The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush started prescuting Cuban exile freedom fighters. The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush took federal money out of the hands out of Cuban exile groups, only to give it to his corrupt friends in Europe. The hope of a free Cuba died, when he Bush did not list Castro the terrorist, on the list of state-sponsorer of terrorism. The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush's disdain of the Cuban exile community, told the rest of the world that the Cuba-Americans concern were irrelevant.
Manuel, i know you are feriously attempting to tie the neglectful last eight years of Cuba's march to freedom, directly to Obama, thereby absolving Bush. But it only proves that slavaging George Bush's reputation, always comes before the freedom for Cuba.
Principles, should always come before people, regardless if they "pretend" to be conservative, i.e., George W. Bush!!
The aberration in the Republican Party is not John McCain but George Bush. I have never said a good word about the man because he never deserved it. In all fairness, however, Bush removed North Korea, not Cuba, from the list of state-sponsors of terrorism. Which is just as bad.
The final Rove & Co. electoral map of the 2008 election cycle points to a 338-200 Barack Obama electoral vote victory over John McCain tomorrow, the largest electoral margin since 1996. All remaining toss-up states have been allocated to the candidate leading in them, with Florida (27 EV) going to Obama, and Indiana (11 EV), Missouri (11 EV), North Carolina (15 EV), and North Dakota (3 EV) going to McCain. The two candidates are in a dead heat in Missouri and North Carolina, but they go to McCain because the most recent polls conducted over this past weekend show him narrowly ahead. Florida, too, could end up in McCain’s column since he’s benefited from recent movement in the state.
Mat said: I have never said a good word about the man because he never deserved it.
And that is your problem my friend, "you never said nothing." But you have plent to say about Obama. I have read your writings for nearly three years, and maybe you have devoted a "few" pargraphs to Bush's repression of the Cuban-American community.
Also, Bush "never" included Fidel in the axis of evil, as a dictator who has brought terrorism to America.
Question for you Manuel, what is left of the Cuban-American cause to damage, that Bush has not already damaged after eight years?
Manuel guarda la bottella de champagna que no vas. El landslide es la cantidad de lodo que recibira el viejo mc Same hoy por la noche. Nadie quiere a un decrepito handicapped in the White house
Manuel said: The one thing which Bush has not done and which Obama has promised to do -- negotiate unconditionally with the Castro regime.
Wow, Manuel, that its? Are you frekkin kidding me man? Is that really why you think the nation is doomed? Is that why you think Obama will do more damage to the Cuban exile community then Bush? Lol, wow! I can list 10 better arguments, then Obama negotiating the release of Biscet. But if that is the best you have, then carry on the next 4-8 years, as nobody will interrupt you. You will have all the time in the world to yell at the top of your lungs!!
Manny has good reason to be down. The election of Obama as President of the United States will be the silver bullet that kills Cuban American political influence in our country.
The Cuban American Foundation lead by Mas Santos will emerge AGAIN as the most powerful Cuban Lobbyst group in the US thanks to its new approach of diplomacy not War
Just voted, and i got good news Manuel. I think Mccain will carry my county, and thereby carry Indiana. It, however, will be close. I will back in a few hours, as the atmosphere here is starting to heat-up.
Canf is just trying to remain political viable. But Obama and friends will not be fooled. As it is well-known that Cuban-Americans think anybody who doesnt love Bush or Pailin is a commie.
Also, Brett Hume from Foxnews has just announced his retirmement. It seems as if the gop is in complete collapse.
Richardson is saying that Obama will be president because of the Hispanic vote. I heard Pat Buchannon say that Texas will be the new swing state. Ladies and gentlemen we are seeing a mexican immigrant civil rights movement on Obama shoulders.
This is one of the most dangerous days that the Cuban exiles have ever faced. The Mexican immigrants have swung their brand of latin leftist into America. I foresee many horrific scenarios for the right wing Cuban exiles.
Manuel, cheer up. But you had to see this coming, after 8 years of Bush!!
Im just curious as to why you are one of the few cubans who are not trying to find a new country to go into exile. I mean all of them are ready to set sail to a new country for the next 40 years. And poor Manuel, he has already gone into a state of shock. So much so, that he has nearly become speechless. I mean yes, obama will impose a harsh leftist climate that will last a generation. But this paranoia is breath-taking. I just hope Manuel, has resorted to a bottle of sleepig pills.
If you had created your ideal of a Cuban exile, I do not doubt the final product would have been a clone of fantomas.
