Thursday, January 1, 2009

50 Years and Counting

I've reproduced below two of the articles which I've written to mark the lustrums of the Cuban Revolution. As I re-typed them after 20 years from the yellowed clippings, I was finishing the sentences from memory although I had not read the articles in as many years. It is not because I have a prodigious memory, because I don't anymore; but because the facts and my responses to them have not changed in decades.

Nothing is more constant and immutable than barbarism if left unopposed. Castroism, of course, has not just been let alone: it has been encouraged, nurtured and flattered since before 1959. The ignoble savages have been transformed into noble savages; the police state into a welfare state; and the victims of Communism into the villains. But even if it had been otherwise and the world had condemned what it still praises, nothing would have changed in Cuba either. To expect the Castro regime to evolve into anything better than itself is like expecting Genghis Khan to turn into Marcus Aurelius.

Fifty years might as well be eternity, and in the life of a man it practically is. Hope springs eternal, too, they say; but, in our case, to no effect, since every year it defrauds us. No prospect, however pernicious to the regime's stability, ever rebounds to our country's favor. Not the fall of the Soviet Union; not Castro's zombie state; not natural or man-made disasters; not the financial collapse of Cuba's Western creditors and enablers. In fact, if we looked at every reason for hope as a reason for despair, we might be more miserable but shall be closer to the truth in every case.

Some believe that Castro made a pact with the devil to secure power. It's as good an explanation as any for something so unnatural and perverse as the Castro regime. Yet such a compact hardly seems necessary since God has made his sympathies amply known over the last 50 years by allowing every human wrong to be inflicted on our people without mercy or surcease. I have remarked before that I believe Cubans to be God's new "Chosen People," chosen for the same reason that the Jews were — to prove how faith can transcend reality, and the suffering of yesterday and today be transformed into the hope of tomorrow. Perhaps, like the Jews, we may also have to wait 2000 years for our national redemption. I am certainly more sure that it will come in 2000 years than in 10, 20 or 30 more, but even if it came that "soon," it will find most of us in the grave.

Once a year, at least, we should stare at the truth even if it blinds us for the rest of the year.

Is everything lost?

Everything was lost a long time ago.

The fact that confronts us today is that it may never be recovered.


Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, perhaps you have not yet read Vana's comment, which she delivered for KC. Would you have believed in 1985 that most of the Warsaw Pact nations would be freed of communism by 1990? Do not give up hope, do not despair, fifo was nowhere to be found today and you know very well that Raul is no fifo, the Bolivarrrrrrriano whack job is broke and apparently his days in power are numbered, the FARC are practically finished, Correa's nation has defaulted, Ortega is barely holding on and Evo is almost irrelevant, there are countless Yoani's in Cuba who need our positive support, look up brother, it is always darkest before the dawn, remember to keep on lighting up the darkness.

Happy 2009 to you and yours Manuel, as well as, to all the commentators and readers of RCAB and their families.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Manuel!! I remember what KC and CB used to say, how Kasstro made a pact with the devil for fifty years in power. Well, the time has finally come! Also, I haven´t been in contact with them like Vana but remember one of their older posts saying how they were prepping for what would happen next. I sincerely believe this year is the year man! ¡Cuba Libre! ¡Feliz 2009 a todos!

Anonymous said...

Party in Santiago

Anonymous said...

God Bless you Manuel and all the victims of this fraud that was imposed on us 50 years ago. God Bless the Cuban People. God Bless all those who believe in Liberty. Happy New Year! Que Dios te Bendiga and don't close this blog.

Fantomas said...

Cubans Not Allowed
The Miami Herald reports here that authorities in Santiago de Cuba banned locals from attending a 50th anniversary of the revolution "celebration" scheduled for today.

Some sad but telling quotes from locals worth reading (emphasis mine).
Posted by Robert M at 08:06 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

Robert, the reason for the lack of " regular people in the festivities is only due to security concerns

They want to protect their leaders at any cost

There are balconies near the cathedral. I'm sure they were afraid of snipers

El Parque Cespesdes is a very small area, the square is not as big as it appears in fotos or film

I lived less than 50 feet from where Raul spoke today

Vana said...


Your post has sent me to the depths of despair, I need to come to terms with that statement you made, that all was lost a long time ago, I have waited far too long, I have not been back to my beloved island since the day I left it 46 years go, I guess I have to make plans to go regardless of the political situation, for I have to see it at least one more time before I die, otherwise I shall not rest in peace.

Fantomas said...

for I have to see it at least one more time before I die, otherwise I shall not rest in peace.

Vana si vas la encontraras en ruina
Ruina moral, la ruina del alma, te hara mucho daño

Te aconsejo te quedes con el recuerdo de lo que fue . No trates de forzar el issue

Fantomas said...

Volviendo al tema anterior de porque los santiagueros no pudieron estar en el Parque Cespedes

Es de suma importancia dejar claro que esa area estuvo por unas horas off limits para el pueblo cubano debido a la gran cantidad de funcionarios politicos en el Ayuntamiento

La Seguridad del Estado Cubano es paranoica cada vez que tienen que realizar actos al aire libre

Como vecino del Parque Cespedes puedo asegurar que 1 semana antes de un evento como este todos los edificios aledaños eran " tomados" por la seguridad , inclusive en las azoteas habian hombres on plainclothes y todos los vecinos , entrevistados , documentados y advertidos que no podian asomarse a las ventanas durante el speech

Fantomas said...

