Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Next Election May Signal the End of Democracy in America

I look at Fidel Castro with long-petrified disdain. The odium does not boil anymore, or even bubble at the surface. Every last drop of bile has calcified and now it is the solidity of my hate that I feel when I see or hear him. It is otherwise with Barack Obama. My disdain for him is always simmering and sometimes raging. It is not solid but porous and yet hot enough to melt rocks. And, yes, if all these analogies reek of the sulphur of hell, it is no coincidence; for I believe that both Fidel Castro and Barack Obama are agents of dark forces whose mission it is to sow death and desolation upon the earth. Both are princes of lies and possess the ability to benumb the minds of men and make them embrace with open eyes the void.

For once in my life I do not fear for my country only but also for the sometime generous land which welcomed us many years ago and which once seemed invulnerable and now merely lucky to have avoided the fate which may await her. German democracy died through the agency of German democracy, and now it seems that the American Republic, as strong as the Weimar Republic was weak, may also be buried in a ballot box. The implosion of democracy in South America in recent years should have sounded the warning. But Americans regard Hispanics with such condescension that they consider our experiences to hold no lessons for them. The flowering of Latin American democracy was of short growth and indistinct memory. Anti-democratic forces, under the cover of democracy, assumed absolute power and then gutted all constitutional rights and civil institutions while allowing the edifice of democracy, compromised to its very foundations and in ruins, to shelter in its shadow crimes that would have been denounced from the beginning had they not been committed under its auspices.

The installation of a Marxist in the White House is not something that could have been accomplished without a compliant and complicit media paving the way for him by wilfully concealing his past, and acting, in effect, as his publicist. The MSM, which were never co-opted but always cooperative, have already made the transition from an independent to a state media in expectation of Obama's election. The return of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" will silence the few dissenting voices in the media and the impending regulation (actually, regimentation) of the blogosphere will bring all media under government control. In Cuba as in Venezuela, it was necessary for the state to wrest control of the media from its owners. Here it will be a lot easier because no coercion will be necessary: the organs of opinion are already "official" in all but name. This seamless transition from private to official media will go unnoticed by most Americans. The personalities will remain the same; the content will remain the same; the slant will remain the same: nothing will change, but, of course, everything will change, because the media will no longer derive its authority (or the capacity to abuse it) from the Constitution but at the pleasure of the state and subject to its directives.

Those of us who have seen this before will only be surprised that it could happen here. Yet why shouldn't it happen here? The United States has never been immune to political upheavals or economic catastrophes (e.g. the Civil War and the Great Depression). Its capacity to overcome them was never a guarantee against their recurrence much less a guarantee that it would always prevail against them. All democracies in immemorial history have perished by their own excesses.

On November 4th we will see if the United States is really the exception to the rule.


Anonymous said...

...which is why those who deceive themselves into believing that the tolerance of democracies for the evils of those that use and abuse their means to destroy them should be tolerated, are nothing more than useful idiots of childish, idiotic and unrealistic minds.

Francisco Franco, Rubén Fulgéncio Batista, Augusto Pinochét, were all pragmatic realists that clearly understood that the evil ones that seek to destroy democracy by abusing its institutions MUST be killed...period.

Great post Tellechea.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Francisco Franco arranged for the restoration of democracy after his death, as did Augusto Pinochet while he was still alive. Fidel Castro has done neither.

As for Fulgencio Batista, he yielded to the forces of "Jeffersonian democracy" and we all know what that got us.

Sharpshooter said...

In 1928 Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, said in public the following words:
“We go into the Reichstag (Germany’s Congress) in order to acquire the weapons of democracy from its arsenal. We become Reichstag deputies in order to paralyze the Weimar democracy with its own assistance. If democracy is stupid enough to give us the free travel privileges and per Diem allowances for this service ,that is its affair. We will take any legal means to revolutionize the existing situation. If we succeed in putting sixty to seventy agitators of our party into the various parliaments in these elections, then in the future the state itself will supply and finance our fighting machinery. One should not believe that parliamentarism is our final goal. We come as enemies! Like the wolf tearing into the flock of sheep, that is how we come. Now you are no longer among yourselves!”

Now if all election predictions are true, the Democarts will have majorities in both Houses even to override a filibuster. The executive brach will be in their hands to, so we cannot expect any help from that quarter to quell their excesses. Like you I fear for US democracy which I once saw as impregnable and strong. Strange times we are living in when a pseudo-marxist can ride into the White House on the fears of economic upheaval and his false promises to be able to fix it by redistributing the wealth with socialistic practices.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


An excellent quote. The Nazis were never secretive about their plans and objectives unlike our homegrown socialists.

