Thursday, November 13, 2008

When Truth Is Castrated: Babalú Confronts the Next Four Years

From Babalú:

It ain't even January yet...

...and it already feels like socialism.

Sorry to be the purveyor of negativity and all, and my apologies to any Obama supporters out there but...

I cant even watch or read the news lately without the hairs on the back of my neck rising. Things are getting ugly and fast. I suppose I could list everything that's on the horizon for us that will bring the ideals and values of this country to their knees, but what would be the point, really? The fringe, along with their naive counterparts, has spoken and elected a socialist to lead this country.

I'd like to be gracious like my fellow contributors here and state - believe - that a President Obama will be my president. And I suppose I could force myself to swallow that purgante and "support" the new President elect. But you know what? I'd be lying, to you and above all else, to myself. Truth is, Obama is everything that I think a President shouldn't be.

So, for the record and so we all know at least where I stand, personally, that guy that will be sworn in as president come January? Yeah, him. He doesn't represent what I believe in in the least and he certainly doesn't represent me.

"Socialist ideology, like so many others, has two main dangers. One stems from confused and incomplete readings of foreign texts, and the other from the arrogance and hidden rage of those who, in order to climb up in the world, pretend to be frantic defenders of the helpless so as to have shoulders on which to stand."
Jose Martí

Val Prieto, November 13, 2008

I don't believe that I have ever quoted one of Val Prieto's posts in toto before. I know for a fact that I have never done so in approbation. Val is saying now what I was saying a year ago, and if he can manage to keep only a year behind me, things may turn out better at Babalú than one could have hoped. In truth, Val never joined the McCain feeding frenzy at Babalú, though he did allow the "magnificent cadre" to savage the Republican candidate as falling short of the glory of Newt Gingrich for far longer than they condemned Obama as a Castro clone. Not until the very end did the Babalunians seem to realize that any flavor of Republican was preferable to Socialism à la carte. 50 years ago an earlier generation of Cubans made the same mistake with consequences that are well-known.

The next 4 years at Babalú will be spent hurling anathemas at Obama, which we certainly prefer to granting indulgences to Bush; but, in the end, it will all be for naught, for unless Obama proves to be something altogether different from what his history and associations indicate -- that is, unless he is a complete apostate -- all the words of condemnation in the world will find no echo because the MSM (which will be the state media, effective January 20) will create an alternate "reality" which hails failure as success and the elimination of freedom as self-determination. If you want to know how completely the truth can be marginalized in the world, look to Cuba. You can be sure that our enemies will.

Or witness dauntless Henry at Babalú, who is still engaged in trying to prove statistically for the umpteenth time that Cuban exiles are solidly Republican and that there was no generational shift to the Democratic party in this election. See what I mean? How can anybody believe in such an enormity, and why is the onus on disproving rather than proving it? Because the media created the myth and perpetuates it in the absence of all evidence, indeed, contrary to all evidence. And Henry, who has the truth on his side as surely as Galileo did, is obliged to vindicate it over and over again, obsessed that nobody is paying attention to him, because, in fact, nobody is. The myth has overwhelmed the truth and by force of repetition accumulated a (false) pedigree with far more allure than mere demographics.

I literally spent decades battling the myth of social progress under Castro and I was not the only one. The facts were all on our side but these were discounted in favor of the illusion which glorified Castro at the expense of the Cuban people, who were depicted as a nation of noble savages brought to the light of civilization by the wondrous agency of the Revolution, when, in fact, Cuba only became a Third World nation when Castro declared it as such and then proceeded to make his fantasy a fact. The country that was once the envy of Latin America, which had, alone among Latin American countries, achieved a level of plenary development which not merely rivalled but excelled half of Europe and on many indices surpassed the U.S. itself, has for 50 years been portrayed in the MSM, academia and the popular culture as a cesspool of inequity and class divisions when in fact it was one of the most progressive and fully integrated societies of its day.

A lie that is perpetuated for 50 years does not cease to be a lie, nor does the truth become less true because it is consistently denied. What is lost is the recognition and application of the truth and its lessons. The truth when ignored ceases to be fecund; in fact, it is effectively castrated.

