Saturday, November 29, 2008

Second Cuban On the Way to Sainthood

A second Cuban, Brother José Olallo Valdés, was beatified in Camagüey today, the penultimate step on the road to sainthood. Last year, Fray José López Piteira, became the first Cuban to receive that recognition along with 498 other religious martyred by the Republicans in Spain's Civil War (1936-1939). Blessed Fray José, who was born in Cuba to Spanish parents, returned with them to Spain at age 5 and entered a seminary there at age 13. Although he could have invoked his Cuban citizenship to save his life, he chose to share the fate of his brothers in Christ who were murdered at Paracuellos de Jarama, on November 30, 1936. He was 23 at the time of death. His last words "¡Viva Cristo Rey!" were prophetic ones and would be heard again thousands of times when the Red Terror came to our country in 1959.

Jaime Cardinal Ortega, Archbishop of Havana, refused to attend López Piteira's beatification in the Vatican on October 28, 2007 for fear of offending the successors of the Stalinists who murdered him. Ortega even argued publicly that Blessed Fray José was not a "real Cuban" ("cubano cubano") as if his mitre had also invested him with the power to denationalize his countrymen rather than to excommunicate those that betrayed the Catholic religion by persecuting the faithful (which Ortega has never dared to do). In recognition of Ortega's obedience to two masters, Raúl Castro attended today's ceremony and sat in the front row with the Vatican representative. He was presented with a Bible during the service and the Superior General of the Hospitaller Order of St. John, to which Olallo had belonged, thanked Castro for allowing the beatification to take place in a public setting and honoring them with his presence. So was Blessed Brother José Olallo's memory dishonored and his veneration among Cubans compromised by those who had sponsored and propelled his cause with the intention of derailing or overshadowing López Piteira's.

Fray Jose López Piteira was everything that Cuba's pusillanimous prelates are not, which, of course, is why they snubbed and insulted Cuba's first beato. Never before in the 2000-year history of the Church had the hierarchy of any country failed to enjoin the faithful to venerate a Blessed Martyr who was also a native son.

Brother José Olallo was a 19th-century holy man who dedicated his life to caring for the sick. His beatification poses no embarrassment to the Cuban Church. But he was not a martyr for the faith nor a saint for our times. That would be Fray José López Piteira, the first Cuban martyred by the Communists.

A Prayer to Blessed Fray José López Piteira
First Cuban Martyr, Fray José López Piteira, Beatified In Rome Today
Blessed Fray José López Piteira, Catholic Martyr and Cuban
Why Father Félix Varela Has Not Been Elevated to Sainthood and Never Will Be
Jaime Cardinal Ortega: The "Dorian Gray" of Cuba
Monsignor Carlos Manuel de Céspedes III


Vana said...

What a mockery to have Raul sit there during the beatification!

Anonymous said...

En cuba no necesitamos santos-- lo que nos hace falta son heroes.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas 11:45 PM will you be the first to become a patriotic hero by fighting against the communists and their supporter and guarantor the US government?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas will become the third Cuban Saint

Anonymous said...

How soon?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52 you did a number on Fantomas, unable to answer the call Fantomas has decided it best to run and hide instead of fighting or arguying, good job Anon.

Fantomas said...

it best to run and hide instead of fighting or arguying, good

I'm here...What's up?

Anonymous said...

Ya ni las moscas pasan por esta caca de blog

Anonymous said...

Sólo cuando tú haces acto de presencia.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ya ni las moscas pasan por esta caca de blog

12/01/2008 9:09 AM

Te sonaron duto

Anonymous said...

And so it beings. Fidel would be awfully proud!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! May they soon achieve full sainthood. Maybe my memory is fading from me but I always thought beatification was the last process, making them a saint.

Anonymous said...

Manuel Tellechea = Saint

Anonymous said...

Unlike his Cuban supporters, Bush finally admits that he may have destroyed the conservative movement.

Anonymous said...

Manuel no es mi Santo pero este blog sigue apestando
Pronto se acerca el cierre como predijo Fantomas
Ese monstruo si que se toma
la cosa en serio
Dicen por ahi que Manuel no es Santo
Yo creo que eso no es realidad
Manuel es un pobre diablo
que nunca dijo la verdad
Los zapaticos de rosa
no eran de charol
pero los zapatos de Manuel
apestaban a estiercol

Anonymous said...

Este poeta de hialeah
no tiene ninguna prosa
aqui se ven cada cosas
que dan ganas de reir

y no me quiero ir
sin antes decir lo mio
porque cuando yo abro la boca
ni los pajaros dicen pio pio

Y no hablo de pio socarras
ni del indio batista
dos ineptos dirigentes
que le dieron paso a los insurgentes

Fantomas tiene talento
eso todos lo sabemos
es un ser muy especial
digno de ser respetado

Algun dia lo aceptaran
como yo ya lo hice
sin fantomas que se dice
que este blog de nada sirve

El dia 20 se enero
mucha gente hara dinero
madrugaran en la mañana
para ver al Presidente Obama

Cinco millones de personas
Iran a la inauguracion
mientras que el blog de tellecha
cierra por expropiacion

Esto se acabo
ahora si me marcho
me espera un pan con macho
con matervas y con croquetas

Anonymous said...

