Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama & Babalú: Perfect Together

For 5 years, Babalú has been defending George Bush at the expense of the Cuban people. Whenever Bush said "Cuba libre" -- which was often and to no effect -- it sounded to me as if he were ordering a drink. For the Babalunians it was music to their ears and manna on their tongues. No, I don't think that they really believed that Bush would do for Cuba what he did for Iraq. It was just comforting, in a lullaby kind of way, to know that there was someone in the White House who "knew our pain" even if he also exploited it and never sought to alleviate it. Unlike George Bush, Barack Obama will not be content with mouthing platitudes; he will be, in Mas Santos' words, very "proactive about Cuba." That means that he will meet with Fidel and Raúl (and any other sworn enemy of the U.S.) without pre-conditions, which happens, incidentally, to be the only pre-condition imposed by Castro himself for negotiations with the U.S. or any other country: "take me as I am."

Having capitulated to Castro unconditionally, Obama will then proceed to "normalize" relations with Communist Cuba, which essentially involves the admission on the part of the U.S. that Castroism is the normal condition for Cubans, or perhaps I should say the formal recognition of same, since in practice that has been the U.S. position for decades and certainly for Bush's two terms. The difference now is that the U.S. will not only guarantee the political survival of Communist Cuba, it will also become responsible for its economic survival. After having defaulted on all its creditors over the last 50 years, Castro will now return to the original source of his expropriatory predations and get a second chance to "build Communism" on the backs of Americans, but not unsuspecting Americans as in 1959 but complicit ones.

There is nothing that can be done to stop Barack Obama from handing the ultimate lifeline to the Castro regime. Cuba may indeed become the "next Israel," as Más Santos hopes. Certainly, the U.S. may have need of another Israel once it abandons the one in the Middle East. I have no doubt that Fidel Castro can be as obeisant a lacquey to an Obama administration as he was to the Soviet Union if the U.S. is paying all his bills and never mentioning the subject of human rights. The blood and sinew of the Cuban people have always been for sale to the highest bidder in Castro's slave market. Fidel will no doubt enjoy the irony that it is a black man that will go to bid there.

The implications of Barack Obama's election, however, have been set aside at Babalú at least for today. Led by Val and Sr Cohiba the Babalunians have been falling over themselves taking voluntary loyalty oaths to President-elect Obama in anticipation, no doubt, of the soon-to-be prescribed one. It is, for them, a kind of reverse racism. If Bernie Sanders had been elected president, they would feel no compulsion to embrace him. But because Senator Sanders is a white Socialist and Obama a black one, they feel compelled to demonstrate that their animus is not racial in nature, as if that assumption had any validity before they chose to address it. All this slobbering about "Obama is our president, too" -- so reminiscent of Fantomas -- nicely complements Obama's own assertion that those who didn't vote for him are as important to him as those who did. Such reciprocal hypocrisy is exactly what we would expect of both Obama and Babalú, nothing more and nothing less; and based upon it, there may indeed be common ground between them.


Centurion said...

Obama passed the BBQ test ?


Vana said...

That's a grim picture you paint about Cuba's future my friend, while the Babalunians are having fun at man camp drinking beer and taking barbecue tests, after singing praises to Bush for years now they are jumping in Obama's bandwagon, what else is to be expected from them.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, who really cares what the Cuban radicals thinks about Obama, Cuba, or American politics in general. They have rendered themselves irrelevant, a national joke if you will, by ignorantly attaching their cause to the most hated President the world has ever seen, i.e., Bush. Even years after Bush had been discovered to have cruely tricked the Cuban-American community.

Interesting to note, that Mccain was actually winning Florida, until Babulu started verbally bashing Obama.

Their pat on the back of Obama, is an desperate attempt to stave off unwanted attention of Obama's leftist foot soldiers. Foot soldiers, which i got an ugly glimpse of here in Indina. Leftist men and women, who had been obviously trained and equipped before Obama deployed them into the heart of red-state Indiana. Hardcore committed leftist foot soldiers, that brought an atmosphere of fear and intimidation to the state of Indiana, which they used to conquer it for the first time in decades.

