Friday, November 21, 2008

George Bush's Parting "Gift" to Cuban-Americans

When Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama, I was reminded of his praise for Fidel Castro before a congressional committee in 2003 and wondered if he had ever done anything more on his behalf than express publicly his admiration for him. It has now been revealed that his successor, Condoleezza Rice, whom I have ignored for most of her tenure because she is eminently ignorable and also because she has a name that I cannot spell without a significant loss of brain cells, conspired actively on Fidel Castro's behalf since she became Secretary of State. Her efforts to "normalize" relations with Castro culminated in sending a high-level delegation from to Havana, headed by its the State Department's then Inspector-General, Howard Krongard, to explore the possibility of upgrading diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba. Rice obviously bought into the idea that the regime was undergoing some kind of liberal transformation, or even democratic transition, in the wake of Castro's supposed retirement and considered giving the process a further impetus by endorsing it before the putrid plant had bore any fruits. Her plan to endorse a chimera and reward an illusion was duly communicated to her boss, who did not shoot down her idea but advised her to wait to implement it after the presidential elections, that is, until the Republicans could dupe Cuban-Americans for one last time. I suppose it was considerate of Bush not to sabotage McCain's candidacy by revealing this "December Surprise." Or, perhaps, fabricating a financial debacle just before the election was deemed sufficient cooperation from the White House. I have already said, in jest, that George Bush had a vested interest in having the worst president in U.S. history succeed the next-to-worst. Now I am not laughing at my own joke anymore.

Every word that I have ever written about George Bush in the last eight years has been redolent with the apprehension of betrayal. Among U.S. presidents he was especially smarmy in his protestations of adherence to the cause of "Cuba Libre." Obviously, something got lost in the translation because most Cuban exiles couldn't get enough of his labia (witness Val Prieto's undying appetite for same). In truth, however, since the time of Richard Nixon, who officially ended all U.S. attempts to overthrow Castro, there has not been a single U.S. president whether Republican or Democrat who has not considered or even brought to a near consummation the so-called normalization of U.S.-Cuban relations despite repeated public assurances (to us) that they would not seek a rapprochement with the Castro regime while the tyrant continued to violate the human rights of the Cuban people.

Gerald Ford, eager to replicate Nixon's coup de theatre in China, on a smaller but no less interesting stage, came within a week of re-establishing diplomatic relations with Communist Cuba. The invasion of Angola put an end to Ford's hopes of lifting the Plantain Curtain and "liberating" Cuba as he "liberated" Poland. Jimmy Carter, too, entertained the same hopes and opened an Interests Section in Havana in anticipation of the resumption of full relations when Castro unleashed the Mariel boatlift and sent his Afrika Korps into Ethiopia. Even Ronald Reagan, the cold warrior who despised détente, gave it a try in Cuba, sending General Vernon Walters as his personal envoy to Fidel Castro, but Castro, then sitting pretty on a mountain of Soviet rubbles, had nothing to gain by succumbing to Reagan's advances or Bush pere's, who was too overwhelmed reaping Reagan's harvest in Eastern Europe to pay much attention to Cuba.

Before the fall of the Soviet Union, Castro never complained about the trade embargo but ridiculed it as an abject failure which had not preempted Cuba's development but prompted it. The end of Soviet subsidies caused Castro to change the party line: the "blockade," and, by implication, U.S. estrangement from Cuba, was now to blame for all of the island's woes, past and present. Nevertheless, Castro responded to Bill Clinton with his customary disdain, unleashing the 1994 Balsero Crisis in order to fortify Fortress Cuba. Clinton, who feared a repetition of the 1980 exodus, gave Castro what he wanted, which was not diplomatic recognition but the "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy, which committed the U.S. to guarding Castro's borders and returning refugees to Cuba who did not reach its own. Castro used the good offices of the Clinton administration strictly for propaganda purposes, such as the shooting of the unarmed "Brothers-to-Rescue" airplane over international waters and the kidnapping and forcible repatriation of Elián González, relying on its disposition not merely to forgo retaliation but to do its bidding whenever possible.

I, for one, was frankly shocked when Clinton concluded his second term without restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba. The credit, I suppose, must go to Al Gore, who surely prevailed on Bill Clinton not to further alienate the Cuban-American vote by "normalizing" relations with Cuba; but the backlash came nonetheless and supposedly cost Al Gore the presidency, although he had actually opposed Elián's deportation to Cuba.

George Bush credited Cuban-Americans with his election victory in 2000, though, really, his margin of victory was so small in Florida that almost any group could have provided it, even African-Americans. Cuban exiles got very little in exchange for their unconditional support of Bush, however. Bush was always stressing his personal commitment to a free Cuba, but never deviated from Clinton's policy of unilateral accommodation of the Castro regime, upholding the "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy twice as long as Clinton did and presiding over the piecemeal dismantling of the trade embargo till nothing remained of it but the proscription against selling on credit to Cuba, which is itself under constant attack by (mostly) Republican congressmen from the Farm Belt.