Garzon tu abandonastes Santiago en el 72. Tu no sabes de estas cosas

digo, por si acaso

Fantomas said...

El area del Parque Cespedes hasta la catedral es muy pequeña, es decir no es como la Plaza de la revolucion donde cabe 1 millon de personas

Por esta y otras razones de seguridad es que no hubo multitud de cubanos " regulares" en el acto

Cosas de dictaduras

Anonymous said...

Parque Cespedes de noche

Anonymous said...

Después que en la restringida conmemoración del cincuenta aniversario del triunfo de la "roboilusión", no hiciera su aparición, "el enfermo nacional" o "el fantasma escribidor" como se califica ahora al ente--que no se sabe si está vivo o muerto--¿habrá todavía algún idiota en el mundo, que siga sosteniendo el mito de que Fidel Castro está "muy bien de salud, en pleno uso de sus facultades mentales y con las riendas del poder en sus manos"?

¡Por Dios! si el hombre estuviera medianamente cuerdo y se pudiera sostener aunque fuera 10 minutos en pie, lo hubieran presentado hoy, aunque sólo hubiera sido en una breve alocución de tres minutos.

Después de hoy, quien siga agitando el fantasma del difunto o en el mejor de los casos, vivo, pero enajenado "enfermo nacional", para justificar la inmovilidad de la gerontrocracia que oprime a Cuba, sólo puede ser catalogado de idiota o lo que es peor, de agente de la tiranía.

Llama también poderosamente la atención, que a pesar de la enorme importancia que para la jerarquía opresora reviste este aniversario de medio siglo de poder, no se atrevieron a convocar a una de sus montruosas concentraciones, sino que lo limitaron a una fiesta, que se podía calificar casi de privada, pues sólo se permitió la presencia de unos bien escogidos 3,000 santiagueros, en representación de todos los cubanos, que se reunieron frente al antiguo Ayuntamiento de Santiago, para recordar la entrada triunfal del Ejército Rebelde. ¿A que le temen?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Visiting Cuba today would be like making a trip to the catacombs and finding them inhabited by living men. It helps to have tunnel vision, or to go on an official tour, which is the same thing: the cathedral, a handful of restored buildings and the beach, shielded as much as possible from human contact and looking not straight ahead but up at the Cuban sky, disregarding as much as possible what lies beneath it. Perhaps then one could emotionally survive the experience, that is, if one can keep truth at bay.

I don't recommend such a trip for you, my friend, because I know that you would not be able to isolate yourself from the suffering of our people, and your exposure to it at first-hand would be the spiritual equivalent of losing your mother ten times.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I wish it were possible to squeeze one last ounce of hope from the last 50 years; but when even the dead will not die, what remains there for us to hope for?

External factors impacting on Cuba? These in the past have always benefited Castro or left him untouched.

The solution coming from Cuba itself? That hope is the most futile of all. An unarmed people cannot effect its own liberation: they can only create martyrs and we have never had any shortage of those.

Anonymous said...

20° 1'18.62"N - 75°49'46.07"W

Really, you lived there? I don't see a single house, Fanto. What I do see is a bunch of government owned buildings. 50 feet my ass!

Sharpshooter said...

I have to agree with Angel this time. We may be nearer to freedom than we think. Fifo is on his last legs and I think without him Raul cannot hold on to power forever. Castro II himself is 77 years old and has even though he may look healthy outside, he has strongly abused alcohol during his lifetime and this fact alone might take its toll on him sooner than we think.
And then what, who will carry on? I am not scholar of the Revolution, but I do not see anyone with eneough so called charisma or appeal in the horizon who could hold the regime together like those two. I do not share your pessimism in this instance because I think once Fidel is dead and out of the picture, the begining of the end is very near.
Happy New Year 2009.

Fantomas said...

Fantomas, don't be such an idiot. Nobody lives or ever lived less than 50 feet of that location. There's not a single house or have ever been a single house in that location, it has always been a civic square surrounded by "official" buildings


Fantomas said...

20° 1'18.62"N - 75°49'46.07"W

Really, you lived there? I don't see a single house, Fanto. What I do see is a bunch of government owned buildings. 50 feet my ass!

Iluso, what a shame..You were not there, remember

Anonymous said...

En el blog de Fantomas aparece la noticia

Ha muerto Fidel

Sharpshooter said...

from an article about Yoani Sanchez here is a quote from her:

"Our society is like one of those rotten old buildings in Old Havana," she says. "At some point, someone will pull out a nail, at the whole thing will come tumbling down."

She is in Cuba and seems to be in touch with the pulse of the people there. Maybe there is something of truth in her words.

Vana said...


I'm very much aware that traveling to Cuba today would be like mourning her in a cemetery, for that is what our island has become, I would of course not go on a pleasure trip, but to cry my heart out, maybe, just maybe I would be healed of this terrible need to see her, smell her, touch her one last time.

I believe your wait has been as long as mine, maybe longer, the longing sometimes is unbearable for me, I try to find a little bit of hope in the things I read, hoping the end comes before I die, but I see I'm only making castles in the air, that realization hit me pretty hard yesterday with your hopless post, for you see I consider you a wise man I believe you when you say it was all lost a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas now copies Val Prieto

What did Val prieto said about Fidel

Anonymous said...

