Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama

"I've said to my beloved friend and colleague John McCain, a friend of 25 years, 'John, I love you, but I'm not just going to vote for you on the basis of our affection or friendship.' And I've said to Barack Obama, 'I admire you. I'll give you all the advice I can. But I'm not going to vote for you just because you're black.' We, we have to move beyond this." -- Colin Powell, September 20, 2008

Calling him a "transformational figure" (as if all transformations were desirable), Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president on today's edition of NBC's Meet the Press. What a shocker! I couldn't be more surprised if that other famous Jamaican-American, Harry Belafonte, had endorsed him. Remember when Republicans were pleading with Colin Powell to run for president after he had opportunistically registered as a Republican after having spent his entire life as an unregistered Democrat? Well, America dodged that arrow and the party of Lincoln lost its own opportunity to inflict its own Obama, fully Englished, on the nation.

I judge politicians by their positions on Castro. This has saved me a great deal of time and proved an infallible weather bane for predicting their political trajectories in all other areas. In 2001 when Colin Powell declared before a House hearing that "Castro has done good things for his people," I knew immediately that he was an enemy of the Cuban people; and when, in 2006, Powell proclaimed on a trip to Brazil that "Cuba is no longer a major threat to Latin America," I knew that all the dominoes would be allowed to fall in the region before the Bush administration noticed that it had two dozen Cubas on its hands.

It's no surprise to me, then, that Colin Powell would endorse Barack Obama, who's just as unconcerned as Powell is about the Castro regime's threat to the region and to its own people; but who, unlike Powell, can carry their shared beliefs to their logical conclusion -- negotiations without prior conditions and complete capitulation to the tyrant.

When asked if there would be "a place for [him] in an Obama administration," Powell replied that though he "was not looking forward to a position or assignment... if a president asks you to do something, you have to consider it." Under the circumstances this is as far as Powell could go without publicly angling for a job or suggesting a quid pro quo.


Fantomas said...

It's only going to get worse. With Obama in the White House and huge Democratic majorities in Congress, look for the embargo to ended and normal diplomatic relations to be established.



Fantomas said...

mansuelo no te dejes provocar por los comunistas que entran aqui. Dejalos que sigan soñando, el negro los sorprendera a todos

Ratas comunistas under Bush or Obama siguen siendo ratas

no hay lickstick que los salve

Anonymous said...


McCain can't go back to the Hanoi Hilton. But Obama certainly can enjoy getting sodomized again in the back of his limousine. He doesn't have to order the Secret Service to cover for him as Bill did when he was playing out Hillary. He just has to order them to cover him.

Anonymous said...

La malloría de los americanos negros son Comunistas Sin Marx, además tienen la preponderancia de apollar a cualquier otro "hermano/a" (bro's, sisters) contra quien sea si los opositores son considerados no ser uno de "ellos" esa clasificación no incluye a ningun negro que apolla la economía de mercados o capitalismo moderno, la realidád es que la igualdád y los derechos que los negros americanos han obtenido han sido usados por la mayoria de ellos para revancha contra todos los demas que no son de su grupo, incluyendo negros latinos, africanos y del Caribe, basicamente usan y abusan del resto de la sociedad a diestra y siniestra y cuando las consequencias de sus acciones o falta de ellas se les enfrentan, ellos siempre culpan principalmente al blanco y al resto de la sociedad que no son culpables, y nunca admiten que ellos mismos son los responsables de la malloria de los problemas y sus sintomas en sus comunidades, la malloria de las cuales son basicamente zonas de guerra civil.

Enriqueta, ¿qué te pasó esta mañana gordifla?

¿Por qué te asomaste con tanta cautela al ir a recojér el periodico?

¿Le tiénes miedo a algo o a alguien traidór?

Anonymous said...


it looks like you king kong is here now. ready when you are.

Anonymous said...

anonimo 2:52 ¿eres tu Jay? ¿qué cubano es nombrádo Jay? ¿por qué no usas tu verdadero nombre cubano, o es que tu no eres cubiche?

¿qué bolá qué bolón asere?

Fantomas said...

anonimo 2.17 pm

aprende a escribir por favor ..Eso fue lo que te enseño la alfabetizacion de fidel

malloria se escribe mayoria

apolla = apoya

Anonymous said...