Sadly, the truth is not only assaulted by its enemies but by those who refuse to acknowledge it once it has been officially proscribed. Their motives are often opportunistic but not necessarily so. Many Cubans who know the truth about pre-Castro Cuba have never shared that knowledge with their children, in fact, they have done their utmost to conceal it from them, believing, wrongly, that what is not known cannot be missed and that nothing becomes more substantial when the recollection of something is expunged from the national memory through voluntary or enforced amnesia. Although they may have done so to spare their progeny the pain and disillusion of their own lives, nothing was gained and much was lost by withholding the truth from them. The truth, if naught else, was their birthright, and a life bereft of truth is a masquerade, and, ultimately, a lie -- yet another lie to add to the aggregate. When all the country becomes accomplices in the suppression of the truth, history stops as it has in Cuba and as it will in the United States.


Anonymous said...

Now, do you really want to see something horrifing. I applied to Obama's personal security force, aka homeland security last night. Did you know that as President he personally appoints 2000 leftist to homeland security positions. (Thanks Bush)

What is even scarey, is when you get to the very last question, you have to declare that you are a Democrat, or else you dont get the position. Also, he wants to vet every post that you have ever made in a blog, to ensure that you will be a loyal foot-soldier to the leftist movement.

I think my anti-Cuban militant post will prove that i am more then worthy to take the fight to President Obama's internal enemies, such as the Cuban right-wing militants.

I got my response email this morning, and it said it will take a few weeks to get an interview. But i am ready now, to start monitoring, and taking necessry action against those who wish to speak ill of our President!!

Onward leftist soldiers, onward!!

Rick said...



Anonymous said...

Now, now Rick, they already cowardly fled once in mass. Lets not contribute to them fleeing "again." God forbid that Southflorida becomes driveable once more!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am delighted. You have added a ray of hope in the black night in which I have lived since Nov. 4th. A letter of recommendation from me would do you no good, but if it did I would gladly write it. One or 100 letters. Nothing would please me more than for you to be a part of "Obama's personal security force." In fact, it would prove to me that he is not really a Socialist (or, rather, more moron than Socialist).

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Maybe I should have closed RCAB months ago. My opposition appears to have entrenched the Babalunians in their stupidity while my imminent departure has caused a stampede to occupy my positions.

However, so long as they continue to run Babalú like petty despots you shall have grist for your mill.

Vana said...

Val allowed Henry to savage McCain for a year, could he not see the influence it might have on his few readers? Val finally caught up to what you have been saying for a year, a bit late wouldn't you say?

I believe most parents in Cuba did not speak to their children about La Cuba de Ayer out of fear, fear for their children's lives that they might revolt and end up in prison or worse, us Cubans do over protect our children from harm.

Anonymous said...


You have nothing to fear from me, as one of Obama's homeland security leftist foot soldiers. As you have shown that you have attempted to learn some concepts of what democracy means, i.e., freedom of speech.

Even your clumsy efforts to hide the unpopular right-wing opinions was an intelligent choice for obvious reasons. However, unlike you, Babulu is too ignorant to be conceal by their right-wing ideology. A discredited right-wng philosophy, which was overwhelmingly rejected by the nation, and ultimately the world. Likely to never be seen again, much like the Torre Party in Great Britian, after Prime Minister Margot Thatcher disastereous right-wing tenure.

Even nearly two weeks after the nation foisted a hard-leftist government upon them. Babulu has yet to fully comprehend the seriousness of what awaits the right-wing agenda, and those that promote it.

Good luck, Cuban exile militants. As you will be classified as internal threats of the state, which will be addressed accordingly by a leftist government!!

Anonymous said...

Vana said: Val allowed Henry to savage McCain for a year, could he not see the influence it might have on his few readers?

Havent you heard, President Obama did an end-around the Cuban-American voting bloc, and won Florida without them. Thereby, effectively rendering the Cuban political voices mute. Demonstrating to both parties, that the Cuban-American voter, can be ignored and overlooked.

Onward leftist soldiers, onward!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I am tempted to say, better late than never; but in Babalú's case, nothing can be taken for granted. I should not be surprised if among its 17 contributors lurked a few (or many) potential Obamanites, who, on January 20th, will throw off their masks and don their equivalent of "July 26th" armbands.

Ironically, by protecting their children from the truth, Cuban parents may have damned them to perpetual slavery. The truth is always the ally of freedom and ever the eternal enemy of tyranny. The truth may not suffice to set us free but it will never enslave us.

Anonymous said...

Manuel is John and Fantomas the same person?

