Barack Obama's election has already begun to have international repercussions and he's about to be tested in a way that no American president has ever been before. No, I don't mean the replay of the Missile Crisis which the Russians have in store for him, and which, like the original, they are sure to win.
I guess, on second thought, that this is also a "missile crisis" of a kind, except that the protagonists are not Russians but Mexicans. This should not surprise anyone since nobody hates the gringos as much as the Mexicans do, which is understandable since they stole half their country and now call its original inhabitants "illegal migrants." But the revenge the Mexicans have planned is more than Machiavellian; indeed, it is the real "Montezuma's Revenge."
Mexico City has decreed that effective December 1st Mexican men age 70 or older will be entitled to receive free Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. Some of these new patriarchs have already sired 40-50 offspring and will no doubt produce another generation of Mexican-Americans before they are gathered to their fathers. Expect them to be crossing the border within 20 years, just in time to reinforce the Hispanic majority which demographers predict in the U.S. by 2026.
Of course, Obama will meet this new challenge with his usual opportunism: he will sign an Amnesty law for all undocumented Mexicans and add 14 million new registered voters to the rolls of the Democratic party. That's one crisis he's sure to ace.
For the First Time, Hispanic Surnames Among the Top Ten in the U.S.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
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Manuel said: Expect them to be crossing the border within 20 years, just in time to reinforce the Hispanic majority which demographers predict in the U.S. by 2026.
Manuel is taking out his hurt and anger on the Mexican immigrants now. Yes, after survering the political battle-field, it is clear that the rout of the republican party was led by the Mexican immigrants. As there could never have been a black president elected in an exclusively black/white nation. Even 5 years ago, when the Mexican immigrant became the biggest minority, with the eager assistance of George W. Bush.
But yet, President Bush was warned by the gop elders, that if he did not do something about Mexican immigration who vote overwelming Democratic, that the gop would become a permanent minority party. And guess what, the gop is the permanent minority party 5 years later.
Manuel, i do understand your frustrations, however. It was the Cuban immigrant who went to school, stayed out of trouble, became good parents to their children, and basically did everything they were asked to do by the American culture. But yet, and to their shock, their powerful seat at the table, has been filled by a Mexican immigrant. Mexican immigrants who by the way, demand respect, and positions throughout Obama's adminstration. Something that Cuban immigrants never did with a Bush adminstration.
It is obvious that the Mexican immigrant was politically smarter then the Cuban immigrant. They never swore allegiance to either "gringo" dominated party of America. To do so would fail to acknowledge the history of betrayal by both parties. Something that the Cuban immigrants have had to learn "again" with the horriic betrayal of the Bush adminstration.
The Mexican immigrant wisely said, "you have to earn our vote." President Obama was given an opportunity to at least court their community. And more importantly to learn about their communities wants and needs. Something the Cuban immigrant would never allow any Democrat to do. Even Lyndon Johnson would not be given a microphone at a Cuban immigrant closed-minded audience of today.
So there you have it. The Mexican immigrants are the power-players in America today. And the once vaunted Cuban-immigrant is nothing more then a mere observer, as the moment of opportunity and power has escaped their vanquished community for a generation. And unlike the Mexican immigrant, who will no doubt solitify and consolidate their new powerful status of king-maker. The Cuban immigrant has proven to both parties, that they sadly are no longer necessary in making an American President.
Manuel, i do agree with you in an earlier post, that America will never see a black president elected again.
1)Obama 2008-2012
2)Biden 2012-2020
2) 2020-1st Mexican-American President
Of course, this is provided that Obama will rescue the economy. Which of course the economy is cyclical in nature. So the economy will recover on its own, and Obama will get all the credit, which will flow to Biden.
My point is, that Cuban immigrants have squandered their moment in the sun. They did not sieze their historic moment to become a permanent powerful voice in American politics. Fifty years of blood, sweat, and tears, all ceded to the Mexican immigrants, who wisely did not shrill for the most unpopular and incompetent President the world has ever seen, unlike the Cuban immigrants. Who must of thought that Bush shrilling was the way to stay a powerful presence in the halls of power. They were wrong!!
You're turning into such a dope, rafter.
The birthrate in Mexico has been declining for several years now.
You have congris for brains.
You gotta to give it to the Mexican immigrants, they play their own brand of Mexican leftist hardball politics!!
