Here it is in a nutshell (so to speak): Sean Penn has never forgotten that Madonna dumped him for a Cuban gigolo: he the great thespian dumped for a nobody with a brown dick. It hurt. It still hurts. But he'll have his revenge on the whole tribe of brown dicks by seeing to it that they will always wear chains more pendulous than their dicks.
In-between arrests for attempted murder and stints in rehab, Sean Penn still manages to squeeze-in an occasional movie (at the Odeum) or maverick diplomatic mission on behalf of anti-American tyrants everywhere. In late October the not-so-useful idiot, after three fun-filled days with Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, was flown in a government jet to Cuba, where he was allowed to hang out with Antonio Castro, Fidel's #2 son, and granted a seven-hour (!) audience with Raúl Castro himself. Hopefully, between Raúl and Antonio, they were about to recreate the "Fidel Experience" for him. Yes, seven hours. We don't know whom to pity more. Did Raúl sing arias from Red Chinese operas, or did Penn recite his lines from El Salvador? Only their translator knows for sure. Conversing for seven hours with an airhead like Sean Penn makes no political sense unless Raúl is morphing into Fidel or trying to seduce the actor in a non-political way. What we can be sure about, however, is that the liquor flowed in torrents and that everybody got wet. Perhaps the dipsomaniacal duo talked for two hours and spent the last five in an alcohol-induced stupor vomiting on each other. The account of his interview with Raúl Castro in the Nation does have a certain hallucinatory quality which cannot be entirely explained by his atrocious writing as vapid as it is prolix and pretentious.
The culmination of his 7 hours with Raúl was an invitation to Barack Obama, which Penn surely conveyed to him, to meet at Guantánamo Naval Base, where Raúl said he would be more than happy to present Obama with an American flag to take home with him. "Eureka," Penn must have shouted, "it is peace in our time!" Of course, Penn did not understand the implications of Raúl's suggestion, and his reaction to it must have amused Raúl greatly. Granted, to catch a fish that bites at any bait is hardly a feat of great sportsmanship; but there is surely some satisfaction in it. Guantánamo is the one place on earth where the U.S. and Cuba could meet "on an equal footing" (Raúl's phrase) and the last place where any American president should consent to meet with him. More provocative, though, is Raúl's offer to present Obama with an American flag at Guantánamo. Penn no doubt thought that this would be the ultimate gesture of reconciliation, and may even have suggested to Obama that he reciprocate by presenting Raúl with a Cuban flag, which the president-elect probably thought a good idea. What Penn doesn't get, because his knowledge of Cuban history is nil, is that the flag which Raúl proposes to present to Obama is the one that flies over Guantanamo Naval Base, that is, he wants Americans to quit Guantánamo and Cuba: "Yankee Go Home!" is the "Message to Obama" that Raúl wants the witless Penn to convey to Obama.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
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Las magpies siguen escondidas y comentando anonimas, se chupan el biberon del presidente Obama y se esconden, los bocarrones de new jersey brillan por su ausencia, Mansuelo y Garza se han cagao fuera del cajon, los cubanos de noreste por aqui ni se ven ya.
Me tengo que ir a Nueva York para hacer el trabajo de los cubanos de aya, llego el viernes.
Mansuelo abre el sitemeter y cierra esto el domingo, se acabo el guaguanco. you owe me, I made you, I'm the life and blod of this blog and you all know it. Vuelvo anoche.
Silly post, as Madonna slept with Dennis Rodman 10 years ago.
Which proves what?
That she likes crossdressers too?
She didn't marry one, anyway.
Your discourse shames me these days, Manuel.
Honor me now by disassociating yourself from my words forever.
It proves about as much as Penn being jealous of A-rod, nothing, just like this post.
