Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The New Scrooges

"[Y]ou can contribute roughly $112.55 to the retirement fund of Fidel and Raúl Castro simply by purchasing this lovely and aesthetic 52" ceiling fan for $171.55 as a gift for one of your friends or relatives on the island. Although the fan is of dubious origins and quality, keep in mind that the Castro clan's retirement fund is a worthy cause, after all." — Alberto Cruz, "Now you, too, can make it a Castro, Inc. Christmas!," Babalú, December 24, 2008

Fidel and Raúl's "retirement fund" is already calculated in the billions. That might not be good enough for a Mexican president but it will certainly suffice the Brothers Castro in their declining years, which they are already well into. The profit from the sale of that ceiling fan or 10 thousand ceiling fans will not add substantially to their wealth and it certainly won't improve their standard of living. It is the hapless Cuban family, for whom global warming is already a reality because they have no way to escape the unrelenting sun, which will benefit by at least rotating the putrid air that surrounds them, supposing, of course, that they don't bring down the ceiling in attempting to install the fan, or that there is enough ceiling left on which to affix it.

I remember Val dedicated several gloomy posts to the week that he spent without air-conditioning in the aftermath of last year's hurricane season, which he described as the most miserable of his rather delicate life. Besides remaining cool himself, Val's chief worry was that the food in his refrigerator would spoil (massive quantities, no doubt). Such a concern would be the cherished hope of every man, woman and child on the island. If there is one thing that Cubans don't have to worry about is whether food will last long enough to go bad: living hand to mouth, and day to day, makes the thought of food going bad because there is too much of it and too few people to consume it sound rather fantastical.

Val's ordeal lasted a week or so, but if it had lasted 50 years he could not have been more despondent. Well, the Cuban people's ordeal has lasted 50 years and counting, but the quality of their lives is of no concern to Val & Co. Well, that is not exactly right. They do have a very keen interest in their lives, the same interest in fact that Castro Inc. does: they want Cubans as miserable and dependent on Castro as they can possibly be. This the Babalunians believe will foment an uprising: the same thing the Castroites are sure will prevent one. Castro has 50 years in power with which to back his position. Val has the boundless faith that if he can out-Castro Castro Cubans can be made to do his bidding rather than Castro's. And what does Val want Cubans to do? Well, what else? Shed "pools of blood" (have I not quoted him enough times?) Bleeding them is the cure for what ails him. Sort of like Washington having his slaves' teeth knocked out so that they could be used to fashion his dentures (yes, the true story).

It takes a heart of stone, especially at this season of the year, to begrudge Cubans on the island even the least surcease from their continual suffering. Though it costs them not a dime, they still resent that miserable ceiling fan as if it restrained their liberty or impinged on their comfort. Except they know that Cubans are suffering with every breath (or gasp for air) they are not content that they are doing everything in their power to advance the cause of Cuban freedom. Their concern for Cubans and Castro's are both sides of the same false coin. Cubans are for them an instrumentality and both have no qualms about driving their screwdrivers into their heads so that they can twist them one way or the other. The only difference is that Castro knows which direction benefits him. The Babalunians, of course, also twist in that direction whether from ignorance or the conceit that they can obtain a different result through the same method. This will never be the case.

At some point increasing the suffering of the Cuban people will become the end as it is now the means. They already believe that their only recourse now is to punish the Cuban people for enduring Castro's rule: punish them into their graves if necessary to rid the island of the monster that feeds on them. It need hardly be said that they are playing into Castro's hands. In fact, if Castro himself had written the script they could not have acted it more convincingly. The only question is whether they are too stupid to see this or see it and don't care.

I should not be surprised if one of the wits at Babalú rewrote "The Twelve Days of Christmas" citing what Cubans should not receive for each day. For the first day of Christmas we already know that they should not get ceiling fans. We wait to see what they should next be deprived of.


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Anonymous said...

Brigadista que tienes contra Fantomas ?

Vana said...

Fantomas se merece todo lo malo por HP

Anonymous said...