Manuel, i do agree with you in an earlier post, that America will never see a black president elected again.
1)Obama 2008-2012
2)Biden 2012-2020
2) 2020-1st Mexican-American President
Manuel how old will you be in 2020?
anon asked: Manuel how old will you be in 2020?
Old enough to realize how much President Bush screwed them out of an opportunity to return a free Cuba to Cuban-Americans after Castro stepped down.
Bush did em dirty!!
I don't have anything against Mexicans or Mexican-Americans. In fact, I have always supported their right to re-conquer lost territories through peaceful means such as demographic "invasion." In Barack Obama you have someone who will uphold that right. Why aren't you pleased?
Manuel said: while Cubans are hunted on the high seas like quarry by the Coast Guard and all the force and (dis)credit of the U.S. extended to violate a U.S. law (CAA) which grants them asylum.
Oh come now Manuel, stop with your transparent jealousy. Just think Nov 3rd, Cuban-Americans used to look down on the Mexican-American. On Nov 4th, the Cuban-American must now look up at awe at their new masters. Ah, America, aint she unique!!
Manuel said: In Barack Obama you have someone who will uphold that right. Why aren't you pleased?
First, Bush is the President, who stopped the interdication of the Mexican immigrant at the border. I guess, he wanted more interdiction agents at sea for those pesky Cuban immigrants. Or at least his Mexican-born attorney general Gonzales wanted that.
But to specifically answer your question, "why doesnt the Mexican immigrant bother me?" Manuel, when you become so thirsty that your lips start to chap due to dehydration. One will take a bottle of water from any hand. The Mexican immigrants quenched the thirst of not only myself, but billions of people throughout the world. As far as im concerned, the Mexican immigrant are heroic throughout the world. And will be afforded the respect that a hero is owed.
You see Manuel, you Cuban exiles have no regard for the suffering that has taken place. You only care about Hialeah, Little Havana, Doral, and Cuban immigrant parts of New Jersey. In fact, most of you Cubans dont give a damn about Cuba, as you exiles "wrote" America's bloodthristy policy towards Cuba, that continues to murder hundreds of innocent Cuban children.
So no sir Manuel, i am not upset with the Mexican immigrant. On the contrary, they recognized the devstation that Bush foisted upon the nation, and moreover, they cared, unlike Cuban immigrants.
Hell, i say officially give them an entire state for a job well-done. Anything they want, they should get from a leftist government for a job well done!!
The population in Mexico is dropping?
Yeah, of course, they are all coming here.
Mexicans actually contribute something useful to the US.
What do the rafters bring us besides medicare fraud, horrible food and obscene politics?
It is rumored that John Longfellow, dressed as Billy the Kid, will be robbing Mexican pharmacies of their Viagra to halt the population explosion. The Mexican government is offering John's weight in tacos for his capture dead or alive.
anon said: What do the rafters bring us besides medicare fraud, horrible food and obscene politics?
Their arrogrant obscene politics is what ultimately destroyed the once powerful Cuban exile machine. They didnt update/progress with the ever changing political environment. They should have abandoned Bush, when he betrayed them. But instead, the more President Bush betrayed them, the louder they shrilled for him. This single act of shrilling for Bush, is what would eventually discredit everything else they shrilled for.
Tellechea some posts back one of your commentars asked you to transfer your blogs to Type Pad because that way you can apply better control over the trolls that live to destroy and insult other people, your commenter was right, it is time for you to apply discipline here, this John idiot is a disgrace, clean house Tellechea, clean house. It's long OVERDUE.
Babulu pleads: this John idiot is a disgrace, clean house Tellechea, clean house. It's long OVERDUE.
He said, "clean house," twice. LOL, he must really mean it. Well, just think, if you didnt kick mat out of Babulu, then you wouldnt have to witness the "disgrace" that is I!!
I couldnt read it, but the message was clear. The Mexican has its way with the Cuban outside of America. But wait, after Nov 4th, the Mexican can also have their way with the Cuban in America. The Mexican immigrant sure picked the correct horse to ride to power in America.
The Mexican goverment is doling out sex enhancing drugs to old men over 70,.lol. poor wives!
Also we may not be a majority after all since the Aztec calendar ends 0n 2012, guess the new President elect will so screw up the world it just may end by 2012.
At this point, if Cuba falls under Obama watch in the next 4-8 years, i just wonder how the American leftist will divide up Cuba between them.
