Everybody remembers Jimmy Carter's encounter with a wild rabbit and everybody will remember too George Bush's close call with the flying shoes. The only difference is that no one lionized the rabbit. (In fact, I believe they cut off its head to test it for rabies). The "Shoe Terrorist" (isn't there already one of those?) who hurled his size 10's at President Bush during a press conference has fared better than the rabbit and is being hailed as the new "hero" of the Iraqi resistance to U.S. occupation. Admirers have presented him with thousands of shoes, women's and children's shoes, too, as these also make good projectiles. Rallies are being held throughout Iraq and the Arab world in solidarity with Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi, demanding his release from custody so that he can pose for a statue in the pose that made him famous. His employer, Iraqi-owned TV station, al-Baghdadiya, has stood by him and refused to apologize for his, eh, unprofessional conduct, on the grounds that he was simply exercising his right to freedom of speech, a concept introduced to the region by the Americans (next lesson: you must also respect the other guy's freedom of speech). Of course, journalists have been hurling things at George Bush for quite a long time, but nothing so literal as a pair of shoes. In the future, no doubt, Iraqi journalists will be required to check their shoes before being admitted to press conferences or other government-sponsored events. Muslims do so already before entering mosques and now we know why. We sometimes forget the practical side of ancient customs and it takes an event like this to remind us.
We must admit that George Bush comported himself with great aplomb in this the most personally dangerous moment of his presidency. He also exhibited lightening-quick reflexes, which proves conclusively that he did kick his alcohol dependency but at the same time removes that as an excuse for what has transpired in the last 8 years. But let us not exaggerate, either. In 1912, while delivering a campaign speech, Theodore Roosevelt was shot by an assassin, and though wounded and bleeding from his chest, continued speaking for an hour more. There is grace under fire and then there's grace under fire.
It was pointed out in another thread that if George Bush had liberated Cuba instead of Iraq nobody would be flinging shoes at him now. That is certainly true, not only because the Castros are universally hated in Cuba, but because most Cubans have only one pair of shoes.
Bush would have been as justified in invading Cuba for the September 11th attack as he was in invading Iraq. In fact, Cuba, unlike Iraq, once did have weapons of mass destruction on its soil and its leaders were intent on using them against the U.S. In more recent times, it was revealed that Cuba has an active biological weapons programme and stockpile. Castro also hosts training camps for Hamas terrorists and several of those involved in the attack on the World Trade Center were trained in Cuba and, like all foreigners who come under the aegis of the Castro regime, had been recruited as operatives by the DGI (Cuban Intelligence). Finally, Fidel Castro himself, as the elder statesman of international terrorism, was accorded the "professional courtesy" of being informed beforehand of the terrorists' plans and did not warn the U.S., which makes him an accessory before the fact.
In the scheme of things, however, it made more sense to scapegoat Saddam Hussein for Sept. 11th than Fidel Castro. Iraq is in the Middle East, so the dart, even if it was thrown randomly, still landed in the region that is generally considered the axis of Arab terrorism. Saddam, also, had fewer friends in the media than does Fidel. Iraq's total collapse in the Persian Gulf War had proven beyond a doubt the monumental incompetence of Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard. The Bay of Pigs, which was won by the Communists because of Kennedy's guilty conscience, was deemed too dangerous to repeat even without betraying the freedom fighters as in 1961. Besides, if Bush had liberated Cuba, what would have happened to the Republicans' electoral lock on the Cuban-American vote? It might actually shift (shhh, don't tell Henry!). "Cuba Libre!" is going to sound like a stock phrase once Cuba is actually free (in fact, it was never anything else to American politicians since 1898).
Monday, December 15, 2008
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We can't even throw a shoe to an unguarded Che statue in NY
what the hell
What have you done Manuel in regards to el che in NYC
What do you intend to accomplish by throwing a shoe at a statue?
At least go to Cuba and throw your shoe at Che's statue there.
Did Val threw his underwear at Bush during their recent meeting?
Is that why he refuses to write about it?
What have you done Manuel in regards to el che in NYC
Best Fantomas punch line in the brief RCAB vida
Did Val threw his underwear at Bush during their recent meeting?
Is that why he refuses to write about it?
Val started crying when he saw Bush
What have you done Manuel in regards to el che in NYC
Second best Fantomas line by far
RCAB will close after 22 months.
Exactly the time that Fidel spent in jail.
I thought the same sentence appropriate for Val.