It was Powell, again, who made the relaxation of the trade embargo and prospective resumption of full diplomatic ties with Communist Cuba possible when he declared, during a visit to Brazil in 2001, that Cuba was no longer a security threat to Latin America despite being on the State Department's own "List of Terrorist States" and running its own its biological weapons programme. Not only did Powell's unfounded assertion give the green light for the unchecked advance of Communism in the region, it also implied that Castro's predations on his primary victims, the Cuban people, were of no consequence to the U.S.; and that if Castro would just be content to limit his tyranny to Cuba's own borders the U.S. would not object or interfere. The failure of the Bush administration to obtain a condemnation of the Castro regime at the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Geneva, and then its ineffectual opposition to the Commission's demise and replacement by a U.N. Committee controlled by the worst violators of human rights in the world, including Cuba, demonstrated to what extent the U.S. had deprioritized not only human rights abuses in Cuba but anywhere else in the world. Castro's crackdown on 75 dissidents in 2003 was no doubt attributable in part to America's new laissez-faire attitude towards human rights. The Bush administration's response to Cuba's "Black Spring" was to punish the Cuban people and Cuban exiles by endeavoring to drive a wedge between them by restricting remittances and family contacts while taking no punitive actions against the regime itself. The same revanchist attitude towards the Cuban people (not the regime) was in evidence again this Fall when Bush vetoed any easing of these restrictions in the wake of devastating hurricanes. One of the reasons offered for this refusal was that such assistance might "destabilize" the regime (the same rationale used by the regime in refusing aid from the U.S. and European Community). And there is the key to Bush's approach towards Cuba over the last 8 years: do nothing for good or ill that would loosen Castro's hold on the Cuban people because he alone, or the system of repression that he created, can maintain order in Cuba and prevent a social explosion. I have dubbed this Bush's "Containment of Freedom" policy. The final object of such a policy, of course, is to institutionalize Castroism in Cuba forever.

The disclosure of Rice's proposals to "normalize" relations with Cuba and Iran in the waning days of the Bush administration will probably derail both initiatives. Even supporters of both measures have cautioned the lame duck president to leave those decisions to President-elect Obama, who must live with the consequences for the next four years.

Yes, George, don't usurp Obama's right to screw us, if not for his sake, then for the sake of the Republican Party. Although, really, what can George Bush care about a party that he has destroyed virtually singlehandedly?

Perhaps Barack Obama is the culmination rather than the exception to 50 years of betrayals by U.S. presidents. Indeed, Obama may even be praised for his candour in announcing his betrayal of the Cuban people before the fact rather than after.


Anonymous said...

Besides the "dry foot wet foot" policy upholding and reinforcement, plus all other betrayals, which are many, Bush leaves a "solid state" legacy: a "monument" to che guevara was erected under his guard (and that of Mayor Bloomberg's) in New York City's Central Park.
The symbol of Red Terror, the darling of all infantile leftists, the man who spred the seeds of Stalinism all over the world, and planned Russian delivered thermonuclear hits on "major American cities" -New York included- gets memorialized in the last days of Bush's tenure.
Maybe he was the real Manchurian candidate, which would not surprise me since Obama owes his presidency to all if his predecessor's failed policies. (Will that area ever be known as Tyrants' Meadow, and soon a Hitler efigy will be unveiled? Will Bush and Bloomberg be ever taken to task for this? Or this their gift to the Obamaniacs so they only have to erect a similarly sized bronze mannequin of the One side by side to guevara's?)

Vana said...


You are as always right, for Castro did not start screaming "blockade" until the Soviets dumped him, it has been his number one excuse to further enslave the Cuban people and make the world cry unfair on his behalf.

We all know he does not want it lifted with preconditions, it's his way or the highway, after 50 years of waiting for a just ending to this stalemate it may not be forthcoming the way we envisioned it, in the end Obama may do his masters bidding.

Vana said...


Someone needs to pelt that monument with eggs.

Anonymous said...


After reading literally tens of thousands of your words. This thesis is by far your best masterpiece. I dont know why you have waited so long to venture, where other Cuban-Americans dare not, i.e., criticism of Bush.

Perhaps, there is freedom that Bush is leaving office. Perhaps, it is resignation that Bush has destroyed the reputation and respect of the Cuban-American. Perhaps, resignation that Obama will put the final stamp on the historical curse of the Cuban exile.

Whatever the reason, very well written, Manuel.

Even though i am a Democrat, i, to this day remain ashamed of Kennedy's betrayal of the Cubans at the Bay of Pigs. And until my last days will always be embarrassed by this most shameful chapter in American history. Moreover, no Cuban can ever cut and paste one of my thousands of comments arguing otherwise.

However, this is in stark contrast to the Cuban exiles honesty into the betrayal of this current adminstration. One of the most duplicituous in American history, in regards to the expectations and lost opportunity of the Cuban-exile.

It is one thing to remain silent in the criticism of Bush, which is shameful at best. But to shrill for Bush, a man who had nothing but contempt for the Cuban-American is beyond self-loathing.

It is quite clear, that even at this late date. The Cuban-American has failed to comprehend the incredible amount of damage that Bush has sewn for a generation, under the feet of the young Cuban-American children.

Perhaps, it will take 2016, when President Obama has finally left office, until the Cuban-American can "honestly" understand the castrosphic damage that the betrayal by Bush will truly be realized.

By then, the Mexican will have sufficient numbers. That any strategic lessons learned about how to leverage your political advantage will be meaningless. As the Mexican leftist will set the agenda in America. Which, by all accounts, will be much harsher then Obama. And likely even more accepted, as any Mexican driven legislation, policies, or actions towards Cuba will be deemed appropriate, as it will be formed by Hispanic hands, albeit Mexican immigrant hands.

Even though i am celebrating the victory over Mccain. I too, remain cautious as to what tomorrow will bring. As i have stated many times before. I have been to Bosnia. I know what unchecked leftist can do.

But many of you Cubans already know what unchecked leftist look like. And you didnt say a word, as this nation started to make its horrific leftward lurch, i.e., Homeland Security, Patriot Act, Wiretapping. No, you Cubans celebrated it, because it was a "conservative" President enacting these communstic powers.

Now look, every nation needs its checks and balances. You "experienced" Cubans were the ones who lived this in Cuba. You were the first ones that were supposed to sound the alarm bells. But rather then ringing the alarm bells, you celebrated Bush's every communistic act. (By the way, Bush is not conservative, no way in hell.) Shameful!!

