Monday, November 10, 2008

The Bell Does Not Toll for RCAB Alone

The decision to close the Review of Cuban-American Blogs on January 20 was not an arbitrary one, nor having once made it have I regretted it or sought some loophole that might enable me to circumvent it (though loopholes there are aplenty). Some have expressed to me the hope that I would not close it. Still others refuse to believe that I will close it, showing, yet again, how little they know me despite being convinced that they know me all too well. The Babalunians, however, have not been among the doubters, perhaps from a natural apprehension that questioning my decision might convince me to alter it; but that is just an unfounded fear, as would also be the conceit that their crossed fingers closed the deal.

Nothing that Babalú has done or is likely to do in the future played any part in my decision to close RCAB. Let me say for the record, if such a thing even needs to be said, that there has been no miraculous transformation at Babalú that would justify any claim on my part to success. It is essentially the same blog, at once anti-Fidel and anti-Cuban, that it was on the day that RCAB first challenged its presumption in claiming to speak for all Cuban exiles, much less Cubans on the island. I never seriously thought that Babalú could be reformed, not from within or without. Marc Másferrer's departure proved the futility of entertaining hopes about its self-regeneration; and, I suppose, the closing of RCAB confirms that the patient is beyond all human agency and must be given for lost. What has changed since last year is the perception which others have of Babalú's "Founding Editor" and principals . And I don't even take credit for that. This transformation they have accomplished themselves since I merely reported and analyzed the disrepute which they sowed and harvested, and pointed out, for the benefit of the connoisseur, what I considered the "elixir" of their vintage crops. As Martí said, "The wine of the plantain is bitter, but it is our wine." Well this is not our wine, however bitter.

From the onset, Babalú mortgaged Cuba's freedom to George Bush. Sadly, in this case, there's not going to be any bail out. One would have thought that after our collective experience with Castro (and a succession of U.S. presidents without a clue) the Babalunians would have been wary of entrusting Cuba's future to any one man. Bush, bold and reckless in everything he did, was uncommonly cautious in his approach to Cuba. His embrace of the "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy, which he upheld twice as long as Clinton did, and his indifference to the systematic dismantling of the trade embargo at the instigation of Republican congressmen (like the ascendant Flake), demonstrated that what Bush prized most was stability in Cuba, and if stability had to purchased at the cost of Cuban freedom, it was a bargain that he was more than willing to strike. In fact, when Obama decrees, as he shortly will, that the Castro regime can now buy on credit everything which Bush allowed it to buy with cash, the embargo will in effect be null and void, despite the congressional laws that codify it.

I hope the Babalunians will recognize then the indispensable role that Bush played in "normalizing" relations with Communist Cuba right under their crapulous noses. No American president was ever more beholden to Cuban-Americans for his political success than George W. Bush. He himself acknowledged it on numerous occasions, which makes it hard for us to deny it now. But to him our support was an entitlement, not an obligation. Ditto for Reagan and every other U.S. president who ever trifled with our love of country or led us to believe that he was our "great amigo." The bad intentions of our enemies have always been seconded by the bad offices of our "friends." That is the root of our national tragedy and Barack Obama's election is its fruit.

This much I will say about the president-elect: he lied to everybody, but he didn't lie to us. From the beginning he was crystal clear about his intentions towards Communist Cuba: unconditional capitulation on Castro's terms, not ours. Obama wants to build democracy in Cuba by solidifying the position of the anti-democrats. The U.S. has tried in the past to bolster the position of dissidents on the island: it has done very little and that very badly. Obama's approach dumps the dissidents in favor of those who really call the shots in Cuba. Surely he cannot be so naive as to believe that this is the royal road to Cuban freedom. Either he considers Cuban freedom unimportant or unsalvageable and is content to substitute the sufferance of the U.S. for it, or he regards Communist Cuba as an example rather than as an admonition.

The future of Babalú was also decided on November 4th, though Val & Co. haven't realize it yet with perhaps one exception. Not just because Obama will institutionalize Castroism and assure that its brand of feudalism will survive to the last Cuban generation. But also because Babalú will partake in the general decay of all blogs once the government sets out to regulate the blogosphere by extending the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to it and criminalizing all anonymous blogging or commenting.

The bell is tolling and it does not toll just for us (though we seem to be the only ones listening).


RCAB also learned today that our esteemed colleague Black Sheep of Exile will close due to the same reasons.


Rick said...

Holy crap, Manny. Why didn't you just post this video.

Admit it, dude, with your drama, you would make a helluva Eva Peron. Or Madonna.


Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, the sky is indeed cloudy, but it is not falling, not only is it not falling, it will be clear at the end of the storm, all storms end, at least here in the USA, remember what I recently told you, this is not Cuba and it will not become like Cuba, change is a constant and many things must change or face extinction, even the apparently perennial darkness that has prevailed in Cuba for the past fifty years has seen rays of sunshine, brief and fleeting yes, but nonetheless the light has managed to make it through, don't give up now when the need for courage is great, remember always that part of our responsibility is to keep the flames alive no matter what.

Light up the darkness.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I don't look at the sky. I look at the horizon.

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, the horizon is hardly ever visible during a storm, once the storm is over all good sailors do indeed look towards the horizon, but also towards the sky, especially in the dark of night.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Yes, Latins tend to be a bit dramatic; it's part of our idiosyncracy to feel passionately rather than to judge everything dispassionately. This does not mean, however, that our feelings always betray us, nor that what is deemed logical will always prevail in a world without rhyme or reason.

Vana said...


I have no doubt you will close this blog for you are a gentleman and mean what you say, I am profoundly sorry to see you go, I will miss this blog and your posts dearly, I do hope you reconsider and open another where we can speak of Cuba and it's history because you are a master at it, it's a pleasure commenting here where everyone may have their say without censorship.

I'm also sorry to see BSE go, after both of you go I shall have no place to go, I feel like someone I love is dying slowly, call me dramatic if you will but those are my feelings.

Anonymous said...

Rick: posted dont cry for me Argentina, rofl.

Anonymous said...

angel said: remember what I recently told you, this is not Cuba and it will not become like Cuba, change is a constant and many things must change or face extinction

Absolutely true, they call those thinkers "progressives." And that is exactly why progressives run this nation, and the conservatives do not.