Val's time of total irrelevance is near.
That was his Last Tango at the White House.
Manuel no le hagas caso a Fantomas
No cierres nada
Usted es necesario. Punto de referencia
Hoy comenzamos la nueva campaña internacional
Uh Ah, Manuel no se va
Uh Ah , Manuel no se va
Third Best Fantomas line by far
Val's time of total irrelevance is near.
That was his Last Tango at the White House.
12/16/2008 9:50 AM
Do you think Obama will consider the presence of Val Prieto at the WH
Uh Ah Manuel no se va
Fantomas you made my day
Manuel Tellechea= Fantomas
On this day in history
On this day in 2001, the first commercial shipment of food from the United States since 1963 arrived in Cuba. Since then, the US has become one of Cuba's top trading partners.
This leads me to two simple questions:
1. Has this trade been beneficial to the regime and Castro, Inc.?
2. Are the Cuban people better off today than they were seven years ago?
What do you guys think?
Posted by Alberto de la Cruz at 08:10 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
El dia que Alberto entienda que al gobierno de Cuba poco le importa la poblacion sera el dia que entendera que Cuba jamas cambiara su sistema politico. Cosa muy dificil de aceptar ahora
Si no le quitamos el poder a la fuerza jamas habra cambios
Who is willing to die for Cuba
Are you willing?
"The "Shoe Terrorist" (isn't there already one of those?)" Yeah, his name is Richard Reid and he tried blowing up a trans-Atlantic flight with Semtex stuffed in his shoes which he attempted to ignite via a match. Someone smelled the sulfur and jumped on him.
"In more recent times, it was revealed that Cuba has an active biological weapons programme and stockpile. Castro also hosts training camps for Hamas terrorists and several of those involved in the attack on the World Trade Center were trained in Cuba and, like all foreigners who come under the aegis of the Castro regime, had been recruited as operatives by the DGI (Cuban Intelligence)." I was going to point that out but you beat me to the punch. Also, I remeber KC made a reference to (I forget the name)a listening post where the Kasstros showed the Iranians how they could eavsedrop on any radio transmission in the US, inlcuding encrypted radio traffic in NYC (Ludres listening facility, maybe?). The government seriously wouldn't want to invade or at least disrupt said listening post for that reason alone? Then again, both parties have an interest in maintaining the status quo.
Primera vez en la historia que algo asi ocurre. Es penoso que haya ocurrido esto. El Servicio Secreto debe repensar nuevas estrategias para un futuro como por ejemplo
Alejar mas el podium
Ponerle un cristal acrilico al frente para repeler missiles
Tener a los Agentes Secretos mas cerca
Este periodista Iraqui no debe obtener visa de EEUU
Ya Jay Leno, Letterman y compañia estan planenando pagarle un millon de dolares para que se presenten en sus shows
Manuel are you willing to sacrifice your life , your blood , your soul for the Liberation of Cuba
Is Cuba today full of Communists fidelistas con fidel really worth it
Will they ever change
Is Val willing?
Casos y Cosas de George W
El magnate de los Yankees de Ny ofrece 5 millones por firmar al periodista Iraqui.
Se dice extraoficialmente que George S se sorprendio cuando se entero que el periodista tenia una recta que sobrepasaba las 97 millas por hora velocidad marcada por los scouts de Grandes ligas que vieron el video posteriormente
Es una pena que Bush ya no sea dueño de los Texas Rangers , de seguro lo hubiese firmado en el acto
Ah if only it had been Cuba he liberated, I remember sitting in my living room crying and begrudging the Irakis their liberation, if it had been our forlorn country he would have been loved through the ages, too bad instead he chose to be vilified.
Too bad that Habibi didn't have a pistol.
Manuel said: We must admit that George Bush comported himself with great aplomb in this the most personally dangerous moment of his presidency.
Actually, that is not true. As the below link states, a live gre nade was thrown at him by an Eastern European at one of his speech. Much more dangerous then a pair of shoes.
anon said: Did Val threw his underwear at Bush during their recent meeting?
Val wears panties, thought you already knew that. Panties that were brought either by Henry, or donations!!
Anon asked: Do you think Obama will consider the presence of Val Prieto at the WH
LOL, the Cuban exile better get under a big rock and hide. Even the KKK, an Neo-Nazi have started to say good things about Obama. One would be stupid to do otherwise, in this dangerous political climate. And in the big cities, you can forget about being anti-Obama.
