Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quo Vadis America?

Never did it occur to me, and even now I find it difficult to believe, that I would see the end of American democracy before my own country was restored to the concert of free nations. Never did I think, until it happened, that the Baltic states would regain their freedom before Cuba did, or that the Eastern bloc, and the Soviet Union itself, would disappear in my lifetime or that Communism would be relegated to Oriental mandarinates -- and Cuba! That no one else imagined such a thing did not stop it from happening; nor shall the U.S. remain invulnerable to Marxism because most refuse to believe what is already obvious to some. Once you get over the conviction that it can't happen here because it is in fact happening here before your very eyes, then there is nothing unusual about it. The question then becomes not "How did it happen here?" but "How did it not happen here long ago?"

America's enemies have always known that it is impossible to topple the government of the United States by force. "Carthago delenda est" is simply not an option for them. So instead of war they have resorted to terrorism, which is the tactical equivalent of stabbing your enemy in the back, and have amassed isolated "victories" which are ultimately meaningless because no individual action, nor all actions together, will ever result in America's annihilation, or achieve much of anything except a series of coups de théâtre.

Terrorist acts such as those of 9/11, while gratifying to America's enemies and embarrassing to the U.S., will obtain nothing for their cause but its further marginalization and irrelevancy. To destroy Western civilization, which is their real object, symbolic attacks will not be enough. Terrorist bombs could melt the Statue of Liberty into the world's largest copper nugget; the vellum originals of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, housed at the National Archives, could be turned to crackling; and the White House itself reduced to rubble, and the democratic institutions of this country would still stand with or without these symbols.

If you want to defeat America, or, specifically, the American idea of representative democracy, it is not necessary to blow up the White House but to occupy it.

Lincoln was right, of course. It is not possible to fool all the people all of the time. But, of course, you don't have to. In a democracy, you only have to fool 50 percent plus one.


Fantomas said...

Manuel quedan 7 dias ya y sigues metiendole miedo a la gente. Menos mal que tu mensaje no hara resonancia en las mentes y corazones de la Gran mayoria que le dara el voto al primer Negro en ocupar la Casa Blanca. Seras testigo de un evento historico el dia de la toma de posesion en 2009

En Denver 100k personas asistieron a ver a Obama este fin de semana


Sigue perdiendo tu tiempo acusando a Obama de comunista . Tal parece que desconfias de las Instituciones Norteamericanas , de su historia y de su gente

Es realidad los Pelosi, Reid y Obama pueden obtener mayoria en los 3 poderes en nov 4 pero Si los Democratas en el congreso son tan malos como dices tenemos el chance de sacarlos en 2 años

Usemos nuestro voto then, lets see what they can do in the next 24 months I'm willing to give them a chance , a lo mejor hacen un mejor trabajo que Bush

Anonymous said...

How to Win the Cuban American Vote

By Jorge Mas Santos

Saturday, October 25, 2008

U.S. policy toward Cuba is at best static and at worst counterproductive, a source of increasing frustration to many Cuban Americans. This sad status quo contributes to the challenge that Cuban Americans will face on Election Day as, once again, particularly in Florida, our vote will probably help determine the next occupant of the White House.

The overwhelming majority of Cuban Americans expect the next president to abandon today's failed "wait and hope" policy and adopt a policy of support and engagement directed toward opening new avenues of freedom for the Cuban people as well as enhancing stability in the United States.

The Cuban American National Foundation, the nation's largest Cuban exile organization, has a predominantly Republican membership. Yet our fundamental interest is not partisan politics but helping to restore freedom to our brothers and sisters on the island.

We entered the new millennium expecting U.S. policy toward Cuba to follow the effective model of the West's support for Poland's Solidarity movement and civil society across Eastern Europe. It was our hope that by seeking to empower Cuba's independent civil society through unlimited support for the brave men and women on the island opposing the Castro regime, the energy and resources of the Cuban American community would be unleashed. To this end, we have been sorely disappointed.

As a direct result of President Bush's strategic blunder in 2004 restricting contact with the island, Cuban dissidents have experienced a significant reduction in material and humanitarian assistance. They are also subject to a ban on receiving cash remittances that help them and their families survive. The isolation of these and other Cubans has increased while Fidel Castro's departure from office caught the Bush administration off guard. Together, these developments have helped Raúl Castro consolidate control over the Cuban people.

