Friday, October 24, 2008

Of Soap & Fishing Rods: RCAB's Last Post About Val?

Apparently it is not only cash remittances and family visits that have hindered Cubans from reaching the brink of the abyss at the bottom of which, supposedly, lies freedom for those willing to take the leap. Starvation, however great its theorized benefits when practiced on Cubans, has not proved enough to push them over that edge despite the good offices of Val Prieto and Commerce Secretary Gutiérrez, who assured us recently that Cubans don't need money to live or to die. Obviously, the Human Pressure Cooker is not working as its proponents hoped; for instead of fomenting a rebellion on the island it has increased the people's dependence on the regime and hence its power over them. In other words, the HPC works to Castro's advantage, as it always has and always will. But do not despair. The Bush administration has discovered that man does not live by bread alone. He also requires other articles to promote his own quality of life as well as that of others. Perhaps if these could be prohibited or restricted, the great unwashed masses would finally rise in search of their next meal or their next bath.

So it was decreed by the policymakers in the White House that Cubans should have no soap or other items of personal hygiene to supplement what they already don't get from Castro. Soap was ordered placed on the list of banned items that cannot be sent to Cuba, and not only soap itself, but any ingredients for making soap (I wonder if that includes candles?). The rationale here -- if we can call it that -- appears to be that since cleanliness is next to godliness, then it must naturally follow that the lack of cleanliness will lead to ungodly behavior (wars and rumors of wars). However, the objection might be raised that since "rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" (hence "godliness"), it would actually make more sense to flood the island with Palmolive soap (a brand that Cubans still remember) in order to promote rebellion there.

Or perhaps I'm looking at this all wrong. Perhaps the U.S. government doesn't want instabilty in Cuba and that's the reason that it does not allow soap to be shipped there. Soap -- and four or five other unobtainable ingredients -- can be used to manufacture dinamite. Of course, if that were really a concern, then Washington would not permit the exportation of portable AM/FM radios. (The last, incidentally, was the biggest "reform" that Bush ever implemented in respect to Cuba).

There are other items which Cuban-Americans are currently prohibited from sending to their relatives in the monthly care package (not to exceed 4 lbs) which they are allowed to mail to the island via USPS. We were surprised to find "fishing implements" among the proscribed items. What would Val say? His solution for uplifting Cubans has always been to teach them how to fish. He must have said it a thousand times if he has said it once. Here is one of his more original variations on the old proverb: "Give a man a fish, and you will quench his hunger. Teach a man -- or in this case -- allow a man to fish and he will never go hungry again." Well, not if Uncle Sam can help it. His version of the Human Pressure Cooker makes no exception for fish. Of course, Val's does not really want Cubans to eat fish or anything else. His fishing rod is strictly allegorical. What he actually means is "teach a man capitalism and he will be able to fend for himself." That is, he will never have to beg for nails and plumbers again; nor Wall Street for $700 billion bailouts. However, I hope the next time Val extends his fishing line as the universal panacea that someone will remind him that he is advocating sending illegal contraband to Cuba.

Notable & Sadistic: Val Says, "Let Them Eat Goldfish"
The Meltdown at Babalú
Mr. Prieto Builds His Dream House


Fantomas said...







I'm fantomas and I approve this message

Fantomas said...

Manuel I just got info from Cuba the help Caritas sent to Cuba is getting there

Anonymous said...

Fantomas Moneo does not know where to hide now

More Obama-inspired violence (UPDATED: POSSIBLE HOAX?)
This time in Pittsburgh. More details as they become available.


Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face
PITTSBURGH -- A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.

Watch Channel 4 Action News at 5 p.m. for updates on this story

Michelle Malkin suspects this may be a hoax. Here's her take:

Throughout my career, I’ve covered dozens of fake hate crimes — campus hate crime hoaxes, Muslim hate crime hoaxes, fake noose hangings, etc., etc., etc. Most were perpetrated by liberals, but there have been some shameful ones on our side of the aisle as well.
I’ve reported on the great lengths that warped attention-seekers have gone to in perpetrating fake hate crimes, including beating themselves up, carving swastikas on their dorm room doors and walls, locking themselves in bathroom stalls, and burning down their own houses.

Which is why I’m not jumping up and down with outrage over Drudge-promoted story of a McCain volunteer claiming to have been attacked by a black man whom she accused of carving a “B” in her face after spotting her McCain bumper sticker.

