"I do think there is one undeniable good that has come from an Obama victory: let it never be said that this country is racist... I know the sense of pride, the sense of justice, the sense of relief and the sense of happiness African-Americans - and Americans in general - must be feeling right now. A glorious day, indeed." -- Val Prieto, "No Hard Feelings," Babalú, November 5, 2008
Val's initial reaction to the election of Obama was to rejoice at the ecstasy which it seemed to inspire in the black community. He was too preoccupied with showing that he was not a racist to realize that the election of Barack Obama was the greatest calamity that ever befell African-Americans. Blacks rejected Socialism in the 1930s when all the liberal intelligentsia were pushing it down their throats determined that they should be the engine of revolution in this country (and, of course, its first casualties). Their deep religiosity, common sense and distrust of the promises of whites saved them from being used by Communist agitators to promote an agenda that would have led to the reprise of slavery.
Black intellectuals, who were closer in formation to their white counterparts than the black masses, did embrace Communism as a universal panacea for not just America's but the world's ills. Although the Communists co-opted men of real achievement like W.E.B. DuBois and J. Phillip Randolph, they never promoted them as their standard bearers, preferring the likes of Bayard Rustin (MLK's advisor) and Frank Marshall Davis (Obama's boyhood mentor), because they were malleable and completely reliable, not "race men" but party men. In Obama, whose principal achievement is to have attained the presidency with the least qualifications of any major party candidate in history, they found both a tabula rasa and an unknown quantity (to everybody but themselves), willing to say or do anything, even denounce comrades or flaunt Socialist dogma, in order to enthrone it when in power.
Ideologically, Barack Obama is a clone of Bernie Sanders, the only self-avowed Socialist in Congress. He differs from Sanders only in his race. Skin color should not trump ideology and it is hardly a "glorious day" when it does. The essential is always more important than the superficial, and nothing is more superficial than pigmentation. Nevertheless, blacks who took pride in Obama's pigmentation (which is the only thing that most shared with him) did not embrace his socialist agenda, but believed, or at least hoped, that his election would deal a death blow to racism in this country. Val, as we have seen, regards Obama's election as proof that racism is now a dead letter in America.
In fact Obama's election does not signify the end of racism in America. On the contrary, his presidency will likely lead to its resurgence because most Americans see him as a black and not as a Socialist, and when the reaction comes against his policies, it will be directed at the black and not at the Socialist. In the end, it may be blacks who are unjustly scapegoated for the national hecatomb which the next four years will bring down upon all Americans regardless of color. The black vote did not elect Barack Obama: it is whites in traditionally Republican states who provided the margin of victory for him. But it is blacks who will suffer unfairly and for an indeterminate future if Obama blows it. And his Socialist proclivities will pretty much guarantee that he will. Big time.
Val said: "I do think there is one undeniable good that has come from an Obama victory: let it never be said that this country is racist
CA = Cuban-America not California
(as you assumed on previos post)
"On the contrary, his presidency will likely lead to its resurgence because most Americans see him as a black and not as a Socialist, and when the reaction comes against his policies, it will be directed at the black and not at the Socialist."
Manuel, well put. Exit polling data confirms that while a majority of black did vote for Obama, if you look at the percentage of the elctorate they make up, they don't hold the sway, demographically speaking. That still belongs to whites for the moment; they are the reason Obama was elected.
Now, I could care less about Obama's skin color. I think Angel pointed out, correctly, if I'm not mistaken, he's only half-black at that. However, I doubt most people would be willing to look beyond that.
I do care about the fact that his policies are borderline Communist and how the media keeps fawning over him being the first, albeit semi-, black president. If MLK were alive today, I think he'd be disappointed. It's my belief that if his true vision of a color-blind society were to have been achieved by now, Obama's race wouldn't matter. To the media, it does though.
You also rightly point out that blacks will take the fall if his policies implode.
Derribando muros, construyendo puentes
Obama tendrá que neutralizar a quienes a ambos lados del Estrecho intentarán dinamitar cualquier acercamiento.
Matt, Manuel is spot-on as you've said, I agree with both of you that the character of a person is what matters, as Dr. MLK, Jr. stated so well so many years ago, BTW, Dr. King was a Republican as were the majority of black elected officials prior to the 1960s, it was the GOP that fought fervently for the rights of blacks since its inception, somehow the Republicans in their usual lack of effective communication have allowed the Democrats to take credit for the bulk of the civil rights work that rightfully belongs to the GOP, the Democrats are masters of deception and subterfuge, they have swindled blacks so well it's shameful, it is no accident that so many predominantly black public schools are dismal in their delivery of a proper education, as long as people can be kept from finding out or even bothering to be concerned with historical truth and evidence, they can be kept in practical bondage, tied to the misery of the life of victimhood and dependent on big government for every morsel and crumb of the proverbial pie that they can get, were they to be properly educated they would be freed from the bondage of ignorance and its symptoms of dependent servitude to the masters that give nothing but crumbs to most and few pieces of the pie to a select few in order to keep them at bay and in bondage.