Morron estupido not Moron


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Saint

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Mojon aperfumado

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Mojon perfumado

Anonymous said...

Manuel= Capullo mal oliente

Anonymous said...

Angel = Guajiro de monte adentro

Anonymous said...

Garzon= palestino

Anonymous said...


Go to Cuba. You will not regret it.

Anonymous said...


Deja de joder chico.

Anonymous said...

Obama cierra este blog el dia 20

Anonymous said...

Ejercito Israeli entra hoy por la noche a Gaza a pie

Anonymous said...

Acaba de morir mi hijo de 16 años en Las Bahamas

Rezen por mi y mi familia

Anonymous said...


Gracias por todo lo que hiciste por los cubanos en el 2008.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas tiene sus pies sobre la tierra. Dice la verdad y lucha incansablemente por denunciar a los opresores. Fantomas es un verdadero luchador anticastrista Debemos aprender a quererlo, a amarlo a ayudarlo en todo lo que podamos en este año 2009

Anonymous said...

anon 5:47 PM:


Anonymous said...

Con Fantomas y con Obama
no hay que buscar mas nada
ellos actuaran con precision
para acabar con la revolucion

Anonymous said...

Fantomas deja la jodedera

Como quiera te queremos

Anonymous said...

Este blog mulio

Aqui no entral ni las mocas

Anonymous said...

Ni la mocas

Ni la moscas

Anonymous said...

Mulio antes de tiempo

Anonymous said...

Yo, Miamians, how can thousands of shoes land on the Palmetto Expressway and nobody sees what happens and nobody claims them?

The shoes were found on the expressway today, jamming up traffic. A front-end loader had to clean them up and the police are looking for a charity to take them. They don't know where they came from and there were no signs of a crash.

Gee, here in PA we just have live chickens all over the road.

Posted by Claudia4Libertad at 11:46 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

Claudia la aguila no se explica lo de los zapatos. Como se explicara tambien los miles de cocos y gallinas muertas en la entrada de su jefe

Anonymous said...

Claudia la aguila= She is hot

Anonymous said...

The shoes came from the King Mango Strut parade. They were thrown at "Bush".

CJB-BCJ said...

Caballero, nos ausentámos de aqui por casi una semana y esto se convierte en un solar descontrolado, con razón Cuba está jodía por medio siglo, parece que será necesario esplotár seis bombas neutronicas en la isla, una por provincia, para limpiár esa jodienda.

Anonymous said...

Deja de joder Fantomas.

JMP said...

Seems like babalu has become irrelevant, again - at least in the scope of providing fodder for RoCAB... Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. If you are, and you want to continue to do so, I recommend NOT turning on the BBC so as to avoid listening to some of the most nauseating Cuba-related "journalism" to ever be perpetrated on the minds of rational human beings. The fact that the BBC is even "investigating/debating/inquiring as to whether or not" 50 years of "Revolution" has been good for the Cuban people is enough to make one puke. Abajo Fidel!

Anonymous said...


A bomb should drop in your head

Anonymous said...

joep said...
Seems like babalu has become irrelevant, again

Cada minuto que pasa Babalu es mas irrevelevante y menos influyente
People are waking up to the bubulu farse
Con Obama no tendran quorum

Anonymous said...

Fantomas Anonimo y no anonimo:

La muerte te busca, death come calling babylon. tic ... tac ... tic ... tac
tu comemierderia y estupides llega a su final, al igual que tu, al lunes no lo verás.

Anonymous said...

La muerte te busca, death come calling babylon. tic ... tac ... tic ... tac
tu comemierderia y estupides llega a su final, al igual que tu, al lunes no lo verás.

Fantomas era cualquiera y simultáneamente era nadie; estaba por todas partes y en ningún lugar. Iba por la vida emprendiendo una guerra implacable contra la dictadura castrista que lo engendrara, y de la cual no podía escapar al no poder renegar la debacle del sistema

Anonymous said...

Él era, finalmente, el Máximo Maestro en manipular el principio maquiavelista “¡haz lo que yo digo, y no lo que yo hago!”

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Dead Faggot Walking

Fantomas = Dead DGI Agent

Fantomas = Guajiro Palestino

Fantomas = Fidelista sin Fidel

Fantomas = Hijo de Comunista

Fantomas = Comunista Oculto

Fantomas = Traidór a Cuba

Fantomas = Te queda Poco Cherna

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Deja de joder Fantomas.

Vana said...


Did you get my email? if not I'll resend

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya Jay te metió el bate Fantomas?

Que sucio y puerco tu eres mariconsón, mamandole la cabilla al Jay, si te viera tu viejo te mata, el video y las fotos que hemos obtenido dan asco, hasle un favor a Cuba y a nosotros los hombres, suicidate mariconsón.

Uh, Ah, Fantomas a suicidár.
Uh, Ah, o te ván a ajusticiár.

CJB-BCJ said...

Anon 2:00 AM, we are also keeping tabs on the traitor to Cuba known as Fantomas, we can confirm that what has been stated by you is true, besides from working for his DGI superior Jay, Fantomas also works on Jay, usually on his knees, it is the most disgussting part of keeping tabs on these two communist infiltrators.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Saint

CJB-BCJ said...

