Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama: The End of Hope for Cuba

I have received many e-mails from readers, both known and unknown to me, asking me to re-consider my decision to close this blog on January 20th. At the same time, my own determination to do so was strengthened daily by the events leading up to Inauguration Day. Bush may not have listened to Cubans, but Obama listens to the wrong Cubans. As soon as it is possible for him to do so, and sooner even than most of us expect, the juggernaut of normalization will roll over every Cuban on the island, leaving them parallel with their surroundings. There is nothing that can be done to stop him and much that we must do to prepare ourselves, as best as we can, for the greatest defeat we have ever sustained in our struggle against tyranny in our country.

In 1959, the United States installed Castro in power and it has been the guarantor of Communism in Cuba since 1962. What it has not done, however, is to underwrite the enterprise. That was a task left to America's enemies. This is going to change now. Cuba will remain the only Communist state under U.S. military protection but now it will also enjoy all the benefits of commerce with this nation, or leastwise its oppressors will. After defaulting on every foreign creditor and exhausting every line of credit while amassing the largest per capita indebtedness in the world, the Castro regime expects and has probably already received assurances that Obama will rescue it, ignoring the floating corpses of all previous "saviors" who have ever extended a lifeline to it.

Since there can be no resumption of diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba until it settles U.S. claims against it, Obama will float the regime a loan so that it can pay pennies on the dollar for the properties it confiscated and nationalized before Obama was born, receiving in return clear title to them, which will enable it to sell those same properties at market value to a new generation of greedy and ignorant American investors, who will pour billions into the island with the assurance that the U.S. government will bail them out when the regime decides again that seizing American assets is more beneficial than trading with the enemy.

The biggest losers in this arrangement will be the Cuban people, who will not regain their liberty, but become subject to the exploitation of even more foreigners. Their masters will multiply but the quality of their lives will not improve. A prosperous tyranny is always to be more feared than one on the verge of economic collapse. The means of repression will expand and be fortified with the profits that the regime will reap from trade with the U.S. There will be no sharing of the wealth, however, because economic rights always anticipate political rights, and a regime that has always regarded both as anathema will not open the door to one knowing that it leads to the other.

The result of "normalization" (what a quaint word as if any relationship with a regime like Castro's could ever be anything but abnormal!) will prove detrimental to all parties except Castro and his henchmen. Those who espouse rapprochement do so because they hope to profit from the suffering of the Cuban people. Obama, besides acting on his ideological affinities with Castro, hopes to score a cheap coup de theatre by renewing relations with Communist Cuba, which the media are sure to represent as the greatest diplomatic feat in history, surpassing the opening of Japan by Perry or of China by either Marco Polo or Nixon. American businessmen, industrialists and agronomists, who have spent 8 years drooling about the prospects of trade with Cuba as Bush dangled that putrid carrot before them, will trample one another like elephants even before they reach the cliff.

To do business with Cuba will become more important than to do justice to Cubans. Human rights there will become as irrelevant as human rights in China without the Cuban people ever being compensated with an extra bowl of porridge for surrendering to the stomach what rightly belongs to the spirit.

This is what the election of Barack Obama means to Cubans and why tomorrow will always be a day of mourning for our country.

For my part, I prefer to mourn in private, which is the reason that I have decided to close the Review of Cuban-Americans Blogs tomorrow.

Related post:

The Bell Does Not Toll for RCAB Alone


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Anonymous said...

Fantomas pide 1900 y el pueblo responde sin razon

Bueno , bueno tal parece que Obama le robo el show a Chavez

Tongolele said...

Fatomas: Peldiste la enelgia. Que te paso te etan dando duro pol alguna palte ? Segulo que e ese Bravo.

Te tiene bien procupao. No te veo pol ninguna palte.

Anonymous said...

Despingamiento humano.


Ya sierra la bloga de mierda esta.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas tiene a Charlie con el culito apretado

Anonymous said...

Manuel cortale las alas

Anonymous said...

Quien me puede dal una mamaita ?

Busco alguien que me haga un trabajito al torpedo.

Anonymous said...

Duras, pero muy duras, le estan quedando las 1900 al pobre de Fantomas. Pronto tendra que regresar a la clandestinidad para evitar la paliza que los babalusianos le tienen preparada para Nostalgia. Este proyecto, y tantos mas, seran abandonados durante este "periodo especial." Quisiera Fantomas tener un cajon para sus necesidades pero desgraciadamente la cagada va sin cajon!!