Proto-Marxists are already in control of the House and Senate and the Fourth Estate. If they can seize control of the executive branch as well, the judiciary will be next.

All is not lost yet. But if Obama prevails on November 4th, all will assuredly be lost.

Do you remember when I once advised you to leave Argentina immediately and return to the U.S. because it was not safe for you there?

Now my advice to you is: stay there. All of us will be rounded-up here before they finally get to you if they ever do.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean all of you sun burnt rafters will move to Argentina?

Auf Wiedersehen!!

Anonymous said...

Men this is a so sad day for me, as I just decided stop reading another blog which I though it was a good one, one where I though I can get information, to help me understand things, as I'm so needed of opinions from people not under this fierce control of information that I live in.

I had been following this election very close, I downloaded the 4 debate, I saw every one, I was so happy of seen democracy in action, and even when I see win the candidate that happens to share what my views were even before I listen him, I didn't felt ill about the other candidate, I just so he was wrong in to many aspect for me to support him. That's it, I don't think hi's the impersonation of the evil, even when that what I here in my local "MSM" all the time.

Then I come here trying to listen to what I already know will be contrary of my views in order to understand why could I be wrong and I only read something like:
"...(Fidel Castro)... and Barack Obama are agents of dark forces whose mission it is to sow death and desolation upon the earth."
"The installation of a Marxist in the White House..."

Really guys? this all you have to counter Barack Obama? This all you have to convince people John McCain is a better candidate? Let just give you a phrase from the devil itself:

"I think the fact that this has become such an important part of your campaign, Senator McCain, says more about your campaign than it says about me."

DotCu, let me keep looking for a balance source of opinions...

Anonymous said...

quien fue el que dijo que dotcu escribia desde cuba

por favor

Anonymous said...

I'm not the only one saying it
Thanks to my buddy Tony S. for sending this. This clash is bigger than we all realize.

The rebellion has begun and it is not a partisan fight
Sandy Rios - Guest Columnist - 10/16/2008 10:00:00 AM

What is that spirit that we recognize and can build on? What is that spirit that we want to connect to...that spirit of rebellion? The spirit of resistance...the spirit of insurgency! It's that spirit we should be talking about. (Bill Ayers, 2007, on the occasion of the 40-year anniversary of the Weather Underground)
Continue reading "I'm not the only one saying it"

Posted by George Moneo at 08:54 AM | Permanent Link to this Post | Habla (2)

Vana said...


All empires fall, I too am afraid for this land, in their naivete they believe they can overcome anything, if Obama indeed wins there may be no going back.

May God have mercy on us!

Fantomas said...

Manolo vengo con un super post acerca de Obama. Espero te guste quiero que le des un review aqui antes de publicarlo

Ya veo que el miedo se quiere imponer cuando se habla de Obama

Folks , stay calm , Do not be afraid Obama will do just fine and you will all benefit from it

He will lower taxes to 95% of us

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


You are doubtless impressed by the fact that Americans have a choice in this election which Cubans are denied in all their "elections."

The choice with which they are presented this time around is between the Republic or tyranny.

You certainly would have no difficulty today choosing between the two, and if Americans understood as you do the causes of tyranny, they, too, could be trusted to make the right decision. But Americans have no living knowledge of tyranny and believe that their country can never fall under its sway. It is with this misplaced confidence that they might elect Barack Obama president.

Let us hope not for their sake and ours.

Anonymous said...

Call me

1-800- GOP OHIO

Fantomas said...

Mansuelo Hugo Chavez lleva 10 años tratando de imponer el comunismo en Venezuela y todavia a estas alturas NO HA PODIDO..



por favor Dejemos el miedo en la gaveta

Fantomas said...

oops , sorry typo semejante

Fantomas said...

Class warfare is a product de la situacion economica . Nothing more to it

Anonymous said...

DotCu, for you - if you're real and not made up - everything revolves around a hope for better things that is based on the very basic need of all oppressed humans to find a "sanctuary" somewhere other than where their oppression takes place, this basic need within your horrendous circumstance of an oppressed existence does not allow you to see the realities of life outside of your prison, even if you are shown the truth of such realities you would chose to ignore them or reject them, for they represent actual inescapable facts that are incompatible with your self made fantasy of life outside your oppressive curcumstance and "sanctuary", you now have a choice, either you accept the truth or not regardless of whether it fits your notions of it, or you do not accept it as the ostriches do when they stick their heads in the sand to ignore danger, regardless of your choice the truth remains the truth, like it or not.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this clear, you really think that Obama is a terrorist, a communist and will destroy American democracy in his 8 years at the presidency?, and all that, in front of the institutions of USA?