She refused medical treatment after reporting the incident to police. Why on earth would she do that?

I hope she's wrong that is is a hoax. But when someone like Michelle Malkin starts getting a twitchy nose, I start listening to what she has to say...

Posted by George Moneo at 06:50 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (16)

Anonymous said...

Fantomas if this blog ever considered banning you it would automatically die within hours

Fantomas said...

No te apures Manuel no se atreveria a tanto. No hay guts to ban me. Hay will pero no guts

He is closing Nov 5 regardless

Anonymous said...

The day that Tellechea bans Fantomasina la mamalina, it will be Enriqueta la tanqueta that will DIE, but we of the Cuban Justice Brigades will deliver that result, it will not be Tellechea that brings this idiotic and bumbling fool to its knees, that was done long ago by Enriqueta in voluntary fashion, it has chupao so many bugarrónes that it lost count, we of the CJB will bring her to her knees also, but when we do there will be no head on that chicken's lard-filled torso. Justice is coming.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Let me remind you, again: I said that if Obama won on Nov. 4, I would close RCAB on Inauguration Day (January 20),which is actually when he takes control of the government.

Of course, I could have a nervous breakdown and be forced to close this blog on Nov. 5 as you suggest.

I expect, however, that McCain will win in a landslide, which will make this a moot question.

Fantomas said...

I expect, however, that McCain will win in a landslide, which will make this a moot question

Coño Manuel este es el mejor chiste que he visto in the last few years


landslide...Coñooooooooooooooo, te pasastes aunque creo Mc Same se lleva el popular vote los viejitos de AARP


Vana said...

This so called "embargo" has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime, to not allow soap or fishing equipment! how does Bush expect the people to hear Radio Marti if he prohibits radios, I'm being sarcastic of course.

Fantomas said...

Oye aguantame el ip del nemesis mio que dice que me va a ajusticiar ya la querella esta puesta en el FBI local de aqui. Tu blog es mi testigo Manny. Recuerda Homeland Security also covers PR, ah y los bancos de aqui tambien caen el el 700 billion nail out por si no los sabias. The windfall is coming to PR also

Vana said...


Please send all cutNpaste from fantomas to The Madhouse, will he ever stick to the subject!!!!

Fantomas said...

This so called "embargo" has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime, to not allow soap or fishing equipment! how does Bush expect the people to hear Radio Marti if he prohibits radios, I'm being sarcastic of course.

Vana Bush nunca debio romper el embargo con la venta de alimentos en el 2001, fijate como ha durado 7 años y cada año aumenta. Ojala Obama lo reinverse

Fantomas said...

Vana , no lo leas , no estas obligada, pasale por encima y ya esta

Fantomas said...

Let me remind you, again: I said that if Obama won on Nov. 4, I would close RCAB on Inauguration Day (January 20),which is actually when he takes control of the government.

Espero cumplas tu palabra

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... it or not....the CJB will deliver justice....RCAB will live for a long time without YOUR STUPIDITY are surrounded and there is no escaping justice....gallina.

Fantomas said...

Manuel multiplicame 300 millones por 200 mil y dime cuanto da esa cuenta

Es importante para decirte algo del bail out

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

RCAB will live for a long time

It was the owner of this blog who offered to close it, not me

10/24/2008 3:58 PM

Anonymous said...

I'm a GOP plant

Anonymous said...

no lo borres que sera peor para ti

Anonymous said...

mulato de bayamo se arrepiente tu eres el poximo santiaguera palestina

There's no "B" is "hoax"
Police confirm mugging story is a hoax.

* * *
Update by Pitbull: I wrote last night that I hoped this was not a hoax, but in the end Michelle Malkin's instincts proved correct once again. This kind of behavior is so despicable and vile, whether it comes from the left or from our side, whether it's the story of the Duke Lacrosse players being falsely accused of rape, or this sad, misguided idiot who probably thought the publicity would help McCain. My fervent wish is that Ashley get prosecuted for whatever local crime she committed when she filed a false police report.

Posted by Val Prieto at 02:34 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (0)

Anonymous said...

This blog is a hoax

Anonymous said...

The owner el traductor de los poemas de Marti Versos Sencillos is a hoax

Anonymous said...

