Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Of Red Flags and Silver Linings: RCAB's Last Post About Henry?

"Memo to Barry... Shut the F*ck up already. I mean you went back on your pledge (LIED) to accept public financing of your campaign and also limits to spending so that you could raise more than half a BILLION bucks and wallpaper every available minute of airspace with your mug, trophy ears and "mesmerizing" oratory. People should vote against you just because they're already tired of you. Obama fatigue. I've had it for a year already. -- Henry Louis Gómez, "Memo to Barry," Babalú, October 21, 2008

With the approaching end of civilization and all, I haven't had much time for the "Val & Henry Show" (which is more like the "George Show" lately), but I must note that the "political animal since the age of 5" (that would be Henry) has really and at long last seen the light about Obama, or rather, he now sees Obama in a different less flattering light. No more does Obama's youth, looks and oratory evoke effusive adjectives from him as in the old days when bashing McCain was more important to him than defeating Obama. In the past when Henry used the word "mesmerizing" to describe Obama he didn't attach qualifiers to it or frame it in quotation marks (see here). Conversely, Henry does not berate McCain anymore for being "U-G-L-Y" (yes, he actually used that word here in exactly that way and without quotation marks). I suppose he must have finally figured out that this is not a beauty contest (if it were the Republican ticket would win hands down).

I remember when Henry was actually rooting for Obama to win so that a "real conservative" could be swept into the White House in 2012. As I observed that the time, though it is certainly true that an Obama presidency would unite his foes and create a lot more of them, it is not as certain, however, that there would be free elections in 2012 or even a 2012. Obama's running mate recently expressed similar concerns about the U.S. surviving an Obama presidency because of his inexpertise in handling crises. Personally, I think we have much more to fear from Obama in the way of his manufacturing crises. But, in any case, I should have thought that Henry would at least have been as prescient as Joe Biden.

Henry was also convinced at one time that it would make no difference to Cuba's future if Obama or McCain were elected president ["In terms of Cuba, Barack Obama's position today is not monumentally different than McCain's or even the President's"]. This was after Obama had already promised unconditional negotiations with the Castro regime but before one of his volunteers displayed a Cuban flag with Che's superimposed image at a campaign office in Texas. The eternal proscription pronounced on Cuba's freedom by Obama didn't convince Henry that Obama was worse for Cuba than McCain; but that piece of Che merchandise sure did the trick. It was literally a red flag waved in front of a bull. Henry may not take Obama at his word (a decidedly risky proposition, admittedly) but he is quite apt at interpreting symbolism.

I suppose that since Henry is finally in McCain's camp -- with Lincoln, Mario and Ileana, who endorsed McCain before the primaries -- I should not bring all this up now. Still, if McCain wins, we shall never hear of Henry's early preference for Obama again; but if he loses, Henry is sure to dust off his "Four-Year Plan" and try to convince everybody that the best thing that could have happened to the conservative movement was for Obama to rout the GOP's leading moderate.

You do have that post written already, don't you, Henry?

Henry is real big on red flags and silver linings.

Notable & Inverted: Now Henry Thinks McCain Can't Win Because He's "U-G-L-Y"
Still Obsessed With Obama's Youth and Repulsed by "U-G-L-Y" McCain
Notable & Disillusioned: Henry Dumps Obama
Yoani Endorses Obama and Val Endorses McCain


Fantomas said...

Manuel deja la comemierderia ya compadre , tu sabes bien que Obama ya gano y Palin ira de regreso a Alaska utilizando el bridge to nowhere

Olvidate lo que escriban en Babalu a esta gente no le interesa Cuba para nada fijate como en los ultimos 6 meses de lo unico que hablan es de obama mc cain y nada de Cuba

por eso ellos no me representan ni representan a nadie en el exilio
Son unos dinosaurios que tendran que chupar al negro por 8 años

Estan condenados a morir en la hoguera y en Cuba no los quieren tampoco

Anonymous said...

Fantomas que quieres decir con el termino dinosaurios

Fantomas said...

out of touch with reality, anticuado, viejo, old mentality

Anonymous said...


Gracias, fantomas.

Anonymous said...


Quisiera que solo escribieras en espanol para poder entenderte mejor.

Yo solo entiendo el ingles castizo de Tellechea.

