Sunday, December 21, 2008

Is Val Prieto Yoani Sánchez's "Blog Grandfather?"

I shall soon have reached my limit for enduring it, but is there no limit to Val Prieto's monomania? And his underlings, are they so bereft of any sense of shame that they will allow him to make a fool of himself as a way of life without trying at least to restrain him? Has it reached the point that contradiction is treason at Babalú? Have the "magnificent cadres" grown so accustomed to the fact that the emperor has no clothes that they would feel embarrassed to see him except au naturel? And does this not bespeak some decline in their own moral physiognomy that places them in the same relation to Val as Fidel's fawning henchmen in respect to him except without greater compulsion or fear than Val's displeasure and the threat of disassociation from Babalú?

Val has asserted yet again that Yoani Sánchez is the creation of his own feeble imagination. He willed her into being 5 years ago when he made the decision to bestow on the world the gift of his own genius. On ground as fertile as the desert did wonders grow; and the most wonderful of these the unique and universal genius of Yoani Sánchez. I do not know what witch's spell Val used to conjure her; but suspect that the proceedings took place in his "Human Pressure Cooker" where he has conducted his experiments on Cubans in the past. Now there is nothing unusual in stupid parents (or grandparents) producing brilliant offspring, though the inverse is still more common. So we shall not dismiss on account of the intellectual disparity between them Val's claims of being Yoani's organic ancestor.

If Val is indeed Yoani's spiritual or political grandfather, then he bears the same relationship in respect to her that slaveholders did towards their sons' biracial babies. These children were only "wanted" because they increased the family's patrimony, and the best way to turn them to good account was to sell them down the river. This is in effect what Val did the moment he laid eyes on her. He viewed her suspiciously from the first, as he inevitably regards any Cuban who is not in jail or actively being persecuted by Castro's henchmen. The "enemy" in Cuba is the 90 percent of the population that have not yet decided to be martyrs, which, incidentally, is not incumbent on any man or woman (as Val himself should know). Martyrdom is by definition voluntary or else it is not martyrdom.

Had he merely been indifferent to her or even ignored her, Val would have greater claims to consider himself her patron. But he did not ignore her. He made his unfounded "suspicions" about her abundantly clear from the first and for a long time afterwards. Some Babalunians asserted when this was pointed out to them by Rick not long ago that Val was merely being prudent in sizing up Yoani because we Cubans (some of us, anyway) have been misled by false prophets before. Well, there is nothing wrong with prudence; but prudence would have required of Val that he maintain a respectful silence until he had verified for himself Yoani's real intentions. But he did not.

Val attacked her from the very first with an intensity that was bewildering. One would have thought that he had been granted a peak into her DGI dossier. When interviewed for The Wall Street Journal last year, he voiced his suspicions about her authenticity and declared that it was too early to know whether she was the real thing or not. Val's input was solicited for a WSJ story on Yoani. Imagine. By that time Yoani was already Cuba's most famous blogger, with both a national and international following that Val himself might envy (and probably did), famous enough to merit a front-page story in the WSJ but still suspect in Val's eyes, though he had no problem leeching on her reputation for a passing mention in The Journal.

As her fame grew and it became obvious even to him that nothing was to be gained and much loss by vilifying her, Val joined at last the chorus of her admirers. In fact, in his awkward and bumptious way, he became the choirmaster, praising in post after post her "balls" while wondering why other Cubans' are not as pendulous as hers. His fawning has become almost as insupportable as his erstwhile hostility and is no doubt intended to overshadow it. But really, when even Rick can recall his duplicity, is there even one Cuban blogger who is not aware of it? Perhaps only one -- Yoani herself. But, then again, she also endorsed Barack Obama. Like all Cubans on the island, her sources of information about what happens outside of it are very limited. Or perhaps she is as diplomatic as Val is reckless and self-defeating.

Val has claimed to be Yoani's "blog grandfather" before. But before this connection can be verified, Val must provide us with the name of the father. Who is this putative father who stands between putative grandfather and putative granddaughter? The question is not without significance and at present no plausible answer suggests itself.