Gordiflona la panzona
¿qué te pasa, qué mariconá?
asi se e'cribe en el timbiriche
del caserío publico de Granma
conoci'o como Regla
tumbando con maricones
equelecuá, zumba y cajones
te vamo a descuartizar

Enriquito el pajarito, guajirito de bainá, sigue comiendo mierda, que la revancha te va a llegár.

El nombre de tu coma andante es Fidel, no nos vengas con cuento, que esa bolá no te va a salvár.

Fantomas said...

Manolo preparate

Por fuentes que nos merecen entero crédito hemos logrado saber que por primera vez en años, se prepara muy seriamente el estallido de un desafío ciudadano que rompa el status quo, y que tendría lugar simultáneamente en varios lugares y provincias del Archipiélago.

Al anunciar esto Nuevo Acción no viola ningún secreto pues los factores que están trabajando en el plan así lo han pedido. Según estas fuentes, esta vez el desafío está convocado por elementos probados de la resistencia y la oposición, quienes actuan coordinadamente para lograr un hecho que rompa la inercia y el status quo.

Según hemos logrado conocer la fecha en que dará inicio el desafio ciudadano, se está coordinando en estos momentos entre los elementos en la isla y ciertos exiliados en el exterior, que no responden a ningúna facción política.

Los elementos que desde dentro de Cuba se han comprometido, han autorizado y pedido que se haga saber a todos los que dentro de la isla se preparan para producir tal hecho, que se ha escogido a las emisoras "La Poderosa" y la RHC Cadena Azul, como las emisoras designadas para lanzar al aire la consigna, cuando llegue la hora acordada. Según nos han adelantado ya casi todos los detalles están ultimados y el anuncio puede ocurrir en cualquier momento.

Una vez más Nuevo Acción cumple con mantener a nuestros lectores al día del acontecer cubano, llevándole estas y otras noticias referentes y que tienen que ver con la lucha de nuestro pueblo, por lograr la libertad.

Tomado de Nuevo Accion

Fantomas said...

Manuel you need to weed out certain people that have hijacked this blog recently ...vamos que no quiero hacer el dirty loundry tuyo en tu blog

se me agota la paciencia


Anonymous said...

a mexican-american would marry a cuban-american (and it ain't so rare)

not many mexican-americans would marry an african-american

just an observation

Fantomas said...

llego la hora Manuel ahora si

De abrir el Madhouse

ahora si

tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac, tic, tac


Anonymous said...


LOL, your exactly right, most Cubans dont like to marry each other, and often look to marry anything but a fellow cuban. I think they call it self-hatered.

Anonymous said...

Hey Larry, no matter how much you try to say that cubans are superior to blacks. Fact is, they have reached the greatest office of the land. Something that the republican party will never allow the Cuban-American to achieve. NEVER...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Johny Lou Dobbs is commenting under the Larry Byrd moniker, or Enriqueta is unleashing her multiple identities, question: are all of Enriqueta's personalities "confused" about their gender?

Enriqueta, what happened this afternoon? Reports from the crew say that you changed your routine, afraid mamalón?

Te tenemo' rodea'o.

Anonymous said...

MaT, ya te resolví el problema, se acabó la multiplicidad de personalidades de Enrique, debimos demandar que se callara desde meses atras.

Enriqueta, esa puerta de atras, ten cuida'o con ella, hay otro grupo que te preparó una trampa cerca de ella, te lo decimos porque el honor de ajusticiarte será nuestro.

Te tenemos encarcela'o.

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...


Obama vows to 'change the world'...

How is that so, Manolo?

Anonymous said...

tu marica tratorn'a, deja esa cagazón de Obamaricón, el mulato musulmán está condena'o a perdér fanosa, cuando se saque la evidencia de su mariconá en la limosina se le acaba el cuento al pato idolo tuyo gordita, ya veras, y despu'e venimo por ti

Anonymous said...

Maybe a Cubana ditched him, bu it's very true that Cubanas in the US are quite obese.

I was in Miami a few years ago and I looked up some friends I knew from my cigar smuggling trips during the 90's.

They're all obese. They smoke cigarettes incessantly and eat food that is mostly pork fat.

