Henry would go to the very ends of the English-speaking world through the miracle of radio to spread the bad word about Castro. Whether Jamaica, Zambia, Australia, Tutsi-land or Hoochie-Land, hell, even darkest Canada, he is always on call for a chat. I regard this as a point in his favor. It is certainly a more judicious expenditure of his time and polemical energies than is the Babalu [Faux] Radio [90-Minute] "Hour" with its 8 listeners, half of whom can't actually hear the broadcast. Presumably even the Australian desert has a wider audience.
Speaking of which, Henry appeared tonight on an Australian radio show whose complete title (which Henry did not give) is: Sunday Night Safran: Politics, Religion and Hoochies. The show is actually aimed at young people and is much more mature and less vulgar than would be one with a similar demographic on U.S. airwaves. Still, it's not exactly La edad de oro. John Safran himself is a conservative by Australian standards and very personable as most Australians are. Safran's sidekick is the exception. Father Bob MacGuire, who, according to the show's own webpage, "rambles on in a frenetic and loopy manner as a regular guest on SN," is in his 80s and pretty much addlebrained, a condition which may have nothing to do with his age. He's known as the "Bruce Ritter of Australia," or, at least, he was once known as that before Father Bruce was caught anointing street waifs in places he shouldn't have.
The first thing that we learned from listening to Sunday Night Safran was that Henry had not just been invited out of the blue but pressed for an invitation to the show. How such a cosmic confluence came about I hardly know. I imagine Henry listening on a shortwave radio all night to programs from exotic locales hoping to hear "Cuba" mentioned. He apparently stumbled on Safran's show last week when the guest was the president of the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, which would have been more aptly named the "Australian Communist Party (A.C.P)-Fidel Castro Friendship Society." Henry reproduces today on Babalú comments from Safran's Guest Book generated by her appearance on the show which prove that Aussies are smarter about Cuba than Henry gave them credit for (at least those who are not academics).
While listening to Henry's rebuttal of the previous week's Cuba "expert" I reflexively made a list in my mind of possible objections to Henry's comments, but soon it became apparent that Henry was making sense on a rather sustained basis while his hosts sounded as if a Martian had dropped in their midst. Their intonation of "Miami Cuban" had just that inflection. My overall impression is that he acquitted himself well on the show. I must admit that I did kind of chuckle when he announced that his life's ambition was to resurrect the art of commercial advertising in Cuba. Really, I don't think you are going to need it in a free Cuba, at least for the first decade or so, because Cubans won't have to be persuaded to buy anything. But it is a harmless dream and Henry is welcome to it.
After Henry had done his segment and an awful Australian rap song was played (yes, it's everywhere), Father Bob remarked that "the bloke [meaning Henry] was a fascist." Safran rightly took him to task for not calling him that to his face (or eardrum) and asked him how he knew that for a fact. "The catch phrase 'Christ the King' [uttered by Cubans as they faced the firing squad] is a dead give-away for poor blokes in the Church like me because that's the catch phrase that declares that a person tends to be on the side of imperialism," which Father Bob declared to be synonymous with "fascism."
Henry has been invited back for next week's show to rebut the charge that he's a "fascist." If he plays his cards right he might just get a regular gig on the show, as did Father Bob who, before he was asked to co-host the show, was a regular caller.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 273 of 273Si se puede
Si se puede
300 or bust
Quin llega primiro:
3 million hits
Apuesten Apuesten
yo le pongo 50 cocos a Manuel
Si manuel no pone otro post antes del sabado 26 Manuel llega a 600 el 26 de julio
Yo le pongo 25 pollos
Con esta si que ago dinero. La apuestan esta lloviendo.
Vamos vamos 10-1
Sin miedo
Manuel said:
"fidelista sin fidel:
I am very proud of having coined the phrase fidelistas sin fidel, three words that tell your whole history."
You should be proud, Manuel, you are as good as Fidel and his gang at coming up with catchy yet meaningless slogans to hide the truth. That is quite a dubious achievement.
It is obvious you have no argument whatsoever to offer to explain your unabashed defense of a dictator. I think I was more than generous in the number of opportunities I gave you to explain yourself without resorting to slogans and personal attacks. I expected more from you, Manuel. After all, you spend so much time lecturing others to be tolerant and respectful of those they disagree with, one would think you would abide by your own advice.