Well, luckily i am a Democrat. And i can live in a hardcore leftist nation. As i dont expect some Obama brown shirt kicking in my door. Or getting my ass beat at a bar, because i disagree with Obama, as i may. Or getting my car heavily keyed, because i have a conservative bumper-sticker on it. As what happened to my neighbor two nights ago.

You Cubans had the world by its tail. If you would have exercise your hard-earned power. You should be sitting on a "free" Cuban beach, sipping martinis. And watching in amusement, as desperate Americans clawed their way into Cuba, to escape the economic mess that is America.

You Cubans, had 8 years, 8 years to craft a solution to free Cuba. Nothing!! And so, Bush being the inept clown that he did, did nothing. And yet to this day you Cubans continue to celebrate the Bush years. Which were really nothing but lost years, under a conservative government. One that you Cubans placed in office.

Now you lost this opportunity for perhaps a lifetime. But this loss, will be the most unforgiving loss. Because these massive and permanent Mexican demographic shifts, has forever, taken away the opportunity to be a Presidential kingmaker, as you once did in 2000. Those days are gone forever!!

You Cubans, lost it all, celebrating Bush!! But hey, dont let others stop you from cheering him. As there is nothing else for the Cuban-American to cheer about. No sir, after 8 years of Bush taking money out of the Cuban exile hands, summarily imprisoning Cuban exile freedom fighters, continuation of the deadly wet/foot, there is nothing that the Cuban-Americans should be cheering about. As these last 8 years, have been 8 years of brutal, in your face disrespect as the world look on with amusement!!

The blantant disrespect, and the cheering that followed by the Cuban-Americans. Will go down as as the most shameful chapter in Cuban-American history. Yes, more then Kennedy. As you Cubans, didnt make Kennedy, but you did make Bush. Without the Cubans in Miami, there is no Bush!!

Anyways, you Cubans didnt utilitze the Presidency as it was yours to utilize. Now you can go back to do what you do best. Playing dominoes, and bitching about when America will do something about Cuba.

You got many years to do just that.

Fantomas said...

Donde estan los cubanos de NY y Wahshington DC..porque no le hacen un acto de repudio a la estatua del Che

Me pregunto yo, sabemos hacerlo o no

Anonymous said...

John, he's never been afraid to criticize Bush. You've evidently not been reading long enough. CB, Vana, MaT, agreed: the man has done nothing to help Cubans. I wish someone would destroy that Guevara monument like they did in Argentina...

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel, despite not having posted this thread until Sunday, even though it's dated as of Friday, it appears that you may have been unable to perform your customary protocols prior to posting it, read it again as it appears online and please notice what has to be done to it. You know why I'm telling you this.

As far as the State department is concerned, if anyone wishes to get an idea as to what will take place within it and what policies will be forthcoming from it, just visit the Council on Foreign Relations website here, the hints are subtle, but they are nevertheless there for the discernment of the keen eye, the hints are released to prepare those that propagate the messages in various forms and they (hints) are just the tip of the icebergs that lie within that cabal, buying and selling of nations is one of the goals of this organization, which in reality is just one of the many similar to it, there are many façades presented by the real masters behind the scenes, the CFR is just one of the most well known ones.

Concerning G.W. Bush; I truly wonder if those who criticized us for having pointed out our displeasure with him and his countless nonsensical policies and decisions will ever give us the credit for having been correct, I for one credited Bush whenever he did something that I believed was in the best interest of the USA as a Constitutional Republic, the instances were not numerous, but they were there. Bush did not do anything that I can think of to benefit the cause of Cuba´s liberation, if I´m incorrect, I´d be the first one to accept a correction from whomever can indicate to me anything to the contrary of my opinion.

Charlie, in response to your obviously rhetorical question, you already know that what the Marxists fear most is the nationalist type of Socialism, which in practice has been more nationalist than Socialist and has been the only truly dedicated enemy of communism that has ever effectively brought the fight to its territories, directly and otherwise.

Matt, he has read RCAB's criticisms of G.W., his goal is not to seek or point out the truth, his egocentric narcissism is only part of the reason for his belittling of his most effective opponents, don't let yourself be deceived and played Matt.

Don't you worry about that abomination in NYC guys, OK?

Anonymous said...


Manuel's so called critcism of Bush has been tepid at best. He has devoted more criticism of Obama's teenage drug use in the 1970's. Then he has of Bush's continuation of the bloody wet/foot of the 2000's.

And there has been no criticism of Bush's communist Homeland Security, and Patirot Act. Both of which, are taken straight from Fidel's playbook. No criticism by Manuel of Bush's hustling Cuban exiles up to anti-Cuban, racist, and leftist Broward County, assuring immediate conviction of any Cuban-American. No criticims by Manuel, about Bush stripping millions of dollars from Cuban exile communities. No criticism of Bush's cronies attempting to do business with Fidel.

No sir, you Cuban-Americans can pat Manuel on his back for a job well done. I will call him for what he is, a sell-out. Nothing more, nothing less.

I supposed in all the Cuban-American led cheering of Bush's communist policies, and his blantant in your face disrespect of said community. That Manuel's "occassional" critique of Bush, is considered noteworthy, as it was the lone voice of discontent within the Cuban-American blogisphere. But not too brave, as other conservative scholar's like George Will, and Buckley senior had already begun to ferishly ring the alarm bells that Bush was creating communist instituions within America. In fact, they argued, Bush was moving the nation leftward. And yet the Cuban-American cheered Bush on!!

And Angel, i dont consider the Cuban-American as my "effective enemies."
1) "Effective" people get things done. The only effective thing the Cuban-American has done in 8 years, is create hatred towards them where there was none. Hatered that will be heaped upon them by the tonnage come Jan 20th, 2009, starting at about 12:01 noon time.

