Friday, December 5, 2008

Caroline Kennedy Inherits Hillary's NY Senate Seat

ABC News is reporting that Gov. David Paterson of New York has offered Caroline Kennedy the soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat of Secretary of State designate Hillary Clinton. It will make for an unusual transition: a president's daughter replaces a president's wife, as Caroline becomes the second of her family to claim a Senate seat in New York by virtue of her bloodline and the fourth overall. A fifth Kennedy will soon inherit her Uncle Ted's Senate seat in Massachusetts. There are in fact more Kennedy cousins than there are Senate seats. This may be easily fixed by an amendment to the Constitution (the "Kennedy Packing Amendment") or a friendly game of musical chairs. Caroline, of course, takes her seat (or should that be throne?) without opposition. It would be crass to speak of qualifications when her name alone is her only one. Let us just say that her resumé makes Barack Obama's look positively presidential. In fact, it was Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Obama, which preceded her uncle's, that was the signal to the Democratic establishment to abandon Hillary and embrace this "adopted Kennedy," who, in her father's White House, would have been a footman or cook.

Earlier this year, we commented on the significance of her endorsement and noted that Obama was not the first presidential candidate adopted by Caroline, though from the reaction of the media one would have supposed that a Hollywood starlet had just raided an African orphanage:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Caroline Kennedy Anointed Al Gore As JFK's Successor in 2000

Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Barack Obama has been commented upon by virtually every blog in the nation. One would think that her father himself dictated it to her by means of a Ouija board. It is, in fact, nothing more than the opinion of one individual. Except for her father's hagiographers her opinion would have no more weight in this race than Amy Carter's. But not all the presidents' children are created equal. For some reason Onassis-heiress Caroline, who has done nothing noteworthy in her life except sell all of her parent's keepsakes at public auction from her mother's wedding ring to her father's rocking chair, is regarded by many Democrats as their party's Holy Grail. They would have elevated her late brother to the White House on the basis of his "Y" chromosome even if he failed the bar exam a dozen times. As JFK's sole surviving daughter she doesn't meet the requirements of the Salic law of succession, but is nonetheless a powerful Roman matron who has the power to anoint future presidents, or so she and Democratic operatives seem to believe. This time around her conceit is actually being taken seriously by those in a position to effect the change she wants.

Someone said (actually it was a blogger who ordinarily writes about working terriers) that "Caroline Kennedy has never said this before. It is the kind of thing that you say only once in your life." But not if you are Caroline Kennedy. In 2000, she endorsed Al Gore with just as much canned passion and I would say enthusiasm if you take into consideration that it was Al Gore she was endorsing:

"I know that when my brother, John, and I were growing up, hardly a day went by when someone didn’t come up to us and say, "your father changed my life. I went into public service because he asked me. I take great pride in knowing that one of those that he inspired to enter public service is the next vice president of the United States, Joe Lieberman."Endorsement Speech for Al Gore at the 2000 Democratic Convention

"Over the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama." Endorsement of Barack Obama in The New York Times, January 27, 2008


"I was lucky enough to grow up in a world where adults taught by example. They dreamed impossible dreams, yet they fought hard each day to make those dreams come true. They taught us the importance of faith and family and how those values must be woven together into lives of purpose and meaning. That is what my husband Ed and I want for our three children. That is what Al and Tipper Gore want for their children." — About Gore in 2000

"I have spent the past five years working in the New York City public schools and have three teenage children of my own. There is a generation coming of age that is hopeful, hard-working, innovative and imaginative. But too many of them are also hopeless, defeated and disengaged. As parents, we have a responsibility to help our children to believe in themselves and in their power to shape their future. Senator Obama is inspiring my children, my parents’ grandchildren, with that sense of possibility."About Obama in 2008

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg's speech in support of Al Gore was aired in prime time and is remembered, if at all, because she revealed in it that Al Gore's parents had played matchmakers to her parents. In a way, JFK played matchmaker to Obama's parents, since as senator he drafted the legislation that brought Kenyan exchange students to the U.S., including Obama Sr., who met Barack's mother at the University of Hawaii. Caroline's father would no doubt be surprised that his organic heir and continuator is Obama Jr. (or leastwise his second organic heir and continuator).


Anonymous said...

Chavez tiene un hermano Adan y a su papa de alcaldes . Me imagino que pondra a las dos hijas tambien , en Cuba ni se diga el bloodline de castro heredara todo el poder. Pero habra guerra alli

Vana said...

Well, well more unqualified people to run the country, are we not lucky!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Let two things be duly noted: 1). Val's comment is not in reference to this post; and 2). aggregator has two "Gs."

However, I must admit that "South Florida Daily News Agregator [sic] and Blog Police" is a happy coinage.

It will be quite a challenge for Rick to top it.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Your comment says it all.

Anonymous said...

With the mention of Caroline Kennedy's name half the liberals in the country catch a boner (and we are not just talking about the males). With the late John-John, it was 100%.

Anonymous said...