Manuel, Obama will be faced with similar conditions to those that former NYC mayor David Dinkins was faced with at the end of his only term in office, except that in Obama's case it will be much worse and its consequences a lot more severe. Remember Crown Heights?
lick lick lick lick and keep on licking
Angel ya te tomastte la lechita caliente con biberon de hoy?
Deja a Obama tranquilo dude a ver que puede hacer
He is not our President as of yet
Cut him some slack, will you
El tratara de arreglar el desmadre que nos dejara EL PEOR PRESIDENTE EN LA HISTORIA DE LOS EEUU ( le gano al manisero de Georgia) 2 wars, high unemployment, down jones on the decline, massive unemployment will be Bush legacy
Mission accomplished
Derribando muros, construyendo puentes
Obama tendrá que neutralizar a quienes a ambos lados del Estrecho intentarán dinamitar cualquier acercamiento.
Enrique, deja ya de ser comemierda, I've said it before and I'd say it again, I have never liked George W. Bush, I can give him credit for the things that he has done correctly which is something that Leftists like you can never do for anyone that's not a Leftist, the Left believes in being democratic as long as no one disagrees with them, otherwise they embark on a vitriolic death mission that only mentally insane people can justify, the only Leftists for whom I share some reserved and limited admiration are the Fascists, they took on the communists and almost exterminated all of you fuckers, too bad they decided to be anti-semitic and barbaric against the Jews, otherwise, they probably would still had been around in force; back to Bush, I don't like any members of the Bush family with the only possible exception being Jeb and his "darkies" progeny, the moniker was given to Jeb's wife and children by George H.W. Bush, who to this very day refers to them as such, unbelievable.
Fantomas, it's you that loves to lick salchichas, I know that all of you are always saying that all men are secretly maricones, but you are all wrong and all of you know it, the only licking I perform involves pussycats, you have no idea what you are missing, but hey, we all know that you hate women.
"I have never liked George W. Bush, I can give him credit for the things that he has done correctly"
Angel, please please can you be more specific. What has W done correctly ?
Por favor.
Como se dice "lick lick lick lick and keep on licking" en español ?
El idioma que hablamos todos los cubanos.
Angel yo siempre dije que los que votaran por Mc Cain chuparian negro , te acuerdas
They will ..los que votaron por Obama o los apoyaron no tienen necesidad de hacer eso
Entiendelo de una vez
El dia 20 de enero empieza la Doctrina de Obama
Centurion compadre cambie esa foto ya
correctly which is something that Leftists like you
Angel, no soy izquierdo soy derecho
john longfellow= Manuel Tellechea
Jeb's son George is the best looking Bush, but you can tell looking at him that he's not white.
What George Bush Sr. actually said was "my little brown ones."
I saw an ad, that asked if your iq is higher then Obama, which said it was 130. So i decided to test whether i was smarter the Obama. I found the questions to be quite easy. And i eagerly await my results in a few hours. As i think that even though i was not President of the Harvard school of law. That i possess a lot of street smarts that should enable me to easily surpass Obama's iq.
I will post my iq results, when they are done computing my answers!!
Good luck on your IQ test; we all wait with bated breath.
Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, a feat which he accomplished without ever writing a single law review article. I guess that the powers-that-be at Harvard had decided that it was time to have a law review president that was black just as the MSM and liberal establishment decided 20 years later that it was time to have a black president who had never authored a law in his political career.
Manuel are you talking to me Fantomas= John como dice Garzon
speak out bro...where is john's ip coming from , it is coqui o coquo
Why don't you deny as Longfellow that you are Longfellow?
That should settle the question.
Or maybe you could agree to debate him?
The ball is in your court.
mat said: Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, a feat which he accomplished without ever writing a single law review article
Not true!!
It was not a law review article but an unsigned summary of a court decision. Obama had neither the judicial expertise nor writing skills to pen a full-scale law review article (which can run into hundreds of pages). Nevertheless, he was elected Harvard Law Review Editor.
It would be interesting to know how many law review articles his predecessor and successor wrote. I bet it wasn't just a summary of a case.
mat said: It would be interesting to know how many law review articles his predecessor and successor wrote. I bet it wasn't just a summary of a case.