Manuel multiplicame 300 millones por 200 mil y dime cuanto da esa cuenta

Es importante para decirte algo del bail out

Que te traes entre manos Fanthoms?

Anonymous said...

No debe ser nada bueno lo que propones

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta has posted a comment @ 4:12 PM pretending to be us, for the record, we of the CJB who are Fantomas' Nemesis do not comment using or, those ISPs are used by Enrique "Fantomas" Rubio and Jay "Comemierda" Martínez, both of whom are comunistas sin fidel, just listen to their Marxist rhetoric on their radio program from Puerto Rico.

Fantomas said...

Escucha bien este Domingo de 9pm a 11pm Magazine Cubano no te lo pierdas por

Duro, sin miedo y sin careta con los intransigentes y los dinosaurios hasta que no quede uno vivo

Anonymous said...

Señor Tellechea nos hemos dado cuenta que usted ha borrado en varias ocasiones unos comentarios firmados por las señoras Barbara Tellechea y Nancy Tellechea . Tal parece que usted conoce a estas personas y esta tratando de protegerlas . Por favor indiquenos como debemos reaccionar ante esta infamia de algun enemigo suyo

Anonymous said...

Comiendole los dulces a la competencia

Anonymous said...

Perdonad a Moneo por su estupidez

** >> !! BREAKING NEWS !! << **
The New York Times endorses Barack Obama for President.

Posted by George Moneo at 04:28 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)

Fantomas said...

just listen to their Marxist rhetoric on their radio program from Puerto Rico.

feel free to call this coming sunday 9pm to 11pm the number to appear live on radio 787 758-7230

have guts to chat live on the phone?

I be there

Anonymous said...

LOS ZAPATICOS DE Rosa de ManuelTellechea

Hay sol bueno y mar de espumas,
Y arena fina, y Manuel
Quiere salir a estrenar
Su sombrerito de pluma.

"¡Vaya la niña divina!"
Dice el padre, y le da un beso,
"Vaya mi pájaro preso
A buscarme arena fina!".

"Yo voy con mi niña hermosa",
Le dijo la madre buena:
"¡No te manches en la arena
Los zapaticos de Rosa!"

Fueron las dos al jardín
Por la calle del laurel:
La madre cogió un clavel
Y Manuel cogió un jazmín.

Ella va de todo juego,
Con aro, y balde y paleta:
El balde es color violeta,
El aro es color de fuego.

Vienen a verlas pasar,
Nadie quiere verlas ir,
La madre se echa a reír,
Y un viejo se echa a llorar.

El aire fresco despeina
A Manuel, que viene y va
Muy oronda:"¡Dí, mamá!
¿Tú sabes qué cosa es reina?"

Y por si vuelven de noche
De la orilla de la mar,
Para la madre y Manuel
Manda luego el padre el coche.

Está la playa muy linda:
Todo el mundo está en la playa;
Lleva espejuelos el aya
De la francesa Florinda.

Está Alberto, el militar
Que salió en la procesión
Con tricornio y con bastón,
Echando un bote a la mar.

¡Y qué mala, Magdalena
Con tantas cintas y lazos,
A la muñeca sin brazos,
Enterrándola en la arena!

Conversan allá en las sillas,
Sentadas con los señores,
Las señoras, como flores,
Debajo de las sombrillas.

Pero está con estos modos
Tan serios, muy triste el mar:
¡Lo alegre es allá, al doblar,
En la barranca de todos!

Dicen que suenan las olas
Mejor allá en la barranca,
Y que la arena es muy blanca
Donde están las niñas solas.

Manuel corre a su mamá:
"¡Mamá, yo voy a ser buena;
Déjame ir sola a la arena;
Allá, tú me ves, allá!"

"¡Esta niña caprichosa!
No hay tarde que no me enojes:
Anda, pero no te mojes
Los zapaticos de rosa."

Le llega a los pies la espuma,
Gritan alegres las dos;
Y se va, diciendo adiós,
La del sombrero de pluma.

Se va allá, donde ¡muy lejos!
Las aguas son más salobres,
Donde se sientan los pobres,
Donde se sientan los viejos!

Se fue la niña a jugar,
La espuma blanca bajó,
Y pasó el tiempo, y pasó
Un águila por el mar.