The only Cuban blogger that Val Prieto ever "inspired" to start a blog is me. He "inspired" me with his arrogance, ignorance and presumption. I do not discount the possibility that he may also have inspired Yoani in the same way. But only in that way.

Other posts relating to Val and Yoani:

Val Prieto Visits RCAB for the Last Time
Yoani Endorses Obama and Val Endorses McCain
The Many Colors of Val Prieto


Anonymous said...

AC/DC Live
These guys are old, but man can they still rock. My ears are still ringing from the concert.

Posted by Cigar Mike at 02:12 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Manuel what does AC/DC has to do with Cuba, please explain

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Not as much as Val's new kitchen but more than George's lost cellphone.

Anonymous said...

Val Prieto es el responsable de que mas de 1000 Blogs hayan surgido despues del inicio de Babalu. No solamente es Val el abuelo de todos , Val tambien sera el abuelo de todos los nietos que no han nacido todavia pero que estan en camino
En otras palabras Babalu inspiro y fundo el camino de la excelencia periodistica del ciudadano comun
Fijate la importancia de esto Manuel, Val fue recientemente reconocido por Bush en la Casa Blanca. Honor a quien honor merece
La gran diferencia entre Val y Yoanis es que Yoanis estan en Cuba padeciendo de todas las penurias que diariamente soportan los cubanos
Mientras que el abuelo ajeno a todo esto, vive una vida de lujos
Asi, si es un mamey.
La nieta ya tiene mas reconocimiento y credibilidad que el abuelo, ella puede pasar a la historia , el pasara desapercibido

Anonymous said...

Not as much as Val's new kitchen but more than George's lost cellphone.

How about Marta's cooking on thursday's, the man camp secret gatherings or the infamous Henry's florida shift

Anonymous said...

Caete pa'tras
Over five years ago, when this here blog was taking its baby steps in blogdom, I could never have imagined the day when there would be bloggers in Cuba freely writing about whatever they wished.

Today, Yoani announces a first ever Cuban blogger blogging contest: Una Isla Virtual. Outfreakenstanding!

I am, indeed, a proud blog Grandpa today.

Posted by Val Prieto at 02:08 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

Fantomas 9:30
He's not responsible of anything. The technology was out there, and the people had to speak their own minds, so.... maybe he inspired some, like yourself, but no the rest. I am an avid reader of a few Cuban-themed blogs, and there's no way that they could have even being inspired by Babalu. Maybe some of them were incepted in spite of what the Babalu master wished. Read his words about Yoani in the beginning, the words of his cohorts, and your own words on her.
And this guy is taking credit for her success now?
That's rich and sweet.
He was recognized by the White House and Bush.
Is that an honor?
The White House should be ashamed because they didn't even invite Yoani to be present via teleconference. They really didn't want a real Cuban there, they wanted a waterdown version of a Cuban. I am really surprised they didn't invite you, too!

Anonymous said...

Larcont= Manuel= Charlie Bravo
El hecho de que no concordamos con la politica editorial y los payasos que componen el circo babalusiano no quita que Babalu si haya inspirado a muchos. Como por ejemplo el señor Tellechea. Y es precisamente en ese punto que me estoy basando. Muchos blogs han decidido nacer para eso mismo para evitar que sea Babalu el que nos represente
La arrogancia , la falta de sensibilidad, la comemierderia, la nostalgia sofocante de los escritores de Babalu es evidente
Por eso han surgido otras voces, mas realistas y creibles como Yoanis, como el blog de Fantomas, como Penultimos ( aunque a este se le han pegado ya algunas cosas malas de sus colegas babalusianos) y muchos otros
La unica ganancia que veo es que Babalu se fue por el lado del Idioma Ingles atrayendo quizas una nueva audiencia. Eso es beneficioso para la causa
Babalu se debio haber quedado humble, pero como le pasa a miles de compañias que quiebran cuando empiezan a abrir tiendas , sucursales, franquicias, se pierde la calidad . Y un ejemplo de esto es el post dominical de hoy acerca de una banda de rock obscura
Ya no existe credibilidad ni calidad en Babalu. El abuelo esta muy viejo y sus nietos hacen lo que le da la gana

Anonymous said...