Anonymous said...

vana said: I feel like someone I love is dying slowly, call me dramatic if you will but those are my feelings.

Wow, this must have been the conversations that the Cuban immigrants had right before they started fleeing in mass, during the 1959 revolution. Interesting, oh so interresting. That is the first thing the Cuban Chicano immigrant does when he is kicked out of power, he flees. And leaves the women behind, like Vana.

Poor things, i almost feel sorry for them, "almost." I feel sorry for them, that they couldnt imagine that America was so angry with conservatism. Just like Batista-lovers like Manuel, who could have cared less that his countrymen were suffering under Batista. Manuel, could have cared less that America suffered under Bush. And Manuel, would have gladly given the inept Bush another 8 years to run the nation. Until yes, and unfortunately America would have had our own revolution, which would have left Manuel scracthing his head the next morning wondering why half the nation was so upset.

Manuel, your beloved right-wing, religious one-rule strict conservatism only works in the middle-east. Go move there, if you want to live like that. Go on now, get now boy, so you can be happy. Go on, get!!

Fantomas said...

But also because Babalú will partake in the general decay of all blogs once the government sets out to regulate the blogosphere by extending the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to it and criminalizing all anonymous blogging or commenting., lol

Fantomas said...

Antes de irte respondeme que es

" The Obama Doctrine"

Rick said...

Hey, folks, let's not focus on me, let's keep the focus on Manny, where he wants it to be.

Which motivates me to add: your journey with RCAB, Manny, has brought you to a destination where you have finally recognized just how much you and the Babalunians are alike. Criticizing them has become more of a critique of your innermost self and doesn't feel the way it used to. I see it in your writing and the way you embrace the ideology and paranoia of George Moneo.

I, quite frankly, am surprised this revelation didn't come to you much earlier along in the journey. You lasted almost a full year longer than I thought you would, and for that I give you credit.

But in the end, the terminus is the same. They will never adopt you, Manny, like they have so many others, but for you and the Babalunians alike, it should be enough to know that you all share the same philosophy.

Welcome home, Manny. Now go get the needed rest that you have waited so long for.


Anonymous said...

For the love of God, the nightmare for the Cuban exiles, just got a helluva lot worse. God bless, the Cuban exiles, as this is a horrific time to be a Cuban exiles in America.

Anonymous said...


Why have you so humbly conceded defeat to Rick? Basically, you have laid down on your back, with all fours stuck up in the air.
I never thought i would see the day when Rick could boldy strut into RCAB, get your ass told off, and then strut right back out.

It is like watching the WW2 footage of the Nazi battleship Bizmark being sunk. One could marvel at the Bizmark, but at the end of the day, the good forces in the world, knew it had to be sunk, because it was being used to support pure evil.

Similiarly, at times i marveled at RCAB, but i always suspected tht the captain of the ship was a closeted right-wing whacko, who quietly was a Bush supporter. As Obama's power started to grow. Manuel, dropped all pretense, and exposed RCAB for what was suspected all along. And that RCAB was neo-con shrill blog that proped up corrupt right wing whacko shrill blogs like Babulu.

Now Rick, and others, are making the last strafing runs at the smoldering ruins of RCAB. As RCAB, at the end of the day was nothing but a Bush-loving neo-con blog, that deserves its watery grave, without any commerative flowers thrown on top!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


When you walk into the lion's den in a SPAM suit, expect to be followed around. I know that this is a new experience for you, as it is for the Babalunians when they visit here. RCAB's threads evolve in whatever direction the commenters want. I don't carry a whip or a blunderbuss. And, yes, some commenters do occasionally get out of line, but I prefer that to making everybody toe the line. That's why I think your decision to ban the Babalunians' from commenting on your blog is such a big mistake. It's not your responsibility whether they shine there or not if they provide you with an opportunity to shine yourself. Without the give and take, this feud of yours with Val & Company is soon going to fizzle out; for which I, at least, will be heartily sorry.

I can't help but wonder how things might have evolved between you if you had accepted Val's long ago invitation (subsequently withdrawn) to visit his "Man Camp." I know that you, too, must regret that missed opportunity for anthropological research.

As I recall, you predicted before SotP closed that RCAB was on its last legs. As it is, it will have lasted just as long as your own previous efforts.

I am not into pop psychology, but I will agree with you that parsing Babalú's words for nearly two years has allowed me to stake a more compassionate stand for hardliners, by asserting, as I have on hundreds of occasions, that it is not acceptable to confuse Castro with the Cuban people, which error has led to Val's calls for "rivers of blood" to flow Cuba and his invention of the "Human Pressure Cooker."

BTW, I did not "embrace the ideology and paranoia of George Moneo," as you are pleased to call it. I was predicting the Doomsday consequences of the election of Barack Obama when George and the other Babalunians were still thrashing John McCain as too "liberal."

And, yes, I could use a rest. Besides, I have already pick Babalú's bones clean. I leave all the rest to you.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

BTW, Rick, your comments made me realize that I am the "Father of Compassionate Hard-lin[e]ism." Thanks for the insight.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Our friendship, which owes its existence to RCAB, is not dependent on it. I will always be only an e-mail away. The time that I have devoted to this blog I intend to dedicate to my correspondence. This is something that I am looking forward to.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


When I am gone, I am going to bequeath you to Rick. I know that you have wandered in his precincts before and have not received the welcome you deserve. But I think he has developed a new appreciation for you here.

I still don't know to whom I shall bequeath fantomas.

Perhaps I will auction his services to the lowest bidder.

Cari said...

Dear Manuel;

I will surly miss you. I read the blog because of your superb writing; but must admit that I don't read most of the comments since I find them extremely juvenile and brutish. While I understand and commend you for your open policy, I do find it a waste of time to read anything that fantomas, longfellow, and a few others have to say.

I hope that, someday, you open a blog to speak of Cuban history and current events with serious commentary and not all the clowns that find a place on this blog.

I don't presume to tell you what to do; I'm merely expressing my wishes.

I wish you well and know that you will be successful in whatever you choose to pursue.

Godspeed my friend.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Give me instant gratification please. Quit NOW!!!!

Poor Fantomas he's going to miss you manuel.LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you wasted to much energy writing jibberish, So I suggest you keep on going...Viva Obama!!

Julio Rey said...