I doubt that I shall need a sleeping pill (let alone a whole bottle) after the excitement of McCain's victory. Your advice is best directed at Obama's followers who will surely "paint the town red" if he wins and doubly so if he loses.
Manuel, so testy these last couple of days, i have never seen you so distraught and despondeant. Sad, but interesting. Mat, dont worry, the most Obama can serve Cuban exiles like yourself, is 8 years. Think about, its only 8 years. Trust me, after 8 years of Bush's right-wing politics, 8 years will seem like nothing to you.
If its any comfort, just think about it like this. Tomorrow when you wake up, you will be living in a hard leftist-controlled nation. This will give you plenty to complain about starting tomorrow.
They can hear the talking heads dissecting the urban vote and waiting for totals to roll in from Vigo County, Indiana, a national bellwether for more than a century.
See, i have been telling you people that my hometown has become ground zero, and the entire world knows it.
And i am telling you right now, that if Obama wins Indiana, it will because of the Chicago latins.
mat said: Obama will certainly serve the same 8 years that Jimmy Carter did.
Lol, and yet still far better then Cuban-American supported President George W. Bush, a President who has lower approval ratings then both either Nixon or Carter. Lol
Mat said: Incidentaly, when you wake up tomorrow George Bush will still be POTUS for the next 76 days.
Yes, but with a majority Democratic house retaining 2/3 of the power, handed to the leftist by none other then Bush himself.
Manuel, really do you want a two-fer tonight, a hardcore leftist President, and John Longfellow firing on all cylinders. I didnt think so, just pour yourself some juice and vodka. It will help numb the stark horror that you now live in a permanent leftist nation. You can thank Bush for that, and Mexican immigrants.
By the way, Jimmy Carter is no longer the standard for a horrible president, George W. Bush is the new standard. Carter is hated because he allowed the Cuban immigrants to live in freedom in America.
Jimmy Carter is hated -- and was more invisible than Bush in this campaign -- because he allowed America's enemies to humiliate this country, and, in effect, dictate its foreign policy. Exactly what Obama would do if given the chance.
Mat, that is your opinion of why carter is hated. And it is my opinion that Carter is hated because he allowed Cuban immigrants to reach the free shores of Miami by thousands. And this is precisely why every other President has turned a blind eye to the Cuban cause. American Presidents appreciate Fidel's prison called Cuba.
Nevertheless, for now on, if you want to compare Obama to an unpopular President point to Bush, rather then Carter.
Thanks for agreeing with me. I know i always make sense, because i am not dishonest with myself, or others to make a political point in defense of Bush.
Manuel, i know you are trying to cherish every moment of living under republican rule. Yes, cherish tonight, because you will live the rest of you days under American leftist rule.
O Freunde, nicht diese Töne! Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen, und freudenvollere. Freude! Freude! Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum! Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen, Eines Freundes Freund zu sein; Wer ein holdes Weib errungen, Mische seinen Jubel ein! Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund! Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle Weinend sich aus diesem Bund! Freude trinken alle Wesen An den Brüsten der Natur; Alle Guten, alle Bösen Folgen ihrer Rosenspur. Küße gab sie uns und Reben, Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod; Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben, Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan, Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn, Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen. Seid umschlungen, Millionen! Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt! Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen. Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen? Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt? Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt! Über Sternen muß er wohnen. Seid umschlungen, Millionen! Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt! Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen. Seid umschlungen, Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt! Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Solo espero que cumplas tu palabra de honor, de caballero , de cerrar este blog como le prometistes a tus lectores. Manuel Alberto te lo voy a advertir una sola vez
Si no cumples tu palabra no tendras ningun tipo de credibilidad en la blogosfera cubana
Pasaras a la historia como una persona sin principios ni escrupulos
Se valiente como los mambises, y cumple tu palabra de cerrar el blog
Es lo correcto es lo que espero de ti. No tienes ninguna necesidad de esperar hasta Enero . No seas masoquista . si decides mantenerlo abierto hasta enero 2009 NO TENDRAS NINGUN TIPO DE CREDIBILIDAD ENTRE TUS LECTORES
YA QUE ESCRIBIRAS BABA en ese tiempo. acepta tu derrota con gallardia . Se buen cubano y retirate ahora con honor
Espero que este pequeño sermon te sirva de ejemplo. Espero ver este blog cerrado por completo mañana. Y te pido que no lo mantengas abierto para invitados solamenete como hizo charlie Bravo con kill castro blog
Tienes que desaparecerlo por completo ese fue tu compromiso y tienes que cumplir
Deja la botella. El chizpa-e-tren te comió el cerebro.