Manny Manny, take a break, tomate un cafesito, take a walk with Maria Tellechea.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to democracy?
It's just an irony that the democratic party is called democratic.
Don't the people elect senators anymore?
Or is this turning into a castroite nightmare and people are so comfortable asleep that they do not want to be waken up?

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, every aspiring senator needs to comply with an in-state residence requisit.
How can a person be the first lady of California and reside in New York as the same time and be annointed as senator? Why don't they annoint her also as the Obamatron succesor already?
Oh sorry, I forgot... the Kennedys have Messianic powers too.... it's call omnipresence. She can be here too carting me off to the Kennedy Klan Kompound for an inquisitorial trial for doubting of their powers and divine nature!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I think it has to do with trans-substantiation.

And isn't it nice that New York wants to cede one of its senators to California!

I wonder what California could do for New York?

Anonymous said...


Hey Mat do not forget Puerto Rico , it needs a senator and some representatives if they are ever granted statehood

Anonymous said...

The New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico (NPP) (Spanish: Partido Nuevo Progresista de Puerto Rico, PNP) is a political party that campaigns for Puerto Rican statehood. It currently holds supermajorities in the Puerto Rico House of Representatives and the Senate of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico's sole non-voting seat in Congress, as well as 48 of Puerto Rico's 78 mayoral seats, and the seat of Governor following the November 4, 2008 General Elections.

Those who follow the NPP ideology are called penepés or estadistas ("statehooders"). Individuals from the NPP may have alliances with either the national Republican Party or the Democratic Party, unlike the Popular Democratic Party, or PDP, which has strong identification with the Democratic Party. In its beginning, the majority of the NPP leaders were also members of the Republican Party, yet the last two elected NPP governors, Carlos Romero Barceló, and Dr. Pedro Rosselló González, are registered Democrats. The Resident Commissioner, Hon. Luis G. Fortuño on the other hand, caucuses with the Republicans and serves as Puerto Rico's Republican National Committeeman. House Speaker José Aponte is a Republican while Senate President Kenneth McClintock is Puerto Rico's Democratic National Committeeman. Luis Fortuño is the current president of the party after defeating Dr. Pedro Rosselló González for the seat and gubernatorial nomination in a party primary on March 9, 2008.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

51 state:

With Barack Obama in power, it's the macheteros (pro-independence Marxist terrorists) who will call the shots (literally) in Puerto Rico.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my lapsus mentis.All the Kennedys look like clones of one another! The only differences are thir fake tans, the lenght of their hair and not much else. Maria Shriver Kennedy is the first lady of California and Caroline is la Infanta of Camelot. Fake royalty!
Charlie Bravo

Centurion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Centurion said...

Me encanta el idioma español ... pero estoy aprendiendo todavia..

espero aprender mucho de ustedes...

Centurion said...

Donde estan los mambises ?
Donde estan los heroes cubanos ?

Anonymous said...

With Barack Obama in power, it's the macheteros (pro-independence Marxist terrorists) who will call the shots (literally) in Puerto Rico.

El FBI gunned down Filiberto Ojeda


Anonymous said...


Back to DC
I've been contacted for a possible official trip to Washington DC - the details of which I'll reveal as soon as I can - and, not only am I once again incredibly honored, but humbled. Stuff like this happens and it astounds me. When I say that five years ago, when I started this here blog, I would never have believed the impact it has had, on so many and im my life specifically, believe me. I am amazed.

I cant give much by way of details yet, but trust me when I say this:it's incredibly important and Im honored to have been considered for participation.

Now, of course, comes the pat I hate: if ever there was a time to drop a few bucks in the Babalu piggy bank, it's now. I know times are tight and Christmas is just around the corner, but if you can, please consider making a small donation by clicking on the donation button on the sidebar, to help me offset the cost of this trip. I promise to do my very best to represent you, Cuba and her people.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:20 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...


Now, of course, comes the pat I hate: if ever there was a time to drop a few bucks in the Babalu piggy bank, it's now. I know times are tight and Christmas is just around the corner, but if you can, please consider making a small donation by clicking on the donation button on the sidebar, to help me offset the cost of this trip. I promise to do my very best to represent you, Cuba and her people.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:20 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

Hey Val, how much do you need?

I will cut you a check right away

Please be more specific about your participation

Who invited you to the Inauguration , Ileana? or was it Rangel

Centurion said...

"if ever there was a time to drop a few bucks in the Babalu piggy bank, it's now. I know times are tight"

No te preocupes señor pay-Val cuando llegues a la casa blanca tendremos un jabita llena de golosinas y otras cositas para ayudarte.... y despues del 20 de Enero te mandare un chequesito para que tu familia pueda comer.

Anonymous said...


Now, of course, comes the pat I hate: if ever there was a time to drop a few bucks in the Babalu piggy bank, it's now. I know times are tight and Christmas is just around the corner, but if you can, please consider making a small donation by clicking on the donation button on the sidebar, to help me offset the cost of this trip. I promise to do my very best to represent you, Cuba and her people.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:20 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

I promise to do my very best to represent you, Cuba and her people.