But it seems that tact and courtesy only applies to others, not to you. Just like justice and truth only applies to dictators you dislike, not the ones you like.
fidelista sin fidel:
Can this be possible? You are complimenting Fidel Castro by comparing him to me? I thought that madmouthing Batista to build-up Castro was bad enough, but here you have sunk to a new low.
This was not the first time that you have used Batista to obscure the issue of Castro's repression. These past 50 years have made no impression on you. You are still enamoured of the Revolution; still fighting the long dead foeman; and still waiting for Castro to magically erase the last 50 years and redeem your boundless faith in him and the Revolution.
Meanwhile, you crawl the blogosphere anonymously as some kind of ghostbuster (yes, your enemies are always ghosts) admonishing others to take you seriously when their is nothing more absurd than you.
At RCAB, you and everybody else has the right to express himself. But you don't have a right to presume that I will take you seriously. If you expect from me what you deserve you will not be disappointed.
Browning Ferris Industries is changing now to Allied Waste
Pharmed founders charged with fraud
Carlos and Jorge de Céspedes, founders of Pharmed, once one of the largest Hispanic owned businesses in the country, were charged Tuesday in federal court with healthcare-related wire fraud and income tax evasion.
If you don't know who these guys are, they are Cuban-American brothers that built a healthcare and pharmaceutical empire. Both worth, literally, hundreds of millions of dollars. And now, both not only going for a long stay in jail, but, basically dragging a community down with them.
Just today I posted on what seems as everyone's penchant for denigrating the Miami Cuban-American community by referring to us as "mafiosos." That appellation knows no bounds, really, with even our own Cuban-American brethren using the term. What the de Cespedes brothers did will most assuredly now be either used as proof of the culture of corruption in the Cuban-American community or as justification for use of the denigrating Miami mafia term.
See? They're all a bunch of corrupt mafiosos, those Cubans.
And that's painful not because of how the perception may affect me - personally - or that of my generation and future generations. having been raised here, we pretty have pretty much grown thick skins. But encompassed in that debasement are men and women like my father and mother - who toiled their entire lives for a better life, who have lived their lives as good people, good Cubans and good and proud Americans. Good, decent, law abiding citizens who never did a dishonest thing in their lives.
But they, too, by default, will once again be raked through the mafioso coals now. By reporters, by politicians, by their fellow Americans and by assholes like Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos or others like local bloggers who thrive on criticizing the Cuban-American community.
The de Cespedes, if guilty as charged, should not only be tossed in federal prison for years, but they should be made to apologize to my mother for smearing her character. To apologize to my father for smearing his good name. To apologize to every single decent, law abiding Cuban-American, for dragging them and their reputations and hard work down along with them.
Esta noticia de los farmaceuticos es algo que no tengo nada que añadir
Yo lo que quiero es que tu hables acerca del Articulo que saco el Herald hace par de dias con los fondos del congreso y los 45 millones para Cuba
Hablame de esos mafiosos que incluyen a TV Marti, Fran Calzon y toda esa pila de vividores
De eso yo quiero hablar , yo no quiero hablar de ningun farmaceutico, eso realmente me tiene sin cuidado
I suppose that Val is demanding that the Céspedes brothers apologize to each and every member of his family for besmirching the name of Prieto (don't ask me how).
I suppose that if they offered to pay to finish Val's kitchen he might see them in a better light as old neighbors from Bayamo.
I have granted your request and will not post again until we have reached 300 comments. Yes, I know, I am too indulgent with you; but I like to reward you when you take a principled stand against Val and Babalú
Too bad, though, I had a new post waiting that hails Rev. Al Sharpton as the new conscience of the civil rights movement. 14 years ago I made that prophecy and today it was fulfilled.
You can wait a few more hours you may get your simbolic 300 today
simbolic --- got chu, got chu
ha ha ha
Mat, how far away are you from 3 million hits ?
Hola Fantomas
You are my hero
Val and Henry are lovers
Manuel said:
"Can this be possible? You are complimenting Fidel Castro by comparing him to me? I thought that madmouthing Batista to build-up Castro was bad enough, but here you have sunk to a new low."
Sometimes, Manuel, it is better to just walk away from a discussion. And I gave you that chance. You would have satisfied your urge to insult me and defended the purported liberty of RCAB by just posting the last paragraph of your response.
But for some reason, this Batista thing has really gotten under your skin and you cannot resist digging a deeper hole for yourself. After reading all the brilliant things you have written, it is quite disheartening to see you sink to the level of name-calling and sloganeering.