Hey Manuel por favor contesta esta pregunta, pero piensa bien lo que vas a decir

Conociendo todo el transfondo de la politica de Bush hacia Cuba , si Jose Marti estuviera vivo luchando contra Fidel y teniendo la oportunidad en una conferencia de prensa

Crees que Jose Marti le hubiese tirado a Bush con los zapaticos de Rosa

Anonymous said...

Ya no existe credibilidad ni calidad en Babalu. El abuelo esta muy viejo y sus nietos hacen lo que le da la gana


El abuelo de Cuba es clase aparte.Ese todavia fizcaliza y mete miedo. La sombra

Anonymous said...

Fantomas ese eres tu?

Anonymous said...

"Is Val Prieto Yoani Sánchez's "Blog Grandfather?"

No he is not

Vana said...


Your post gave me a deep belly laugh, Val needs to get down from his high horse, in is mind I think he trully believes he's "blog father and grandfather" what a pretentious fool!! I think the fine cadre likes to see him make a fool of himself, since they obviously have no voice or are afraid to dissuade him, ah Val the tyrant of "an island in the web"

Anonymous said...

New Poll at Babalu blog

"In God We Trust" poll
Should the motto "In God We Trust" be removed from U.S. currency? That's the question MSNBC's Live Vote is asking.

Here's your chance to let the media know where the people stand on our faith in God, as a nation.

Vote here.

H/T: Raul

Posted by Ziva at 11:19 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

In Obama I trust

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Simius Brutus

Oye Enrique tu eres un comemierda tan bajo y falto de calidád que es dificil medír tu falta de valor, hasta la mierda vale más que tu, ni para abono sirves, eres puro veneno pero incapaz de matár a nadie, eres absolutamente NADA, maricón comemierda.

Fantomas said...

Ese debe ser un agente de Castro por la forma que se expresa . Te conozco pescaito

Anonymous said...

I have said it before, and i will say it again. The Cuban community needs to do a lot of in-house cleaning, and then go to the world with a crisp, and smart message that will gain support of the entire world, and not just a few decaying defeated, anti-spanish red-states.


Another good catch Manuel.

Fantomas said...

Oye Enrique tu eres un comemierda tan bajo y falto de calidád

La calidad sobra ademas tengo para regalar

Anonymous said...

"La unica ganancia que veo es que Babalu se fue por el lado del Idioma Ingles atrayendo quizas una nueva audiencia. Eso es beneficioso para la causa
Babalu se debio haber quedado humble, pero como le pasa a miles de compañias que quiebran cuando empiezan a abrir tiendas , sucursales, franquicias, se pierde la calidad . Y un ejemplo de esto es el post dominical de hoy acerca de una banda de rock obscura
Ya no existe credibilidad ni calidad en Babalu. El abuelo esta muy viejo y sus nietos hacen lo que le da la gana"

Fantomas no te dejes provocar por los babalusianos. Son ellos los que perdieron la calidad hace mucho tiempo.

Anonymous said...

Si me conoces como dices, pendejo maricón comemierda, dime entonces ¿quién soy?

Y no soy como tu eres, no practico la decepción como tu, tampoco participo en estupideces como las que tu usas para disfrutár de la ignorancia y la inocencia de semejantes, como tu haces con Tomás Estrada Palma y Don Dominguez.

Habla ahora cabrón, si tu quieres puedo hacér publico los detalles de tu asociación con Jay Martinez que solo son conocidos por un grupito de individuos, asi que habla mierda ahora, maricón.

Vana said...


Cuenta todo, quitale la mascara de una vez por todas al G2 fantomas, ya es hora que alguien diga las cosas como son, basta ya de tapar el sol con un dedo.

Fantomas said...

Usa esas energias para derrocar a fidel , me importa un bledo quien eres, no pierdas tu tiempo.
No se olviden esta noche Magazine Cubano el programa radial cubano #1 en Internet con su director Jay Martinez. Un excelente periodista. Un buen amigode 8pm a 10 pm EST Los esperamos a todos ustedes

Fantomas said...

Vana no hay na que buscar , nada , no encontraran absolutamente nada

Anonymous said...