Ok, Cuban immigrants, its night-nite for me. Now, while i am sleeping, you behave yourseves. I dont want to wake up to any post about Babulu's desires to physically silence me.
Good night, and sleep tight, in a newly formed leftist government. As i cant wait to see what pleasant surprise that my new lefist government will give me tomorrow!!
I think the elderly Mexicans are going to leave their wives in peace and exercise their newfound virility with younger partners.
Yes, it is a remarkable coincidence which you have pointed out.
For the world to end, as the Aztec calender predicts, in 2012, it would be necessary for someone like Barack Obama to be in charge of mankind's fate. And, lo and behold, there we have him!
There were Aztec prophecies about a white man (Cortés) who was sent from heaven to rule (i.e. destroy) their empire. I wonder if there any Aztec prophecies about a man of color who would preside over (or precipitate) the end of the world.
Manuel, que le hicistes a Fantomas
Lo tocastes con limon
mat said: There were Aztec prophecies about a white man (Cortés) who was sent from heaven to rule (i.e. destroy) their empire
Yes, he went by the name George W. Bush!!
Mmm Manuel makes one wonder if there is such a prophesy, guess I better get caught up with Aztec prophesies.
Manuel at my age I'm much younger than a man of 70, no way I would have sex with such an old man, let alone one who may be, shall we say enhanced for maybe four
What about Fantomas ? He is much younger.
It's not unusual for old men to marry teenage girls in Mexico. The prospect of a pension for life or a little inheritance is stimulus enough (so to speak).
Fantomas......mind your manners and DO NOT cross the lines that should NEVER be crossed.
anon: 7:50pm
El negro Perucho takes care of Fantomas; and he don't like to share.
Tellechea get to work and clean up your blog, this used to be a nice place to visit, even Fantomas' idiocy was entertaining at times, lately you have allowed some Kool Aid drinking lefty loons to run wild, clean this place up, these extremists are ruining RCAB, pretty soon it will be better to skip this blog and go straight to the Daily Koz.
Breaking news, breaking news!!
Gringrich, the xenophobic, anti-Cuban republican standard-bearer has stated this:
John: Do you have any "spanish" friends in Indiana ?
anon: 7:50pm
El negro Perucho takes care of Fantomas; and he don't like to share.
Perucho= Obama
Fantomas= Manuel Tellechea
john longfellow aka lou dobbs = George Moneo
Antes que cierres Manuel respondeme esta
What Church Will President Obama Attend?
Choosing his congregation could be a delicate decision. We asked several people for their recommendations.
Manuel A.Tellechea said...
"...I guess, on second thought, that this is also a "missile crisis" of a kind,..."
ROFLMAO, that's a good one Manuel, actually a great hit on the mark, I wasn't aware of your apparent capability for phallic humor, or perhaps you were making reference to the psychoanalytic theory instead, you tell me, in the meantime, don't mind me while I LOL.
Manuel, if, and I hope that it never happens, but if the Mejicanos are ever able to deliver on their dreams of reconquista, all that such a conquest would deliver at best would be the standardization of mediocrity, a few years ago some of the mejicano wetbacks began migrating to my neck of the woods here in New Jersey, which was not well received by the numerous Ecuadorian illegals that had been migrating to this area since the early 1990s, the Mejicanos began to outbid the Ecuadorians for day labor jobs given that they were more than willing to accept such work for $20.00 a day, whereas the Ecuadorians wouldn't accept less than $50.00 per day, conflicts eventually developed and the Ecuadorian illegals appealed to their legal brethren, whom in alliance with the Portuguese, Brazilians, Spaniards and Cubans came up with a simple solution to get rid of the Mejicanos, complaints were delivered to the City Council members (local and at-large) that represented our neighborhood, the Mayor (who owed his election to us) and his Cuban chief of staff, the local police precinct commander and the chief of police who has lived in our neighborhood all his life, consequently the problem was solved, in a matter of two months the pressure that was applied to all the Mejicano wetbacks at their usual gathering points in the neighborhood worked like a charm, no longer able to gather in order to get work, they simply had no choice but to leave and go somewhere else.
