"One of the things I mentioned to President Bush and my blogging colleagues at last week's meeting was that, while I and the gentlemen and woman sitting at that meeting come from countries where despotism rules and human rights are systematically violated and where oppression is the order of the day, I, personally, was different. 'Unlike my blogging colleagues here, Mr. President,' I said, 'I was fortunate enough to have lived, and been raised in freedom.' My father, just a year or two younger than I am now brought this crying baby boy, his sobbing sister and their worried and terrified mother to ths country so that we would know true liberty. Not an easy thing, for a man with a family, midway through his life to uproot that family and leave the only country and people he'd ever known, and take that family to a country where everything is different. The mores, the culture, the language. To settle in a new country without any friends or family, with nothing but the proverbial shirts on their backs. I dont think I would have the strength, determination or perseverance to do the same." -- Val Prieto, "Freedom House," Babalú, December 17, 2008
The words in the title are from Yankee Doodle Dandy (1941), the amiable biopic of legendary Broadway showman and composer George Cohan, portrayed flawlessly by fellow Irishman James Cagney. In the movie Cohan is invited to the White House to receive a Gold Medal voted by Congress in recognition of his wartime services, which included composing the most popular song of World War I, "Over There."
Cohan relates his life's story from birth to a delighted Franklin Roosevelt, who has been a fan of Cohan's all his life. He concludes his narration 2 hours later with the words with which he used to close his act for 50 years: "My father thanks you, my mother thanks you, and I thank you."
Well, Val has remade the classic picture with himself as Cohan and Bush as FDR (a big stretch for them both). Val is under the delusion that he was summoned to the White House to receive the thanks of a grateful nation and entertain a weary president with the particulars of his storied career. He considers his family's struggle to succeed in this country as more important than the Cuban people's struggle to be free in their own country.
In fact, for Val, "Cuba" is his own family's story. No doubt it is a story of merit on many parts as most Cuban family sagas are; but is does not constitute the sum of our history as a people nor can its struggle for assimilation replace the Cuban people's struggle for survival. Martí said all there is to be said in these words: "Para Cuba que sufre, la primera palabra." He didn't say, "Para la familia que triunfa, la primera palabra." Val's trip to the White House was not about vindicating the rights of the Cuban people but consummating his journey as an American.
As we leave Val he's skipping down the stairs of the White House humming "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" (another Cohan composition).
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Val's trip to the White House was not about vindicating the rights of the Cuban people but consummating his journey as an American
Tellechea best line ever
Not an easy thing, for a man with a family, midway through his life to uproot that family and leave the only country and people he'd ever known, and take that family to a country where everything is different. The mores, the culture, the language. To settle in a new country without any friends or family, with nothing but the proverbial shirts on their backs. I dont think I would have the strength, determination or perseverance to do the same."
Mas valor tienen para mi los que se quedaron en Cuba que No pudieron salir por diferentes circuntancias y aun queriendo emigrar tuvieron que chuparse a la fuerza el comunismo
The story of Val's life, or when the elephant (Tellechea) fell on the ant over and over again but couldn't squash it. Like the roaches after a nuclear blast, Val will survive.
Like the roaches after a nuclear blast
All for nothing , the Cuban people will not buy Val's story of his life . There is nothig special there
Mat said: He considers his family's struggle to succeed in this country as more important than the Cuban people's struggle to be free in their own country.
Wow, Manuel is getting in some extremely hard-hits before his depature. Manuel's hard-hitting is generated from a deep sense of despair and love for Cuba. As Manuel has finally begun to look inwardly at his own community, at those who work to create unnecessary suffering on his mother nation. Good for you Manuel. As the scorn of your fellow Cuban brother, should (currently) exceed those of all others. As the Cuban voice, is the last one that should be begging the (gringo) to harm Cuba even more then she has already been harmed.
Bravo Manuel, bravo!!