These failures in U.S. policy undermine important American interests. Just as a democratic Israel is a key U.S. friend in a critical region, a democratic Cuba would be a crucial ally in furthering democracy in Latin America. Cuba is important, also, because the dissatisfaction of its people under the Castro regime is bound to have a significant effect on Floridians and Cuban Americans nationwide. It has in the past.

The next president must put a stop to America's spectator approach. To this end, we have presented the campaigns of Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama with simple recommendations based on two basic premises: (a) the status quo is unacceptable; and (b) change needs to come from within Cuba. Our specific recommendations are:

· Change the rules that make it impossible to send cash aid and allow direct, substantial and unfettered aid to Cuba's dissidents.

· Lift the 2004 restrictions on travel and remittances by Cuban Americans. Removing the handcuffs that have prevented us from becoming active participants in the development of Cuban civil society will make us agents of change.

· Maintain sanctions that diminish the Castro regime's access to hard currency, which it uses to help fund its apparatus of repression.

· Engage democratic and reformist forces in Cuba, including those in the military and in the civilian government. They need to know that they can count on the friendship and support of the United States.

· Rebuild our intelligence capabilities in Cuba; they have been dismantled over the past decade, creating a vulnerability in this nation's security.

Both presidential candidates have made clear that they want to help the Cuban people achieve freedom. But Barack Obama's forward-looking and proactive approach toward empowering the Cuban people is more in line with these proposals than John McCain's vow to continue the Bush administration's policy.

More of the same will not bring about freedom in Cuba, and more must be done to directly assist Cuba's opposition movement. Cuban Americans are wary of empty promises. But on Nov. 4, before casting ballots, we will ask ourselves two important questions: Who will adopt a proactive policy toward Cuba, and if dissidents in Cuba had a vote in our election, for whom would they vote?

Anonymous said...

The imperialist schemers are so sure of themselves that they don't hesitate to publish their conspiracy plot to conquer the world politically, economically, and militarily. Mandarins such as Kissinger, Brzezinski, Wolfowitz, and a host of others, draw up the blueprints for a world police state. By studying their imperialist designs we can understand just how the demonic cabal plans to seize complete world dominance and maintain it.

Anonymous said...

"Usemos nuestro voto then"

You can't vote moron

Fantomas said...

Para el anormal de Cayo hueso

"Usemos nuestro voto then"

Mi voto no es necesario para garantizar la victoria de Obama , si lo fuese estuviera inscrito en Miami y votaria alla, without any problems, in 5 minutes

Fantomas said...

Manuel te has dado cuenta como he neutralizado a CJB-Fantomas' Nemesis . Tal parece que se le acabaron las municiones , pero nada yo no cojo lucha con eso

Aqui estaremos siempre diciendo la verdad gustele al que no le guste

Vayan preparando el biberon que el martes 4 va a amanecer el cielo nublado

It will rain Obama

It is going to be a hell of a Black Tuesday

Anonymous said...

... With the help of ACORN.

Fantomas said...

Se siguen desplomando los mercados . Por favor no me le echen la culpa a Obama si el Dow baja a 6000 puntos

Esa sera una de las legacias de Bush

Fantomas said...

Que tiene que ver ACORN con esto, bro

Obama no need ACorn to win. Acaso los 100k que fueron a Denver este fin de semana fueron llevados por Acorn

Dejemos el miedo en la gaveta , Sere el primero en denunciar a Obama si se atreve a moverse to the far left

I will keep him in check, OTHERS IN WASHINGTON WILL TOO

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, is Obama thinking to place high profile Republicans in his Gabinete?

Fantomas said...

Si, para callarle la boca a muchos el nombrara a algunos Republicanos
Smart move

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to ACORN all Puerto Ricans on the island will be able to vote for Obama by "absentee ballot." No need for you to travel to Miami, fantomas.

Fantomas said...

Thanks to ACORN all Puerto Ricans on the island will be able to vote for Obama by "absentee ballot." No need for you to travel to Miami, fantomas.

Not true, pero hay mas de 700k puertorriqueños que si viven en Central florida y mas de 2 millones en NY plus others with dual residence que si votaran

Is it a sin to be Prican and vote for Obama?