The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush started prescuting Cuban exile freedom fighters. The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush took federal money out of the hands out of Cuban exile groups, only to give it to his corrupt friends in Europe. The hope of a free Cuba died, when he Bush did not list Castro the terrorist, on the list of state-sponsorer of terrorism. The hope of a free Cuba died when Bush's disdain of the Cuban exile community, told the rest of the world that the Cuba-Americans concern were irrelevant.
Manuel, i know you are feriously attempting to tie the neglectful last eight years of Cuba's march to freedom, directly to Obama, thereby absolving Bush. But it only proves that slavaging George Bush's reputation, always comes before the freedom for Cuba.
Principles, should always come before people, regardless if they "pretend" to be conservative, i.e., George W. Bush!!
The aberration in the Republican Party is not John McCain but George Bush. I have never said a good word about the man because he never deserved it. In all fairness, however, Bush removed North Korea, not Cuba, from the list of state-sponsors of terrorism. Which is just as bad.
Dixville Notch, NH
The first results in the country come from this small village.
21 citizens went to the polls last night just after midnight.
No Democrat has won in this town since Hubert Humphrey in 1968.
The results?
15-6, a majority of 71% for the next president of the United States
Barack Obama!
Election 2008:
State of the Race
The final Rove & Co. electoral map of the 2008 election cycle points to a 338-200 Barack Obama electoral vote victory over John McCain tomorrow, the largest electoral margin since 1996. All remaining toss-up states have been allocated to the candidate leading in them, with Florida (27 EV) going to Obama, and Indiana (11 EV), Missouri (11 EV), North Carolina (15 EV), and North Dakota (3 EV) going to McCain. The two candidates are in a dead heat in Missouri and North Carolina, but they go to McCain because the most recent polls conducted over this past weekend show him narrowly ahead. Florida, too, could end up in McCain’s column since he’s benefited from recent movement in the state.
Mat said: I have never said a good word about the man because he never deserved it.
And that is your problem my friend, "you never said nothing." But you have plent to say about Obama. I have read your writings for nearly three years, and maybe you have devoted a "few" pargraphs to Bush's repression of the Cuban-American community.
Also, Bush "never" included Fidel in the axis of evil, as a dictator who has brought terrorism to America.
Question for you Manuel, what is left of the Cuban-American cause to damage, that Bush has not already damaged after eight years?
Manuel guarda la bottella de champagna que no vas. El landslide es la cantidad de lodo que recibira el viejo mc Same hoy por la noche. Nadie quiere a un decrepito handicapped in the White house
It was the smile of along
You know what I mean
mccain in a landslide?
Let him dream chepi
fan of chepi
The smile yeah
I run , run , run , but can't hide
No Democrat has won in this town since Hubert Humphrey in 1968. -- anonymous
And Humphrey lost to Nixon in 1968.
The one thing which Bush has not done and which Obama has promised to do -- negotiate unconditionally with the Castro regime.
tomate el xanac
The one thing which Bush has not done and which Obama has promised to do -- negotiate unconditionally with the Castro regime.
Ya Bush lo hizo con los talibanes, North korea , Iran y Libia
que mas da Manuel
Obama lo dijo
Si habra condiciones
no se dejen engañar
lo unico que hara Obama sin condiciones es quitar las prohibiciones apretadas en 2004 por Bush
Obama favor the embargo
MANUEL Sabes porque perdio Mc Cain
que la gente de fox , babalu y la derecha intransigente trato de inculcarles a las personas
La gente no se dejo amedentrar
No se pierdan hoy from babalu blog live bloging
6.30 pm
Manuel said: The one thing which Bush has not done and which Obama has promised to do -- negotiate unconditionally with the Castro regime.
Wow, Manuel, that its? Are you frekkin kidding me man? Is that really why you think the nation is doomed? Is that why you think Obama will do more damage to the Cuban exile community then Bush? Lol, wow! I can list 10 better arguments, then Obama negotiating the release of Biscet. But if that is the best you have, then carry on the next 4-8 years, as nobody will interrupt you. You will have all the time in the world to yell at the top of your lungs!!
Manuel if Mc Cain Wins
Manny has good reason to be down. The election of Obama as President of the United States will be the silver bullet that kills Cuban American political influence in our country.
The Cuban American Foundation lead by Mas Santos will emerge AGAIN as the most powerful Cuban Lobbyst group in the US
thanks to its new approach of diplomacy not War
Is it not too early to sing victory? I know you are three hours ahead of me but...