You didnt even bother to read to the article did you? If so, you would have seen that Harvard couldnt locate the article. Also, it is not like Obama was appointed President of Harvard law review, like your beloved incompetent Bush or Batista.
Rather, Obama was "elected" by a group of his law student peers, all of whom must be within the top 10 in their class to be on the law review.
That is how we do it here in America, whoever wins the popular vote, wins!! I know that may be upsetting to you, but it is American democracy at her finest, like it or not!!
And why do you persist on pointing out the color of Obama skin? Your last several post have all focused on this non-issue, acording to the nation, and ultimately the world.
The very fact that you keep referencing Obama's skin color speaks more about you, rather then him. Rather then making viel references, why dont you just be explicit and call Obama an underserving Harvard A-student, dumb n-word. That way you can feel a bit better about yourself!!
Why don't you deny as Longfellow that you are Longfellow?
That should settle the question.
Or maybe you could agree to debate him?
The ball is in your court.
por decimo quinta ocasion no soy longjohn y tu mas que nadie lo sabe ..Abre el site meter para todos ver el ip del intruso de indiana
My prose is superior. Le falta mucho a john para llegar a mi nivel
Viste que facil te descarto. El no abrir el site meter te hace culpable
Ya te lo dije yo no debato con la escoria, anticubanos , ni con miembros del kkk, no vale la pena
"That is how we do it here in America, whoever wins the popular vote, wins!! I know that may be upsetting to you, but it is American democracy at her finest, like it or not!! -- john longfellow
Actually, John, that's not how "it's done in America." Whoever wins the popular vote doesn't necessarily win the presidency here. Talk to Al Gore.
manuel tellechea = chivato
Actually, John, that's not how "it's done in America." Whoever wins the popular vote doesn't necessarily win the presidency here. Talk to Al Gore.
Actually, that statement above was to debunk your implied analysis that affirmative action somehow placed Obama as President of Harvard Law Review. Rather, then the vote of the democratic majority of his legal peers.
Nevertheless, my point was effectively made. As this was the only thing that you could desperately muster as a response, against my hard-hitting and devastating analysis of your ugly and rank racism against President-elect Obama!! As you desperately desire that America return politically to the good old days of Batista-era, Cuban style jim crow era. Unfortuately for your ilk those days are gone in America, forever!!!
Sorry Mat, America has progressed from the days of ugly racism, which you seem to desperately wish to foist back upon America to discredit President Obama. In a lame effort to boost the chances of anti-Cuban racist like Trancredo/Gringrich in 2012.
Yes Mat, sorry but America had an opportunity to go down that road of 4 years of immigrant-bashing. It smartly selected the road not filled with such hate!!
Dont worry though, i trust Trancredo/Gringrich/Pailin, and the conservative base to come back with a vengeful anti-immigrant message to wild up their base. Unfortunately, you are no longer part of the base. Rather, you are the red-meat that they will be throwing!!
The sooner this blog dies its last death, the better for America. There is enough venom in the nation, with anti-immigrant shrills like RCAB!!
Let me make this very simple for you. If you want to discredit Obama, then do so, based on his policies, and not the shade of his skin-color. Lest you discredit yourself.
I enjoy lecturing the Cuban immigrants about the importance of race-neutrality.
Batista was mulatto como Obama.
johnny said: Batista was mulatto como Obama
Actually good point. It makes you wonder why Mat ignorantly points out Obama's skin color in rank hatered. But yet, honors Batista, who also had a darker shade of skin color.
Just doesnt make sense to me!
Once again Manuel Critically Analyzing a very clear statement.
The problem with Mat's whining and crying about President Obama, is that he should have done it with President Bush.
8 years Manuel, that is how long you had, 8 years. Instead, there was silence. Now you want to mock President Obama's skin color to register your opposition.
No sir, too late now!!!
When this country wakes up and realizes a destructive socialist has been elected, one who hid his true agenda from the American people, then the finger pointing will begin, and as you so well pointed out my friend it will again be African-Americans who will become the scapegoats.
I find it oh so interesting when RCAB commenters, such as myself commence to making a fool out of Mat, as what is happening today. You mysteriously show up to defend him. Interesting to note also, that you too, take great pains to emphasis race, as Manuel has done today.
EXACTLY!!john longfellow aka lou dobbs. Why is that Vana? Sen. John McCain's campaign label Obama a socialist as both offensive to socialists and a desperate ploy to tap into fears of voters who haven't forgotten their Cold War rhetoric.MOVE ON WITH THAT CRAP! VANA OR MANUEL WHICH EVER...Is getting real old.I am not sure why people are so afraid, I’m really not.
