Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rice Defers to Obama on Iran

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (may this be the last time I have to spell her name) said yesterday that though she thought it an "interesting idea" to open an Interests Section in Tehran, she will leave that decision to the incoming Obama administration. We can only hope that she has also abandoned her other "interesting idea" (see here ).


Anonymous said...


Wow, still refusing to lay criticism at the feet of the Cuban-American loved President Bush. It was not Rice who wanted to open up an office in Iran. It was Rice's Boss, President Bush who directed Ms. Rice to look into opening up an office in Tehran. In fact, i watched ex-Cia agent Baeyer on Cspan yesterday, state that it was an election year move to help John Mccain negate his joking about bombing Iran.

Anonymous said...

(may this be the last time I have to spell her name

Jan 20th cant come fast enough. Stick to your word and close it. Failure to do so will affect your reputation greatly

5 million people expected in Wash the day of closure. That will be your last post

Anonymous said...

anon said: Failure to do so will affect your reputation greatly

Too late, Manuel destroyed his reputation, when he aped Babulu's preverted sexually related musings, when discussioning the color of Madonna's boyfriends penis.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


To lose credibility with you is one of life's great disappointments.

Anonymous said...

You didnt lose that much credibility with me, Manuel. As you had so little to lose to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Very SHORT fellow lol jajajajajjaajajajajajajajaja

Anonymous said...

oh you are so important SHORT fellow lol jajajajajajaja :P

Fantomas said...

There is a battle down there for the last 50 years. so far the gov has the upper hand

Jails are full

Anonymous said...

Yes, and during the week, Cuban-American dance clubs in Miami are also full.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

fantomas & john:

That was a very good exchange between the two (?) of you after hundreds of less happier moments.

I may actually turn it into a guest post.

Fantomas said...

Yes, and during the week, Cuban-American dance clubs in Miami are also full.

John ask Bush why he did not allow Cuban exiles to go fully armed into Cuba. A few good and brave men are ready to go. F4 for example . They just do not get US clearance to do so

Fantomas said...

fantomas & john:

That was a very good exchange between the two (?) of you after hundreds of less happier moments.

I may actually turn it into a guest post.

Te quedan exactamente 53 dias para cerrar. Llenate la boca ahora bastante con tus guest posts. who needs them?

Anonymous said...

Fantômas is the Lord of Terror, the Genius of Evil, the arch-criminal anti-hero . He carries out the most appalling crimes: Closing RCAB blog, flashing signs against castro at ballparks, releasing plague-infested rats on intransigent Cuban American Blogs,

Anonymous said...

fantomas asked: John ask Bush why he did not allow Cuban exiles to go fully armed into Cuba.

I dont need to ask Bush why he didnt allow Cuban exiles go free Cuba. He gave the first clues when he started imprisoning every potential Cuban freedom fighter, during his two terms.

Rather then asking me the obvious question, one that Bush has already answered with the turn of the jail cell key.

Why dont you ask why the Cuban exiles wildly celebrates Bush's 8 years as a success for the Cuban community?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

BTW, John and Fantomas, you are now having that debate which I suggested to you a week or more ago. In case you haven't noticed.

Anonymous said...

Dear john longfellow,

The President of Babalu Boys Club, Val Prieto whishes to invite you to Mancamp this coming weekend
for a meeting.

All expenses will be paid by the ManCamp recruting fund.

We await your presence Sir

Without further due

Anonymous said...

I cant be friends with all of you. But that's ok.

This blog is coming to an abrupt end soon

It is a shame

Anonymous said...


The opening of RCAB once gave me great hopes about reading the only blog, which placed Cuba's freedom, above American policital parties, both of which have in varying degrees, failed Cuba, However, to my disappointment, RCAB turned out to be a Bush shrill, subtle that it was.

I never have any expectations of any Cuban supporting a Democrat. As if i were Cuban, i doubt the Democratic betrayals and people that vote for them, is something that i could partake in.

But to wildly shrill for President Bush, a man who has been more harmful then all the Democratic President combined, is something that i could not partake in either.

Bush's betrayal was extremely damaging not only to the conservative movement, but also to the Cuban exile community. A community that sacrificed their reputation to put him in the white house.

Bush's betrayal was systematic, and a deliberate attempt to wreck the Cuban exile community. Wrecking it to the point that it no longer has a voice in America. And after 8 years of both hardwork and neglect, his mission was truely accomplished.

RCAB was a tool of Bush's plan to destroy the Cuban exile community. Thereby ensuring that communism will remain in this hemisphere.