Y cuando el sol se ponía
Detrás de un monte dorado,
Un sombrerito callado
Por las arenas venía.

Trabaja mucho, trabaja,
Para andar: ¿qué es lo que tiene
Manuel que anda así, que viene
Con la cabecita baja?

Bien sabe la madre hermosa
Por qué le cuesta el andar:
--¿Y los zapatos, Manuel,
Los zapaticos de rosa?"

"¡Ah, loca! ¿en dónde estarán?
¡Dí dónde Manuel!" –"Señora",
Dice una mujer que llora:
"¡Están conmigo, aquí están!"

"Yo tengo una niña enferma
Que llora en el cuarto obscuro,
Y la traigo al aire puro,
A ver el sol, y a que duerma.

"Anoche soñó, soñó
Con el cielo, y oyó un canto,
Me dio miedo, me dio espanto,
Y la traje y se durmió.

"Con sus dos brazos menudos
Estaba como abrazando;
Y yo mirando, mirando
Sus piececitos desnudos.

"Me llego al cuerpo la espuma.
Alcé los ojos, y ví
Está niña frente a mí
Con su sombrero de pluma.

"¡Se parece a los retratos
Tu niña"--dijo:--"¿Es de cera?
¿Quiere jugar? ¡si quisiera!…
¿Y por qué está sin zapatos?

"Mira, ¡la mano le abrasa,
Y tiene los pies tan fríos!
¡Oh, toma, toma los míos,
Yo tengo más en mi casa!"

¡No sé bien, señora hermosa,
Lo que sucedió después:
¡Le ví a mi hijita en los pies
Los zapaticos de rosa!"

Se vio sacar los pañuelos
A una rusa y a una inglesa;
El aya de la francesa
Se quitó los espejuelos.

Abrió la madre los brazos,
Se echó Manuel en su pecho,
Y sacó el traje deshecho,
Sin adornos y sin lazos.

Todo lo quiere saber
De la enferma la señora:
¡No quiere saber que llora
De pobreza una mujer!

"¡Sí, Manuel, dáselo! ¡y eso
También! ¡tu manta! ¡tu anillo!"
Y ella le dio su bolsillo,
Le dio el clavel, le dio un beso.

Vuelven calladas de noche
A su casa del jardín;
Y Manuel va en el cojín
De la derecha del coche.

Y dice una mariposa
Que vio desde su rosal
Guardados en un cristal
Los zapaticos de rosa.

By Jose Marti

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta's English:

" I be there"

Sounds like the "ingleech" taught by castro's lacayos in Cuba. We have you pegged mariconsón.

Fantomas said...

"We have you pegged"

Cojone no me hagas reir mas, carajo

Anonymous said...

Manolo Albertooooooooooooooooooooooo

ven a recoger el cuarto , muchacho de dios, deja a fantomas tranquilo ya, se te van a poner las nalgas como una pandereta

Anonymous said...

Fantomas está vencío, esos tipos del CJB le han metío tremenda leña psicologica, ahora solo falta que lo ajusticien.

Caballeros del CJB, aqui le expresamos nuestro apollo a su misión de justicia, lo más pronto mejór, acaben con to los izquierdistas, la solución finál es la unica forma de optenér libertad pa Cuba.

Fantomas said...

Change we need

Psicologicamente Fantomas se rejuvenece minuto a minuto

Vana said...


When will the ice man cometh?

Fantomas said...

Another Republican Backs Obbie

Primero fue Fantomas

Segundo fue Colin Powell

ahora es Scott Mc Clellan

Who will be next

Anonymous said...

la solución finál es la unica forma de optenér libertad pa Cuba.

Asi se habla , desobediencia civil y contrarevolucion dentro de Cuba es la unica opcion. Como dice mi primo , Los gobernantes actuales JAMAS entregaran el poder a las buenas

Anonymous said...

Vana, it's coming, the lard-ass is spooked out of its tiny mind, when we watch the surveillance videos it's easy to see that lardo is now wearing incontinence products, one of our men reported that it smelled of excrement near Fantomas after a motorcycle had backfired a couple of days ago, Depends are too expensive for el cheapo, he's getting store brand at Pueblo and Walgreens; all the insults that this traitor has hurled your way will be accounted for as will be the case with the offenses spewed towards all other Cubans and their families...justice is on the way.