Bien rapido usas la palanca del retroceso Fantomas, cuándo te conviene te callas y abandonas tus retos, se puede decír que no eres ni tan valiente, ni tan loco, ni tan estupido como aparentas ser en la internet, y de anticastrista no tienes nada, te botaron de Cuba por ser homosexual pero hasta dias antes de ese acontecimiénto eras un "compañero revolucionario" y apollábas al Castrismo, tus indiscreciones causáron tu expulsión y porque te conviene te autodenominaste como anticastrista en el exteriór, te olvidáste que tu historiál te sigue y los verdaderos anticomunistas como yo no nos olvidarémos jamás de criminales y de los crimenes castristas y comunistas como tu y los tuyos.

Fantomas said...

acontecimiénto eras un "compañero revolucionario" y apollábas al Castrismo,

Primero alfabetizate despues hablamos

El Castrismo es una ideologia asquerosa. Si la hubiese apoyado no estaria aqui

Aguanta duro que hay Fantomas pa largo
el 2009 es mi año

Fantomas said...

Magazine Cubano despues del juego

Fantomas said...
Hoy 8pm Hora de NY

Anonymous said...

"el 2009 es mi año"

Otro castrismo Fantomas, casi trenta años han pasado desde tu expulsión y todabia te quedan razgos en tus expresiones del syntax castrista-comunista, es imposible borrár los patrones de conducta que continuamente demanda el castrismo, si los borras te regrezan a Cuba para reeducarte y expiarte de los habitos capitalista, estás fallandole a tus patrones, sigue metiendo paquetes con el Jay, en el 2009 se les acaba el jueguito.

Fantomas said...

"Combatir la dictadura es deber de todo cubano"

fantomas Dec 21, 2008

Y tu que has hecho por Cuba hoy?


Vana said...

Bueno de que fanto es homosexual esas son viejas noticias.

Anonymous said...

Despues no se queje Vana

Anonymous said...

dear Vana that is

Anonymous said...


Fantomas said...

En que se basa para decir eso Vana?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas nunca admite en publico que es homosexual Vana, algo que en realidád no es importante, lo que si es importante es que el era un lacayo del castrismo y partícipe en la persecución de otros homosexuales en Cuba, cuando se pasó de raya fué expulsado pero para evitár problemas con la fachada publica del castrismo en aquella epoca, los Sovieticos nunca toleraron esa conducta y la nomenclatura tenía que hacér el paripé para satisfacér a los patrones Sovieticos, pero Fantomas siguió siendo parte de la revolución, su tarea cambió en el exteriór porque era lo necesario, si buscas la información de Notiuno, te encuestras una partida de niveles de secretos con algo que compañias legitimas mantienen transparentemente. ¿Por qué tantos secretos Javier ... oops ... Enrique?

Anonymous said...

A que edad salio Fantomas de Cuba ?

Anonymous said...

La acta de nacimiento indica 30, pero Cuba tiene una larga historia de expedír información vitál incorrecta, el promedio de esos errores es de 2 años, lo que lo hace posible que Javier tenía 31 o 32 cuando fué sacado de Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Manuel, go to youtube, and put this in. I have been absent the last two weeks, because i felt compelled to do research on why my nation supports a communist Cuba. After 8 years by this government, it is no longer in doubt.

Did you know that during WW2 that we worked with China, and after the war, we propped up the communist government there. You probably did, but i didnt. And yes, i even though i am pro-obama. I still watch the anti-obama videos. Both parties want a pro-communist Cuba, my party is a bit more honest about it.

Go to youtube and put this in:


Anonymous said...

Javier was 32 years old cuando sale de Cuba

Anonymous said...

Ahora Fantomas brilla por su auséncia, los grillos son los unicos hablando por el, el shock lo tiene desconcertado.

Estos pensamientos ahora torturan la mente de Fantomas:

¿Qué se puede decír ahora para contrarrestár la verdad?

Coño me han expuesto al desnudo y no se ni que decír y ni que hacér.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas ha salido a comer a un restaurante muy famoso aqui en SJ con motivo de una cena muy especial. Regresara a comentar a las 11pm despues del programa

Anonymous said...

