Val Prieto said...
As much as I loathe even entering this den of sophistry, and, while I dont feel it necessary to respond to you or any slanderous post you write, since you are basically accusing me as the sole purveyor of starvation among the Cuban people, i need to set the record straight.
I believe my comment at PD speaks for itself and is more than resonant in its truth.
And, as with every piece you read in any major metropolitan newspaper and especially one like the NYT, they quote their interviewees according to their story line. My conversation with the NYT reporter in question was almost a half hour long. From that he quoted less than ten words. And, I might add, the least effective words to my argument and position.
While I do continue to believe that the remittances should not be lifted, my position isnt based solely on there "being nothing to buy" (Surely, once the humanitarian aid starts coming in, there will be plenty to buy at all castro stores.) but for a myriad other reasons which have been discussed and debated, ad nauseum at Babalu and throughout the blogosphere and other media venues.
Print this comment out, frame it and hang it on your wall in front of your computer and light a candle for it every day as it will be the very last time I venture into this blog for any reason whatsoever. There's enough shit going around, cuba-wise, to spend time coming to the internet's best purveyor of same.
9/18/2008 3:03 PM
Given your inability to draw logical conclusions or defend your positions rationally, I do not wonder that you would regard the vigorous practice of the polemical arts as "sophistry." Although you claim to "loathe entering this den of sophistry," you are certainly no stranger to it if that is your implication. Since the very first day that RCAB was inaugurated, you and your cohorts have been its most faithful visitors. Not that I blame you: If I had a Tellechea parsing my words and exposing their intent, I don't think I could keep away either. No need, then, for you to conceal as a culpable vice what is, in fact, a palpable virtue, though one from whose practice you derive no advantage.
Did it never occur to you for even a moment that The New York Times reporter who interviewed you for 30 minutes was only interested in entrapping you, and that, consequently, you should have chosen your words very carefully to avoid falling into his trap and taking all of us with you? When The Wall Street Journal interviewed you last year, you must no doubt have said something complimentary about Yoani Sánchez; but none of that made it into print; instead, only your suspicions about her were quoted. Did you assume, perhaps, that The Times would treat you any differently? Were you not aware of its historic disdain for Cuban exiles and the cause of Cuban freedom? Did you flatter yourself that you could outsmart them at their own game or even ingratiate yourself to them? If so, you gave yourself too much credit.
The Times got their "money quote" off you and it turned out to be literally that -- a quote about Cubans not needing money. I know you too well to suppose that this was your only faux pas. Your interview probably consisted of a litany of embarrassing gaffes any one of which might have served to discredit yourself and your fellow Cuban-Americans. But that "money quote" had the additional advantage of being so palpably untrue -- so divorced from all experience, and, indeed, from reality itself -- that not only did it succeed in portraying all of us as monsters but also as madmen.
There is no people on earth so miserable that their situation may not be alleviated with money, nor any spot on earth, however isolated from civilization, where money is useless. I could fill this page with quotes culled from Babalú about how important money is to you personally. But, really, that is not necessary because it is important in the lives of all men. Including Cubans. Is there anyone else in the whole expanse of the earth who does not know that except you or your soulmate Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutiérrez, former CEO of Kellogg? I am sure that his parachute wasn't lined with newspaper.
I am glad that you now realize that the "less than ten words" which The Times quoted from you in its story about hurricane assistance to Cuba "were the least effective words to [your] argument and position." If you mean that they were "the least effective" because they exposed your real motives when you would have preferred to conceal them, then I do not see that your regret matters much. The harm has already been done. When Secretary Gutiérrez echoed your now infamous words as the rationale for not eliminating restrictions on remittances, the suffering of the Cuban people was exponentially increased. The irony, of course, is that he attributed your opinion to the Cuban people. I can think of no worse spokesman for them than one who has repeatedly advocated starving them as the most effective means of overthrowing Castro.
That is still your position, isn't it? You have not repudiated your "Pressure Cooker Theory," have you? That being the case I don't see how you can accuse me of having "slandered" you for reporting your known intentions vis-à-vis the Cuban people. I have not accused you of being "the sole purveyor of starvation among the Cuban people." But you are certainly a purveyor, or, as I would have put it, a salesman of starvation; and -- what I would never have believed -- a successful one. What the elaboration of your inanities at Babalú over 5 years never achieved, less than ten words fraught with hatred for all Cubans did.
I do not for a minute believe that this "is the last time that [you] will venture to this blog for any reason whatever." Your last visit to RCAB? Do you think that anybody believes that? Do you believe that yourself?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
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Es penoso ver lo que esta ocurriendole a este blog
Una demostracion mas que los amantes de Batista tienen el repudio absoluto de la comunidad Cubana de adentro y de afuera
¿"Adentro y afuera" de qué?