Men you are really, really crazy.

Ok, maybe some day I could get a beer with you guys, I hope it won't be to far away, yes I do want to leave this even crazier island, and go to that evil soon to be communist empire in the north, maybe we could change places, after nov 4th it won't matters, isn't it?


Fantomas said...

So let me get this clear, you really think that Obama is a terrorist, a communist and will destroy American democracy in his 8 years at the presidency?, and all that, in front of the institutions of USA?

Lo que pasa es que es muy dificil para UNA PERSONA RACISTA .... ACEPTAR que el poder maximo de la nacion mas poderosa del mundo este en manos de un Negro. Vaya esto es algo inpensable en la mente de muchos. Acepto que no es facil aceptarlo. Hell it has never happened before. So If we somehow can get past that I believe we will be ok. Obama cant do worse than Bush. And even if he does not live up to our expectations we can always blame Bush for the debacle he left us.

Obama will not be able to change the same institutions that make this nation great

I will be around to remind him for the next 4 years

Si se sale de la linea o se mueve demasiado a la izquierda sere el primero en criticarlo y denunciarlo

Fantomas no se casa con ningun politico...

Fantomas said...

tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac,tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac

Anonymous said...

DotCu, in a democratic republic we agree to disagree with those who don't opine like us without calling them "crazy" or any other derogatory monikers, so learn to behave in a civil way, or I will reply to you with words and statements based on facts that will make you regret having "gone there" You got it?

Because you have existed all your life in communist Cuba you assume that all forms of Marxism or communism are the same, you are WRONG, even during the height of the Soviet era, there were significant differences between the Warsaw Pact nations of Eastern Europe & the USSR, and they had a similar foundation, furthermore, Cuba. Albania, the People's Republic of China, North Korea, Burma, India and most of the Pan-Arab nations had different forms of communism as the basis for their political and economic models. Did you know that DotCu, or are you too young and uninformed or indoctrinated to be aware of these facts?

You have an awful lot to learn, and it is impossible to be honest with yourself if all you know comes from the tyranny, open your mind.

Anonymous said...

anonimo 5.43pm

oye para la baba ya

Anonymous said...


Manuel A.Tellechea said...


Those who warned that Fidel Castro was a Communist before 1959 were not heeded either. They too were called crazy and worse. Many were shot. But guess what? They were right and the great majority was wrong.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Manuel= batistiano comunista sin fidel

Anonymous said...

Mat you lied

Anonymous said...

Lets re-evaluate what is Democracy and what is not. Slavery, Oppression of the Middle Class Workers, Women, Minorities and Gays and Lesbians in not Democracy. Fidel Castro is a untouchable but you touch him more then once and now you paying the price for what you did. Socialism is spreading all over the world and Heaven. Yes in heaven God is now socialist and Socialism could not have all over the world and United States without the help from God up above. This actually happen in August 2003 not 2008. This is our beginning and your end. It doesn't matter wheather Obama is elected of not you cannot stop destiny or the Cosmic Order of things or the Laws that Govern the Universe. God is our side and no longer on yours. You can thank Fidel Castro for alot of this because he help me put Socialist in to heaven.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

Is it time to re-open The Madhouse?

Anonymous said...

It is not that Obama is a terrorist himself. It is that those are his friends. I don't have friends like Bill Ayers. I don't remember the priest at my church saying what Rev Wright says. He represents the faction in the democratic party que odian a los estados unidos. These are the reasons we are scared.

Anonymous said...

Fulano, I am not scared of any Marxist, like Manuel my emotions towards not only Obama but all communists, whether they consider themselves to be comunists or not, are rage and inexaustable hatred, as I stated on the first comment on this thread, death is the final and only solution when dealing with communists, a few neutron bombs would do just fine to cleanse the world of the red pestilence, but for Enrique I would reserve a sharp dagger, Manuel knows the historical significance of the choice weapon I have reserved for Fantomas' demise. Go ahead and tell the pendejo why I'd chose the dagger for him Manuel.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...

I suppose it will be you and not the victim who cries out: Et tu Brute.

Anonymous said...

Ja Ja Ja.....good one Manuel, but I was also thinking along the line of the dagger's use during the age of Chivalry, when it was reserved for the lowest of the low who were not worthy of death by a noble and very valuable sword, Fantomas and his "compañeros" whom as you have explained many times since I began to read RCAB about 3 months ago, are Fidelistas Sin Fidel, deserve a slow and painful demise, hanging them would forever stain the useful rope, shooting them is a waste of resources that should be put to better use and lethal injection, electric chair and the gas chamber are too swift for them.