Manuel: I'm really going to miss you.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Thank-you for your kind words and good wishes which are much appreciated.

If I do open a new blog some day, it will be devoted to Cuban history. Needless to say, Babalú will form no part of it.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am grateful to you, too, for the many kind words you have devoted to RCAB on your blog.

There are two more things that I need to do before closing shop: review yur blog and Ms. Calabaza's.

Anonymous said...

"Either he considers Cuban freedom unimportant or unsalvageable and is content to substitute the sufferance of the U.S. for it, or he regards Communist Cuba as an example rather than as an admonition." I put my money on the latter. Remember the civilian force he wants to create that is as strong as the US military? It'll be a shame to RCAB go, Manuel. I've enjoyed reading the posts here over time. Take care! I'll be back to keep reading what you have to post.

Anonymous said...

Manuel: I look forward to your blog on Cuban history...can you add customs?

Fantomas said...

Manuel te voy a pedir un solo favor

Cuando cierres este blog , te pido que hagas el post final y dejas abierto los comentarios en ese post particular, los otros los puedes cerrar.

Ejemplo mira el ultimo post de los miquis de miami que sigue abierto aun cuando el blog esta cerrado

Te aseguro que regresare a menudo , despues de un tiempo veras como ese post llegara a 10, ooo comentarios en los proximos meses

Quedaras en la blogosfera con el record mundial de comentarios

people will continue to stop by Iam sure of it especialmente los babalusianos

Yo estare aqui siempre, I seldom comment on my blog I prefer this one

Fantomas said...

Remember who is the life and blod of this blog

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I had intended to do precisely that. I am sure RCAB will have a most remarkable after-life. You are welcome to squat here as long as you wish and you will have free run of The Madhouse. No less is owed to the "blod" of this blog.

Sharpshooter said...

I read with sadness your post regarding the final days of RCAB.
I also saw the news about Black Sheep of Exile closing down too. I knew they had closed their comments section recently but I was not aware they were closing and folding too.
This is very bas news indeed. Now more than ever we need to hear different and clear voices that are a counterpoint to the orgy of praise and obeisance we see everywhere else from all quarters. Every dissenting voice that lies still and closes is a nail in the coffin of our freedom of speech. Please try to have your voice be heard somehow from among the cacophony of Obama like clones and sycophants. I cannot believe that you are giving up the fight, just folding the tent and be a quiet spectator from the sidelines while the goths run amok. Try to reconsider and let your voice be heard. Don't give up the fight so fast. You will be sorely missed.

Fantomas said...

Agustin the final decision was reached long ago. Manuel is a man of his words
Obama pudiera y fijate como te lo digo pudiera convertirse en el mejor Presidente en la Historia de los EEUU. Y seran 8 años no cuatro como muchos sueñan . He has the know how and experience to collect 2 billion dollars for his next presidentail campaign via internet

Fantomas said...

Off topic

Manuel I would like to run a poll here on this blog

The question is

Should Obama girls attend Wash Private or Public Schools

What say you

Fantomas said...

Oil prices sank under 55 dollars a barrel on Tuesday to strike a 21-month low as frresh recession worries sparked fresh fears about slowing global energy demand, traders said

I had predicted 30 dollars by december 31, te acuerdas Fariñas de los huracanes

Anonymous said...

Yeeee-haaa, i just set an all-time personal record for offending a Cuban immigrant. Cruz a Babulu editor, kicked and banned me after i posted "only" three comments. After he was trying to lecture me about being more open-minded. LOL, he must not have known my reputation!!

Fantomas said...

Barack Obama sedujo al electorado judío estadounidense -de todas formas votante tradicional del Partido Demócrata- pese a la polémica por sus raíces musulmanas, debido a que tuvo gestos contundentes con los que se ganó su confianza, opinaron expertos.

Los sondeos a boca de urna indican que 78% de los judíos que votaron prefirieron a Obama por sobre su rival, el republicano John McCain.

Comparado con candidatos demócratas anteriores, el porcentaje es más importante que el obtenido por John Kerry (74% en 2004) y similar al de Al Gore (79% en 2000) y Bill Clinton (79% en 1996 y 1992).

La comunidad judía estadounidense, de 5,3 millones de habitantes (1,7% de la población total de EEUU), es la segunda del mundo, por detrás de Israel“Los judíos parecían aumentar su voto republicano estos últimos años, pero Obama revirtió la tendencia”, opina Jacques Berlinerblau, profesor de civilización judía de la universidad Georgetown de Washington.

Lo llamativo es que las intenciones de voto por Obama entre la comunidad judía no superaban el 60% a principios de julio, agrega.

De hecho, durante las primaria demócrata (finalizada con la nominación de Obama en la convención de septiembre pasado), la mayoría de los judíos votaron por su rival Hillary Clinton.

A fines de julio, Obama hizo un viaje muy logrado a Israel, donde le prometió un apoyo “indefectible”. Además, el mes anterior ya se había pronunciado a favor de reconocer a Jerusalén como capital de Israel, al presentarse ante el American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), principal lobby pro-israelí en Estados Unidos.

En cambio, la decisión de nombrar a la ultra-conservadora Sarah Palin como compañera de fórmula de McCain a fines de agosto alejó a parte del electorado judío de los republicanos. “Sus inclinaciones populistas se asociaron a una tradición antisemita”, según Berlinerblau.

La comunidad judía estadounidense, de 5,3 millones de habitantes (1,7% de la población total de EEUU), es la segunda del mundo, por detrás de Israel. Políticamente muy activa, tradicionalmente vota a los demócratas.

Durante la campaña electoral, corrió el rumor de que Barack Obama -cuyo segundo nombre es Hussein- practicaba secretamente el islam.

De hecho, Obama es cristiano, pero parte de la familia keniana de su padre, a quien prácticamente no conoció, es musulmana.

“Su segundo nombre no tuvo ninguna influencia en el voto de los judíos”, opinó el demógrafo Ira Sheskin, de la universidad judía de Miami.

“Una parte importante de la comunidad judía estadounidense temía a Obama y se inquietaba por cuál sería su posición ante Israel e Irán, pero la magia de este hombre logró revertir las cosas”, agregó.

Obama declaró durante su campaña que estaba abierto a dialogar con países a los que el actual gobierno de George W. Bush considera enemigos, como Irán.