Anonymous said...

when we watch the surveillance videos it's easy to see that lardo is now wearing incontinence products

ja, ja, ja ..perfect holywood script

Anonymous said...

Looks like the racist Cuban exile community is trying to run to Obama with big smiles on their fake faces. Even posting apologies in liberal blogs, begging on their knees for forgiveness.

Too late...

Anonymous said...

And Val has to look to Malkin for what to think about that racist lying anti-Spanish bigot who cut herself up.

LOL, in two seconds, you could tell she was a lying bigot. Leave it to Cuban exiles to scratch their heads in confusion.

Anonymous said...

Duro, sin miedo y sin careta con los intransigentes y los dinosaurios hasta que no quede uno vivo
me cago en el corazon de tu madre! Eres un hijo de Puta y un maricon!

Anonymous said...

Fanto siempre se ha dicho aqui y es claro entre tu , Jay y Rafael Martel ustedes van a cambiar el pensamiento y la politica de la vieja y anticuada guarida de falcones vividores y retrogados mejores conocidos como el exilio historico
Conduntentemente se impone la juventud y los que traeran el verdadero cambio para Cuba los baby boomers de la revolucion
Son ustedes , mis respetos

Anonymous said...

Democrats are on track for sizable gains in both houses of Congress on Nov. 4, according to strategists in both parties, although only improbable Southern victories can produce the 60-vote Senate majority they covet to help them pass priority legislation.

A poor economy, President Bush's unpopularity, a lopsided advantage in fundraising and Barack Obama's robust organizational effort in key states are all aiding Democrats in the final days of the congressional campaign.

"I don't think anybody realized it was going to be this tough" for Republicans, Sen. John Ensign, chairman of the party's senatorial campaign committee said recently. "We're dealing with an unpopular president (and) we have a financial crisis," he added.

"You've got Republican incumbent members of the Congress" trying to run away from Bush's economic policies, said Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, who chairs the House Democratic campaign committee. "And they can't run fast enough. I think it will catch up with many of them."

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, perhaps a flexible middle of the road analysis is more truly reflective of the reality that our brethren face in Cuba, while my opinion is that the majority of the island's residents who receive help from abroad use it beneficially- not only for themselves but also for the bolsa negra (black market) and its numerous participants - there are some relatives of the recipients of such assistance that may have become used to the lifeline and have found it very convenient to not do anything against the status quo, human nature is what it is and no one is immune from its negative temptations, add to that the hopelessness of a half a century of not just a lack of progress but in fact a constant reversal of all the achievements of the Cuban republic pre-1959 and it becomes very easy to just give up and simply try to subsist without even trying to do anything to change things for the positive, the exception being fleeing the country.

Angel Garzón said...

Vana said...


Hello good to see you around here again :o}"

10/24/2008 12:15 AM

Thanks V, it's good to be able to drop-by with time to read in detail all that's written at RCAB and being able to comment, I need a forty hour day, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Here's a news flash for those of you so worried about our country sliding into socialism: Medicare and Social Security are both examples of "redistributing the wealth"! I imagine that even the purest capitalist would squirm over the idea of eliminating either of those sacred cows.

Anonymous said...

I can see why the Obama campaign will decline further interviews. This was just another Fox News styled talking-points hatchet job by West.

It is desperation (and a lie) to call a true American like Obama a "Marxist" or a "Socialist".

The Republican Party is going to suffer some BIG LOSSES this year as they have been hijacked by the hatefulness of extreme right-wing conspiracy freaks and religious nuts!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The irony, of course, is that Castro has created a culture of dependence in Cuba which never existed there before him and then failed to supply its needs. It is exiles who have to fill the void created by the state's non-compliance with its self-avowed responsibilities.

Our only other choice was to allow Castro Inc. to starve our countrymen since it has so devised things in Cuba that no man can survive solely by owns exertions, however great, unless he is in a position to wrest from the state what is rightly his but denied to him. Not all Cubans, of course, are in that position, which has dangers of its own since it makes you an enemy of the state and subject to persecution.

What is undoubtedly true is that by sending care packages to Cuba you take out the "middle man" and his 10 percent, which should appeal to those who object to cash remittances on those grounds, unless, as in the case of the Babalunians, it is starving Cubans, not the tyrant, which is their real goal.

Anonymous said...