Vana, what's your New Year's resolution ?

Perder 80 libras ?

Anonymous said...

Tongolele said:

"Perder 80 libras ?"


Contesta Vana, contesta

Anonymous said...

Deja de comer muchacha que vas esplotar.


Anonymous said...

Manuel who wrote that song "Dont go, Please dont go!"

Manuel, Pleeeeeeeeease DONT GO!

Will you have email?

Rafelito said...

esplotar = explotar

Vamos a aprender a escribir el idioma de todos los cubanos

Anonymous said...

Manuel, check your eMail inbox. I sent you a VIM a few minutes ago, it's a Must Read topic.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas se merece todo lo malo por HP

Fantomas is my hero

Anonymous said...

Vana , conoces la verdadera historia de Fantomas

Si no fuese HP no seria Fantomas

Do some reading before opening your jaiba

Vana said...

Si la verdadera historia de fanto es chivaton de la tirania agente y espia del DGI, es un comunista asqueroso.

Y el que tiene que perder mas de 80 libras es fanto que es un gordiflon, yo lo he visto en fotos

Anonymous said...

Si la verdadera historia de fanto es chivaton de la tirania agente y espia del DGI

Tienes pruebas?

Anonymous said...

Si la verdadera historia de fanto es chivaton de la tirania agente y espia del DGI

Tienes pruebas?

Anonymous said...

Si la verdadera historia de fanto es chivaton de la tirania agente y espia del DGI

Tienes pruebas?

Anonymous said...

Vana ten cuidado no vayas a caer en la carcel como pronto ira Simmons el americano que se la pasa acusando a cubanos de espias sin pruebas

Anonymous said...


Suelta las masas fritas


Angel Garzón said...

Anonymous Fantomas,


Anonymous said...

Angel = Cherna

Anonymous said...

Angel= Charlie= Manuel= Vana= Fantomas

Angel Garzón said...





Anonymous said...

Angel que te hizo Fantomas?

Explicame tu odio hacia el, no lo conoces

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzon = Manuel Alberto , NJ

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas Anonimo,


Cierra el sitio chernita que lo tuyo no vale nada, reciclando comentarios no resuelve tu problema. No te olvides, te tienen rodeao.


Anonymous said...

Cierra el sitio chernita que lo tuyo no vale nada,

Que es lo que no vale?

No te olvides, te tienen rodeao

Y que le piensan hacer, explicate

Angel Garzón said...

El guaguancó se te acaba pronto.

El Sitemeter tuyo es facil de arreglár, entro y salgo y no me ves.

Hasle las preguntas a los que te tienen rodeao, no a mi.


Anonymous said...

Amo la máscara y vicio
Del corredor de mi hotel:
Me vuelvo al manso bullicio
De mi monte de laurel.

Duermo en mi cama de roca
Mi sueño dulce y profundo:
Roza una abeja mi boca
Y crece en mi cuerpo el mundo.

Brillan las grandes molduras
Al fuego de la mañana,
Que tiñe las colgaduras
De rosa, violeta y grana.

El clarín, solo en el monte,
Canta al primer arrebol:
La gasa del horizonte
Prende, de un aliento, el Sol.

¡Díganle al obispo ciego,
Al viejo obispo de España
Que venga, que venga luego,
A mi templo, a la montaña!

Anonymous said...

El Sitemeter tuyo es facil de arreglár, entro y salgo y no me ves.


Anonymous said...

Hasle= Hazle

alfabetizate burro

Angel Garzón said...

Acuerdate de lo que le pasó a el caracter llamado Rebenga en el alberge del Orange Bowl en la pelicula Scarface, creo que te tengan planeado eso para ti.

Cuándo te desgoyen guajiro, celebrarémos en la diaspora cubana.

Angel Garzón said...






Angel Garzón said...

Ahora voy al sitio tuyo, voy a jugár con el contenido, a ver si te lo arréglo.

Anonymous said...