2) Enemies are people that can generally do me, or things i believe in, some type of harm. Cuban-American can do neither. After nearly a decade of watching them get openly disrepected by the republican party. I, at this point would not be able to show respect, to such a disrepected community. Why should i?

No sir, the Cuban-American is not my enemy. Rather, i feel sorry for them. A bunch of silly, loud, irrelevant Bush-loving misfits, without a nation, without a party, and more imporantly without respect from anybody in the entire world.

In fact, one could argue, that those Cubans who have respect, are those that remain in the struggle on the island. Not those Cubans exiles who dance the night away, in the clubs in Miami, without a care in the world!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


When life intrudes and I cannot finish a post on the same day I started it, I will return to it later and do so; but Blogger does not date posts from the moment they are published but from the exact time they were begun. Indeed, if I started a post today and put it in draft mode, then published it a month or year hence, it would still carry the date of its original composition (however remote) unless I changed it, which it would be wise to do if a post is a month or year old, but unnecessary if it is to appear as the lead post regardless of date.

I long ago gave up expecting American presidents to do anything for Cuba. I am now satisfied if they do no harm. Even that, however, may be too much to expect.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


It is useless to try to convince John that he didn't open my eyes about Bush, that I had long ago sized him up for what he was: the "Typhoid Mary" of international politics.

It is obvious that by trying to turn me retroactively into a Bush apologist, John hopes to take credit for "converting" me.

I could, of course, refute him by linking to all the posts where I have taken Bush to task for the wide gap between his rhetoric and his actions vis-a-vis Cuba.

But what would be the use?

If John wants to take the credit for making me see the light, so be it. Anyone who first met John at Miami's Cuban Connection knows that I am the one who has flooded John's life with light.

John was once pro-Castro; now he is merely anti-Cuban. If I had another 5 years to bang my head against the wall, I could change that, too.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You have hit upon a constructive (or deconstructive) idea. But why rely on others to do the work for you? Buy a ticket to New York and set the example. Don't let a dog be the first to shat on it.

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: I long ago gave up expecting American presidents to do anything for Cuba. I am now satisfied if they do no harm. Even that, however, may be too much to expect.

No, after 8 years of Bush's policy towards Cuba. It is quite clear that the "unstated" American policy towards Cuba, involves a strong communist to remain in power. After Raul relinquishes power, America will prop up another Cuban communist. In fact, in Havana, he is probably already being properly groomed to be a good commie, by America, as we speak.

Now Obama, ignorantly spoke about undoing America's well-crafted destructive policy towards Cuba. This was too much for the powers that be in America. So they foisted upon President Obama, Craig, Holder, Reno, and Bill Clinton to keep an eye on this naive, and hopeful President. And to teach him, why America must keep her knee on the base of Cuba's neck. They will only have to point to the support of the enablers which makes up nearly the entire Cuban-American population as proof of their teachings.

There can and will be no more talk about positive changes towards for Cuba by Obama. As this will keep everybody happy, all the way from the Cuban exiles who wish to pursue as much pain and sufferage upon the Cuban island as possible. The republicans, who have a long-standing policy of causing as much pain and sufferage in all of Latin America, as they detest all things Spanish. And it keeps "some" parts of the Democratic base happy, who ignorantly believe that Castro is implementing good wholesome equality among its people.

No, the horrific American policy towards Cuba will not be interfered with from Obama. Too many constituents are happy with the ugly policy towards Cuba. All those, except of course, those Cubans that are actually pershing by the thousands because of it.

So dont worry Manuel, it will be status quo, for many more decades to come. America will always make an herculian effort to ensure that Cuba's sufferage will last as long as possible.

So lets see if we can make it a century. With the vocal support of the Cuban exiles, i am sure that America, and the Cuban exiles can continue the needless deaths of innocent Cubans, who want nothing more then for their children to live a life of freedom!!

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You have always had a rare gift for penetrating to the very core of an issue: yes, it is always about consolidating Castro's tyranny while blaming his victims for it. We live in a world where chastising tyranny is considered impolitic and the "right" of the tyrant to oppress his people organic.

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: I am the one who has flooded John's life with light.

True to the extent about my ignorance about Cuba.

Manuel said: John was once pro-Castro; now he is merely anti-Cuban.

False, on me being pro-castro. False, but partly true on being merely anti-Cuban. When you Cuban Chicano illegal immigrants write that i am anti-Cuban. Be clear to distinguish me being "anti-Cuban," and me being "anti-Cuban, right-wing militant exile."

You Cuban immigrants like to hide in the herd of the term "Cuba," right before you take your well-deserved ass-kicking.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


If the monument to "Che" Guevara in New York's Central Park were "desecrated," it would be Guevara's victims who are blamed for stifling free speech and trying to impose their worldview on everybody. Their attacks on an inanimate object will be judged more harshly than Guevara's bloody predations on human beings in order to impose his worldview.

What is most objectionable about this statue is its location -- in the same park where stands Martí's equestrian statue.

Fantomas said...


You have hit upon a constructive (or deconstructive) idea. But why rely on others to do the work for you? Buy a ticket to New York and set the example. Don't let a dog be the first to shat on it.

Ten la seguridad que si yo viviera en NY ya yo hubiese hecho algo al respecto. Tu vives en Newark , consigue par de amigos y protesta al respecto alli o lleva un sign que diga assasin y cuelgaselo en el cuello a la estatua , no creo que eso sea ningun crime en NY..La cuestion es hacer algo positivo al margen de la ley , se puede llamar a una estacion de radio o television para que filmen la protesta pacifica, quizas el canal 41, pero la iniciativa debe venir de NY o NJ , Newark or Union City

We need to apply pressure on the issue until the statue is removed

By the way , Iam sure the statue WILL BE REMOVED Regardless

Anonymous said...

