason to doubt you veracity, all I can say is that it is a sad state of affairs when the goal of our homeland's freedom ceases to be the most important qualifier on any debate or difference of opinion. This is tantamount to rehashing the tyranny in a different forum.

"...This blog is visited by most of the "magnificent cadre of writers." They even google their own names to see if I have mentioned them on RCAB. Apparently, that is considered quite an honor by most of them even if the praise is scant...

There are many other ways that can be employed to acquire such information without allowing RCAB to know it. Is this done in such way on purpose, or because of lack of knowledge as to how to get it done via other methods?

"...Many of them have also communicated with me personally knowing that I would respect their well-founded desire for confidentiality. It through them that I have learned how Val "loses it" any time that one of them mentions having read something at RCAB..."

And it's those contributors that deserve the credit that they have earned with their invaluable contributions to the cause of a free Cuba, I hold all of them in high esteem and respect. I'm also willing to take the chance of saying that more than likely, most if not all of RCAB's readers and commentators feel the same way about them, what remains difficult to ascertain is the reason(s) and rationale that leads them to remain as contributors to a blog where their efforts and their rights as free citizens are not sufficient for their "editor" to extend them the respect that they deserve.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the outing of KC, I am a tolerant person and there are very few things that I will not tolerate, snitching is one of them, when someone stoops so low as to do such a vile act, especially without any compulsory measures being imposed upon him, that person ceases to be worthy of anything as far as I am concerned, period, may God in His abundant mercy find the way to forgive him.

Manuel, for those of us that do not know what caused the rift between you and Val, is it possible for you to clarify it, this remains of course your prerogative and no matter what you choose to respond, as far as I am concerned, we will remain colleagues that respect each other.

[OT] Will you be attending the official ordination of Manuel Cruz at the Cathedral on the 8th of September?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am very glad that you found us but it wasn't through the defunct SotP, which never linked RCAB. You may have some recollection of seeing me comment there but you must have availed yourself of some other means to find us.

In the beginning it would have been difficult since the only blog that linked us was Killcastro. Eventually, however, as we posted more and more, RCAB started to appear at the top of many important google searches such as "Cuban blogs" and "Cuban-American blogs." Ironically, even googling "Val Prieto" will now yield links to RCAB

The boycott against RCAB by Babalú and its satellites is now irrelevant. As an honorable exception, I wish to mention Uncommon Sense's Marc Másferrer, who linked RCAB in the beginning, unlinked it at Val's insistence, and then linked it again in defiance of Val.

I, too, am puzzled why many of Babalú's contributors, gifted writers with a genuine love for our country and its people, continue their association with Val despite not subscribing to his pressure cooker theory, nor wishing to be swept back into Cuba on a wave of innocent Cuban blood.

In some cases, I am sure the reason is that they do not want to abandon Babalú to its enthroned lunatic fringe and believe that they can fight intolerance better from within than from without. Other contributing writers are attracted by Babalú's established readership and all but ignore their own blogs to be able to cut a figure on Val's. Still others champion an important cause, such as Cuba's political prisoners, and wish to give as much publicity as they can to their plight. Finally, of course, there are also those who find Val "simpático" or are just natural-born followers and yes-men who need Val's big tent to feel important.

I have published about 20 posts answering any and all questions relating to the origins of what you call my rift with Val. Perhaps I will bring them all together in a special post entitled "Summa Contra Babalú." For now, go to the very bottom of RCAB's front page. There you will find our "Fraternal Links." I will shortly be adding "RCAB's Foundational Documents" to the links.

I may write something about Bishop Cruz if I find that he is any different from the other Cuban bishops in the United States whose loyalty to hierarchy in Cuba is almost as disgusting as that hierarchy's loyalty to Castro.

Fantomas said...

Mat escribe un new post
Escribe algo de las FARC para comentar ahi

Anonymous said...

Another silly question

A Thursday Thought
All Cubans are political asylees, regardless of whether they come solely for economic purposes.

Si u no?

Posted by Val Prieto at 11:42 AM | Habla (0) | Leenkaso (0)