It is night in America.
Being a man of my word, I will adhere to my commitment to close this blog on January 20, 2009 if Barack Obama was elected president. I doubt whether I shall have much more to say between now and then. My final essay will be on arrepentidos, which is what everybody who voted for Obama will be ere long.
During the next 75 days I will be re-reading all my books before they are confiscated and burned.
God Save America! (though Cuba has been on that line for 50 years without much luck).
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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Que clase de porqueria de post you have written just now Manuel Alberto
I was expecting something better from you
I can see your mind is not well now
Ok I will forgive you , but please I implore you STOP THE FEAR FACTOR AT ONCE
Manuel, Cuba has never pleaded to God, Cubans have been worshipping wooden and ceramic idols like the good Pagans that they are, Catholicism and Santería are not to be confused with Christianity, the former is a Pagan religion that pretends to be Christian, the latter is an abomination to anything and everything Christian, maybe you should have said "god(s)" with a lower case g, as in the "gods of the air" also known as "fallen angels" also known as "demonic spirits"
There have been enough sincere prayers raised to God, and enough martyrs in his name, over the last 50 years to have liberated Cuba 1000 times.
Dear friend I will be doubly pained, we get a Marxist for president and you will close this blog, I cannot stand it, please tell me you will not abandon us, we all need you, I look forward to reading you everyday, do tell me you will open another blog, you will be sorely missed at least by me, I have not felt this sad in a long time.
Fantomas is showing his true Marxist colors, he's raving like the fucking communist he is.
Manuel, the only Cubans that have said what you mentioned are the ones that clamored "Viva Cristo Rey" while facing their executioners back in 1959, you can't worship one "god" or "gods" and expect "The God" to hear and deliver on your prayers, not all Cubans have worshipped in error, but a majority have, let's not be dishonest, the truth hurts, but it remains the truth.
Vana, Manuel will close RCAB for he is a man of his word, but fear not, a fighting spirit like him cannot stay away from the struggle for righteousness, fear not my friend, we have not heard the last of Manuel Tellechea.
Do you guys and gals believe me now? I've said for a long time that Enrique "Fantomas" Rubio is an infiltrado, a low level peon no doubt, but an agent of Casstro's tyranny none the less.
Anon 12:12, unmask yourself, everything goes on a night like tonight, better do it now before the communists put you in a "re-education camp"
para el que me quito la mascara
Tu debes ser un arrepentido de NY or florida
dime si estoy en lo cierto
usa tu nombre real comemierda no se quien eres , no te atreves a decirmelo en la cara
Thank you, I hope your words become reality, the thought of losing Manuel sickens me, he's one of the few, one of the righteous who is not afraid to say it like it is, it's just not fair.
Angel no seas comemierda chico que carajo infiltrado ni ocho cuarto
con ese cuento a otro viejo
You were right fantomas is so red it shows he's a plant of the Cuban tyranny, he's as happy as fidel that Obama won.
No Vana, Iam as happy as MILLIONS of Americans who casted their votes for him
millions of white americans trusted Obama as their comander in chief
Thank god the iraq war is NOW OVER
by the way say hello Vana to Joe the plumber on my behalf
Joe the plumber was a GOP plant
and Sarah can now return to alaska via the Bridge of nowhere where she can see Putin from afar
Anon 12:26, you must not know how to read, I've already said that I'm working on going to Ireland, I was offered a contract job in India recently, but had to turn it down because my wife didn't agree to have me away from home for three weeks every month, Ireland looks really good right now, I'm working on it. All of you left wingers can keep this shithole, I never quite liked it anyway.
Faggot, stay away from Vana, I tell you now the same way I warned you about insulting Claudia Fanelli, leave the women alone or I will make you regret having screwed around with them, you women hater.
Who is claudia?
My english is bad Garzon . I realize it. it is ok, it is my hobby language I speak it just for fun
Prefiero el español , tu lo sabes
Oye acepta el viaje a Irlanda eso parece una buena idea
Estas desesperado tomate un calmante a una copa de vino para que te relajes....
oye balsero cuidado que garzon dice que yo soy tu
donde estara Fariñas?
and Angel, why don't you take your radical-christian-terrorist crap to babalu...
they have always welcome haters like you...............
la calabazza?
Fantomas said...
"Who is claudia?"
11/05/2008 12:39 AM
Yeah right, you know exactly who and what I'm talking about.
Garzón we are the ones that will bring justice to Enriquito el Pajarito, don't get in our way or you could become a collateral casualty, we of the CJB will bring JUSTICIA a Enriquetam get out of the way.