I do not have a problem with that

We deserve to vote in US elections. Many Puerto Ricans have served this country IN ALL WARS. Thousands of them have died defendiendo la democracia que tu disfrutas. Mas respeto por favor

Fantomas said...

By the way Hillary beat Obama in the primaries here handily. Puerto Ricans are too savvy when it comes to politics. La politica es el deporte preferido en PR

Anonymous said...

We deserve to vote in US elections. Many Puerto Ricans have served this country IN ALL WARS. Thousands of them have died defendiendo la democracia que tu disfrutas. Mas respeto por favor

Los puertorriqueños somos parte integral de la Gran Nacion Norteamericana.Sin duda

Anonymous said...

A message to Jorge Mas Santos
You are an embarrassment.

I suppose I could write a lengthy, detailed essay on why I believe the aforementioned to be true. But what would be the point, really? You already know it to be true in the grape seed that seems to be your conscience, whether or not you choose to accept it.

Your editorial in the Washington Post -purporting to speak on my behalf as a Cuban-American- endorsing Barrack Obama for President, proves one thing and one thing only: you have placed politics before convictions and you learned absolutely nothing from your father.

Posted by Val Prieto at 10:06 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)



Anonymous said...

Enriqueta la panzoneta con la cabeza calvá, dejate de mariconeta que con nosotros no puedes hacér ná, asi que callate la boqueta o mámate a Obamá, cuando suenen las trompetas el jueguito tuyo llega al final.

Comunista COMEMIERDA, tu, Jay, Martel etc., son unos burros tan brutos que se creen capazes de meternos ese paquete de que el Marxista Obama va a ayudár a Cuba a ser libre, ese maricón de Kenya junto con Pelosi y Reid si pudieran tenér el poder eliminarian a toda la oposición, sus planes han sido expuestos, algunos gringos se tragarán ese mojón al igual que lo hicieron muchisimos cubanos con las mentiras de castro que ahora viven en el exilio, ignorár la historia es suicidio, en Cuba se ignoraron los avisos de los que entendieron que castro era comunista aunque el decia que no lo era, el resultado lo hemos estado sufriendo por cinco decadas, Enrique, Jay, Martel etc., como decimos los cubanos verdaderos: "No joda' coño, que te voy a descojonár"

Vana said...


Like you I would have never imagined that 50 years later our country would still be enslaved by the Castro's, and that we may see this mighty country toppled from within, Americans are naive to believe that Obama will bring change for the best, we Cubans have heard the word change before and we all know how that ended.

Fantomas said...

asi que callate la boqueta o mámate a Obamá

Fantomas no mamar obama, son los que voten por el otro los que chuparan biberon

Anonymous said...

Este tipo Enrique debe usar anfetaminas, los sintomas del adicto son comunes de la mayoria de sus usuarios, uno de ellos es la eliminación de la necesidad de dormir, esto lo tiene en común con Hitler, Fidel, Chavez, parece que parte de el plan comunista para destruir a las democracias incluye infiltrár a Manchurianos que han sido programados en instituciones psiquiatricas como Mazorra, algunos de los Marielitos han sido victimas de este tipo de monstruocidad, los extremos a los que los izquierdistas llegan para obtenér el poder son diabolicos.

Fantomas said...


Fantomas said...

Me voy a quitar la careta con uds. Realmente me importa un pepino que gane Obama o Mc Cain. Ninguno adelantara la causa cubana como añoramos. Anyway, Siempre lo he dicho tenemos que respaldar al que salga pase lo que pase

La unica razonpor la cual me inclino por Obama realmente es por ver a los babalusianos de la vida, los tellecheas , los fariñas, los bravos, los garzones o sea los pseudocubanos que se creen que se la saben todas sufriendo un poquito nada mas. Para que bajen de esas nubes y se pongan a trabajar de verdad por ayudar a la disidencia dentro de Cuba en vez de estar comiendo mierda hablando nonsense en los blogs

a trabajar se ha dicho, manos a la obra que el pueblo cubano nos necesita

Anonymous said...

Fantomas hace tiempo que Tellechea no comenta en este blog, porque sera?