Thanks for your support. I enjoy handling a whole room full of Cuban immigrants. It is quite easy, to be quite honest. I hardly ever lose a scrap with them. But to answer your statement/question:
I am not sure why people are so afraid, I’m really not.
It is quite simple actually. It is not that they want Cuba to fall. Rather, they want Cuba to fall on a republican's watch. That way they can divide up Cuba to pre-Castro Cuba. Meaning that the militant Cuban landowners can retrieve exactly what they cowardly fled from.
However, under a leftist adminstration. They know that they will not be able to steal what rightfully belongs to the Cuban people. As they lost that right with they pledge allegiance to the republican party. President Obama will tell the right-wing Cuban militants to piss off, when Cuba falls. And they know it.
It is really that simple!!
Lets make a new 640 comment thread
fanatomas is right, just ignore me. Im almost as obnoxious as he is. Isnt that curious.
I will cheer john the day you spell my nick correctly
I wan to see this thread reching 200 ny Saturday noon
Manuel i ask you not to write a new post
Obey and you will be rewarded
Dont make me call Barbara or Nancy para darle la queja
para fariñas
Crudo venezolano cierra la semana en US$46,35
Te acuerdas lo que dije para dec 31
Obama talks to Clinton about possible role
President-elect Barack Obama has met with his former rival Hillary Clinton to see if she would be interested in a role in his administration, two sources tell CNN. Obama will also meet with the man he defeated in the general election, Republican Sen. John McCain, on Monday. full story
Fantomas Poll
Who do you prefer as Secretario(a) de Estado
Mc Cain
Breaking news, breaking news. Red-state Nebraska just gave one of their "conservative" electoral vote to Obama. President Obama is proving that he is one of the greatest President in American history.
President Obama<---------greatest President of all time!!
john remember what i told you before you will be best served on this blog if you refrain from mentioning me
Do not attemp to cross me , failure to do this will be harmful to your health
Fantomas Poll The Obama Doctrine
Mc Cain SHOULD BE VETTED for Secretary of state
I believe he would accept to work under Obama
Who is Fantomas?
Fantômas is the Lord of Terror, the Genius of Evil, the arch-criminal anti-hero . He carries out the most appalling crimes: Closing RCAB blog, flashing signs against castro at ballparks, releasing plague-infested rats on intransigent Cuban American Blogs, or forcing a victim to witness his own execution by placing him face-up in a guillotine. Fantômas is the master of a thousand disguises and the leader of a vast army of "apaches" (street thugs). His spies and henchmen are everywhere, spreading the seeds of chaos and terror. Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance.
Wow, rarely do i get to read your post, because they are always in Spanish. But i must admit, you do have the ability to strike fear in the hearts of the most fierciest of foes. A tip of the hat to you, sir!!
Wow, rarely do i get to read your post, because they are always in Spanish
Spanish sin barreras for you
Manny llegamos a 640?
Tu me dices
Manuel and Vana, this fellow is so smart, so informed and so knowledgeable that he cannot tell the difference between our current President (G.W.B) and his father (G.H.W.B.) ROFLMAO, it is the former President George Herbert Walker Bush that calls his grandchildren from Jeb and his Cuban wife's side of the family "the darkies," I indicated that in a clear fashion but the genius rambled on placing the blame on our current President, LOL!!!
Manuel, the IQ tests that he's mentioned are the ones that are constantly being pushed via Pop Ups and Pop Unders to people who use browsers that don't block them, mainly Internet Explorer, anyone that takes one of those tests will get a high score because they are basically used as bait for other nefarious purposes, these are not Mensa tests by any stretch of the imagination, I'd have thought that this genius knew that, just as he should have known about the Electoral College, but I guess he doesn't, he is quite a patriotic Democrat.
By golly, i dont know the difference between the two Bush. But you can rest assure, that in 4 years, you will know the difference between President Bush, and President Obama. That you can be assured of!!
Leftist vengence is a COMETH!!!!
Here's a tiny bit of "Yankee" regionalism for you:
Aiyea gonna kick-a you-a ass-a, punk-eh!!!
john longfellow aka lou dobbs said...
By golly, i dont know the difference between the two Bush..." coño, tremenda maestría de su idioma.
The evidence is within your comments posted at 5:25 AM and at 5:57 AM.
'Nuff said, John "little wiener" aka typical liberal whiner.
You are as obnoxious as fantomas because you are he, the game is up rubberhead!!
You are as obnoxious as fantomas because you are he, the game is up rubberhead!!