Couldnt have done it without Bush!!
Vana said: Ah if only it had been Cuba he liberated, I remember sitting in my living room crying and begrudging the Irakis their liberation, if it had been our forlorn country he would have been loved through the ages
Vana, it need not take ages for Bush to fall in love with the Cuban-American community. As soon as the U.S. Supreme Court awarded the oval office to Bush, the marriage ring should have been immediately slipped upon the finger of the Cuban-American. Instead, Bush hide the ring in his back pocket, like some drunkard sailor on a weekend furlough. Only for it to magically appear in the presence of the Cuban-American. And subsequently taken off, as they parted ways!!
Anon said: Val's time of total irrelevance is near.
The Cuban-American is irrelevant. That is both good and bad. It is bad, because the cause of a free Cuba is the most righteous cause in this hemisphere. And has been for 50 years.
It is good that they are irrelevant, because they refused to exercise their hard-earned influence in ways that would advance freedom for Cuba, from 2000-2008!! 8 years!!
El Americo cubano Henry Gomez ahora anda buscando " marielitos" que han sido exitosos en los EEUU
Como si eso fuese noticia
No seria mejor decir Cubanos en ves de marielitos. Esa connotacion racista del tocayo fue precisamente lo que hizo que muchos cubanos y Latinoamericanos en Miami Dade hayan votado por Obama " the Shift"
Wanted: Personal stories from Marielitos
A friend is looking to speak to folks who came during the Mariel boatlift for a project he's working on. It's about Cuban exiles done good but "more than just the average success Mariel story."
If you know someone who has a special story to tell or are that someone, email me and I'll get you in touch with my friend.
Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 01:49 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Intercambio con Fantomas, en PENULTIMOS DIAS, bajo el nombrete de CENTURION:
Charlie Bravo // Dec 16, 2008 at 3:01 pm
¿No estaban los Aldeanos en el concierto con Pablo Milanes el dia que apalearon a Ciro y a Yoani por defender a Gorki?
Que yo sepa no dijeron ni pio en su favor…. como ningun otro participante del concierto, que ni uno solo se atrevio a exigir la libertad de Gorki desde el escenario (ni de ningun otro lugar)
El silencio -complice- primo, a pesar de haber grabado (al menos uno de ellos) la cancion de la politica con Porno Para Ricardo.
2Anónimo // Dec 16, 2008 at 4:37 pm
Bueno, Charlie, hay que darles otro chance. Ahora están pitando fuerte. Mírate esta otra canción, Kronik:
3Charlie Bravo // Dec 16, 2008 at 5:13 pm
Anonimo, el unico pitazo que hacia falta era Libertad Para Gorki, a traves del sistema de audio del concierto, para que todos los asistentes se movilizaran. Hey, no paso, mientras otros cogian palos debajo del escenario…. La policia no hubiera podido apalear a todos los asistentes. Ahora pueden pitar tanto como quieran, mientras mas, mejor.
4Centurion // Dec 16, 2008 at 5:54 pm
Charlie tranquilizate, ahora le toca coger el protagonismo a los Aldeanos. No todo en la vida puede ser Porno. Share the wealth
Share the wealth, Fantomas?
Share el poco valor de usar un escenario para defender a quien se dice un amigo, sera.
Para que veas que no soy como tu y tus amigos, te quito la mascarita vieja esa aqui, y no en PENULTIMOS DIAS, asi que ve dando las gracias, Palestino.
Correction, it's a "would-be assassin" because the man did not kill Teddy Roosevelt.
Perdona Charlie pero no se de que hablas
Pero por si acabo me cago en tu madre tu abuela y tu tatarabuela
Comemierda , jilipollas
Algun dia te tendre de frente a ver si te atreves a hablar asi cobarde
Para que veas que no soy como tu y tus amigos
De cual amigos hablas no seas ridiculo
Oye deja que los Aldeanos cojan sus 15 minutos de fama
Yo se que con ellos tu no cojes comision pero te repito ahora si te lo digo yo no centurion
SHARE THE WEALTH... no todo puede ser lia , ciro , gorki , claudia hay otros you know
Equal time sharing
No todo puede ser i saw i first , coming in second place is also good
Silver is good
Oye Palestino, cuando quieras.
Contigo y con los chernas que te rodean.
A ver si te atreves, que lo dudo.
Eres un chivato, un pendejo, un mierda, y un agenton de la tirania, como ya se sabe en todas partes.