Having experienced their uncivil behavior, their dirty upkeep and their disposition to litter at will, their weekend drunkenness and the resulting fights and car accidents, the constant pregnancy of their women who delivered a new baby every ten or eleven months without insurance or enough money to pay the hospital bills, etc., we all breathed a sigh of relief when the operation was successful, it's easy to support people whose behavior does not affect your life as is the case when they are nowhere near you, however, having to experience what they are like from first hand experience can be illuminating, now that the Mejicanos are gone from my neighborhood, I say good riddance.
Concerning the decree for the provision of free male libido enhancement drugs, I can foresee the morons staying true to Mejicano norms of machismo, they will ingest three or four times the normally recommended amount of pills gulping them down with Tequila or Mescal and the results will be catastrophic for them, but outstanding for the USA, some of the old pendejos may live to regret playing with fire, most will kick the bucket, in the end the real benefactors will be the almost always abused and unappreciated Mejicanas, sounds good to me.
Obama will not be able to sign any such Amnesty law, his opportunism will of course be in full display, but the end result will be a sound defeat for the empty suited fellow, this may not be his first defeat, but it will most certainly be one of many to come.
To quote from the Heritage Foundation:
"Overall, immigration is a net fiscal positive to the government’s budget in the long run: the taxes immigrants pay exceed the costs of the services they receive. However, the fiscal impact of immigrants varies strongly according to immigrants’ education level. College-educated immigrants are likely to be strong contributors to the government’s finances, with their taxes exceeding the government’s costs. By contrast, immigrants with low education levels are likely to be a fiscal drain on other taxpayers. This is important because half of all adult illegal immigrants in the U.S. have less than a high school education. In addition, recent immigrants have high levels of out-of-wedlock childbearing, which increases welfare costs and poverty...
Over the last 40 years the education level of new immigrants has fallen relative to the native population. As the relative education levels of immigrants have declined, so has their earning capacity compared to the general U.S. population. Immigrants arriving in the U.S. around 1960 had wages, at the time of entry, that were just 13 percent less than natives’. In 1965, the nation’s immigration law was dramatically changed, and from 1990 on, illegal immigration surged. The result was a decline in the relative skill levels of new immigrants. By 1998, new immigrants had an average entry wage that was 34 percent less than natives’. Because of their lower education levels, illegal immigrants’ wages would have been even lower.
The low-wage status of recent illegal immigrants can be illustrated by the wages of recent immigrants from Mexico, a majority of whom have entered the U.S. illegally. In 2000, the median weekly wage of a first-generation Mexican immigrant was $323. This was 54 percent of the corresponding wage for non-Hispanic whites in the general population...."
(, retrieved 17 nov 2008 when I should be sleeping)
Mat, I was going to write an analysis of the analysis, but in the end, HF says it well enough:
"Immigration to the U.S. is a privilege, not a right. Immigrants should be net contributors to the government and society and should not be a fiscal burden on American society. While highly educated immigrants, on average, make positive fiscal contributions, the overall fiscal impact of low-skill immigrants is negative."
Good night, and good luck.
chupape la berga buey y chinga tu madre pinche pendejo.
What's with the Mexicans that are not of Spanish descent? most of them are midgets.
Is that why Geoege MeHeMeao en el pañal Moneo is also a 5' short dwarf? Is George of Mexican descent? George Moneo we know you read everything here, answer the questions enanito.
angel said: Having experienced their uncivil behavior, their dirty upkeep and their disposition to litter at will, their weekend drunkenness and the resulting fights and car accidents, the constant pregnancy of their women who delivered a new baby every ten or eleven months without insurance or enough money to pay the hospital bills, etc.,
LOL, that is "exactly" how they talk about the Cuban immigrants in Miami. Not my liberal friends, mostly the republican ones.
Wow, way to see the devolution in commentary on these posts to the level of simians throwing crap at one another.
joep said...
Wow, way to see the devolution in commentary on these posts to the level of simians throwing crap at one another.
11/17/2008 9:45 AM
Is Angel Garzon a simian?
It's "The Last Days of Pompeii" at RCAB. But withal it's peaceful and even serene here compared to the general dissolution of civil society that will come in its wake.
I am more philosophical than you when it comes to demographic changes: I didn't summon them here and I can't order them back. Peonage at 20 dollars per day here is still preferable to them than peonage at home for 20 pesos per day. So it is and so it will remain for as long as the Mexican plutocracy steals every cent of the country's oil revenues as it has done since Lázaro Cárdenas nationalized the petroleum industry 75 years ago.
