RCAB will not be here to congratulate Val Prieto on his birthday this Thursday. So with some anticipation we wish him a Happy Birthday and many returns of the day (he will need them if he's ever to outgrow his puerilities). I'm giving him the best present he ever got and the one he most wanted. His ordeal is over. It lasted 22 months, exactly as long as Castro's stay at the Model Prison, though Val's experience was not as pleasant. Batista amnestied Castro to celebrate his re-election in 1955, and Obama's election in November has secured Val's release. Now he has at least one reason to be grateful for Obama's victory. For my part, I am fairly certain that my act of benevolence will not have the same outcome as Batista's.
Sometimes when you step on a man's toe the whole universe crashes around you. I hope Val remembers that lesson whenever he is tempted to test another man's patience and forbearance. If so he may yet be able to turn this experience to good account. But whether he profits or not from it is up to him.
In any case, effective January 20th, Val is no longer the star exhibit in my menagerie. Jumbo has been cashiered. I don't need to annotate his inanities anymore and I am glad of it. I have exhausted the subject of Val Prieto beyond my sufferance, and, I suspect, everybody else's. Hundreds of posts devoted to someone who should be tied to one. I am almost ashamed of myself for having focused my talents on such a subject, but true patriotism demands that we sacrifice even our pride for our country's good.
For a time Val was clear and present danger to Cuba's future: when a cabinet secretary quoted him as the "voice of Cubans on the island" who supposedly "didn't need money because there is nothing to buy there;" when The Wall Street Journal quoted his doubts about Yoani; or when the president invited him to the White House so that an aide could feed him a quote about Bush being "the first Cuban-American president."
Val's stint in the footlights was short-lived and not especially rewarding, though he tried everything in his power to make it as calamitous as possible for our long-suffering people and as embarrassing as could be for his fellow Cuban-Americans. Given an inch of rope, he stretched it as much as possible. If anybody had actually confided in him or entrusted him with any real responsibility, I shudder to think what harm he might have done. But the greater danger that Obama poses has preempted the slight danger posed by Val.
I did not want to take on this uneven contest but was forced to because nobody else would. Now, at last, I can lay down the cudgel because Val is again as irrelevant as his "Human Pressure Cooker" is obsolete. He is no longer in a position to harm our country and our people. Others better situated than him will take his place and complete his work, with results even more ominous. I am far from certain that he won't eventually endorse those results. But Val himself is a spent force. No resistance to him is necessary anymore. So I give him back his peace of mind. No longer need he fear this blog; no longer shall it set the tenor of his day. My pen will not scratch the fibrous tendrils of his spongy brain again. He can be a carefree fool once more. This is what I believe he was destined to be anyway.
Happy Birthday, Val.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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Deja de hablar tanto y cierra ya Mansuelo
Very magnanimous of you my friend to extend Bday wishes to one, who has not learned a thing from your well intentioned admonishments.
It is not just Val Preito, and Babulu which is irrelevant. Rather, it is the Cuban-American community as a whole, which is irrelevant.
Bush rendered a once most powerful and important community in the nation, into the laughing stock of the world.
Even Tuesday at 12:01, the Cuban-American will be unable to grasp the nightmarish scenario which awaits them, in this new leftist and angry nation.
Much like 1959!!
LOL, i was just watching Foxnews, (for laughs.) And Geraldo Rivera was interviewing some hispanic leaders at the Latino inguaration ball for President Obama, where every big-time Hispanic leader, and entertainer in the nation is attending.
When Rivera said that even Cuban-American Lincoln Diaz was there. I literally laughed out loud.
I mean really, what in God's name does a self-loathing, racist republican Cuban-American have in common with 99% of the Obama's Spanish-speakers at the Latino Ball?
Hey Lincoln, shouldnt you be putting on your fake cowboy boots, and heading over to Kentucky. Where you always wanted to be desperately acceptanced?
And even the pilot of the USAir plane that crashed into the river, last week is an Obama supporter, and will be in Obama's inauguration.
LOL, everybody is an Obama supporter, except you people. Thank God!!
I am almost ashamed of myself for having focused my talents on such a subject
You sure did
Make it STOP!
Of Course, desecrating flags is nothing new for Obama supporters:
H/T: Michelle Malkin
Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 09:40 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (2)
Henry Gomez , tocayo, luces realmente mal con tus postings de banderas secrecadas cuando es precisamente babalu el blog que mas ha insultado a nuestra bandera cubana- Aceptalo desde ya . Obama is your Presidente and your commander in Chief. Debemos ayudarlo , protegerlo, bendecirlo.