Also, i seriously doubt that Val said that to Bush. Actually, i know he didnt, he aint smart enough to string together more then a couple of simple grunts.
Val (may) have managed a couple grunts that revolved around a donation so he could make it back to Miami!!
Aplausos para Manuel , aplausos
So the man who claimed he would represent us, actually only represented himself, as we knew vain Val would do, which goes to show he's trully an American-Cuban,
and does not give a hoot about Cuba or his fellow Cubans.
Good post Manuel, hard hitting and funny as hell, I can see fat Val skipping and singing I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy..lol..
What is DGI?
Vana said: Val would do, which goes to show he's trully an American-Cuban,
Please, Val puts on his shoes every morning thinking how he can prove how un-Cuban he is. His hard work at desperately distancing himself from the Cuban community was finally rewarded by one of the greatest Cuban haters in the history of the republican party, George Bush.
Too bad that the George W. Bush tee-shirt given to Val for a job well done, is no longer valued, not only in this nation, but the world!!
Today is not a good day Enriquito, so cut the crap or you might not make it back home from the usual trip to the chow line gordiflón, accidents happen all the time.
Today is not a good day Enriquito, so cut the crap or you might not make it back home from the usual trip to the chow line gordiflón, accidents happen all the time
We need Fantomas. Please do not harm him . He is very valuable to our cause
At the blog that Fantomas is entrusted with running by his superior Jay Martinez, the lack of comments is so pathetic that Enrique now writes new plagiarisms that he calls threads and replaces the older plagiarisms with the new ones in order to have comments within the "posts."
Fantomas would be better off closing down that heap that he calls a blog, he never had enough ideas to run a blog in the first place, which is why he plagiarized everyone else he could, but now even that habit has reached a serious dry spell and it is obvious that he should call it a day and shut down for good, no one will miss it.
no one will miss it.
Fantomas is not advertising it for mass consumption
If you do not like his blog fine
That's your right
he never had enough ideas to run a blog in the first place
3000 posts and many ideas later this blog is still visited. It can only get better. Aqui estare un tiempo mas . Cuando considere que la mision ha sido cumplida lo cerrare y le pasare el password a quien que lo quisiera mantener vivo
Digo esto porque lo mas importante de este blog no son ni los comentarios ni los posts, ni los visitantes even . Es el titulo del blog
There's NOTHING at Fantomas' coma andante of a plagiarism that did not get pulled from some other source and stolen from someone else, so when -- not IF, but WHEN --he shuts down, the sources will still be available, Enrique runs the joint the same way his life is run, taking and leeching off someone else's work, aka Welfare, aka Socialism, aka Communism, aka Fidelismo, aka Castrismo, aka Raulismo, aka DGIlismo, aka Infiltradismo, aka Chivatismo, aka Palestinismo ...... etc...... !!!!!!
There's NOTHING at Fantomas' coma andante of a plagiarism that did not get pulled from some other source and stolen from someone else, so when --
If given proper credit it is not called stolen , it is called sharing , the more outlets for people to knwo about our strugle , the better. Give thanks that my blog has changed the lives of many
Many who were confused. Not any more.
No longer blinded the can see our reality much better
Heck much better than the MSM
Please join me, open one
Digo esto porque lo mas importante de este blog no son ni los comentarios ni los posts, ni los visitantes even . Es el titulo del blog
Please read between the lines. Analize it. Digest it
Con una connotacion Internacional on the web
Toño Bicicleta anda cerca del caserío (proyecto) donde tu resides Fantomas, hemos oido algunas de sus demandas ya que las está haciendo a toda boca, dijo algo de que un cubano que vive del soquetón le robó su bicicleta y que el va a pagár con su vida por ella ...... corre a la Perla, Monacillo o Barrio Hobrero Fantomas, que aunque esos barrios "son Korea, bendito" estarás más seguro alli con tus "panas" brodel.