I could have very easily resorted to the same tactics as you, but I have resisted. Mainly because I do not need to make false accusations or call people stupid to prove my point. But also because I enjoy a challenge, and in that arena, Manuel, I'm afraid you would not be much of a challenge. In the arena of honest debate and discussion, however, is where you really do shine. And that was what I hoped to engage you in. But it seems I overestimated you.
You can go ahead and write another response repeating your fidelista sin fidel moniker, but the only person you are hurting is yourself. You claim you cannot take me seriously, but I ask how could you when you do not even take yourself seriously.
Manuel , has moneo taken the flag down yet?
Ha pedido perdon el Ahora Greyhound Orbit
You are trying too hard with the fantomisms. Let them come naturally to you.
Manuel, no nos dejes quedar mal.
Mira que tu eres nuestro representante. Defiendete y defiende a tu amor.
Salud Salud Salud
Bueno Many dale saca el post de Sharpton que vengo con una bomba
En español
martes, julio 22, 2008
Al Sharpton pide reunirse con prisioneros políticos cubanos
Servicios de El Nuevo Herald
El reverendo Al Sharpton, líder de la comunidad afroamericana de EEUU, ha pedido a las autoridades cubanas permiso para viajar al país con una delegación humanitaria para conocer la situación de los presos políticos.
El reverendo Al Sharpton, líder de la comunidad afroamericana de Estados Unidos, dijo este martes que ha pedido a las autoridades cubanas permiso para viajar al país con una delegación humanitaria para conocer la situación de los presos políticos.
"He enviado una carta pidiendo al nuevo presidente Raúl Castro que me permita ir a Cuba, en un viaje humanitario, para visitar al doctor [Oscar Elías] Biscet y algunos otros encarcelados'', explicó el activista afroamericano, muy popular en Estados Unidos por su ardiente defensa de los derechos civiles de la minoría negra.
Rodeado por una amplia representación de la prensa y las cadenas de televisión estadounidenses, Sharpton explicó frente a la sede de la Misión de Cuba ante la ONU que semanas atrás recibió una carta de la esposa de Biscet, Elsa Morejón, en la que le pedía que interviniera a favor de su marido, condenado en 2003 a 25 años de prisión, y de otros encarcelados.
El reverendo recordó que ya en el año 2000 viajó a Cuba y se reunió con el entonces gobernante Fidel Castro, con quien "entre otras cosas'' habló "del asunto de la raza'' en la isla.
Recordó que él y otros muchos estadounidenses se han manifestado a favor de que Estados Unidos levante el embargo económico a Cuba.
Sin embargo, dijo que le preocupan "algunas declaraciones'' relacionadas con el trato a los presos y el respeto a los derechos humanos en Cuba.
Sharpton, a quien acompañaban algunos familiares de detenidos y ex presos cubanos, rememoró que el reverendo Jesse Jackson encabezó hace algo más de dos décadas una delegación de religiosos que viajó a Cuba y logró la excarcelación de algunos opositores al régimen castrista.
"Hacemos un llamamiento a Raúl Castro para que nos permita a un grupo de ministros religiosos realizar un viaje humanitario para visitar a presos, ver qué está pasando y hablar con el Gobierno acerca de su situación'', añadió Sharpton, y subrayó que "está disponible'' para esas tareas.
Junto a él se encontraban los activistas y ex prisioneros políticos cubanos Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, secretario general de Alpha 66; Ignacio Cuesta Valle, quien cumplió 29 años de prisión; Rodolfo Rodríguez San Román, presidente del Presidio Político Histórico-Casa del Preso; Luis González Infante y Félix Cifuentes y Olga Gómez, todos de la raza negra.
En la breve comparecencia ante los medios en Nueva York también intervino Berta Antúnez Pernet, hermana del opositor cubano Jorge Luis García Pérez, conocido como "Antúnez'', quien cumplió una condena de 17 años por delitos políticos.
"En Cuba hay cientos de hombres y mujeres presos sólo por sus ideas, por expresar lo que piensan'', señaló Berta Antúnez.
"Estamos aquí pidiendo la libertad incondicional de todos los presos políticos. Estoy aquí denunciando las violaciones que ha sufrido mi familia, por ser opositora y ser de la raza negra'', agregó la mujer, que llegó al exilio el pasado febrero.
El gobierno cubano "siempre nos hace ver que los negros en Cuba debemos estar agradecidos a la Revolución por lo que ha hecho por nosotros, y no sabemos qué ha hecho, simplemente reprimirnos'', indicó.