Y los 1900 NO VAN, y mucho menos los 2000!

Anonymous said...

Sera Fantomas un cobarde?

Anonymous said...

There are rumors that The Former may return.

FFF until death said...

Is the former coming back

It is about time

To clean house

Fantomas will be here when he returns


Obamastoide said...


Many Cubans will be visiting their relatives in Havana thanks to Obama

Anonymous said...

Fantomas will be there for sure

Anonymous said...

Will moneo be around when the fantoman appears

Anonymous said...

Buscando, buscando a torpedero.

Alguin que quiera darme un masajito en torpedo.

Tongolele said...

Val es un limosnero.

Quien ha visto un "arquitecto" que solo teng un baño en la casa.

Tiene que cagar en el Burger King de la esquina. LOL LOL LOL.

Hasta los balseros tienen casa con dos baños. LOL LOL LOL.

Una limosnita por el amor de dios.


Las fru fru de NJ said...

Manuel paga la quincena

Las fru fru de NJ said...

Una limosnita por el amor de dios.


Anonymous said...

"Manuel paga la quincena"

La resinga'e tu madre. Joeputa maricon.

ja ja ja

Fantomas said...

Despues de un largo descanso he decidido volver a mi segunda casa

Aqui estare por los proximos dias, rumores fuertes que Manuel regresa

Fantomas said...

Vamos a mantener esto civilizado

No dire nada mas

Voy a jamar

Regreso luego

Fantomas said...

Ya este thread hizo historia, no me hagan quedar mal

Ring Tin Tin said...

El que va ser historia eres tu.

Te vamos achicharrar un Nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas en Nostalgia ?

Funny doesn't have the balls.

ha ha ha ha

Fantomas said...

Se revolvio el panal

Llego el dia 14 por Jet Blue
Ft Lau..

I be there saturday afternoon

llevo 4 escoltas

Fantomas said...

por si las moscas

Fantomas said...

I got to have my back covered just in case . Videos and photos will be taken by plainclothes fantomas thugs strategically placed all over the fair

FUUUUUUUUUUUCK you Fantomas said...

Where in the world is Val Prieto? He hasn't written a post in quite awhile. Planning Fantomas' demise without getting caught takes time and planning. Fantoma's return ticket to Bayamon will go unused, not even his remains will be found, the alligators and crocodiles of the Everglades will have a feast, courtesy of the gordiflon, fat fuck, homo, Fantomas, ALL DELIVERED BY THE BABALU CREW.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas where is la aguila, the filly dame , is she still around, will she be @ nostalgia to greet you

Brigadistas Anticomunistas said...

Los Fantomas y sus agendas socialistas/comunistas han perdido las caretas que por unos años usaron para dividir al exilio patriótico, los paripés de estos individuos cobardes y lacayos del comunismo internacional ya no trabajan, sus jueguitos han llegado al fin, dentro de pronto tendrán que decidir si regresan a Cuba con los rabos en las nalgas o viajan a Miami en Mayo, ningunas de estas opciones les salvara sus vidas puercas, la justicia del exilio sera aplicada en Nostalgia, los maricones y bugarrones comunistas no saldran de Miami vivos.

Anonymous said...

Fracaso total Nostalgia en el 2009
No hay dinero , cubanos viajando a Cuba

Anonymous said...

Bienvenido Fantomas

Anonymous said...


Zoe eliminated fantomas from her blogroll

Fantomas for President said...

Old news, she did that a long time ago

Another censor


These people mentioned above work like CDR y Granmas


FFF hasta la muerte said...

Fantomas does not censor at all

Way to go man, show your colors

Anonymous said...

So what happened fantomas, I thought you were very friendly with Zoe?

FFF messenger said...

Zoe Valdez stopped being friends with Zoe

You need to ask her what happened

What you will never see is Fantomas talking bad about Zoe

Anonymous said...


FFF messenger said...


Zoe Valdez stopped being friends with Fantomas

You need to ask her what happened

What you will never see is Fantomas talking bad about Zoe

Anonymous said...

Fantomas se cago fuera del cajon en el blog de Zoe, ella lo boto.