Anonimo de 6.42pm ...lo siento bro aqui hay un solo fantomas . Impostors are not allowed
Manuel verificame el id de 6.42pm y dime de donde viene
Creo saber quien me quiere hacer daño
Vana penn is a clown. He is Raul's messenger. the olive branch has been issued again. How will obama react esta por verse
Yo aceptaria inmediatamente sin precondiciones y una vez lo tengo de frente ahi es que le hablo de los presos, la libertad, los drechos humanos etc... en su cara
Ojala se celebre el summit en guantanamo , ojala
I will do my best para que se celebre at once
There is an explanation for everything in life and this is the explanation for Sean Penn's hatred of Cubans in particular and of Hispanics in general. I have no problem exposing the naked motivations of erethrophiliacs.
And this is why Cuba remains enslaved fifty years later.
Whether America has made a temporary, or permanent shift leftward, the impact will eviserate the Cuban exile community.
And what can these Cuban exiles speak about. Madonna, statutes, Collin Powell, and the color of dicks.
What a silly and sad group of people. The dead heroes of the Bay of Pigs must be looking on in shock and horror. As they could not have possibly anticipated such a group of foolish, immature Cubans, that would rather banter about sexual parts, then meaningful discussions that would find a solution to a free Cuba.
Good job Babulu, and RCAB, you do Cubans proud. More importantly you confirm (every) negative stereotypes of the Cuban immigrant, that many non-cubans subsribe to.
Aren't you "Sean Penn" without the fame or the money? Didn't you devote hundreds of comments at Miami's Cuban Connection to your rejection by Cuban women and how this affected your perception of Cuban-Americans? Didn't other commenters suggest at the time that you were rejected for the same reason that Madonna dumped Sean Penn?
Perhaps you should change your moniker to: John "Longfellow" aka Sean Penn.
Whether or not i should change my handle to Sean Penn. Does not erase the dishonor and disrepct that the Cuban-American blogger has shown to the sacrifice and memory of those brave Cubans, who sacrificed all, to free their homeland of Cuba.
But hey, dont let me interfere with the Cuban blogger's dicussions about the color of dicks. As it is about all the Cuban-American can muster for topics about an enslaved and horrific communist Cuba.
Continue please, non-Cubans enjoy laughing at the Cuban-American community. As they have become America's laughing staulk. Nothing more, nothing less!!
Mansuelo, you really jumped the shark on this mindless post.
By far your worse post ever on this blog
tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tic,
Que forma tan inusual de despedirte de tus lectores
Once our new President resumes full diplomatic relations with Cuba, Cuban Americans will have something in common with Prince.
He is now called the artist formally called Prince. They will be called spics, formally known as Cubans.
Happy Thansgiving Manuel and fellow regular commenters
Les desea Fantomas un bonito dia a todos por igual , en compañia de la familia
Some day Cubans on the island will be able to enjoy this celebration too
John do me a favor . Just today.. Could you say something nice about Cuban exiles
Please name all the gains that you know are true that we have achieved in this country as a whole
Fantomas asked: John do me a favor . Just today.. Could you say something nice about Cuban exiles
Probably the best question that i have ever been asked by a Cuban. So stellar was your question, that is was a bit startling. Yet Fantomas, i am unable to answer your question with the honesty that is deserved.
The reason, quite simply, is that the very (worst) of the Cuban-American community is allowed to represent all. Selfish, financially-interested, immature, drunkard, and sexually-preverted Cuban-Americans have been allowed to hijack the movement towards a free Cuba.
To give the proper respect to those deserving, would be to give respect to those that deserve none. Their unbecoming behavior is such of breach of honor and dignity to those that rot in Fidel's prisons. That i am unwilling to run the risk of them thinking that their actions and words equal the brave sacrifices of the others before them.
So Fantomas, i am sorry, i cannot and will not "say" nice things about the Cuban-American community. Not until they find the strength to stand up and remove these detremential and harmful voices that speak on behalf of those who have, and/or are currently sacrificing for a free Cuba.
Vana cheer up my dear . It is not that Bad. Ten fe en Obama, los desmadres de Bush can not get any worse. We have hit rock bottom already. Time to move up again like in 1931. Barack Hussein will lead us. Trust him
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