La activista cubana recordó que su hermano estuvo encarcelado 17 años y 38 días "solamente por expresar sus ideas''.
Agregó que a un tío suyo, Omar Pernet Hernández, quien se encuentra en España, lo encarcelaron en Cuba en varias ocasiones por oponerse al régimen castrista desde muy joven y cumplía una pena de 25 años de cárcel hasta su puesta en libertad en febrero pasado.
"La trascendencia de esta petición es que no la está haciendo un Jessy Helms situado en la extrema derecha, sino una personalidad de la izquierda radical, que arrastra mucha prensa y cuenta con gran apoyo popular en este país'', declaró Díaz Rodríguez, quien cumplió 28 años en las cárceles cubanas.
El activista consideró un "fuerte desafío'' el hecho de que Sharpton se haya trasladado hasta la sede diplomática cubana para hacer sus denuncias, y opinó que es "otra evidencia de que la perspectiva sobre el caso de la represión en Cuba ha cambiado alrededor del mundo''.
"Aunque no pensamos como Sharpton, está junto a nosotros, y personas como él son las que tenemos que sumar a nuestra causa'', agregó Díaz Rodríguez.
Casi dos tercios de la población penal cubana son de la raza negra.
En años anteriores, activistas del exilio habían gestionado apoyo de la poderosa NAACP --organización defensora de los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos-- para los prisioneros políticos de la raza negra en la isla, sin que se lograra su intervención ante las autoridades cubanas.
Publicado por JAY MARTINEZ en 6:35 PM
Henry said:
"As the founder of this blog, Val has never really required anything of anyone. The one thing he's asked for is that we don't use Babalu to attack other exiles because when we tear down one of our own we tear ourselves down."
lol lol
This is classic ...
Not only do they attack other exiles ... they banned banned banned ... ha ha ha ha
fidelista sin fidel:
There is definitely something about engaging me in debate that is irresistible to you.
I feel I may have a second fantomas on my hands. Perhaps I should be indulgent with you too.
Compare and contrast Batista and Fujimori.
200 words.
That's your assignment for today.
Carry on.
What are you trying to say Manuel. Is this anon Mango Watch ?
Damn ... first George and now Mango
But, I'm not wrong Mat ...
vamos muchachos !!!!!
Nos faltan 70
Si llegamos a los 300 Mat nos compra ice cream
I want to warn you that this fidelista sin fidel obviously wants to take your place as resident character here. Defend your franchise or you may go under as he appears to be more persistent and loquacious.
Fantomass is always under.
Hey Manuel,
When did you coined the phrase "fidelistas sin fidel" ?
I just found an article by Humberto Fontova and he uses the phrase.
Please explain ....
Here is the link ...
Manuel said:
"There is definitely something about engaging me in debate that is irresistible to you."
Really, Manuel, is the hole not deep enough for you yet? Are you trying to dig your way to China? You have already sullied yourself in my eyes, but must you disgrace yourself in front of your adoring fans also?
Leave it alone, Manuel. Ignore me. Resist that temptation to dig, dig, dig. Don't reply, you will only make it worse.
I say this out of kindness for you. I cannot, in good conscience, kick a man when he's down. Your inane responses make it too easy for me.
Stay amongst your adoring fans. They will soon forget this spectacle you have put on for them.
Don't respond, Manuel. Trust me, it's for your own good.
Twenty years ago or more.
I am pleased that it is gaining currency.
I also coined "castroite."
Val recently used it and I am afraid it may now have been devalued.
fidelista sin fidel:
Where is the essay?
That will never do if you wish to replace fantomas.
Si ya no me quieren me voy
El comandante Val le dio una orden directa a el sargento Henry:
take the T-shirt off the net ... NOW
Maria Elvira Live hoy esta caliente
Hablaran de los fondos
Y la Bandera que puso el poodle porque no la mando a quitar
I'm ready to pass the torch
KC is looking for you. He will be in PR soon.
Manny please discuss this audio
vamos que falta poco para 300
"Y la Bandera que puso el poodle porque no la mando a quitar"
seguro porque el poodle muerde duro
Manuel said:
"fidelista sin fidel:
Where is the essay?
That will never do if you wish to replace fantomas."
Well Manuel, you cannot say I did not try my best to keep you out of harms way. Your carnal urges, though, have gotten the best of you. And when you allow that to happen, Manuel, that is when you make mistakes.