Anonymous said...

Usted debe preguntarle a ella que fue realmente lo que paso

Anonymous said...

No hable sin saber

Anonymous said...

Mr Fantomas will not talk bad about her

Anonymous said...

Fantomas se cago fuera del cajon en el blog de Zoe, ella lo boto.

Bueno, tal parece que Fantomas tambien la elimino de su listado de blogs. Ella pierde

Humberto said...

Aqui hay solo dos cagones en este blog

Vana y Charlie Bravo

Pay Val the tilt or die said...


Babalu ManCamp = friendships+BBQ
By Henry Louis Gomez, on May 2, 2009, at 10:18 pm

Dice Val que no tiene dinero para para pagar el DSL que necesita dinero apra Nostalgia y para un sin fin de cosas que enumera. Pero de acuerdo a las fotos del barbequcue que ahora muestra, se ve muy sonriente, con mucha carne , cervezas y por supuesto smoke
Asi cualquiera vive de donaciones
Que vida Corleone que vida esta

Anonymous said...

Oye Fantomas ahora si llegamos a 2000
Te falta poco para Nostalgia
Te esperamos

Anonymous said...



Padre Alberto said...

Fantomas , te espero en Nostalgia

Tongo Le Le said...

Despingamiento humano.

Destoleteando cocos.


Pa coltalte la hemoroides ...


obamastoide said...

Cojone, Fantomas esta acabando con los CURAS, CON LA QUINTA Y CON LOS MANGOS

Anonymous said...

8 dias para el ingreso oficial de Fantomas al TAMIAMI FAIRGROUNDS


Fantomas antes de entrar a Nostalgia, buscame para confesarte

Te tienen un acto de repudio montado

Alberto Cutie pinguero el verdadero said...

El anterior mensaje no lo escribi yo

Ese debe ser Charlie o algun babalusiano arrrepentido o quizas alguien de NY

Que se yo

Anonymous said...

Nostalgia 2009 will be empty this year.....Most Cubans are returning to the homeland

The number of Cuban Americans visiting Cuba is up 20 percent so far this year and will likely keep rising as Washington eases travel restrictions, the Cuban tour operator for U.S. traffic said on Wednesday.

Antonio Diaz Medina, vice president of Havanatur, said arrivals picked up after the U.S. Congress in March eased a Bush administration measure that restricted Cuban American visits to once every three years.

"The flights from the United States carried about 85,000 last year and so far this year arrivals have been about 40,000," Diaz said in an interview.

Diaz said an additional increase in visitors was expected during the summer after President Barack Obama signed an executive order last month lifting all restrictions on Cuban Americans visiting relatives.

Diaz spoke as Cuba's annual tourism convention unfolded at the colonial-era Morro Cabanas fortress overlooking Havana Bay, where talk among officials and tour operators centered on whether the gathering would be the last without a large American presence.

Legislation lifting all travel restrictions on U.S. citizens traveling to Cuba was introduced in Congress just over a month ago, and with a slight thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations under way, is given a good chance of passing.

Cuba has been mostly off-limits to Americans since the U.S. imposed a trade embargo against the communist-led island three years after Fidel Castro took power in a 1959 revolution.

Tour operators from more than 50 countries at the convention dubbed the prospect of open travel from the United States "the American Tsunami" and said it was just a matter of time.

"You know what, I love Americans. Go Obama. Cuba will still be Cuba, the same place with a few Americans added. It's just like adding another spice to the stew," said Richard, a Canadian tour operator who did not want to give his full name.

Cuban officials appeared relaxed about the prospect of the Americans arriving, with one saying "there is no reason to make it a big deal now. They could come in three months or three years."

"I do not expect any tsunami. What's certain is that there will be a convention in 2010, with or without the Americans," Diaz said.

"If they come, too, that's fine. It will simply mean we are going back to normal where all markets are open," he said, adding inquiries from U.S. tour operators had increased significantly.

The Obama administration denied licenses to U.S. tour operators seeking to attend this year's convention, according to John McAuliff of the New York-based Fund for Reconciliation and Development.

"We could have brought 100 operators here," he said. "Next year we will, and if all restrictions are lifted there will be hundreds, maybe even a special event."

(Editing by Jeff Franks and Doina Chiacu)

© Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved

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Anonymous said...