The objective of exposing Fantomas' true identity and his goals as an instrument of Castro's DGI has been taken a step further, for some time Fantomas has been able to deceive the uninformed and the gullible in the Cuban themed blogosphere, one of the last remnants of his work has been Tomas Estrada Palma and his Sundays Blog Talk Radio program cohost Don Dominguez, both of whom have been played by Fantomas because of their lack of knowledge of and about Cubans, their innocent gullibility has been easy target for Fantomas DGI mission of disruption of the Cuban and Cuban-American bloggers; a message to Mr. Estrada Palma was left this morning in the form of a comment at his blog, wherein some of the information that has been acquired about Fantomas' true identity and goals were exposed, this is stated here at RCAB for the record.

Anonymous said...

Con Fantomas y con Obama
No hay que buscar mas nada
Actuaran con precision
para acabar con la revolucion

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you CJBs, I also have the spy Fantomas in my sights, his jueguito and his goals come to end in this year 2009, the Castro DGI game with their Jay and Fantomas is over, they will be recalled to Cuba soon, if we let them evade justice.

Anonymous said...

7pm -10 pm EST tonite

Jay Martinez en Magazine cubano con un programa de lujo hoy

click to listen

CJB-BCJ said...

The sound of silence can be heard from Fantomas and his gullible victims. Not a peep, not even a single word. Fantomas and Jay have been exposed.

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

7pm-1O pm EST 3 horas en vivo

call in to show 787 758-7230

Anonymous said...

breaking news

SANTIAGO DE CUBA: Cubans will be permitted to build their own homes and do so using private funds, President Raul Castro announced on Sunday, in the latest reforms to back off the hardline communism of the past five decades.

Home construction in Cuba primarily has been left to the government, but demand has outstripped supply and a dire lack of housing has greatly frustrated the island's 11 million inhabitants.

Raul Castro, 77, who took over the reins of power from his older brother Fidel Castro last February, said the policy change would allow the quick construction of hundreds of thousands of new dwellings.

Cubans will be given clear guidelines about the dimensions of a proposed new dwelling, Castro explained on a local television program.

They will be told "OK, here you can build. I've given you this amount of space, that amount of room for a street, and that amount for a sidewalk. Now build your little home with whatever you can," the former defense minister said.

His remarks were made as he visited the newly built "La Risuena" neighborhood, a settlement of Venezuela-built homes erected with the help of oil money that has lessened, but not erased, the housing deficit.

The announcement comes just days after Cuba's celebration of the 50-year anniversary of its 1959 Revolution. Former leader Fidel Castro was a no-show at the celebrations.

Havana has succeeded in building only about half its annual goal of 100,000 new homes per year, and the dearth of dwellings worsened last year after Cuba was struck in succession by three hurricanes that leveled around a half million homes.

Over the past year, reforms initiated by the younger Castro brother have included putting vacant farmland in private hands, increasing farmers' pay, and allowing private contractors such as taxi drivers back into Cuba's transport sector.

Raul Castro also has allowed Cubans to buy computers, own mobile telephones, rent cars and spend nights in hotels previously accessible only to foreigners -- provided they can afford such luxuries on the meager average pay, equivalent to about 17 dollars per month.

CJB-BCJ said...

The 2 anon comments that precede this one are duplicates of the 2 comments that Fantomas submmited and later deleted, playing games.

Fantomas is at the Companionis BTR program right now, logged in as two personalities. We have you pegued spy.

Anonymous said...

I see Fantomas name on the chat board at comapnioni . He is even commenting

CJB-BCJ said...

The Companioni and O'Donnel cousins have not yet realized that Fantomas is a DGI agent, we will notify them also of our findings, Fantomas' game ends this year, this month. Se acabó el jueguito Javier Fantomas.

Fantomas said...

Fantomas said...

los espero voy en camino para la estacion

CJB-BCJ said...

Javier del Caney you speak like a portorro, your chulo papi Jay is a tremendo comemierda, the Dominican ate him alive and kicked his ass big time, you pretenders Fidelistas sin Fidel are full of it, no wonder you can't get any commercial sponsors for your program, it's the same shit every Sunday, nothing new or good under your pretender sun, that's your goal DGI operatives, we have you surrounded and won't let you get away with this deception any more, you are done.

Fantomas said...

El dominicano lucio mal. No sponsorship is allowed on sundays
According to Arbriton Magazine Cubano is #1 in the latest poll

Anonymous said...

The message is the most important thing. Thanks to Fantomas and Jay M the dictatorship trembles. The airwawes have been taken by the enemies of the revolution every sunday night

Anonymous said...

Escuche tu programa de radio Fanto-- for the first time -- not bad -- a lot better than blablablu

Anonymous said...


sal del al cueva pue -- y deja de habla sandeses -- mojor de culo barato... idiota ... cumerculico ... cagalitrosious

me meo de la risa.........


Anonymous said...

Escuche tu programa de radio Fanto-- for the first time -- not bad -- a lot better than blablablu

Jay Martinez is the star of the show. What a voice

Anonymous said...

A Jay M lo vamos a poner en la varita y nos lo vamos a comer con mangu

Anonymous said...