Angel te aseguro que no la conozco personalmente no se quien es
angel te repito dile a manuel que te busque el id si quiere iam not el balsero
no gano nada en mentirte te escribo lo que quieras under fantomas siempre
Enriquito te queda poco a ti y a Jay tu marido, los tenémos rodeados.
tu no eres ningun centrista porque si lo fueses hubieras votado por Obama
tu lo que eres un tremendo comemierda dude
I'm leaving for the Pumpkins
Enriquito te queda poco a ti y a Jay tu marido, los tenémos rodeados.
Jay es buena gente y una gran persona . Ojala algun dia lo puedas conocer
entonce deja de habla mierda chico, cada ves que abre la boca lo que sueltas es cagalera..
algun dia te arrepentiras por haber insultado a tantos
dile a calabazza que venga aca
Enrique, you're a come-fana.
oye garzon bota el sign ese de mc cain palin pareces un anormal
The truth is the truth, like it or not. I'm out of here, later Manuel and Vana.
Oye yo soy santiaguero no soy habanero acuerdate de eso siempre
alme un favolsito mijo.. gualda all the crap that garzon has written here toonite... how much he dislikes this country and its people...
and how cubans are a bunch of brujos and pegans that will end in hell...
Good night Manuel and Angel, I'm off to cry into my pillow, see you tomorrow.
No need to cry dear Vana
Rejoice , everything will be ok, I give you my word
Si se puede!!!!!
Of course we can
fan of chepi
Balsero 12:58 aka Fantomas, you live in Puerto Rico where after all you're just another caribeño, besides you're from Oriente so your accent is not that different from that of San Juaneros, the "jibaros" or "guajiros" of PR are the ones that speak awfully funny. You have no idea what it's like to live in this shit hole called the USA outside the typical immigrant neighborhoods, most Cuban-Americans don't live or work in Gringo neighborhoods, this isn't a paradise here, this isn't Miami or Union City, the Gringos dislike everyone that looks different, so before you go around talking shit about what I've said about the USA and many of its people, try living and working surrounded by the Gringos and their xenophobia, if Cuba were free, I would had NEVER lived in this country, I am not one of those Cubans that pretends that we are loved by the Gringos, we are not, most of them hate everybody who doesn't look like them, it's in their culture and their blood, they pass it on from generation to generation, it was not that many years ago that people were not able to walk in the "wrong" part of town without getting beaten or killed, so stay safe with the Boricuas, they are not haters, most of them are nice people.
Angel te repito una vez mas no soy balsero, por favor no repitas mas estupideces no necesito esconderme de ti ni de nadie
te dire algo para que me conozzas un poco mas . Vivi en el midwest de los EEUU donde en el invierno caen 18 pulgadas de nieve
por 10 años . Rodeado de gringos por doquier. Nunca senti ese racismo del que hablas.. Estableci relaciones interpersonales con todo tipo de personas, estudie y trabaje profesionalmente alli conoci negros, locales, people del campo , you name it . Se puede decir que esa experiencia ha sido la mas grata de mi vida
i never let racism towards me bother me at all. If it was there me resbalo . es decir se que existe pero yo nunca permiti que eso fuera un impedimento para yo seguir hacia adelante. cuando se ponian racistas en mi presencia o towards me yo por dentro decia que ignorantes son perdonadlos dios mio
y les daba la vuelta siempre les hablaba de cuba y puerto rico y les preguntaba si sabian español cuando me decian que no estonces yo les enseñaba
Nunca permiti ni acepte el racismo towards myself. como sabia lo que venia tenia siempre un protective shield contra eso
Enrique, that's what I do too, I don't let ignorance get in the way of my progress, but what I'm trying to tell you and Balsero, is that xenophobia is real and daily outside the immigrant neighborhoods, I'm on the road a lot and have to visit customers all over the tri-State area and PA, DE. RI, MA, I deal with them daily, not all of them are like that, but once you get a few miles outside the cities, you're in a twilight zone that seems to be stuck in the 1950s, I am NOT a pretender, many of our fellow Cubanos who have lived most of their lives here but have not lived outside the Cuban areas have no clue as to the xenophobia in this country, Marti said what he said about the monster, because he lived within it.