Como sabes que tengo la Bicicleta de toño? quien te lo dijo
Habla o calla para siempre
Coño Fantomas 9000 pesonas han visto tu profile de rubber head Eso es un record mundial en la blogosfera cubana
Dejame chequear los otros Blogs a ver quien se te acerca
Que profile?
No son 9000 son 258k. No sabes contar?
Fantomas ten mucho cuidado, portate bien. Le voy a dar las quejas a CB.
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Verse I
I'm the kid that's all the candy,
I'm a Yankee Doodle dandy,
I'm glad I am,
So's Uncle Sam.
I'm a real live Yankee Doodle,
Made my name and fame and boodle
Just like Mister Doodle did, by riding on a pony.
I love to listen to the Doodle strain,
I long to see the girl I left behind me;
And that ain't a josh,
She's a Yankee, by gosh,
Oh, say can you see
Anything about a Yankee that's phony?
I'm a Yankee Doodle dandy,
A Yankee Doodle, do or die;
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam's,
Born on the Fourth of July.
I've got aYankee Doodle sweetheart,
She's my Yankee Doodle joy.
Yankee Doodle came to London,
Just to ride the ponies,
I am a Yankee Doodle boy.
Verse 2
Father's name was Hezikiah,
Mother's name was Ann Maria,
Yanks through and through,
Red, White and Blue.
Father was so Yankee-hearted,
When the Spanish war was started
He slipped on his uniform and hopped up on a pony.
My mother's mother was a Yankee true,
My father's father was a Yankee too,
And that's going some,
For the Yankees, by gum,
Oh, say can you see
Anything about my pedigree that's phony?
(Repeat Refrain)
Oh, brother...
raul castro:
You give us our five criminals and we'll release five political prisoners.
Este hijo de puta, igual que el hermano, no tiene abuela.
Posted by Val Prieto at 02:34 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
breaking news......
val miente, val miente, val miente
You give us our five criminals and we'll release five political prisoners
Raul no dijo eso Val, no lo saques de contexto. No te conviene hacerlo
Are you a brother to Val Prieto too
the answer is a rotundo no
Val to Bush: I thank you very sweetly
Bush to Val: You are not in Kendall anymore Val.
Add: global warming believers to another thing that Cuban exiles hate.
How's it going Manuel, still planning on retiring from Blogging?
You've done some good writing the past few days, I'll try to find some free time to read your threads in detail, rather than quick-reading them, I hear that we are due for about eight inches of snow tomorrow, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to stay at home and get paid for it, that will be a sweet break and a great opportunity for catching up with your writings. Regards folks.
Manolito -el Val te tiene LOCA!!!
Enriquito el pajarito, que mariconsón tu eres, nos informan que por poco te embolsas en el bloomer cuando viste a un boricua por la panadería que se parecía a Toño, que cobarde tu eres, igualito a los Castros.
Tengo la bicicleta de Toño ya asi que tapate el hocico
Quien coño es Toño ?
Oye balsero tu saliste de Cuba en la decada de los 90s ¿verdad?
Toño Bicicleta fué un famoso criminál Puerto Riqueño que por años evadió ser capturado por la policia, el siempre usaba una bicicleta y de ahi su apodo.
Gracias. Muchas gracias.
Que le paso a Toño?
Fantomas le quito la bicicleta a Tono y este se quedo a pie
En 1968, el agricultor Francisco Antonio García López, mejor conocido como "Toño Bicicleta", asesinó a machetazos a su esposa Gloria Soto, por lo que fue encarcelado. Por sólo dos años permaneció en prisión pues se escapó en 1970. Cuatro años más tarde, en el barrio Guaraguao de Bayamón fue arrestado por un civil mientras visitaba a una amiga en la finca de don Secundino Chimea. Estuvo preso en el campamento penal de Sabana Hoyos en Arecibo hasta 1981, cuando se escapó, nuevamente, por un agujero en la pared.