En santiago habia una avenida
que se llamaba garzon
por ahi vendian unos dulces
que no tenian sazon

la dulceria hacia esquina
y era muy concurrida
te daban agua con azucar parda
no valia la pena la espera

Segui caminando hacia mi casa
que quedaba en enramadas
y cuando queria pizza
me metia en la fontana

Despues de salir de alli
me dirigi a casa Granda
no sin antes darme un trago
en el club 300

y aunque estaba harto
me meti en el cine rialto
vi una pelicula de vaqueros
mas vieja que matusalen

me dolian las alpargatas
solamente de pensar en las escalinatas
que tenia que subir
por la calle padre pico

antes de llegar a la trocha
me pare a descansar
no sin antes realizar
que no habia carnaval

Anonymous said...

Cuándo te desgoyen guajiro, celebrarémos en la diaspora cubana.


Anonymous said...

En el negro callejón
Donde en tinieblas paseo,
Alzo los ojos, y veo
La iglesia, erguida, a un rincón.

¿Será misterio? ¿Será
Revelación y poder?
¿Será, rodilla, el deber
De postrarse? ¿Qué será?

Tiembla la noche: en la parra
Muerde el gusano el retoño;
Grazna, llamando al otoño,
La hueca y hosca cigarra.

Graznan dos: atento al dúo
Alzo los ojos y veo
Que la iglesia del paseo
Tiene la forma de un búho.

Anonymous said...

Ahora voy al sitio tuyo, voy a jugár con el contenido, a ver si te lo arréglo.

Say what?

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzón said...
Ahora voy al sitio tuyo, voy a jugár con el contenido, a ver si te lo arréglo

El blog de Fantomas no tiene posts
Que le hicistes Angel

Anonymous said...

Angel= Habla mierda

Mucha amenaza pa morir en la orilla

Anonymous said...


Garza maldita moriras en el exilio.


Anonymous said...

dejalo, que el mismo morira por la boca

pérsona que maldice a Fantomas tendra problemas de salud en el 2009

Anonymous said...

Angel said:

"Ahora voy al sitio tuyo, voy a jugár con el contenido"

So, Angel likes to play with "el conenido" de Fantomas.


Anonymous said...

Sr, Tellechea su blog se esta utilizando para perpetrar ataques ciberneticos a miembros plenos de la plataforma blogger. Ademas se habla aqui de cometer algun tipo de delito contra personas naturales dentro del territorio Norteamericano. Estamos guardando copias de todos estos comentarios. Pensamos que el grupo blogger necesita tomar cartas en el asunto y ya hemos reportado su blog. Tambien estamos traduciendo ciertos mensajes claves para enviarlos a la oficina de Homeland Security . Nos estaremos comunicando con usted prontamente

Vana said...

Fantomas Cobarde cucaracha, sale de la cueva!! te tienen rodeao'

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, muerte a ella, la cherna palestina, cucarachona, y a todas sus personalidades, infinitas maldiciones a todas ellas ahora, en el 2009 y para siempre.

Fantomas = Maldecido maldito

Anonymous said...

Fantomas esta bendecido por los paleros cubanos

Ochun lo protege

Anonymous said...

pérsona que maldice a Fantomas tendra problemas de salud en el 2009

lombrices en el estomago

Anonymous said...

Vana mueve las nalgas de la computadora. Date un baño niña , esa peste a bacalao debe estar de oinga

Anonymous said...

Fantomas Cobarde cucaracha, sale de la cueva!! te tienen rodeao'

Vana y rodeado para que?

explicate no te entiendo

Anonymous said...

Vana suelta el pan con lechon chica que vas a explotar.

Anonymous said...

"Vana mueve las nalgas de la computadora"

Donde esta el forklift ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 am = Angel

Angel = jesus freak

Anonymous said...

Fantomas nos vemos en Nostalgia 2009, la ultima que vaz a ver, de nuestra ciudad tu no sales.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:37 AM



Anonymous said...

Te esperaremos con todo brio, nuestras dagas no serán afiladas para ti, al contrario, las tenemos en agua desde meses, sus resultados serán más satisfactorios de esa forma. ni el remedio chino te salva a ti.