Am on my way to vote now.
Oye consolte estas delirando....
Desperate times call for desperate measures....
landslide.. hee hee hee heee...
Just voted, and i got good news Manuel. I think Mccain will carry my county, and thereby carry Indiana. It, however, will be close. I will back in a few hours, as the atmosphere here is starting to heat-up.
Cheer up Mat!!
Is it not too early to sing victory? I know you are three hours ahead of me but...
Am on my way to vote now.
Vana I', 4 hours ahead of you , 1 hour ahead of NY Time , I will keep you informed, do not worry dear
Persecution of Cuban freedom fighters began with Kennedy and has not been topped since then.
Canf is just trying to remain political viable. But Obama and friends will not be fooled. As it is well-known that Cuban-Americans think anybody who doesnt love Bush or Pailin is a commie.
Also, Brett Hume from Foxnews has just announced his retirmement. It seems as if the gop is in complete collapse.
"Am on my way to vote now."
You can't vote gordo
Richardson is saying that Obama will be president because of the Hispanic vote. I heard Pat Buchannon say that Texas will be the new swing state. Ladies and gentlemen we are seeing a mexican immigrant civil rights movement on Obama shoulders.
Amzaing, absolutely amazing!!
It's never too early to enjoy victory.
If, God forbid, Obama had won, we would have had 4 years to rue our defeat.
Yup, it has already started. This is what Bush has left the world:
The brutal vengence of the left has already begun:
This is one of the most dangerous days that the Cuban exiles have ever faced. The Mexican immigrants have swung their brand of latin leftist into America. I foresee many horrific scenarios for the right wing Cuban exiles.
Manuel, cheer up. But you had to see this coming, after 8 years of Bush!!
Im just curious as to why you are one of the few cubans who are not trying to find a new country to go into exile. I mean all of them are ready to set sail to a new country for the next 40 years. And poor Manuel, he has already gone into a state of shock. So much so, that he has nearly become speechless. I mean yes, obama will impose a harsh leftist climate that will last a generation. But this paranoia is breath-taking. I just hope Manuel, has resorted to a bottle of sleepig pills.
If you had created your ideal of a Cuban exile, I do not doubt the final product would have been a clone of fantomas.
I doubt that I shall need a sleeping pill (let alone a whole bottle) after the excitement of McCain's victory. Your advice is best directed at Obama's followers who will surely "paint the town red" if he wins and doubly so if he loses.
Ok voted, now I have to keep my fingers crossed all
why are you declaring victory for Mccain already? just curious
Manuel, so testy these last couple of days, i have never seen you so distraught and despondeant. Sad, but interesting. Mat, dont worry, the most Obama can serve Cuban exiles like yourself, is 8 years. Think about, its only 8 years. Trust me, after 8 years of Bush's right-wing politics, 8 years will seem like nothing to you.
If its any comfort, just think about it like this. Tomorrow when you wake up, you will be living in a hard leftist-controlled nation. This will give you plenty to complain about starting tomorrow.
Oh my god, i knew it, i just found my hometown on the front page of
Drudge report: America is jittery as election's outcome draws near.,0,134513.story
The relevant part read:
They can hear the talking heads dissecting the urban vote and waiting for totals to roll in from Vigo County, Indiana, a national bellwether for more than a century.
See, i have been telling you people that my hometown has become ground zero, and the entire world knows it.
And i am telling you right now, that if Obama wins Indiana, it will because of the Chicago latins.
Obama will certainly serve the same 8 years that Jimmy Carter did.
Incidentaly, when you wake up tomorrow George Bush will still be POTUS for the next 76 days.
mat said: Obama will certainly serve the same 8 years that Jimmy Carter did.
Lol, and yet still far better then Cuban-American supported President George W. Bush, a President who has lower approval ratings then both either Nixon or Carter. Lol
Mat said: Incidentaly, when you wake up tomorrow George Bush will still be POTUS for the next 76 days.
Yes, but with a majority Democratic house retaining 2/3 of the power, handed to the leftist by none other then Bush himself.
Manuel, really do you want a two-fer tonight, a hardcore leftist President, and John Longfellow firing on all cylinders. I didnt think so, just pour yourself some juice and vodka. It will help numb the stark horror that you now live in a permanent leftist nation. You can thank Bush for that, and Mexican immigrants.
By the way, Jimmy Carter is no longer the standard for a horrible president, George W. Bush is the new standard. Carter is hated because he allowed the Cuban immigrants to live in freedom in America.