"Jay Martinez is the star of the show. What a voice"

Jay tiene un asento cubano del carajo... Fanto tu asento a ma neutral .... tu e ma elocuente.. no eres de monte adento como dicen po aque

y deja de usa mi nombresti coñoo

Anonymous said...

Fantomas great show man, thank you

Anonymous said...

Fanto tu asento a ma neutral

La cabilla de fanto la tiene en neutro no dejen que se pare

Anonymous said...

but Fanto po favo --- Learn how to pronounce "Lost City"

y dile a Jay que se dice Ciudad PeRdida .. instead of Ciuda Peldia...


Anonymous said...


Que hicite tu pol Cuba y lo cubanos en el 2008...

mariconson de kiosko de wachipupa.

Anonymous said...

Cojone me acaba de explotar un petardo israeli en mi culo


Anonymous said...

Manuel pon orden en la casa , Fantomas no se tomo el prozac hoy

Anonymous said...

Great show tonight Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Maricón

Jay = Bugarrón Comemierda

Anonymous said...

Esas son horas de zingár la jeva y asegurarse que te mamen la palanca

Dicen que a Fantomas le sobra palanca, se buscan dominicanas disponibles para satifascerlo

Anonymous said...

Se acabo el relajo

See you mañana

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Fantomas in our side

Anonymous said...

Esto está muerto, por aqui ni las moscas pasan ya, caballero cierre esto que da pena, está peór que Babalublog y Abajofidelcastro, me voy a la barra go-go a que unas jevas me den un lap dance y se impinen de mi biberón.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fidel Castro ha muerto ...... de acuerdo a Fantomas, asi reporta este maricón en su sitio. Aparentemente Mansuelo también levantó el tacón, porque de hace dias no aparece por aqui.

Anonymous said...

Yo siempre leo el blog de fantomas
Muy informativo e interesante
Y ahora cuando Manuel cierre debemos todos mudarnos alli

Anonymous said...

Aparentemente Mansuelo también levantó el tacón, porque de hace dias no aparece por aqui

Manuel taconea?

Anonymous said...

Diagnostico de este sitio:

Fallecido por falta de atención de su dueño. Velorio procederá esta noche. E.P.D.

Anonymous said...

ofrendas florales a nombre de


Anonymous said...

debi decir


Vana said...


I know you are a man of your word, but please reconsider don't close this blog, I have become so accustomed to reading you, is like home in the blogsphere, besides if you close where will all the missfits that have a voice here go!

Hope you are feeling well my friend.

Anonymous said...

Vana, Manuel no cerrara este blog
Pronto vendra un comunicado especial de nuestro jefe Fantomas el cual le dictara las pautas a Manuel de continuar con el blog abierto

Anonymous said...

Since the CJBs gave some of the information about Fantomas to Estrada Palma, Fantomas has beendesperately trying to play buddy-buddy with Estrada Palma and with Don Royceroy Dominguez, in fact Fantomas is at Don's Blog Talk Radio program right now, trying to kiss up to Don before his DGI secrets affect their relationship.

Fantomas, te tenemos rodeao.

Anonymous said...

live wire

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, te tenemos rodeao.

A fantomas no lo puede rodear nadie because

Fantomas era cualquiera y simultáneamente era nadie; estaba por todas partes y en ningún lugar. Iba por la vida emprendiendo una guerra implacable contra la dictadura castrista que lo engendrara,

Anonymous said...

te tenemos F

Anonymous said...

We got you jersey boy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantomas you are un tremendo HP
God bless
Keep the good work

Anonymous said...

Fantomas said...

We got you jersey boy

We of the CJB-BCJ Long Island, NY chapter, doubt what you claim about our NJ/NY chapter, we monitor each other for flaws and errors before entering any site, our equipment here on Long Island never detected our NJ/NY compatriot's presence at BTR's WUTZ, we detected you and your comments, what happened to the chatroom pendejo, DGI MoFo? Any problems with it, boy?

Te tenemos cuadrao y rodeao, Castro spy scum.

Anonymous said...

Advertencia #1

No provoquen al Fanto man

Anonymous said...

Buenas afternoon. Acabo de llegar del trabajo.

Como eta la cosa po aqui ??

Anonymous said...

Aqui con la jodedera de siempre y Fantomas cada dia mas fuerte

Anonymous said...

Jan 20

tic, tac, tic , tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tic

Anonymous said...

Señor administradór de este blog, parece que se le ha olvidado su responsabilidád de mantenér en orden este lugar, ¿Donde está usted señor administradór?

Anonymous said...

¿Donde están Manuel, Vana, Angel, Agustin, Calabaza, Charlie, Humberto, CJB, Brigadista, John, MAT, Joep, Fulano, Mengano, Perensejo, Menocál y sus cojones?

Anonymous said...

De que hablas si todos son una sola persona. Si el no esta " ellos" tampoco

Anonymous said...

Manuel esta haciendo una prueba con nosotros. Fantomas le habia indicado que el dia 20 en su ultimo post para cerrar que dejara la seccion de comentarios abierta
Me imagino que si Manuel hace esto llegara a un millon de comentarios porque fantomas ya pronto anunciara que este blog NO SE CIERRA BAJO NINGUN CONCEPTO

Anonymous said...