The bigger issue we make out of this the better chance fidel will write a reflexion about it

Le's get him mad, We can use paint, eggs, cow manure

It will make headlines in NY for sure if done properly

Anonymous said...

It will be removed on May Day, with great fanfarre, according to the adoring "che dummy" from Parks and Recreation, who didn't want to say if some demonstration have been authorized for the day. They can also memorialize Osama Bin Laden there, at this point... Both "men" wanted to vaporize New York City, maybe a Hitler dummy will make also a great addition to Central Park, since all of them had the same "warm" feelings towards New York and New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, get wild up about a statute. While the leftist march upon your homes.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Whether there is a statue or no, the leftists are on the march.

Anonymous said...


Yes, i know, it is much easier to take on an innate object, then to take on the people who placed it there. It is the Cuban immigrant way.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


My suggestion would be to drench it in pig's blood, or spray it with indelible red paint. Piling manure around it would also be good.

Or, more discreetly, mounting placards with pictures of his unheralded victims around it, or wallpapering the statue itself with the likenesses of Hitler and his beloved Stalin.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

P.S.: It occurs to me that such treatment can be constitutionally defended as free speech and may even qualify as art in its own right. Certainly, it would be no more an act of vandalism than would the removal of the blood and manure from this "new" work of art.

Anonymous said...


It could also constitue trepass to American government property. Which in leftist New York, you could find yourself in a leftist jail. Because it is an American Che statute, not Cuban.

You Cubans are going to have to learn to be law-abiding citizens. If you want the statute taken down, then write the congress person where the statute is located. Which if i am correct may be Charlie Rangel.

Anonymous said...

Manuel go to NY and do something please. You are very close. Take the train

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would topple that piece of crap

Posted by Cigar Mike Pancier at November 24, 2008 09:05 AM

I dont think that its a Statue. I have seen similar presentations in Venice Beach here in L.A.
Of course not of Che. These guys put some type of metalic paint all over themselfs which makes it seem that its a Statue. Next time I am in New York I think I will take my pitbulls for a walk hoping that we come face to face with one of these jecks. Niche and Cuca just go berserk when they see any item that looks like that piece of crap that the late degenerate che was. Niche and Cuca would just love to rip into that.

Posted by Henry Agueros at November 24, 2008 11:48 AM

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You must take a refresher course on constitutional law (too bad Barack Obama is no longer teaching one), and, while you're at it, audit a course on "Art in the City."

20 odd years ago, the City of New York, then sinking under the calamitous mayoralty of David Dinkins, put its reputation on the line as a center of world art by defending the public exhibition of Andrés Serrano's "Piss Christ," which consisted of a crucifix in a vat of urine.

If that is "art," then surely a beshitted statue of "Che" Guevara is also art.

Anonymous said...

Manuel said: If that is "art," then surely a beshitted statue of "Che" Guevara is also art.

Ok, then the Che statute, by your own admission is art. Therefore, a piece of art, that should stimulate thoughtful discussion, and analysis. So what the problem!!

Anonymous said...

I have to respond to this, forgive me for flaring up at him, again, "False, on me being pro-castro. False, but partly true on being merely anti-Cuban. When you Cuban Chicano illegal immigrants write that i am anti-Cuban. Be clear to distinguish me being "anti-Cuban," and me being "anti-Cuban, right-wing militant exile.""

Cubans aren't illegals. They're allowed to settle here under the Cuban Readjustment Act of 1966 (Not sure if the year's right, '61 or '66). They aren't immigrants, they're refugees. They're not Chicanos, that title belongs to the Mexicans.

Get it right. Although I can see how you could confuse them being illegal, since the Coast Guard picks them off between the Straits and sends them back to Cuba. Yes, that was sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Temper, temper, you Cuban immigrants:

better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Janet Reno is coming to town

She's making a list,
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice.
Janet Reno is coming to town

She sees you when you're sleeping
She knows when you're awake
She knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

O! You better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout, I'm telling you why.
Janet Reno is coming to town.
Janet Reno is coming to town.

Angel Garzón said...

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


When life intrudes and I cannot finish a post on the same day I started it, I will return to it later and do so; but Blogger does not date posts from the moment they are published but from the exact time they were begun. Indeed, if I started a post today and put it in draft mode, then published it a month or year hence, it would still carry the date of its original composition (however remote) unless I changed it, which it would be wise to do if a post is a month or year old, but unnecessary if it is to appear as the lead post regardless of date..."

Manuel, I'm aware of Blogger's thread dating details, my observation in reference to the dating was not the point of the paragraph, it was "window dressing" to an end that I chose not to make crystal clear, that's why I added at the end of the paragraph the following: "...You know why I'm telling you this.", you're very well aware that some elements of the blogosphere would have an orgasm picking you clean, I'm just doing my bit to make you aware of an opportunity given to them, I chose to advise you via the comments because I figured you'd notice it sooner than via eMail. Read your post again, you'll see what I'm referring to.

john longfellow aka lou dobbs said...


Manuel's so called critcism of Bush has been tepid at best..."

Oh please, I have been visiting Manuel's RCAB for far a shorter time span than you have and I've found plenty of criticism, justifiable criticism, of the G.W. Bush administration from Manuel, in fact that's one of the many reasons why I began to comment here, Manuel is not afraid to point out the truth about US politicians in general and in particular, RCAB is a Cuban blog where Cuba and her people's well being is paramount, its owner is a Cuban citizen in exile, RCAB does not analyze the Casstro menace as viewed through the distorted lens of a USA-centric analyst lacking or ignorant of the Cuban experience, those who perform such functions while impaired by such metaphorical lenses could never fully understand RCAB's Cuban patriotism, they may believe that they do, but they truly do not, Vana has correctly called them "American-Cubans", not to insult them, but to point out their lack of truly Cuban perspective, their intentions towards Cuba may be noble and commendable, but the unwillingness of many of them to candidly criticize and accept the truths about the terrible consequences that have been the results of policies imposed on Cuba by the USA since the 1800s detracts from their efforts.