11/14/2008 5:52 PM
Vana for decomosexteta vez te digo de buena forma y te repito . No soy john. Te digo esto en serio. No repitas esa idiotez mas por favor, preguntale a alberto tellechea y el te lo dira que chequee el ip
Garzon esto es para ti tambien
No sigan cometiendo el error de decir que yo soy john. A mi no me cae bien el tipo , creo que le faltan 2 tornillos
me destornillo de la risa con uds
Angel , do you think John Mc Cain could be Obama's Secretary of State
The position is his if he wants to. It will be offered Monday if Hillary drops
Angel, Agustin, Manuel, John would you please tell me
He comes from da Henry gomez school of hard nuts of Miami
angel said: John "little wiener" aka typical liberal whiner.
Dude, do you see the national events taking place. I have nothing to whine about. Leftist control the white house, the house, the senate, majority of the governorship, majority of the state legislatures. President Obama is putting Hillary in charge of the world. Which means that President Clinton can pay back the Miami Cubans for calling him commie during the Elian Gonzales raid. The whole nation loves Obama. The whole world loves Obama.
No sir, i have nothing to whine about!!
President Clinton knows how to handle you Cuban militants. And he will show President Obama how it is done.
papi papi donde estas ?
El nene de fantomas
A chip off the old blockhead.
Ño que feo esta el hijo de fanto..lol..
The whack job finally shut his pie-hole. You see people, I told you that IGNORING him works.
Tellechea you're overdue for a new post, what are you waiting for?
Quien se robo la foto de Fantomita will pay dearly
I'm really upset now
Mansuelo, estas ?
tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac
See, i never brought into the hysterics by Manuel, and Babulu that President Obama would be personally vindictive towards the Cubans. After all, Obama is both a minority, and immigrant himself. And like many Cuban immigrants, his blood and skin is mixed with that of African.
However, as i tried to argue, it is the people that an American President surrounds himself with, that one has to watch.
Here, we have the Clinton/Gore team quietly slipping in corridors of power. Most of President Obama's transition team are Clinton/Gore foot soldiers. The state department will be filled with Clinton/Gore foot soldiers. And more specifically, the State Departments Cuba's policy will be directed by Clinton/Gore foot soldiers. And those Cuban immigrants who dissent, will be set upon.
This my Cuban friends is even more ominous and dangerous then one could ever imagine. The election nightmare continues to get deeper and darker. As i know that the Clinton/Gore team will show no mercy, rather only vengence. At the end of the day, it may be only kind-hearted President Obama who prevents the vicious atrocities that will be inflicted upon the Cuban militant immigrant population by the vengeful Clinton/Gore foot soldiers.
These are indeed some of the darkest days in history for the Cuban immigrant!!
Vengence is a Cometh to the Cuban militant immigrant terrorist.
One day, 30 years from now. The Cuban exile will tell their grandchild of days where the Cuban exile was the most powerful person in the world. A day where the Cuban exile were the kingmakers of the world's most powerful man, an American President. A day where the world feared, admired, respected and listened to the demands of the Cuban exile.
Then the grandchild will ask you, how did the Cuban exile become so hated throughout the world. You will then look painfully into your grandchild's eyes, and say three words: George W. Bush.
There is no other man, who has reeked the destruction of the Cuban exile more then George W. Bush. Of course, his hatred was taught by his daddy (who was head of the C.I.A.) the same man who told Kennedy to sell out the Cuban exile at the Bay of Pigs. And the very same man who would later tell his son, George W. Bush, the President, to once "again" to sell out the Cuban exiles, when Castro stepped down.
Fear and loathing of the Cuban "darkies" is what drove the Bush's to sell out the Cuban exiles. Of course, this last parade of horrible, i.e., Bush, was ignorantly carried by the Cuban exiles themselves. They themselves are to blame for no longer having a voice in the direction of this nation. This is how the Cuban exile lost their mantle of being the most powerful group of people in the world.
Thanks Bush!!
Lets be honest, with Hillary coming back into the white house. President Clinton way have wide latitude over foreign policy, and the people that would make up the foreign policy, i.e., Cuban exiles.
I see absolutely nothing good in the next four years for the Cuban militant immigrant.
One day, 30 years from now. The Cuban exile will tell their grandchild of days where the Cuban exile was the most powerful person in the world. A day where the Cuban exile were the kingmakers of the world's most powerful man, an American President. A day where the world feared, admired, respected and listened to the demands of the Cuban exile. -- John Longfellow
I'm glad Cuban exiles have managed to impress you so much, John, and if that were our goal, we have certainly succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. But our goal was a free Cuba, and in that respect all our power and influence have amounted to diddly-squat.
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