Please answer this question with your right hand in your chest

Anonymous said...

mat said: among its 17 contributors lurked a few (or many) potential Obamanites,

You mean those Babulians, who merely disagreed with the Bush adminstration?

Anonymous said...

Oh, things are getting ugly fast?
Well, it's under Bush guard.... which tells me that there was more than it was seen in this electoral process.... Maybe the biggest supporter Obama ever had was W. himself. Let's face it, Obama has not even taken power yet, and there are liberties already curtailed. By whom?
By a government which is not in place yet, or by the ancien régime.

Anonymous said...

charlie said: Oh, things are getting ugly fast?
Well, it's under Bush guard


Anonymous said...

Mat said: But our goal was a free Cuba, and in that respect all our power and influence have amounted to diddly-squat.

No sir, your goal was to prop up a corrupt, and xenophobic party called the republican party. A perfect example was a recent million dollar fundraiser for Lousiana conservatives held for Bush in Miami by Cuban-Americans. This was in the same week, where the Cuban exiles announced plans to sell the last of the "brothers to the rescuse" cesenna plane. Rather then preserving the plane as an historic reminder to the unborn Cuban-American generation.

No sir, a free Cuba, is not the goal of the Cuban exile!!

Anonymous said...

John Longfellow = Fantomas
Fantomas = CJB-BCJ
CJB-BCJ = Jay Martinez
Jay Martinez = Rafael Martel
Rafael Martel = Humberto K.C.
Humberto K.C. = Charlie Bravo
Charlie Bravo = Vana
Vana = M. Alberto Tellechea
M. Alberto Tellechea = A. Garzon
A. Garzon = Agustin Farina
Agustin Farina = Val Prieto
Val Prieto = Alex Hernandez
Alex Hernandez = Rick
Rick = John Longfellow

Anonymous said...

Rick = John Longfellow


Anonymous said...

Bush didnt care what Cuban-Americans had to say, so why should we!!

Fantomas said...

John Longfellow = Fantomas

Me cago de la risa . lol

Anonymous said...

Who cares what Cuban immigrants want anymore!!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, you are a joke.

How deep are you going to dig ?

Me das lastima.

Mambi_Watch said...

Armando Perez Roura said himself that he would be honored to be invited to the Inauguration of Barack Obama.

So where's the tragedy? Perez Roura himself is wishing Barack Obama well.

So, where's the panic and dread if Perez Roura himself does not see it?

Anonymous said...

rip john said: See you soon idiot, get your affairs in order, your time is up.

Ah, i awake to silly idle threats by Val. Reminds of the early good ole days, when you used to always send me emails, with a t-shirt that read miami-mafia. At first, i used to think you were a impoverished internet vendor, trying to make a quick buck from me. Then i realized the quiet implication was that you were all mobbed up, you know a real-life miami badass. Yup, badass Val Prieto, bad, bad Leroy Brown, meaner then a junkyard. The threats were so funny, and yet so cute.

Oh, me so scared, me so scared of Val Prieto, and his vicious mancampers. Oh please Val, dont sick the motley crue of the beer-drinking, pig-eating, K-Y jelly encrusted, man-campers on me. Oh, the very thought of the man-campers setting upon me like a pack of wild-eye chiwawas, makes want to, well, grap my ass in sheer panic!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Val brings out the best in you.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Perhaps Obama has reawakened in Pérez Roura the blind enthusiasm which he once felt for Fidel Castro. In fact, I think his laudations from that time are still worth studying by any Castro apologist.

Pérez Roura's radio audience consists mostly of arrepentidos as himself. Scratch a hardliner, and, in nine out of ten cases, you will find an arrepentido. That's also the case with Posada Carriles except that he was not content to bury his past but dedicated his life from 1959 to making amends for it.

Men are not infallible: they make mistakes, even monumental mistakes such as thinking that Fidel Castro (or Barack Obama) was the "Messiah." However, an honorable man will not be content to have been wrong, or think that acknowledging his error is expiation enough; but will exert at least as such passion to right the wrong as he did to commit it.

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: Val brings out the best in you.

Of course, there is no greater feast, then feasting on Val Prieto, the flunky, cowardly failed student that he is. In fact, he was the very first Cuban cowardly militant to be awarded my first of thousands of my internet ass-whuppin. To this day he dares not show his scardey-cat face on any blog that i decide to kick my feet up in. When i see his fat pig-stuck face, its all hands on deck. Then i show him, that i am the true son-of-bitch, not him!!