Parece que los anti-cubanos no tienen ningun tipo de vida normal. ¿Qué clase de persona dedica horas vespertinas del Sabado para atacár a otras personas? Los izquierdistas que claman ser tolerantes, pero que en realidád solo toleran a aquellos que piensan y platican izquierdismo.

Tellechea, te limpiamos tu blog de las idioteces del mariconsón Fantomas. De nada Tellechea, fué nuestro debér patriotico.

Hablando de otra cosa, parece que George Moneo ha perdido todo nivél de conducta apropiada, ese tipo está diciendo la mala palabra "F*ck" a diestra y siniestra, si estuvieramos en Cuba, tendría que residír en Regla, Lawton o La Habana del Este.....y a lo mejór, en ciertas partes de Marianáo. Ese tipo está trastornado del cerebro, esperamos que el estado de la Florida no le haya otorgádo una licensia o permiso para tener armas de fuégo, el Moneo es una bomba que está al explotár.

Fantomas said...

Breaking News tonite







Anonymous said...

el Moneo es una bomba que está al explotár.

Anonymous said...


¿Qué es un blog cubano en realidad? Imaginen la antigua Roma con un tipo parado en cada esquina hablando mierda, tocando arpa, recitando poemas al Vesubio, los cipreses y otros exotismos para llamar la atención. Alguno diciendo que los senadores eran maricones, la griegas putas y los mongoles pichicortos. Luego los monotemáticos echándole al César. Que si Bruto debía acuchillarlo o Marco Antonio cogérselo sin saliva. La medida de popularidad de estos blogueros antiguos se daba por el molote de público que le rodeara a contradecirle, aprobarlo, tirarle piedras o mearlo. Uno, el más osado, ponía podio junto al coliseo y anunciaba dónde localizar a los que mejores cosas estaban diciendo ese día (ése era el Ernesto Hernández Busto de entonces) y pedía estipendio por tal servicio. Estaba otro metido en un barril como Diógenes, sería el Ichikawa, que decía cosas incoherentes sobre las guerras del Peloponeso y los escribas lo oían para posar de sabios. Y otro discurseaba en sánscrito para impresionar al parlante latín (ese era el Babalú). Y el Tirofijo, claro, salía de noche, tapado, a burlarse de legionarios, mercaderes y alguna que otra dama de atrio. Bueno... los blogs de ahora son eso mismo, sólo que en lugar de podio tenemos laptop o PC y con la ventaja moderna del uso del anonymous. Ah, y yo era el que pintaba las paredes con africanos pingudos templando visigodas tetonas y los centuriones me arrestaban y me hacían borrar y lavar los muros.

Publicado por José Varela. Viernes, Octubre 24, 2008. 12:17 PM ©Varela
Publicado por TIROFIJO en 15:31 9 comentarios

Anonymous said...

Solamente los trastornados mentales con adicciones irracionales sintonizan y participan en programas radiales durante las noches de Domingos, el resto de nosotros que no estamos jodidos del coco dedicamos el Domingo vespertino a nuestras familias. Enrique, Jay, Estrada-Palma, Royce Roy, estos tipos están trastornados.

Anonymous said...

cjb se equivoca usted. Un Verdadero luchador por la libertad de Cuba sacrifica inclusive a su familia para llevar el mensaje de libertad A LA HORA QUE SEA. Usted no se preocupe el programa no fue diseñado para usted ademas lo que se hable ahi quizas sea foraneo para usted. Hay mucha gente que necesita de esta informacion. Sirvase a escuchar algun dia aunque reconocemos que no todos los programas son iguales, unos son mejores que otros. Por ejemplo el de hoy tratara de temas " locales"
Comparar a Jay/ Enrique con Tomas y Roy is totally absurd

Anonymous said...

estos tipos están trastornados.

Como dice mi primo fantomas " chupar negro " por 8 años si trastornara la mente de muchos

Solo faltan 8 dias

Anonymous said...

Solamente los trastornados mentales con adicciones irracionales sintonizan y participan en programas radiales durante las noches de Domingos
10/26/2008 4:44 PM

Amigo creo que usted tiene trastornos mayores , que hace usted comentando aqui un domingo a las 4.44 de la tarde cuando deberia estar en la playa con su familia , disfrutando de la tarde dominguera

Anonymous said...