Notice how none of your usual defenders have risen to defend your name. They haven't, Manuel, because they are waiting for you to dazzle them with brilliant statements of fact. So far, though, all you have done is repeat slogans and insults. It is only a matter of time until they too come to the realization that you have no argument.
Your audience awaits, Manuel. You are beginning to worry them and your window of opportunity is quickly closing. It is perfectly understandable if you possess some type of fetish when it comes to Batista and you cannot bring yourself to admit he actually did some less than admirable things. But fetishes, Manuel, are best kept private.
I don't expect you to treat me as your equal, Manuel, but I do expect you to treat me with the same amount of respect I have shown to you. It is not my fault you do not have a viable argument for your position.
It is apparent that you cannot resist responding to me (another fetish, perhaps?), so I will leave your fate in your hands. If you want to keep digging yourself in deeper, I will keep handing you the shovel.
I do ask one favor, though, and I hope you will find it in your heart to grant it. Humor, as we all know, is not really your forte, so try to avoid using it in your responses to keep this discussion as palatable as possible. If there is anything worse than feckless chatter, it is feckless chatter trying to be funny that is written by someone who is not funny.
Now pick yourself off the floor, Manuel, dust yourself off, and give me your best shot!
I have never given an opinion on Val's "Cuban Mafia" t-shirts. Nevertheless, when Val wanted to stick it to Rick for sticking it to him on account of same, Val could think of no better rebuttal than to accuse Rick of copying me. An imposter calling himself MAT made the observation that none of this had to do with me. Which is true. Except that my name appears to lend great interest to both sides. But this is no surprise to anybody.
You have a rare gift: you can write at length without saying absolutely anything. You are free to cultivate that gift here if you wish. If you ever say anything worth my attention, I shall respond to it. If not, I will let you put yourself to sleep with your soporific prose.
You giving up Mat? Don't follow Batistas steps and run like a cowards.
Manuel said:
"You have a rare gift: you can write at length without saying absolutely anything."
Perhaps to you it said nothing, Manuel, but to others it said a lot. Nevertheless, I am not that obtuse as to not recognize a white flag of surrender dressed up in a snide remark. I can grant you that much, Manuel.
I am glad you finally came to your senses and realized that nothing good would come of this and your best course of action is to just walk away. Don't worry, my friend, there will be other topics and other opportunities for you to redeem yourself. Maybe this topic is too close to your heart for you to react rationally, or maybe I just caught you on a bad day(s). The good thing is that tomorrow is a new day and we can always depend on your nemesis to provide us new fodder.
I look forward to it, Manuel. Now get some rest, you sound tired.
Anon 2:29PM
Where do you get off calling Manuel, Charlie KC and Angel chivatones, you got your nerve, this cannot be any other than rubberhead the slanderer.
I see the Babalunians have been here again with their usual insulting manner, Manuel has someone to defend him in me, you cannot beat him so why try, Manuel will never walk away so stop your crying it's really sickening.
Thanks Vana, that conflicted and confused individual is just extrapolating what it feels about itself, at times it becomes truly pitiful, there is a clear conflict within that person, its multiple personas seem to struggle against one another for supremacy, perhaps it used to reside at Mazorra and was one of those few forcefully exported by castro during the Mariel experience, as I have previously stated, the tyranny has much to answer for, justice will come.
I am not quite certain as to the identity of the commentator that chose to cloak himself as anonymous, but his style resembled that of a main contributor to C-A Pundits, Manuel appears to know his identity and that's sufficient. For the record, Manuel is more than capable of defending himself, either eloquently or silently, it is only when he is the victim of a clearly premeditated blitzkrieg attack that his friends assistance is necessary, Manuel of course is not the type to call for it, but he knows who he can depend upon when the need arises, that's what friends are for, the anonymous just did not get Manuel's approach, or perhaps he just wanted to hear himself talk, or type.
I am always here. You can come and go as you please. What you cannot do, however, is bait me to debate you, not even by declaring victory in a contest that I never joined.
Fidelista sin Fidel is the kid who is always waiving his hand in class. He never knows the answer but wants the teacher's attention. He is such a pitiful and needy creature that sometimes one must pay him a little attention even if that means disrupting the proceedings and undermining your lesson. Otherwise, he is likely to soil himself, as FIF threatens to do.
You paint him at full length. There is nothing that can be done for him. Even fantomas has ceded his place to him. Now fantomas is our town cryer and this guy is our new village idiot.