For this reason, RCAB must go. As it also betrayed the Cuba's movement towards freedom. By colloborating with the President, whom Manuel knew to be actively betraying Cuba, and her people, on and off the island.

The day RCAB aka Bush's shrill has seen its last Bush-loving post. Is the day i raise a toast to the Cubans who bravely sit in Fidel's prisons. As any removal of one of Bush the Betrayal "enablers" like Manuel, is a small victory for those Cubans who are making sacrifices for a free Cuba.

Anonymous said...


No te escondas como una armiguita sata. Sale del escondite.

Vana said...

I see fanto is now debating himself, he's really gone off the deep end

Fantomas said...

Why dont you ask why the Cuban exiles wildly celebrates Bush's 8 years as a success for the Cuban community?

Hey John Many Cubans voted for Obama, thousands and thousands of them . What are you talking about bro

Many cuban exiles detest bush only a handful intransigents few still supports him

Bush did nothing for Cuba ..Nada only medals for Biscet

Fantomas said...

Anonymous said...

No te escondas como una armiguita sata. Sale del escondite.

11/28/2008 8:12 PM

Acabo de llegar ...What is the problem

Fantomas said...

Vana said...
I see fanto is now debating himself, he's really gone off the deep end

11/28/2008 8:36 PM

Vana usted es como las moscas que viven encima de las vacas y caballos , las larvas que se arrastran en la selva, si no tiene nada constructivo que decir mejor quedese callada .hagalo por su bien ..yo acabo de llegar de la calle ahora mismo

Fantomas said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...
BTW, John and Fantomas, you are now having that debate which I suggested to you a week or more ago. In case you haven't noticed.

Manuel i wont debate with john . Yo solo digo la verdad donde quiera que voy , sin pelos en la lengua, y se lo digo en la cara , gustele al que le guste, a quien sea, intelectual o barrendero

fidelistas y batistianos a la hoguera ya

Fantomas said...

Dejame cogerlo suave no vaya a ser que este thread llegue a 641 y rompa mi propio record

Anonymous said...

What happened Manny. Who is the culprit?

The Lonesome Loser
In this world there are people that are so small-minded, so hate filled and so stupid that they are beyond description. One of these people has recently renewed his attacks on this blog

But before I tell you about this pitiful wreck of a person, I want to take a minute to talk about Yoani Sanchez and this blog's admiration for her and her work.

When we first became aware of Yoani, through articles in the Wall Street Journal and The Miami Herald, many of us had a lot of questions. It was natural for us to have a lot of questions, after all this was something new, a Cuban in Cuba who was somehow being permitted to voice her opinion in ways others have generally not been permitted to.

Cuba, after all, IS A TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP. For most, this little detail is obvious. Also the fact is that not everything related to Cuba is as it seems. For example, you have a Cuban Air Force officer who "defects" to the United States only to return to Cuba after contributing to the shoot down and murder of four Americans over international waters. We have Cuban-American college professors arrested and convicted as agents of the castro regime. The list of similar betrayals is literally endless. In short, we have reasons to be suspicious of almost anyone.

Since then Yoani's words and actions have spoken and despite some differences of opinion with her on policy, etc. Babalu, its editors and its contributors are completely supportive of Yoani and her Blog Generacion Y. I've spoken about Yoani at international conferences, Val posts entries from the English version of Yoani's blog, many of us nominated Generacion Y for the 2008 Weblog Awards and we extensively covered the castro regime's refusal to let Yoani travel to receive the Ortega Y Gasset journalism award in Spain.

But today a genuine pig of a person has decided to go back in the Babalu archives and retrieve comments from Babalu contributors and commenters from the period during which we were trying to assess who Yoani is and what she is about. That's fine, the comments are there and they are public record. But just as we are responsible for the questioning statements we made at that point in time, we are also responsible for all the other statements we've made in support ever since. For the record, this blog is 100% behind Yoani Sanchez and the incredible job she's done reporting the reality of Cuba today, something that NONE OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS OUTLETS STATIONED IN CUBA have done to date.

The pig of which I speak lives and works among Cuban-Americans yet he shows such little understanding of those around him. He hides behind internet anonymity to try to destroy people and things rather than build them up. He is utterly contemptible. Yet there's a very small part of me that feels sorry for such a lonesome loser.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 05:53 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

Anonymous said...

Who is el marrano Manuel?

But today a genuine pig of a person has decided to go back in the Babalu archives and retrieve comments from Babalu contributors and commenters from the period during which we were trying to assess who Yoani is and what she is about. That's fine, the comments are there and they are public record. But just as we are responsible for the questioning statements we made at that point in time, we are also responsible for all the other statements we've made in support ever since. For the record, this blog is 100% behind Yoani Sanchez and the incredible job she's done reporting the reality of Cuba today, something that NONE OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS OUTLETS STATIONED IN CUBA have done to date.