It would have been better if the Mexicans had decreed free milk for their kids than free Viagra for their old men. I guess kids can't vote there.
Manuek can you keep it Up longer than 2 minutes?
Yes, because Henry Gomez is very curious, in a sweet way.
The Mexican Goverment should be handing out free birth control, I see them here crossing the streets with 6 kids in tow and one in the oven, give them free Viagra please..keep them barefoot and pregnant.
Anon 1:19
Learn to speak and spell Spanish, is verga not berga
Who the hell is this Henry and why the hell does he want to know?
Henry Gomez is a name you will never see in RCAB, but is a name that one should immediately think of when they see a homosexual-related posting in the Miami Cuban blogisphere, especially RCAB.
Gomez is a "founding member" of Val Prieto's mancamp. A camp of merry fellows, who DO NOT discuss Cuban-related issues at their secret gatherings. I repeat, they DO NOT discuss Cuban-related issues. But rather, their gatherings celebrate the exclusion of all things women.
Now one could easily confuse the man-camping gatherings as nothing more then fraternity get togethers. But no, a clever mind must closely scrutinize their ugly postings in Babulu. After doing so, one will quickly notice many homosexual-related remarks, which have nothing to do with freedom for Cuba.
In fact, if a clever mind gets to close to the mysterious world of the Man Camp, they will quickly find themselves kicked out, never again asked to return. In the course of kicking out an commenter/intruder, they will often engage in nonsensical homosexual-bashing as they angerily show you the door. When the person evicted ask why? There is never a plausible reason, other then they can do what they do. But, here again, i have noticed that the quicker minds get showed the door. While the more duller, and therefore more unsuspecting minds are welcomed to stay.
Now this "homosexual bashing" often goes unnotice by the untrained eye. However, an astute follower of American politics will quickly notice the tell-tale signs of frustrated and closeted homosexuals. As recent history has taught us, those who are the noisiest protestors against homosexuality, usually are the ones attempting to deflect attention from possible homosexual activity themselves.
So here, we have Mr. Gomez. A very ignorant and simple-minded bafoon. A man/child, or he/she (take your pick,) who thinks/hopes others are not clever enough to put two and two together. Additionally, when this freightened retard discovers a superior mind. He will quickly, and angerily resort to insults, name-calling (often homosexually-related) with the predictable kick and ban. Lest, a potential adversary stays in Babulu, long enough to discover his little secret, and OUTS him in front of the equally ignorant and unsuspecting bafoons, that remain at Babulu.
You see, it is very important that the Man Campers have total control of the conversation, lest more intelligent voices turn their homosexual-laced insults against the hurler, and embarrass them right out of their not so closeted secret.
Just my opinion.
Just as I said: it's the "Last Days of Pompeii" at RCAB.
"This should not surprise anyone since nobody hates the gringos as much as the Mexicans do, which is understandable since they stole half their country and now call its original inhabitants "illegal migrants."
Yeah, they do hate us. I think your view of history is wrong though; we didn't steal it, we won in the Mexican-American War of 1848. They are here illegally (unless having emigrated through the proper channels) too and should be sent back.
Most importantly, I'm glad you pointed out how they treat Cubans. I think the situation should be reversed: all Mexicans here illegaly deported. It has always been my position Wet-Foot, Dry-Foot should be abolished. Furthermore, it's always been my opinion that Cubans (by the simple act of fleeing Cuba) earn their merit coming here: they're fleeing hell on Earth. The Mexicans just don't want to take on the corruption, so they come here and complain
What is this blog coming to?
The end of times?
Or the Batista Rebirth
Abraham Lincoln, then a congressman, called the Mexican-American War the most unjust war in history.
Of course, powerful nations have always fulfilled their "Manifest Destiny" by instigating wars of conquest against weaker neighbors; and, after 150 years, the rape of Mexico is a fait accompli, which, even were it reversible, would not rebound to the favor of Mexicans. Nothing ever rebounds to the favor of Mexicans in Mexico.
Hello Fantomas aka chupamandarina we know you like to stir the pot, hit below the belt, insult Manuel and the regular commenters while hiding as anonymous, we know you Enrique.
Hello Fantomas aka chupamandarina we know you like to stir the pot, hit below the belt, insult Manuel and the regular commenters while hiding as anonymous, we know you Enrique.