Todo depende del color de la piel o si pareces un indio mejicano. Creo que si eres hispano , blanco y con facciones menos indias o negras tienes mas chance de blend in ok. te descubre el acento pero eso es remediable. Anyway con la eleccion de Obama quizas el problema racial mejore. por eso es la importancia de este gran logro . quien sabe si el proximo presidente pueda ser hispano y obama opened the door for him or her
Dont worry Obama is -black and is the most powerful man in the World now
Nuff said
Fantomas, here even the blacks discriminate against other blacks because of their skin being darker or lighter, this place is fucked up beyond belief, that's why it's so rare to find an "integrated" neighborhood like the one where I live, that's why I would hate to move from my neighborhood, we have every race and nationality here in this special place and most people respect each other and get along well, but we don't have many "non-ethnic" gringos here, they love the boondocks, or as we call them, montes con luz electrica.
Angel when I see Obama i see a human being first before I get to see the color of his skin . Para mi he could be black or he could be white it doesnot matter. I dont think he is a bad person after all
Communist he is not
One of the reasons I read Babalu is the passion of the editors and contributors, but recently the amount of profanity on the blog is really disturbing. Go after (f)idel and nobama all you want, but can't that be done without using "f*ck" in every paragraph?
And why has "penile implant" been used here so often lately?
I used to have my kids read this blog, especially Val's beautiful posts about his dad and family. Now, I don't want them to see all the profanity here. I was taught not to use such language, and try to teach my kids the same.
Con todo respeto. BarrioChino
Posted by BarrioChino at November 5, 2008 02:53 AM
A quote from Cigar Mike's post yesterday pretty much sums up my feelings:
At the end of the day, whomever wins shall be our President on January 21, 2009 for the next 4 years. And whether I agree with any of his policies or not, I will support him. It is our duty to support the President as an institution, even if we have fundamental disagreements with their policies. We have a right to make our disagreements heard and have a duty to challenge policies we disagree with. And if we don't get our way, then it is up to us that we elect more folks in Congress with our beliefs and a new President in 4 years.
Let's hang our heads high this morning. Let's get to work. If you need any reminders of what needs to be done, just take a glance at that American flag flying outside your front door.
Posted by Robert M at 07:10 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)
Why are you still complaing about Obama being a black man, when America said last night, that his skin color didnt matter to them. Angel making someones race an issue, only makes the other side more powerful. Trust me, i speak from experience.
I told you that Obama might carry Indiana. And i told you, that it would be the Hispanics from Chicago would make the difference. You never did listen to well to the truth.
The only hope for the Cuban-American exile community was to send Rual Martinez, to D.C., a "real" Cuban. Someone who could bring home the money, and protect the Cuban-American interest in Southflorida. But he isnt going!!
In conclusion, this is a hard leftist nation, as this was Bush's master plan all along. Bush was a northeastern liberal, and not a Texan conservative southerner. He allowed millions of leftist mexicans to unchecked enter into America. It was Bush's masterplan, that worked brilliantly, at least to the leftist.
Rebelion en la granja babalusiana
T-Steel, I hope you're right. But past is prologue. And Obama alliances, allegiances, associations, friends, et al do not bode well for our future.
Fraunk, the inanity of your argument is this: Bush is not a "Nazi"; Obama, by his own words, convicts himself as a Socialist.
Posted by George L. Moneo at November 5, 2008 07:44 AM
Wow! Talking about Ignorance Manuel and Vana Takes the cake. This blog is Trash.
George Bush has done nothing for Cuba. I have said so since I began this blog. But even nothing is better than what Obama has in store for Cuba unless you believe that Obama lied about that also.
Manuel continua leyendo tus libros te quedan 74 dias para acabarlos, por favor no tienes standing aqui ya
Este blog es mio ahora
I hope you clowns are never allowed to comment on Babalublog. Thank you very much.
Precisamente son payasos de circo los que comentan alli
este anormal anonimo de las 11.36 am parece que es nuevo en esto de los blogs
It's nice to take a day off work for a which I don't believe.
Take that lesson to the bank Obama maniacs, no prepositions at the end of a sentence, not to worry ignoramuses, you don't have to qualify for that grant, you can borrow all you want and not pay it back, after all, it's the Americ..., I mean the Socialist way, you want Socialism, you got it, go for it, have a blast at someone else's expense, when this becomes a Third World country, (ssshhh... it's already half way there but ssshhh... don't tell anyone that you know that ssshhh...) worse than Cuba did (contrary to the myth enjoyed and cultivated by Gringo xenophobia and arrogance, Cuba was a First World country before it was dragged down to the lowest circle of hell by communism and kept there by the USA) don't say later that you were not warned Gringos, we have been telling you for FIFTY years, it was nice knowing you...NOT!!!