Y pendejo y lamebotas, pero bueno, eso se sabe.
Ahora empieza a defender a la policia palestina solo para que nos des el gusto, remaricon.
Te lo digo mil veces En cuba la tirania rota a los policias para que puedan dar mas palos y cabilla
los de santiago para la habana los policias nacidos en la habana para Santiago, Camaguey
Me dicen que los policias blanquitos de la habana que trabajan en Santiago son unos tremendos cobardones.. en los carnavales salen en manadas no se atreven a ir de 2 en 2 , ya se han comido a par de ellos
Eres un chivato, un pendejo, un mierda, y un agenton de la tirania, como ya se sabe en todas partes.
No seas comemierda trae la prueba acerca de lo agenton si tienes cojones
Estas retado aqui mismo ahora
producela o calla para siempre
pruebas no ataques
Share the wealth , let the Aldeanos take the spotlight i like their music, son bien contestatarias you know
asi como varela, pero mas crudo
Tomate un prozac hoy por la noche con Red bull
No hay fe de bautismo a tu nombre en Santiago (a no ser que se haya perdiso la semana pasada)
No hay records en las escuelas primarias de Santiago a tu nombre.
Defiendes a los terroristas castristas y su policia a cada ocasion y vas de blog en blog provocando. La prueba escrita de la falta de record escolar, de nombre parecido en Santa Ifigenia, la falta de fe de bautismo te la dare en tus manos de chivaton despues de partirte el gaznate, ven a buscarlas.
No las publicare, te las dare en las manos. La esbirrada palestina no rota, llegan como perros en tren y con tal de que no los regrese a Palestina se dedican a chivatear y a ser poicias. Informate y muerete de la verguenza agenton y chiva.
Remarks by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez
Beginning January 20th of next year, it will be at least four years before we hear another member of the President's cabinet speak the truth about Cuba and its dictatorial regime. Therefore, I am obliged to provide our readers a transcript from Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez's remarks made today at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. since we most likely won't be hearing much truth being spoken about Cuba for the next four years.
“The Costs and Consequences of the Cuban Revolution"
Well thank you Ray. Thank you very much. I should confess first of all, after Dr. Edwards and Dr. Falcoff that my interest has always been one of a lay person, so I am going to try and be good follow-up act to a very engaging and very thought provoking presentation.
I do have to thank the Heritage Foundation for having the foresight to have these discussions on Cuba , and I believe they started several years ago. We’re going to find that this has been several years ahead of its time. That at some point in our generation, and very likely at some point during the next administration, Cuba will become a major foreign policy question. I hope that we are strategically ready for it, as opposed to finding ourselves in a position of having to react. There is no question that Cuba will be more and more in the forefront as time goes by.
The first inaugural that I heard here in Washington in my current role was the President’s second inaugural address and there is a quote from that that I will always remember that really sticks out he said, “The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” And it is important to recognize that there are still, ironically after the collapse of communism and after the very clear failure of communism as a system, there are still people in Cuba , in North Korea that are still living under a system that clearly does not work. So there’s still a lot of work do.
So, the 50th anniversary of the communist rule. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I grew up in a family where when we moved from Havana to Miami Beach we thought it was a matter of months, so we went to a hotel and we said look, “let just let time go by and its just a matter of time before we go back.” And then there was the old saying in Miami that “this Christmas would have lechon in Cuba .” It’s just amazing to think that 50 years have gone by.
One of the things I want to talk a little bit about, that I’ve seen, again as a lay person, who has with a great deal of fascination has studied Cuba have realized that this has been a very personal revolution. It is billed to be an uprising of the masses, but it is very much the work and project of one individual. And the more you know that, the more you will understand Cuba of today.
Secretary Gutierrez's remarks continue below the fold.
Continue reading "Remarks by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez"
Posted by Alberto de la Cruz at 05:20 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Alberto de la Cruz quien rayos te ha dicho a ti que Obama no hara nada por adelantar la causa de Cuba en los proximos 4 años
que carajos hizo Bush por Cuba in the last eight
Alberto te aseguro que si te veo en Nostalgia te tirare con los dos zapatos por anormal
despues de partirte el gaznate
que es Gaznate?
No las publicare, te las dare en las manos
that's very nice of you
Ahora nos estamos entendiendo mejor
Informate y muerete de la verguenza agenton y chiva.