CJB-BCJ= coward

Anonymous said...

Ya tenemos la reservacion hecha para el 20 de Enero

Anonymous said...

21-17 4th ,looks good so far

Anonymous said...

El que rie ultimo, rie mejór.

Fantomas = Maricón

Jay Martinez = Bugarrón

FUCK both of you homosexual motherfuckers.

Anonymous said...

Manuel , would you consider Fantomas to continue writting on your blog after the 2oth to keep it going

All, you need to do is authorize him as an author to your blog

He will be able to post from PR easily

Please consider it

Anonymous said...

Fantomas is and will always be the life and center of attention of this fine blog

Gustele a quien sea

Anonymous said...


Excelente idea Fantomas , tu mejor que nadie podras continuar la labor de este Madhouse, nombre honorifico given by Mansuelo nuestro fundador

Pero yo me conformo con que todos continuemos visitando este blog despues del 20

Yo se que Fantomas estara aqui para siempre porque todos llevamos a Fantomas en nuestros corazones
There is a fantomas inside all of us

Anonymous said...

nobody wants you here.

1/05/2009 11:44 PM

Oh no sir, you are mistaken , Fantomas is well loved in this blog , as a matter of fact without him this place would have dissapeared a long time ago

People just come here to greet the fanto man . A real modern day hero
Luchador incansable por la libertad de Cuba

Fantomas fue, es y siempre sera el enemigo #1 de la revolucion cubana

Anonymous said...

Fantomas fue, es y siempre sera el enemigo #1 de la revolucion cubana

those who claim otherwise do not know the mask man

Anonymous said...

Fantomas should stick to the whack jobs that consider him a friend of our cause against communism, like Estrada Palma and the retard Don Dominguez.

Fantomas claims he will be at Nostalgia 2009. He has many friends in south flo . Believe me he will not get there alone. Be ready to face him

Anonymous said...

Did you listen to Jay's show last night?

Anonymous said...

Excellent programming

Anonymous said...

Companioni was also on yesterday BTR

Anonymous said...

listen the more shows we have to denounce the castro regime the better, be happy bro

How bout bubalu radio, when is it on

Anonymous said...

Oye chico ese dominicano estaba tostao , jay lo cogio muy personal
eso es verdad, fue un tu a tu interesante, solariego

Anonymous said...

Fantomas eres un tremendo H P

Anonymous said...

no tu tranquilo lo tuyo es cuchipluma na ma , fijate que nite atreves a poner tu nombre , no puedo cogerte en serio

Anonymous said...

no hay babilla, asi es un mamey como un cobarde anonimo. te aseguro que si te tengo de frente echas a correr

Anonymous said...

Ni te aparezcas por Nostalgia que no regresas a PR, maricón.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas TKO

Fantomas said...

Bueno , bueno, bueno

Me alejo por unas horas y rayos me encuentro por aqui. Ya veo que usan mi nombre por doquier, blogeros envidiosos, enemigos, comemierdas en general

Pero aqui estoy dando la cara como siempre

Who is online now, Manuel are you

Fantomas said...

Ni te aparezcas por Nostalgia que no regresas a PR, maricón.

Is this a threat? a warning or a red carpet welcome

You all well damn now that I will be there, what is the fuzz

Fantomas said...

Do you live in Miami?

Fantomas said...

Save your words for Nostalgia
Me lo dices personalmente alli

Anonymous said...

Fantomas Nostalgia will held May 15, 16, 17 this year 2009
Make sure call Spirit air now $ 69.00 deals to PR

Fantomas said...


Fantomas said...

bueno it is 1.24 am here locally , time to go to bed , mañana es un dia de mucho trabajo

buenas noches a todos amigos y foes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Cobarde

Anonymous said...

Fantomas = Cobarde

Anonymous said...

Dicen por ahi que el 2009 es el año de Fantomas y Obama

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tomas Palma sidekick in action

Anonymous said...

The discourse at Babalublog is both more civil and sane. I'm out of here.

Anonymous said...

Nice Video Fantomas

Vana said...


I hope you are alright, I'm worried about you, I know you wanted to reach 1,000 posts before closing, and yet we have not heard from you, I can only hope you are well my friend.

Anonymous said...


Manuel already knew, what i am now just realizing. I just completed my 2nd interview with Obama's transition team. And all i can say is, "God help the republican Cuban-American in America."

My thoughts, and prayers are with the republican Cuban-American. As you will need each and every one of them.

God bless, and good luck!!

Vana said...


Thank you but we are all going to need luck, not just Republicans!

Anonymous said...

Todos aquellos que estén interesados en ver el tipo de esos llamados "cubanos" cuyo cubanismo es lijero y llano, con los cuales será imposible derrotár a la casa real impostóra y no electa de Castro, vayan a estas paginas de You Tube

Acuerdense de leer lo que este señor ha escrito y si tienen tiempo, vean algunos de los vidéos que aparecen en la parte de arriba en el panél a la derecha.