El entusiasmo por Barack Obama se explica también por la historia común de las comunidades negra y judía, según Sheskin. “Los judíos siempre estuvieron del lado de los negros, porque ellos también -y durante mucho tiempo- sufrieron discriminación”.

El nombramiento de Rahm Emanuel -que posee nacionalidad estadounidense e israelí- como secretario general de la Casa Blanca fue bien recibido por la comunidad judíaEsta afinidad se ha visto sin embargo afectada estas últimas décadas por las opiniones antisemitas de algunos líderes negros, como Jesse Jackson durante su campaña a la presidencia por el Partido Demócrata en 1984 o Louis Farrakhan, jefe del movimiento “Nation of Islam”.

Obama podría ser “el puente que restablezca los nexos entre ambas comunidades”, según Berlinerblau.

El nombramiento de Rahm Emanuel -que posee nacionalidad estadounidense e israelí- como secretario general de la Casa Blanca fue bien recibido por la comunidad judía. “Eso muestra que Obama no está contra Israel”, dijo Berlinerblau.

También puede leer los detalles de la visita de Barack Obama a Israel y Cisjordania, pulsando aquí.

© 1994-2008 Agence France-Presse

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Obama would be a wretch of a father if he sent his daughters to public school in Washington, D.C. Such a populist stunt, at their expense, would be worse even than trying to exculpate Jeremiah Wright's racism at his grandmother's expense.

Let us hope that his wife, who wears the pants in the family, will convince him that he doesn't have to sacrifice his daughters to placate the NEA.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


If your comments were deleted at Babalú and you saved them, please feel free to post them here. RCAB has always sheltered Babalú's orphaned comments and posts.

Fantomas said...

Let us hope that his wife, who wears the pants in the family, will convince him that he doesn't have to sacrifice his daughters to placate the NEA.

For security concerns alone I hope Michelle decides to send them to the best private school Wash has to offer

Anonymous said...

John is lying don't take him at his word Tellechea, he has no morals, never believe what a trailer park trashy xenophobe says. We need a few tornados to take out trash like John.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


If I thought there were anything that I could do to stop Obama from flinging himself at Castro, I would at least try. But no one can stop him except Fidel himself. Jerry Ford was within days of lifting the embargo and recognizing the Castro regime when Communist Cuba unexpectedly invaded Angola. Nothing less than that -- and possibly not even that -- would deter Obama from surrendering unconditionally to Castro.

Anonymous said...

Alberto de la Cruz | Homepage | 11.11.08 - 1:51 pm | #

That is interesting, an anti-immigrant who spends his time trolling immigrant blogs. Quite a piece of work, you are, Longfellow. I guess you are right to call yourself an independent; you are independent of any logic or reason.

It has been fun, my friend, but your hatred is tiresome and honestly, quite boring. I hope, however, that you enjoyed your short lived visit to my site because it is now over.

Another offended militant Cuban immigrant!!


Anonymous said...

Breaking news, breaking news!! America wants leftist to have free reign of America!!

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, there will be plenty to blog about Cuba, you are not only knowledgeable and intelligent, you are also wise, I would chance to posit that more than likely you are a chess player, you must have many moves already planned, or at least envisioned, Russia is not about to let go of its former protectorate, especially not now. Take a break if you need one, but remember that the Cuba issue is only going to become more complex and interesting, your talent is needed, feel free to eMail me with whatever ideas come to mind. Thanks.

Vana said...


Dear friend, I know the closing of this blog can never come between our friendship, I feel you are like an old friend I have known for years, one I feel very comfortable and at ease with, but still the closing of this blog is painful to me.

Fantomas said...

Esto se acabo

Anonymous said...

tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac

Fantomas said...

Obama cerro este blog sin precondiciones

Fulano de Cal said...


Although your blog is not gone yet, thanks in advance for the wonderful writing.

When Fidel dies and we party, I will include you in one of my toasts to cubanos in the USA that have put a smile on my face.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

fulano de cal:

Thank-you for your kind words. I, too, will always carry fond memories of this blog and its faithful readers.

Anonymous said...

Manuel will you ever accept that Fantomas was the true star of this blog. He brought you fame, readers, common sense
Are you waiting for the right moment to make such a great announcement

Cari said...


I don't usually post links, but this one is confirmation of what we already know and explains much about what just happened in this election. It is a 1985 interview with an ex Soviet KGB agent. I think it is worth watching.

Fantomas said...

El moneo is at it again

irritating phrases
Honestly. Just damn. You're loosing it, George, you looser. LOL. You need to. Take one for the team. Word. What he said. Um.


Posted by Jonathan at November 11, 2008 08:57 PM

I'm not sure why, George; I can't quite put my finger on it. But something about your comment was extremely irritating :)

Posted by Paco at November 11, 2008 09:14 PM

"Dammit, man: it's only brain surgery, not rocket science!"

--Montgomery J. Burns

Posted by Dave J at November 11, 2008 09:55 PM

P.S., one my New Years resolutions for 2009 is to stop using "with all due respect" before I tell someone to go fuck themselves. Very noble of me, as well as being very linguistically in...

Posted by George L. Moneo at November 11, 2008 10:18 PM

Anonymous said...

Cari, I've seen several interviews like that before, similar to what they call the Perestrokia Deception ( It always scares me, knowing that they're still actively doing it to us everyday, attempting to create the crisis situation. Did they already do it?

Anonymous said...

Babalu: where journalists get their news

Today, on November 11, McClatchy, the Miami Herald and WFOR all ran a picture of fidel castro that was posted on a Russian web site on October 20.

Funny, we posted that image here yesterday, November 10.

You're welcome, lazy ass reporters.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 10:57 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (3)

Funny Penultimos Dias posted that image before you did.

You're welcome, lazy cara de culo

Anonymous said...

This is why you have to say the name President Obama or the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

CONFIRMED, the Cuban-American backed President, is the worst in the history of my nation:

Anonymous said...

Bush put the final stake into the heart of Cuba, when he failed to act when Castro released his death grip on the nation. As a result, the Cuban-Americans who supported Bush, must be made to be the pallbearers of Cuba!!

Fantomas said...

John will you chill bro. Bush is no longer. Lets talk about the future . Bury the past

Fantomas said...