Fantomas said...

bueno yo siempre trato de balancear la cosa en ingles, español, or spanglish . De esa forma puedo llegar a mas personas

Ahora mi español es mucho mejor que el ingles ya que este es mi cuarta lengua

Anonymous said...

Entiendo, entonces explicanos cual es tu 2nda y tercera lengua

Fantomas said...

Bueno la segunda lengua es realmente la que utilizo para comer y la tercera es la que tengo lista para la Palin en caso de que salga Mc same

Anonymous said...

Entonces estas aceptando que tendras que chuparte a la Palin si gana Mc Cain por 4, 8 o 12 años, cierto?

Fantomas said...

Claro que si eso fue lo que implique. Alla los que tengan que chupar negro. Yo no entro en eso por eso lo acepto

Anonymous said...

Tu eres un tremendo mamalon Fantomas y por eso nada mas te vamos a ajusticiar. El KKK ya fue avisado y estas en su lista.Me dicen que se te tupio el caño de la cocina por haber echado los muslos de pollo de kentuky fried y las semills de watermelon. Mañana Joe el plomero te va a destapar

Fantomas said...

Regreso en breve si ven a Fariñas le dicen que mi segunda profecia si se va a cumplir

el barril de petroleo a 30 dolares

y la temporada de huracanes hasta nov 30

Anonymous said...

Fantomas y el Dow Jones a 5000 antes de fin de año

A correr se ha dicho

Anonymous said...

¿5 mil para fantomas?

¿Libras o salario anual?

Vana said...

Ah our Henry who changes his mind everytime he pees, he was gun ho for Obama now he's in U-G-L-Y McCain's camp, the political animal since the age of to have come to terms with his party of choice.

Anonymous said...

¿5 mil para fantomas?

¿Libras o salario anual?

500o es el total

2500 libras de peso

y 2500 anuales en salario

Fantomas said...

Comentario del dia

María Rodríguez // Oct 22, 2008 at 10:02 pm

Castro dijo que Obama era mejor para restarle votos (dado su desprestigio en todos los órdenes -de Castro) porque necesita un ENEMIGO y seguirle dando al pueblo mucha GUERRA. Le conviene McCain: mientras más duros mejor para justificar acciones contra el mentado “bloqueo”.

Anonymous said...

I hereby grant any and all interested parties all due licenses and permissions to terminate with extreme prejudice the masked phantom, internet blogs' trolling menace and women-hating pestillence known as "Fantomas" aka Enrique Rubio, originally from Cuba's mentallly insane institution commonly known as "Mazorra" and from within such institution the specific high security wing known as "La Jaula de los Maricones Criminales" such individual herein sanctioned for termination was released by Castro regime and sent to the US during the Mariel boatlift crisis, since then the aforementioned criminally insane and gender confused individual has been a burden to US taxpayers in general and in particular to the Cuban community in exile, a full sanction is herein issued and approved. Proceed to locate, surveil, capture and deliver to justice.

Anonymous said...

You people are nuts. Thank you Val Prieto for

Fantomas said...

Fantomas will be in Miami shortly

Anouncement will be forthcoming

Anonymous said...

Ya me voy Manuel...never to return to este blog, me retiro de aqui para siempre...again and again...and...que viva Babalublog, Valentín "el mulato" Prieto, George "poodle" Moneo y Henry "my tartamudo nigga" Gómez

Fantomas said...

tal parece que tenemos un impostor in the house tonight

who might that be

let's guess?

Anonymous said...

Fantomas will be in Miami shortly

Anouncement will be forthcoming

Fantomas will be at Versailles Restaurant calle 8 sometime in Nov, date announcement shortly

All cuban bloggers will be invited to meet him for lunch cafecito y croqueticas , las matervas on the house

Anonymous said...

Fantomas tu eres un cabronson, keep the good humor always ,man , you are the life and blod of this and ANY BLOG you participate in

kudos to you my man

Fantomas said...

I be back shortly , thanks mario

Are you related to the baseball player?

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta is now talking to herself, the multiple personalities have been unleashed...the maricón, the ball player wannabe, the unmedicated loon and the despondent that wants to commit suicide by going to Versailles...of course there's also Enrique "the lifelong Republican"...more than likely the latter is the one that will be displayed at Versailles, Enriqueta is a cowardly pinga sucking punk that would never dare take a stand against the real Cubans in Miami or NJ, that's why she eloped to PR with her lover (el bugarrón)

Enriqueta, you could never get a woman like Sarah Palin, besides, you wouldn't know what to do with her, you would "chupar el negro" Obama as you are fond of saying.