Sorry Manuel you are wrong again, sitemeter betray you this time around . It was not coqui after all
Manuel= Fantomas
John= Moneo
Garzon= Plancier
I love mandarinas 24/7
There is no need to hide behind anonimo. Fantomas habla claro siempre , de frente con careta. Verdad Mat, que siempre te digo la verdad en la cara sin necesidad de esconderme ni utilizar pseudonimos
Fantomas=Chupasalchichón negro
Fantomas = Mentiroso
Mentiroso = Maricón
Maricón = Socialista
Socialista = Primo del comunista
No, recuerda que los que chupan biberon y los que comen salchichas de Chicago son precisamente los que votaron por Mc Cain
I do not belong there, thanks
Dejemos que Mat y Babalu Inc saboreen la salchicha , tienen 8 años para digerirla
You can see the picture of the 4 babies comedores de salchichas @
Fantomas siempre luchara por los oprimidos bajo la dictadura. Cueste lo que cueste. Yo se que en este negocio hay muchos enemigos. Bienvenidos all
I cant be friends with all of you. But that's ok.
This blog is coming to an abrupt end soon
It is a shame
Fantomas welcome to the club my friend
Thanks for supporting us vs the Cuban musician Paulito FG
Chupamandarina , while I do not endorse the tactics of Vigilia Mambisa , I do believe this time around se le fue la mano al cantante. Fue una asquerocidad lo que dijo de Fidel castro.
I do not Owe la revolucion nada , on the contrary, it took everything away from me
Hey mat, thought you might find this video kind of interesting, if you havent seen it already.
Dear Fantomas,
The President Elect of the USA , Barack H Obama whishes to invite you to Chicago this coming weekend
for a meeting called " Cuba and the Obama Doctrine"
All expenses will be paid by the US DEmocratic Party
We await your presence Sir
Without further due
Matt said:
"I think your view of history is wrong though; we didn't steal it, we won in the Mexican-American War of 1848."
Please matt please. With so much information avlble about the Mexican-American war you still believe what you were TOLD in high school.
I’m sure you still believe that lands taken from the Navajos were
negotiated in fair treaties.
Fantômas is the Lord of Terror, the Genius of Evil, the arch-criminal anti-hero .
Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance.
Deja el relajito ese ya papo
Forget about Pay Val
Coming soon
Pay Fantomas
button to a blog near you
Dear john longfellow,
The President of Babalu Boys Club, Val Prieto whishes to invite you to Mancamp this coming weekend
for a meeting.
All expenses will be paid by the ManCamp recruting fund.
We await your presence Sir
Without further due
matt = henry
henry = chivato
chivato = john
john = fantomas
fantomas = chivato
fantomas = chivato
Eso nunca . It is not in my genes
Good try but to not avail
garzon = cobarde
cobarde = pendejo
garzon = pendejo
A huge thanks to the folks that have been so generous and made a donation to the Babalu funds. Im in the process of emailing and thanking everyone personally and, if you havent recieved a personal note of thanks from me yet, please know that Im incredibly grateful and that I'm not being malagradecido. Im just swamped with "aint nothing going on but the rent." If you havent donated a buck or two and want to help out, here's the Paypal button, por si las moscas:
Thanks for your support and I hope you all have a great week.
Posted by Val Prieto at 07:11 AM |
Tellechea= Fantomas
Tellechea= Angel Garzon
Tellechea = Vana
Tellechea = Fariñas
Tellechea= Chupamandarina
CHICAGO (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama says he and Republican Sen. John McCain plan to work together to "fix up the country."
The two former rivals met in Obama's transition office Monday in Chicago. Rahm Emanuel, Obama's incoming White House chief of staff, participated in the meeting, as did McCain's close friend, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.
Obama said that he and McCain were "just gonna have a good conversation about how we can do some work together to fix up the country. And also to offer thanks to Sen. McCain for the outstanding service he's already rendered."
When asked if he planned to help the Obama administration, McCain replied, "obviously."
Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance.
Te lo dije, tienes que poner orden en el gallinero. Esto se conbirtio en un relajo.
Fantomas= Tellechea
rin tin tin = Tellechea
conbirtio is wrong, se escribe convirtio
Alfabetizacion con este
Manuel A.Tellechea said...
I am more philosophical than you when it comes to demographic changes: I didn't summon them here and I can't order them back..."
Your statement is spot on and I appreciate your candor as well as your honesty, having said that however, I can confirm what you already stated, I am a pragmatic and practical person whenever possible which is most, but not all, of the time.