Anonymous said...

Cuando venga tu bugarrón Jay a buscár tus restos no recibirá ni cenizas, el bugarrón tampoco sale de Miami, aqui quedará el también.

Anonymous said...

Dicen por ahi que hay Fantomas para largo 2009 y mas adelante

Anonymous said...

Ni los cocos ni los pollos muertos me pueden afectár, esa mierda africana me cago en ella, cientos de ellos ni me afectaron, ni me afectarán jamás. aqui te espero en Mayo, te voy a partír el culo maricón.

Anonymous said...

Jay= Bugarron

Anonymous said...

Jay Martinez = Agente DGI

Anonymous said...

Nos vemos en Mayo Enrique, te esperamos en Nostalgia. Voy a dormír ya que tengo que trabajár hoy.

Anonymous said...

May 17-19 Nostalgia , the place to be

Anonymous said...

The Fantomas Botth will be up and running. Mojitos will be served chilled. Pan con lechon y vaca Frita on Fantomas tab Babalusianos are welcomed with open arms

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let it be known that I am not Charlie Bravo, I read what was written here by another commenter, what was said is accurrate, I was accussed of being Charlie Bravo at by an anonymous commenter, I have been trying to make it clear to people like Tomas Estrada Palma that anybody like him who pretends to be Cuban as the people at Babalu blog do are not Cuban and will not be welcome in Cuba when she is democratic again, we do not need pretenders interfering with Cuba, all foreigners should be kept from ruining Cuba's free future.

Anonymous said...

MIU-21= AlphaCharlie Bravo

Anonymous said...

Manuel Fantomas te cerro este blog y todavia no te has dado cuenta
Despierta de una vez

Anonymous said...

MIU-21 -- A quien carajo le importa si tu eres CB -- lo que importa es que todos sabemos que eres un comemierda.


J. Danek said...

MaT, new post, please.

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous 2:42

I care, I won't pretend to speak for Charlie Bravo, but I'd venture to say that he also cares. That you either can't or won't recognize the importance of whose statements are whose, demonstrates duplicity and nefarious intent, perhaps that's all you want, but, your cowardice says a lot about you and your insults while hiding behind the cloak of anonimmity speak of your lack of character, a cursory study of writing style leads me to the opinion that you are Fantomas, your trademark expressions are all over the comment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree - please a new post, Sr. Tellechea. Little time remains to bring succor to your long-suffering readership (suffering as a result of Castro, not you of course).

Anonymous said...

MIU-21= Manuel Tellechea, sitemeter nark extraordinary

Anonymous said...


Berraco insolente. Deja la cantaleta que nos tienes mareado.



Anonymous said...

Manuel , we need a new post quick
Fantomas is driving me crazy
Please end this burden just now
New post

Anonymous said...

ying ying ying buenas tardes
Has visto a Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Fantomas se fue de crucero por una semana
Adventure of the Seas , de Royal Caribbean

Anonymous said...

Dejen de usar mi nombresito coño.


Anonymous said...

Yo no sabia que los food stamps eran acceptado en el Royal Caribbean. Que bien. Fanto, aprovecha y come bien.

Anonymous said...

Ni las moscas Ni las moscas.

see you later...........

Anonymous said...

Manuel cumpliendo a cabalidad las ordenes de Fantomas. Sorry Joe ,there will not be a new post until fantomas reaches 641 comments to break his own record
still 4567 less than Joani, no CA record here

Angel Garzón said...

Anonymous said...

Angel said:

"Ahora voy al sitio tuyo, voy a jugár con el contenido"

"So, Angel likes to play with "el conenido" de Fantomas.


12/28/2008 11:44 PM

Anonymous Fantomas, you should pay more attention to your writting, you are better off reverting to your usual practice of cut - copy - paste. BURRO.

Angel Garzón said...

Primer Aviso said...