Val Prieto hara lo mejor para representarte a ti a Cuba y a su gente







Anonymous said...

For Val while traveling to DC

Seran de la Loma
Seran de Bayamo
Son de la loma
Pero cantan en llano

Sera descarao
Sera de Bayamo
Se va por la mañana
A hablar con Obama

Anonymous said...

Que care tiene este tipo ...


Val-- desde cuando tu nos representas a nosotros los cubanos ?

Eres un mendigo cagalitroso....

Me das lastima Val .... lo siento por tu familia... ponte a trabajar y ganar dinero... y deja de pedir limosnas ... manganson ....

Por Cuba tu has hecho muy poco y por los cubanos no has hecho NADA...


Anonymous said...

Val needs money to buy a new suit. He's gain a few pounds lately-- his old suit esta un poquito apretadito.

Fantomas said...

Aqui estoy observando a mis impostores que me quieren hacer daño. No pasaran. Hay un solo Fantomas. Incopiable

Vamos al grano

Now, of course, comes the pat I hate: if ever there was a time to drop a few bucks in the Babalu piggy bank, it's now. I know times are tight and Christmas is just around the corner, but if you can, please consider making a small donation by clicking on the donation button on the sidebar, to help me offset the cost of this trip. I promise to do my very best to represent you, Cuba and her people.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:20 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Una sola palabra debe ser suficiente para describir todo esto , verdad Mansuelo

Adivinarias cual es?

Anonymous said...

Permiteme responder esa pregunta


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

En su viaje a DC Val Prieto despues de almorzar con el grupo de Obama y Hillary anunciara su conversion al Islam y al Partido Democrata. Tambien se hara miembro de la Iglesia del Reverendo Wright y filmara una pelicula de horror con Michael Moore
Val es un digno ejemplo de el famoso SHIFT que con tanto ahinco nos preparo el afamado politico cubano Enrique Gomez

Anonymous said...

Val recaudamos 2000 pennies te lo haremos llegar pronto

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Val needs money to buy a new suit. He's gain a few pounds lately-- his old suit esta un poquito apretadito.

12/05/2008 9:46 PM

Quien eres tu?

Anonymous said...



Vana said...

Don't know who's going to donate any money for Val's trip, they have NO commentators, he has his nerve asking money from the very people he and his fine cadre insult and censor, represent us!!PLEASE!! I don't want to be represented by the likes of Val Prieto!! I'm ashamed he's Cuban!!

Que tipo mas descarado!

Anonymous said...

Fantomas control yourselves - so far 13 personalities - take your meds and call it a day, or we will control all your whack jobs, if Tellechea is reluctant to impart discipline, you know we are not, you've been warned.

Anonymous said...

ja ja ja ja ....

Val el mendigo...

fantomas quien es el impostor?

Dimelo para castigarlo ?


Anonymous said...

CBJ = Calgalitroso Jediondo Babalusiano


Anonymous said...


why don't you save some of the cocos and pollos from your front yard?

Anonymous said...

Not even fantomas asks for maney.... and, according to Vana, he's on welfare and receives foodstamps...


Anonymous said...

impostores.... impostores ...

solo existe un balsero en este blog..

fantomas stop inpersonating me....

Anonymous said...

Ya me voy ... que tengan muy buenas noches ....

Fantomas... te visitare desde Mexico ... mañana o pasado ...

espera mi visita....

ps... te encargo el blog ... manten el order por favor

Anonymous said...

Does Val represent us?
Says who?
He's going to participate in what?
con lo descarao que es, pidiendo dinero!

Anonymous said...

En su viaje a DC Val Prieto despues de almorzar con el grupo de Obama y Hillary anunciara su conversion al Islam y al Partido Democrata. Tambien se hara miembro de la Iglesia del Reverendo Wright y filmara una pelicula de horror con Michael Moore
Val es un digno ejemplo de el famoso SHIFT que con tanto ahinco nos preparo el afamado politico cubano Enrique Gomez


Anonymous said...

Caroline Kennedy's resume (from wikipedia):
B.A. from Harvard University
J.D. from Columbia Law School
Wrote two books with Ellen Alderman:
* In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights In Action (1990)
* The Right to Privacy (1995)
Edited several books, wrote one on the Kennedy family.
Currently President of the Kennedy Library Foundation, a director of both the Commission on Presidential Debates and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and Honorary Chairman of the American Ballet Theatre. She is also an adviser to the Harvard Institute of Politics, a living memorial to her father.

The Senate would not only be getting another Kennedy and all the stuff that goes along with that but also Jackie's daughter, A girl raised at arms length fromt he rest of the clan. She would probably be the first Kennedy to serve in the Senate or House who has not been to rehab since Bobby back in 1968. She would be great, if she wants it.

Anonymous said...

"We talk, you just listen and send money"

DeLaCruz's title to article about Val?

Vana said...

ROFLMAO..Not one comment on Val's money begging post.

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