No se me ha perdido nada por alla en 28 años
Me gusta santiago ire a la Habana de vacaciones. Santiago Es mi tierra , sangre caliente, asi somos
el corazon de Cuba
Somos lo que hay
Caballeros, como estan las cosas, y como hacian muchos de nuestros abuelos, vamos a prender una velita p'al viejo.
Posted by Val Prieto at 07:05 PM | Permanent Link to this Post |
y ahora a quien habra matado Val?
Who did Val kill?
Tal parece que el Obama effect tan criticado por los bubulusianos ahora encuentre en George de Real Cuba un gran aliado
Good job George U
Make a donation to help the realcuba.com
"Obama Effect" highlights racism in Cuba
Dec. 16 - As Cuba prepares to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power, U.S. President–elect Barack Obama’s victory is raising disturbing questions about the institutional racism in the so-called egalitarian society, where racism is said to have disappeared along with capitalism.
In Cuba, signs in windows have begun to appear that read, “Si se puede, coño” or “Yes we can, damn it.”
“Cuba, I am inclined to believe, is nervous about the impact that a black president in the White House could have upon its own black population,” writes Carlos Moore, a black Cuban of Jamaican ancestry and author of “Pichón: Race and Revolution in Castro's Cuba,” in the Miami Herald.
It was the official policy of the government to deny the existence of racism, arguing that Communist “egalitarianism” made discrimination based on race “an impossibility,” simply because it was incompatible with a socialist state. This was a polite fiction.
As Alejandro De La Fuente wrote in his authoritative book, “A Nation for All: Race, Inequality, and Politics in Twentieth-Century Cuba,” the color of one’s skin determines the life one leads in Communist Cuba. “(A) strong correlation between race, the regional distribution of the population, and the quality of the housing stock persisted through the 1980s,” De La Fuente wrote. “A traditional geography of race and poverty had not been dismantled, largely because of the government’s failure to provide adequate housing to the entire population. No neighborhood was racially exclusive—this was true, for the most part, in pre-Revolutionary Cuba also—but in the most dilapidated areas of the big cities, the proportion of blacks and mulattos was greater than that of
Hey fat legs, I mean Fantomas! Why you picking on CB so much? Have you gone fishing lately? I hear a relative of yours owns a boat and you go fishing with him? Is that true? Your fat legs weigh down the boat at all?!? Hey another question for ya, what is being "embolsa'o" in palestino? I forgot and maybe you could refresh my memory.
Cagao o embolsao deciamos nosotros
aqui en Pr dicen churreta
Hey fat legs, I mean Fantomas! Why you picking on CB so much?
No he is the one accusing me of being un cinturon . no se de que rayos habla
entonces tiene la desfachates de perseguirme de blog a blog como si esto fuera la escuela superior ( high school) y de postre me acusa de chivo y de agente y despues le manda saludos cordiales a mi abuela y a mi madre
que puede decirte chico vamos, que puedo hacer con alguien asi
pero aqui estamos como siempre alertas y al ataque ( i sleep with one eye open and my loaded piece always ready digo por si acaso
Have you gone fishing lately? I hear a relative of yours owns a boat and you go fishing with him?
boat was Sold due to economic situation..thanks to bush
Hey another question for ya, what is being "embolsa'o" in palestino
La palabra palestino tiene una connotacion desagradable, por favor refrain of its use . Denigra a los cubanos. todos somos cubanos todos somos hermanos. comunistas o no somos cubanos
Wow, the most distrubing thing i have ever read. The military has begun working with civilian police to arrest (drunken drivers) in (civilian) jurisdictions.
Where does this stop? Sorry Cuban-American, Bush is a commie, always have been, and always will be!!
Manuel, i hope you are aware of this communistic power grab, UNDER BUSH. And dont blame Obama for this!!
Bush has given Obama permission to be a commie. Because your side didnt protest against Bush, you cheered him, every step of him foisting communism upon ignorant America!!
CJB-BJC said...
"todos somos cubanos todos somos hermanos. comunistas o no somos cubanos"
CJB veo mucho odio en tus palabras, there is something missing in yout putrid rotten life just about now. Te dire algo aun que no te guste quizas yo no lo habia visto antes pero ahora si lo veo
Cuba es de TODOS LOS CUBANOS , los de adentro y los de afuera. comunistas y no comunistas. Cuba no es de fidel.
metete eso en tu cabeza de algodon.. El hecho que estes fuera de cuba no te hace mas cubano del que no ha podido emigrar por razones obvias
concientizate, asi acabaremos mucho mas rapido con la dictadura castrista esa misma dictadura que combato dia a dia . ayudame a acabar con ella, vamos embullate a unirte a mi
TKO de fantomas
Barbaro fantomon lo mandaste a dormir
Oye piernas, quien dice que estoy fuera de Cuba?