But, unfortunately for Babulu, it is too late. There rabid hatered of Obama, has already drawn the attention of those who wish to destroy them.

You Manuel, on the other hand, are smart enough to know that leftist are very dangerous when they obtain unchecked and unbridled powers, which Bush has recklessly left them. Which is why you have smartly chosen to pull the plug, and are attempting to quietly slip away. But unfortunately, for you too Manuel, you have already earned your file in Chicago, months ago.

After classifing you, and the other extremist Cuban exile community as an internal enemy of the state, and/or Obama. The repression of the militant Cuban exile community will come quietly, swiftly, and with brutal efficiency. And in the unlikely event that the presecution is ever discovered, the nation will turn a blind eye. As America has grown weary of hateful right-wing militants, who place their selfish needs at the expense of the health of the nation.

So i say, let Babulu continue to spew hatered and bigotry at Obama, who is loved worldwide. It didnt drive people away from Obama, on the contrary.

Just be sure to remember, that you are being constantly monitored as enemies. And be sure to note, that leftist are never satisfied with merely monitoring their enemies.

Leftist vengence is a COMETH!!!

Centurion said...

so John, the babalunies are now enemy combatants--- according to Bush

how ironic-- once more, they were tricked

Fantomas said...

REsulta repulsivo y condenable lo que estan haciendo los intransigentes de babalu. Despues de hablar tanta peste de Obama AHORA LE ESTAN DANDO LAS NALGAS COMO LO QUE SON UNAS PUTAS CALLEJERAS... MAL RAYO LOS PARTA A TODOS POR HIJOS DE PUTAS HIPOCRITAS Y CUBAN WANNABES

Si algun dia se atreven a pisar a cuba seran ajusticiados por la cabilla de un tremendo negro , no duran ni 24 horas en la Habana

Anonymous said...

Solars said: John, the babalunies are now enemy combatants--- according to Bush

Well Bush, started early in his adminstration dragging Miami Cuban exiles up to Cuban-hating Broward County for presucution. I suspect that Mexican-American Attorney General Gonzales and long-time confidant, convinced Bush, that it was ok to hate and prescute Cubans-Americans. That there will be no penalty to be paid. Basically, it was just flat out hatered from Bush's Mexican immigrant run Justice Department, which was rooted in deep jealousy of the Cuban-American. I am not surprised that Manuel would rather devote ink to Obama's drug use in the 1970's, rather then Bush's presecution of Cuban exile freedom fighters in the 2000's.

solar said: how ironic-- once more, they were tricked

And isnt that interesting. Here, they backed Batista, Castro, Bush and now Pailin. And now, they think they have the respect of the nation, to direct Americans on who to vote for. Hell, if Bush could run for a 3rd term, these nutjob whackos would vote for him by a 95%margin, asking absolutely nothing in return.

Not to worry, the right-wing will come out with a Pailin/Trancredo ticket, two of the biggest xenophics in American political history. They will run straight to their southern base, with a message of hate of all things Spanish. Of course, with a wildly cheering Cuban-American community every step of the way. Unfortunately for them, they will lose. As there are not enough xenophobics, or their Cuban-American supporters to foist an ugly xenophic adminstration upon the world.

The Cuban-Americans have chosen the wrong horse in America. Conservatism, and their xenophia is archiac, and has been beaten into the ash-bin of American history. Diversity of both thought and people is the future of healthy America. And Cuban-exiles will never be allowed to defeat either. Obama will see to that, as the world would not expect anything less.

Sorry Cuban exiles, you played and lost the game of American political power!!

Fantomas said...


Even if you believe the exit polls that indicate that 35% of Cuban-Americans voted for Obama (which I am skeptical of), that means that 2/3 of Cubans feel that CANF was wrong to ostensibly endorse Obama and the three clowns that ran against Mario, Lincoln, and Ileana.