En cuba no necesitamos santos-- lo que nos hace falta son heroes.

Anonymous said...

fantomas el poeta de los cubanos

Anonymous said...

fantomas tiene que ser beatificado.

el milagroso Santo Fantomas....

Pidenle que el concede...

Anonymous said...

Le pido perdon al futuro tercer Santo cubano Fantomas por todas las calumnias a que fue sometido en el trascurso de los meses en este blog en nombre de todos los cubanos dentro y fuera de la isla

Pedimos en nombre del Vaticano , su eminencia el Papa Benedicto , la virgen y la madre de los tomates que se reconozca en la Gaceta Oficial del Vaticano que Fantomas ha sido nominado a este alto honor por haber hecho un gran milagro. Obtener el cierre total del Blog de Manuel Alberto Tellechea

Anonymous said...

Tellechea aqui hay más comemierdas que intelectuales, limpie esta su casa caballero, por favór.

Anonymous said...

Tellechea aqui hay más comemierdas que intelectuales

Al contrario Cjb.jbc los intelectuales de pacotilla son tremendos comemierdas

Anonymous said...

Le pido perdon Santo Fantomas

Anonymous said...

Manuel no deje que

CJB-BCJ le secuestre su blog con comentarios fuera de lugar

Este señor llego ayer y ahora quiere dictar pautas aqui

No pasara Manuel

Anonymous said...

balsero said...
fantomas tiene que ser beatificado.

el milagroso Santo Fantomas....

Pidenle que el concede...

lol, ja, ja

Anonymous said...

CJB-BCJ es uno de los blablalusianos. Y todos sabemos que todos ellos tienen algo de comemierda.

Anonymous said...

Santo Fantomas por favor... te pido buen tiempo y poca corriente para que mis hermanos balsero puedan llegar

Anonymous said...

Santo Fantomas sera un Santo que escuchara y concedera

Levantemos las plegarias para que todos los balseros puedan llegar a salvo como mismo hicieron los padres de los blabalusianos

Anonymous said...

Saint Fantomas deserves a post Manuel

Anonymous said...

Los padres de los bla blah lusianos got stuck in pre 1959 Cuba

god bless them

Pay the tilt or else

Anonymous said...

Santo Fantomas por favor... te pido buen tiempo y poca corriente para que mis hermanos balsero puedan llegar

Le enviare 7000 kilowats de corriente y le concedere buen tiempo

Anonymous said...

Santo Fantomas
Reuga por nosotros los balseros

concedenos la fuerza para remar
concedonos la luna para que alumbre nuestro camino

no nos abandones ni en la noche ni en el dia

danos las estrellas para guiar nuestro camino
danos la voz para rezar

todo poderoso Santo Fantomas no nos abandones y liberanos de todo mal.

Anonymous said...

El niño prodigio desde los 5 acaba de traicionarme al irse a Chicago. Dicen que se fue a recortar con el barbero de Obama

I'll be here all week.

BTW, American Airlines sucks.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 05:44 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Vana said...

Fantomas ya deja el relajo viejo, no jodas mas!!

Anonymous said...

Vana said:

Fantomas ya deja el relajo viejo, no jodas mas!!

Santo Fantomas para usted... respeta respeta a nuestro santo...

Anonymous said...

Me retiro por el momento. Tengo que trabajar. Regreso como a las 2:30 am (hora del este) ...

comportence bien.... no hagan travesuras y respeten mucho a Mat.

Anonymous said...

Balsero = Fantomas

Fantomas = Comemierda

Comemierda = Jay Martinez

Jay Martinez = Comunista sin Fidel

Comunista sin Fidel = John

John = La Mujer de Fantomas

Rick = La Mujer de Alex

Alex = Bugarrón

Fantomas said...

Balsero = Fantomas

Fantomas = Comemierda

Comemierda = Jay Martinez

Jay Martinez = Comunista sin Fidel

Comunista sin Fidel = John

John = La Mujer de Fantomas

Rick = La Mujer de Alex

Alex = Bugarrón

El que escribio esto se paso

Anonymous said...

Fantomas said...

El que escribio esto se paso

Fantomas aqui el pasado y pesado eres tu canalla, dejate ya de insultár la inteligencia del señor Tellechea, sus comentaristas y sus lectores, eres peor que un bofe podrido lleno de larvas socialistas, asi que callate ya infiltrado, vete para Cuba traidór, aqui no te querémos.