Donde estas?
There's only one CJB-BCJ organization, CJB-BJC is not part of it and it does not represent us, this impostor should get a different ID, creating confusion is the least of the issues that choosing an ID so similar to ours can create. Manuel Tellechea please provide verification of our statement by reviewing RCAB's Sitemeter data. Thank you.
Tellechea does a louzy job with sitemeter
so many impostors have tried to emancillar mi nombre aqui, y Telelche nunca ha dicho nada , sabiendo el todos los ip
asi es la vida Hay un solo Fantomas el original. never duplicated . Easily imitated by the masses to not avail
CJB BCJ , JC PENNEY OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS ..Change your name if it becomes a problem , by the way Could ijust call you Charlie by any means
Oh my seems Charlie has people looking into rubber head's backround, he's nowhere to be found in Santiago.
Either he's NOT Cuban or he's an Agent of the DGI, I believe he's both, since he acts just like a communist always sowing dissent in all the blogs he visits, woe to blog he comes upon.
Vana siempre entras tarde y eres la nota discordante
Move to the side dear and learn from the Big boyz
Either he's NOT Cuban or he's an Agent of the DGI
Pase mi infancia en un castillo de Francia , fui criado por unos gitanos que me encontraron in the middle of the road. Y ahora trabajando para liberar a los oprimidos
Nuff Vana
I believe he's both, since he acts just like a communist always sowing dissent in all the blogs he visit
Ya casi no quedan blogs to comment on , la CENSURA los consume
igualitos al Granma el baile de los igualitos they dance the night away
Rui Ferreira
kill castro black sheep
"ustedes los habaneritos son muy yeguitas para hacerse los cabrones"
Entro tarde porque trabajo en la calle, no me paso el dia en frente de la computadora como tu que vives del welfare y coges food stamps, el unico que sabe sembrar discordia eres tu chivato, que a todo lugar que vas es a buscar problemas, hazme el favor y desaparece del mapa.
En español por favor, el idioma que hablamos casi todos los cubanos, excepto los chernas habaneros.
Lo que meee perdio. Tremenda mano a mano.
Y el señor alministrado donde eta... pon olden en el circo pol favol...
Vana, que es una libreta ?
Fantomas, que es un vejigo?
El comemierda habanero Palestino este Carlos "Cobarde" Bravo se pasa todo el dia de blog a blog, si sus chernas maricones del grupo Todos Vamos a Zingarnos son igual que este mojon, el es un bugarron.
The Silence of the Lamb continues .....
Estoy en la cola de cambio de sexo. Viva Mariela!
CJB BJC = Fantomas
Fantomas= Perra, loquisima, trasvesti
Arriba Fantomas, las orientales somos las mejores!
A la lucha a la lucha, que somos locas pero somos muchas!
Since bloging with you Cubans, there always have been numereous complaints about press bias against them. Here in the article beneath, there was a nice article about Obama and his outreach towards the republicans house members. All of the republicans were happy with Obama's effort. But then the article makes a point to single out the Cuban house member, Illena, and how she rudely hung up on Obama. Subtle form of bias, but unmistakenable.
The Robitusin man spoke
One of the things I mentioned to President Bush and my blogging colleagues at last week's meeting was that, while I and the gentlemen and woman sitting at that meeting come from countries where despotism rules and human rights are systematically violated and where oppression is the order of the day, I, personally, was different. "Unlike my blogging colleagues here, Mr. President" I said. "I was fortunate enough to have lived, and been raised in freedom."
My father, just a year or two younger than I am now brought this crying baby boy, his sobbing sister and their worried and terrified mother to ths country so that we would know true liberty. Not an easy thing, for a man with a family, midway through his life to uproot that family and leave the only country and people he'd ever known, and take that family to a country where everything is different. The mores, the culture, the language. To settle in a new country without any friends or family, with nothing but the proverbial shirts on their backs. I dont think I would have the strength, determination or perseverance to do the same.
The picture above is of The Freedom House - La Casa de la Libertad - in Miami International Airport, circa 1968. It was the first stop for thousands of Cuban exiles who sought liberty in the United States of America.