Cada pueblo tiene lo que se merece. Preguntale a los Venezolanos
They voted TWICE FOR LA BESTIA del amazonas
I would have to agree with the other posters. You sat back for 8 years and watched with passive indifference, as Bush deported that little girl back to Cuba, strip millions of dollars from the Cuban exile community, unjustly incarcerated Cuban exile freedom fighters, turned a blind eye to the biggest terrorist in our hemisphere. And now you want to whine about Obama, because he wants to negotiate the release of Biscet, and other political prisoners.
Your Bush neo-con "sliding scale" of outrage, makes your blog nearly unreadable for the learned. It is unfortunate, because i have there are so few resources, considering the nightmare that is occurring directly off of Florida. But you have failed the Cuban cause of freedom, and your readers, by your failure to highlight Bush's horrific actions, and stunning neglect towards Cuba, during the last 8 years.
Make no mistake, i am always sadden when a "pro-freedom for Cuba" site goes off-line. But, this is not such a site. This site has been reduced to conservative grand-standing for anybody with an "r" before their name, regardless of the damage they have done to Cuba.
I suspect, that you have no choice, then to shut down the blog. As any opinions henceforth, would stand up to a comparison between the treatment of Bush, and whoever comes after him. As you will not have applied the same uniform standard of criticism.
Nevertheless, the Cuban cause has been squandered by George W. Bush, with not so much as a protest from you or others. Which leaves you know other option to pull the plug. Lest you demonstrate in writing your political hyprocricy, rather then an unobjective desire to see a free Cuba, regardless of the political affliation.
The People Have Spoken. The People Have Spoken
Fantomas, stop commenting anonymously, have the courage to use your moniker.
Oyé Fantomas, there is plenty of amazingly "full of ironies" material at Babalublog today, you are the King of Copy and Paste, have a blast man, have a blast, the stuff that's to be found there today is just too good to pass up, you've said piles of nonsense all over the Blogosphere, but some of the points that you have put forth are correct, such as the inability of the non-Cuban Cuban-Americans (yes, I know that this is oxymoronic, NO, I'm not calling you a moron, it's a matter of semantics) to truly understand what a real Cuban wants and expects for our homeland, that point of view of yours is spot on, just go and read some of the American-Cuban nonsense that's being posted at Babalublog today, they just don't get it, they never will, you are right Fantomas, when the Casstro tyranny is toppled, these American-Cubans will travel there and get on plane back to Miami the same day, maybe then they will finally realize that you cannot become a Cuban, you have to have been born and raised a Cuban, no hyphenated crap in Cuba, ever.
Before I go any further, Enrique, just read that 12:36 comment from "Redneck Middle-America" the poor creatures, they will forever wallow in their beloved xenophobic ignorance, they just cannot exist without it, it's in their blood man, it's who they are, anon 12:36, thanks for proving my point ignoramus.
Anon 12:44
The only people who have their heads up their asses are the those who did not bother to inform themselves and elected a socialist, change has come to America indeed!
Angel Garzón Garbanzo is your typical imbicel. Who does not have a shred knowledge about politics. Stop reading those comic books.
Vana are you airhead or an imbicel?
Imbicel? What's that?
Vana, the xenophobes are not only insane, they are also illiterate, they can't even come close to our English, we speak it, read it and write it a million times better than they ever will and it's NOT our mother-tongue, it's theirs!!!....BWAHAHAHA, you've got to love this, they prove us correct every time they type a word or open their xenophobic pie-holes..."...Is you is or is you ain't my constituency?..."
Vana, it's no longer called the USA, it's new name is the USSA.
He with the mental age of seven dares to call us imbecile, you gotta laugh.
The USSA indeed!
Vana, today we need to laugh before the re-education camps are inaugurated, in the mean time, in order to really LYAO, go and visit Babalublog, the joint is truly hilarious today, the A-Cs will never get it, they have given Manuel enough material in less than twenty four hours to last for quite awhile.
You are making sense this morning. Estas mas calmaito. I agree with most of your comments- especialmente el de las 1:26am.
No tomes muy a pecho lo de Obama-- He'll probalby be out in 4 years.
Visiting Babalunia is quite repulsive to me but I do need a laugh today.
LMFAO..The barbecue test priceless!!
Vana, I really loved this one:
"When will Cuba have the chance to elect a leader of color?..."
You can't make this stuff up, no matter how hard you'd try. What year is this, 2008 you say? I thought for a few seconds while reading the title of that thread that we were in 1958. Like I said before, you can't make this stuff up.