Anonymous 11:10 AM said...

"The bigger issue we make out of this the better chance fidel will write a reflexion about it

Le's get him mad, We can use paint, eggs, cow manure

It will make headlines in NY for sure if done properly

Exactly anonymous 11:10, the last thing we need, especially now, is an emotionally driven response without a sound plan for effectively exposing what this abomination represents, not only for us Cubans, but perhaps more importantly for the future of the USA as a freedom focused Constitutional Republic, (a concept that is commonly confused with a democracy) the fact that this affront to everything that the USA is supposed to represent has been placed on the East Side of Manhattan is not lost on me and I'm sure that I am not alone in noticing its implications and message, had it been placed on the West Side it would had not carried as obvious a message as it does by being at its current location.

Fantomas, I live in Newark, NJ, Manuel to the best of my knowledge has not moved to my town and still resides in Union City, NJ. When we gather in NYC to correctly expose the implications of the abomination that's been placed there, will you be among us Enrique?

Fantomas said...

Make sure when you go with your friends from Elizabeth you take a video camera, a camera and report to us inmediately. It is our duty to inform the public about your endeavor

God bless Cuba sin fidelistas ni ex batistianos and down with the statue at once

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea Manuel

Go the the statue and place a banner or write over it


Angel Garzón said...

Enrique, you didn't answer my question, just as you didn't reply to Manuel's suggestion that you join us in NYC, you have free time aplenty and not much to do with it, I'm off from my day job this week so I could save you the cab fare and pick you up at Newark Airport.

Apparently the NYC Parks Dept. doesn't believe in democracy or even professional courtesy, now they appear to be experiencing problems with calls, I guess it's just a technical glitch with the phone banks.

Fantomas said...

I'm off from my day job this week so I could save you the cab fare and pick you up at Newark Airport.

why dont you pick my round trip plane fare for friday, returning sunday

El hotel no es necesario me quedo en casa de Manuel, cogere el subway to get there from Kennedy

Vana said...

Me quedo en casa de Manuel!..ROFLMAO..Poor Manuel

Fantomas said...

Vana , do not stir it

Fantomas said...

Hey Manuel, is the statue a public property?

What are the fines or jail sentences in NYC for tampering with it

Anonymous said...

Location and Directions

Living Sculptures will be on view until May 1, 2009 at Doris C. Freedman Plaza, at 60th Street and Fifth Avenue, at the entrance to Central Park. Subways: N, R to Fifth Avenue; 4, 5, 6 to 59th St/Lexington Ave. The work is free to the public and is on view daily.


This exhibition is made possible through the cooperation of the City of New York, Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor; Patricia E. Harris, First Deputy Mayor; Department of Parks & Recreation, Adrian Benepe, Commissioner; and Department of Cultural Affairs, Kate D. Levin, Commissioner.

Public Art Fund is a non-profit art organization supported by generous contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations, and with public funds from National Endowment for the Arts; New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency; and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Anonymous said...

Picture of the sculpture on display until 2009

Damn, too much time

Alguien que se digne de pagarle a Fantomas el pasaje

Anonymous said...

angel said: Oh please, I have been visiting Manuel's RCAB for far a shorter time span than you have and I've found plenty of criticism, justifiable criticism, of the G.W. Bush administration from Manuel

Wow, another Cuban immigrant who doesnt read thoroughly. I am going to write even slower for you this time.

Manuel has not written about:

1) Bush stripping millions of needed funds from Cuban exile groups.

2) Bush smuggling Cuban exiles to anti-Cuban Broward for harsh and unjustifiable prosecution.

3) Bush cronies, who as we speak are doing business with Cuba.

4) Bush's foisting upon the nation the communstic Homeland Security

5) Bush's foisting upon the nation the communistic Patriot Act.

6) Bush's foisting upon the nation the unconstitutional surveilance of her citizens.

7) Bush's fostering in the nation acceptance of socialism.

8) Bush's fostering in the nation the acceptance of communistic-type torturing, which was learned from communist China.

Manuel so-called criticism is johnny come lately. As the world, (except Cuban-Americans) know that Bush is a complete failure.

Manuel, clumsily tries to compare Obama, with Jimmy Carter, as proof that Obama will be the worst, and most unpopular President in American history. Rather then accurately citing Bush, as which all inept President will be judged by. Which speaks volumes about Manuel's continued denial of Bush's destruction of democracy in America as we once knew it. And his userhing in America the acceptance of communism.

Like they did in Cuba, Manuel knew the type of communist changes that were slowly creeping in America. But passively sat by, and said nothing. Only now, does he venture to criticize Bush, when the world has been doing so, for many years.

Even there, Manuel's criticism does not address the seeds of communism, which Bush openly sewed beneath America. Rather, Manuel's weak criticism is that Bush didnt give Cuba freedom. Which sadly, is something the Cuban-American never bothered to even ask the President, which that lifted into office. Rather, the Cuban-American only asked for more punishment of Cuba, and nothing more.

Even if Bush had started a movement towards a free Cuba. (Maybe) a President Obama, would be compelled to continue to pursue his policy, by popular will.

But no, Obama has a clean slate to do anything or nothing at all. As this is what is accepted in the Cuban-American community. Nothing!!

Listen Angel, we dont know each other. But go seek advice from Manuel, before you grab the bull by its horn. Lest you get gored again!!

Nuff said,

Anonymous said...