Fantomas, we are going to get you and your camaradas, we reserve the right given to us by the concept of righteous justice to not inform you of the time and place for the deliverance of our people's vengeful retribution, now go and sleep in fear and awaken in pools of cowardly sweat, urine and excrement.

Anonymous said...

It is that those are his friends. I don't have friends like Bill Ayers.

Fulano you are not Obama

Fantomas said...

Written by Rafael Martel vecino tuyo de Union city . Mansuelo

Rafael nailed it again

El Sun-Sentinel de Florida reporta esta mañana que McCain promete que presionará a Castro para que libere a su pueblo. A estas alturas a quién va a engañar este señor que ha estado en el senado de los Estados Unidos por 27 años y no ha hecho nada-como todos-ni va a hacer nada, ni puede ni quiere ni siquiera es un asunto pertinente a este país, aunque si usted vive en Miami esto es casi imposible de creer. Esta perorata de “apretarle el pedal a Castro, apretarle el tornillo”, etc ya es una vieja canción, una especie de-como decimos los cubanos-pujo. Todavía esta música tiene una audiencia en los que han vivido muy bien de la tragedia cubana por 50 años y para una generación de americanos que pretenden ser cubanos-internet. Porque habemos cubanos y ahora hay un nuevo híbrido llamado cubano-internet, una especie natural de los Estados Unidos que casi no habla ni español pero sacrifica su tiempo en liberar a Cuba cibernéticamente y de vez en cuando pide un par de pesos para comprarse una cajita china, porque con una cajita china se libera a Cuba con mayor comodidad. En medio de esa lucha: una caja de cervezas, un lechón, la jevita de al lado y eso, aparece McCain y Sarah Palin (no la de la película de relajo, la otra) y exclaman: “Yo Kererrr a KIUBA VERY MUCH, AHORA YO SER PRIMERR PRRESIDENTO KIUBA LIBRREEEE” Y los cubanos internet unidos de manos de los locutores legendarios de Miami se abrazan y prometen una vez más, sacrificar sus vidas en pos de la causa. ¿Hasta dónde van a mentirle esta gentuza al exilio cubano? Ya son 50 años de la misma canción.

El candidato republicano a la presidencia, John McCain, reiteró el viernes en Miami que no se reunirá “sin condiciones” con los hermanos Raúl y Fidel Castro hasta que no se libere a los presos políticos en Cuba y prometió que, si resulta electo presidente, presionará ‘‘al gobierno cubano para que libere a su pueblo”.

“No me reuniré con ellos mientras mantengan prisioneros políticos”, continúen sofocando a los medios y “bloqueen las elecciones libres” en Cuba, subrayó McCain en un mitin celebrado en la Universidad Internacional de la Florida (FIU).

“Se acerca el día en que Cuba será libre”, aseguró ante un auditorio compuesto por una multitud de seguidores de origen hispano.

McCain se encontraba de visita de nuevo en la Florida, considerado un estado clave para el candidato republicano en las elecciones del próximo 4 de noviembre.

Fantomas said...

Fantomas, we are going to get you and your camaradas, we reserve the right given to us by the concept of righteous justice to not inform you of the time and place for the deliverance of our people's vengeful retribution, now go and sleep in fear and awaken in pools of cowardly sweat, urine and excrement.


Fantômas is anyone and no one, everywhere and nowhere, waging an implacable war against Fidel Castro the very dictatorial society in which he moves with such ease and assurance.

Fantomas said...

y antes que se me olvide Recuerden

"que chuparse al negro por 8 años, will not be that bad after all"

Cambio y fuera


Fantomas said...

te voy a dar por las venas Mansuelo mira este video

del negro indio Batista , del entierro de Chivas y muchas cositas mas de la historia de Cuba , tu eras muy chiquito para acordarte de eso

Fantomas said...

Recuerda always I made you, gave you fame

Fantomas said...

You owe me Mansuelo

Anonymous said...

Enriquito el pajarito, sigue de traidor a Cuba mamalón, ya te queda poco tiempo en isla del, te tenemos setea'o.

Fantomas said...


Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Do you and your readers really think that Obama is a force of evil, whereas Pinochet, Batista and Franco were defenders of of democracy?

Coming from Cubans who were forced to leave Cuba, one would hope that you would denounce all dictators and violators of the rule of law, and not simply support some torturers while criticizing others.

And Obama is neither a Marxist nor a force of evil. He's a center left democrat, well in line with 1990s DLC politics.

-Chepi el Cubano autentico

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