En 1987 secuestró a Diana Pérez Lebrón, matando a su novio Luis Rodríguez. La joven permaneció con el prófugo por ocho años y se encontraba junto a él al momento de su captura final. Durante el tiempo que estuvo prófugo, el escurridizo Toño Bicicleta se enfrentó a policías, vecinos, y familiares, quien según él intentaban capturarlo. El "odio al chota", frase que muchos decían que llevaba como tatuaje, lo llevó a matar a su padrastro y su tío en 1987. El último episodio de este drama policial tuvo lugar en el Barrio Bartolo del poblado de Castañer en Lares. Alegadamente García López trabajaba en la finca de Domingo Ruiz recolectando café. Un confidente le informó a la policía que García López estaría laborando en la finca durante las primeras horas del 29 de noviembre de 1995. Los policías armados con escopetas se enfrentaron al prófugo a las 7:30 a.m., cuando el agente Luis Rosa Merced le propinó un disparó en los genitales que lo desangró hasta la muerte. Al entierro acudieron alrededor de 3,000 personas para ver el cadáver del más célebre prófugo puertorriqueño de las últimas décadas del siglo XX.
Y ahora en Ingles el idioma de todos los Norteamericanos como Val
Francisco Antonio García López (1943 - 1995), also known as Toño Bicicleta (or Bicycle Tony, in English), was a Puerto Rican criminal famous for escaping from jail several times. García managed to become part of Puerto Rican lore and the object of constant references in popular culture. His escapes have become some sort of local legend in Puerto Rico.
Believed to be born in Lares, Puerto Rico, García was originally accused of the murder of his wife. He was mostly known as Toño Bicicleta because he never owned a car, and his favorite means of Transport was a bicycle.
[edit] Criminal History
According to popular legend, and police investigation,one day in 1968, García caught his wife, Gloria Soto, cheating on him and he proceeded to kill her. Some sources say he shot her, others say he killed her with a machete. After that he was sentenced to life in jail. However he managed to escape two years later.
In 1974, García was again captured by a civilian in a farm in the town of Bayamón, Puerto Rico He was incarcerated in the prison of Sabana Hoyos in Arecibo, Puerto Rico until 1981 when he escaped again.
His numerous escapes helped him become part of the local lore. Allegedly, during his escapes he would continue committing rape and kidnappings. However, some people claim that due to his notoriety he was used as some sort of scapegoat both by authorities and civilians to several crimes in the island.
In 1983, García escaped for the seventh and last time. That time, he was able to stay on the loose for 12 years before being caught. In 1987, he killed his uncle and stepfather. That same year, García killed Luis Rodríguez and kidnapped his girlfriend, Diana Pérez Lebrón. The woman stayed with the criminal for eight years and was with him at the moment of his last showdown with authorities.
[edit] Death and Afterwards
In the morning of November 29, 1995, García was allegedly working in a coffee plantation in Castañer, Puerto Rico. Police arrived at 7:30 am, and Officer Luis Rosa Merced of the Puerto Rico Police Department shot the notorious criminal in the genitals. García eventually bled to death.
García's burial was attended by close to 3,000 people curious to see the most notorious criminal of the island in the 20th Century.
[edit] References to Toño Bicicleta
In the 1980s, there was a song titled "La Bicicleta de Toño" ("Toño's Bicycle").
In the early 1990s, local rock band La Mancha del Jardín released another song simply titled "Toño Bicicleta".
In the late 1990s, a local film titled La Noche Que Se Apareció Toño Bicicleta (The Night that Toño Bicicleta Appeared) was released.
In 2007, the Calle 13 song "La Crema" on the album "Residente o Visitante" makes reference to Toño Bicicleta as part of a laundry list of Puerto Rican culture and lore.
Gracias Muchas Gracias.
Primero Fantomas le roba la bicicleta, despues se desangra por un buebo.
Señor impostór en español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos, excepto los habaneros y sus chernas.