Listen Mat, it is this simple. America will never trust a republican to run this nation ever again. PERIOD!!!
Jimmy Carter is hated -- and was more invisible than Bush in this campaign -- because he allowed America's enemies to humiliate this country, and, in effect, dictate its foreign policy. Exactly what Obama would do if given the chance.
Mat, that is your opinion of why carter is hated. And it is my opinion that Carter is hated because he allowed Cuban immigrants to reach the free shores of Miami by thousands. And this is precisely why every other President has turned a blind eye to the Cuban cause. American Presidents appreciate Fidel's prison called Cuba.
Nevertheless, for now on, if you want to compare Obama to an unpopular President point to Bush, rather then Carter.
Thanks for agreeing with me. I know i always make sense, because i am not dishonest with myself, or others to make a political point in defense of Bush.
Breaking news, breaking news, MSNBC Joe Scorborough just said that Obama will win Florida.
The hardcore leftist President is a COMETH!!!!!!
Hey Mat, have you assumed the fetal position yet?
Manuel, turn off the tv, computer & radio.
Listen to a Wagner opera in it's entirety.
Something uplifting, like Parsifal.
You'll feel better.
Oh Mat, where you be? :) Getting awfully quiet.
He's listening to Parsifal.
It's a long opera.
No, he is driving to the local hardware store, to get some rope, and a step ladder.
To one and sundry:
I am here; still confident that McCain will prevail.
LOL, not without Indiana, he aint.
He's got Indiana.
Manuel, i know you are trying to cherish every moment of living under republican rule. Yes, cherish tonight, because you will live the rest of you days under American leftist rule.
No cakewalk for the dark horse.
My confidence in McCain remains unshaken.
tic tac tic tac tic tac
An die Freude
O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen,
und freudenvollere.
Freude! Freude! Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
Freude trinken alle Wesen
An den Brüsten der Natur;
Alle Guten, alle Bösen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Küße gab sie uns und Reben,
Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod;
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan,
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,
Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen.
Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt!
Über Sternen muß er wohnen. Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Seid umschlungen,
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Say what??????
en español please.....
Mansuelo, where are you ?
Garzon, where are you ?
What happened to the landslide and your secrect numbers from past elections ?
Fantomas hace su entrada triunfal
Por favor guardar un minuto de silencio y sacar la alfombra roja para fantomas
Los que quieran saludarme bienvenidos
It's all looking pretty scary.
Solo espero que cumplas tu palabra de honor, de caballero , de cerrar este blog como le prometistes a tus lectores. Manuel Alberto te lo voy a advertir una sola vez
Si no cumples tu palabra no tendras ningun tipo de credibilidad en la blogosfera cubana
Pasaras a la historia como una persona sin principios ni escrupulos
Se valiente como los mambises, y cumple tu palabra de cerrar el blog
Es lo correcto es lo que espero de ti. No tienes ninguna necesidad de esperar hasta Enero . No seas masoquista . si decides mantenerlo abierto hasta enero 2009 NO TENDRAS NINGUN TIPO DE CREDIBILIDAD ENTRE TUS LECTORES
YA QUE ESCRIBIRAS BABA en ese tiempo. acepta tu derrota con gallardia . Se buen cubano y retirate ahora con honor
Espero que este pequeño sermon te sirva de ejemplo. Espero ver este blog cerrado por completo mañana. Y te pido que no lo mantengas abierto para invitados solamenete como hizo charlie Bravo con kill castro blog
Tienes que desaparecerlo por completo ese fue tu compromiso y tienes que cumplir
Recuerden todos los lectores de este blog
Obama Hussein is our comander in chief
Debemos respetarlo, amarlo, seguirlo, ayudarlo en todo lo que sea posible
nos representara a todos por igual
Those are the lyrics from the 4th Movement of the Beethoven 9th Symphony.
Thank you America, from the new Capital of the United States....
Vengo virao
EScucha lo que dice obama esta aceptando la nomination
I'm sure every bugarron out there will be repulsed by Enriqueta's shity ass, I think a few baseball bats will do the job quite nicely.
Vana deja la puteria ya .... hoy no voy a tener compasion con ninguno de ustedes .. no me provoquen lo advierto
Vana, you are the voice of reason, gotta love women, you're spot on, aluminum bats up her rear end it is, for her and her "lover boy" bugarrón J.M.
Rubber Head bring it on, you don't scare me, la unica puta aqui eres tu!
I was thinking wood bats, I think aluminum will work very well after we freeze
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