New Cuban voters appear to be the most responsible for the shift in these once-conservative districts, which have been wedded to the Republican Party since Mr. Reagan strengthened an embargo against Havana nearly 25 years ago. In the past year, 20,416 new Latino voters registered in Rep. Ros-Lehtinen's district, only 25% of them as Republicans. A year ago, half of all Latino voters in the district were registered Republicans.

Two other Cuban-heavy districts have notched similar voter changes as the incumbents face stiff challenges. In the district held by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, the Republican voter edge has fallen to 3,000 from 22,000. Just a quarter of the Latinos who registered in the past year are Republican.

In the district held by Rep. Diaz-Balart's brother Lincoln, the Republican edge, while still substantial, has slipped by about two-thirds to 10,000. There, too, only a quarter of the new registrants are Republican. Mr. Diaz-Balart is facing popular former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez.

The race was recently rated a toss-up by the nonpartisan Cook Report. The eight-term congressman won in 2006 with 60% of the vote. The Cook Report says the other two districts are in less danger of flipping to the Democrats, but recent polling suggests close races.

The voter shifts haven't gone unnoticed by Sen. Barack Obama, who hopes to win Florida and its 27 electoral votes. The Democrat has a strong get-out-the-vote operation ready in Miami and is advertising heavily in Spanish.

While local Latino Democrats are seeing inroads in Miami, most political observers say Sen. Obama is unlikely to win Little Havana. Sen. John McCain holds the edge in most polls, though his support has withered somewhat in recent months. Sen. Obama's cause probably wasn't helped in May when longtime dictator Fidel Castro wrote in government-run newspapers that he was "the most-advanced candidate in the presidential race."

"There's no question Obama is working the Cuban demographic hard, and frankly, there are parts of my community where he probably needs to work it harder," said Joe Garcia, the Democratic candidate who is running against Mario Diaz-Balart in a race that appears to be tight. The race is Mr. Diaz-Balart's closest over three terms in a district he designed himself in 2000 as head of the Florida state Senate's redistricting committee.

Mr. Garcia, former head of the Dade County Democratic Party, said many older Cubans remain resistant to Sen. Obama, convinced that Democrats are intent on coddling the Castro regime, a view that younger voters are more likely to reject. Like Sen. Obama, the Democratic challengers support a mild relaxation of the current economic embargo -- a stance many in the Cuban community appear to support, at least in polls.

Mr. Garcia said younger voters, many of whom grew up in the U.S., are more interested in pocketbook issues than in Mr. Castro. "Republicans cut the goose that laid gold eggs and screwed everything up," Mr. Garcia said.

Not everybody agrees with this view, least of all Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who hadn't faced a serious challenge in his district until this year. Rep. Diaz-Balart said he was skeptical of the significance of the registration figures. "Don't show me polls -- I'm out here every two years," he said. "What people should be analyzing is what the turnout will be."

Write to Christopher Cooper at

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Angel Garzón said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The irony, of course, is that Castro has created a culture of dependence in Cuba which never existed there before him and then failed to supply its needs. It is exiles who have to fill the void created by the state's non-compliance with its self-avowed responsibilities.

Our only other choice was to allow Castro Inc. to starve our countrymen since it has so devised things in Cuba that no man can survive solely by owns exertions, however great, unless he is in a position to wrest from the state what is rightly his but denied to him. Not all Cubans, of course, are in that position, which has dangers of its own since it makes you an enemy of the state and subject to persecution.

What is undoubtedly true is that by sending care packages to Cuba you take out the "middle man" and his 10 percent, which should appeal to those who object to cash remittances on those grounds, unless, as in the case of the Babalunians, it is starving Cubans, not the tyrant, which is their real goal."

10/26/2008 1:24 AM

Manuel, I could not agree with you more about most of what you stated in your above quoted comment, the exception being the section in bold, I just cannot believe that "the Babalunians" as you call them, have a goal of starving our Cuban brethren on the island, I don't believe that you are a lier so I'd give your statement the benefit of the doubt assuming that perhaps there may be something that I am not aware of that leads you to point to the Babalu writers as advocates of such objective. My rationale includes the knowledge that no one in his or her right mind would voluntarily put themselves in a position to take so much flak against them when they could easily chose to do otherwise, it just doesn't make any sense, at least, not to me.

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