Hey Fantomas , me dijeron que tus palestinos infiltrados en La habana tuvieron que ver con esto
Quema de carteles
LA HABANA, Cuba, 19 de diciembre (Lamasiel Gutiérrez, Isla Press / www.cubanet.org) – Una docena de carteles alegóricos a la revolución fueron quemados en la zona 11 de Alamar, municipio Habana del Este, entre los días 14,15 y 16 de diciembre.
Policías, delegados de zona y presidentes de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución visitaron casa por casa a los vecinos sospechosos de la quemazón sin obtener resultado alguno.
Se convocaron reuniones urgentes para comprobar el ánimo patriótico de la población y encontrar alguna pista que conduzca al autor o autores de los hechos. Los mítines concluyeron con vivas a Fidel, la revolución y en contra del imperialismo.
Al cierre de esta información no se había detenido a ningún sospechoso.
Adalberto Ferrer dijo...
Cómo se llama el anticastrista que le dedica 24 horas al día a pensar en Cuba y en los Hnos Castro y en lamentar la revolución y la situación del país, que escribe decenas de artículos, libros, blogs y chistes al respecto, pero que cuando le preguntan si piensa algún día volver a Cuba (una vez caido Fidel, se entiende) dice que, en realidad, no.
Como se llama?
Mansuelo esto esta bueno, donde te encajas tu? Y a Val donde lo colocamos? y a Fantomas ?
-el antimachadista: "Y cuando aquello se caiga vamos a arrastrarlos a todos los culpables. Y luego colgarlos de una farola o una guásima".
-el discreto: “Criticar al castrismo no hace más que reforzarlo. Si todos fueran como yo y no dijeran nada, mañana o pasado aquello se caía”.
-el guapo: "¿Y tú que hiciste en Cuba? Porque yo sí que no dejé de enfrentármele desde el primero de enero de 1959…"
-el mormón: “Se acerca la hora de liberar a nuestros hermanos y a nuestra martirizada isla de la insania feroz del sangriento castrocomunismo. ¡Aleluya!”.
-el suspicaz: sospecha que todos los anticastristas son en realidad segurosos. Todos menos él, elegido por la Providencia para ser el único anticastrista real y verdadero.
-el solipsista: variante del anterior. Piensa que lo único real son Castro y él. Todo lo demás son apenas proyecciones de uno u otro, una acumulación de sensaciones.
-el aristócrata: “Sí, soy anticastrista pero no me confundan con la plebe vociferante de Miami”.
-el económico: “Soy anticastrista pero yo no pierdo mi tiempo criticando el castrismo. A mí avísenme cuando se caiga para ir a celebrar”.
-el beatificador: “Pinochet era un santo al lado de Fidel. Y hasta Hitler”.
-el humilde: “yo con un puesto de agregado cultural en Bélgica me conformo”.
-el solemne: “Como diría Martí: ‘Para Cuba que sufre, la primera palabra’”
-el divertido: “Juaaah, juaaah mira el bulto del culo plástico que tiene el Cagandante en Jefe al costado. Y ahora se hizo la raya al lado juaaah, juaaah”.
-el abogado: “Todos los cubanos somos inocentes excepto Castro que nos engañó y nos dijo que las balas eran de salva”.
-el fiscal: “Todos somos culpables o cómplices de los horrores del castrismo incluidos los disidentes (por no dejarse fusilar), los fusilados (por dejarse), los exiliados (por haberse ido), los mambises (por dejarse utilizar) y los taínos, por no haberse comido vivos a los españoles.
-el biográfico: “Fulanito que no se haga el anticastrista que bastantes patas partió en la universidad. Y Menganita en la primaria era tremenda comecandela y había que ver cómo se emocionaba en los matutinos”.
-el descriptivo: “Aquello es tremenda mierda”.
-el analítico: “Aquello es una mierda que además no funciona”.
-el utópico: “Cuando llegue la democracia a Cuba seremos prósperos como suizos y alegres como brasileños. Los carnavales durarán 364 días al año y por el cauce del Almendares correrá cerveza. Los cubanos todos nos amaremos unos a otros y hablaremos francés en vez de mierda”.