At the rate we are all going Cuba will have another 50 of the same

No changes in sight

Blood is needed

And of course I dont want to hear anyone saying it was Obama's fault

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Are you serious dude, i have been slamming these republican militants for 3 days. They have been slamming Democrats for 40 years, even when we have tried to help them.

So no dude, i will not stop it. In fact, i will keep bringing it harder, HARDER, AND HARDER!!!

You have smartly stayed out of my face in this blog. Continue to do so, as i dont consider you the the same right wing enemy, that has done nothing but brought harm, and destruction to the world!!

Fantomas said...

You have smartly stayed out of my face in this blog

John you are repulsive and anticuban. It is best you dont engage with me . I will continue to ignore your rants. Iam for ending our suffering nothing else
Whatever it takes . It it not worth it to engage with you since you are not proposing anything to end the dictatorship

Fantomas said...

By the way John spell it correctly

it is not Fantomos it is F A N T O M A S

Anonymous said...

Well said Fantomas


Anonymous said...

fantomas said: It it not worth it to engage with you since you are not proposing anything to end the dictatorship

Oh contrare, the quickiest way to free Cuba, is to beat down those who have a hand in their repression. And one of the hands which strangles the hardest are the Cuban exiles, i.e., the pressure cooker theory.

Nevertheless, take your own advice, and dont attempt engage me ever again. As i am used to verbally dispatching those Cuban exiles who wish to attempt to prove themselves as heroes in front of their brothers and sisters!!

Nuff said,

Fantomas said...

Nevertheless, take your own advice, and dont attempt engage me ever again. As i am used to verbally dispatching those Cuban exiles who wish to attempt to prove themselves as heroes in front of their brothers and sisters!!

John , sorry you will never be able to dispatch a Fantomas , No way señor

I'm not Joe the plumber

Fantomas said...

Que grandioso es este pais, Obama ocupara una edificacion construida por esclavos y presidira la nacion mas poderosa del planeta. Aunque la herencia que le deja Bush es desastroza, por delante le aguardan grandes retos que tenemos fe sabra enfrentar con inteligencia. Del exito de su gestion dependera la recuperacion de todos. Buena suerte Presidente Obama.
Publicado por PUNTACANA - 9:06 AM, 11-12-08 Informar violación

Anonymous said...

fantamos said: I'm not Joe the plumber

Wow, i just did a rare self-delete. You are so lucky that the army taught me some discipline!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

john & fantomas:

I am thinking of hosting a debate between the two of you.

I can think of nothing better to crown the end of Western civilization.

If you both agree to a crash of your worldviews, let me know and I will referee the encounter.

Before the fight (I mean, debate), I will post a poll to see who is the crowd favorite and set the odds accordingly.

Betting will be allowed.

Fantomas said...

john longfellow aka lou dobbs said...
fantamos said: I'm not Joe the plumber

John would you please refrain from using my nick ... I warned you already it is Fantomas ... Fantamos does not mean a thing

Failure to mispell my nick again will carry a heavy penalty

Fantomas said...

Manuel thanks for the offer but fantomas no se reune con la escoria

Fantomas said...


Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You are forfeiting?

You are afraid to go head-to-head with John?

You are conceding that Cubans are "cowards?"

You are applying to be John's "bitch?"

Say it ain't so, fantomas!

Fantomas said...

better things to do Alberto

John is not worth my time

Dejalo que se quede in the mud

I choose you to take my place in the debate . I'm sure you will beat him silly

my money is on you

partelo en dos mientras chupas el biberon de Obama

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: I am thinking of hosting a debate between the two of you

Ah, i dont feel like going to jail today for child abuse.

Anonymous said...

John you may go to jail for your past association with Nambla Remember we discussed this topic at corral's

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh this blog is dead on the spot

Anonymous said...

anon said: And Val Prieto still calling the more than 60 million who voted for Obama idiots, what a loser

And that is why they have gotten crushed in the last two election cycles. And have been reduced to confederate waving southers. All the have left is name-calling, rather then Reagan-type ideas.

Anonymous said...

John= manuel tellechea

Angel Garzón said...

John, keep bearing your soul man, don't hold anything back now that you're so close to being victorious, let it all out for the whole world to read and hopefully learn, I won't hold my breath as far as the learning wish is concerned, but nevertheless, keep up the greeeeeat expository work man, thanks ad infinitum, that means infinite thanks for you John and all of your barely monolingual brethren.

Anonymous said...


When you use big words like: expository, infinitum, and monolingual, i get very confused. Please use simplier words, as we dont take education that seriously in Indiana.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Where is the life and blod of this blog?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas has gone mad. Go to his blog and check out what he has done to Val, Henry, Manuel and George

Clever amigo Fantomas ,very clever

Por eso eres el mejor. No tienes competencia

Anonymous said...


When you use big words like: expository, infinitum, and monolingual, i get very confused. Please use simplier words, as we dont take education that seriously in Indiana.

Thank you,

John, speak not for all of us! Some of us tri-lingual here in Indiana :p

Anonymous said...

By the way I have received a fine education in Indiana, ladies and gentleman despite not having hailed from this state originally. There's this concept, called applying yourself. Some don't do it.

Anonymous said...

what is fantamos blog?

Anonymous said...

click on his profile it will take you there

Anonymous said...

John, Fantamos blog is

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

The Reason that Fantomas Will Not Debate John Longfellow: They Are One and the Same

Anonymous said...

Fantasma te han condenao a la muerte parlante, el gringo del KKK se muda pa tu sitio, te jodite Fantasma, buena suerte, un par de tratornaos fuera del manicomio, coño que bolá que bolón, se jodió el regetón

Fantomas said...

gringo kkk no tiene standing en mi blog

Anonymous said...

Manuel Alberto Tellechea = chivato

Fantomas said...

sorry manaolon i do not live in indiana, i do not hate cubans and I do not write that well

Your theory that i maybe longjhon is a desperate move just like mc same used the reverend, and ayers



Anonymous said...

Manuel I saw your picture at Fantomas blog

Tomate la lechita de Obama calientita hoy por la noche

Y vacia el biberon completo, no dejes nada

Centurion said...

Searching for "The Shift" Part 345 of 3459.

This is the 345 in a series of analyses of the election results to see whether or not the Cubans are abandoning the GOP.



Anonymous said...