Estara muy ocupado usando fake nicknames

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, tu estás trastornao, aqui tu usas cuarenta personalidades y despues acusas a Tellechea de hacerlo, coñoooooo, caballero por favor como dicen ustedes los portorros, deja eso pana, ay bendito.

Fantomas said...

no lo que pasa es que son muchos los impostores que me tratan de duplicar para tratar de hacerme daño como si yo fuera el culpable de lo que pasa en Cuba, pero no, a fantomas nadie lo detiene , que quede claro absolutamente nadie

Anonymous said...

La unica razonpor la cual me inclino por Obama realmente es por ver a los babalusianos de la vida, los tellecheas , los fariñas, los bravos, los garzones o sea los pseudocubanos que se creen que se la saben todas sufriendo un poquito nada mas. Para que bajen de esas nubes y se pongan a trabajar de verdad por ayudar a la disidencia dentro de Cuba en vez de estar comiendo mierda hablando nonsense en los blogs


Anonymous said...

Manuel saca la basura por favor

Anonymous said...

la basura del blog that is

Anonymous said...

Fantomas, tu estás trastornao, aqui tu usas cuarenta personalidades

Fantomas y los 40 ladrones

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, I too would had never believed that not just the Eastern European slave-states of the USSR would be free of communism (except Belarus) before our native homeland, but that such event would take place in the USSR proper before Cuba was just impossible to even dream about, but as you have mentioned a number of times, our beloved motherland is kept within the prison of the status-quo by more than just its apparent oppressors (the Casstro tyranny) but also by many other powerful forces, which sadly include some who call themselves our patria's friends and advocates of its future freedom, it is beyond frustrating to be faced with these painful truths, but I believe in that old Cuban adage that says "no hay mal que dure cien años, ni cuérpo que lo resista"

Anonymous said...

Angel Garzon con esa perolata a otro blog socio

Centurion said...

Señor Garzon como esta? Recuerde en español el idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos.

Anonymous said...

Centurión = Anonimo 6:21 = Fantomas

Hemos obtenido completo apoyo del BFI de PR para arrestár al agente espia extranjero del DGI cubano conocido como Fantomas, los documentos necesarios para llevár acabo una redada en cierto estudio radial están siendo finalizados ya, el tipo Jay también será detenido y alojado en el mismo calabozo con Fantomas y el segundo primo de Mike Tyson conocido como Falum Johnson, el rumor en la prisión es que el Johnson es bugarrón homicida y los seis tipos con los que habia compartido el calabozo terminaron falleciendo de derrame sanguineo por sus anos, pero no tenemos evidencia de que el Falum Johnson haya sido culpable, les deseamos malisima suerte al Fantomas y al Jay, por fin se callarán las bocas y la comunidad cubana tendrá descanzo de estos hablamierdas.

Anonymous said...

La comunidad cubana en Puerto Rico y el exilio se enorgullecen de tener a Jay a Fantomas, Sixto y el Ing Abascal al frente de las ondas radiales en PR. El programa Magazine Cubano se escucha en Kenya y en todas las tribus zulus del congo africano. Tambien se escucha en toda Europa y America Latina gracias a la magia del internet. Esperamos que continuen con el patrocinio, de escucharnos todos los domingos de 9a 11pm

Anonymous said...

"La magia del internet = Tribus Zulu del Congo escuchan Magazine Cubano"....aunque no entienden ni papa de lo que hablan Fantomas y Jay...."en Kenya también lo escuchan"....mientras tocan los tambores y fuman llerba buena cagada por elefantes observando a los babaluses originales en sus transes espiritistas y no entendiendo que dicen en el programa...."tambien se escucha en toda Europa"....donde los unicos que pueden entender las partes platicadas en español son los andalucez...."en America Latina"....con la excepción de Cuba donde to los cubanos que detestan al comunismo y sus primas ideologias izquierdistas saben que gato por liebre es una estafa.

Portorro, deja eso pana, cojelo suave compai, ay colonia...vamo pa Nueva Yol que alli nos dan un townhouse con to los equipo, por $20 peso al me...ay jibaro....ay jibaro....aaaayyyy.

Anonymous said...

la colonia esta llegando a su fin

Rafelito said...

El centurion de las 6.39 pm es un impostor


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