-el original: tiene la convicción de que el castrismo es en realidad fruto de una conspiración templaria o de un complejo edípico colectivo.
-el puro: su familia es anticastrista desde 1935. A él lo arrullaban en la cuna con La Voz de las Américas. Por no ser no fue ni pionero. Y ni quiso aprender a leer mientras vivió en Cuba para joderle el índice de alfabetización al régimen.
-el precoz: “Yo tenía 3 años y lo vi el 8 de enero de 1959 en el televisor de mi casa y dije: ese va a ser un dictador que va a ensangrentar al país durante medio siglo pero entonces mi papá me mandó a dormir”.
-el comparatístico: “No me hables de Auschwitz. La escuela al campo: eso sí era sufrir”.
-el iluminado: dirigió pelotones de fusilamiento, organizó golpizas y delató a su madre. Un día, cuando el régimen le había quitado el puesto y el carro descubrió que el objetivo de su vida había sido acumular la experiencia necesaria y poder compartirla con los televidentes en Miami en un programa de máxima audiencia.
-el decepcionado: piensa que Cuba ya no tiene arreglo. Que la única solución para Cuba es una invasión militar norteamericana y que el uso de la bomba atómica es altamente recomendable.
-nacionalista: su lema es “¡Cuba para la gente que no se haya dado de alta en la OFICODA”! Insiste en que para la transición cubana a la democracia sólo se deben emplear materiales locales. Todo interior, como los túneles. Propone sustituir la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos por una Circular Local de Derechos Cubanos.
-El desconfiado: cuando escuchó la noticia de la severa afección intestinal de Fidel Castro en el 2006 afirmó: “Eso no es más que oarte de un plan del castrismo para perpetuarse en el poder”.
-el pesimista: no cree que vea el fin del castrismo. Ni siquiera su hijo. Por eso le hace repetir a su nieto “¡A-B-A-J-O F-I-D-E-L!”.
Publicado por enrisco en 23:11 13 comentarios Enlaces a esta entrada
in your own RCAB blog
Centurion/Fantomas said:
Y ahora en Ingles el idioma de todos los Norteamericanos como Val
Francisco Antonio García López (1943 - 1995), also known as Toño Bicicleta (or Bicycle Tony, in English), was a Puerto Rican criminal famous for escaping from jail several times. García managed to become part of Puerto Rican lore and the object of constant references in popular culture. His escapes have become some sort of local legend in Puerto Rico.
In the Penultimos Dias blog he said:
"Centurion // Dec 18, 2008 at 8:44 pm
Los israelitas siempre han canjeado con los palestinos. No veo porque ahora no se pueda fraguar un gran cambio. Preguntemos a los familiares de los presos cubanos si estan de acuerdo con esta propuesta"
Centurion/Fantomas equates the
dissidents arrested in Cuba with the 5 Cuban spies serving sentences in the US, despite the outspoken rejection by Cuban dissidents and their families for such an exchange.
It is obvious to anyone that the nicks Centurion and Fantomas belong to one person only and they are both the same person: Enrique Rubio. Their copy and paste style, the convoluted language and the subject matter are revealing. Centurion writes a story about Puerto Rican criminals, while coincidentally that is the place of residence of Fantomas himself.
Friday before Christmas open thread
Sound off, people. I've been pretty busy this week which is why my posting has been light. Use this to sound off on anything you wish. Let me start with this: stupidity has become endemic in the United States. Discuss.
Posted by George Moneo at 08:13 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (4)
Agustin Sorry sir but you are not Sherlock Holmes. Coca cola was not invented yesterday
Farinas nuestro grave problema no es Fantomas. Es fidel castro. No gastes energias en un enmascarado
Que hicistes por Cuba tu hoy
A cuantos cubanos de la isla ayudastes con tu dinero hoy
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