Obama won Florida

Nuff Said

In 4 years more Cuban old timers and batistianos will be dead

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing that post back up on the comment thread. I had read it at the time and not thought a second about it. *Peter voice from Family Guy*Now, it all makes sense...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


That's why I invited Fantomas and John Longfellow to debate. I had hoped for a dialogue on the order of Norman Bates and his mother.

Since Fantomas did not indulge me, I may have to hold that live auction after all, with the lowest bidder claiming possession of the "F-man."

Angel Garzón said...

Enrique, pack up the suit and call your handler at the Cuban Embassy to the UN, you've been made, Manuel te partió el trasero, he didn't even have to touch you, the long hand of Tellechea's law reached all the way to your hideout in Puerto Rico, for all we know you may also be the CJB, besides from all the other personalities that are obviously you.

How much are you being paid by the Casstro clan to destroy the opposition? Are you being paid by the US taxpayers also when you collect your disability check and food stamps? By the way, there's nothing wrong in my opinion with people who need to receive disability payments and food stamps, but I don't believe that you've fallen through the cracks of society's safety nets, you had the Casstro boys make the cracks for you so you can fulfill the missions that they have assigned to you while in the USA. When are you going to be recalled? There's no point in continuing on, remember, YOU HAVE BEEN MADE....AGAIN

Fantomas = Casstro Agent(s)

Tellechea = Fantomas' Worst Nightmare

Garzón = Fantomas' Executioner

ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Vana said...


I remember that post from last year, but then John started commenting here and I was fooled, his English was better than fanto's now I see I was duped, how many personalities does rubber head have? a real Madhouse is where he belongs, that anon calling you chivato is of course him.

Vana said...


Fantomas is not collecting disability, he's on

Anonymous said...

Vana = Manuel

Centurion said...

Señor Garzon como esta? Por favor escriba en español el idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos.

Anonymous said...

Another Fanto id. I was wondering where he was and *viola* here he is!

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzon = Manuel

Vana= Manuel

John = Manuel

You have been outed again. It is so clear now you are all of them

Anonymous said...


I love your baby picture at fantamos Blog

Anonymous said...

Henry Gomez said: This a testament to the continued identification of Cuban-Americans with Republican candidates.

LOL, this Cuban immigrant is trying so hard to prove that the militants remain in the now permanent minority party. Good, please keep stating that Cuban immigrants belong to the party that America will never allow to govern America again. As we now know that we can we the white house without the Cuban vote. Just wait until redistricting in 2010!!

Anonymous said...


Where did you get Val's baby picture? He may sue you.

Anonymous said...

Advise to Cuban Americans:

Bush's betrayal has been absolute. There can be no doubt that Reagan is rolling in his grave at how Bush allowed the opportunity to rid this hemisphere of communism slip through his hands.

Now you have another republican president to choose in 2012. My advise is to choose carefully. Just because Pailin is a conservative, it doesn mean she loves Cuban immigrants. On the contrary, her conservatism ought to give you pause. Because many conservatives, are in fact conservatives because they dont like immigrants, including Cuban immigrants.

Nevertheless, good luck my friends, as Bush as indeed ushered in some of the darkest days in the Cuban-American history.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Somebody injected you with truth serum this morning because everything you said in your last comment is on the mark. Keep this up and you will destroy your well-earned reputation.

Anonymous said...

This maniac doesn't sleep, the commies must have him hooked on some of the same crap that Hugo Chavez is on,

Anonymous said...

el said: This maniac doesn't sleep, the commies must have him hooked on some of the same crap that Hugo Chavez is on

You Cuban immigrants hurl around the word commie so much, that you have forever destroyed its meaning. Even worse, the speaker creates a backlash against him, i.e., the election of Obama who was called a commie thousands of time. How did that work out for you on Nov 4?

Just like the archaic cold-war insult, commie. The Cuban immigrant speaker who hurls thid empty language are equally bankrupt and devoid of both words and ideas. Hence, the creation of the leftist super-majorities in the house and senate.

Again Cuban exiles, you need to think carefully about the future of your Cuban-American community, and which conservative President will become your spokesman/spokeswoman for the freedom of Cuba.

If you are so reckless as to choose the "unsinkable" Sarah Pailin as the spokeswoman for the Cuban-American community, then you deserve everything you get.

Nevertheless, choose wisely my friends. As another loss to battle-hardened Obama leftists in 2010/2012, will be a loss that the Cuban-American community will never recover from.

Thanks Bush!!!

Anonymous said...

Go forth and fight like hell.

Posted by George Moneo at 08:34 AM

Sorry George, you just dont have any credibility. You should have expressed these same exact sentiments when Castro released his grip around Cuba.

Nevertheless, i suspect it is much easier to sit back on your keyboard and call President Obama names the next 4-8 years!!


Anonymous said...

I would like to point out, taking a cue from a Cuban (how should I put it?) colleague of mine, Cubans aren't immigrants. They're refugees. Refugees are political, not econimc. Immigrants are economic based. One member of my family is an example of the latter. Furthermore, I wouldn't reckon to say all conservatives exhibit such nativist sentiment as John/Cenutrion/Fantomas proposed. Reagan was one such example, a man that saw fit to help those fighting Commies by giving them all available means to do so. Bush got sidetracked by 9/11 and probably never cared, as evidence of keeping wet-foot dry-foot in place.

Centurion said...

Señor MATT como esta? Por favor escriba en español el idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos.

Anonymous said...

mat said: John/Cenutrion/Fantomas proposed. Reagan was one such example, a man that saw fit to help those fighting Commies by giving them all available means to do so.

Sir, you cant compare the 80's, where the immigrants werent the largest minority in the nation, like they are now. In the 80's, there werent tens of thousands of immigrants marches through major streets of America. In the 80's, the immigrants didnt have enough people to remake the electoral college make in the favor of a leftist President, as they have done with President Obama. In the 80's entire television, radio-shows, and poltical careers, like Trancredo werent built on Spanish immigrant bashing.

If you dont think for a minute, that Gringrich will not make the Spanish immigrant the focale point of the 2012 election, then you are being purposely ignorant.

Mat said: Bush got sidetracked by

Excuse me sir, but Castro remains one of the bloodiest terrorist who has committed many more terrorist acts against America then al queda. Castro above all should have been included in the axis of evil for the terrorist acts that he has committed against our citizens, including Cuban-Americans.

