Monday, October 20, 2008

The Mexicans' "No Cuban Foot in Mexico" Policy

The "Wet Foot/Dry Foot" policy is an open invitation for other countries to treat Cuban exiles as inhumanely as the U.S. does and even to refine upon its abuses. The Mexican government, the world's most venal enterprise, private or public (and that includes Wall Street), has just signed a migratory agreement with the Castro regime that effectively puts an end to all migration between the two countries. Of course, the traffic has been one-way since 1959: even the most wretched Mexican knows more about Communist Cuba than his government pretends to know and would never think of fleeing the misery of home for the uber-misery of Cuba.

It is Cuban refugees, who lately have been using Mexico as a conduit to the U.S. to evade the predations of the Coast Guard in the Florida Straits, that are targeted in the Cuban-Mexican agreement. Although not a signatory the U.S. will also be gratified by its draconian provisions. It is a rare agreement indeed which pleases both the Castro regime and the U.S. government. It's not clear what it does for Mexico's "national integrity" because Cuban migrants have no intention of remaining in that country for more than a few days since to progress from slavery to freedom does not require a long immersion in its tepidarium of a democracy.

The new treaty stipulates that all Cuban refugees who make land in Mexico will be regarded as fugitives and will be returned upon capture to Castro's tender mercies. This would be nothing less than tragic were Mexican authorities not so corrupt or Mexican law less malleable. But since the Castro regime is not paying a bounty for each captured Cuban, it may yet be possible to deprive it of its quarry. As an additional provision for any improvised excursion on the high seas Cuban refugees should now bring with them with at least $100 with which to bribe the federales. I should caution any Cubans, even U.S. citizens or residents, to be very wary of travelling to Mexico without copious amounts of disposable income since I am sure that they won't be too punctilious in verifying the legal status of anyone who looks or sounds Cuban. In other words, unless you want to be repatriated to Cuba in chains, don't even think of vacationing in "México lindo y querido."

The history of Mexican-Cuban relations is as long and complicated as the history of U.S.-Cuban relations. It is characterized, on our part at least, by honorable actions and unconditional friendship, and on the part of the Mexican government by opportunism and betrayal.

Cuba, more than the U.S., always provided a home to Mexican democrats on the run from their less democratic countrymen. Benito Juárez found refuge there and lived to save his country from recolonization by the French. During the Mexican Revolution, the Cuban government, at the instance of its ambassador, Manuel Márquez Sterling, sent a frigate to rescue President Francisco Madero and convey him and his cabinet to safety in Cuba. Madero declined to avail himself of Cuba's good offices and was subsequently executed with his vice-president by counter-revolutionary forces, which then established the world's first one-party state (which lasted longer than the Soviet Union).

Mexico also played a notable role in Cuban history. Porfirio Díaz gave $10,000 to José Martí in 1895 to help underwrite Cuba's War of Independence against Spain, but when the U.S. intervened, ostensibly on the side of Cuba, and what had been a regional conflict turned into the Spanish-American War, Díaz had a change of heart and switch his allegiance to Spain, even offering the Spanish fleet refuge in Mexican ports despite the great danger which this posed to his country's security. The revanchist spirit against the U.S. took precedence, as usual, over Mexico's continental obligations and even its own best interests. This would happen again in the next century in response to Fidel Castro and the threat which he posed to Mexico and the entire hemisphere.

Except for the U.S. no country did more to bring Castro to power and keep him there. It was from Mexico that Fidel Castro re-launched the Cuban Revolution in 1956 with the knowledge and support of the Mexican government. The anti-American character of Castro's revolution guaranteed it Mexico's unconditional support, which, in turn, spared its ruling oligarchs from the threat of a Castro-backed insurgency. For 50 years Mexico has ridden the Castroite tiger and it is still afraid to get off. The latest migratory accord shows that it has no intention of ever getting off. Its reasons now, of course, are not limited merely to the vicarious satisfaction which Mexican nationalists derive from Castro's needling of the United States. It is a matter of economics as much as politics. Before the Revolution, Cuba's GNP was the 3rd largest in the Western Hemisphere. Mexico, despite oil reserves larger than Saudi Arabia's, lagged far behind. A democratic and capitalist Cuba, competing with Mexico in a host of areas, and, primarily in tourism, is not in Mexico's national interest.