Fantomas said...

oye bugarron las he tenido mucho mejor que Sarah palin , for the record, sniceramente ella no es mi tipo redneck . I dont eat that alaskan salmon shit

Anyway im here for the long haul asi que manos a la obra..

Los suicidios en Cuba son una de las razones principales de muertes

y ahora cuando empieze la chupadera de negro caeran muchos con ese vicio

Despues no se quejen con el negro

Mansuelo todavia no me has dicho que significa " la doctrina Obama"

Anonymous said...

mario kindelan said...
Fantomas tu eres un cabronson, keep the good humor always ,man , you are the life and blod of this and ANY BLOG you participate in

Oh yeah , I second that


Fantomas said...

"chupar el negro" Obama as you are fond of saying.

Get this straight my man, Fantomas no chupar negron because i want him to win . Los que se lo chuparan son los que voten por Mc Cain

Tu si eres bien Mc Bruto aprende a leer infeliz

Anonymous said...

Fantomas te lo dije ayer afloja que Manolo no aguanta

Fantomas said...

you wouldn't even know what to do with a hooker,

You talking to me boy or a Oscar Corral, I dont pay for sex , sorry I get it for free the same way you will get el big choripan de Obama on Jan 2009 y hasta el 2017

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta, no te olvides que te tenemo rodeao fana, cuando tu apareca en la primera pagina de El Diario de Puerto Rico colgao de un poste con una escoba metía por culo seremo felice, la juticia te va a encontrár maricón y ella viene con nosotro.

Anonymous said...

Te tenemos rodeao y te vamos a destrozar maricón. Vete sin cuidao a la calle el Jueves pendejo, no vaz a llegár al Pueblo, el punzón te va a encontrár.

Fantomas said...

No es diario se llama Primera Hora anormal

Anonymous said...

My boots are made for walking in your face

Anonymous said...

y tu biberon de Obama ya viene en camino

Anonymous said...

Manolo this thread is too boring already, any new post today?

Did you see Palin's macys and bloomingdale wardrobe purchases


Disgusting when people are losing their homes

Spread the butter my friend

Anonymous said...


Sacrifice and and life of service.
While Obama's pals and mentors were busy planning and bombing buildings, robbing banks and killing cops, John McCain was busy elsewhere:

One-hundred forty-three days on a Senate seat voting "present" 90% of the time versus over 40 years of service and sacrifice to this country.

Obama prides himself as being the "anti-war" candidate. I submit to you, folks, that no one, NO ONE, is more anti-war than the soldier who has to fight it.

Posted by Val Prieto at 08:27 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Val que edad tenia Obama cuando este documental fue grabado?

Guilt by association? Mucho cuidado que por ahi cerquita hay ponedores de bombas en Miami muy cerca de ti

Sharpshooter said...

it seems Fantomas has fixation with ingesting black penises in his mouth, since all he talks about is that subject just about everytime he comments here. Maybe he is remembering the good times he had aboard that shrimp boat that brought him to the US where he had to do a lot of that activity in order to survive. Is no wonder he is so fond of that, he had a lot of practice.
It seems that thieves are always sleeping with an eye open because they think everybody is just like them.

Anonymous said...


No sé por qué quieren agredir a mi sobrinito del corazón que es tan bueno conmigo y me cuida tan bien. El pobre de "Fantí" ni trabaja ni tiene vida social (es casi un santo), y prefiere cuidarme la casa cuando yo salgo a trabajar y nunca me pide más que un cartón de Marboro diario, que comparte libremente con los muchachos de la vecindad, con cuales también es muy bueno y comparteb una bonita amistad. Su única diversión es irse a bañarse al río con ellos, que se montan sobre él como si fuera una ballena.

Digno del amor de su tía de 86 años y de sus amiguitos es mi "Fantí." Por qué será que ustedes lo odian tanto? La envidia, quizás?

Tía Tecla

Fantomas said...