These people looked so good in Cuba. I think you Cubanos do appreciate all that Fidel has done for you.

Fantomas said...

Buenos dias Mansuelo

Falta poco para el 5 de Nov

Dime como van los preparativos?

Nuestro lechon ya se esta adobando

Anonymous said...

La suerte ya esta echada
Los caracoles hablaron

Anonymous said...

This post needs an enema (or at least a tetanus shot...the rabies shot was too obvious). Los negroes que no estan de aquerdo (con mi pensamiento) son mierda..Si Colin would have gone our way entonces es Maceo. Que facil I got it.

p.s. Sign your own name don't post under mine you be would hacks

Anonymous said...

Colin Powell esta claro. Yo proponer a mi brother Colin para algun puesto de Ministro. Es un patriota Americano que no se deja influenciar por la derecha racista

Anonymous said...

Rock on Baby

Anonymous said...

Te escuche anoche por la radio. Que le paso a Jay? El programa quedo espectacular. Me acaban de informar que te oyeron en Cuba.
Te grabaron ya tu sabes quien

Anonymous said...

Casos y cosas de Bubulandia..

The World according to moneo

If Powell had supported Mc Cain


Give me a break

If Obama had picked Salin

just 2 words: WHITE TRASH

Anonymous said...

Obama is dead.... Go Mc Cain

Anonymous said...

No es estar influenciado. When you're right you are always "right" (that is to say you're never wrong).altough when you're not you could never be MoRonga (if you know what I mean).

Anonymous said...

esteban nadie te entiende

Anonymous said...

Manuel is fantomas still the life and blod of this blog?

Anonymous said...


Barack Obama, el postulado a la presidencia por el Partido Demócrata, llegará hoy a la Florida para promocionar el voto anticipado. Cuenta con una ventaja significativa para tener éxito en su propósito: los demócratas registrados son 657,775 más que los republicanos en un estado que puede llevarlo a la Casa Blanca.

La mayor cantidad de demócratas se debe al tenaz impulso que le ha dado la campaña al registro de los votantes, unido al poco atractivo del gobierno republicano. En las elecciones presidenciales del 2004, los demócratas superaban a los republicanos por 368,757 votantes, pero el presidente Bush aún así pudo ganar el estado.

Anonymous said...

Balart is history

Anonymous said...

Hey , Val, pagame lo que me debes
I'm not Joe

Fantomas said...

Manuel tu eres una persona conocedora de la politica Norteamericana

Respondeme esta pregunta (si puedes)hipotetica

Supongamos que gane Mc Cain y Sarah . Y Mc Cain fallece al año

Que pasaria si .... Palin no quiere ser Presidente por razones propias

Quien asumiria el principal cargo

Yo no quisiera pensar que serian los EEUU con Palin al frente.

Manuel A.Tellechea said...


The U.S. would be far worse off with Pelosi as president (who as Speaker is #2 in line of succession) than with Palin.

Anonymous said...

Enriqueta la chupeta que el negro tiene hiptotiza'o
Te pasa la vida hablando mierda y mamando el manteca'o
Quien carajo crees tu que eres ni cubano ni exilia'o
Aqui to' sabemo que tu ere portorro, cimemierda, afemina'o
Cuando viste la motoneta te cagate en la puerta del gao
no te olvides Enriqueta que te tenemo rodea'o.

Fantomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fantomas said...

Manolo i do not like Pelosi, for the record

Anonymous said...

Looks like payback time for George "The Socialist Republican" Bush's destruction of Powell's political future, reputation and legacy.

Anonymous said...

I'm really surprised that people of such high education -- with such great command of the English language -- use such racist comments to support their opinions. A lot of you commenting in this blog are using non-sequitur fallacies to support your claims. Not everyone that is calling for change is a communist; In fact, a lot of you throwing that claim around close your ears to opposing views. The day people learn to listen to each other will be the day solutions will come up. Learn your history and open up to interpretations. Both sides, the "gusanos" and the "ratas", as well as the left and the right, have the habit of imposing their views on anyone who doesn't agree.

Anonymous said...

I'm really surprised that people of such high education -- with such great command of the English language -- use such racist comments to support their opinions

Esto va dirigido para Manuel , para el señor Fariñas y Garzon

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