The pig of which I speak lives and works among Cuban-Americans yet he shows such little understanding of those around him. He hides behind internet anonymity to try to destroy people and things rather than build them up. He is utterly contemptible. Yet there's a very small part of me that feels sorry for such a lonesome loser.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 05:53 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

Fantomas said...

Anonimo tranquilo that's and old grudge

Best International Blog: Generación Y [UPDATED]
As long as we're talking about blog awards...

The jury for the Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards -- The BOBs -- has announced the winners in all 16 of the competition's categories.

Of the 11 finalists in the Best Blog category, Generación Y, a Cuban blog written by Yoani Sanchez, claimed the Jury Prize for Best Blog.

The jury said that Sanchez gives voice to an entire generation of Cubans and provides the world with a window into Cuba through her clear and poetic writing.

In addition to a slew of other obstacles in her way, Sanchez can't even post her own entries to the blog. Instead she is forced to e-mail them to friends outside of Cuba in order for her words to go online. Despite the challenges she has to overcome, she's managed to keep in contact with her readers and create a huge international community around her work.
Here's what babalu's Ziva had to say about Yoani, pictured at right, back in December of 2007 in the comments section of a babalu post that first announced Yoani's blogging.

"A recurring feature is her 12-year-old son's school. Recently, he participated in a military shooting exercise there. Her son enjoyed playing soldier, but she was outraged."

What did she expect him to learn when she brought him back to Cuba? I'm sorry, but I have to question the character of a women who would purposely return her child to be indoctrinated, to learn to be "like che." Because it was too hard on her husband, and she couldn't bear family separation? Well they are all together, in Cuba. The price? Her son, because now he belongs to castro, inc.

And a couple other babalu reader comments from that same post...

R. Martel: This woman is so full of it. Whoever wants to be blind so be it! What a bout the thousands of Cubans who were honest about their feelings in Cuba and ended up in front of a firing squad or with a sentence of 30 years. What about the 75 who received sentences up to 30 years in jail precicely because they were honest. It's obvious this woman is a tool of the inteligence aparatus.

Alberto de la Cruz: God knows I hope she is for real. I find it interesting though, that she and her family had no problem with the "revolution," in fact they believed in it, until it began hurting them during the "special period."

To be fair, babalu has since embraced Sanchez and features her posts regularly. But I find it interesting that had it not been for the rest of the world who believed in and promoted Sanchez and Generación Y from the beginning, the Cuban-American hardliner community might have well written her off as a tool of Castro and dismissed her writings as nothing more than manipulative propaganda.

- story


In a response to this post, babalu's Henry Gomez resorts to his typical callow name-calling and characterizations before he points out exactly what I brought up in the post...that babalu is now fully supportive of Sanchez and her efforts. I'm in total agreement with him on this issue.

However, in his retort, Gomez attempts to frame Ziva's attacks and the other comments that were directed at Sanchez as babalu's attempt to figure out who Sanchez was...
But today a genuine pig of a person has decided to go back in the Babalu archives and retrieve comments from Babalu contributors and commenters from the period during which we were trying to assess who Yoani is and what she is about.
Actually, the pigs of which Gomez speaks are the ones that attack people, like Sanchez, by questioning their character, their intentions and their loyalties when they know little or nothing about them. Those are the real pigs of the internet. And those are the pigs of Miami's proud, hard-working and respectful Cuban-American community, a community that regularly disowns these thugs even as they risk being attacked and maligned as Castroites and communists themselves.

The fact of the matter is that babalu contributors and commenters criticized, questioned and maligned Yoani Sanchez when she first started blogging. Now they support her. Those are the facts and the points I articulated in the post. Gomez can call me every name in the book for pointing out those facts and he can also play the poor victim to "the lonesome loser" [just how pitiful does that make him?] but when it comes down to it, the facts are the facts. Right there in black and white for everyone to see and judge for themselves.

And, uh, hey Gomez? Thanks for reading SFDB, bro.


Posted by Rick at 11:30 AM 6 comments

Labels: babalu

Fantomas said...