The Mejicanos that came to my neck of the woods were treated more than fairly by everyone in the neighborhood with the exceptions being a few of the older Portuguese who have been bigots their entire lives and will go to their graves being bigots; there was no reciprocity from the illegal Mejicanos who grew in numbers exponentially and whose complete lack of civil behavior led to their expulsion, they brought it upon themselves, had they behaved civily and respectfully as their illegal Ecuadorian, Brazilian and Uruguyan counterparts do, they would still be here, they broke one of the most basic rules of civil conduct and it was that violation that triggered the backlash, I'm referring to their disrespectful behavior towards all the women that were anywhere near them, these idiots would gather at different spots on the main drag in my neighborhood which is Ferry Street and harass the women that would be on the way to work, school and/or shopping at the numerous stores on that thoroughfare, the rest of their uncivil conduct added to the burden, when local community representatives tried to address them in order to explain to them that if they changed their conduct they would have been allowed to stay undisturbed they became defensive and insulting, so they got what they deserved as I stated earlier, maybe they went to your neck of the woods, maybe not, you tell me, the last time I visited your area which was about five years ago, it had changed from the days of a Cuban majority and resembled the OAS or OEA.
My town is no longer a Sanctuary City, the trigger was the murder of three college students from the Ivy Hill section of Newark's Western most end which borders South Orange, the students were murdered by illegal Mejicanos as a right of passage to be admitted as members of a gang, this tragedy made the national news for a number of days, as a result of it the Attorney General of the State of NJ ordered that all law enforcement agencies were to be required to inquire as to the citizenship of all individuals being detained ( not even arrested, but just detained) since then we have witnessed a great improvement in the social order in many parts of NJ that were previously being negatively affected by the high influx of illegals, mostly the Mejicanos.
Peonage at 20 dollars per day here is still preferable to them than peonage at home for 20 pesos per day. So it is and so it will remain for as long as the Mexican plutocracy steals every cent of the country's oil revenues as it has done since Lázaro Cárdenas nationalized the petroleum industry 75 years ago."
You are right once again, now that is a major problem for the Mejicanos to solve in Mejico, it is not our problem to solve for them, do you agree?
Angel Garzon = Manuel Tellechea
Vana said...
"The Mexican Goverment should be handing out free birth control, I see them here crossing the streets with 6 kids in tow and one in the oven, give them free Viagra please..keep them barefoot and pregnant."
Vana you are right, I feel sorry for the Mejicanas, the fact is that a majority of the illegal Mejicanos treat their women worse than crap, they even do it in public, these Neanderthals live in their own world and caveman behavior is the norm with them, no man that has consideration for his wife or female partner would put her through such hell of bearing children non-stop, add to that the fact that they expect the women to take care of all their numerous children, cook, clean, do the laundry for hours on end (they would monopolize the laundromats for hours with their huge loads of dirty clothes) iron the clothes, feed the kids, put up with their men's drunkenness on the weekends and the inevitable domestic abuse (I'm being reserved with my description) and what comes to mind is WTH, those women would be better off working in construction and being on their own, their men don't treat them right and as far as I am concerned a man that doesn't treat his woman right is not a man, to say the least.
Enrique, are you planning on ever behaving as a normal person does?
Your tell tail signs are all over your comments, including the ones that are not associated with your Fantomas identity.
Are you at least considering the possibility that sooner or later you'd have to grow up and behave as a responsible adult?
When Manuel opens up his next blog (hint to Manuel) it will more than likely be open to invited participants ONLY, what would you do then?
Angel recuerda que hay mucha gente tratando de emancipar mi nombre y dañarme la reputacion. Muchos de los anonimos que aqui se escriben y que se asemejan a mi escritura son de impersonators who want to make look real bad.
Yo solo respondo por lo que escribo y usualmente lo hago con mi nick
No creo que despues de esta experiencia yo quiera pertenecer jamas a otro blog de tellechea
Seria una reverenda perdida de tiempo y energia
Estoy pensando inclusive parar de comentar aqui shortly before closing time
Parar de comenta aqui..LMFAO
A lot of them DO beat their women, I lived next door to a poor woman her husband always beat her, I would beg him to stop, (he respected me thank God) until one day she had the gull to tell me that her viejo didn't love her anymore, when I asked her why? she told me, because he hasn't beat me in a while. True story.