Tal como anunciábamos la pasada semana, la izquierda de la localidad de Badalona ha pedido al consistorio catalán que una de las estaciones del metro de la ciudad tenga el nombre del ‘Che’.

Si desde estas líneas denunciamos que se pudiera dedicar nada a un asesino por todos conocido, elemento fundamental en la instauración del régimen dictatorial cubano y protagonista directo de juicios sumarísimos que costaron la vida a miles de cubanos, otros ciudadanos de Badalona han decidido pasar a la acción y denunciar la situación.

Vecinos de Badalona nos envían varias fotografías en las que se observa como algunos jóvenes colocan una pancarta de protesta junto al monumento de homenaje al Che y lo ‘pintan’ de blanco. En la pancarta puede leerse ‘Che, genocida marxista’ y ‘Barcelona por España’. La pancarta esta firmada por La Falange.

Y es que una parte muy importante de los ciudadanos comienza a pensar que si la izquierda se dedica a arrancar placas de las calles o retirar estatuas, ellos también tienen derecho a denunciar a los asesinos que la izquierda homenajea impunemente.

Anonymous said...

Atacan la estatua del Che con pintura

1 2 3 4 5 (0 votos) Qué!
martes, 01 de julio de 2008
Amaneció cubierta con cuatro grandes manchas de pintura de color rojo y amarillo
La estatua en homenaje a Che Guevara en Oleiros amaneció esta mañana cubierta con cuatro grandes manchas de pintura roja y amarilla.

Aunque el Ayuntamiento había instalado una cámara en la rotonda de Nirvana para evitar actos vandálicos y poder vigilar la zona, de momento se desconoce sí dicha cámara gravó a los autores del ataque.

La estatua en honor al revolucionario fue inaugurada el pasado 26 de junio convirtiéndose en la segunda más grande del mundo. La polémica ha envuelto desde el principio esta estatuta y ha dividido el municipio entre los que la apoyan y los que lo consideran un despilfarro de dinero y un capricho del alcalde, Ángel García Seoane que siempre ha dejado patente su simpatía por la revolución cubana y su admiración por la figura del Che.

Anonymous said...

Decapitado busto del Ché en Ccs,Venezuela


Nosotros,miembros d e la Resistencia nacionalista en Venezuela fieles a nuestros principios y por amor a la Patria, hemos decapitado el ofensivo busto del Che, icono de la revolución cubana y de la seudo mediocre robolución chavista colocado por traidores de la Patria, en la avenida Bolívar-Paseo Vargas de nuestra querida, y ahora asquerosa, Caracas. Esto les pasará a todos los traidores que han instalado la demagogia marxista en nuestro país.
Nota: esta información ha sido enviada a diferentes medios de comunicación. La omisión es evidente. Igualmente, la estamos enviando a todos los medios y foros respetables de internet...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You Cuban immigrants are to learn how to start acting like "real" America, come Jan 20th.

Anonymous said...

John, janet get a buche compadre, get lost

Anonymous said...

Do you Cuban immigrants ever think that the republican party would nominate a Cuban Hispanic to be the face of their party? No, your place is in the cellar, where the republican party has placed you the last 8 years.

Angel Garzón said...

Fantomas said...

"I'm off from my day job this week so I could save you the cab fare and pick you up at Newark Airport.

why dont you pick my round trip plane fare for friday, returning sunday

El hotel no es necesario me quedo en casa de Manuel, cogere el subway to get there from Kennedy"

Enrique you must have confused me with Obama, when you add up the disbursements that you receive at taxpayers' expense and subtract your liabilities you'll be able to find disposable unearned income, (I'm not disputing your qualifications for receiving it, your disability is obvious) you can use some of that disposable unearned income to pay for airfare, I'm already giving you part of my income via taxation, yet you're asking for more, heck you may also dip into that fund that you have from resolviendo under the table, saving you the cab fare is all I can do for you at this time, besides, you won't wind up getting lost and aggravated, perhaps even mugged, when I guide you around in the Big Rotten Socialist Paradise, aka, New York City.

Flying to Kennedy Airport is not your best option, Newark Airport is far closer to Union City, Manhattan and it's also better connected via rail service than Idlewild. Manuel is all out of room, his guest room long ago became his library-like study, just as mine did.

Anonymous said...

Breaking news, breaking news. The anti-hispanic conservative campaign has already begun. The possible new chairman of the rnc belongs to a country club, which (excluded) minorities!!

Angel Garzón said...

john longfellow aka lou dobbs said...

"...Wow, another Cuban immigrant who doesnt read thoroughly. I am going to write even slower for you this time..."

John you really don't want to go there, you will look really bad by heading in that direction. How do you figure that by typing s-l-o-w-e-r you'll somehow manage to get anyone to "thoroughly" read your comments? Embed Twilight Zone theme here.


Your allegations against Manuel are false, he has not only addressed Bush's many affronts to our people, he has also linked to many other sources where the same has been done by people who are not part of the extreme Left, you have not been reading RCAB in a thorough fashion, have you?

John, I told you before that you need not remind me as to what people such as you think of not only me, but also all Cubans and Cuban-Americans, perhaps you haven't been as thorough in reading what's posted here, let me remind you, I live in Democratic Party controlled and inhabited turf, when this part of NJ used to be industrially mighty, it was anti-communist Democrats such as you that were never short of time or inclination to frequently remind us Cuban refugees that we were unwanted immigrants from a third world country, that I detest anti-communists of your ilk has nothing to do with my staunch anti-communist stand, it has to do with my equally staunch dislike for people of your ilk, the same ones that eventually moved away from these parts to later bitch and moan on a daily basis about the deers, bears and raccoons wreaking havoc with their lives up in the boondocks, and let's not forget their bitching about daily commutes of one hour or more to get to work where we live and blah, blah, blah. I know your kind very well John, and we whom you dislike, are still here, walking to work and within easy access to all the conveniences of urban living, in the meantime, enjoy bitching from your riverside shack up in the boondocks.