Mas Santos is on TV right now defending himself and repeating his attacks on President Bush.

We can honestly say today that CANF no longer represents the interests of Cuban-Americans.

Posted by Henry Louis Gomez at 08:49 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (2

Fantomas said...

Entonces me meto en el wechat de babalu radio show y me salen con groserias y me bloquean on the spot





Julie Elias Bird said...

Hola, Manuel,
I think your blog is interesting and I hope you wait it out another 4 years before you close it, as in 4 years the number of new republicans will most likely double. But here I want to change the subject a little. Actually, quite a lot. I don´t know any other way to contact you. I read that you translated the works of Martí and I know that you responded to Landman´s translation of Becquer´s works. What I am wondering is if you know if they ever met. Martí I know was exiled to Spain just before, I think, Becquer passed away. Could you blog a little on the two men? I would really appreciate hearing your expert account of any connection between them...Thanks!

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, so what else is new? after more than five decades of being mislead, deceived and betrayed by Washington's "elites" and many of the USA's supposedly best of the best, another betrayal would be a grain of sand on the Mount Everest that has been built for too damn long to be a surprise for most of us, when I say "most of us" I am referring to the first generation of Cuban exiles who began to seek refuge here since the 1950s, basically our parents generation at the prime of their lives, as well as, those of us from the younger generation who left Cuba either with or without our parents and comprised the first group of Cubans from that first wave who became fluently bilingual. The timeline runs roughly from 1953 to 1973, there are some who basically grew up here and either don't remember Cuba because they left too young and some others remember a few years of their early childhood, among those two segments there are many who blindly believe in the supposed goodness of this country and would easily tell the rest of us who know better and do not trust Washington that we are wrong and if we feel as we do towards this country's policies towards Cuba, maybe we should consider going back to the island, some of them are contributors at Babalublog and as you already know they just cannot accept the truth about all the betrayals, not even when presented with overwhelming evidence against their blind faith in politicians and their policies, John Longfellow is correct to state that the Cuban community's Miami "leaders" have never demanded what should be expected about this country's policies towards Cuba in return for their votes, they have somewhat become so attached to the GOP, that their situation somewhat parallels that of African-Americans and the Democratic Party.

John Longfellow, did you upload the pictures of those Illinois Latino troops to any repository site? I'd like to see the evidence before I believe your word, sorry, but I don't trust any Gringo, you see after so many years of being at the receiving end of deceptions from your fellow Estadounidenses, you've got to show me the evidence for me to accept your version of events, BTW John, we know about the efficiency and dedication of the extreme left to revanchism and hatred, we learned about it from first hand experience many decades ago, I assure you that you need not waste your time reminding us about them and their ways, if your intention is to frighten us, I for one do not fear the Left, not because I trust them to abide by the supposedly democratic principles of this republic, but because I would have no problem whatsoever with giving them a ten-fold dose of their own medicine in return, in fact I'd enjoy doing that very much and would not charge them a single copper penny for my services, my hatred for the looney Left knows no bounds.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Four years will suffice for Obama to set Cuba's course for the next 100. His advisor on Latin American affairs and future undersecretary of state for the region is Fidel Castro's personal attorney in the U.S., Greg Craig, who orquestrated the abduction and forcible return of Elián González to Cuba.

Martí and Bécquer never met. Martí arrived as an exile in Spain on February 1, 1871. Bécquer had died about a month earlier.

Martí was no doubt acquainted with Bécquer's writings in El Museo Universal, which he read as a boy in Cuba.

Sad to say, Martí mentions Bécquer only a few times en passant in his Obras Completas. The most substantial observation which Martí makes about him is that Bécquer was already going out of fashion in favor of more original poets. Of course, Bécquer's poetry remains extremely popular today.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Our association with the Republican Party over the last 50 has done absolutely nothing to secure Cuba's freedom. The best that we have managed is to prevent the U.S. from becoming the underwriter of Communism in Cuba. Even that required a herculean effort. Yet there was never any shortage of political opportunists or dupes to bridge the breach.