Aqui tienen una nota indicatória de lo que van a oír, José Martí es llamado Jose Marty, como el Marty McFly de la serie cinemática Back to the Future, vayan ayi, lean, escúchen y vean. Este es el co-anfitrión de Estrada Palma en el programa que tienen en Blog Talk Radio los domingos por la noche, llamádo Cuba Exposed, el programa de antes de ayér debería ser tituládo "Tom & Don - A Conversation about Everything Trivial Under the Sun and Nothing About Cuba" en lugar de Cuba Exposed. Como siempre, Fantomas se encuentra como suscritór de este tipo de cubanos y sus programas desastrosos, Fantomas sigue cumpliendo la misión que le ha sido encargada por el DGI y el G2.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas sigue cumpliendo la misión que le ha sido encargada por el DGI y el G2.

Fantomas es el amo de mil fingimientos y el líder de un ejército inmenso de alabadores. Sus espías y secuaces estan por todas partes del mundo , regando las semillas del caos y el terror con la justificación real de la necesidad de un Gran Cambio en Cuba.

Anonymous said...

MIU-21 2:24 pm = Fantomas

So, now you are making fun of Tomas and friends. Pero, como no tienes cojones te escondes detras de MIU-21


No te puedes esconder- pajaro cagalitroso -- te tenemos redeado

lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Saint

Anonymous said...


no hay nadie en casa

Que esta pasando aqui mansuelo

Habla o calla para siempre

Anonymous said...

Sr. Fantomas se lo advierto por primera y ultima vez, favor de no usár mi ID, ese juego no es parte de mi costumbres, tampoco tengo intención de discutír ni fajarme con usted, asi que le pido no pierda mi tiempo ni el suyo tampoco, muchas gracias.

Anonymous said...

y una cosa mas.Te tenemos rodeado Javier

Anonymous said...

MIU-21 2:24 pm = Fantomas

So, now you are making fun of Tomas and friends. Pero, como no tienes cojones te escondes detras de MIU-21


No te puedes esconder- pajaro cagalitroso -- te tenemos redeado

lol lol lol

Miu-21= Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Ya no se a quien creerle , quien es MIU y quien es Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Fantomas= Manuel


George= Charlie

Vana= Fantomas

Fantomas= Fariñas

Garzon= MIU-21

Anonymous said...

Hey Manuel-When was the last time you "reviewed" a Cuban American Blog??? Eh? Yuk, yuk, yuk.

Anonymous said...

He last reviewed Fantomas blog That was in 2008. He is due again

Anonymous said...

Babalu is American _ Cuban

Vana said...

Vana=Fantomas, HELL NO!!! please don't pair me off with condom head, OK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vana , you seem to comment here daily. Don't you have a life in Cali , dear

Anonymous said...

Vana = Angel

Anonymous said...

Vana = Manuel

Anonymous said...

Vana ÷ Fantomas = Amor y más

Anonymous said...

En español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos.

CJB-BCJ said...

Well, well, so Fantomas is up to her old tricks again, listen here travesti wanna be, better get your affairs in order, your time is almost up, either that or flee back to Cuba for your life, good luck explaining your failures to your communist bosses.

Fantomas said...

Para Garzon....

Pero la retórica no huele a ajo, aunque se pinta para hacer el ajo. No me explico cómo todavía esta gente se atreve a decir que la revolución es para los humildes; la revolución la hicieron los humildes y también los no tan pobres para que al final se sentara en la poltrona del Poder una nueva clase", dijo a un intelectual santiaguero de 67 años, que fue colaborador de Frank País, señalando con un dedo acusador hacia las sillas donde, minutos antes, estuvo sentado el selecto auditorio del general.

"Dígame, ¿Batista o Tabernilla no lo hubieran hecho igual?". En el borde delantero del Parque Céspedes, junto a la tribuna donde habló el gobernante, un "grupo de apoyo" retiraba sillas acolchadas, quitándoles, antes de plegarlas, las fundas inmaculadamente blancas donde acomodaron sus espaldas los invitados especiales, que ya abordaban ómnibus de turismo y automóviles flamantes, obscenos en la pobreza de las calles de Santiago.

A las 08:15 de la noche, estaba el canciller venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, rodando con su comitiva en un automóvil azul, acercándose a la Plaza de Marte, poco después de afirmar en el Parque Céspedes que el socialismo del siglo XXI, que se pretende construir en varios países latinoamericanos, se nutre de la revolución cubana, cuando el veterano luchador, apegado a su intuición de conspirador, tomó al corresponsal por un brazo. Mientras, en una esquina del Hotel Casagranda, en la calle Heredia, próximo al centro de prensa, un grupo de periodistas extranjeros hacían su cosecha: entrevistaba a un octogenario pequeño, frágil, de traje y corbata, con dos medallas en el pecho, tocado con un sombrero de fieltro, diminuto como su dueño. Posaba el anciano para los fotógrafos cuando le escuchamos decir: "Sí, combatí con Raúl en el II Frente Frank País".

"Frank… Si Frank y Josue País hubieran sobrevivido hoy, Santiago de Cuba sí estaría de fiesta", dijo intelectual santiaguero, que pidió permanecer en el anonimato.

¿Y acaso no lo está?

"Compruébelo usted mismo", sugirió y advirtió antes de despedirse: "Pero cuídese, como a nuestro amigo Francisco también conocí en el Colegio Dolores a La Pulga y a Papito Serguera, y si a usted lo cogen con una pluma y un bloc de notas, haciendo un reportaje de la otra cara de esta moneda, es como si en 1958 la policía de Batista hubiera cogido a uno de nosotros, los de Acción y Sabotaje, con una bomba de dinamita".