El former regresará para felicitar a Fantomas por haber conquistado los 2000 comments.

Anonymous said...

Atencion Fantomas


Los Cederistas de Babalu , te tienen un acto de repidio en Nostalgia

Ve acompañado por si acaso

Anonymous said...

acto de repudio


Anonymous said...

Fat-tomas no va a il a Nostalgia. Polque e un berraco. Los red necks lo castraron en Ohio.

Fantomas no tiene pipi.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Llegamos a 2000 porque llegamos

Anonymous said...

2000 ?

5000 by Dec 31 2009.

Chee podemos chee podemos

Anonymous said...

ke despretijio.

donde etan los manbises ?

Panfilo said...

No hay mambises, lo que hay son mariposas

Lesson 4 Fantomas said...





Anonymous said...

El problema cubano no es Fantomas
No se desvien de la lucha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


OK folks, after tons of hard work and running around and phone calls and emails galore, among lots of other things, we have put together a schedule of events for this year's Cuba Nostalgia Convention:

Friday, May 15th:

Cigar Rolling and Buy Val Mojitos day, sponsored by Cuban Crafters Cigars

Swing by the Babalu Pavilion today and witness one of the finest cigar rollers doing his thing. Free cigars and cutters while supplies last, courtesy of the finest cigar makers and distributors in Miami, Cuban Crafters Cigars.

All day:

We'll be promoting Cuba Solidarity Day and gathering signatures in support of same:

Bring Val a Mojito and he'll cry on your shoulder in gratitude! Bring Val two Mojitos and he'll bottle the tears for you to take home.

Saturday, May 16th:

Author book signing, 2 to 5 PM:

Carlos Frias will be with us with his excellent book "Take Me With You," which we have mentioned here and here. You can listen to our Babalu Radio Hour interview with Carlos, right here. You may remember Carlos for his excellent five part series on his visit back to Cuba at the Palm Beach Post.

Musica! 8 to 9 PM:

Enjoy the sounds of Miami's Latin funk fusionistas and all around cool cats Electric Piquete as they play original music and jazz standards at the Babalu Pavilion.

Sunday, May 17th:

Musica! 5 to 6 PM:

Enjoy some of Miami's best Cuban music with Andy Alfonso y la Orquestra Clase A. I could try to describe their Cuban musical prowess, but I figured a small taste, via YouTube would be much much better:

Rubio, M said...

Bring Val a Mojito and he'll cry on your shoulder in gratitude! Bring Val two Mojitos and he'll bottle the tears for you to take home.

ja, ja , ja , ja , Comemierda

El mojito tuerto said...

Saturday 16, 4pm

Gathering at Babalu Pavillion

Preparations for Fantomas Repudiation Act

Sponsor by Babalu CDR dames

Marko Rubio said...

Se me jodio el guiso , Charlie se me adelanto

H1 51 said...

Saturday May 16, 5pm

Babalu Pavillion ..a must see show featuring

Moneo's the Churreta show

Yes folks , bring your mascarrillas , we have Moneo the Swine performing live after seeing Fantomas in person

Moneo will show you what a Cuban churreta is

Anonymous said...

churreta= embolsao

Fucked by Prince Valiant said...

Moneo the swine Dog


Como siempre, calVALitroso no se cansa de pedir..

dame dame dame

No te da pena LIMOSNERO DE MIERDA. Porque no enbotellas los mojones que hablan tu pandilla de babaloosers.


LOL. LOL. LOL., LOL said...

Saturday May 16, 5pm

Babalu Pavillion ..a must see show featuring

Moneo's the Churreta show

Yes folks , bring your mascarrillas , we have Moneo the Swine performing live after seeing Fantomas in person

Moneo will show you what a Cuban churreta is

Panfilo said...

Me cago en tu puta madre Val Prieto

Qie carajos tu has hecho por la iria de nosotros los negros cubanos


Cuando llegues aqui te clavaremos de un palo de mango

Anonymous said...

Babalu Pavillion ..a must see show featuring THE SMALLEST FREAK DOG IN THE UNIVERSE

Moneo's the Churreta show

Yes folks , bring your mascarrillas , we have Moneo the Swine performing live after seeing Fantomas in person

Moneo will show you what a Cuban churreta is

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is the man with the plan, not the boy with the toy.