You sir, are everything wrong with the Cuban-American movement. You sir, are a Bush apologist, and a xenophobic apologist. Nothing more, nothing less. So go back to apologizing for people who deserve none!!

Angel Garzón said...

El Cuco, you've got it right, it must be the coca paste mixed with the caffeine and methamphetamine as a cherry on top, Hitler used to have a drug cocktail injected by his personal doctor every morning, meth was one of the stimulants in the cocktail, it was also used on the German soldiers and the Waffen SS troops, especially during the early years of WWII, I guess the Casstro people use it also.

Matt, you're right, that's how we look at our status, if you're old enough to have watched the PBS series "¿Qué Pasa USA? when it was originally broadcast back in the 1970s, you may remember that a frequently played musical score included in its lyrics the line "...lo que era exilio se convierte en imigración...," technically speaking it's considered immigration, but we prefer to look at it from a detailed observer's point of view rather than a broad-brush, generalized one. Unfortunately for us Cubans, Reagan chose to use the soft power approach to dealing with Cuba as endorsed by the Council on Foreign Affairs, but before Reagan decided to follow that course he tried to negotiate with Casstro secretly and was turned down by Havana.

John aka Fantomas, I vividly remember the late 1970s and early 1980s and how the supposedly Gringo "friends" of our anti-communist cause were calling radio programs, writing to newspapers' OpEds, appearing on TV and calling the White House and their Congressmen to convince everyone to stop the "invasion of lazy Hispanics from Cuba," even at the company where I worked at the time one son of Polish immigrants stated that he would move out of his town if a Cuban coworker of ours was able to bring any of his relatives to live with him because he lived in the same town as the Cuban coworker did, it took me and a Filipino who was married to a Cuban girl to defend the other Cuban and his desire to bring his family to freedom, when confronted with the truth about our community the Polack had to back off, I remember the angry redneck demonstrators holding placards filled with derogatory statements against the refugees and the family members that had traveled to the holding camps where the Mariel Boat lift refugees where being held, I remember one specific Cuban from Miami that was interviewed by a Miami based Spanish language TV station reporter and when asked about how he felt concerning the hateful demonstrators he replied in Spanish that all he wanted to do was to pick up his relatives and leave that town (where the camp was located) to NEVER AGAIN (emphasis his) return to that town and State. I remember the anger of the xenophobes back in the mid-eighties when Reagan proposed a general amnesty for illegal immigrants which was eventually passed by Congress and which Reagan signed into law. So what the hell are you talking about? You may believe that rewriting and revising history is something that you can get away with, well guess what, fat chance pal, not while people like me are alive to tell the truth and recount the real history that we've experienced, so go somewhere else with your Clintonian style of historical revisionism, it won't work here.

Fantomas said...

Ganzon Iam not John, Iam a Republican, conservador, pro cuban, patriot

please do not commit the mistake again to call me john

If the administrator CAN NOT prove iam not john THEN WE MUST ALL AGREE THAT MANUEL ALBERTO TELLECHA CON TELEFONO (201) 864-7968 (Nancy Tellechea) is the infamous long john aka lou dobbs

Manuel the ball is in your court speak out my friend

Anonymous said...

angel said: in 1980s and how the supposedly Gringo "friends" of our anti-communist cause were calling radio programs, writing to newspapers' OpEds, appearing on TV and calling the White House and their Congressmen to convince everyone to stop the "invasion of lazy Hispanics from Cuba,"

Hey dude, i know all to well, that nearly all of America considers Cuban immigrants, as "mere" immigrants. We dont ascribe a special immigrant status, upon Cuban immigrants as they place upon themselves. If asked, "most Americans would say send the Cubans back to Cuba." This is particurly true of conservatives within the Republican party.

Anonymous said...

john said:

If asked, "most Americans would say send the Cubans back to Cuba." This is particurly true of conservatives within the Republican party.

well said john...

So, why do most Cubans- including Angel- support the republican party ?

Anonymous said...

(201) 864-7968

Let's all call Nancy now

Angel Garzón said...

John aka Fantomas, the GOP has many different wings within it just like the Democratic Party does, there are xenophobes the like of Pat Buchanan who believe that most if not all "ethnic" USA citizens should be returned to wherever they came from and that belief includes descendants of immigrants by a number of generations, these folks are known as "Nativists" and they are just as xenophobic as their Democratic counterparts who are commonly labeled as "White Blue Collar" or "Working Middle-Class," these are the folks that presented our community with the most bitter opposition to us escaping to this country, they call themselves "staunch anti-communists" and "Loyal anti-socialists Americans" they believe themselves to be "True Blue and as American as apple pie" most of them are basically laborers or working class, many of them either dropped out of High School or barely finished it and they are mostly registered members of the Democratic Party, they are the so-called "Reagan Democrats," folks who share some of the Republican principles of a strong defense, secured borders and hard work ethics, when you blabber about trying to place the blame of xenophobia exclusively on Republicans you are being dishonest, xenophobia knows no party line, I am a registered independent who usually votes for the candidate instead of the party line, but of course those who prefer to stick to being dishonest as you do, never bother to discern the details because those details don't suit your purposes, so take a hike with your ridiculously childish and simplistic idiocy, it won't work here.

Anonymous said...

Angel, I disagree with you. I think Democrats are way .... way more tolerant than Republicans.

Also, most "White Blue Collar", "Working Middle-Class," do not identify themself with the Democratic party....

But, hey, you can continue
kissing GOP ass like most CA have done for almost 50 years.

Anonymous said...

tumba asked: So, why do most Cubans- including Angel- support the republican party ?

Good question! There is a 3-part anaylsis to answer that question. First, it important to note, that most Cubans are in fact liberal in their hearts. Honestly, from what i saw "overall" only fun-loving, open-minded, free-spirits could build a liberal oasis like Southbeach in Miami. And have no doubt, Southbeach is one of the most liberal places in the entire world. You will never find such a free-wheeling place built by "hard-core" conservatives like those that live in Utah, or Alabama.

Historically, Cuban-Americans "used" to actually vote their liberal spirits, until the Bay of Pigs. Then the republicans came along and offered them money, support, training, if they would pledge alligience to the republican party. Keeping in mind, that they would also act as a buffer to a communist invasion from the Atlantic ocean.
Note, there are a handful of Cuban-Americans that actually earn a living from the republican party to keep the Cuban-American in the party. Politicians, radio show hosts, and yes, even bloggers.