Sr, Tellechea su blog se esta utilizando para perpetrar ataques ciberneticos a miembros plenos de la plataforma blogger. Ademas se habla aqui de cometer algun tipo de delito contra personas naturales dentro del territorio Norteamericano. Estamos guardando copias de todos estos comentarios. Pensamos que el grupo blogger necesita tomar cartas en el asunto y ya hemos reportado su blog. Tambien estamos traduciendo ciertos mensajes claves para enviarlos a la oficina de Homeland Security . Nos estaremos comunicando con usted prontamente

12/28/2008 11:47 PM

ROFLMAO, Fantomas if you can prove -- let's be honest, you can't -- that Manuel's RCAB is "... being used to perpetrate cybernetic attacks ..." as you claimed while cowardly using the moniker of Primer Aviso, I would personally wire transfer $500.00 to whichever account you care to use. Fair enough Dumbo? I await your proof of the alleged malfeasance.

P.S. Unfounded written allegations such as the one you have made, are legally considered libel, Tellechea and me may very well choose to file a legal grievance against you and demand compensation for damages to our reputations, as well as, for mental anguish not only to ourselves, but also to all of our family members affected by your allegations. Attorneys and legal costs could also be part of our legal demands for retribution and compensation, we both happen to have great Jewish lawyers.

What say you Fantomas?

Anonymous said...

Defamation Definition
What is Defamation?
False and untrue communication published with the specific intent of injuring another person’s reputation
Injured person must be identifiable
Libel—written form of defamation; Slander—oral form of defamation
We do not remove allegedly defamatory content from or any other U.S. dot com domains.

US domain sites such as, Blogger, Page Creator, etc. are sites regulated only by U.S. law. Given this fact, and pursuant to Section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act, we do not remove allegedly defamatory material from U.S. domains. The only exception to this rule is if the material has been found to be defamatory by a court, as evidenced by a court order.

The language of Section 230(c) of the Communications Decency Act fundamentally states that Internet services like, Blogger and many of Google’s other services are republishers and not the publisher of that content. Therefore, these sites are not held liable for any allegedly defamatory, offensive or harassing content published on the site.

What say you now Burron

Anonymous said...

What reputation palestino Garzon

you and demand compensation for damages to our reputations

Angel Garzón said...

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 am = Angel

Angel = jesus freak

12/29/2008 12:33 AM

Well, there you go again Fantomas. First of all, I did not write the comment that you claim I wrote, I always use my name when I comment on any Blog. Secondly, while I agree with part of the opinion of the 12:24 AM commentator, I would not make my opinion known in such fashion because unlike you, I am not a racist. Thirdly, I am not now and I have never been a "Jesus freak", the people who were known by that moniker back in the 1970s shared very little with my Christian belief structure, they would never harm a fly and were basically punching bags who took the "...turn the other cheek ..." recommendation of Jesus out of context, clearly you have never read the Bible and you base your accussation on your gigantic ignorance and covetous personality. I am the kind of Christian that believes in shooting first and asking questions later, or if you prefer, something along the line of kill them all and let God sort them out later.

Angel Garzón said...

Read 230(c) again burro, you have not yet understood what it states, but then again, burros such as you never understand what they read, they assume that what they want to read is what's written. BURRO.

Angel Garzón said...

New Fantomism:

"The Fantomas Botth..."

Add that one to the pile Manuel.

Angel Garzón said...

MIU-21, don't sweat the small stuff coming from the microscopic one-celled cranium of Fantomas, this creature is well known for being a pest of just about all the Cuban freedom themed Blogs, please read what Charlie Bravo has recently written about his personality, a psychologist could not have done a better job than Charlie did, the creature craves attention and apparently neglects to take his Thorazine as Mr. Agustin Farinas and me have indicated numerous times, should you care to get to know his personal flaws further, visit The Mad House of RCAB, its link is at the bottom of the page, within the Blogroll, it is no accident that he has been expelled and banned from a number of Blogs, he deserved it.

Angel Garzón said...