Anonymous said...

1955 was a very good year for Cuba.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Se rumora que Fantomas va a ir a Nostalgia vestido de jinetero, por si a alguien le interesa.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas theme song:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Una delegacion selecta de Babalu se prepara para recibir a Fantomas con todos los honores.

El viene bien cargado de chavitos para comprarles mojitos a todos sus contrincantes.

Que viva Fantomas!!

Anonymous said...

El problema cubano es Fantomas. Sin Fantomas, no problem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cual sera la reaccion cuando Val, Henry , Ziva tengan a Fantomas de frente

Anonymous said...

A coger balcones, esto no me lo pierdo yo

Anonymous said...

Me dicen que fantomas va preparado , tiene a 2 personas estrategicamente colocados con videos y camara grabando todo el incidente para despues publicarlo en su blog y repartirlo

Mucho ojo

Anonymous said...

Se habla que fantomas ya preparo un video como el abogado de Guatemala por si algo le pasa dentro del Tamiani fairgrounds

Anonymous said...

El problema cubano es Fantomas. Sin Fantomas, no problem.

No , the problem is Babalu, without them Cuba will be free in no time

Panfilo said...

Val, si algun dia llegas a Cuba , te cocinare , te picare en pedacitos y te metere en una olla de presion

Fantomas said...

Los 2000 van antes de nostalgia o me dejo d llamar Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Manuel Tellechea= pato

Anonymous said...

Te vamos a freir en Nostalgia

primo de Panfilo said...


Tell it like it is. You want to make money. Because for you, that's all that this is about. And, on the off chance that I may be wrong, and you and your company are truly interested in positive change and helping the poor people of Cuba, put your money where your mouth is. Give those poor Cubans every single penny of profit you make from Americans traveling to Cuba.

Acaso Val P¨rieto le ha dado a personas como Panfilo algun dinero en su vida, acaso Val Prieto le ha dicho a Humberto Fontova que done todas las ventas de su librito del Cuartel Moncada a los cubanos, acaso Val prieto le ha enviado algun tipo de dinero a los que luchan en Cuba diariamente y a los miles de cubanos que no tienen familiares en el exilio

No jodas Val

La Voz de Cuba said...


Y si vas a Nostalgia
quiero que me traigas
una pinturita
de Posada Carriles.

Yo no quiero flores,
yo no quiero estampas,
solo una pintura
de Posada Carriles.

Anonymous said...

En 1976 Fantomas descubrio el secreto de su vida.

Anonymous said...

Secreto para el, pero no para nadie mas.

Anonymous said...


Te dejara "El Former" llegar a los 2000 comments sin cortarte las alas?

Anonymous said...

Quick, Fantomas, a mad dash to the finish line before the door closes behind you.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas does not run; he skips.

Fantomas Timeline said...

1980, the year of Fantomas' redemption.

Panfilo el original said...

Gracias a Jimmy Carter Mr Peanuts Fantomas was able to reach the US
Gracias a Obama Fantomas may return

Traeme Jama cuando vengas

Mucha Iria

Anonymous said...

Crisis en el Partido Republicano
La mayoria de Cubanos Americanos se estan cambiando ya

Anonymous said...

Se acabo la botella en Radio y TV Marti

Anonymous said...

Val who?

Anonymous said...

1986 El año que los Boston Red Sox cometieron un grave error

Anonymous said...

Manolo atajalo clip his wings @ 1999

Marko Rubio said...

The Shift is Over

Anonymous said...

Faltan 11 nada mas

Anonymous said...

Ortega y Gasset para Fantomas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sunday Brunch @ Versailles Sunday May 17 10am

Cafesito by Fantomas

Be there

Anonymous said...

Faltan 7 compadre lo lograstes


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Noting of that sort

Moneo will get the ass wiped

Anonymous said...

Lograste 2000 Fantomas.

Eres un barbaro.

Anonymous said...

Coño Manuel no lo pudistes parar

Panfilo said...

Que clase de HP , al paso que vamos llegamos a 3000 antes de julio 4

Padre Alberto said...

Congrats Fantomas

Maria Elvira said...

Tremendo Fantomas

Barack Obama said...

Keep the good work

Raul said...

Hijo e puta

Val said...

Where is my mojito

FFF Forever said...