I find it somewhat odd that, in my mind, I've always found it hard to remember or imagine what La Casa de la Libertad - my family's gateway to freedom - looked like, until I saw the photo above and the others in this El Nuevo Herald photogallery and its accompanying articles.
The photo above also brought back a couple other long forgotten memories: big, yelow bricks of government cheese, vacunas and my very first toy in the land of freedom: a Superman Pez dispenser, with candy.
Posted by Val Prieto at 07:26 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
parece que sonaron duro a Fantomas. Todo el mundo sabe que es el personaje mas odiado de la blogesfera cubana. Quizas alguien deberia de alcanzarle una copia del libro "Como influenciar gente y hacer amigos" porque parece que lo necesita urgentemente. Duro y a la cabeza Charlie. No lo dejes descansar, no lo dejes que se tire en las cuerdas. Duro y a la cabeza hasta que se caiga al piso del cuadrilatero.
Fantomas tiene tantas amenazas de hacerle daño corporal que duerme con un ojo abierto y otro cerrado. Fantomas es un agente de la DGI.
Amen!! he's an agent and a chivato, no doubt about it.
The head agent of that DGI operation is Jay Martinez, Fantomas' partner on Noti Uno in Puerto Rico, Fantomas is Jay's underling and handles the blogs side of their operation, including spreading conflict and deceptions, Fantomas feeds links and videos to Cuban bloggers until they realize what his game is, he does that work slowly and patiently, sometimes successfully, as with the likes of Tomas Estrada Palma and his BTR program co-host Don Royceroy Dominguez, who have not realized they are being used for nefarious purposes by the Castro ungoverment.
Agustus, Vananarama, and CJB:
No tienen las agallas para enfrertarse al regimen castrista como lo a hecho Fantomas.
Fantomas es el heroe numero uno de TODO las cubanos-dentro y fuera de la isla.
No tienen las agallas para enfrertarse al regimen castrista como lo a hecho Fantomas." By working for the DGI? Oh, that's rich!
Buenas tardes compañeros. Un saludo muy fraternal para todos mis amigos cubanos. Dentro y fuera de Cuba.
OH BAMA, gracias por escribir en español el idioma de todos los cubanos.
Vana,CJB-BCJ que es una libreta?
Me paso todo el dia en la calle, regreso y veo como continuan las calumnias y la difamacion
Es que estan desprestigiados de tal magnitud y el chivato de simmons va para la carcel en un santiamen
"ustedes los habaneritos son muy yeguitas para hacerse los cabrones"
Nuff Said
Okay I'll bite, what's a DGI? This shoe throwing madness has got to stop. As far as "Did Val threw his underwear at Bush during their recent meeting? {sic}" I wasn't there but I'm sure if he did Yoyi would have grabbed, it sniffed it and say "heck of a job brownie".
The gop is planning on pimping the Cuban-American one last time with Elian Gonzales against Holder. Big mistake: 1) America supported the return of Elian 2) The gop made no attempts to educate America about the plight of the Cuban-American during the Bush years 3) This transparent exploitation of the Cuban-American will only increase the ugly racism towards the Cuban, by both parties.
John take a hike , will you, nobody cares what you say
Direccion General de Inteligencia=DGI
Friends beware of impostors pretending to comment as CJB-BCJ, look for the orange colored blogger ID icon, don't be fooled by their deceptions, their meaning Fantomas' many fake personalities, Tellechea should be able to confirm in a short statement that the IP we use here is not that of the impostor without revealing the data. Thanks.
Vana callese la boca. Que sabe usted del DGI.
Once again beware of impostors. Don't be fool by Fantomas deceptions and his many personalities.
Mansuelo, please comment on Val's video with Time online.
I know it's fantomas he loves to shut me up, but guess what..
cut the Bull Shit or else it will cost you dearly,
Acabo de llegar no engonada que ver con tu acusacion , regardless it will not cost me a cent ...
Can't cost Fantomas a cent because he doesn't have a penny to his name. All he earns goes to the DGI and his lords and masters.
Fantasma de Fantomas que edad tienes?
pero ponte el pecho en el corazon y dime la verdad , juralo por tu madre
Aqui no necesitamos mas fantasmas con un solo fantomas es suficiente
Hay una sola vida y una sangre para este blog y si no que lo digan los lectores , que lo digan en voz alta
he doesn't have a penny to his name.
Someday I will get a penny, someday
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