En Santiago de Cuba se celebraron sin entusiasmo los 50 años del fin de una dictadura, como una escena de teatro en la que es necesario mostrar alegría, pero los actores no han aprendido a reír con espontaneidad.

Los santiagueros que pasados por un tamiz participaron en la celebración del 50 aniversario de la caída de Fulgencio Batista, retornaron del Parque Céspedes como si lo hicieran de un velorio, conversando entre ellos, o en silencio, con flores y, a guisa de Biblias, con los folletos que les obsequiaron.

Concluida la conmemoración frente al antiguo Ayuntamiento, llamaba la atención que eran los extranjeros, y no los cubanos, los que se mostraban más entusiasmados en el Parque Céspedes, con sus MP4, sus ordenadores portátiles, sus teléfonos móviles de última generación, y sus cámaras digitales para fotografiarse frente a las imágenes del Fidel Castro guerrillero.

En Dolores, en la Plaza de Marte, otro tipo de turistas celebraba la primera noche del año 2009 en Santiago de Cuba, sentados en los bancos, con sus "novias" cubanas.

En Garzón y Cañedo, a sólo unas cuadras de la tribuna donde el general habló de una revolución de los humildes y para los humildes, el mercado agropecuario estatal celebraba la fecha con las cestas vacías.

Desde Enramada, y pasando junto al Cuartel Moncada, el Palacio de Justicia y el Hospital Civil, los tres objetivos que pretendía tomar Fidel Castro el 26 de julio de 1953, y hasta la Plaza Antonio Maceo, junto a la Terminal de Ómnibus Interprovinciales, era imposible hacerse con un tentempié; ni una pizza, ni un refresco, ni un poco de agua en moneda nacional.

Un pasajero que viajaba en un autobús local el día del acto se refirió a la apatía generalizada por la celebración de la fecha en Santiago de Cuba.

"El ómnibus venía repleto, y por el equipo de audio estaban amplificando música romántica, de la década prodigiosa, Julio Iglesias y todo eso, pero nadie pidió que pusieran tal o cuál discurso porque a esa hora fulano o mengano estaba hablando. Llegamos a Santiago al filo de las ocho, pero tampoco nadie mencionó que allí se hubiera estado celebrando nada importante, sino todo lo contrario, al partir de Puerto Padre alguien dijo: 'lleven comida, porque en Santiago hay poco que comer'".

Raúl Castro dijo este primero de enero que "corresponde a la dirección histórica de la revolución preparar a las nuevas generaciones para asumir la responsabilidad de continuar adelante con el proceso revolucionario", y recordó a los dirigentes del mañana la exigencia de no apartarse de los obreros, campesinos y el resto del pueblo.

Pero al recorrer las calles de Santiago, poco después de escuchar las palabras del general; al visitar pasada la medianoche el cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Provincial Saturnino Lora, donde desde los médicos hasta los enfermos no cuentan con más agua para beber que la del grifo de un lavamanos; al recorrer con la vista las miles de hectáreas de arrozales en la llanura de Bayamo, transformadas en terrenos baldíos; al apreciar la incongruencia entre la cantidad y la calidad de los tractores en el campo cubano con respecto a los automóviles de los dirigentes en las ciudades; es que puede comprenderse cuán apartada se encuentra la clase dirigente de los obreros y campesinos, y cuánto hay de retórica no en uno, sino en todos los discursos de los dirigentes.

Anonymous said...

At least we know Berger wears oversized pants.

Posted by Universal Spectator at January 7, 2009 10:00 AM

Vana said...


I'm worried we have not heard from you in a long time, I can only hope you are well, please leave us a few words to at least set me at ease.

Anonymous said...

Estoy fallecido de hace rato, no me jodan más, coño. Habran sus propios blogs o sitios y dejenme descanzar con tranquilidad.

Anonymous said...

Coño Vana , deja de joder , por favor , ni en ultratumba usted me deja descansar

Anonymous said...

Deja la jodedera ya

Anonymous said...

Oye burra palestina, Javier del Caney, Enriqueta Rubia, Fantosma Travesti, que bruta tu eres guajira, lee y trata de aprendér:

CARABELA - Nave nautica del siglo XV y XVI fabricáda y usada por los reinos de la peninsula Iberica, conocídos hoy en dia como España.

CALAVERA - El esqueleto humano.

Aprende, BURRA Y CHERNA PALESTINA. Bochorno a la patria cubana.

Anonymous said...

Vana: Thank you but we are all going to need luck, not just Republicans!

1/06/2009 2:23 PM

Nah, Obama is about to pour billions of stimulus money into Democratic hands throughout America. He is creating 600,000 new federal gov jobs, exclusively for Democrats. As was told to me in my 2nd interview. Washington D.C. will be made up of entirely of Obama brown shirts. All the way down to the bartender who pours drinks for you at any D.C. bar.

I am not getting the coveted position that i had desired. But by this time next month, i will be living in Virgina, and working from D.C. Which is much better then my position in life under Bush.

Anonymous said...

El profesor= Manuel

Anonymous said...

El profesore de Fantosmas= M A T

Anonymous said...

thanks .. share with this great information ,,

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