2000 comments and counting.

We wish to extend our congratulations to the intrepid Fantomas for having reached this epic milestone in his quest to make RCAB-by-Fantomas the most commented blog in the Cuban blogosphere. Only Fantomas, who is no respecter of conventions, would attempt to breathe life into a corpse and keep at this thankless task for months. Never say "die."

As El Former once remarked: "There are no lost causes; only lost men."

Anonymous said...

in his quest to make RCAB-by-Fantomas the most commented blog in the Cuban blogosphere.

Not yet deat Watson, Yoani is still Queen of Comments

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only Fantomas, who is no respecter of conventions

Oh Yeah, Fantomas will be there at Nostalgia Convention

Bet on it

Anonymous said...

"There are no lost causes; only lost men."

Fantomas stand tall among "lost men"

Beware the monster Moneo said...

Fantomas plane is now in transit to Fort Lauderdale

Anonymous said...

Fantomas will be blogging live from Nostalgia.

Anonymous said...

Tantos comentarios y la mayoria son mierda, caballeroooooo

Anonymous said...

Tantos comentarios y la mayoria son mierda, caballeroooooo

y tu eres tremendo comemierda por venir aqui a leerlos

Get a life , get lost

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Fantomas will be @ Babalu Pavillion Saturday May 16, 2009


Be there, sharp

Anonymous said...

Bring your wallet to the Babalu Pavillion, Val el limosnero will be begging for fulas.


Primo de Panfilo said...

Pay Val the tilt @Nostalgia or they will ignore you


Brigadistas Anticomunistas said...

---------------- AVISO ----------------

Nuestros operativos nos han informado que tienen en su posesión numerosas fotos y vídeos del Fantomas gordinflón, maricón y calvo que reside en Bayamón Puerto Rico, al igual que de el Fantomas que usa el nombre falso de Jay Martinez y también de el Fantomas que reside en Homestead, Florida.

Los Fantomas que residen en Puerto Rico fueron fotografiados y videograbados en el vuelo a Ft. Lauderdale, el de Homestead los esperó y recogió en el aeropuerto donde nuestros operativos los fotografiaron y videograbaron, consecuentemente fueron a un motel cerca del aeropuerto, lo cual nuestras fuentes habían informado con anticipación a nuestros operativos, los cuales instalaron equipo de grabación de audio y vídeo en la habitación donde estos tres individuos se hospedarían eventualmente, de acuerdo a nuestros agentes los tres huéspedes no solo se emborracharon en un club de maricones del área, sino también invitaron a un par de maricones prostitutos a acompañarlos en una orgía mariconera y bugarronera en su habitación, tendremos fotos y vídeos de esta puercada pronto, ya que nuestros agentes están refinando los detalles de calidad del audio y vídeo, tan pronto recibamos los materiales los haremos públicos al igual que los antecedentes penales de estos maricones bochornosos a la patria cubana, todo esto sera hecho como preludio a la ejecución de estos tres agentes de Castro, a los cuales vamos a descuartizar y echaremos sus restos a los caimanes y cocodrilos de los Everglades.

Anonymous said...

Pa su escopeta se jodio Fanto mas , Jay y compañia

Segurito said...

Que haran los babalusianos cuando Fantomas se diriga al Babalu Pavillion

Will they jump him over?

Will they kiss?

Will they ignore him

Todo esta por verse, beware los agentes que protegen a Fantomas estan grabando todo

Ojo al mono

The biggest fucking Shift said...

Oficial , dice Fantomas en su blog que Joani se quito el panty que y dijo en una entrevista a un medio Italiano que eliminen el embargo

Que dira Babalu Inc , now


Is Yoani a Barack fan?

Does Oscar Elis Biscet support Obama

Let Moneo the swine Dog answer this one

Anonymous said...

Moneo the Swine Dog is blogging live from the Babalu Pavillion @ Nostalgia

join us

Anonymous said...

Val is also playing Dominos for a Free Cuba

Way to go Val Prieto

Reporting live from Nostalgia said...

Cuba Nostalgia dull and empty until Fantomas showed up

Anonymous said...

Fantomas make sure to take photos of:

Val borracho como una uva.

Henry besandole el culo a Val.

George en cuatro patas eperando que Val se la meta.

AA Florida Chapter said...