Mat, you are 100% correct
Vana, callete la boca y saca a mear a tu mutt.
Mat, porque insultas a fantomas. El no es un idiota.
fantomas no es el enemigo.
The castro brothers are.
Acuestate a dormir Mat. Necesitas energia para el debate de mañana. Espero que no salgas corriendo como hoy.
Oye Mat. No te olvides de ordenar un pullover de los que vende Henry.
They will be collectors items.
I should think that you would be happy to have been promoted from village idiot to town cryer. Do you know what that is? 200 years ago, when most people were illiterate, the town cryer would walk all around the town shouting the latest news. He would also announce the curfew at night.
This is a very important position and entails great responsibility.
You may now also attach the corresponding initials to your name:
Fantomas, TC. "
Contrast, if you will, my generous treatment of you with Val's unrelenting abuse.
Manuel said:
"I am always here. You can come and go as you please. What you cannot do, however, is bait me to debate you, not even by declaring victory in a contest that I never joined."
I know you are always here, Manuel. You have nowhere else to go.
And my "declaring victory," as you put it, has nothing to do with trying to bait you into an argument. My victory came by means of your forfeiture. I achieved it by default, and therefore, it is a hollow victory. I would have much rather achieved it by conventional means, but as they say, a win is a win.
Vana said:
"I see the Babalunians have been here again with their usual insulting manner, Manuel has someone to defend him in me, you cannot beat him so why try, Manuel will never walk away so stop your crying it's really sickening."
I am neither a "Babalunian" (I am not welcomed in that forum), nor have I been insulting towards Manuel, Vana. I have been nothing but respectful and courteous towards him.
Manuel, however, has not been as nice. Take a look again at my comments and read his responses and you will see who is the insulting one.
As far as not being able to beat Manuel, I am sorry to say that I already have. Unable or unwilling to engage in an honest debate, Manuel has reluctantly handed me a victory. But as I just said to him, I would have much preferred to have achieved it in a debate, not by his uncharacteristic forfeiture.
Comunicado #6 de las FART - Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Tellechea (FART) anuncian que nuestro Comandante en Jefe, Manuel Tellechea alias "Mondongo", va a participar en el programa "Vulu putu tutu" de Radio El Congo. El máximo líder de las FART explicará a los oyentes de Radio El Congo la lucha encarnizada que ha librado por más de un año para liberar a Babalú. En el panel también estarán Zulu Pipu Puchon, Zunzun Tutu Pumpum y el guerrillero de las FART Pepin Gatieza, alias "Viagra".
"Espero que todo el mundo en Miami pueda oir este programa en Radio El Congo para conocer los nuevos pasos que estamos dando para la liberación final de Babalú" dijo el Comandante Mondongo.
Para saber como conectarse con Radio El Congo favor enviar un e-mail a la Comandante Vana vanamacana@fart.com, o a la sub-comandante Calabaza pumpkin@fart.com
¡La liberación definitiva de Babalú se aproxima! Esta Nochebuena la celebraremos en la casa liberada de Val Prieto
I tried posting last night but blogger was down.
Hey anon FSF...I already told ya'...MAT is funny. You are boring.
There's something about white doves...
Jesus Christ. Khaled Meshal. che guevara. Barrack Obama.
Interesting times we live in, no?
Photo via RightWingSparkle.
Posted by Val Prieto at 09:38 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)
Compara Val Prieto a Jesus Christ con el Che guevara y con Obama
Ser Ateo no es malo
good morning. I see someone has been trying to "bait" you again. I know you certainly don't need my support in a debate but you have it, nevertheless. I would love to read a comparison between Batista and Fujimori or Batista and Pinochet but I doubt we will be receiving any from your baiter...
Compara Val Prieto a Jesus Christ con el Che guevara y con Obama
Ser Ateo no es malo
7/23/2008 11:27 AM
Whoever posted this is trying to "stir up" more controversy. We all know that is not what the writer meant.
Mat, you are 300% correct.
Anon FSF:
How can you expect Manuel to engage you in a debate when you write nonsense? you sound like Fidel blah, blah but in the end you leave one confused and unable to understand you.
Your last comment to fantomas is priceless and hilarious.
Yes I'm sure she was picked up from Mazorra and placed on the boat, that is if she's Cuban!
It would appear that you don't have anywhere else to go either. But since you spend your time here reading (or re-reading) my old posts, I am hopeful that your visits here will be to your advantage.
Fantomas se equivoco no llegastes a 300 MAT
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