Fariñas it was oysters not shrimp
Remember I have to chupar nada. the ones voting for Mc Cain will be the culprits. who would you vote for ? Mc same or el biberon


Fantomas said...

Fariñas pidele perdon a Isis la Reina le dejastes tremenda kk alla

no vuelvas a hacer eso compadre aquel blog es uno de arte y cultura no de la chusmeria que te gusta por estos lares

Anonymous said...

Fantomas cumple mañana?

Le comprastes el regalito?

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta, de'l negrón la chupeta
no te vayas a encomodár
atacas a Farinas que dice verdad
te pasas la vida molestando
a todos los demás
cuando te toca el turno
te pones a insultár
no te molestes Enriqueta
que el problema lo vamos a eliminár

Rubio la calveta gordiflona, cuando vayas a cobrár el dinerito de los contribuyentes te vamos a desgollár, Family's First (food stamps) está al llegár, te tenemo rodeao maricón.

Fantomas said...


Fantomas said...

el biberon esta listo

Anonymous said...

The same political mongers.

Anonymous said...

Ya te tenemos

Anonymous said...


Sharpshooter said...

Rubber Head, of all the pople that comments on the Cuban blogsphere you have to be the lowest scum that ever troll the ethernet. Your language is the most "chusma", your ranting thoughts are the most disjointed stupidities ever uttered by any commenter. It is evident to ayone who has ever had the misfortune of reading your words, that there is not a good working neuron cell in that shithole on top of your body, that you have the audacity to call a brain.
You must be the lowest scumbag to have ever set foot in Puerto Rico and you have the gall to call anyone chusma?
You who are the laughing stock of all the Cuban blogsphere, whose rantings are known and mocked by all, criticizing anyone for posting their thoughts?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tomate el Xanax fariñas

Rafelito said...

Hola hacia tiempo que no pasaba por aqui. Veo que esto esta muy movido otra vez. Señor Manuel como esta? Recuerde en español el idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos

Rafelito said...

Hola Fantomas. Pase por su blog y le deje mensaje. Me gusto el video de Fidel con la periodista .Argentina

Anonymous said...

Señor Fariñas si no le gusta Obama eso esta bien , es su derecho chupese esto

Anonymous said...

Centurión = Enriqueta

Enriqueta = Centurión

No jodas Enriqueta la mamalona de Obama, te vamos a destrozár.

Anonymous said...

Tellechea, what have you in store for us, your avid readers?

Enriqueta, keep your pie-hole shut, U R NOT needed here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Hemos librado este blog de la presencia virulante de el mariconsón Enriqueta Rubia...pronto eliminaremos al maricinsó justicia ya llega.

Anonymous said...

Noticias de NotiUNO:

Antes de que termine esta semana el mariconsón y traidór a Cuba Enrique Rubio recibirá justicia.

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel Tellechea said...

"...Still, if McCain wins, we shall never hear of Henry's early preference for Obama again; but if he loses, Henry is sure to dust off his "Four-Year Plan" and try to convince everybody that the best thing that could have happened to the conservative movement was for Obama to rout the GOP's leading moderate.

You do have that post written already, don't you, Henry?

Henry is real big on red flags and silver linings."

Manuel are you delivering a message within another message here? wink, wink, ROFL.

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas Nemesis and Grim Reaper, thank you, I look forward to the pictures and video of the judgment, delivery of verdict (GUILTY) and application of justice, whichever way you guys decide to deliver it, I'm certain I'm not the only one that feels this way, hello Agustin and Vana.

Vana said...


Hello good to see you around here again :o}

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Garzon, we will make the picture & video public, we want all to see the cuban justicia applied to the traitor Fantomasina.

Her communist "compañeros" in Puerto Rico, Florida and New Jersey will come next. La justicia está en camino, vamos a acabár con todos los cubanos comunistas que pretenden ser amantes de la libertad de nuestra patria pero apollan al Marxista Obama.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is that f for Fantomas, eh?

Anonymous said...

Breaking News
Henry Gomez on his way to Cuba

Airport Observations
They completely changed the security areas for the American Airlines terminals at MIA. It's slower now. I had to show my boarding pass to FIVE DIFFERENT employees. How is this efficient in any way?

They still don't check your ID at the gate, the one place they really should to ensure that the people who are supposed to be on the plane are.