El restaurante se llama "Las Chernas Palestinas" especialistas en ayacas de pacotilla y fritas de palmiche del Caney con batidos de papaya.

Vana said...

De que fantomas era chivaton del regimen no me sorprende, con solo ver como actua se le nota, ahora yo me pregunto sera fanto un espia castrista? a mi me parece que si, no pierde la costumbrita de chivatear, vistes lo que le hizo a Ernesto de PD?

Conque se llama Javier, sabes el apellido? jajajaja fanto exposed

Anonymous said...

"vistes lo que le hizo a Ernesto de PD?"

No, que le hizo ?

Anonymous said...

Que le hizo a Ernesto ?

Centurion said...

Señorita Vana, muchas gracias por escribir en español, el idioma de todos los cubanos.

Por favor conteste la pregunta:

Que le hizo Fantomas a Ernesto ?

Anonymous said...

"are they so bereft of any sense of shame that they will allow him to make a fool of himself as a way of life without trying at least to restrain him?"

YES. Most of them are fools.....

Anonymous said...

way of life without trying at least to restrain him?"

Nobody can restrain Fantomas, no one

Anonymous said...

Que le hizo?

Anonymous said...

Vana said...

Le armo tremendo lio sobre la colecta de dinero que hace PD, tanto jodio que lo botaron del blog por chivaton y busca pleito

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vana. Tambien lo botaron de PD.

After Jan 20 the only blog he'll be allow to comment will be AbajoFidel...


Fantomas said...

Que Viva la Censura


Anonymous said...

Yoani Sanchez añadio al blog de Fantomas , lo viste Vana
Parece que lo censuran por un lado pero el abre otro agujero inmediatamente.Que picaro es ese Fantomas, escurridizo, peligroso

Fantomas said...

Quienes censuran

Kill / Sheep

Need to say more? They all practice censorship. It is well documented. Many people affected one way or another

Fantomas said...

Menos mal que Manuel no se incluyo en esa lista. Menos mal que uso la cordura

Fantomas said...

Balsero said...
Thanks Vana. Tambien lo botaron de PD.

After Jan 20 the only blog he'll be allow to comment will be AbajoFidel...

I dont usually comment on my own blog
I prefer to use others. It will remain that way in 09

Anonymous said...

Fantomas la censura es mala venga de donde venga. Lo que te hicieron en Penultimos no tiene perdon
Tu tranquilo sigue con tu trabajo , te leemos, te queremos

Vana said...

I don't agree with censorship either, but understand, Fantomas goes into most blogs to sow discord, only Manuel is good to him, fanto is an ingrate, look how he pays him back.

Anonymous said...

El restaurante adonde Javier dijo que fué a cenár es el emparedado que llevó al estudio de Notiuno.

Nuestras fuentes nos informan que en realidád Fantomas estaba monitoreando el programa de O'Donnel y Companioni cuando dejó el comentario aqui diciendo que al restaurante se dirigía.

Te tenemos rodeao Fantomas.

Anonymous said...

Brigadista = Angel Garzon

Angel Garzon = Tellechea

nonee moose said...


Don't you have to screw someone to be a grandfather?

I don't know...

Anonymous said...

Anonimo 6:58 = Fantomas

Fantomas = Javier del Caney

Javier del Caney = La mujér de Jay

La mujér de Jay = Travesti

Travesti = Espia infiltrado del DGI

Anonymous said...

Brigadista = el coño de tu madre

Anonymous said...

nonee moosee:

Good point. How can Val be a grandfather without being a father?

Anonymous said...

Yoani's blog is out of the airwaves.

Anonymous said...

Anonimo 1:41,

No, que va Javier aka Fantomas, la que dicen tenér un coño -- aunque rehusa divulgarlo -- eres tu travesti, acuerdate que te tenemos rodeao, tu jueguito de dispersár separación y estragos en el exilio cubano se ACABA pronto, los paquetes que tu y tu superiór Jay -- el comunista secreto -- le meten a los hijos de cubanos que no conócen a Cuba no nos los tragámos nosotros los cubanos. Como dice el dicho cubano, "No Vayas a Bailár a la Casa del Trompo, Que Vas a Perdér" y yo le añado: recontra la tuya, mariconsón.