Anonymous said...

Angel said maybe we should consider going back to the island,

LOL, do you really think that the Bush-loving, Newt loving, red-state loving, anti-immigrant republican party loving Cuban-Americans will be allowed to throw this ugly republican filfth around Cuba? Unlike the rest of the world, who has long ago rejected George Bush. The Cuban-Americans will forever loudly worship Bush.

Angel said: John Longfellow is correct to state that the Cuban community's Miami "leaders" have never demanded what should be expected about this country's policies towards Cuba in return for their votes,

Thank you, but after 8 years it is quite obvious, that Bush set out to dismantle the power structure of the Cuban-American community.

Angel said: they have somewhat become so attached to the GOP, that their situation somewhat parallels that of African-Americans and the Democratic Party.

This comparison is desperate, and sloppy. Just last month, the Cuban blosisphere was asking, why the blacks allow the Democrats to use them. And now of course, they have just elected a black man to run their party and this country. The better question is why the republican party has this quiet disdain for the Cuban-American community which refuses to leave their party, even after they have been showned that they are not welcomed now that the cold war is over.

John Longfellow, did you upload the pictures of those Illinois Latino troops to any repository site? I'd like to see the evidence before I believe your word,

I spent the last three days pleading that Obama may win Indiana. And every step of the way, there was scorn and disbelief heaped upon me, by an overconfident, and disbelieving blogisphere. So, it does not surprise me that you dont believe me. More importantly, as the republican party, this nation, and the rest of the world has said, "I just dont care what a Cuban-American believes or doesnt believe." As they are the most irrelevant people in the nation. Even the Mexican-American has more relevancy then the Cuban-American. Especially, according to President Bush, your messiah.

Angel said: sorry, but I don't trust any Gringo,

LOL yes, Bush, the last gringo you trusted, really obilerated your community. It took Bush eight years to wreck fourty years of Cuban-American sweat, blood, and tears.

Angel said: you've got to show me the evidence for me to accept your version of events,

Again, who cares what the Cuban exile accepts. That group of people has ceased to matter anymore.

Angel said: if your intention is to frighten us, I for one do not fear the Left,

Then why did you flee from Cuba? Why dont you go "BACK" to Cuba, and fight to a heros death, rather then boasting about how brave you are on a keyboard?

Angel said: not because I trust them to abide by the supposedly democratic principles of this republic,

Bush destroyed democratic principles a long time ago.

Angel said: my hatred for the looney Left knows no bounds.

Everything has bounds my freind.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Everything does have bounds except the credulity of the American people.

Anonymous said...

No one has ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American people. The recent election results prove that saying to a T.

Anonymous said...

Manuel professed: Everything does have bounds except the credulity of the American people.

Everything does have bounds except the credulity of the Cuban-American people, i.e., Batista, Castro, Bush, Pailin, Newt, etc, etc, etc.

See Manuel, it is so easy to cut and paste. Quit with the little bit of dignity that Prince Bush has left the Cuban-American community.

Anonymous said...

The only good thing to come out from the Obama victory is that this joke of a blog will close, according to MAT.
I hope that he keeps his promise, even though I do not expect him to do so.
This blog is an insult to all independently thinking people, of any nationality.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


My dignity is intact. How is yours doing?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


"Independently thinking."

Independent of what?

And how do you manage to get internet in your cave?

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Cubans have paid (and are still paying) a heavy price for their credulity 50 years ago.

Let us hope that you do not have to pay a similar price.

Cubans at least did not elect the agent of their destruction. He was thrust upon us by, well, you know.

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: Cubans at least did not elect the agent of their destruction. He was thrust upon us by, well, you know.

You talking about Batista, Castro, or Bush. None of whom were elected by their population.