Just as the U.S. continues to do everything in its power to guarantee Cuba's "stability" even if this means collaborating with the regime in suppressing the Cuban people's right to freedom, so Mexico, no less mercenary in its intentions towards Cuba, has a vested interest in keeping her hobbled by an economic system that renders Cuba incapable of competing with it.

I have always been a friend and sympathizer of the Mexican people and defended them from the xenophobic attacks of their enemies in this country. I will continue to do so despite this latest infamy because the first victims of the Mexican government are the Mexican people.

The Solution to the "Migrant Problem:" Let Robots Pick the Fruit


Fantomas said...

Manolon , todos los paises deben cuidar sus fronteras

Solo espero que Obama suba el muro aun mas que y deporte a cada mejicano que entre a territorio Norteamericano

ojala lo haga

Vana said...


Just got home from Las Vegas, have company will see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta sigue con la carreta
con estiercol llena y nada más
tus palabras son chancletas
decepciones a diestra a siniestra
haciendo ruido y nada más
aqui nadie cree tu mierda
tus mentiras, tu bainá
sigue hablando comemierda
que te vamos a enjuiciár
no hay escape de la justicia
la que te viene a buscar
tarde o temprano Enriqueta
te vamos a ejecutár.

Fantomas said...

John Kerry Makes Crack About McCain Wearing Adult Diapers...

Fantomas said...

Obama + 5.8...Ve cerrando Manuel

RCP Average 10/13 - 10/19 -- -- 49.8 44.0 Obama +5.8
CNN/Opinion Research 10/17 - 10/19 LV 3.5 51 46 Obama +5
ABC News/Wash Post 10/16 - 10/19 1336 LV 2.5 53 44 Obama +9
Rasmussen Reports 10/17 - 10/19 3000 LV 2.0 50 46 Obama +4
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby 10/17 - 10/19 1211 LV 2.9 50 44 Obama +6
Hotline/FD 10/17 - 10/19 789 LV 3.5 47 42 Obama +5
Gallup (Traditional)* 10/17 - 10/19 2340 LV 2.0 50 45 Obama +5
Gallup (Expanded)* 10/17 - 10/19 2271 LV 2.0 52 43 Obama +9
IBD/TIPP 10/15 - 10/19 1086 LV 3.0 47 41 Obama +6
GWU/Battleground 10/13 - 10/19 1000

Fantomas said...

Mansuelo la abuelita de Obama esta muy enferma en Hawai y Obama sale para alla a verla y estar en el bedside con ella

Espero que te preocupes por la salud de Grandma

Fantomas said...

Colin Powell le ofrece credibilidad a Barack.

It is not a race issue

Cuando hemos dicho que es racismo when a white endorses another white

Vamos a dejarnos de boberia y de meterle miedo a la gente

El dia 4 amanecera el cielo negro para el bien de todos ..Llovera mucho

Fantomas said...

Hey manuel is rush linbaugh relative of George Wallace

Fantomas said...

El jugo kool aid esta listo

sabor de Hoy : guayaba

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta la condesa
del copiár y pegár
nunca tienes ninguna idea
que se pueda llamár originál
pasandote la vida molestando
insultándo y asesinándo
el caracter de los demás
eres a una mosca el estiercol
con una gran diferencia
el estiercol tiene valencia
tu no vales pa' na'

Te tenemo' rodea'o traidor,
ya te queda poco tiempo,
la justicia te viene a buscár.

Fantomas said...

Esto esta lento hoy , donde esta la gente , vamos a salir de las cuevas

Anonymous said...

La abuelita escondida de Obama -- él que no tiene de irlandés tiene de escocés.

Fantomas said...

Creo que si Mc Cain ataca a Obama por los proximos dias esto sera muy mal visto por el electorado

Mc Same tiene que cuidarse , la abuelita puede morir en cualquier momento y ella fue la que crio al Messiah

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta, la unica que está escondida en una cueva eres tu, por eso no duermes sin tu computadora a tu lado, si tu quieres ponemos un vinculo aqui que llevará a los que lo sigan a las fotos que tenemos de ti escondido en tu cueva y cuando fuiste al supermercado el otro dia, al igual que las que fuéron tomadas cuando te asomaste a cojér el diario y por poco te cagas cuando la moto que pasó tuvo un mal escape, cobarde, la justicia viene pronto por ti.