Vana said...


A fantomas le gusta sacarle los trapos sucios a todo el mundo, pero bien se ve que no le gusta que se lo hagan a el, para jugar hay que saber perder.

Anonymous said...

Val = tremendo comemierda

Anonymous said...

A fantomas le gusta sacarle los trapos sucios a todo el mundo, pero bien se ve que no le gusta que se lo hagan a el, para jugar hay que saber perder.

Fantomas es un luchador incansable por la libertad del pueblo de Cuba, el nacio alli , vivio el comunismo en sus entrañas y ahora con su blog lucha incansablemente para denunciar al regimen
Creo que Fantomas lucha contra los censuradores como penultimos dias, como babalu y como charlie bravo
Arriba fantomas que el pueblo esta contigo
Arriba varon, macho y bugarron

Anonymous said...

Mamey= tremendo anormal

Anonymous said...

Fantomas cerro su blog y se despidio de sus lectores
Te ganaron Manuel

Anonymous said...

¿Cerraron a Yoanis?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas e una putica callejera anda po to lao puteria pa ca puteria pa lla. Enseñando calne po arriva y po abajo.

PUTICA BARATA eso e lo que tu e

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, has Val Prieto mentioned the identity of Yoani Sanchez's "Blog Father?"

While on the topic of Val Prieto's musings, has he yet spoken about what he was entrusted to tell our Cuban community in exile on behalf of George W. Bush?

Anonymous said...

Angel said:

has Val Prieto mentioned the identity of Yoani Sanchez's "Blog Father?"

I'm sure it's George...


Anonymous said...

Susana, una persona que comenta en el blog de Claudia al parecer se ha puesto en contacto con Yoani, y ella dice que al parecer hay un problema de mantenimiento con el domain
El mensaje textual de Yoani:
"Se están haciendo trabajos en el servidor de, así que el problema no parece venir de "la mano peluda". Esperemos a mañana para ver si todo vuelve a la normalidad."
Asi que esperemos que no hay a problemas.
Susana, a regular commenter at OctavoCerco apparently has talked to Yoani, and there's a maintainance problem affecting their umbrella site:
Yoani's message, verbatim:
"They are performing some maintainance on the server we use at, so the problem doesn't seem to come from the "hairy and". Let's wait till tomorrow to see if everything gets back to normal".
I e-mailed Yoani, too, to offer some help in case she needed any.
Thanks to all who worried....

Anonymous said...

Babalu latest comments average

2 comments per post

Vana said...

Thank you Charlie

Anonymous said... average comments per thread = ZERO

Javier changes the threads at the top of his/her site and keeps the comments from posts that miraculosly vanish. It's not the comments number that matter Javier, it's the readers and the impact of the topics that's important, retardao, infiltrao, palestino, maricón.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


"Grandpa Val" has said nothing so far about his meeting with Bush at the White House. It's been now 10 days that he has mused about it, but other than the photograph documenting it and his confession that he regaled the president with the Prieto Family History, he has said nothing substantial about his brush with sub-greatness.

That his contribution to the Bloggers Summit was limited to praising Bush's Cuba policy is, I think, a fair conjecture, which also explains his diffidence about explaining his conduct to his readers. And, so, he prefers to say nothing.

As always with him: a loud build-up and then no follow-up.

Anonymous said...

We need a new post old man

Anonymous said...

Herald weighs in on castro, Inc's "swap" idea
It only took them four days to reach the same conclusion we arrived at last Thursday.

Better late than never I guess.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 11:45 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

While on the topic of Val Prieto's musings, has he yet spoken about what he was entrusted to tell our Cuban community in exile on behalf of George W. Bush?

12/22/2008 6:09 PM

Two words: Missioned Accomplished

This in regards to the 8 year republican effort to 1) destroy the Cuban exile infrastructure 2) inflict more suffering upon Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Babalu latest comments average

2 comments per post

12/22/2008 9:19 PM

Even i, have nothing to say anymore about the Cuban issues. As the solutions have long ago been written in the bowels of the C.I.A. Russia, China, and Venezuela are meeting in Havana, as desired by America.