Anonymous said...

You rafters are really on Obama's shit list, verdad?

Greg Craig Selected as White House Counsel
By Michael D. Shear and Anne E. Kornblut
President-elect Barack Obama has chosen Washington lawyer Greg Craig, who served as President Bill Clinton's lead attorney during his impeachment proceedings, to be his White House counsel, according to an individual involved with the transition.

Craig has been a longtime adviser to Bill and Sen. Hillary Clinton, but became a close adviser to Obama during the campaign, reportedly serving as the stand-in for Sen. John McCain during debate preparations.

Transition officials declined to comment. And Craig did not return calls left on his machine.

Craig was a foreign policy adviser to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. He has defended high-profile clients, including John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, and Kennedy nephew William Kennedy Smith, who was accused of rape.

But it was his defense of Clinton on the floor of the U.S. Senate during the impeachment trial that vaulted the 63-year-old lawyer to prominence.

As White House counsel, Craig will be responsible for steering the new president through a series of legal thickets that have become controversial during the past eight years, including torture policy and the legal disposition of prisoners at Guantanamo.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news, breaking news!!

Gregory Craig has been named white house counsel. I can not think of a more anti-Cuban militant in America, then Mr. Craig. An anti-Cuban heavy-hitter, who has expressly stated that he has absolutely no use for the Miami Cuban.

Quitely and steathly the Clinton/Gore team are once again reassembling in the bowels of power. Unlike in the 90's Bush has given them full police state power, and a fearful nation. A nation that has given the leftist to do whatever is necessary to secure peace and prosperity.

After Jan 21, it will be President Obama, and him alone, who will serve to protect the Cuban exiles from the lingering hostility, brutal wrath, and new police state powers that will be brought to bare, upon a broken Cuban exile community.

Onward leftist soldiers, ONWARD!

Anonymous said...

Obama! Obama! Obama!!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


I warned on countless occasions that Greg Craig was going to receive high preferment from Barack Obama, and so he has. I predicted that he would be named Under Secretary of State for Latin America, but if Hillary is going to be Secretary of State, then that wouldn't be a good fit since the Clintons regard Craig as a traitor for dumping them in favor of Obama despite having reaped millions from their "troubles" in the 1990s.

The lawless Craig, who orquestrated the kidnapping at gunpoint of Elián González, provided his own house as a jail for him, and personally delivered him to the tender mercies of Fidel Castro, is the perfect White House counsel for Barack Obama.

Now Fidel Castro and Barack Obama have something else in common: the same legal counsel.

Anonymous said...


I also concur with your anger. Craig was indeed lawless, and heartless. As i too, think Elian should never have been returned to the arms of a terrorist.

Moreover, i am surprised that Obama did not ask the Cuban exile community their opinion before he appointed Craig as white house counsel. I am also surprised that you did not highlight this terrible event in a seperate column.

As Craig's appointment, should send a very disturbing message to the Cuban exile community. It is akin to Mccain appointing David Duke to oversee the Civil Rights Division in the Justice Department.

The advice that Craig will give President Obama about Cuban exiles, will be based in hatered, racism, and a healthy dose of Fidel-style communism. As Craig though his prior actions, has expressed a deep admiration, and affection for Fidel Castro.

At this point, i just dont know how much worse it can get for the Cuban exile. And just think Obama hasnt even taken office.

Anonymous said...

What if Craig had been involved in a controversial litigation that had challenged the current cause-of-the-day for liberals: rights for illegal aliens [opps, I mean "Undocumented Americans] or if he has challenged gay marriage? Believe, you me, he would never have been considered for any position in government. But, since it's Cuban Americans who are being insulted with this nomination, that's not a problem!

Posted by Ray at November 16, 2008 08:29 AM :in Babulu

So true, even though i think that Cuban exiles should be punished. This appointment, was a complete affront to mankind. It goes beyond a smack in the face to Cuban exiles. Even most liberals wer appalled by Craig's waton and mean-spirited behavior towards Elian.

Craig's advice will have a lasting negative effect upon the Cuban exiles for generations to come. As the white house counselor has the ear of the President like no other person in the world.


Bush really screwed you Cubans at a moment when he could have siezed the opportunity to fulfill his promises, when Castro stepped down. Another opportunity will not arise for decades to come. Too late now!!

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