Criticar a Obama a estas alturas es una aberracion fanatica desquiziada. Demuestras que eres a big loser . Animate Henry y recuerda relacionado con Cuba
En el 2009 Con Obama y con Fantomas no hay que buscar mas nada
Manuel espero que cumplas tu palabra de dejar un solo post en tu pagina principal despues del 20
Uno solo ultimo post..open thread
Te garantizo el millon de comentarios antes de enero 1, 2010
en el transcurso del dia de hoy 19 de Enero , te escribire my farewell post. Sere breve pero contundente como siempre. Quiero mantener la humildad en todo momento. Believe me when I say I will never try to be like you
Manuel, who is your internet nemesis?
CLIMATE EXPERT'S GRIM WARNING: Barack Obama has only four years to save the world....
Manuel Tellechea said...
"Sometimes when you step on one man's toe the whole universe crashes around you"
Unfucking believable, the magnitude of arrogance on that statement indicates that he who considers himself a patient Cuban patriot and who is labled a counselor by his usually ass kissing slave, is nothing more and perhaps a lot less than an arrogant man, who all these 22 months has been conducting a campaign of personal revenge against Val Prieto because Val tested his patience.
Is this the bahavior of a smart, magnanimus and wise man?
No it is not, far the opposite, Manuel A. Tellechea has finally admitted in public what many of us suspected in private, this his self appointed "mission" supposedly undertaken for the benefit of the Cuban people and the Cuban nation, is nothing more than a gigantic ego trip delivered disguised as patriotism by one as vengeful and rancorous as Fidel Castro himself.
Shame, shame, shame on you Manuel A. Tellechea, you are nothing more than one more arrogant Cuban, who like so many others of our fellow Cubans believes himself to be God's gift to the world.
What was it that Val did or did not do that set you off on this 22 month vengeful ego trip Tellechea?
Was it that once Val found out that you were black he behaved differently towards you than he had before finding out your race?
Was it also that when Val realized that you were and still are a closet homosexual he began to treat you as homosexuals are treated by most Cuban men?
Be a man for once in your life and answer the questions Tellechea.
This is a simple reminder, we have neither forgotten you nor stopped watching your every move, this blog is closing but we will continue to monitor all your moves, whether online or otherwise, te tenemos rodeado y no te vas a escapár, la justicia esta en camino a tus lares, nos vemos pronto, te queda poco, nadie te hechará de menos.
cjb said: This is a simple reminder, we have neither forgotten you nor stopped watching your every move,
Fanthomas is a protected man. He is an Obama supporter. You Cubans who are Bush supporters, are the ones being monitored!!
Nuff said,
John believe me Fantomas DOES NOT need your support
John believe me Fantomas DOES NOT need your support
1/19/2009 8:56 AM
He is an Obama supporter. Therefore, he is my brother. And like my brother, i would never allow him to be harmed by anyone!!
President Obama has taught me this, the last several days.
John Fantomas IS NOT your brother
El presidente electo de EEUU, Barack Obama, recorrió en tren y entre multitudes el trayecto entre Filadelfia y Washington dejando a su paso un mensaje de idealismo e ilusión e hizo un llamamiento a los estadounidenses para llevar a cabo una “nueva revolución”.
Obama, que ha encontrado inspiración en la figura de Abraham Lincoln, el gran emancipador, inició, recorriendo los más de 200 kilómetros que separan Filadelfia de Washington, los actos de celebración de su investidura como el primer presidente negro y el 44 presidente de EEUU.
El viaje de Lincoln, en febrero de 1861, duró doce días pero Obama lo comprimió en uno solo, y en las dos paradas programadas en Wilmington y Baltimore, hizo un llamamiento a la unidad nacional y a la lucha por el bien común.
Antes de iniciar el trayecto, Obama pronunció un inspirador discurso en el que instó a los estadounidenses a adoptar una “nueva declaración de independencia” no sólo para la nación sino para sus vidas porque, dijo, “la revolución americana fue y sigue siendo una lucha continua”.
Obama viajó a Washington acompañado por 41 ciudadanos de a pie -16 familias de 15 estados-, que compartieron con él sus historias de lucha durante la campaña electoral.
Entre los invitados figuran la maestra y activista Rosa Mendoza, de origen mexicoamericano, y Juliana Alvarez, una viuda que ha sacado en solitario su familia adelante.
"Hundreds of posts devoted to someone who should be tied to one."