Ooops Comentar*
When I first moved to Union City, N.J., it was 80% Cuban. Now it is perhaps 10% Cuban and many of these come into the city only to run their businesses. At most so-called "Cuban" restaurants the "picadillo" is seasoned with chili and there is hot sauce on all the tables.
When walking down Bergenline (which I rarely do now), I feel like Gulliver, towering at least a foot above everybody. One does not see Cuban faces anymore (and a Cuban face is a Cuban face whether white or black) or hear Cuban voices. The old men who used to hang out outside the "Churrería" discussing the latest news about Cuba have all died and so has the "Churrería."
Yes, everything has changed.
I don't even expect to hear much honking either when Castro finally dies.
MaT, this is worse than the Crisis of the 3rd Century during the gradual collapse of the roman empire. It is painful to watch.
While I respect your decision to close RoCAB, I also lament your fatalism in allowing the concentration of such vulgar, moronic froth in your comments section. A cynic would say that in refusing to address it, you create a justification for the nuclear option of closing the entire blog.
Nonetheless, I hope you launch a new blogging endeavor, as your work will be missed by some at least.
shut-up or tell us about your "crisis".
There's nothing that I can do about it. Freedom invites excess but is preferable to the pall of tyranny. I would not be able to live with myself if I bullied the feeble-brained into silence. They, too, must have their say even if it exasperates everybody else. They live among us to help us cultivate the qualities that they lack.
Manuel, for real picadillo or any other Cuban dish you'd have to either come to Newark and stop by Melanie's on Mount Prospect Avenue a couple of store fronts up from Cuba Bakery both in the Forest Hill section of the City's North Ward, my father-in-law stops by the bakery every morning to pick up a couple of loaves of pan cubano and some pastelillos de guayava y queso, the "Playball" restaurant that is down the block from me hasn't been run by Cubans for more than fifteen years, the one I miss the most is "La Lechonera No 2" that used to be about six blocks away from me on Ferry Street at the corner of Adams Street, I'm sure you must remember the original ones on Bergenline Avenue and the one on Palisade Avenue.
The good news is that "Alvarez" and "El Palmár" on Elizabeth Avenue in Elizabeth are still owned and operated by Cubans and their cooking is usually pretty decent, the portions are large and the filetes are huge, just stay away from the desserts, especially the arroz con leche, the flan is not bad and the batidos are very good, so good that I usually get two during a meal. So, when are we going? I'll pick up the check and you can take care of the tip.
Sin condiciones
Obligado, Bush enfrenta el acuerdo para el final de la guerra de Irak
Si el acuerdo entre Washington y Bagdad se adopta en su estado actual, George W. Bush se verá forzado a aceptar en las últimas semanas de su presidencia una retirada de Irak sin condiciones a la que siempre se opuso y a la que además su sucesor Barak Obama podría acelerar.
Super Breaking News
Atencion RCAB readers,... sujetense para que no se caigan de la silla
Polish foreign minister: Obama's grandfather was a cannibal!
The Crisis of the Third Century is a commonly applied name for the crumbling and near collapse of the Roman Empire between 235 and 284. During this time, 25 emperors reigned, and the empire experienced extreme military, political, and economic crises. This period ended with the accession of Diocletian, who reigned from 284 until 305, and who solved many of the acute problems experienced during this crisis. However, the core problems would remain and cause the eventual destruction of the western empire. Diocletian saw the vast empire as ungovernable, and therefore split the empire in half and created two equal emperors to rule under the title of Augustus. In doing so, he effectively created what would become the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. In 293 authority was further divided, as each Augustus took a junior Emperor called a Caesar to provide a line of succession. This constituted what is now known as the Tetrarchy ("rule of four"). The transitions of this period mark the beginnings of Late Antiquity.
-(, retrieved 18 Nov 2008.
Mansuelo= Cannibal lecter
"I’m sure you still believe that lands taken from the Navajos were
negotiated in fair treaties." Balsero, we stole it from the Navajos. The Mexicans declared war on us after we asked the Texans (who had formed the Texan Republic, thus having seceded from Mexico) where their border with Mexico was (after they asked for our protection against Mexico). They said the Rio Grande, Mexico said it was the Houston River. If we were to go to the Rio Grande, they'd declare war on us. We took the Texans at their word and the fight was on.
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