Dude, just stop already, you are making a fool out of yourself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We that People of the United States picked Barack Obama!!! Woooohooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Manuel, Vana, Angel... You're welcome to leave this country. If you don't like it.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Give us back our country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Manuel said: Give us back our country.

You Cuban-Americans had 8 years to ask Bush to do just that, a man that was made President by the Cuban-Americans. So dont make this demand upon Obama, a man that you did not make President.

Anonymous said...

Ah yah, and for those that think a Pailin/Trancedo 2012 immigrant xenophobic ticket will be a shoo in. Take a look at how the Mexican-American demographic shift will give Obama his second term.

Projection - by

The next states to go blue (2012) will be AZ, GA, MO, and TX.

Anonymous said...


Taking Obama to task is a lifelong process, Val. You will have no lack of material and definitely job security.

Posted by Gigi at November 6, 2008 12:44 PM

Anonymous said...

anon asked: What Cuban guy beat your pants and shamed you so bad that you now have to come here and diss all of us?

First, my comments are directed to those Cuban-Americans who dissed all those who disagreed with President Bush, by calling those who expressed disapproval with the Bush adminstration, commies.

Anonymous said...

John said:

"First, my comments are directed to those Cuban-Americans who dissed all those who disagreed with President Bush, by calling those who expressed disapproval with the Bush adminstration, commies."

He means: Val, Henry, George, Cigar Mike and the rest of the babaloonies..

Centurion said...

pay-VAL is at it again,

"Times are pretty tough in Babalu Land, folks. We could really use "un cabo" right about now."

He finished the kitchen now moving on to the living room....

Anonymous said...

Let me make this clear, i have no dog in the fight against 1) those Cubans trapped in Castro prison called Cuba 2) those Cubans who died trying to liberate their Cuban brothers and sisters 3) those Cuban-Americans who can accept and appreciate differing opinions about Cuba.

I do have a dog in the fight against those Cubans-Americans who 1) act like Fidel himself 2) wish to inflict more pain and suffering on the Cuban people 3) quick to call people communist who disagree with them, thereby diminishing the true significance of the term 4) embrace those republicans who resent them like Newt Gingrich, and mock those Democrats who have helped them like LBJ.

So yes, basically the Babulu crowd. In fact, i cannot believe that they have somehow became the voice of the Cuban-American blogisphere. Even if you disagree with what i have written. I would think that Babulu's rank profanity, vulgarity, and sexual remarks would be enough to discredit their message. How in the right mind could anyone allow a child to conduct research on Cuba, in Babulu is beyond me. Not to mention, those readers who are spiritual in nature. One would think that they have walked into the devil's den after a few moments in Babulu.

Evil lurks within Babulu, as it is my firm belief, that they are indeed doing work of the devil!!

Fantomas said...


Cruzando el Niagra en bicicleta
Times are pretty tough in Babalu Land, folks. We could really use "un cabo" right about now. If you appreciate what we do here day in and day out and if you're able, please give me a hand in keeping the lights on here at Babalu.

You all know how much I hate asking for your hard earned cash, and I do so reluctantly, but right now, any little bit helps.

You can think of it ala Wayne Huizenga, better that Babalu gets it than Uncle Obama.

Posted by Val Prieto at 03:37 PM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (1)


Centurion said...

Oye ca-VAL-itroso,

No eres mas que un miserable limosnero.

Ponte a trabajar y deja de escribir mierda.

Estas despretijiando a todos los cubanos.

Anonymous said...

KKK John Fantomas Balsero, why don't you three grow some courage and make your cowardly comments about Babalu at Babalu?


Centurion said...

"KKK John Fantomas Balsero, why don't you three grow some courage and make your cowardly comments about Babalu at Babalu?


Ha ha ha ha ... you are berry berry funny ..... lol... lol...

They don't allow my comments in babalu.... why do you think Mat open this blog....