Fantomas said...

bueno veo que no hay nadie por aca , me voy retirando por el dia de hoy

Anonymous said...

Fantomas no te vayas que ahora es que te vamos a destrozar . El dia que paso la moto te tiramos las fotos cuando te vimos saliendo con el negrote que te acompañaba.

Anonymous said...

El tipo estaba de oinga , quien era el keniano

Anonymous said...

Tu sabes bien gordiflona que Manuel es una persona seria llevas 3 meses mofandote de el . Ya Manuel nos dio tu ip en Pr y ahora nos toca tocarte a la puerta . Mañana cuando te levantes a buscar el periodico mira en la pagina 44 el mensaje que te dejamos y sabras que cerca estamos

Anonymous said...

Los anonimos de las 11:13 y las 11:15, ustedes deben ser los del otro grupo que está velando a Enriqueta, oigan que nosotros demandamos primicia pa' ajusticiár a Enriqueta, no se metan en el medio que pueden terminar afectados por la justicia nuestra aunque nuestro objetivo es Enriqueta y solamente Enriqueta en esta operación.

Anonymous said...

Fantomas Mc Cain no es dumb. He will not attack Obama . Para decirte mas si muere la abuela ya M cain tiene previsto ir al funeral . La Palin tambien piensa ir

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta oculta su IP y también lo rota por proxy, pero sabemos su dirección fisica y que es una clienta de

Anonymous said...

El anonimo de las 11.36 es del grupo de liquidacion 1 y el otro grupo se encarga de la limpieza. Ya lo tenemos . Acabamos de recibir informacion . No canceles el viaje que te tenemos. Tienes que venir a la Florida la semana que viene no tienes escapatoria . Aqui te esperamos

Anonymous said...

Gracias eso lo sabemos hace años. La fiesta del lechon el dia 4 ya tenemos la casa identificada

Anonymous said...

La fiesta del chivo. Tu seras el chivo enriqueta te vamos a cocinar vivo por haber insultado a Manuel . Eres un comunista tapao . Tu Jay y Rafael la van a pagar caro y si Obama gana preparense que lo que viene pa encima de ustedes es de oinga

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enriqueta, ya te cojimos otra vez, ahora te pones a jugár pretendiendo ser miembro de uno de los equipos de operaciones pro-justicia, que pendeja tu eres chica, eres tan penca que das pena mariquita.

Anonymous said...

El equipo 1 operacion pro-justicia de Mc Cain ya te tiene agarrado. No te olvides de leer el mensaje Enriqueta mañana por la mañana pagina 44 periodico. Los impostores son muchos, los verdaderos verdugos tuyos son pocos

Anonymous said...

El impostor de las 12.06 am pertenece al equipo que clama justicia pero no trabajan con nosotros. Nuestro trabajo es en silencio

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta, se te olvidó que te tenemo' rodea'o, el impostór eres tu y no te vamos a decír como lo sabemos, el detalle es importante y algo que una bruta como tu careces, refinado no eres, educado tampoco, inteligente no te aplica a ti, sabiduria no tienes, eres tan bruta que los errores que cometes son inconcebibles, la justicia no será dificil de aplicarte a una bruta como tu Enriqueta.

Anonymous said...

Manny, this agreement just means that Cubans better carry a few C notes in case they run into a cop.

When I was in Merida the last time they found some Cuban American in his underwear on the side of the road shot multiple times in the face.

Gun fights have broken out on the main drag in Cancun between Cuban & Mexican gangsters.

This cannot be tolerated. They have to crack down. If Cubans want freedom, let the grow some balls and fight for their freedom in their own country.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until Obama is President.

They will throw back all those congris eating swine back into Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I like Congris con yuca

Anonymous said...

I used to be sympathetic to Mexicans coming to the US, not anymore. Kick them back, let them keep cutting each others heads off.