And here shortly, Carter, Clinton, Bush 1, and Bush 2, will gather at the White House with President Obama. And on the agenda, will be Cuba. And the importance of continued imprisonment of that nation.

So what else needs to be said. I guess of course, Henry and Val can sit around and say commie this, and commie that about Obama. But they tried that in the lead up to the historic election of President Obama. And to their shock, the opposite desired effect took place.

Cuban-Americans embrace of the most hated man in the free world has lost them hard-earned respect, which they will be unable to recover.

Nobody wants to listen to them anymore. In fact, a terrorist in guantanmo bay has more Americans concerned about their cause then the Cuban-exile.

Fantomas said...

Lamento darles tantos dolores de cabeza, pero me alegra comprobar que podemos volver a renacer de los ataques, los trolls y hasta de los problemas de software. Un abrazo y vamos a recuperar este día perdido.


Anonymous said...

A very very Merry Christmas to you, Val. As Tiny Tim said: "Tiptoe through the tulips wi-", er, "God bless us one and all" I mean.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at December 23, 2008 01:48 PM

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, did I misunderstand what Val Prieto had said?
Am I incorrect to expect some kind of statement from Val Prieto on behalf of George W. Bush? I am under the impression that he went to the White House as our non-elected representative and I expect something meaningful to have been the rationale for that conference, otherwise, what was the point of it all?

Is it possible that Mr. Prieto may have been instructed or asked not to divulge whatever he may have been told by the President vis-a-vis Cuba until a later date?

I am also wondering why Mr. Prieto has not had the common courtesy to at least mention something, anything, to anyone outside of the Babalublog realm, given that he must be well aware of the expectations his cloak-and-dagger style created throughout our community in the diaspora. The way I see it, with privileges come responsibilities, I'm still awaiting a responsible statement from Mr. Prieto and I'm certain that I am not alone in that endeavor, I am also certain that this comment will be read by him rather soon, therefore, Val Prieto, what say you?

Anonymous said...

Get a life dude

Angel Garzón said...

Get a life Fantomas, you conveniently forgot who I am and how long I've been involved with technology, try that silly game with a noob, I won't bite your HREF stupidity. have you ever heard of mouseover and DOM? Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzon= Manuel Tellechea

Angel Garzón said...

I won't lower my standards to your sub level Javier*, so UP YOURS !!!

H/T: Andrew Wilkow.

*You got your sorry ass whipped to shreds loser; Charlie Bravo, Brigadista, CJB and their people (thank you fellows) are on to you and your DGI masters, you traitor.

Anonymous said...

Te lo he dicho varias veces Javier, el jueguito se acaba pronto, tienes dos opciones, regreza a Cuba y lamale las botas a tus superiores, o escapate a otra parte del mundo; si escojes la primera tarde o temprano cuándo tumbemos al regimen te vamos a ajusticiár, si usas la segunda tarde o temprano o te encuentra el DGI y te ejecútan, o te encontramos nosotros y serás ajusticiado, ya que te queda poco, mi sugerencia es que te suicides, travesti.

Señor Garzón, de nada, es nuestro debér.

Anonymous said...

Tranquilos muchachos , no se me desesperen

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Fantomas es el amo de mil fingimientos y el líder de un ejército inmenso de alabadores. Sus espías y secuaces estan por todas partes del mundo , regando las semillas del caos y el terror con la justificación real de la necesidad de un Gran Cambio en Cuba. Fantomas era cualquiera y simultáneamente era nadie; estaba por todas partes y en ningún lugar. Iba por la vida emprendiendo una guerra implacable contra la dictadura castrista que lo engendrara, y de la cual no podía escapar al no poder renegar la debacle del sistema. Fantomas retorcía brillantemente la energía ambivalente de su idealismo ideológico, y la proyectaba políticamente lejos de sí mismo hacía quienes, al contrario del modo que él alcanzó su ego luminoso y perfecto, debían adoptar de manera compulsiva e incondicional sus sueños sociales espartanos. Él era, finalmente, el Máximo Maestro en manipular el principio maquiavelista “¡haz lo que yo digo, y no lo que yo hago!”

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