Now, cjb-bcj... I can see you are a babalu fan... soooo

chupape la salchicha y deja de vomitar pendejadas....

Anonymous said...

Balsero de mierda claramente tu eres el comemierda Fantomas, COBARDEEEEEE, mariconsón. Registrate con otra personalidád en Typekey y usando otro IP se puede comentár, COBARDEEEEESS.

Centurion said...


No soy Fantomas.

If you disagree with the blablablu THUGS--- they delete your comments--so what's the point.



Anonymous said...


Labeling them thugs, affords them respect, which they are not due. A true thug, cares nothing about words. Val, is such a coward, he refuses to stand for a photo, for fear to show how short he is, same with George. Little punks!!

I think it is kind of funny how Manuel has fallen silent. It like he has been stunned, and surprised. Which, in fact, surprises me. I guess Manuel thought America is like Cuba, where we hang onto corrupt leaders like Batista. Sorry Manuel, this is America, where we kick out our leaders who dont live up to American principles of democracy.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, i just thought Fantamos was just joking when he said Val was asking for money. For crying out loud, when does corruption stop. And worse, when he asked, he doesnt even say what the purpose for the funds will be used for. Amazing, absolutely amazing. Is the funds going to help you advance the "pain and suffering of the Cubans on the island?" Amazing, absolutely amazing.

Centurion said...


pay-VAL will use the funds to remodel his house or

to buy a statue of George W. for his front yard.

Julie Elias Bird said...

I had to sift through all of the hateful stuff, but I found your comment to me. Thank you very much! I did not know about Greg Craig before. wow. And thank you for the info on Martí. I´m getting my masters in teaching Spanish and need to spend about 2,000 words talking about similarities between Becquer and Martí. It is interesting that Martí didn´t feel he was influenced much by Becquer, because I see so much alike, not in philosophy, but in sentiment and ardour.
I´m glad to have found your blog. I don´t consider myself at all knowledgeable to be able to take a side. I am more of a Dr. Paul Farmer fan, so I guess whichever side he is on, I´m there. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

juliek, it is what it is, no one forced you to read the comments, right sweetheart? go about your business and refrain from lableing what does not concern you, OK babe? now go get us men some sandwiches toots, the bread is in the kitchen where you should be with the other dames.

Vana said...

Who will Val collect money from? if he didn't censor and banish then perhaps there would be people there to donate money, am sure the fine cadre wont donate a

Angel Garzón said...

Anonymous 7:42, you are a disgrace, your comment towards this lady is uncalled for, you sound awfully familiar with the display of disdain for the female gender, right Fantomas?

Anonymous said...

Angel are you gay?

Julie Elias Bird said...

Angel, Thank you for sticking up for me! I´ll be the first one to admit that I am not knowledgeable. Anon is probably right, that I should butt out. I apologize for interrupting the blog with my literature questions for Manuel, but I do thank him for answering my question. I found this site by using Google to search for people who were experts in Cuban culture and writings. I will probably keep checking his blog, because the issues he brings up are important and so worth educating myself in. I do think we owe Manuel the respect he deserves, however,and keep the insults to a minimum, especially unmerited insults. So, thanks, Angel. I have read your comments and you state what you feel and know, you back it up, but you don´t stoop to base insults. You´re cool. Anon could be cool, too, if he weren´t so defensive.

Angel Garzón said...

Julie no thanks are necessary, but nevertheless, thank you. I find it easy to discern the true measure of a man by the way in which he treats women, perhaps I am old fashioned, but I grew up at a time when men were expected to be gentlemen with the ladies and I firmly believe that such standard is an asset to all of us men and women.

If I may, allow me to offer you a piece of advise, ignore the negative minded people and their hateful comments made while cloaked in anonymity, it would be a loss to not have your participation here, I'm sure that Manuel feels as I do, so please, know that at least as far as I am concerned, you are very welcome and greatly encouraged to not only visit, but also to participate here at RCAB.

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