Val no toma agua

Toma cerveza

Anonymous said...

Brigadista Anticomunista:

Mucho blah blah, pero na'

Fantomas Alert said...


Anonymous said...

Moneo the Swine Dog , empezo con la cagalera ya

Anonymous said...

Fantomas llega a las 4pm

---- Radio Bemba ---- said...


Esto esta más muerto que un cadáver. Ni los viejucos de Miami pasan ya por aquí, solamente los estadounidenses descendientes de cubanos están por lar pero en pocos números, aquellos que se autodenominan "cubanos" o "cubano-americanos" y no conocen a Cuba, ni tampoco la quieren conocer como ella fue, es, y sera siempre, cubana primero, cubana después y siempre cubana, sin la porcina influencia corruptora del extranjero recalcitrante e imperialista, sean españoles, estadounidenses, soviéticos, rusos o de donde vengan con sus influencias imperiales.

Nos vamos a la playa, Nostalgia 2009 se cago fuera del cajón.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas mira abel si ves a Panfilo pol ahi. Lo etamos buscando pa dal'le un plato de comida.



Anonymous said...



CUBANOS coñooooooooooooooooo

donde estas los cubiches ?

The Inquirer said...

¿Donde están Manuél Tellechea y su esclava, la bruta burra Vana Santa Maria Borroto?

Alejandro Magno y Pingú said...

Manuél Tellechea = MARICÓN

Vana Santa Maria Borroto = Burra Prostituta Bruta

Anonymous said...

Nos llega informacion desde Nostalgia que esta super vacio
Hasta ahora la participacion mas baja de personas en los ultimos años
Esto se debe a muchos factores pero especialmente a la desastrosa economia que nos dejo Presidente Bush y las dos guerras que comenzo

Fantomas esta en Nostalgia porque Fantomas habita en cada uno de nuestros corazones

Anonymous said...

Fantomas lied.

He was not present at Cuba Nostagia.

He chickened out.

Not man enough to face Henry, Val or George.

Sad. He has the weight advantage on all three, but was still too afraid to confront them.


Anonymous said...

Fantomas was out on the beach sipping a few pinas coladas instead of being with a bunch of comemierdas

Panfilo said...

Mentira, mentira, mentirosos.

Yo vi a Fantomas tirando lo caracoles en un Sedano e' jayalia.


JAMA JAMA lo que ace fajta e JAMA

Alejandro Magno Pingú said...

El poodle enano George El Mono Miao ha desaparecido, Ziva le dio el almuerzo ayer para que dejara de hablar mierda, estaba encojonado porque casi nadie había ido a Nostalgia y menos pasaron por el booth de Babosos, parece que lo pusieron a dormir para que no jodiera más, o a lo mejor Fantomas acabó con el.

FFF de Fantomas said...

Fantomas que tu le hiciste a la filly Claudia?

Se ha desaparecido del planeta y nadie sabe porque, que le hiciste Fantomas?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas le comio el pastel a Claudia

Anonymous said...

Quise decir el bollo

Anonymous said...

a ete paso nunca llegalemos a lo tre'mil.

Anonymous said...

Este post no pare mas

Fantomas acaba esto de una vez

Anonymous said...

Fantomas: Mariconson, no fuistes a Nostalgia por tenerle miedo a la sopapeada que te esperaba. No pudes ni con los carterazon que te querian dar las mujeres. Ridiculo, cobarde, gordo maricon. escritor de mierda. Vete al carajo.

FFF forever said...

He was there

Anonymous said...

El unico mariconson que fue a Nostalgia se llama caVALitroso el limosnero.

Anonymous said...

Val el bebe lloron

Anonymous said...


me recontracago en tu cara de culo.

FFF forever said...

Fantomas is a natural leader

Primicia de Maria Elvira @ Fantomas said...

Y ahora Fantomas publicando las fotos de los hijos de Castro

No se lo pierdan

Anonymous said...

Who is the current hardest working Cuban Blogger?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas without a doubt

He works over time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Me cago en la resinga de la madre que te pario.

Anonymous said...

3000 is without a question the ultimate Fantomas goal

Let's please him

Start writting now

Anonymous said...

I second the motion de cagarme en la madre de George

FFF said...