Robert 3:55, by your own admission you're (NOT "...your...") an American-Cuban, now LISTEN to what this REAL CUBAN (me) says to you: I WON'T lower my standards, so UP YOURS!!!
Nope you cannot make this stuff up funny, don't let Robert the freedom fighter (LOL) who's fought for Cuba, when did he liberate her? (last time I heard Cuba was still enslaved) get to you, he's either someone sent by rubber head or a babalunian.
Obama won, so close down your blog! Down with Cuban Fascism and historical inaccuracies!
Angel Garzon - you're going to Ireland? They're more liberal than we are. Good luck with European socialism, silly little man!
Vana, I know who Robertico is, he could never get me wound up, in fact he made me crack up big time, I'm ROFLMAO again just by mentioning his comment, he's upset because he was not allowed to be a member of the "...Man Camp..." that has been put through the "...Barbecue Test...", I tell you all these characters have commonalities that cry out: "I'm in the closet...and I can't get out" but they just don't see what's crystal clear to the rest of us, they must get together at the "Man Camp" right after they meet at the local beauty parlor to chat with all the "girls."
Chepi, the Irish won't steal most of my earnings, that's why you should try whenever possible not to be classified as an employee, a contract hire saves you lots of your money, the one that Obama wants to take for spreading the wealth.
Manuel, where be ye?...LOL!!!
Don't forget drinking a 24 pack of beer at man camp while passing the barbecue test..LMAO..
I'm glad you didn't let Robertico get to you.
You simply cannot close this blog, where else are we going to be able to speak our mind and not be censored or cussed at?
Vana, at the man camp where if you pass the barbecue test even women and "colored" folks are allowed.
Just watch, pretty soon they will show up here to defend their "camping" habits.
Let's go to fantomas' blog.
Where are you fantomas ?
"Manuel, where be ye?...LOL!!!"
Mansuelo, suelta la botella. Getting drunk is not the answer.
"Vana, I know who Robertico is"
Dood, I've never been to this blog before in my life, and it doesn't take much of a brain to check out your blog profile, and see links that go to closed blogs. Probably some kind of Pagan Witch prayer group that is thinking up ways of profaning a statue of the Virgin Mary.
This is a drive-by you idiot. I found this blog through a web search, and I find your pagan ass here. Big freakin deal. Go sleep with your delusions of being chased by some illuminati mafia for all I care. I'm tired of hearing faithless, fake Christians expose their trivial ideas about the Catholic Church. God Love You, but my sin will be to not give a fuck about you.
This is not the only blog on the internet you ignorant blasphemer.
Man Camp? Barbecue? What that babalublog ridiculousness? Really, it's telling to see how much you circle jerk your way around the blogosphere and take yourself seriously. You actually think you have a moral high ground to attack the Catholic Faith? Why don't you get back to stealing another viejita's money you moral fake.
Vana, rest your head sweety. The air in it has gone stale.
Vana acabo de llegar ahora a mi computadora desde hace 7 o 8 horas no he estado cerca de una
por favor para ya la mierda de estar acusandome
me cago en tu puta madre vieja de mierda...los unicos mensajes mios en este thread son los que tienen mi foto de calvo
y no estoy relahando ahora estoy ya cansado de tus acusaciones
y tu manuel de mierda aclara las cosas y dile a vana que yo no escribi nada de eso busca el id de mi computadora y veras que hace 8 horas no he entrado a tu blog site meter does not lie
Obama supporters celebrating, displaying and waving their flag. Guess what? Is not the American flag.
So, according to Fox News, Sarah Palin didn't know Africa is a continent - she thought it was a country - and couldn't name the countries in NAFTA.
Can we finally accept that she was an absolutely awful choice by McCain?
here is the clip:
Oyeme anormal cabeza de mierda mi madre esta muerta, murio de una manera horrible, ten un poco mas de respeto, no tienes porque mentarle la madre a nadie, yo no hablaba de este post, pero si de otros donde bien sabemos que eres tu usando el anonimato, todas las veces que te he insultado NUNCA te he mentado la madre, espero me pidas perdon.
no te mereces mi perdon pero si cambias tu actitud hacia mi quizas rectifique lo dicho , Decide
Cabeza de Condon
Como voy a cambiar mi actitud hacia ti, tu no te lo mereces, no hay necesidad de meter a la madre de uno en nada, de mi di lo que te de la gana, pero deja a mi madre fuera de esto.
Vana & Fantomas - this is a political blog, so talk about politics.
Right on Chepi
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