The only palestino around here is Fantomas, a.k.a Enrique Rubio, a.k.a Javier del Caney, a.k.a. Centurion, a.k.a. monikers ad infinitum. KMA, Fantomas, the ultimate representation of a palestino.

Anonymous said...


Garza, eres un frikiao UN FRIKIAO.

Vana said...

I can sue fanto for calling me bruta and stupida, that's a damage to my reputation

Anonymous said...

Suelta las masas fritas Vana sueltalas.

Remember you have to loose 80 lbs next year


Anonymous said...

Vana rebaja las nalgas , parate de la computadora niña y camina. Bota la grasa

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzon= Tellechea= Alpha Charlie Bravo ...Usted no es burro, usted es UN tremendo ASNO PALESTINO

Fantomas said...

Aduladores, impostores, burragones, hijos de puta, bochincheros, patos, gordas, locas, narcisitas,brigadistas, chivatos,comemierdas, babalusianos, ilusos,balseros, alfileres, anonimos, extraterrestres, wife beaters, urracas,centuriones,huele trancas, chupadores de biberon, enanos, animales politicos,batistianos, comunistas. Todos ustedes han blasfemiado a este servidor en mi ausencia
Aun asi les deseo un




La cabilla esta lista

CJB-BCJ said...

O te callas la bocarrota Enriquito o te vamos a callar nosotros, tu estupided esta del colmo ya. ¿Quieres ir de vacación eterna?

Fantomas said...

Quieres ir de vacación eterna

Que me ofreces , explicame

Anonymous said...

estupided= estupidez

CJB-BCJ said...

Sigue de comemierda que accidentes ocurren diariamente.

CJB-BCJ said...

Sigue de comemierda que accidentes ocurren diariamente.

CJB-BCJ said...

Sigue de comemierda que accidentes ocurren diariamente.

Fantomas said...

No te preocupes tendre mucho cuidado. Evitare todo accidente y siempre con my piece ready

Fantomas said...

Mansuelo, donde estas?

Anonymous said...

Bienvenido señor Fantomas, mis respetos, gusto en verle de nuevo por aca

Anonymous said...

Alfiler no te conozco , no se quien eres pero gracias por la bienvenida

Anonymous said...

La peste putrefacta de este palestino Fantomas infecta este lugar, vete a tu blog maricón, aqui nadie quiere tu presencia, traidor.

Fantomas said...

Algunos no entienden que hay fantomas para largo

Anonymous said...

Con el traidor palestino acabo yo y nadie más, reclamo la primicia para exterminár al maricón y nadie me hurtará el privilegio de hacerlo.

Anonymous said...

El 2009 es el año cuando le terminaré la jodienda a Fantomas.

Anonymous said...

Por que llaman a Fantomas traidor
Que yo sepa todo lo que el hace es por la causa. En ningun momento Fantomas ha respaldado a la revolucion

Alquien que me esplique pol favol

Anonymous said...

El 2009 es el año cuando le terminaré la jodienda a Fantomas.

Como piensas hacerlo?

Vana said...

For you info fanto, I'm 5'6 140 pounds, I work out, no fat in my body, but I have seen your pic you could lose about 200 pounds, there did i put that to rest, if you keep it up I'm gonna sue you.

Anonymous said...

Vana 5'6 should be 134 , sorry, too fat

Anonymous said...

Fantomas said...



La cabilla de Fantomas = Dildo

Fantomas quizo decír:

Me tengo que virar pa meterme la cabilla, pero estoy tan gordiflon que me es dificil, el Fat Bastard de Austin Powers me dio la idea cuando Heather Graham se la metio, el K-Y es indispensable.

Anonymous said...

Sucia , puerca

Alisa Valdes said...


Thank you for this wonderful blog. I am very deeply impressed. Your common sense in the face of the extreme hate spewed by the babalunians is refreshing, much needed, and I, for one, am tremendously glad you're doing what you do.


Anonymous said...

Fanto ya te metiste la cabilla?
Acuerdate de usar la locion K-Y

Anonymous said...

tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac

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