Por orden de nuestro lider Fantomas se le pide encaradamente a todos los que aun escriben aqui que desistan de hacerlo

A partir de este momento Fantomas se ha mudado permanentemente al blog del gran caricaturista cubano Jose Varela

Cualquier comentario ya sea positivo o negativo hacia nuestro lider debe de ser llevado a ese foro

La mision ya esta cumplida aqui

Manuel proceda a terminar este blog de una vez y por todas

Esto no pare mas

Se acabo


Anonymous said...


Special Announcement said...

A new post at the José Martí Blog (May 21, 2009):

Martí and the Need for a "Catholic Reformation," or "Padre Gasolina" and Father Cutié

Anonymous said...

The Varela Blog is great, see you all there

Gracias Fanto

Marti blog sucks, please do not waste your time

Anonymous said...

One more thing: Fantomas will be at Nostalgia next year. Fantomas fears no one!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantomas habita en el corazon de cada cubano. Yes he can. He was at Nostalgia last week

Anonymous said...




Varela Blog No Quiere a Fantomas said...

Comentario de Varela:Ya creo que mi apego por la libertad de expresion no llega a tanto.

Voy a moderar de nuevo esto.

Le estoy dando incluso a Ernesto y otros mentecatos la libertad que ellos no le dan a los demas.

Estoy de viaje, de descanso, pero desde el laptop voy a ponerle punto final a esto y moderar de nuevo los comentarios.

Me interesa poco tener 100, que mil, que 10 comentarios. Lo que me interesa es colocar mi mensaje y debatir opiniones, no darle cancha a ciertos elementos para que ofendan sin estilo a cada momento y creen un estado desagradable en la sala.

Mis amistades, los que siempre han comentado y dado opiniones, se han retirado poco a poco y le han dejado la cancha a un grupo de aprovechados a los que no me interesa exponerle nada ni darle aqui el terreno de juego que no le doy en mi vida inclusive.

Tengo otros quehaceres, en la TV, con la familia y otras publicaciones de otro tipo de arte, para perder demasiado tiempo tratando de controlar esta entrada alocada.

Lo siento sinceramente porque hay otros que si entran a exponer sus puntos. Pero si tienen buen intencion que sigan comentando que cuando yo los lea para moderarlos, los paso.

Esto es como abrir un club y no poner portero o bouncer en la puerta.

Lo siento, pals.

Voy cortando.

Preparo par de posteos necesarios para el weekend largo y vuelvo a moderar.


May 23, 2009 2:36 AM

Varela Blog si quiere a Fantomas said...

Se equivoca usted amigo, continue visitando a Varela y vera como apareceran miles de comentarios de fantomas in the near future. Ese comentario fue dedicado a los saboteadores del Varela blog especialmente los que proceden de francia y españa
No se equivoque usted, elemental amigo Watson

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Guinness Book of Records said...

New Fantomas record: Thrown out of the most blogs.

Anonymous said...

A fantomas no hay nadie quien lo pare, quien lo deje de leer

Eso jamas

FFF Forever, Inc. said...

¿Fantomas, por qué no te dejan vivir?

Anonymous said...

El problema de Cuba no es Fantomas
Concentremosnos en lo que nos apremia

La Dictadura

Fantomas esta en primera linea

Anonymous said...

Las alas de Fantomas se van a exhibir en el Museo de la Revolución.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Y su culo en donde lo exhibiran? En Cyberspace?

Las Fru Fru de NJ said...

La cabilla de Fantomas es larga

Centurion said...

Dejen a Fantomas tranquilo que el no molesta a nadie que no se lo merece

La principal buscadora de peleas es Vana , que se pasa la vida cuqueando a todo el mundo tirando la piedra y escondiendo la mano , ella es la que ha dejado cientos de comentarios anonimos aqui atacando a diestra y siniestra , lo mismo que ha hecho en el blog martiano de tellechea , cuando le suenan el latigo en respuesta a sus ataques ella sale corriendo y quejandose de que a una mujer no se le debe responder con fuerza , como siga jodiendo se va a joder ella misma , Fantomas le va a partir el bolluelo con su cabilla larga

Anonymous said...

No se pierdan a Telleche ahora de guatacon de Penultimos Dias, comentando alli acerca de la estatua de NY

Fantomas lo dejo mas que claro en su blog, esos que no hicieron nada desde Noviembre son unos

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