See, Manny, lines like that one are why I come back and why I'll miss you. But I know you'll pop up here and there. Best of luck, amigo.
John Fantomas IS NOT your brother
1/19/2009 10:35 AM
Any man, or woman, regardless of race, heritage, gender, sexual orientation, or skin color, who has united with President Obama, is my brother or sister.
If anyone of them is thirsty, i will provide water. If anyone of them is hungry, i will provide food. And, if anyone of them is harmed in my presence, i will provide defense.
Fanthomas, is the brother of President Obama, which makes him my him my brother. As President Obama is my brother. We are all a united family now.
For those who are the sworn enemies of President Obama. They are also my sworn enemies. And all i can provide them is pain and suffrage, at any opportunity that is presented to me.
ROFL..John thinks he's Christ!!
john said ...
"all I can provide them is pain and suffrage"
John how is it possible for you to provide ... suffrage?
No dictionary near you john?
No spell check on your PC johnny?
What do you mean when you write hatered and suffrage?
Is it posible that you meant to say hatred and suffering john?
You're a real amerikan alright, it shows in your blue collar, trailer trash, inbred hillbilly who marries his cousin's mother's nephew's sister's daughter's second cousin. Isn't that the reason why you were rejected by the Obama brown shirts john?
Isn't that the reason why you were rejected by the Obama brown shirts john?
1/19/2009 12:19 PM
Unfortunately, it was the reason why i was rejected from an Obama adminstration. It is unfortunate that Obama places such an emphasis on writing skills, rather then thinking skills.
Nevertheless, i took what was offered, and i am quite content with that.
More importantly, the Cuban immigrant no longer has a voice in (any) matter of my nation. And that alone, soothes my pain of not obtaining my desired position in an Obama administration.
La tremenda cabilla de Fantomas esta al llegar, esto se acaba cuando la cabilla llegue. Mansuelo no pierdas tu tiempo planeando estar preparado para repeler esa cabilla, las ultimas horas de este prostibulo seran las mas dificiles para ti Alberto, I warned you, but you didn't listen to humble Fantomas, ahora te jodes y te cierro esto, comportate como un hombre for once.
Viva Val-We love you. Happy Birthday!!!
john longfellow aka lou dobbs said...
Even Tuesday at 12:01, the Cuban-American will be unable to grasp the nightmarish scenario which awaits them, in this new leftist and angry nation.
Much like 1959!!
1/18/2009 8:55 PM
Something really irks you about Cuban Americans. I assume,it is probably our superiority to you that irks you and ability to tolerate losers like you for 50 years.
Have a nice day short fellow (pun intended)
longfellow only feels good about himself when he puts cuban americans down.
obviously has very low self esteem and doesn't feel good about himself unless he is part of the herd.
johnlongfellow aka no balls
longfellow only feels good about himself when he puts cuban americans down.
obviously has very low self esteem and doesn't feel good about himself unless he is part of the herd.
1/19/2009 3:37 PM
I see the short, fat, cigarette-tarred, spots on liver, lazy, no good drunkard Val Prieto has joined me, for one last go at.
First, i always feel good about myself. I dont need the put-down of Cuban immigrants to feel better about myself.
Recall, Val, it was you who first called me a commie, simply b/c i did not support Bush's war. You are the one who sent me threatening emails to my AOL account, with the godfather/cuban-mafia emblazened. When that didnt work, you sick preverted friends like Henry, and George, came in and started bragging about children and sex.
What you didnt and couldnt appreciate is my fierceness as an American to take the fight to you. And years later, you have learned that this Indiana good ole boy, has a strong-back.
You should have left me alone in the Cuban Connection. As it was you, who threw the first stone.
Finally, i dont need prayed for. The right-wing, hatefilled Cuban immigrant, is the one who will be presecuted for years to come.
You can't complain about the level of discourse here because there isn't any. The hydrophobia is palpable and rampant. Descarte must be turning over in his grave "I spin therefore I'm glad I'm dead" This is not a happy ending. Where is David Chase when you need him?
So long, MAT. Your writing was/is top-shelf. Your posts are too long. I enjoyed them all the same.
See you around, I hope.
I'll miss RCAB. I hope you open another blog. Farewell.
Yes Manuel, good luck. America's eight year nightmare is now over. And the Cuban immigrants nightmare, is just now beginning
Time's up
Tic , tac your final open thread post should be up very soon
Do not make us wait any longer
Recuerda solo pon 1 post in your main page..Go to settings
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