Es realmente patetico ver como la gente de Babalu tienen la desfachatez y el descaro de hablar por los blogs con tal autoridad

Como si ellos fuesen alguna entidad mesiastica

Ahora los records son publicos no privados

Es penoso realmente ver a esos personajes alardeando un liderato ficticio y nulo

Señores todo lo que hacemos de aca por los blogs debe ser sin ningun tipo de reward en mente

Esto se hace de corazon y de gratis

Quien sabe si aun despues de hacer todo lo que hacemos los cubanos de la isla no nos den la bienvenida jamas

Pensemos en esto

Y yo realmente siento pena por esos que nunca han pisado la patria y se cantan de expertos en la materia

Con ese cuento a otro

Anonymous said...

Si Obama esta en la lista que pongan a Fantomas en la fila

Oye, te esperamos por aca Mayo 17-20 Cuba Nostalgia

Anonymous said...

Si Obama esta en la lista que pongan a Fantomas en la fila

Oye, te esperamos por aca Mayo 17-20 Cuba Nostalgia

Anonymous said...

Henry "cara de culo" Gomez

Are you still searching for the shift ??

Ha ha ha ha .....

shift para aqui y shift para alla

Anonymous said...

Enriquito el pajarito
dejate de mierda y mariconá
aqui todos sabemos
cual es tu pendejá
te pasas la vida aqui y alla
de izquierda a derecha
inventando falsedad
maricón mama pinga
no conocez mujer ni ná
cuando vengas a Miami
te vamos a degollar.

Anonymous said...

El poeta CJB-BCJ =

Henry "cara de culo" Gomez

Henry preocupate por el "shift" que te da Val cuando te mete el sable por tus nalgas torpes.


Anonymous said...

Y yo realmente siento pena por esos que nunca han pisado la patria y se cantan de expertos en la materia

Con ese cuento a otro

Tko de fantomas

Anonymous said...

Henry preocupate por el "shift" que te da Val cuando te mete el sable por tus nalgas torpes

Como le gustara mas en primera o en cuarta

Anonymous said...


Juxtapose Manuel's tired and inaccurate post about a departing Ms.Rice. And Rick's exposure of Babulu's, a place where many people think that communist supporters reside.

As i have stated before, those over-heated voices, that try mightly to prove their anti-communism, are people who are usually communist themselves.

Manuel, RCAB failed because the owner rather question (falsely) Ms. Rice on Bush's Iran policy. Then question Babulu's vicious attack on anti-Cuban bloggers in Cuban.

Shame on you Manuel, shame on you.

Close this Bush-loving blog!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Fantomas has expressed his desire to migrate to SFDB on January 20th and received a most courteous welcome from Rick. I urge you also to consider nestling there when the time comes to close RCAB. The "dynamic duo" should not be split. Remember what happened to Abbot & Costello when they went their separate ways.

Fantomas said...

Manuel no cojas lucha con mi emigracion

deja eso

Anonymous said...

la migracion de fantomas se acaba cuando venga a Miami, de aqui no sale, excepto en un sarcofago de carton o cartulina de marabu.

Anonymous said...

Nostalgia 2009 esa es la fecha hasta ahora

Anonymous said...


I accidently stumbled upon Rick's blog in hot pursuit of the Babulu commenters, during the Oscar controversy. I can actually remember my first post there. It was in response to Val, Henry, and others accusing Anna Menedez of being a communist spy. At the time, Rick did not provide a response, and remained silent. Of course, Rick did not realize that horrific Cuban militant apes were at the gate. Well, of course, i did, so i had to swing into action. Leaving many slayed Cuban immigrants in my wake, both guilty, and innocent.

Fast fowarded to today. My bloodied battle axe has been picked up by Rick. President Obama's warrior against the Cuban righ-wing militant hardliner in Miami. The same Cuban militants that gave birth to Bush, who then subsequently plunged the world onto the brink of disaster.

Rick did not set out to be a warrior against these most odious militant immigrants. Rick's duty was foisted upon him by a distressed and troubled world. A world that demanded those that could, to fight back against those responsible for this world choas. Rick, stood up, and answered this worldwide call to arms. Therefore, my battle-axe is uneeded in SFBD. As it is being swung with great efficiently and strength, as required by an worried world.

Additionally, i go where the hardliners reside. They dont reside in SFDB, (anymore.) I dont see unanswered attacks against those who merely disagree with the Bush.

But dont worry Manuel, as once said, "i am Luke Skywalker." I have only my saber against the evilness that is Babulu. I will spend many years hunting them down, wherever they attempt to spread their Bush-loving Cuban militant bullshit.

In fact, i have already found me a new battlefield. One that Henry, for some time, has been hiding in, but one that he carelessly alerted me to.


Anonymous said...

This whack job has been eating all the mushrooms by the riverside shack while watching Star Wars. Tellechea you seem to be a magnet for these nut cases, what's up with that?

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