El "Centurión" creció en EEUU, su gramatica así lo indíca, el "Anónimo" no sabe leer, adentro y afuera de......Cuba...burro.
Es triste ver como hay personas que se dicen defensoras del pueblo cubano, para luego venir e ignorar totalmente lo que les pide la parte de ese pueblo que más necesita ayuda, los que viven en la isla. Y no hablo solo del pueblo mal informado, hablo incluso de esas voces rebeldes y disidentes que supuestamente tanto quieren que surjan gente como Val.
Of course I don't believe it, is obvious he reads this blog everyday or he would not have commented, he comes in here trying to excuse himself and thinks we'll believe him, we all know what's in his heart, he hates the Cubans in the island, wants to sink them deeper into hell, I tell you all those that deny the people of Cuba a morsel of food are doing the tyranny's bidding.
El "Centurión" creció en EEUU, su gramatica así lo indíca,
No el Centurion fue alfabetizado por la prole castrista
Centurion es Fantomas, ayer se despidio para siempre de este blog, pero regreso hoy con su otra personalidad, ya sabia yo que volveria pues fantomas no es hombre de palabra, posiblemente ni hombre es.
Vana, que sabe usted de hambruna.
En vez de estar hablando tanto saque su dinero y empieze a repartirlo dentro de Cuba , vera que se sentira mucho mejor
Centurion es Fantomas, ayer se despidio para siempre de este blog, pero regreso hoy con su otra personalidad, ya sabia yo que volveria pues fantomas no es hombre de palabra, posiblemente ni hombre es.
No conozco a Fantomas pero si he visitado su blog como hago en este. No se realmente cual es la confusion
Dicen que Fantomas es un extraterreste . Tenga cuidado Vana. No se lleve usted tremenda sorpresa
A mi me dijeron que Fantomas habia muerto hace años
Vana, do you think Val , will ever return to this blog
A mi me dijeron que Fantomas habia muerto hace años
Y a mi me dijeron que Fantomas toma mucho whisky, etiqueta azul
Now in english, as maybe I have a better chance of getting read, even when my english is bad, sorry.
BTW, I did tried to brought my point to babalu[1], but as Yoani, their better argument against me, was that I should be a Castro spy or something.
[1]"Comments: Let's lift the "embargo!""
And yes, I sadly still live in Cuba.
Vives en Cuba? que triste todo lo que les a pasado, entre los ciclones Fidel, Raul, Gustav y Ike, esa es la etiqueta favorita de los Babalunians, cuando alguien no esta de acuerdo con su total destruccion y desolacion de nuestro pueblo le llaman espia de Castro.
Te deseo lo mejor un abrazo.
Anon 12:56
Are you kidding me? Val and his cohorts live in this blog, they read it everyday.
Are you kidding me? Val and his cohorts live in this blog, they read it everyday.
they do live here
Latest US Poll
Obama 51
Mc Cain 47
Why is yoda' sister commenting here? lol
Why is it that all the Babalocos are obese?
They should do a month in Cuba on the libreta.
Cigar Mike is so fat he must be a comepinga.
They should do a month in Cuba on the libreta.
Los babalocos no saben lo que es libreta
jamas la utilizaron , nunca fueron a la escuela al campo,nunca cogieron botella en un camion repleto de vacas y cerdos, nunca usaron pañoleta ni boinas, no fueron pioneros, nunca dijeron pioneros por el comunismo seremos como elche, nunca hicieron trabajo voluntario, nunca comieron arroz con chicaros, five time a week, pan con aceite, nunca comieron pan con aceite, as the main dish, entonces de que estamos hablando
Son cubanos los babalocos ?
o son un bunch de descaraos
Anon 5:17PM
The Babalunians are all fat because they eat all the food our brethen in Cuba cannot, that is they eat what they deny them, isn't it nice to starve people while you live comfortably and eat like a pig.
Vana are you saying the babalusians are pigs?
pigs with lickstick that is
vana tu no te salvas, tu salistes al principio tambien eres una descarada, no te hagas que tu no tienes clue lo que es una libreta tampoco
Why is yoda' sister commenting here? lol
Esa es la abuelita de Palin, mas respeto eh
Se revolvio el panal
Faltan algunos tomadores de kool aid
calabazza, fariñas, alex, garzon, manuel, rin tin tin, oveja negra, etc
Is Cigar Mike a maricon?
I've perused as much as is humanly possible of his rants, and I've yet to encounter a mention of a wife or a child.
Parece que es comepinga!
That's quite common among men who have his build and physical apperance.
Has anyone saved the photo of Val, Henry, George and another Babaloco who I can't remember in front of some ugly stadium in Miami?
What panzons!
Moneo is such a shrimp. He's barley 5' tall.
Short people reason to live...
Pan con aciete?
That's pretty fucking depressing.
Be at least thankful you don't have gout!!
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