Then the Berlin wall came down, and the communist invasion never came. But yet, the Cuban-American republicans were still useful. As the nation became politically divided, and Florida became a swing state. The Cuban-Americans would pay the republican party back by single-handedly electing them a two-term American President. Never before in American history had a "group" of people done such an historic act.

During this time of course, the nation became increasingly divided. The conservatives needed to streghten their base. They do this by scaring the nation. The boogeyman could not be the black-american anymore. As they have become severely weakened by the sheer numbers of the Spanish immigrant. Moreover, the Spanish immigrant was transforming entire cities, something that black america never did, with a few notably exceptons like Atlanta.

And here we are today. The republican party nightmare is coming true. A total transformation of their nation as they once knew it, at the hands of Spanish-speakers. Not only by pushing the conservatives further away from the new Spanish-speaking cities. But out of entire states, like California, New Mexico, large parts of Florida, and new even Texas. Worse, the Spanish-speaking immigrant in the West are the power players, not the southern states.

But even with the conservative boogeyman, being the Spanish-speaker. The Cuban-American must continue to be subservant to their xenopohobic conservative masters. Because: 1) many long for acceptance from the xenophobics, as they remain ashamed that they are immigrants 2) fear that the "few" Cubans that make money from the rnc, will call them commies, if they dont toe the republican line 3) they want to be on the powerful side in the nation, which "used" to be republican

This is what makes this election so devastating to the Cuban-American community. As Henry Gomez, likes to brag, President Obama won Florida "without" the Cubans. Thereby, making the Cuban-Americans and their desires, disposable to "both" parties. And at the end of the day, the Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans have politically positioned themselves to have a seat at the table for a generation. Cuban-Americans as Henry Gomez states, "had no part in making the world's most well-liked American President in history."

The Cuban-American has lost again, as their spirits remain torn and lost. Too bad for them!!

Anonymous said...

tumba said: But, hey, you can continue
kissing GOP ass like most CA have done for almost 50 years.

Actually, California doesnt kiss xenophobic conservative asses, just as Pete Wilson. The xenopohobic conservatives lost California for a generation when they tried their Trancredo stuff there. Except, the California conservatives forgot something there. The Mexicans there are not self-loathing. I know, i almost got my butt kicked by one for making a remark. You can make fun of a Cuban for being an immigrant. But you will defiantely get an ass-whipping by a Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Angel said: so take a hike with your ridiculously childish and simplistic idiocy, it won't work here.

Put five Cuban immigrants in one room. And i can always spot the self-loathing one. Guess who is the self-loathing Cuban immigrant in RCAB?

Anonymous said...

Para terminar las quejas de Centurion, escribo en ingles aqui porque esto es un blog que se escribe en ingles. Si Tellecha quiere que escriba en espanol, solo tiene que decirme y ya.

"You sir, are everything wrong with the Cuban-American movement. You sir, are a Bush apologist, and a xenophobic apologist. Nothing more, nothing less. So go back to apologizing for people who deserve none!!"

John, I mean Fantomas, I mean Centurion, I'm not a Bush apologist nor am I a xenophobic apologist. I have little love actually for Bush now. I especially dislike his conituation of wet-foot, dry-foot. Mr. T, knowing me through our mutual colleague, could attest to this. You buddy are the one stirring up nativist sentiment on this thread. My advice, go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...


CA = Cuban-American

Fantomas said...

Señores esto es muy facil Iam not john at all. No hay ninguna semblanza entre esta persona y yo-

Those who take my nick or usan blasfemia against my persona will be punished harshly

Tellechea whatever you are doing is not working dude , nobody can take a fantomas down ever. I own you

Angel Garzón said...

tumba- cuatro said...

"Angel, I disagree with you. I think Democrats are way .... way more tolerant than Republicans..."

Tumba cuatro, people are people and as I said, xenophobia doesn't recognize Party lines, perhaps your personal experiences are guiding your opinion, I can respect that, but keep in mind that using that as a basis I can say what I've said, I don't think that you are someone that has been involved with politics as I have, my personal experience in NJ where I've lived ever since I came to the USA in 1974 has been that the upper echelons people who run the Democratic Party here are mostly tolerant because they need the minority votes, having said that, I can also tell you that the majority of them will not live in any of the cities and towns that have a minority population that exceeds 35%, the 33% mark is what's considered the cutoff point, once that threshold is reached the "For Sale" signs begin to pop up exponentially, my father-in-law owned a gorgeous house in a suburb of Newark called East Orange for about fifteen years, by 1976 what had been an "All America City" trophy winner in 1962, had become about 36% African-American, by 1982, just six years after 1976 the city had become 86% black, that is one example, another is the town of Harrison which by 1974 was 95% Anglo-American, by 1982 it had become 75% "Hispanic" many of whom were Cuban, both municipalities are examples of what always takes place in NJ when "minorities" move to predominantly working class white Democratic municipalities, I've seen it happen over and over, municipality after municipality, all of them Democratic majority, the messgae is vote for us but stay the hell away from us, you don't belong here, stay in the "inner-city."

Contrast what I have stated above with the predominantly Republican municipalities in NJ and the "white flight" is barely negligible, I cannot account for what has happened outside of the NJ-NY-CT-PA areas, but those four States I know very well and with luxury of details, the difference is humongous and the truth is overwhelmingly indicative of Republicans in these States being more tolerant.

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas, it seems that the anonymous 10:28 was talking about YOU. You seem to be banned just about everywhere. How much are you paid for being a troble maker, are you paid in US $ or CUCs? Seems to me that you owe Manuel big time, time to pay up, in US $ ONLY.

Fantomas said...

Angel I think you are mistaken it did not mention my name . he was talking about john

Te lo digo y repito si manuel hace su homework y es honesto y dice a quien le pertenece el ip address de esa persona que escribe llamado john se dara cuenta que no soy yo

pero como manuel likes to play games because he's got 20 nicks on this blog then he doesnot come out

Si tu no me quieres creer ese es tu problema. My complete work is to seek the end of tyranny in Cuba . My aim is to destroy the revolution at any cost. If that makes me an agent let it be then


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