Anonymous said...


You never came out and directly said it. But by your post, it appears that you may be implying that i quietly harbor some anti-Cuban beliefs.

I do not. I only provide hard-hitting commentary, on the self-loathing, besmirched, and disrepected community, which is the Cuban-American community.

Nevertheless, i will proceed on with my cutting analysis of your vanquished community. As i think it is useful for those outside of your Bush-loving community, to explain as to why your community is so despised in and outside of America.

Rather, then making libeleous remarks as to precieve anti-cuban beliefs, which i dont hold. You should be thanking me, for this most useful instruction about your failed community.

Then maybe, you can start acting like (real) Americans, and start earning back your well-earned respect that President Bush so cruely stole from the Cuban exile community.

Fantomas said...

Enrique you must have confused me with Obama, when you add up the disbursements that you receive at taxpayers' expense and subtract your liabilities you'll be able to find disposable unearned income, (I'm not disputing your qualifications for receiving it, your disability is obvious) you can use some of that disposable unearned income to pay

Angel i am not Joe the plumber, sorry

Anonymous said...

Who cares what the Cuban immigrant has to say anymore.

Anonymous said...

John take a hike

Anonymous said...

If there isn't a spare room for fantomas, he could always stay in the closet.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas es closetfobico . El no necesita dormir en el closet de Manuel. Se quedara en el Astoria

Anonymous said...

Open Letter to President Bush:

Mr. Bush, please resign now. Allow President Obama to assume control of the nation now. President Obama has his team of leftist ready and willing to begin implenting their leftist agenda NOW. President Obama has the admiration and support of the entire nation. The nation is prepared to bark at his command. We are prepared to do what is necessary to advance the leftist agenda upon America. A leftist agenda which will change forever the landscape of America.

For the good of the nation Mr. Bush. Allow us to begin water the leftist seeds, which you so graciously planted the last 8 years.



Anonymous said...

Already President Obama words has stabalized the world markets, and lowered oil prices. The war in Iraq is being won, since Obama appeared to be the next President. World peace is starting to break out. The America dollar is regaining its power. And the air also seems remarkably cleaner here in Indiana. President Obama is has the love and admiration of the entire nation. Many describe America love affair with Obama as camelot redux. Well, i just call President Obama, GOD. To me, i really wonder sometimes if he is really God. I mean his spirit, is God like. His mental ability is God like. His ability to communicate is God like. His ability to move millions is God like. His leftist policies will also be God like.

Anonymous said...

Communist Bush just handed this leftist nation yet another communist tool that it can brutally use against Cuban immigrants who are visiting foreign nations. (Warrantless searches of American immigrants anywhere in the world. Wow, Bush the ultimate commie!!)

Anonymous said...

John shortfellow,
Keep up insulting, demeaning and badmouthing Cuban exiles,and perhaps you will not get to see the leftist agenda you so much want to see realized and implemented. Knowing how many people read this blog that are militants, if I were you I will start to temper my comments or watch myself everytimne you go out of your house. You know those s.o.b. crazy Cubans and how much they like to get rid of those who demean and insult them. Maybe you should start checking under your car before you start it.Keep up the insults but watch yourself very carefully.

Anonymous said...

You know, this new warrantless searches of American citizens in foreign nations, just made me think of something.

I wonder how many more communist tools that Bush will hand-off to Obama and Janet Reno.

It almost seems like Bush was a plant to destroy the Republican party, democracy in America, and any possible freedom for Cuba.

Bush's father never was a conservative. Which is why Reagan never had him over to the white house for dinner in 8 years.

Bush Jr, pretended to be a tough Texas conservative. When in reality he was a northeastern liberal, who was a cheerleader at Yale.

Now in the final days of his adminstration, Bush appears to be quickly handing every communistic tool available to Obama.

I will continue my Bush communist watch. As it will have serious conquences the next 8 years. While i will leave it to Manuel, to look backward as he has done with Collin Powell. As it (still) bothers him to criticize Bush's (current) implementation of communist policy and tools for (future) use.


We are no longer a free people. Thanks Bush!!

Anonymous said...

Anon said: Keep up insulting, demeaning and badmouthing Cuban exiles,

Ok, i will.

Anon said: and perhaps you will not get to see the leftist agenda you so much want to see realized and implemented.

I can still watch from heaven.

Anon said: Knowing how many people read this blog that are militants,

No, the militants are still in Cuba fighting Fidel. The Cuban immigrant blog readers, are cowards and clowns. Hence, their blog reading.

Anon said: if I were you I will start to temper my comments

Why? Are you going to hit me with your purse?

Anon said: or watch myself everytimne you go out of your house.

I live a newly carpeted double-wide.

Anon said: You know those s.o.b. crazy cuban.

Yup, i sure do.

Anon said: and how much they like to get rid of those who demean and insult them.

Maybe you should get rid of the man who has demeaned and insulted Cuban the most, Fidel Castro. Then work your way to Indiana rednecks.

Anon said: Maybe you should start checking under your car before you start it.

I ride the bus.

Anon said: Keep up the insults but watch yourself very carefully.

I will watch myself as carefully, as Janet Reno will watch you Cuban exile bloggers come Jan 20th.


Anonymous said...

Anon said: Indiana is not too far away from Miami,asshole. Only a shor flight from Miami.

I tell you what, i can save you the trip. I will come on down there, as my deepest regret in Miami is not expressing my true feelings that i have towards you Cuban Chicano militant immigrant cowards.

Email me a time, and place, and i will meet you.


Be sure to bring your frolicing, vaseline-smeared mancampers!!