FOUR flights to Havana today, ONE flight to Holguin. Oh that terrible embargo. George Bush is the devil.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 07:42 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

FOUR flights to Havana today, ONE flight to Holguin. Oh that terrible embargo. George Bush is the devil.

Henry George Bush es el devil mayor. Nunca debio permitir la venta de alimentos en el 2001 que se hizo temporeramente por el huracan Michelle y que hasta ahora ha durado 7 años

El primero en romper el embargo fue Bush. Debio haber suspendido las remesas y los viajes POR COMPLETO. Debio haber abierto el juicio por el derribo de la avionetas en el 1996. Y no lo hizo y debio haber quitado el dry foot policy, eliminado por completo como acaba de hacer mejico

Bad Bush. Irrevelante

Anonymous said...

Yo tambien Apollo a Obama

Anonymous said...

This is it Manuel Tellechea

Millions of people are counting on Barack and Joe -- and you -- to bring the change this country needs.

It all comes down to Friday morning when we make the last, tough choices about where we can fight -- and how hard.

Please take a minute and think about what's at stake in this election. Your support can help strengthen our team for the final push.

Will you make a donation of $5 or more before the deadline?

There's never been a more important time to support this movement for change.

The future of our country -- and our children -- depends on what we do right now.

You can help bring the change we need.

Please make a donation of $5 or more before the deadline:

We've worked so hard to get this far. We can't stop now.

Thank you so much for your support,


Fantomas said...

Good morning to all

It is Friday

Anonymous said...

latest polls , please bookmark it changes daily

Anonymous said...

Posted by: John Longfellow aka Lou Dobbs | May 24, 2006 at 09:31 PM at the Miami Cuban Connection:

Ah, i doubt that the right wing Cuban exile ever has to worry about any alleged spy from Cuba again. If/when a Democratic administration is sworn into power by a pissed off America, the Democrats more than likely will exact a swift and ruthless revenge upon the Cuban exile community for what they did in 2000 to the Democrats. I just dont see how any Democratic president could allow an extreme right wing militant exile Cuban terrorist-type organization to exist within America. And if/when they do go after them, it will be all legal. There will be no need to sneak around and take action against the extreme right wing Cuban terrorist. Thanks to this administration, the Democrats will have the broad and sweeping powers afforded by the Homeland Security Department, which is basically an internal police/spy/military gestoppel-type force, with very little oversight, which can be used (even wrongly) against purely political enemies, such as the Cubans. And we all know that the Cuban right wing exiles never miss an opportunity to remind the Democrats, that they are indeed the Democratic Party sworn enemies. The Cuban exile may come to regret the Democratic hatred which they enjoy bragging about, if/when America turns our nation back over to a Democratic administration. And if that Democratic President is "quietly" anti-Cuban, then you can be rest assured that he will set loose the dogs of war against the extreme right wing Cuban militant exile terrorist, rendering the alleged Cuban spy useless.


Our Pledge to Our Comrades in Arms and Our Fellow Citizens

We believe that in the long run our security rests on the strength of our moral values, and the strengthening of America from within.

We wore the uniforms of the American military with valor, honor and integrity.

We know the necessity for teamwork to accomplish the mission and we pledge to work together will all in Congress to serve the public interest.

We are now veterans but we were comrades in arms once and we pledge to all veterans, including those serving today that we will fight to ensure a secure America.

We know that national security rests on more than military capability and we pledge to work for defense, homeland security, energy policies and budgets tailored to meet the threats foreign and domestic.

We will work diligently to serve the citizens of our district but we also pledge to strive to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

We have served in peace and war and all pledge vigorous oversight so that American forces are never again sent into combat without a clear mission nor proper training and equipment.

Posted by: John Longfellow aka Lou Dobbs | May 24, 2006 at 08:45 PM

ooops. Dont let Jim Davis get elected. He is a well known bigot against Cubans. I bring up his anti-cuban statements in a bit. As i know you Cubans always believe that no one could possibly take issue with Cubans in Florida. EVERYONE loves Miami Cubans.


May 24, 2006
In Florida, Davis Edges Into Lead
Rep. Jim Davis (D-FL) "has a razor-thin edge over both Republican contenders in the Florida Governor's race," beating Charlie Crist (R), 40% to 37%, and ahead of Tom Gallagher (R), 40% to 37%, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

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